April 2, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 2, 1970 |
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Frien ip P lrC
B DORA HEARING Mr and Mrs. Warren Hunter and family, Mr. and Mrs Paul By CODG BROOKS members are returning from brother's Willard Robinson of .~e..
i " f II " lea . "' ~ • "r~.~ " I --Complete Ha,r Care r,es ~ I Bus__AFilHreoPtlealCses Tours
uaTLOCK Friendshin Niaht son, Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCroy Rossmaler and three sons, JamesPiONEER-PIoneer P.T.O. various journeys throughout the Alderwood Manor and then left ". -'~.
• .... -- r "~-- . r " XC 've .... '
.~u be at Matlock Gra-,,e this and farmly, Mr. and Mrs. Gut3 Rossmaler and two daughters ofe uti board meets tonight at 7 world. The Ed Dahlgrens are for home via Jim and Iris Cook s
~~ah~i ~:!i ~fl ~a S, ~dO f~i ~£i0~. ~MLor~! ~ !flr @. ~i~o,~df~t!! ,a~!~i ! i! ~i~mleltl h e it !!i o~i~ if! iil i~trU~i home from an extended African at Eatonville.
• ': .... ~ sojourn. While Mr. and Mrs. Marg s sister, Julia May and three
a Rettig visited in Arizona the Ted neices, Mariella, Verna and Linda
Slodeks went on to California and Robinson have just recently
¢,t~nieh thp,,f,,~hments Mrs. Gone Rossmaier and fam" y, hostess, Mr. and Mrs.L d . . ith the general body on into Old Mexico. Lillian and returned from a trip to Trinidad.
"~"Mr"s'"~/i'nifre~(!" Cart 'and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Sharp andRossmaier. meeting at 8 P.M. in the school Charlie Robinson have also Mrs. May, who left the States last
~i~o? returned to their Timber Lake November, had been visiting with
AZiteg pT fmte° n Shelt°tnhS at. LilliwauP tfOr;pp?~.?l.oC~:g~ngf, home after three months ofher son Jerry Evans and his
o va c ationing. Perhaps April family. The Evans had spent three
..... " ..... ' " . Because of conflicting schedules NARCE meeting is more properly years at that location and have
Mr. and Mrs. L. r. ~SOOK OI ~ llef • ~ •
Montesano were Easter SundayLIPIIItPa~IPIPIIIIP1 t.i Slnle the monthly meeting may be termed,, "a welcome home just been assigned to a field in
,=ww m ==vm" " = '~= •,v v
dinner" guests at the Kenneth ....... ~ ad anced from Tuesday to members . Egypt. Mr. Evans is an engineer
Howard home, ~kfe eAelh~ j~a~mm i|l." m~ wednesday for this meeting only.The Picketing Homemakers with an oil company. The girls,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Andderson IlDIIII I1~ ml~mqb II/llV~ Notices will go home with theClub will hold its April meeting who left in January have brought
........... children so be advised of the April 9 at noon. Potluck lunch home many interesting items of ARE i
ann son Al[rea oi rort urcnaruBy VlVIEN OLSON
were Easter Sunday dinner guests ............. here approximately twenty yearsproper date• April's program will will be served at 12:30 P.M. African handicraft, a varied
of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. . L.I L L l W A ur- lom ann ago following his retirement from be "Know Your P.T.O. Past, followed by the business meeting, assortment of collector's rocks
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hopkins ~athie Llngafe!ter drove up Irom the Seattle Police Department. Present and Future." Current project underway are the and a travelogue of movies and
and children, Greg and Pare, of tserKeley, Lal!L.aurlng sprl.ngHis friends are happy to see Ray April is "Circus Month" for styling of various household slides•
Tacoma were Friday dinner guests vaca~,!on, to visit their respectlVetamules in ~eattle March z I they back on the road to recovery after the area s Cub Scout troops. Dens decorative items such as magneticTeresa and Nell Walker of ~ ii~i
of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry. . . ." ......... extensive hospitalization and 4, 5 and 6 will present skits at the sponge owls, parrots, etc. The Bayshore spent Wednesday
came tOT a visit wlm hamle s • • A ril 27 ac meetin i h club is also preparing for their through Saturday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Lea Bozarth and ........... surgery th~s past winter, p p k g w t that
grandparents, the LOn weons, oI e
.... nd Dem, of Da,,ton were . .. . th me in mind. Refreshments will annual rummage sale to be held in their sister Mrs. Paul (Gloria)
~~eli:i~~ii ~~ii~il ~lli~ii iii~ii!?iiiiiiii!!~~!i October and would appreciate KensworthyofBainbridgelsland.
