April 2, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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Lake Cushman
Are Bac
Recent Trip To Hawaii
home again for the Sandvigs, to
the evergreen trees, the 40 - 50
degree temperatures, pale-faced
people (wearing clothing), and
the familiar sights and sound of
cushman in the spring!
Our visit to Hawaii, the 50th
state, a group of islands so
interesteing and colorful,
inhabited by a people
"thoroughly integrated", all
.shades of tan and brown, but all
speaking a language understood
by everyone, these are
"Americans", a friendly and
beautiful people, an experience
we shall never forget.
A most pleasant trip, coming
in over the blue, blue waters, the
white surf, the green hills and
huge, modern buildings. Being
met at Honolulu airport by our
son and family, all dressed in
colorful, casual Hawaiian
attire-with "'leis" to drape
around our necks-a lovely island
The only display of
impoliteness or discourtesy we
experienced was shown by the
tourists. I believe the first words a
child in the islands learns must be
to express friendly greetings or
sincere thankfulness.
There are no words to
describe the beauty of the
islands-the flowers so abundant
and sweet-scented, the birds so
haPPY they sing day and night,
the warm, breezy climate, the vast
fields of sugar cane and pineapple,
the range lands with herds of
cattle and horses, the beaches,
valleys and mountains.
Meeting "old timers", the
Hawaiian lady, who is a teacher of
the songs, dances and customs of
ancient Hawaii. The old
gentleman with a beautiful
French name, but who is
Portuguese, French and Hawaiian,
and who used to work in the
sugar cane fields. The
Chinese-Hawaiian who was born
and raised on the island of Maul
who entertained us in their homes
and showers us with true "island
Hospitality". The hotels and
"cottages" are beyond compare,
with orchids awaiting you when
you check in to your rooms.
The Hawaiian foods are best
appreciated when you know what
should be eaten with what! We
thoroughly enjoyed "poi'" when
baked in an exotic pie, but not
just as poi. The fresh ~fruits are
truly one of the "Hawaiian
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You might easily be tempted
to stay on the island of Oahu, as
there is so much to see and do,
but our flight by colorful and
friendly "Aloha Airlines" jet
"funbirds" to Maui, the valley
island, and Kauai, the garden
island-being met by friends and
getting a "personal" tour of the
islands was a rewarding
experience. From Waikiki Beach
on Oahu, to the 10,000 ft.
summet of the dormant volcano,
Haleakala, on Maui-from Makaha
Beach and the pounding surf to
the lush green Hanalei Valley on
Kauai-this is Hawaii!
The young people who may
have the opportunity of going to
the islands are most
fortunate-there is a wealth of
beauty, history, legend, fun and
"fantastic everything" that calls
for youthful vigor in order to
enjoy it all
Spring starting March 13, has
been so mild and bright we've
changed our minds about it being
an unluck day.
Easter-Spring vacation took
the Jim Deans to Bellingham to
visit Mrs. Warnholt and to attend
the wedding of Carol's niece, Miss
Cindy Boice.
Susan Rollevson came home
from Vancouver B.C., to spend
the Easter holidays with her
family, the Don Rollevsons.
Debbie Rollevson decided to
remain in Seattle and work during
her spring vacation from the U. of
The Dick Endicotts were
joined by the Frank and Oliver
Gray families for an Easter
Sunday dinner. "Pop" Gray is
always an important part of these
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Tweed are
spending a three weeks vacation
in California, with a "special
visit" with the Larry Bertholfs
and the new little granddaughter
in Glendale. Wayne Tweed will
report this month for duty with
the U.S. Navy.
The Lynn Jensens spent on
day at Snoqualmie Summit, but
found that it was actually "water
skiing", so abandoned the sport
and visited friends at Alpental.
They spent the remainder of the
vacation with the with the L.M.
Newmans at their Willapa Valley
The Dick Laneys are
beginning another basebaU season.
Dick is managing the "Minors",
one of the little leagues from
Hood Canal. Patrick Laney plays
in the "Coast" league, and the
Laneys as a family really "get
involved" with baseball, in fact,
there are only two seasons for
them, either baseball or
The Sid Andersons had a
family Easter dinner at their
home. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Watson
came over from Olympia. Dale
Anderson spent the spring
vacation with the Watsons.
