April 2, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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'? 2
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=_ Local and Personal -
E =-
H• E• Drew spent two days in Se-
attle this week.
Mrs. J. H. Fr/sken was shopifing in
town on Thursday.
Theodore Hhnes was in town from
Camp 5 on Thursday.
M. F. Knight returned on Monday
from a trip down Sound.
Tile weather man Was the worst
April Fool joker this year•
E. L. Alman, of Camp 7, was in
town T.hursday, on business.
The County Commissionels meet in
regular monthly session next Monday,
Mrs. W.. H. Morris and daughter,
of Everett, spent the week visiting
Mrs. W. G. Rex.
Gilbert Ward is down from Camp
7 to spend a few days in town. Sunday is Easter, closing the Len
ten season and opening the spring
R. A. Hilligos of Hoodspmt was in season•
town last Friday on business.
---- " Plum blossoms are out and the
Mrs. L. H. Jacbos of Kamilchewas I cherry buds.are preparing to gree
visiting friends in town Thursday. l the cherry birds.
Miss Marion Gordon'of Seattle vis-[ Charley Bloomfieldisl0cated his
ited friends in town over Sunday. wrist wlile cranking a l:ord car at
-- his home near Kamilche last Thurs-
1Kr. and Mrs. Warren Lincoln of 'day.
Skokomish were Shelton shoppers on I
Thursday ] George Lovett has moved into the
' --- I Thompson house on Cola 'and ,aev-
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dunkleburger [enth streets, whi'ch he recently pur-
er Mattock were in town Thursday chased. "
on business.
. .-------- . J. C• Pauley has purchased the
Mrs. E• . uurnen and son Edgar'Kerrigan property on First street
of Seattle are spending the week.between Cota and Grove and will
with the Angles. shortly remove there•
H. O• Bergh of Potlatch was in The first carload of Swi:.s'Toggen-
town Monday on his way to spend burg goats for tl'e Mmon County
W. it, CR0SBY PISSES leth0dist Episcopal
W. IT• Crosby, who has b,,on f,)re-
man of Simpson Cmnp 7 for several
ycarspast, passed, away at the ho:.-
pital in Olympia Monday, el, sinp.' a
.hmg illness for an im.urabl, affec-
tion of the stomach. The trm:blc de-
.velope.d over two years ago aml has
I been hehl in check thus lon: hy an
operation at the Mayo Broth,ws in-
stitution in Rochester, Minn.. :rod by
',a'ood medical attention at home. Mr.
Cvcshy t';,s ,::pent 'the pas few
montlns under /care at the Olympia
hosiptal, calmly awaiting the end,
but showing a streug and cheeNul
faith to the last• The remains were
brought to Shelton for interment in
accord with his wish.
' The funeral was held from the
Methodis Church on Tuesday after-
noon, under Masonic auspices, and
'attended by Masons and Eastern
Stars in a body. The services were
conducted by Rv. Seymour Williams,
former pastor of the local church,
lwho resides in Olympia and spent
.much time in cheering Mr. Crosbv's
laWr da.'s. Oht employes of the
i Simpson Company acted as pall bear-
era, and a lm'ge nmnber of friends
f from Camp 7, which closed for the
:purpose, and from other camps crone
down for the service• A special choir
|remlered its service and flowers' in
tprofusion crone from friemls and the
I William Iterbert Crosby was born
February 13, 1873 at Point Fortune,
Quebec, where he lived until comin
t'J Mason County thirteen years ag'o
to enter employment with the Strop-
• son Company. t.Ie is survived by. his
dcvoied wife and two c]{ildren, John
, Sunday Serv/ces
Morning Sunday School 10 o'clock.
Preaching 11 o'clock.
Evening Services 7:80.
Prayer Meeting 7:30 Thursday
Tie public is cordially invited to
tht-se meetings•
W. H. Thomas, Pastor,
Sunday School at 10 a• m.
Morning Service at 11 a. m.
