April 2, 1920 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 2, 1920 |
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x. __ iiii i i i i i i ii i i ii r
]f:CountyCorrespondence. i
• I.
The school children were busily en-
gaged tas week bringing their nick-
les and dimes to school for the pur-
pose of adding' to the fuml being
collected for " America's Gift to
lrance., Fifty-two persons from
this district contributed, the amOhnt
raised being five dollars and five
Russell Doak and Herb. Bowman
canoe from Olympia last Thursday to
spend a few days in the neighbor-
hood, '"
George Kellogg motored frbm Ta-
coma last Monday and-exp6cts ,to
spend a few days at home with his
Robert Crossman was a week-end
isitor at the Crossman home.
Mrs. Dacan and d:mghter Jewel
were down Sound visitors Saturday
and Sunday, spending most of their
time visiting relatives in Tacoma.
John Buchanan and sons, William
and Donald, are taking advantage
of Easter vacation in the city and are
spending this week on the farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Tillman, Mr.
and Mls. Thomas Desk, Miss Jennie
Chester arm ROy Bowman spent Sun-
day evening at the Eli Willay home,
(a duck supper being the incentive,
playing cards the pastime.)
I -
• Mr. ,lacobg went to Tacoma Mm
day mornirg to ,ace about selling ,hm
logs. He returned Tuesdaiy night.
i Miss Lillian Lister from Tacoma
is visiting Hilton's. She taught at the
Agate school a few years ago.
Ames Hilton left Tacoma Satur-
day noon with his new speed boat.
He expected to reach Shelton some
t'ime in the afternoon, but he was
delayed by trouble with his engine
and (lid not reach Shelton until Mon-
Walter and Wesley Daniels played
ball xith the Simlton high choo]
team Sunday at Camp 2. The score
Iwas 3 to 8 in favor of Camp 2.
r }
Mrs. Bates was called to racoma
Saturday on account of her mother
beig vcry ill.
Edward Whaley motored to Ta-
coma Saturday evening, accompanied
1)5' Ellsworth Itiltou and Chas. Lisk.
They spent Sunday there, and re-
turned to the Oakland Bay Logang
camp Monday.
I' News of the death of Donna West,
little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-
ard West, at a Tacoma hospital was
received in this community yesterday.
The bereavedments and family have
the sympathy of the entire neigh-
borhood in their loss.
Mrs. John Labor and Miss Pearl i
Doak were supper guests at the At-
dam homfi last Thursday evening.
Jane Bowman is spending a few
days in the meighborhood this week,
visitig friends and renewing old ac-
quaintances. Jane is. attending high
school in Olympia and is also taking
advan'ag'e of the Easter vapation.
He ,as a visitor at school last Tues-
" drs."'" Carl Afdem and Mrs. Mamie
Labor were guests of Mrs. Tom M.o-
ran last Monday.
Ronald thinks it worthy o-f mentiou
that David changed his mind about
having his hair "bobbed," a, he went
to town last Saturday and had it
cut, for the first time since--(David
for get to furnish the exact date, but
we know 'twas long ago.)
Donald Buchanan. visited school
last Monday,
John Bowman completed tim work
of puttirq' the cement floor in the
basmment of the new addition to the
school building Monday aud returned
to his home in Olympia.
Little Pattie KelIogg visited the
school last ISri(lay.
Miss Ollie Meaeham left for Cal-
ifornia Monday where she will visit
friends and relatives this summer.
Mr. Woodall bought two pigs from
Mr. LaRocque last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hitchcock an(l
son Jack made a trip to Allyn in
their car Sunday.
• Miss Aura Meacham left for Se-
attle Monday morning.
I Mcaeham's are moving onto their
lflace in Chapman's Cove this week.
• Mr. Ashfield is moving onto his
place on the Agate side of the bay.
a." ..... .
AlbertWinkelman and children Ed-
ward Md-- :'iicances visited with Re-
di,&a's Sunday.
Mrs. Will Evers and children
cMuqes .artd Edith called on Mrs.
Frank Helin Saturday.
• Mrs, Leonard Anderson and Mrs.
Perle Anderson were Shelton callers
one day last week. t
Asa Bateman visited with Rediska's
Tuesday evening.
).'It. and Mrs. Hulbert and children
:;Jth ;rod Donald, Will Mayers and
IMr. md Mrs. James Carstairs and
Miss Pearl Doak entertained her [e}fldren and Ellen aml James were
seventh and eighth g'rade pu0ils ,'rtl:.be p/tie,Ms Of htr. and Mts. A. J.
tile Doak. home last I, Mday evenina[An,,.,rson ,f Mv,!o¢,k Sumlay.
in honor, ,. of .Adelene and Iomdd C),-I Mr' and Mrs. Edway(l E,.,er" c'dled
sers blth(lz,y. The early part of the , ?i. and Mr::€. Ass 13a',m'm Mon-
evenlme ,' t s'ent in playing galnes.:i day evening.
after whic3 they were om:b .,rvml a Nr,;. A. ,T. P,,',ek and Dora Rcdi,,;,a
plate of l:uffv to m.1. 'l'b,L:e rcsent called on" Lrrs. N, C. ?,So]son one d y
xvme I/aviq:,,. A(tehmf,. Vi:q,,t a,M l,t v.'e,q,:.
