April 2, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 2, 1920 |
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RIDAY, APRIL 2, 1920
Conference on the Interchurch
Movement to Be Held in
This County.
(rays Harbor County, April 6, Aber-
deen, First Presbyterian; Thurston
and Mason County, April 7, Olympia,
Central Baptist; King County, April 8,
Seattle, First Methodist Episcopal;
Pierce County, April 9, Tacoma, First
Christian, led by Team No. 2.
Kitsap County, April 6, lrcmerton,
First Methodist Ep'scopal; Snohomish
aud Island Couuty, April 7, Everett,
First Baptist; Clallam County, April
8, Port Angeles, FDst Methodist Epis-
copal; Jefferson County, April 9, Port
Townsend, First Methodist Episcopal,
Skagit County, April 6, Burlington,
United Presbytedan Whatcom Coun-
Laymen and Friendly Citizens Invited ty, April 7, Bellingham, First Presby-
to Attend and Learn of Plans to / terian; San Juan County, April 9,
Extend Christianity. I Priday Harbor, First Presbyterian, led
by Team No. 4.
Laymen of the lrctestant Evangel-
teal churches of Western Washington '"here Is more Catarrh lu this section
o. ;he country than all other diseases
and all lested citizens wiil bc put together, and for years it was sup-
given an opportunity to learn the plans
of the Intevchurch World Movement
to spread Christianity throughout the
world by evangelistic, educational and
philanthropic work, ia a series of one-
day county conferences to be held
£.prtl 6, ?, g and 9. Such county con-
hrences are to be held throughout the
ited States.
The information given the pastors
who attended the Pastors' Conference
at Seattle Man-ch 8, 9, and 10, by repre-
sentatives of the Interchurch World
Movement, who explained the survey
of the world's needs of Christian work,
will be relayed to those who attend the
county conferences, by four teams of
speakers who will be divided between
the conferences.
County directors for the United
Simultaneous Financial Campaign to
raise the funds necessary to carry
through the prod-am of the movement,
will be in close touch with the con-
ferences and work of organization for
the financial campaign which takes
April 25 to May $ will be for-
Bmmldes a full eonMdeeation of local
ieoblema, the program at the county
posed to be Incurable. Doctors prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing
to cure with locr.l treatment, pronounced
it Incurable. Catarrh is a local disease,
greatly influenced by constitutional con-
ditions and therefore requires constitu-
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Medi-
cine, manufactured by F J. Cheney &
Co,, Toledo, Ohio, is a constitutional
remedy, is taken internally and acts
thru the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces
of the System. One Hundred Dollars re-
ward is offered far any case that Hall's
Catarrh Medicine fails to cure. Send for
circulars and testimonials.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
old by Druggists, 7Jc.
I-laWs Family Pills f'Jr censtipatlon.
No. 1(;29.
In the Superior Court of the State of
,Vashington for lflSell County.
Husband and Vife, Plaintiffs.
HORACE H. PINTO, the Unknown
Heirs of HORACE H. PINTO, De-
ceased, the Unknown Heirs of ENOCH
L. W1LLEY, Deceased, the Unknown
Deceased, and all other persons or
parties unknown, owning or claim-
ing to own, or having or claiming to
have any right, title, estate, lien or
interest in or to the real state de-
scribed in the complaint herein, De-
the said Horace H. Pinto, the unknown
• @f-n will present the ttlnd- heirs of Horace H, Pinto, deceased, the
l'Qwnlts of the worl wide srvey of unknown heirs of Enoch L. Wllley,
" " d =o eomdi deceased, the unknown heirs of Francis
INII lal 9J Om "lW. Wllley, deceased, and all other per-
by the IntlMP;uJ MO" sons or partie unkr/bwn, owning or
aeL the m& fr wki*'h hlMI 1Mn I claiming to own, or having or claiming
.... [to have any right, title, estate, lien or
't O the interest In or to the real estats de-
t ! mpha Will 'SO be ]ssrlbed. in the complaint herein, de-
fen dan ts:
You and each of y a e Y -
{M de pim p m II'U ou r hereb usm
tm Jt moned to appear within sixty days
Iopte ha the right ehad of thor lite, after the date of the first publication
work an the duty of laying at a
definite ,portion eg ins for re-
ligious purpcaea. Lantea slides will
be freely used to illustrato the vimls
Yhe conferences wR1 be managed by
lcoal committees, and the various top-
ies under discussion wll be handled by
tams of from five to eight men and
women, recognized as church leaders
lh the county or state.