B. Y. P. U. at 6t30 p. m.
An Easter program will be given
at the evening setwice at 7:80 p. m.
All invited.
Services at Dayton Sunday after-
noon at 3 o'clock.
Prayer Meeting on Thursday night
at 7:80.
Teacher Training Class on Friday
night at 7:30.
Addiston Self, Pastor.
"St, Edward's Catholic Church"
On 2nd Sundays first Mass is at
8 a. m. and second Mass ag Skoko-
mih at tl a. m.
On fourth Sundays Mass at 10
In: m. Evening devotions at 7:80 p• m,
THe Ladies' Aid of the Methodis.t
Epis(opal Church will :ive a public
a few days in Seattle. Goat Farm at Lake Nev, atzel passed (h'ixdale nnd Mary Bode, wad also.birthday dinuer from 5 to 8 p. rn_on,
through town yesterday• his t,.arent.q at the •ohI home and two next Frhl:y, April 9Lh, at the. Uu.
Mr. and Mrs. "W. R. Smith lcf I sister and three broth,,r, ltis nn- Fellow hall. Ewrybody is invited•
SatuMay for Proctor, Minnesota I A number of outside tia]dnff par ° .f dl r ng' courac, e, intcg,i.v and 1,w- The charge will be 25 cents ea(.h far
where they will spend tte summer, hcs rolled thrmgh town t.ns week ally l::ve v-¢m the constant -,tmr:t- those under 12 3eals of age and 50
• I bound fol the various fishing streams lion of all who came n contm.t with I cents for .all others:
Mr. and Mrs. S• M. Ogard and Mms ] and equipped to camp until the trout tmn, and hs bereaved ones have a
ffenme Dale of Seattle are spending'bit. • wMo circle of frmnds and sympa-] t-tr, x t oTx, atEETtNG
the week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles" I " I thizers. " ..... "'" .......... '" ..........
Paine. ' " I March came in like a sheep bbtl I ...... ,-'--.--D ...... .'--
Mrs.-Wi!l Morrison and son: Stew- bit tlflaeecedethng WoY ¢- SHELTON'S NEW BUILDING o
ar oz ,beavte are visiting wire urs nesda,, Glad to get off that easy, t ERA BEGINS THIS "!; EEK I ...... r , .. . .... :..
glorz:sonsparents, l, Ir. ann ,m's. w. however, t " 1 all,n foreman .qi filial arrangements for the big smok-
.... --'--7- . The small boy hereabouts seemls round Umbolt,-arrived last week to eranWllvbimad:acndi:veiyee's7',
iranK vlaipass anti It. .. orman ,
not to have leraned some of the el}! make preparations for the building
of Arcadia were in town yesterday April Fool tricks from his Dad, a operations of the summer, and have ,resent.
least few of the old "sells" appear.eric,started work with a small crew pre-
and purchased a hea,y work team
of Harw Shelton.
Miss Ida Rex was home from Ta-
coma last week and spent Saturday
and Sunday with her parents Mr.
and Mrs; W. G. Rex.
Mrs. S. M. Eells returned to her
home at Tumwater after a tw weeks
visit with her son Roy in town and
Arthur.Hn the Skokomish Valley.
Nels C. Nelson, who was a caller
Thursday, reported four "inches of
snow at his fmTa near Camp 1 that
morning, but that it lasted quick.
Mrs. ttarry Butcher and son lqar-
ohl drove up from Seattle the first of
the week for a several days ViSit
with 5h •. and Mrs• Will Dunbar.
tlowa,'d Bu:'ke (h'wce up from ITo-
quiam last Frdiay with Mrs. Arthur
Callow and spent two days visitinyr
Mr. and Mrs. GeorR'e Shorter and
looking up his oht' friends.
Clare Wehnes and R. E. Johnson
of Tacoma were in town Wednesday
ight on the way tQ the Skokomish
river on a fishing trip• Mr. Wehnes
spent his boyhood days in Shelton.
