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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 2, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 2, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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READY FOR THE START of a new season are these members of Shelton's Go-Kart Club, left to right: Ed Johnson, Run Cochran, Russell Krumpols, John Knox, Mark Knox and Mike Knox. In rear are Wally Krumpols and two young go-kart fans. Shelton's Evergreen Go-Kart Club will have its first race of the season April 4 and 5. The race will be run rain or shine at Sanderson Field. Those taking part in the event from Shelton will be Richard Lee Anderson, Ed Johnson, Wally Krumpols, Larry Anderson, Bill Patterson, John Knox, Mike Knox, Ronald Anderson, Leslie Johnson. Drivers from California, Montana, and South Dakota will be going after the first place in the opening race. •~-''.'''''~'''~~'''"'~''''''~''''"''~''~''~'"'''''~'~''~'''''''"'"''''~''''"~~'''~~''''~""-''"''m"''''.~''"''~'''''.'..''"'.'~'''"'~''""'''''''''''"~'~''''~ o Cancer Cure I Cono.n,r.,, nng Results & Statnstncs Surveys have been conducted patients is now being saved. The that the cancer control effort is in ! ~ NCleaner on-Toxic in many lands to find out what doctors tell us that with present jeopardy in two vatal areas-in the ' 100% Bio De-radable IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1" mill newspaper headline people would knowledge it could be one of two need for speedier and more " g IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ most like to see. Almost saved if the cancer is diagnosed in effective application of research --:----=--:-------------------: _-_-_-_-_-_-:_ 11~'2 ~eriJ~rne Ed Riehards 237 SHELTON RECREATION ITT,RA. YONIER ...... GUYS.& DOLLS invariably their choice was: time and properly treated, results to the cancer patient, and or other Shaklee Products I~_-S6fi" r lee : C h uck Women's H Game: L Jan Dale .Men.s .Hi taame: Jerry Mallory & Men's Hi ~ame: Hay ..... ~ice -'1-" "Cancer Cure Found." But the difference between in the development of cancer "--'"" "Go - " Itin~.- 211 Jim Latimer 212 Men's Hi Series: Hay Hice 603 I~'s~.n~t4;10solit Women's Hi Series: Adair NeauMen'sHiSe, ries: Jerry Mallory 594 Women's Hi Game: Rosalie After the tremendous the moon project and the research itself. Lovue or -man_ Je_r'vie~u~t5 26-13. C~.T 535 Women's Hi ~ame: Marge /oblerWarren, Bonnie Benedict 174 scientific triumph attained when scientific war against cancer only To help meet these urgent ,,, ~¢e 21-18;2 - . ~qa~ts. Standings: Hoodsport Lbr. 186 , . . Women's HI" Series" : Rosalie men walked on the moon many points up the importance of needs the Cancer Crusade this rnone ~:¢~^_i0 19, Hndden 32-16; Shelton Recreation Women s H, Series: Marge Tobler Warren 510 .... people as, ked a pointed question: getting our priorities straight. The year deserves greater ~upport than .~z a.a A~ I~ J~Ig~0; =~,KWtths 19-20; 301/2-17Vv Dairy Queen 29-19; NB hUb ...... Standings: 4 of Us 34-1ts; Why can t the same resources be American Cancer Society says ever before, q~O'q)l 7~ h ~S~'-.