J.o:wfld (h.:,s,:r, ,),x,:l L)m-,au, C;.x)?',,'e 2.,. :,lld .\\;,%':z, A. ,g. A!ld(,>;:,,n n,l
:;, I':, : (2!r]:t.e.l'v.otl ;m(l Clmcl,;
.... ,' L,';;':. ,',: ' ;- (::c('e ]J]v-
........................................................................ 2::'tL?,j!-!tc it_ !52Ji:_;:¢.)2'£[:]:',_!:_ .............
lIAR.. ! E
I Messt 7.]el S=ton Geo, P..,hrad
and Chas. Ber',v.m are in Olympia
[ this week .adilh, ,,air [ ,,ts on ears.
Th posts ,,re bo'L:.t by a Tacoma
nl 1 n,
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo A. Glaser are
rejoicing over the arrival of a little
son boxn in Tacoma March 27th.
't'ne little one weighs oi.ht po-nds
and has been 'christened Joseph J.
Mrs. Margaret Willis and children
of Olympia are visiting her aunt,
Mrs., Westlake.
Wallace Reed is in Tacoma buying
prowsions for his ncw camp at South
Bay. hit:. Reed will soon move his
family to their new location The
Ballow people are sorry to have them
go, but wish them good luck in their
new location.
John L. Hitchcock is a Tacoma
and Seattle visitor this week.
Many of our chicken mcn are dis-
appointed in no being able to get as
many chicken,,as they want. Hatches
are said to be very poor for some
Mrs. Win. Seeckings is spending a
week with -friends in Tacoma.
Glen Harris was over fi, om Ander-
son Island Tuesday, visiting- at the
Mrs. Ore Haarberg of Seattle is I
visiting hhends on the Island. She
expects to leave in about two weeks'
for Norway to visit her mother,
whom she has not seen for eighteen,
Clnis Ward and family moved into
their new home last week.
tbpbert Finch is taking Rufus Dun-
bar's place driving stage between
Shelton and Olympia.
There was a parw given at the
home of Ida Ward last Sunday in
honor of her birthday. All had a
good tim
Chris' Ibbotson has purchased a
home in Olympia and moved,: there
last week.
Thcre was a social given in the
gym Thursday night to help raise
funds for the repair of the mis.sion-
ary boat, Robert Seymour. Rev. Hall
brought a number of people from
Dcwatto to attend. The social was
a success,: both financially and social-
Clarice Itanson is spending Easter
vacation at her ]lOlne nero.
Mrs. 1 i'. Price md dadghzer Lucille
.Mrs. Jas. Simmons and children vis-
iLcd friends,here Sunday.
Mr. and :[s. d. M. l,andis made a
tap to So'Grit la;,;t weal< o attend
!i.t: IUrlC,•'IL1 of IJ.r. l.arMis' ililg•teF,
;'l t'N..h,;.kliIH 2kLb;HlOt'C '.
511"3 5','liQl trod (_}acar Ahl nLt,tl'
(:d li;c (,,.!vt..'" ' 5 11iC¢.!';1/' t::; Sh:L:,
),J!.':],., (.;2 ,"i?. "t:¢'Ll'd ,Hd O!;.'av xmd.,
Irs. F, E. : ,"o',ard has been quite
seriously ill lm ', ,.," time, Dr. Rob-
erts being called . ,,u-nd her Tues-
The Parcel Post Sale was a grea
success, over $14 being netted for
missionary work. All had an enjoy/,
able time, many laughable sales be-
ing made. ltefreshmeuts were served
by the ladics of the community.
Ray Bailey made a trip to town
Tuesday. We like his new auto fine,
but don't you think lm ne&N a new
license plate ?
Gus Hensel, who has been ill for
a long tin]e, ]s still very poorly.
Capt. F. E. Southard called at the
G. E. Hickson home Sunday mornnig.
J. Olscn is erecting a fine new hen
Mrs. J. tt. Johnston and son Ron-
aid, Miss Gulliver, Miss Seamons
and the Hickson family attended tim
ball game between the Shclton high
school and Camp 2 teams at Camp 2
' Sunday afternoon.
Several of the Dayton people had
the hard luck to be cauglt in the
l snowstorm on their way home from
i town Tuesday.