Leon Byrne of Seattle came down
.%rein Seattl with a young .friend to
"spend his Easter vacation in the
"woods• tie is visiting his brother
Thad, who is teaching school at camp
Mrs. Frank Willey made a trip to
Tacoma lat Friday to visit her sun
Clyde who is recovering from- a
serious operation. He is repoi.t,.'d ta
.be out of danger and gaining rap-
Mrs. J. W. Moran wos called home
last Thm'sday on account of the se-
rious illness of her father, A. F.
Chalman, one of-the few remaining
of the older pioneers of Mason
Miss Emma .P,dee of Seattle is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Jassar-
nick at Johns creek. Miss Pydee at-
tended the high school here last win-
ter and has been renewing old friends
over there this week•
Tommy O'Neill returned yesterday
to his studies at the University of
Washington after a brief mid-teFm
vacation. .Herbert Angle who was
. attemling the lJniversity with bim
will remain at home for the rest of
this term and began work this week
in the L. M. store.
"Red" Graham of 'Seattle, -the man
-who made malted milks famous, ,is
spending a few days in town on an
outing and fishing trip. Mr. Graham
and' his large confectionery store are
-well known to every student who
has attended the UniverSity of Wash-
inS(on in the last ten years•
Mr. and Mrs." L. J. Smith arrived
Wednesday from Seattle. M/. Smith
takes the place of Louie Fader as
chef-at the Hotel Shelton..Mr. Fader,
l who has been here for thepast nine
months, will spend a few oays fish-
ing before leaving" with Mrs. Fader
or their new home near Kirkland;
Tacoma papers report that Wallace
McDieken, 9-year-old son of Mr. and
iIrs. A. H. McDicken, •and a young
son of Dr. Rick, who were •with a
party of Y, M. C. A. lads camping
nero: Taconia, were lost 'in € small
boat during the •storm Wednesday,
and have not been located, no has
the boat been found,-
, I ptu'i.ng foundations for the removal
I(f' the Reed home just across Third
The fishing season opened promptly,:$treet. The main building will be
on April first but so far as heard" tiffed up into a nice honm to be
from, most of the early bird fisher- occupied by Mrs. S. G. Sim))un dur-
men with the worms were badly Aprh ing her stays in Shelton, and the
fooled by the fish. .re:rex will be -,; wed a block away
The Skokomish Grange will hold a
public installation service on Satur-
day night, April 3rd, at which the
Shelton Grange will• join in full fm'ce
and provide the program. A cordial
and made o,'er"into a ,m'ah cottal{e invitatiou is extended to all Grangers
. A, N. Ward this' week |'eceived to relieve the lack' Of house f,)r and their friends to joih the gather-
three thoroughbreds from Thurson ren;:'.l.
,. ing.
County, a heifer and two registered . As soon as the site is vacate,1 work, I
i Jersey calves, which he will raise ' as , will b.gln on the u,'w borne of MI'. 1
a start in the better stock direction, and Mrs. Reed, whict, u'hl be l'n'lb ME,IING OF DEMOCRATIC
and nm,lern in e\\;cL ;'(', ?,'('.0, o.nd t.':,. COUNTY CI.']NTILkL COMMITTEE
The E:stcr services at the M: E. (.,:.a!m:ctod of luml,or.-a; the; In(m;,,
Church will be an Easter SOVlrlon :t:t,l ,[' a hmb:-rm:m ::ln>uhl b,,. q 50 ,-at;-
sl:ecial nmsic in tl-o moiniu,,. ,\\;
program will be given in ib,, ,v. ,,;a,r
by the Sunday School. I, ccyb,.,y is
Special trains brou:rtt (,-tq) r::i -
dents dSwn to at:end t (: J'd/Ic'r:tl.; i:l
to'\\;-n OD Thul sdav. The v:u'np:, a,l
l'ailway sl oI S x\\;'cre ('i',:;,,d i, ,_
afternoon to permit the em/'le '',•.',;
.to attend the /uneral o£ ).h'. \\;:¢ Yl.