The "cannon fire" at intervals
during the night, is coming from
the Lake Cushman golf
course-the noise making machine
is intended to discourage the elk
from taking over. A few golfing
enthusiasts are playing on the new
course, although it will not open
officially until later in the season.
The level of Lake Cushman
looks pretty sad for this time of
the year, especially for the
coming fishing season, but
weather changes fast up in this
country, and theres a good chance
of the level raising before opening
Lake Standstill has been
"spilled" into Lake Cushman and
the trout transplanted into Lake
Cushman, having grown to the
required size. Lake Standstill is
now being filled again in
preparation for the "planting" of
the next crop of fingerlings.
There's a good chance that a
drunk has the wheel if it appears
that a car moving in traffic has
been in a recent accident. Signs of
this may include lights pointing
up, down or sideways, a steaming
radiator, visible body or fender
damage, a wobbly wheel or flat
tire, and loud scraping noises
from objects dragging which may
be throwing off sparks.
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JOHN TEMPLE OF SHELTON sits in his 1911 Model T
Torpedo Runabout, which will be one of three local cars on
display at St. Martin's Capital Pavilion April 3-6 in a joint
fund raising effort for St. Peter Hospital in Olympia.
Sponsors are the Olympia Horseless Carriage Club and St.
Peter Hospital Auxiliary. Other Shelton owners who will have
their cars on display are AI Wacjgoner, with his 1927 Hudson
Sedan and Howard Austin with his 1922 Dodge Roadster.
Good News Club Rally
Planned For April 4
SKOKOMISH-The annual
Good News Club Rally for Mason
County will be held April 4, at
2:30 P.M. at the Skokomish
Grange Hall. The speaker will be
John Cook, Missionary to Korea
under Child Evangelism
Fellowship. There wilt be a good
program and anyone is welcome
to attend as well as members of
the Good News Clubs.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger
droveto the ocean Saturday,
wherethey dug their limit of
clamsat Ocean Shores. They
noteda lot of oil on the beach,
whichwas unpleasant to walk in.
Martin Smith accompanied by
his sister made a trip to New
Brunswick, Canada via Canadian
National Railway and say they
have been snowed in since their
Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley Jr.,
of Prince George, B.C., and
granddaughter Tammy of
Alderwood Manor were Easter
guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Valley. Other Sunday
callers at the Valley home were
Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Crowell of
Satsop and Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Crowell of Montesano.
Stanley Hunter of Seattle
spent the Easter weekend with his
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mr. and Mrs. Aden Johnson
and family spent the Easter
weekend with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Arthur Johnson. Other
guests Saturday were Mrs. John
Laramie and family of Hoodsport.
Mrs. Edith Bray of Union was
a dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Bob Bearden Easter Sunday.
Mrs. Nancy Myers and family
of Port Angeles, Mr. and Mrs. Bud
west and family of Gig Harbor
spent the Easter weekend with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Deyette
enjoyed having their families and
grandchildren home for Easter
Sunday dinner. Those from out of
town were Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie
Deyette and family of Seattle, Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Anderson and
family of Montesano, Mr. and
Mrs. Ricky Deyette and family of
Potlatch, Mr. and Mrs. Buzz
Mikesell and family of Quinault
and Mrs. Edna Hunter. During the
afternoon the grandchildren
enjoyed an Easter egg hunt.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Evans and
family of Lacev had Easter dinner
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Archie Vaughn.
4 H.P. Rotary rdler
Tills 26" wide, up to 8" deep.
Forward & reverse gears. Reg. $179.95
19" Rotary Mower
Regularly $59.95
.407 S. 1st
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Dugger
were dinner guests Sunday of Mr.
and Mrs. Don Pavel of Lower
This Friday evening
Skokomish Grange makes the trip
to Matlock for a "Friendship
Meeting". Skokomish is to bring
the literary program. We are
hoping all members will make an
effort to attend.
Erratic and unnecessary of
brake lights can be a clue that an
intoxicated driver may be ahead.
