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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 2, 1920     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 2, 1920
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i n|mm NATIONAL FARM BOARD SUBMITS QUESTIONNAIRE TO BRYAN t #" ' HARIS .d .YClNCi .The National Board of Farm Organizatton. whose duty It Is to put questionnaires to all prol- 'tlal candidates, regardless of party, as to their stand on agricultural Issues, goes merrily about lts crk. Here are members of the board who put the questionnaire to William Jennings Bryan, even thougha i ;-:, Commoner has not yet announced himself in the race. However, .Mr. Bryan Indorsed the Farm Or- - ,,ations' decision to submit such questionnaires. •Those in the picture (left to right). Gifford Ptnch,,t .... o n.rrett. Mr. Bryan. Charles W Holman, J B. Houston and Charles A. Lymr,, . PICKERING PASSAGE @l I I Mrs. Roy Wilson has gone to Se- attle to pack her household furniture. She has rented the Jacoby house and will movg down as soon as Mr. Wil- son has finished his business in Se- attle. Oscar Peterson was home for a few days and put in a garden while here. Mr. Smith, who is boarding with Gardner's accompanied Mrs. Gardner and Mr. Long to Olympia Tuesday, making the trip in Mr. Long's launch. Mr. Morburg and his son-in-law Mr. Howard of Seattle are building a house on Mr. Morburg's land in the Cove at Concord Beach. Mrs. Howard is expected this week. Miss Gone Jones, a graduate nurse of Seattle, spent the week-end with Mrs. Edwards. Mrs. Edwards went to Seattle last week to purchase more incubators and now has 4000 egg capacity. A. C. Smith, a printer on the Se- attle Times, has returned to Seattle, after spending a few days with Mr. ]Vim'burg: He moved Mr. Morburg down with his launch. Mrs. Woodall, Grindrod and Gard- ner and Mr. Grindrod went to Olym- pia last week on the launch Check owned by Mr. Smith of Seattle. Viola Storrs, who is staying with Mrs. Edwards, was called to Seattle Tuesday by her uncle's death. Mr. Scott called onGardner's Thurs- day. Mr. Butterfield's oldest brother and nephew from Nebraska have been visiting Mr. Butterfield for several daYS, returning home Saturday. Mr. Butterfield accompanied them as far as Olympia. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner spent one evening last week at the Munro home. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson have gone to Seattle for a visit with their daughters. Gus Haack went to Olympia Tues- day on launch Dove. Mrs. Long and children called on Mrs. Peterson Sunday. Who said it never snowed here-- March came in like a lamb and it surely is going out like a lion. Can we wear our Easter bonnets Easter Sunday. T T ! SKOKOMISH ] I I The hardwood mill 5s planning a change in the hauling of its lumber. Since much of the lumber is to go to San F'ranciseo it is now to be taken by trucks to a point on the Skokomish river to a point near the Reservation bridge---and thence by scow to the lumber vessels. Mr. Hurd took a truck load of the valley folks to the beach for a clam bake Sunday. Edward Miller was unfortunate enough to sprain his ankleand is out :€ school for a few days. Miss Betty Fr'dson has returned to Seattle to again take up her work at tke Universiiy. She left a mes- sage of appreciatioin for the many courtesies shown her while here. Mr. Drew, Mr. Hunter an.I Mr. Bell went to Puyallup Tuesday to interview Mr. Paulhamus ccmcerning the berry business. The Richerts are back in school after a slight attack of flu. The valley young folks had a very enjoyable time at the Vail home Saturday. The occasion was a party celebrating the birthdays of Mr. Vail aml daugiter etty and Paul Hunter. The birthdays of all three occurred during the past week. Mrs. Weaver and daughter Aline are to spend several weeks in Kent. They ]nay be detained there until the school term is over. Mr. and Mrs. Moody, students at the University of Washington, are visitors of the Lincoln's. Mr. and Mrs. Sutherland are soon to make their residence on the Lohn- dorff place. Mrs. Pearson