• Crosby.
Iies Oti've Meacham h % :,,v.ady
for ,alifornia to" sp',d Lhe ,mnuno:"
visiting relatives and fri(tms, blV.
was accomp:mied as far :t, ;,,'v:,!,'.
v hei' ister Aura who w:tl vi..'i,
ith friends in that city.
Wc are advised by the 13 flAie Eer-
vice Commission of the F, tate t.hat
b:,th thc American Rat!way F,t)r,,
and the Pulhnan Car compmie• l!IWt:
filed reque:t for the increase o[ r:u,,"s
gf 25 and 20 per cent re:pective'y i'a
this state. While the exF,'cs: :ns
will caNh a few of us, ne paL:ce
car advance will trouble lint few o s.
Chas. T .Shaffer, who wit1 be ,'c.-
membered by many acquain{ed u'i,:h
tile opening of the Lo:,. Prairie mt-
tlement sevmal years ago, ,a, ries
]from his holhe at Lanlaam, Maryland,
that each visit of the Journal seem:
like a letter from home, as they still
retain an interest Mason County
and are glad to, note. its improve-
i March was a nfild-mannered m,,mt1
as March's go, and almost broke the
record in its mildness, but not quite.
Its closing clays brought some'squally
weather, with hail, rain, snowand
blow, all witldn this week. On 3:ues-
(lay ant Wednesday nights the
ground was whitenedby snow but it
vanished as quickly and Silently a-', it
came. As the tail'-end of the vidous
storm which passed through the East
this section as no complaint.
• heriff Pelts, on ,advice frdm th(
shmSff of Yakima County, loc.ated
John Fenoglio in one of the Simpson
amps and took him in custodY, on
the charge Of being a Wife arid chiht
deserter. Deputy Sheriff Tilley 0 f
that counfy arrived and took his man
away Sunday to explaln why he sldp-
ped out and left his family without
Ju(lge,Wright called a short ses-
sion of the 'eourt Saturday 'and spent
a short time .in town, getting ready
to move to his, summer home near
Union City. "
In the guardianship o Wesley
Banks, a minor, an order was granted
to sell real estate.'
In te estate of Emma Johnson
Cleman, an .order to pay portion of
ci;editor's claims, o" "
III I I I i I [ ........
Church ..................... " - ......
---- -- - D'T ALL YOU WANT!
We handle a " -
complete stock
of Dyes, in-
No Moro Gas on the Stomach or ou
tomachl NO More Heavy Feeling
Afte Meals or Constlationl
f you have sour stomaoh, ooztf.
_atlon or gas on the stomach ONN
SPOONFUb simple buckthora bark,
glyderlne, etc., as mixed in Adler-i.ka, .....
,lll bring you INSTANT relief,
Adler-i-ka draws all the old f0u!
matter from the system leavlfi the'
bowels and stomach fresh and
i.,.-- .... CLEAN, ready to digest anything.
.... Guarda against appealicitis.
aHELTON • ..... 00v00:'kSHo]
,lmtc ,,.e:: ; the proi o;ed flora,, wi!
be :'vmmd I25.0{/0, and it wil! 1)e
t,,, lw, Lt".r c]:l.-n l:,rn'i to hp :found
h the c;:k•s.
' \\;V"th the.;o new 1)uldbo's an,t the
"w -.q9tal asm,re(l, othe,'s wh,
h'2vo !3en l::tl'o.;P,, r no,v hoF!e. i}l
,qb.qLnn u'ill do'ubtl,:s not dehty mue:l
1 '" • .-t' ' •," (',t t'eir ,i' v,
:ql(t t';: v,:t,L s::ouhi be a -0d'?; bu;-w
l,:'il,V,',.: :,' .•:,m h 51nolt'onM(vit:h }
g,::n,r:,l ff(;,[ c.ffcct on the husincas
Ol L], o;Dl,tln[ty.