Tht e of comferences repre-
gent only an intermediate stage In a
grit campaign of Intensive educ_tion
in practical Christianity peparatcy to
of this summons., to-wit, within sixty
days after the 5th day of March, 1920,
and defend the above entitled action in
the above entitled Court, and answer
the complaint of the plaintiff, and serve
a copy of your answer upon the under-
signed attorney for plaintiffs, at his
cities below stated; and in case of your
failure so to do. Judgment wilt be ren-
dered against you according to the de-
mand ot the complaint, which has been
filed with the clerk of said court.
The object of this action is to ex-
clude the above named defendants and
each of them, from any right, title, es-
tate, lien or interest in the real es-
tate situated in Mason County, State of
Washington, and more particularly de-
scribed as follows, to-wit:
Beginning at a point 28.05 chains East
of the Quarter Section corner between
the united appe.for missionary funds Sections 3 and 4, Township 20 North
and workers which will be held by the [of..Range 3 West, EWastMhfroOr_lnitll
i o tin pomp; nence r ' s -
Protestant danominatons c-opera g center of said Section 3. 22.52 chains
in the Interchurch Movement between to the heac'h: thence South 32 ° 30'
April F. and May 2 The teams that l East 3.76 chains; thence South 62 ° West
....... " . [2,29 chains; thence West 22.52 chains;
Will aaaress me county conrerences lthenc e North 4,25 chains to the initial
were themselves trained as a "faculty" point, containing 10.00 acres more or
of specialists in the various aspects of II less,
the Movement at the Western Wash-[ Attorney for Plaintiffs,
gton Pastors' Conference. Slmtlerly, Office and postoffice address: Rooms 7
IJaoe who attend the county confer-] n
, Mason County, Washington.
eees will in ttrn form a "faculty" for ] 8-5-4-16-7t
intm-prtb the mestmge of the Inter-
church Movement to their localiZe.Ice O]' ..a__l_ O.TAT= v-Am'DS
........ . [ Notice is hereby given, that ca
fOllOWing tl aates and places]day, the 6th day of April, 1920, be-
at which the arlons county confer ]tween the hours of ten o'clock in
...... - " I the forenoon and four o'clock in the
®les wui nel: [afternoon, commencing at ten o'clock
in the forenoon of said day, in frost
of the main entrance door to ths
County Court House In the city of
Shelton, County of Mason. State of
Washington, either by the county
auditor of said county or by a member
Skamaaf and Clarke County, April
I, Vancouver, FiSt Methodist Eplsco-
pol; Cowlit add Wahktakum County,
April T, Kalama, Methodist Epl-
eoll; Lew Cmnty, April 8, Centre-
Ha, First Methodist ilseopsl; Pacific
County, April $, Soth Bend, F'lrst
Methodist Episcopal, led by Team No.
NO. 524.
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington, In and for the County
of Mason, IN PROBATE.
In the Matter of the ,uardlanship
of the Person and Estate of
under authority of an order made hy
the Superior Court of tile State of
rashlngton, for Mason County, dated
and entered March 27, 1920, the under-
signed guardian of the estate of tlio
above named minor, will, in obedience
to said order, on the 20th day of April,
1920, or thereafter, sell at private
sale her ward's undivided one-eighth
interest in and to the feller" g des-
cribed real estate situated Mason
County, Washington, to-wit:
of the Board of State Land Commls-
stoners of the State of Washington,
the following described state lands,
together with the improvements situ-
ated thereon, will be sold at public
auction to the highest bidder therefor,
pplioton o. 10933.
NE ef N:E, of section 16, township
19 north, range 5 west W. M.. contain-
ing 40 acres, more or less, according to
the government survey thereof, ap-
[praised at $600.00.
.pplioaton NO. 10768.
W of NW of section 16, township
20 north, range 2 west W. M., contain-
lng 80 acres, more or less, according
to the government survey thereof, ap-
]prasied at $2000.00.