is moving into Mr. Walfarth's cottage across the street. Kelsey Tanner had his leg severely injured while caring for an obstinate horse at Johnson's camp Sunday. The knee 'cap was dislocated and the en- tire knee badly bruised. Mrs. Knight was an honored visitor of our school Saturday. floating-a-water shortage, several In- dependent ditch companies of the Yak- lma valley are preparing to buy stor- age from the government, and have entered Into negotiations for water to use in case it is needed. THE MASON COUNTY JOURNAL I | LEONARD WOOD-HAS "14" 00POINTS' TOO tOO Per Cent '. lean, 8tatesmafl, Peacemaker ard D ;)'drear Make Him Loglca, Cddate. Chicago. [li.--Leonard Wood's "]4 points." on why he Is a candidate for .lle ltepul)ll('an pn'esldenHhtl nculna- cIox, have been mude pilbllc at tits aeadqonrters Irate. l'l]ey are: 1., 100 per cenl Amen'teas; 2. equip- 0ed for nations llighest place; 3. a Qlaa of deeds, [iOl V¢01'(]8; 4, stllle, (nan; 5. dlploxxmt; 6. t)tlSlnesS sO. mlnlstrator; 7. nuthoril.y on ii|ternlt- tlonal affairs; 8. Judge of men; 9, peacemaker; iO. organizer atd build- ors U, proved leader; 12. champion 3f law and order 13. unbroken record of success; 14. he did not teep us out of war, hut paved the was for victory. $5 PER MONTH FEEDS ORPHAN Cleveland H. Dodge Shows What Near East Relief Can Do in Efficient Purchasing, Buylng In wholesale lots end under the moat favorable market conditions, Near East Relief of 1 Madison avenue, New York city, with representatives In every state of the Union, has been able to baffle the high cost of living so far as relief supplies for the suffering roll. lions of the Near East are concerned. Cleveland H. Dodge, treasurer, In s statement shows that the committee I able to provide food for the suffering people of the Near East at prices much lower than the average charge here. h donation of $5 per month will pro vide food for one orphan, $10 pel month provides not only food, but als( clothes and shelter for one orphan and for $15 per month attendance al school is assured to each orphan In ad dttlon to food, clothing and shelter. In the appeal for funds to save th starving remnants of the Armenian., and other western Asia peoples, Neat East Relief is Inviting the Amerlcax public to "adopt" an orphan at the rates given here. (h,er 250.000 home less children are In need of help In the Near East. Women's organizations lodges, churches and social clubs art responding to the appeal by adoptln quotas of orphans for support over e definite period. I PEARL OIL Economical Trans AN ENDURING INVESTMENT The possession of a Chevrolet 'Baby Grand' Touring Car is an enduring investment in satisfaction. Built into it is an economy of operation and a certainty of service which is charac- teristic of Chevrolet products every- where. Its additional refinements of appointments, comfort and appear- ance distinguish it readily as a car of unusually low price for its value. SHELTON GARAGE Phone 391 (KEROSBNID An ideal home fuel for oil cookstoves, oil heaters and oil lamps. Get it at your dealer's. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (CALIFOINIA) | III i COMING TO TACOMA DR. MELLENTHIN & CO. SPECIALISTS DO NOT IJSE SURGERY Will be at TACOMA HOTEL Thursday, Friday and Saturday APRIL 22, 23, 24 Office hours 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. THREE DAYS ONLY NO CHARGE FOR EXAMINATION The doctor in charge is a graduate in medicine and surgery and is 1i- censed by the state of Washington. He visits prorfessionally the more important towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip consulta- tion and examination free, except the expense of treatment when desired. : According to his mtthod of treat- ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit many wonder- ful results in diseases of the stom- ach, liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail- ments. I If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fail to call, as improp. for measures rather than disease are I very often the cause of your long ;standing troubles. Remember above date, that exam- ination on this trip will be free and that his treatment is different. Address: 336 Boston Block, Min- neapolis, Minnesota. 