.-_ --- ___
Pazne s Restaurant
Saturday open till 12 p.m. !
Restaurant closed on Sundays t
Popular p,ie? Oysters to your taste I
Cold & LaGrlppe Tablets [
are backed )y Us and guaranteed t0 break nP a cold or your I
,none," ba,00 ,,'e aJso well sto00l, od.:ith n, oko.00 of cold I
taMets and .0ug'h ln(]ithles, i.hroat gar,..;'lcs, nose sprays, mus. | ....
terole, me ol:xtt '.% ol,c. 13rctect yonr scl£ against the FLU. I,
V/e will be ;lad t , help you. ) I
' 100 lm" con:; I"o:.; ,,idton l".(
are backed by us and guaranteed to break np a cold or your
money back: We are also well stocked with all makes of cold
taMets and coug'h mlieines, t.hroat gargles, nose sprays, mus-
tore]e, med; o :,.nm, ore. Protect ,our self against the FLU.
A meeting of lt; l)emoer:tic Coma- We will be glad to help you.
'v Central ((;l;l'fit!i:t'e is J;cl'Oby cP, ll-
,,, t, t00,e h,;,,..:c ;,, SHELTON
., ,, -, :,, ,.,o PHARMAC
,helto 1 at, .,0 p. rn., ' ) -[
All precinct cenuniticomcv, are m'','d
t, atteml. The me,tinV- is called :t',.;r i!
illopur)/,se of iiXitlr a time an4' i. B. AI.,I,PIIF.'I, Prop.
]II;,{.'C for },t'It!;"*" :1 (O' :*1t' C. '''', (q]tiO.l'
1() (!]',•C' ('{JO't".'" i ) tile N[k.(' ('O'll-
yC'ft(;'(t]l (O be iILd [,t, b[)uv:A11.Q. Ji;13 )
lP:iiv!'4 a:; !::::y coi,e boftre tile : --"
• meeting.
, Ceo:'p;e P, impsen. Chairman. "
.!. H. J:.'ma, who lust year lmVClmS- NOTi('.E OF DI%%O1, T!ON OF " " -
ion City rt,td, rudd ha;; becu ,ml)rOv- PAIUI'NEi¢:-;II:iP
. ,,, ,, ,,e, i ........ PLUMBING and -------------,,-,,----,.b'll'AT/l\\;l¢
h,'.m md b ,'n, di,M tit SeatLle F,,'t :- ;oti,,e is ]mr(4,y ;iveu that the
1;,,.. i!,- Its.:; ]v?('n hi ])oof l walth ;:,r p::vi,,,,:&ip ]:lt.-l' sul)s[:,.Ja?: h:twoen
some tifie and was taken sa(h]o/, u% .,o ude;'sw'c l,. (. }!: .hewmn (IENERAL LLtdK WORX
!,'; ,: : ...,,.:; . \\;rhea i,, was rushed :rod C1'arles E. Newsted, carrying on Satisf'ction guaranteed Phone 33
to Seatth in an alltoi?l.)bi]e. Vhih'. b,:: :iP.(,s.s $, m: (m.¢a cs ;tnl ball-
:city l;.;p(;rs of ZIon(h'.y. 3.1r. da,u' o1' I & S Mill (.'.ornla:)y, w:,s ou tha
ab,n, year ul.I, O,,M la:.v::. Ia ;i;,. of Aprii. A. t). 192(). d[.;s'..,l- Sl,op in oht L. M. Warehouse
:], \\;,JLd :.Att ()lie S')D. x vc,t hv mut:::,l co:v.: q.. ::cl tb:tt the
buMness in futm'e will be carried on ......... _ - --rt. _ .... . - ,
IIAKE;tAN i?lfACTtTI.ES AN;(t,E h: t,h :.aid Gha,'h": 1,',. Jq(:'\\;xs[c'd Moue •
who will pay and dise!::trFe all d,'bt. .......................