I Said lands will be sold for not less
]than the a'ppraised value above stated
land upon the terms and conditions fol-
Te=ms md. Coa<Lttons of Iale-Not
loss than one-tenth of the purchase
price must be paid at the time of sale
to the officer making the sale. The
purchaser, if he bs not the owner o
the improvements, must forthwith p&.Y
to the officer making ths sale the 'un
amount of the appraised value of the
improvements, as above stated. One-
The South half of the Southwest tenth of the purchase price must be
quarter ef the Southwest quarter, Sec- paid annually thereafter tLn interest
tion 14, Township 20 North, Iange 3 on all deferred payments at the rate
West, WV. M. of slx per centum per annum, together
The %Vest one-third of the Northeast l with accrued interest on any balan,Js
quarter of the Northeast quarter, and [at the same rate: :Provided That.any
a strip 440 feet wide off the west side [purchaser may make full payment ox
of Lot 4 all in Section 22, Township I principal, interest and statutory fees at
20 North' Range 3 Vest W.M. t any time and obtain deed or state!
AI, ,,,.,,,- t he' meander cor-Ipatent. The purchaser of land contain-I
.:2"'.' .:'.::::.' "eotl'ons 22 and 23 ling timber or other valuable materials
....................... ° West W i prohibited by law from cutting or
.townsIllp U .korl:II J.%ttlge o ' " remo i ....
.. . ;% ,. a..nmersle,, s v ng any such tlmDer or materials I
av. on t.te orl.n siue e a, a
. :_ _. : ...... r t without first obtaining consent of the,
inlet run outn el (10g Zo ttttu ,, o
• ; . • " Commissioner of Public Lands or the
4.98 c'hains to the initial point of board, until the full amount of the
Oyster Lands described as follows: purchase price has been paid and deed
thence North 71 deg. West 7.86 chains;
North 84 deg. %Vest 7,15 chains; South
61 dog. %Vest 1.90 chains; thence South
2.01 chains; tllcnce South 88 deg. 40
sin. East 16,20 chains to the initial
point, containing 3.20 acres in Section
22, Township 20 North, Range 3 vVcst,
W. M.
Tu undersigned will receive bids
in writing up to and including the
date of sale at the Law Office of Alden
C, Bayley, Shelton, Veashlngten, or bids
may be delivered to the undersigned
personally or filed ill the office of the
Clerk of the above entitled court.
Tim sale will be for cash, 10 per
cent, payable at the time of purchase
and sale, and the balance upon the
confirmation of said sale by the court
an,! (h..,l ;try of deed.
Guardian of the Person and
Estate of Wesley Banks,
klden C. Bayley, minor.
Attorney for Guardian,
Shelton, Washington. 4-2-16-3t
All sales of state lands are made
subject to the reservations of oils.
gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils
of every name, kind and description,
and to the additional terms and con-
ditions prescribed in the act of the
legislature approved March 20, 1907,
CA T-T- OX SU"B][])B-S][0][O v'm:l[
B]g][])GE BIDS.
Notice is hereby giwm that sealed
proposals for tile construction of a
steel bridge and approaches across the
Skokomish Iiver in ,lason County will
be restored by the Beard of County
Conlnltssieners of ] ason Ceunty, ill
their olliee at Shelton, Washington, un-
til 10 o'clock n. m., April 10, 1920, and
will at that time be publicly opened
tnd read.
The hridge will be a 210 ft. pin-con-
n,cled steel span on aoncretc fliers to-
geiiler with 260 lln. ft. of pile trestle
alq)roaeh, the whoh structure being 470
ft. lena, with u clear road way of six-
teen fl.
i l'l:lns and specifications for this work
hilly be exe.nlilled ILL tt/e office of tile"
(!ounty l!]ngilleOr or County Auditor at
tie Court louse ill Shelton, Copies of
i the l)]ans gad speeillcatlons may be
,secure.d l'ronl tile C(muty Engineer up-
on a deposit of $10.00 which sum will
be refunded on the return of said
All bids slmll be made out on reg-
tll£r ]ornlb and accompanied by a cer-
tl'ied check equal to 5 per cent of the
amount of the lump sum bid.
The foard of Ceunnlssloners reserve
the right o reject any and all bids.
Date of first publication of this notice
Date of first publication of this notice
March 19, 1920.
(Seal) Auditor of Mason County.
Notice is hereby given that tile
Board of County Commissioners of Ma-
son County, Washington, will receive
sealed bids for the construction of
Permanent Ilighway No. 4-E, for the
clearing, grubbing, grading, draining
and surfacing with gravel, from Sta-
tion 510 plus 00 to Station 577 plus 148
(ghout one and one-fourth mile,) Bids
to be opened Al)ril 6, 1920 at 2 p, m.