Mrs. J. Morgan and family visited
at the home (ff Mr. and Mrs. Will
Johnston at Skokomish Sunday.
Ole Roman made a business trip
to Shelton Tuesday.
Miss Hildur Cronquist is home for
bar Easter vacation. We are glad to
have her with us for a while.
There will be Easter services next
Sunday at the Sunday school by Rev.
A. Self at 3 o'clock.
"Kelly" says he is going hence,
because if he is to be the next vic-
tim of the wedding bells it is through
no fault of his, but due to its being
Leap Year; and so many fair con-
t,.,stants in the running. Kelley won-
d(rs wbich they ,vant most, him or
the piano he drew at the parcels
post sale.
i ALLY00,
The Selfish Fox, Chicken Little, Small Red Hen
and Three Little Pigs, each ........... 50
Peter Rabbit and Sammy Squirrel, each.. .40
Mother Goose and Her Goslings and
Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes, each.J1.00
Anita Stewart's Songs and Games for
Children ............................ 20
Payson Boy Scouts Series (12 vols.), each. .75
Mary Jane Series for Girls, each ......... 60
Tuck Me In Tales, each .................. 60
The Five Little Pepper Books, each ....... 1.50
Tarzan Books, each ................ ,.. .85
Man of the Forest--Zane Grey .......... $1.90
Uneasy Street--Arfhur Roche ........... 1.75
Cup of Fury--Rupert Hughes ........... 1.75
M/m with Three Names--Harold McGrath 1.75
Red and Black--Grace Richmond ........ 1.60
Rim O' the World--Bower .............. 1.60
Sisters--Kathleen Norris ................ 1.60
Daughter of the LandPorter .......... 1.50
War Lords of Mars--Burroughs.. ....... 1.40
Many Popular Copyrights
Journal Stationery Shop
a luncheon for a few of her little together by smaller cross logs about
five feet from the ground and fas-
school friends. Her friends were
Margaret Zandelt, Marie PaterSon,
Amy Cripe and her sister Dorothy.
Miss Gertrude Reed was a visitor
of Miss Arbutus Cripe Monday,
March 22nd.
Mr. and Mrs. Bunt Williams spent
Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Buding.
• Campaign sarts o Easter Sunday and • continues one week.
Tm Free ,Motion Picture:,shows
, A big feature"The Border Ra"ders" and Christie Comedy.
will appear in her nat;iVl costume,
Special Easter Services in the Churches.
Mrs. Tweedie and daughter Hazel
were ant'attained at Robins' Fiday
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hitchcock and
baby were visitors at Mr. and Mrs.
Will Budding's Sunday afternoon.
Miss Arbutus Cripe went to Ta-
coma Tuesday, returning Thursday
Mrs Frank Raisoni and Mrs. Twed-
(he were afternoon wmtprs at ML IJVING PIONEER TELLS O
and Mrs. John Reed Sunday. FIRST COUNTY SETTLEMENT
Mrs. Zandell and Mrs. ,Reeil were -
afternoon ;eisitors at Cripcs' Monday.:l (Continned from page I)
Mrs. Tweedie and Miss Hazel had been left. These were.taken by
I Tweedie were luncheofi guests of he Indians to Olympia and returned
Mrs. Emil Ericson Saturday after- to the owners.
A house wm obtained arid the
pal'V remained in Olympia until it
was'deemed safe to return to their
I lmmes. A fm't was then built on Mr:
Collins' place between the Squaxon
I nd U;r,' Skoolmm bays, an ideal
],c:,,t;,n}. t,.,'h hanks fuamshed lmlf
ttm fortification. The remaining dis-
:.e,, wa,' ele.:d by a stockade hnilt
.f : 1./,.-; ::. g upright and l,mmd
tened to the upright logs by means
i of wooden pins. Inside this enclosure
double log cabins were built, each to
'accommodate two fmnilies. It was
known as the Arcadia stockade. She
remembered as those protected by
this fort; in addition to the Simmons
family, the families of David Shel-
ton, William Morrow, Jack Morrow,
Alfred Hall, Frank Kennedy, John T.
Scott (father of Harvey W. Scott, at-
tin,yards editor of the 0regonian),
and several bachelors. These com-
prised probably the ant;ire white set-
tlement of Sawamish County (later
renamed Maspn in honor of the act-
ing governor). There was no Indian
arrack'there by the hostiles, and the
friendly Indians did not molest the
homes So hastily abandoned.
On November 13, 167, Miss Sim-
mons was married to John N. Koontz,
Their children are Mrs. John U.
Smittl of Newberg, Oregon, and the
Misses Nettle and Jessie Koontz.
She is living with the last-named
daughters at 1501 First street, Che-
halls, Wash.