~ ~ J Servic of Me' 24]/e-23Vz- Rainier ~zanaings:. b ilva t-oxes Rita's 31s/2-20V2- Fireballs 29-23; ~-~.~.~ I$ l~J2,*uuo 15-24e 23]/2-24u,- ~nor~ 9~.'9a. R ~. J 34V2-211/e; Wazerboys 33-23; Straf 281/2-2'3V2; Bullheads devoted to finding a cancer cure? J~i~s°° 2'. Jerry" Tilson Mart 1"71i2'."3~/27 Lucl~y ~L_~ger M.aintenance..30=26; 25V2-26V2; Chantrels 241/2;271/2; The American Cancer Society has . , • , I;& -]" ~, Jim Si,~..~__ 13 ~ csU-Zb; Kayoneztes z/-z~" ~cetaze M klethun Electr c 22-30; Buzztold the nation that we are in a I : d S " ,,hiluM[IS "~-.~. 1 1 ' " ~,~5~7 ?rv,ee 1, Ade NB of Mc 3 Adair Neau 535; A c,es ,26/2-29 /2; Woodb,rds Bombs 16-34. delicate and critical period in the I Iikh,~';,4.U.&. 82, Stan Harpers 1 Giady Adair 447; .-,v2-j,~./2: ........ Buzz Bombs 3, Wayne Wright history of cancer control. TheI IO,-~'-~nullsDouolas Rainier li/2: Sonia Cochran 455; ~...wooomra.s z, ~no.y ~naerson 454; Strof 1, Leo Nault 490; Society has warned that the I !/~ ~0 Haul* ;,%-, SheP^,- n^" ~IF ~',,~M~n /nrrl O//; ~'in t~urlers z, Jean /crape Chantrels l]lz Lionel Leman 560; °" ...... " ............. s--un(t.L Iilltl'~ , Thompson 499. Hoodsnort Lbr 3 Maroaret 467; Stlv.a .Foxes 4, Jerry. Mal!ory Ritas 2V~ Ray R,ce 603; F,reballs leveling off of government I • e., ~laven - ' ~ ' ~ b~" ~cetaze ~ces u, uick u'~etson ' 424 4 of Us 4 ~_1~1~ &.-,-. 2, Dan B,bbee 444; B&J Mart 1, Char ='~: "'ake .... J-'"n Stone 512"0, Harold .., ~...., expenditures for cancer research I I ~l~se~_~J_lmeService Murr 455; Dairy Queen 3 LJl an~L~v~..u~o,.u.,~ ........ , Run Warren, I~,en t~raves ?z~;is placing a heavy demand on the I ! It- ""'--tit b33 I~=l,~ ,~oo , ....,... , .... '~ , ..;.vvateuuuy~ 1, r¢:l~.y /...alll/-UW .Jvf- R,,llhead~ 2 Klaus HoeDTner ~::)l- Manntenance 4 Jim Latnmer 576; D,~ECR,--- Albrecht430 .... ' ...... M,klethun Electr0c 2, Chuck Society for increased research I g~r~:::aIil;l/~t~'~TION " Hayonettes u, Marge .ODler ~Ub. Funkhouser 547. support.At the same time scientists I' nbnnel I .Mary Lou ,.wHOUmSeEWIsVEHSi Game: Marge WOMmENn',SsCO?M~aRmC/ALMarge SUN, DAY NIGHTMLXEdD40~ have frankly indicated the I I~. " " erie Eichnn,, wlzcratt 510 ...... : Men s Hi t=ame: thill uoa ~lil~0t. , """ Women's Hi Series. Ben Brandt WitcraTz ~uu ...... Men's Hi Series: Bill Bond 537difference between reaching for l " ~ _LOaders "~3 ....and DonnaColeman'182 w.omen,_s HI ~eries: Marge Women's Hi Game: Dianne the moon and seeking the I IlJll~al~P~l~I'm I~'~;S~2,,; R a "lra~oc~ ~. Stand nqs Hood Cana Marina Wlt arz. ........ ., o,. Stro. . ..... on uest an er. A. I I~"~=~'~'/z-371/~ .51-21"B& R(")il~f199. Th=~l,-I oto,,~,,,S~: ~,~-,, ..... women's Hi beries: uianne scientific knowledge was available | I~IUII~II I II Jt/'i~-a, Clar- ;.- Mi 9~1/~9"~1/-, E~;',~=~..~Y-~.'"~."~.~-.~ 32V~-191/z" M ng Tree 321k-19V2; Strozvk556 , r-''Ua " r-rlCKSon -- ,-'---. ,. , ,u,,t~ ..~= .a.,,, ' I z " I - " ,.~,atl1. ~, ..... 26-2 • r~ ................. Apex 30/z-21,2;T,mber Bow Stand,n s: Jack Pots 33-15; when the moon project was, I.. )u-- Ir~:~;Shc)n~'"~'y ^LOU W~1¢6; ~-~;;~l~;~.