any donations of clothes or Friday the children enjoyed a trip
miscellaneous items. For further to Seattle's Woodland Park.
information please call AnneFriday Mrs• Grace Taylor of
Wheeler at 426-4073 or Marg Vancouver B.C. arrived to spend
Friday at Pacific Beach clam mr'" anD" ......... mrs rranK morris ol " " " Jones at 426-6909. Easter with the Walker s. ii
m,,,~.,, " " On The Sundeck the Scout program. Spring vacation found many Bremerton schools are Spring
--bb,-e.mrs Jean" Ator ann ..... ~amny ann Olympia,, who, like. the Webbs. c ......... lne star ooaraers are dUCK in There are a limited, number, of of the area's families visiting with vacationing this week and
hadn t seen the Lln afelters sm e
oeam Di-~le and LeRoy Valley " " ' ge er 1968 iact ....... mey've been OaCK a wnue~"" Girl. Scout Cookies still, available friends and relatives. John and accordingly its ,"to Grandma s
their marrta e In Dec mb
u e g . ' " so if anyone would like a box or Sally Cook and family took Marg house we go.' Annette and
were Easter dinner g eats at th .... . ..... '~':--work Spotted the first lovely . .. r^_ .~^ , ....... ~ ...... u
........ me rresenuy lom is t.;oitnpletllqg .... two ,u~ t.~ ,cc~ w~a~ ~a, Cook to Woodinville for a Barbara Doehring are so spending
~awaru vauey no .... era de Tee in Chemical b r o n z e, r u o y t h r o a t e u ..............
on a mast g . irene t.,OldSOy 'Cad-tarO or t.oag weekend stay with Willard and his their time with Grandparents
Mr and Mrs. LeRoy Boothe ....... v-re-"'" ofhummingbirds on March 17 .........
• engmeenng at the uni e ~ty " t~rooKs'¢zO-IZ,40, family. While there they learned Alice and Bernie Luhrs of
arts sons, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy ~-'*----':~ ~t ~erkle" Before long they were joined byT ........ :.. ,~.~ mTr~
. CmatoH,a o , j .... ~-y to ~tuV m t,~ rw~ that Will plans to return to his Spencer Lake.
Bridges and daughter and Mr. and .~ u~t.t. .... -'~o *~-ot ~ "air all their friends and relatives, and ^..~:,...: ............ ,...
.............. Mid. wvuu ~,l-,o~.a t..a a v ....... auuitoiiuiii tunny i~.u tiahc interrupted 12 year Army career.
Mrs. iyier t~ootne all Ol aoutn of ........ "r~ the sunuecK is once again alive "v nt .....
........... ruoy trtroatea humming m us .... aa a age oi the many nne He will be assigned sometime this Men often make up in wrath
uena, rtarvey ~mgleton~ mrs. J. " e" with the buzzing ot wings, and• .
.......... have taken up residence at th lr . . . articles available at the Agate week. The family enjoyed an what theywantinreason. NORTIISIDE BAPTIST CHURC :,!l
K. ~mgleton ann Mr. an~ mrs. home, arrived there March 20,darting, small bodies. And the Grange rummage sale early Easter dinner at Marg s -W. R. Alger
rlernert l~renmeyer Jr. analamlly .... us "her birds demands tot more and more and ........"- -• II Igl gn / t[B USINESSI:S >
...... s's along With numero ot . . . ;, lne ladles win De on amy
were l~aster ~unaay droner gue t more red syrup And the swauows .., ,~ ........
.......... nvalescin " . , until 3 r.m. lne orange s WeeKly
o~ mr. ann MrS. 1. L'V rora.em er t.o g arrived en masse. Already tlaey, re cord,, v'art", wit', o~'e'"~,. =,-' ...,,,'~'~a v ,,,.,,. ~ ~ Mason Counfy
Mr. and Mrs. ern R sb g Ray Stockdale was released looking over their old locations ........
and family and Beaulah Gowan of from the hospital in Olympia onan d, h opefully, finding thems~narp ~t~atufaay^ e vemngt m, t~ne f'#~" v~n~ n n ~1 "~'~'-'-~ ~
o,e,~on ....r. a ..... Sunday and is now convatescmg good. Ann vast Vees Olwlld geese .........
meeting ot the Agate orange is
Brehmeyer and son, and Mr and
• at his Lilliwaup beach home. Mr. flying high and noisily, wing their .......................