The biograpby of a brother, lich-
ael T. Simmons, jr,, was published
i this coluiim on May 16, 1916.,--
lh" E(h,}ond S. ]\\;'l,:'y, Professor of
History, University of Washington.
lIiss Gertrude and :[hby Reed
,were visitors of Miss Anna Tillquist
l Fri(hv evening'.
Mrs. Zandcli was a luncheon uest
of M':. Tweedie 5'l, ond33 ".
3r}'s Allsr ISt I'(tors:m aid 1 fl
"' " . '" t - x ' r
::,,,n (,bathe went to laeolna Sutl(ld,,
i' [" )'HO(;?I.
!':th hh'tl,day I'T(,,I: y g;['i,,m;.n vc:f'.
t i;,, ,.t , ;', , t; I : "l,t,H2 l,,*Ub V, (k:Y.. " ......................................................................
One 6-qt. Convex Kettle with
Cover. "
One 4-qt. Convex Sauce Pan
with Cover.
One 2-qt. Cereal Cooker•
piece. You may purchase indi-
2-qt. Cer_al Cooker: ....... $1,00
2-qt. Coffee Pot ..... $1.oo
8-qt. Dutchess Kettle ..... $1.25
A beautiful piece
One 2-qt. Coffee Pot.
One 6-qt. Dutchess Sauc 'ot.
One 8 qt. Tea Kettle.
One 8-qt. Dutchess Kettle.
One 14-qt. Roll Rim Dish Pan.
Followin are :the pric,es of each
vidu'al pieces.
8-(i{:. Tea Kettle ........... $1125
14-qt. R'oll Rim Dish Pan..$1.25
6-qt,. Convex Kettle ....... $l.25
4-itt. Convex Sauce Pan...$1.00
This is one color Blue Ware, sameinside andout.
of goods, guaranteed first class.
0}" A 1" ',=; 1: !'(;Y,'l Kr lt::; I'CCO VLWG: t
a'|'OI 0 ',:li l,'tceiLb i!i;h:'a:. , r[ ,'
.,tr. ja,,, l',leccl.',el • u2clG {,],c -,ce!: ': .........
elm Lcc.
' .bLr. [J Uil. JohI],,;ou i; ;. [ (.ll ('i i] " t
few (.[-tys ill, Seat, tie.
Otto ttifler was hurt while at work
olzc d,xy ]m.:'C \\;vctk.
!:ir. and iErs: Fed, !,ord vi;;it)d
f:tJen(ls and rh:tives here Nst week,
],,_,,te:" };i(,khi,.:.cr :,pent the wc.'k
eh(l in ,<3eal.tl% \\;,.:here .: aLte•aded titc
auto slow.
2,ir. and Mrs, James ]l]eockex "H:;-
itvd u;, Mrs. r,iatsmfs home h,- l,iili-
Walt i) :!r,t/tay.
We were all zu;:li:;>d to fiud the
ground white with snow on ,tarch,
the 31st, 1920..The ehihh'en were not
cheated out of their snow fights,.this .
winter alter alk
I 1
Eriek Adegard returned home after
a two weeks spent visiting his people
in Seattle :and Tacoma. Now he is
as busy as a bee getting' in hM early
vegctab[cs, Out: good judge is' also
putting iu his garden between sl[ow-
• We are having a "Duke's Mixture".
in the weather line-sunshine, rai,
snow .and hail, and wind for good
measure. It blew so hard today that
it toppled over a pile of wood Mr.l
JMmson had in the hed. Some ' i
for tlis quict spot. wind
h!rs. C. W. Baird was a cMlcr at
Mrs. Hansen's last SmUdgy,
C. W, Ilah'd took his; truck to Allyn
last Thursday on a shopping tour.
G' I}4";/libJ lil() 'OF iL ]t,'w.bt)]'ii(l "lC*i?
-oniy lr,:'ile a few S S S (}It the
road brA. never nm into the brush m:
clinb,q :.,,,;" :x'.mi;n,
Sprirl.:' ;s sure ]'.m'G a,. the S%-
(itif bv)Ts get, our %.,ere Dikrs la,::t,
S;itday tt(t allwcre out for their
spring rides.
With all this changeable weaother
the Stadtum ladies lmve the spring
fever in the line of house cleaning.
Som are papering and during, a
gene(al house cleaning.
Mrs. Win. Cronquist and family
were callers on Mrs. E. Cronquist
one' day last week;
R. F. Johnson was a Stadium vis-
itor last Sunday to see his children.
Charles Seiners still has a crew of
men making lanes and roads to his
lands. We are in hopes he will keep
.the good work going, as the' more
neighbors we get the merrier.
S; Hansen is working on his new'
boat and worldng on his place be?
t"°een times.' i " '[ . . '
Masters Htmk and Adolph Hansen
l ae getting to be 'egular :
[They hauled' wood and also
last Saturday. . '