~'~UpIllAl?~.~(J~l/ d~l~lr~/l~ 30-22; Ketlys 30-22; FullersOdd Balz g33-15; Boads 30-18; undertaken. It became a matter of I II~ I l I Irr~JI; L°n~"u2"~~'~ ~+, dackle'/~na Ac'a'~jer~;'";'~9o~'+'12"~nl'/+2;.v.v~rw., ~= vvat=,wu==, 26V~-25V~; L.M. ~26"26;10gdens Farmers 26-22; Force-era, 26-22; applying maximum technology I Ill l I ~? Grocery'~0-28 " ' 25-27; Gotts 22/z-30/2; Cells & Hooters 25-23; Whats Next and effort to the goal-and theI - I~tliilU~.._ Hood Canal Marina 3 Emi Valley 20-32; Pauleys 18V~-331/2; 25-23; Timber Ducks 23-25; The I~,~.=_~m:IAL Phenes 45¢~- R ~.. o ~;, 1 ~'l~; Certified 18-34. Bolerz 21-27; Sun Downers goal was reached even before the I ........... "-" ................. , ,o ~n. Pin ~nott~'r" ,-7 -)1 _..,, IRlr-~7, Perry 237 weaver 422 Walter Drillino 3, L°''~V'- .-.~E .... -o,; scheduled time. I "--: ,Jack - -- iv~ar • " ~'rospectors zz-ou. : $ Stewart584 . ge Wntcraft 510; The Old GRANGE Iz ~tils helton Trailers,M ,.111, I onaV seer 4 59; n' Hi Game" Henry Cook 226 ~cnOdnd,Ba~.,,~..2'o Gr~len, Stepper With respect to cancer, much I ( '~ " ~-nevr waterwheel 0 . . Me ,s . • .... ; ............................ of the scientific information is | ~_30-~ -- on 31-17- , .... ,__ Verna Kolowlnsk~ Men s H Series" Max Makke sen,.,, ~ ...... .~ ,,, ........... ,o still to be discovered and I I}I;XT~'lll/2• ^ ~, ' '~g~" MUnTeFS Tree F=-,~ ,t r~ .... " ,+~- ra/llle/~ ~., vvoylu~= ~ any "+:~o; 4B • I f'~l, I~O I I.I/lll I'1"I UUI IIICI I . I~l/~.,~,; GOtt Oil 9=, ~)~Y Coleman 477; Dean~ ~un ~hnn 9 553 ......... M~tl;,, Force-em 2, Ted Blair 492; unraveled. The innermost secrets I I~_~1.,25.23. "-~;'=~,~; Betty Dean 477. W~-/;~',:;.,T,,%;, women S.2"~I L~ ............. Timber Ducks0, Jack Frost 508 of life processes are involved.I I~l~.[I:~'~;~Oan's ~l'*~~"~'sn O'11 20u.I ..... "~',zw~ ......... Rosalie Warren 46_.9" ........ ""' women'~'°ssmaler'l/°s t-li Series: ...... Iva Cuuk & BoB°adSerz 41, ArtBill PieB°adines 434,537;. JackThe Much has already been found I I~'~'~ 19 "~" L,,-c- 12; MR & MRS HANDICAP Nellie Hossmaler ;/z O^÷~ "~ #-~-=,, W~n¢Z 4 Hn r I "~; 5 ......... ~ .... 92; vote s that s why one of three cancer ~?~1; Lu-,'-- helton Men s H Game. Harold B bbee Stand ngs Agate 33-19; ~ ,~,~ ~,,*~,~ ~ga. Prn~n.rfnr~ 13 ":,~* ,,,uermen s "~ " • II -., ,=,, -,r-~,,,= ~=~, .... ,- ....... , I I~ ~30 Matlock 29-23, Shelton Va ey .~;t.o ~, ,~h.~= /1~1. q,,n Downers ~S0, Da--- • Men's Hi Series: Del Stormo 564 29-23; Pomona 27-25; Southside ~''~la'ar~l'o~te-'~ob~'n 484- Pin ~li/~;Phll ,,~ue_ns.le.y Women's Hi Game: Margaret 22-30; Harstine16-36. .... ..... ~'~ Wolden'sl Makeups I ~llllll~]~"t:~]uy.mr_°elo Bibbee 1,88 Southside 1 Henry Cook 524; or, ..................... , ...... ~~~h~n~s3oSr~ W.p.rnen_s: Hi.Series: Margaret_. Agate 3, Max' Mikkelsen 553; MERCHANTS I er ~IDD~ bb~ Harstine 0, Glenn Yates 375. , - . o s 2, Floyd Sta " • ' Men s H0 Game- Charles White ! ~O~-Iel~Soh2i~ ..... ridings: Tyee Well Drilling Matlock 4, Ralph Simpson 527; ~.~, " Lead Tournament ~;~ ~ R'o'vU~..