4-2-6-3t PROFESSIONAL CARDS Maxwell Maternity Home 711 West F'ourth St. Phone 981 OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON Office Phone 441. Res. Phone 71 N. E. ROBERTS Physician and Surgeon Succeeding and located in the offices of the late Dr. Wells. H. G. BRADBURY DENTIST Postoffice Building, Shelton, Wash. Open 9 to 12--1 to 5 Evening by appointments. DR. J. J. MUSTARD Res. phone 755. Office over Capital National Bank, Olympia. Office phone 639. Office hours 10:30 to 12:30 p.m. 2 to 5 p.m. 7 to 8 p. m. FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1920 N :onvinc  "o z of te value Tablets as a personal trial. '0THING that we could say would so thoroughly convince you of the value of Chamberlain's We can tell you of thousands who have been permanently cured of chronic constipation, indigestion, biliousness, sick headache and disorders of the stomach and liver, but this will have little weight with you as compared to a personal trial. That always convinces. Readjustment of the state levy to care for added appropriations for the state college, state university and nor- mal schools can be effeeted without in- creasing taxes, according to an opinion expressed by Governor Louis F. Hart while in Spokane a.%er returning from a two-day inspection trip over state roads in St?yen_as county. HAVE YOU TRIED SMITH'S FRESH ROASTED PEANUTS Our new electric roaster does them to a turn. SMOKERS' HEADQUARTERS Cigars, Tobaccos and High Grade Candies. Guns, Ammunition & Sporting Goods W. H. SMITH All the Daily Papers Blacksmithing--Horseshoeing C. H. has leased the Phil Horn black- smith shop, and is now doing blacksmithing, h o r s e shoeing and general repair work. S H E LT O N INDEPENDENT Auto Stages Leave Shelton- Leave Olympia 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a. m. 10:30 a.m. 11:00 a. m. 2:00 p.m. 1:30 p. m. 4:45 p.m. 5:30 p. m. Shelton to Old Kamilche.. .50 Shelton to Snider's Prairie .75 Shelton to Olympia ...... $1.00 Olympia to Sniders Prairie .50 Olympia to Old Kamilche. .75 Olympia to Shelton ..... 1.00 Leaves Olympia from Braeger's Place, opposite Bus Station FRED THOMPSON AND RUFUS DUNBAR Headquarters: Shelton, Hotel Shelton. Olympia, Knox Garage SHORTY THE ONLY TAILOR IN TOWN New spring samples have arrived so order that new suit now Cleaning, Pressing and Altering Ladies Gentlemen Suits sponged and pressed . . 1.00 Suits sponged and pressed . . $1,00 Suits cleaned and pressed 2.00 Suits dry cleaned and pressed . 2,00 Skirts ...... . . 1.00 Coats .... . 1,00 Pants ...... 1,00 Jackets .... . . 1.00 Pants sponged and pressed . . .50 Dresses ...... . . . 1.75 up OvercoatsdzT cleaned and pressed 2.00 Fancy Dresses cleaned and Overcoats dyed ...... 5.00 pressed ........ 2.25 up Suits dyed ........ 5.00 J. T. WALSH, Box 216, Shelton SOFT DRINK STORE EMIL PAULSON, Prop. All kinds of pleasing Soft Drinks, Hot Drinks and Light Lunch Fine Candies, Cigars and Fresh Roasted Peanuts Furnished Rooms for Transient Guests. Shelton, Washington CHAS. R. LEWIS ATTORNEY--AT--LAW, Phone 463. SHELTON, WASH. (Rooms 7 & 8 Lumbermens Bldg.) ALDEN C. BAYLEY LAWYER !Mason County Abstract & Title Co Bldg. Opposite State Bank of. Shelton PHONE 231. Shelton, Wash. A. L. BELL J. F,. CONNOLLY Shelt0n Harket and Ice giant Abstracts and Surveying STR. S. G. SIPIPS ON and Insurance. Horn Bldg. Shelton, Wash THE SHELTON-TACOMA ROUTE GRANT C. ANGLE Notary Public Real Estate, Insurance and Conveyancing Fire, Life, Health and Accident and -Bond Insurance. JOURNAL OFFICE, SHELTON Passengers, Baggage and Freight REASONABLE RATES PHONE 41. D. E. BARRE2 Single Fare $1.51. Round trip $2.72 (Daily except Sundays) Leave Shelton 7 a.m. Leave Tacoma 3 p. m. The morning trip connects with the 11 o'clock Tacoma to Seattle boat at Municipal Dock. Passengers from Seattle to Shelton should take the steamer leaving Seattle at 1 o'clock p. m. Seattle shipments should be delivered to City Dock. SH£LTON TRANSPORTATION COHI'ANY I !