Aplll lu at o r iv~ lit the rlHll &n
Mrs. Mike Brehmeyer and son Stockdale is a long time resident way northward. It s spring, it's .... " " . • "~ _
lnteresnng program Is pJannea tW ~.~ ~~-~~~
were Easter dinner guests of Mr. of the community. He moved out spring, it's spring .............
and Mrs. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. Lecturer I~isle Panner wai.
After noon drop-in guests were South$|d Members of the N.ARCE will
Mr. and Mrs. Chester lverson. ~ meet April 8 at 2 P.M. in the PUD
There will be a special speaker ........ auditorium. On the agenda will be
at 7 P.M. at Matlock Community PI~,.~ :>eta Meetlna for the summer organization of the Auction Service ' n Contracting .
v ='~ clubspotluck dinners Several
Church this Sunday night. Re. __ .n _ _ _ . . n Complete I |CUSTOM QUALITY BUILDING. I
John Cook is aMissionaryfrom April O At bchool , i PLANN,
I Farm Sales- ECluiPment Sales I ICOMPLETE BLUE PRINTS" I
Korea and is with a group child r ---- ~-- / --
evangelism fellowship. ByMRS. RAYKRATCHA and R. Chris is in the Army and is :.uaems I 'me I I Michaeld. ByrneBldg. Co. I
ThereforWiilchildrenbe a gOOdat newSthe S O U T H S 1D,E- Sout hside stationedMrs. Verneat DaNang,schu ffenhauer,Vietnam" C~ m1~ I!~ I ~f~m" • i~1 . GARY LEAVITT II II 426-6435 Jl
385 1517 Port Townsend BONDED AND LI CENqED
ra,ly p T O will hold its meeting April EMOOEL,NO ABIN
Skokomish Grange Hall Saturday 6" "ai 7 "30 P M in the Nancy, Rod and Carol and Mr. -w ....r .....
at 2:30 P.M. All children who Multi-Purpose room " and Mrs. Lee Schuffenhauer took~ -- • •
want to go should be at M.M. Talent night is on top for Christine. Thompson to thetests mere Auto Glass i Drugs
Knight school at I 30 P M entertainment so ever one comeSea Tac Airport Saturday to see
• : • • " , y " Juniors at Shelton High I I I --Helena Rubinstein
Parents are welcome, and make it a big night, her off. School have recently completedI Expert Installation I I --_ . ..
Fifty-two guests attended theSelected as one of two Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer,the Iowa Tests of Educational " I I --v'rescrlptlons n )
I I I --Hypo-AOlergic Cosmetics
Easter Sunday reunion of the rincessesduringAFS weekwas Rod and Carol, Easter Sunday Develo ent e p Fishermen s Clu
p • • . pm . Thse tests attem_t j JIM PAULEY, INC. I I
C,m n .,r.r omea.re eac u en, , ::::::::::: :: : : ::::*
Grange HailSunday. Theywere Southside. Kamilche. has achieved, in 9 different areas, [ 5th&Railroad Ph. 426-82311 [Sth&Franklin Ph. 426-3327 P':
Mrs. Christine Thompson, M r. a n dM r s. A. O. as a result of 11 years of ..... day
[ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Schuffenhauer Saturday evening schooling. The tests are given Fro :" .
km ' t' Schuffenhauer eftsaturdayf rvisitedMr.andMrs.Verneannua yt highsch juni rsinAut Radiat rs I Fl°°r C°verings i UbNeDS&t 'uYi ~Y:A Pr~ ~--~i
~111••~1~1~ I Ig~ I Waikiki, Hawaii to spend a week Schuffenhauer, Nancy, Rod and many schools across the nation. | --Repaired and Rod Out I I BS V~: JE97Oy LARSON