~_' "~' 681k-43V~;" Lake Cushman SalesPomona 1 Lad Simpson 499" ~'~-.." ..... co,,o, , , ~, .... ,,,, Wolden's lead the men's teamsI ~54(~.,Z~e~n 1, Co. 67-45; Harry's Hoodsport SheltonVailey3, Tom Oason 462. ........... : ............... " and Shelton Makeups the | zr s texaco 66vv45vz; j & j service " - • women s in BPAA bowling | e ~o~.u & ] ~ , . Standmgs. NB of MC 30-14, I~.~:h-~doitoi, 61/~_-50/~ Vons Floor Cover,ngSIMPSON WOMEN'S BOWL Cap to 25-19; Boon's 23-21 competition which continues I ~_"~rt 584:'~ bt-bx; ~-acrett Lumber 58-54. Women's Hi Game" Irene Spoon K0mbel's 2321 Wh0te' ~.,~"e "~:n;,aW~,Olden's Evergreen Florist 54-58 Allyn 197 " P ..... s''~ "~= ;~ - s 22-22; through April 19 at She]tons I ~E n~alct 5 5 - i~ p -'~-"-'; KenecKer s lth-zb;Timber Bowl. I L~,~rl?S=~al .. 29; .hell 45-67L Mann,age Hoodsport Women's Hi Series: Irene Spoon TCt~ 13-31. i[.~rSO7.- v, v erne ~¢-~¢5 40 12-711/2; DICK S uiggers 522 Prepp's 3 R Simpson 533- Wolden's has piled up a 3095 I ~ ) .IU • Stand ngs Lumber 28-16- IBPCapitol 1 ' " ' ~o-' &~J Service 3, Lee Chapman 26-18; Account ng 25-19; Lo;gers Boon's 3, 'GLstrLozyMkC~l-I~c582; total and the Makeups 2994. Next I/A~vU, L~~I I-"~me: ~,.., o; e-vergreen F,orst 3, James22-22: Purchasing 22-22; F. Jackson'529: White's 4, C:in line for the men are Graveyard, |~/ , BAN " I$~,;.~" mark Johnson EI.mlund 434; Lake Cushman Enaineer nn 21-23; Olympic White 544. ~i~k,~'~ n q c~f~e3000; Mr. Mashan, 2946; Bull I , ~,~,,,o,c ~Y*rles: Mark..,~ ~o'~ales Co. 4 Margaret Bibbee 558., 2024- . Resear=ch 12-32. 533-, NBofMC 4, M. Malls .... 520, Moose, 2945 and Fuller I L.Hi r.~ .....nnson ~oacre,tt Lumber 3, Lid.on .Toil Lumber I, Joan Sowers 509; Renecker's0, D. Steney511 Construction, 2909. For the I I4~ " ~ame.. Debbi ~(; La.nnlngs Mooasport LaTe L, Accounting 3 Jane wnite ~/u; LHi e_ .-' e ~._ o /.~iltey 448; Dicks Diggers 1, IBP 2, Jean Hartwell .& Ma.ryLou A car straddling the centerwomen, it's Busy Bees, 2987; I ~eries. . ~u uIson 393; Allyn ~ne, ,~, Wicken 441; Engineering z, li - • ¢I ", ~eries:Debb0e Frank Kowalczyk 494. Tree We Luci,,.. ~'h .... n464; Research 2, ne on a cervematlp-offthat the Fireballs, 2953 and Timber Bowl | Iost °s lin'_s Ins ~-~ ,,~ Drilling 1, Del Stormo'56~l; Von's Irene ~S'Doo~'"522; Purchasing 2, driver may be drunk. One in 50Travel 2946. I .~oor.~ove.ring 0, Vernon Beeson Allene Ste er 463; Loggers 1,drivers are, accordin to the -- ~tl~'ltan~ Trailb~az~,_b; ~;~arry-s Hoodsport Texaco 0,Norene st;PPns 456; Olymp,c 3, Washin ton Traffi~ S I~lr'~"~n .JC's' ~'~ -~ i uecKy bcnreioer 536 Vir-inia Fuller 498 ,-, . .g afety I~,~ II ~ "3-21; " s • Lommtss]on. l ln' ~'~',,oroff Agency -- War I'S '~ ~l~ke ~-,~,norort Ib,.~, ~.. ~lan 376. ~,s Jl 'a~rY._ Stiles 43°' ll ? eu,: Yerrf I~la ,,- s 4, ',-~gnz ~t~la~r~;Sl04' N~a.I White ''..,o,. COMING TO SHELTON AT Of Shelton • 426-2611 17 & 18 ~i!i¸ to all of my friends and customers! ears ion formerly with Shelton Motor Co. is now located at on Mt. View r/ence Ive rv/ce an ic Tune-up I Thursday, April 2, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 11