Motorists who drive defensively
take note of excessive brake use,
and make proper allowances in
following distance.
3 Bi0
Teenage Features "
"The YOung, The
Evil & The Savage,,
Debra Ann Twidwell of Star Route 1, Box
51B, Shelton, won the first week's $10 prize
for selling the most NEW subscriptions to the
Journal in this newspaper's annual
subscription contest. Four more $10 prizes
will be awarded in coming weeks.
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 2, 1970
Tim Allen
633 Arcadia
Doug Anderson 1521 Summit
Lori Asche
Rt. 3 Box 450
Vern Bailey
Rt. 3 Box 347
Sharlene Barren
Rt. 2 Box 260
Jill Bergeson
Rt. 2 Box 25
Tammi Blackwell
Star Rt. 1 Box 47
Larry Bradley
629 Fairmont
Blain Burgess
1103 Fairmont
Brian Chambers
Rt. 3 Box 365
Doug Christensen
1316 W. Harvard
Alan Clark
123 Moore
Cecelia Clark
519 Grandview Ave.
Robbie Coker
Rt. 1 Box 191
Jeff Coleman
303 Kineo
Tim Cress
805 Turner
Diane Crow
2122 Island Lake Drive
Lenny Crume
Rt. 3 Box 334A
Kenneth H. Drake
P.O. Box 313, Hoodsport
Virginia Ann Dundas
Rt. 3 Box 400
Liana Ford
Rt. 2 Box 908
Sandra Frary
224 South 12th
Debbie Frost
2018 Ferry St.
Gail Fuller
1617 Center
Joni Gibson
505 South 8th
Sheri Goodburn 1919 Hay
Gene Greenfield
634 Dearborn
Carrie Lynne Hawley
1805 Jones Road
Dan Hergert
529 Birch
Kevin Hopper
2214 King St.
Kirby Hopper
2214 King St.
Doug Howard
204 East C St.
Greg Hunter
Star Rt. l Box 76
John Hurst
127 Roosevelt
Mark Hurst
127 Roosevelt
Jack Jensen
Cushm No. 1 Hoodsport
Dalmy Johnson
818 So. 14th
Dave Johnson
818 So. 14th
Debbie Johnson
818 So. 14th
Kevin Johnson
922 Kineo
Sharon Johnson
Rt. Box 378
Ed Jones
Rt. 2 Box 304
Julie Kamin
Rt. 3 Box 490A
Paul Kamin
Rt. 3 Box 490A
Cheryl Lylme Kelley
Rt. 1 Box 169
Dan Kempton
223 West H. St.
Mike Kratcha
Rt. I Box 233
Karen Kytta
626 Grandview Ave.
Gene Lanman
1130 E. Fairmont
Doug Lane
Rt. 4 Box 20
Trudy Lindberg 1126 Laurel St.
Debbie Lisoskie
920 N. 7th St.
Diane Look
Star Rt. 2 Box 8
Brad Lowe
227 W. Laurel
Jeff McGee
1819 King St.
Scott Metzler
P.O. Box 90
David Mirka
534 Ellinor
Gary Mirka
534 Ellinor
Terri Mirka
534 Ellinor
433 Ellinor
626 W. Pine
Scott Myers
1316 Mason
Eve Nelson
Star Rt. 1 BoX:
Lori Nelson
Star Rt. 4 Bo~
Belfair, Wn.
Ryan Orme
806 So. 14th
Bonnie Pitts
245 Isl. Lake l)t.
Rusty Pleines
1112 Cota
Jean Alan ProutY
1519 Center St.
Joe Rae
Star Rt. I
Brett Remsbe~
729 Cota St.
Kay Roller
Rt. 3 Box 489
Kirk Scoles
1220 BayvieW
Rt. ! Box
Ted Simmons
818 So. 10th
Mike Speece "
301 East B St.
John Stewart
925 Olympia
David Sushal~
Rt. 2 Box
P.O. Box 65
Mike Thomas
Rt. 2 Box 41
Debra Ann
Star Rt. 1
Carll Ann
627 Dearbo#
Teri Weaver
P.O. Box