__ = , ,o, oeo ,. .I0,t.
~, "~ FROM I Mrs' T" West°n and children use the sc°res °n the tests bec°me I--B°dy & Fender Repairing I I --Ti.e --Formica i
~J, ~ I ....... spent three days on Whidbey more meaningful, as a broad base I and Painting I I '
REX FLOOR COVERING ovid's Episcopal Ch
~.... I Mental Health Island lastweek, is established from which to I (behind Kimbel Motors)
• ll lltlL I a~ _ --. ILl .... Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred measure. Thus, the scores
t 4 t Voew Oh 426 2292
..... I roup ntum¢s Stuck who came Saturday night provided by the tests indicate I 707 S let 426-360 1 I - " St.-D
n • n • I Members Mrsf°r EasterRlchardSUndaYKlein wereand daughterMr" and hOWcom SheltOnare wit schoolsot er and students ' ..... Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington ~i~ • •
n I . " • p • h h schools and
lmn,lmm I A new staff member and four of Edmonds, Mr. and Mrs. Charles students across the nation Auto Repairing n Income Tax Service ~ •
new board members were recently McCauley of Tacoma, Mr and Information of this tvne is helnfui I --Brakes--Maj°r Overhauls& Ignition II . . . The Church7i::3salA.ways open for meditation andni(
"THEFAMILY I added to the Thurston-Mason Mrs. James McCord and Children forschoolnersonne(inevalua~'in, I I I ExpermncedAsslstance ;? f~l
DRUG STORE" Community Mental Health of Tacoma, Mr and Mrs Lonnie the total ~ ro am as well as | --Welding & Tune-ups I I o Prices Reasonable
o,u~ I " Pgr I Special Winterizing I I e8"0Oam to 8.00pm 9:30 a.m.1! 0ChUA.t',sH°;y C°dTA.mdU~l;.°;ible C
Center. Stuck and sons of Federal Way, specific subject areas Students ~ :00 .M.--Dovone Worsh,p ~ 1
th Y~r sk~wrent our to e wn nere~a~PiYnm I Wayne. Payne. is. now working Mr. and. Mrs. Richard McCauley. likewise, become more aware of I 219 So. 1st 426-1212 I I " ' ~l
~l~e~'own as ar~vnedeu~ Ias psychiatric social worker for and children of Hoqulam, and their areas of stren~h and ED'S SERVICE Phone 426 4900
~nWn~ere~llecYaud6I the Center.and l sassignedto the Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Russell weaknesses, and hopefully are
• ,!
Deserve tnos name oecauseI ~ilaeltonaistrict iota ruu aay per Stuck and Mr. ana Mrs. Merle ~.o.,o. ~s.to,~._~u~..~..o~...**.o c_,Lran,u ,.L__LU nurun Chur
i B:::d .................. v ............ Beauty' ,Masonry ' W HOR ii :iiiiid'i i i3 0 t ?m?
whether l[ s urr,=tr,¢rmg I we,'k Elected An th, glAIIAt..' 't, o m=. A,,f
i' ................ ,.,~,,v,,=~ =,,, ., Iuture
Gnr~ ;:~tLnTO~go~rnL::,aDd Ka:l. ShelYoSnt;rofQ;ell?ingh(form:l~loy =~ co4ilrdcord kfep~hoenr::~l~d ;re | --Wigs-Wiglets-Switches | | -- Brick and l
your childreP potentm.lly. I Tom Knox. nursing Norman Rogers called the fu,'*h,.r .... ~h~.lfon ~,-h,~,q~ ;,~ *h,, I --Merle Norman Cosmetir, I I --Block Work
~~~a~L%_L°c~e_t I ................. * ...............................
At metr March meeting me wetmore s ann wanted Ed
~ncl-, it,s also true I .... past have scored well above the I --Free Demonstrations I I i
doctor'sIthatit takes your.d°ct°r's. uoara approved a plan for Wetmore to be pall bearer. While. n_..~tinn~l......... av~ ..... --¢,--- ...in ....M1 ....-th ...... ...~..~ i ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON | | MASON'S MASONRY Christian Worship, Fellowship, Education, S¢~;
~riptmnto I housing the future Mental Health Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wetmore were in t..,,.A
~t,P"~l~om~rC~ [ Center in a Community Health Bellingham last Sunday, Monday .... In" addition to the Iowa Tests L 6th & Laurel 426-45821 I Phone 426-2278 Kenneth oR bmson, Pnstor ~
department. ,=,no, It'S alSO true I ........... - - ,-- - .... .
hth'at ' n f teenier wmcn would De nuilt ]n ann luesday they visited ~a sof uc i l n
t a we carT hu dreds o , Ed at ona Develo~.ment,
items.that. are necessary, for connection with and adjacent tosister and Mrs. Wetmore-s many other tests are ~,iven Bicycles-- . Refrigeration Service
• t he new Thurston County brothers and relatives, throuehout the year as hart oTthe I New and Re-Built | I Domestic and Commercial
~surew~mwmcnwearel Courthouse. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha total'testing program'Some of I Factory Trained Mechanic I I 20 Years E.xperience United Methodist C urcbli
gtacl to serve you. . . " .