F}cd \\;;r. T:Ic'}:.', a t)ra];.eDla!l v.; :tu,! ]::..b;]iti<:s, al,d c,'et, ivt all molzeys
Camll 5, sult'er(!d ;t £ractm'ed a.nkle p'tyable i;o the said late time.
lues 1:, mornhbg v, han he wa: struck F.C. tAI HI ,W SON .
by a £alling tree whilh standing en : CI[AS. E. NEWSTt)]D. '
!load of lags. After receiving medical 4..2-23 4t
000000oo.oo ho, o NEW THINGS FOR CHILDREN
thd la)spital in Olynlpia in the after- [ It. M. Roseho]L, the shoe repair
noon. " man, has a large stock of' logger
b:)ots and heavy and lig'lt work shoes
CI,OQUALLUM BUSY l iu :Ill different sizes on
,a., he ca. ,;ave :'on fro,. * to ,:; SEALPAX UNDERWEAR
' " t " *
M,,,. P. A. Siields. ,vlo ws a ,'s- per pair. He st,,ls hoiind every , The Llttle.BlotheI Sealpax Underwear.
itor from Clotuallum Saturday, re-:pair. Ite e0u sell:thern cheaper he
ports the M. & S. shingle rnill work- elain,s because it is a side line to his fresh from the, labndry to you, made _
inr; two shifts and all .the homealshoe repairing business. It will pay with double seat for double wear,
around Buck Prairie occupied, wit'. .c,u to hwestigate before buying
an attendance of 41 pupils at the lelsewhere.--Adv. =it- elastic non-lfinding back- band, side
district school. With a little mere ira- opening, double sewed and reinforced.
provcment ot the road and role'phone i , ,, ,,
connection with Sheldon a good part t AGA IE GRANGE \\;DANCE " Ages 4 to 8 at $1.25 and $1:50.
of this trade ,vould bc directed "'{ SATURDAY, APRIL 3RD We will have them for lie;tie sister
]waY,elate theandattention.Cl°quallmn would apprc- A lively dance will be given at t00 i.D a short tinle.
Grange fall on SatUrday, April 3rd.
(;,,,,(1 mu.qc nnd a big chicken supper . NEW ROMPERS
COUNTY WAKING UP ':v.o the ,features of the even;uS.
• " Tic.kels $2 and worth every cent of New Renuers in yellow, pia.k and
Mason County communities are it. .leet you there. " blue, trimmed with white and with
waking uIx nd are making known to
!Jom'n'l roaclers tha they have pasa- ' ,, 2, faney black stitching, 2 years to 6
ed the winter safely a]ld are ready
for sl)ring. Iu fact, our list of col'- 00LW/00YS REhDY years at $2.75.
respondenLs has so increased that LADIES APRONS
their news has crowded .out the out-
• .Me matter that has heretofore taken FOR COU [P A fev¢ excellent styles in Ladies'
the space, and 'county news will be _
found on nearly every page of this A p r o n s, Ginghams, Percales, Jap
paper. Ver few of the state county COMFORTABLE CAR FOR " eD Checks anc]S
1;apcrs have as general a county vep-, DAY & NIGrIT SERVICE. Cr.e, t.i es.r
white Gaberdine; which is of unusual
resentation as the Journal, and we REASONABLE RATES. ..
believe this is fully appreciated by value: These aprons are going fast at
our reallers. There are several dis- from $3.25 to
tricts yet dosing but we trust they MEIITT JOHNSON
will catch the spirit Of spring soon, Headquarters
and be heard from, as room ,Mll he l DUH "'C--^--''" - £OlJAl
made for all. -, JOHNSON'S GAR&GE .,
Phone 161. After 10 p.m. •
Sheet music, the latest aon hits, ReK Phone.621. .....
£0e and 35c a Copy at the Journal
Stationery Shop. , ............. ==== .... _ ====== .... = • == ..... =====_====_
agto ...........