Plans and speeitic atlons to be seen at
tim olllees of the County Engineer and
County Auditor at Ceurt House ill
Sbelton, Washington, A certified check
for l0 l)er cent of the bid must ac-
company each bid. The Commissioners
reserve the riglt to reject any and all
l)gie of first publication of this
notlee, ,larch 12, 1920.
(Seal) Auditor of Mason County.
Notice Is hereby given that on Tues-
day, the 6th day of April, 1920, be-
tween the hours of ten o'clock in the
forenoon and four o'clock in the after-
noon, commencing at ten o'clock in the
forenoon of sald day, in front of the
main entrance door to the County Court
House in the City of Shelton, County
of Mason, State of Washington, either
by the County Auditor of said county,
or by a member of the Board of State
Land Commissioners of the State of
Washington, the timber on the follow-
ing descTlbed state land will be sold at
publtc auction to the highest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
application o. 1003
Timber on Nt of SE of section 6,
i township 23 north, range 4 west, W. M,,
containing 80 acres, mors or less, ac-
cording to the government survey
thereof, appraised at $3942.25.
Said timber on said land wilI be sold
for not less than the appraised valus
as appraised by the Board of Stats
l,and Conmflssioners in the manner
provided by law, statement of which
is now on file Ln the otnce of the
Auditor of said county.
Terms of dale are: Cash to be paid
on the day of dale.
The timber on the above described
lands is offered for sale in pursuance
of an order of the Board of Stat Land
C(nnnllssioner, and au order of sale
duly issued and certified by tl,e Com-
missioner of l'ublte 1,ands of the Stale
of Washington, now on file in the office
of the County Auditor of said county.
Commissioner of Public Lands.
Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
day, tile 6th day of April, 1920, be-
tween the hoUrs Of ten o'c'lock iu the
forenoon and 4 o'clock in the fternoon,
commencing at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon of said day, in front of the main
entrance door to the County Court
House in the City of Shelton, County
of Mason, State of Washington, either
by the County Auditor of said county,
or by a member of the Board of State
Land Commlsslonsrs of the State of
Washington, the following described
state lands, together with ths improve-
meats situated thereon, will be sold at
public auction to the highest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
&ppli0atio 7730.
All tide lands of the second class,
as defined by section I of chapter 36
of Lhe Session 1.aws of 1911, owned bY
the State of Washington, situate in
frout of, adjacent to or abutting upon
that part of lot 2, section 10, towrship
19 north, range 3 west, W. M., measur-
ed along the meander line as follows:
Beginning at the point of InterseC-
tion Of the west line of said lot , with
said reminder line and running thence
N. 66' E. 135.66 feet, more or less. to
an angle point n isaid meander line;
thence N. 83" 48' E. 363 feet, N. 24"
58' E. 245 feet and N, 60' 18' E. 67.58
feet to the termtnal point of tbis de-
scription, with a frontage of 1.29 lin-
eal chains, more or less, measured
along tile nloander line, as shown upon
the plat of Skookum Inlet Tide lands,
filed In the oiflce of the Commissioner
of Public Lands at Olympia, Washing-
ton, December 7, 1916, appraised at
$6.00 per lineal chain or $73.74.
Subject to such right, title or inter-
est as may have been acquired by the
purchaser of any part of said tide
lands as tide lands suitable for the
cultivation of oysters under any deed
heretofore issued by the State of Wash-
Sald lands will bs sold for not les
than the appraised value abova stated
and upon the terms and conditions fol-
orms and OonItlons ot Elo.Not
less than one-tenth of the purchase
price must be paid at ths time of sale
to the officer making the sale. Ths
purchaser, if he be not the owner of
the improvements, must forthwith pay
to the officer making the sale the full
amount of the appraised value of the
improvements, as above stated. One-
tenth of the purchase price must be
paid annually, thereafter* with interest
on all deferred payments at the rate
of six per centum per annum, together
with accrued interest on any balacs
at the same rate: Provtdst% That any
purchaser may make full payment el
principal, interest and statutory fees at
any time and obtain deed or state
patent. The purchaser of land contain-
ing timber or other valuable materials
is prohibited by law from cutting or
removing any such timber or materials
without first obtaining consent of the
Commissioner of Public Lands or the
beard, until the full amount f the
purchase price has been paid and deed
All sales of state lands are made
subject to the reservations of oils,
gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils:
of every name, ldnd and description,
and to the additional terms and con-
dltions prescribed in the act of the leg-
being section 3 of chapter 256 of the islature approved March 20, 1907, being
Laws of 1907. section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws
Said land will he sold subject to of 1907.
the terms, conditions and reservations Said land 'ill be sold subject to
of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of the terms, conditions and reservations
of chapter 109 of the Session Laws of
1911, relating to easements for rights,
of-way and the carrying of timber,
stone, mineral and other products over
the same.