'aa °e s r L ° U'here, at yourl Some of the Board membersVlS,ted Mr. and Mrs. John these tests include intelhgence I CompteteUneofNewPartSand Accessories I I 24 Hour Serviee GandKin~Streets
~e, to be of servi(~e to I are in the process of writing a Cookson and Jackie Sunday tests, reading tests, interest tests I C, WAN¢,nlU'¢ o, o I I CARL'S REFRIGERATION REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Minister
you andyour family. I program for application for a forenoon, and several college entrance tests I en 7 d | I S RV CE . 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services i
Op aye week, 8 a.rn.-9 p.m.
I construction grant. Reports were " I 3 blo¢k~eaaSt of Airport Grocery on I I Phone 426-8537 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages -- 6 p.m. yolJt~
U=.*Jl. ~L ..... I given on the recent meeting of .- .............. - .... -_ ........................ - ............ -_-_- ..... -- ~prig a ~one426-4989 l i , ,
lUNI • rNIllm~ I local agencies with Western State | ! ~ ~
.......... - I Hospital staff. Plans were also I . , I Building Supplies , FlentalService '
n announced for a Crisis Clinic | A ~ll ~,- ~ ... I I --Sherwin-Williams I I Almost AnythingAnywhere J MT. OLIVE LUTfI|UN Cfll ~
Fifth & Frlnklin St --426-3327
Fift~~St,--4~_~-3~71 workshop for which arrangements | /Yl t~ I I I U/Y I I Paints-Carpets-Wallpaper I I Bulldozers- Loaders- Pumps | MISSOURI SYNOD Hi
O~ ~_"y ~::30 .toT-~O J were being made by Mrs. Dean I # ~ I --Complete Building Supplies I I Folding Banquet Tables I
Saturdays-- ~h30 to 6:00 I Clabaugh ~ ~ | ~Plastering & Supplies | | & Chairs, Hospital Beds, Etc. | 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C. ZSCH(
" [ .... ! SUNDAY, April 5, 1970 Divine-¢ #
~ IS a Very Precious Possession. I Nye Co. Building Supply I I "EW RENTS I
Free Delivery "" " 7
"' ' " I 7
Preserve it Forever with a Theme: 'THE NIGHT AMAN WRESTLED
Memorial Marker. . ,--, ._ I , Famous KNAPP Shoes I ~"
I n n SM-Test * Dress * Casual | ~--
n *Ex " II spo.ts * wo, I
/i i | cavatJng || M@r~'s---Women's--Children% | First Baptist Chur
I Ph .... ~__ I I Don Anderson Joe Knight I Fifth & Cota Sts. R0v. Jorry Larson, TH.M. "
II Se!ect ?he °LJJ Rhododendron ;i I "'~.., ,,, ,,.. ... ., ! L ,,°i, eq261289 l [ 426-229~ 4,26-1080 | Sunday, AprilS, 1970 [~or."~
II varieties ... FREE... when you II I | 8:30 & 11:00 a.m. "SHALL NEVER I .... _,
!1 add $50 to your present account Ill I -- I Chain Saws I PERISH" John 10:26-30 I Btu;
nd Is A0r Ra01 Steamship
II or start a new $100 savings /i I ~ _ _ A/I ~I~/_ _ ~. | I Newa Used--Renta II -- " - "- 9:30a.m. Bible School /K
~ZTmt i 1~ [ ~ i I OregonChains&Accesso I I -- - . 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups I, ,n
account. 7:00 p.m. "THE GIFT NO ONE [ ~,
ace I Small motor tune-up & repairs I I No Extra Charge for Our Service ,,
Hours 8 a m to 6 p m dady
t | per family, please.) , :. • .... I I ..,.. Tr,vel Res. Center - - SEEKS 4.
for a complete Selection. 12215 Olympic Hwy. N.,426.46391 1426-8272 426-4134 SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF (
1521 Monroe St. MIson ~i'Ot
i ~~ ~( | Your selection made now will I Concrete" I .TV Service -
I --Ready-mix Concrete | I --Radio - TV Sunday School ..........................
~J~aoa'~ ~,~'~J [ insure placement prior to ! I --concrete Culverts & Blocks m I -Phonographs Morning Worship ........................
I --Sand, Gravel, Brick & Stone | m CB 2-way Radio Christ's Ambassadors .....................
SHELTON -- First & Railroad. 426-8211 ¢ • • • I ~-~ •
I --Fireplace Screens & Tools II Evangelistic Service ......................
Home Office: Olympia I Memorial uay. '!
| GRAYSTONE of SHELTON |m LEROY'S TV SERVICE Wednesday-- Family Night ..... ........
o,...,._ on--no- v.ooo l ......... ............................................. V i ,ew so . :o0 0
Paqe !4 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 2, 1970