The above described lans are offer-
ed for sale in pursuance of an order
of the Board of Stats Land Commis-
sioners, and an order of sale duly
issued and certified by the Commis-
sioner of Public Lands of the State of
Washington now on file n the ogles
of the county auditor of said county,
Commissioner of Public Lands.
]911, relating to easements for rights-
of-way and the carrying of timber,
stone, mineral and other products over
the same.
The above described lands are offered
for sale in pursuance of an order of
the Board of State Land Commission-
ers, and an order of sale duly issued
and certified by the Commissioner of
Public Lands of the State of Wahing-
ton now on file in the office of the
county auditor of said county.
Commissioner of Public Lands.
O&T- :O 'm. BIDB ]E'O 'm- B'Ur'DXN{II'
CO'Ar'UNITy H:Jk'r.'r-
Bids are hereby called for the build-
lng of a Community Hall at Wayside
School IIouse, ])lstrict 4(;, near Martin
Bridge, Mason County, Wash. Plans
nmy be seen at the residences of Jack
Wraith or C. H. Ford, or at the olllce
of the County Superintendent of
Se'hnols, Shelton. li(ls must reach the
undersigned elerk on or before April
2.ith, l.q20, when they will be publicly
I opened.
ICaeh bid must be accompanied by a
certified cheek for 5 per cent of the
[UIIOUnt bid, made payable to Jack
Vmdth, Clerk School l)lstrtet No. 46,
which will be forfeited if the success-
ful bidder refuse to sign contract; all
other c,hecks to bc returned on award
"of contract.
The Directors reserve the right to
reject any and all bids.
By order of the Board of Directors.
School District No. 46.
Box 133, Route A, Elma, Wash.
No. 554.
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Mason County. (in
In the Matter of the Estate of AN-
Notice is hereby given, that Letters
of Adminfstration on the Estate of
; Andrew Townsend, deceased, were
I granted to the undersigned, on the 6th
day of March, 1920, by the said Super-
!or Court,
All persons having claims against
said esta'tc, are required to serve them
with the nee.essary vouchers Ul)On in0
at the Law Olllce of Alden C. Y;ayley,
Shelton, ,Varshington, that being the
phtec of business for said estate, re!th-
in six nmnths after the date of tile
first lmblicatton of this notice, to-wit:
within six months after the 12th dgy
of March, 1920, and file the same with
the clerk of this Court together with
l IBi/
-_- _
/ -= 00PORT _=_
Confectionery, Cigars and all Soft Drinks
proef of sueh service, or they shall beli EDWARD H. FAUBERT, Mgr. !
forever barred.
Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 12th ,,, " --t=|||R|l|||||||||||||||||||l|||||||l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||i|||l||||||||||||||||l||||||||||
day of March, 1920,
Administrator of the Estate of Andrew -
Townsend, Deceased.
Attorney for Administrator,
Sheiton, Wash. 3-12-4-2-4t I have a large stock of logger's and heavy and
No..38. light work shoes in different sizes on. which I
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington In and for the County can save you money. I can sell them cheaper
of Mason because they are a side line to my Shoe Repair-
GEORGE C. LUNDY, Plaintiff,
vs ing business. Itwil! pay you to investigate
TttE STATE. OF WASHINGTON, to these shoes. I also make shoes to order.
the said Seraphin M. Lundy, Defendant:
You are hereby summoned to appear
within sixty (60) days after the date ' H.M. ROSEHOLT
:of the first publication of this sum-
mons, towit, within sixty days after Shelton
the 26th day of March, 1920, and de-
fend tle above entitled action in the , ,
above entitled court, and answer the ''
complaint of the plaintiff, and serve
a COPY of youl: answer upon the under-
signed attorney for plaintiff at his
otllce below stated; and in case of your
failure so to do, Judgment will be ren-
dreed against you according to the de-
mand of the complaint, which has becn W W BARRETT
!led with the clerk of said court,
The object of this action is to ob- • •
ain for tho plaintiff au absolute de-
cree of divorce on the ground of cruel
lreatment and personal indignities ren- THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE
doting plaintitY's life burdensome. .........
Attorney for Plaintiff. Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, 0ils, Varnishes and Brushes,
Office and postofilee address: Shelten,
Mason County, Washington. Picture Frames, Curtain Poles and Easels. All plumbing
3-26-4-30-7t guaranteed as to work and material for one year. .
No. 556,
In the Superior Court of the State of
%Vashington for Masou County. In
Probate. l
-== Shelton Shoe Factory _[
[---- Manufacturers of heavy work shoes. We also
-_-- have a line of serviceable,-high-topped logger '
- boots. All kinds of shoe repairing nearly done. |
I !.,i.| ||l| .|||||| |||| ||||||||||||||l|l||||||||||||||| .||||l|||||| |||||||l| |||||| .|||| |||m||||||||||| m i
In the Matter of tho Estate of JAMES
F. EVANS, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that Letters
of Administration on the Estate
James F. Evans, deceased, were granted
to the undersigned, on the 13th day of
March, 1920, by the said Superior Court.
All persons having claims against
said estate, are required to serve them
with the necessary vouchers upon me
at the Law Since of Alden C, Bayley,
Shclton, rashington, that being desig-
nated as the place of business of said
estate, within six months after the date
of the first publication of this notice,
to-wit, within six months after the 19th
day of March, 1920, and file the same
with the clerk of this Court together
with proof of such service, or they
shall be forever barred,
Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 19th
day of March, 1920.
AdmlnIstrator of the Estate of James
F. Evans, Deceased.
Attorney for Adnllnlstrator,
Shelton, Wash. . $-19-4-9-4t
No. 545.
In the Superior Court of the State of
Washington in and for the County
of Mason. In Probate,
In the Matter of the Estate of JOttN
FI,ANIGAN, Deceased.
Notice is heerby given, that George
A. Flanigan, Administrator of the Es-
tate of John Flanigan, Deceased, has
filed with the Clerk of the above en-
titled court his final account and peti-
tion for distribution of the estate of
said deceased, wherein the court is
asked to settle sLeh account, distribute
the property of the estate to the heirs
entitled to the same and discharge the
Notice is further given, that in ac.
cordance with an order of said court
made and entered on the 13th day of
March, 1920, a h.ring will be had be-
fore the court on said final account and
petition for distribution on Saturday,
the lith day of April, 1920, at 10
o'eh:cl u. m. of said day in the Court
looln '-t tnis Court, at the Court House
In Shelton, "', ashington.
Dattd tills 13th day of March, 1920.
Clerk of the said Superior Court.
AI.17,1.:N C. BAYLEY,
Ath)rney for Administrator,
,;l,t.lt on, Vashlngton. 3-19-4-9-4t
No. 557.
lu the Superior Court of the State of
Washington for Mason County. In
In the Matter of the Estate of AN-
DRE%¥ NELSON, Deceased.
undersigned ha been appointed and
has qualified as Admlnlstratrix of tim
estate of Andrew Nelson, deceased;
that all persons having claims against
said decttsed or against said estate
are hereby required to serve the same,
duly verified, on said admtnlstratrlx or
her attorney of record at the address
below stated and file the same with the
clerk of said Court, together with proof
of such service, within sx monlhs after
the date of the first publication of this
notice, or the same will be barred.
Date of first publication March 12,
Administratrix of said Estate.
Address, Shelton, Washington.
Attorney for Estate,
Rooms 7 and 8, Lumbermen's Bldg,,
Shelton, Washington. $-12-4-2-4t
Nail Stage Line
L. M. STEWART, Prop.
Daffy Schedules
Leave Shelton
• 8:30 a.m. 3:00 p. m.
11:30 a.m. 4:45 p. m.
Tickets 'on sale at Johnson's Garage--Waiting Room
Tickets good until used.
Leave Olympia
7:00 a.m. 8:00 p. m.
11:00 a.m. 5:00 p. m.
Headquarters at Central Bus Station
Waiting Room and Lady Att'endant. Phone 22.
Dealer in Rough aud Dressed Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings,
Doors, Windows. If you are going to build don't overlook
the fact. We can save you money. Let us figure with you.
A squ re deal to all is our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yards
at She ton.