April 2, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 2, 1970 |
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MRS. GERALDINE WATT, left, PHN, Thurston-Mason
County Health Department, presents a check which is a
sizable portion of the money raised for a new wheel chair for
Daisy Rigg, center. The Easter Seal Society for Crippled
Chilren and Adults of Washington contributed the money.
On the right is Mrs. Joni Gallagher, coordinating aide at the
Multi-Service Center, who coordinated the fund drive. Mrs.
Gallagher said more than enough money to purchase the
wheel chair has been donated. Any money left over will be
used to purchase some other items for Mrs. Rigg. Miss Sherry
Lubin, a representative of the Easter Seal Society in Seattle,
came down for the check presentation.
Canal Women's Club has added
another project to their
organization, that of sponsoring a
new Boy Scout Troop. A meeting
was held last Thursday and several
of the local fellows listened to
speakers representing the Scout
Council. The following Scout
committee was formed with
Chairman Tom Connally,
Committee members Mick
Simmons, Fric Tokar, Jim O'Neil
and Ken Connally. Scout Master
John Dorn, Assistant Scout
Master Mike Kirk and Bernie
Young. These noble gentlemen
will be holding a meeting, to
establish dates for a film showing
at school on scouting and meeting
with the parents. For more
information you may call any of
the above fellows.
Happy Hunters
A great time was had by all at
the egg hunt last Sunday and even
enjoying it more than the kiddies
were the members of the Lions
club and the firemen who had the
pleasure of handing out the rpizes
and ice cream to all attending, not
to mention the bunny assistants
who tried not too successfully to
be sneaky and see that all little
ones found their share.
It's a Girl
Congratulations to the parents
of Shannon J. Gimnel who arrived
March 24 at the Mason General
Hospital and weighed in at 8
pounds 8 ounces. The Ted
Gimnel's are very proud of their
new arrival as are grandparents
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Gimnel. Per
chance you think your novice has
done it again with the use of J or
K for Shannon's middle name,
not guilt this time, blame the
Newcomb Is
StUdents for which the
Director Berry
Predictions available
the university will be
3,100 freshmen in
almost exactly
of freshmen enrolled
ApPlications for
have reached
for the freshman
tll, Berry said. Last
total number of
University officials say the
legislature has provided only
enough funds for 14,290 students
next year. They say the
newly-formed State Council on
Higher Education has
recommended to the legislature
that enrollments be limited to the
For the first time in its
80-year history, Washington State
University will have to limit its
Enrollment at the university
will be limited to 14,290 students
next fall. That's 1,140 more than
were enrolled here in September
of 1969, but considerably below
what the present pace of
admissions applications indicates
the 1970 enrollment might be if it
were left open.
Director of Admissions Stan
Berry says the university is in the
process of notifying all
educational institutions in the
Douglas E. Newcomb, son of
Mr. and Mrs. George J. Newcomb,
San Diego, Calif., has been
promoted to captain in the U.S.
Air Force.
Captain Newcomb is a
communications electronic officer
at Norton AFB, Calif., with the
Space and Missile Systems
Organization, a unit of the Air
Force Systems Command which
manages research and
development of USAF aerospace
His wife, Karin, is the daugiier
of the Rev. and Mrs. Ray
Mainwaring, Shelton, Wash.
we had passed
total and the
are pouring in,"
we follow the
Past, we will offer
90 percent of
ants and about 60
those will accept. If
case this year, we
.wind up with
ately 3,500
400 more than
schools-of the
!wy. S.
A Special
Thanks to these $helton Firms and
individuals for their contributions to the
Easter Egg
Bud Pauley Dodge
Tom's Richfield Service
Heinie's Broiler
Capital Restaurant
Capital Savings & Loan Assn.
Shelton Title Co.
Jim McComb Business Service
Shelton Printing & Stationery
Rexall Drug Store
J. C. Penney's
Thurston County Savings &
Loan Association
Nita's Cafe
Western Auto
Boswell Jewelry
Lloyd's Men's Shop
Dean's Studio
Ming Tree Cafe
Jim Pauley's, Inc.
Family Market
Ray Orr
O.K. Barber Shop
Hallmark Inn
Mason County Title Co.
Clinton's Bike Shop
Shelton Journal
Hamlin's Hobby Shop
Natl. Bank of Mason County
Oisen Furniture Co.
Shelton Sheet Metal
Mode O'Day
Mason County Stationers
Chris's Ice Cream
Zeigler's Studio
Evers Texaco
Banner & Burnett Chevron
Dairy Queen
Western Parts & Machine
Lumbermen's of Shelton
Jess Phillips Mobil Service
City Center Motel
Evergreen Fuel Co.
MeU Chevrolet
Les Field's Auto Parts
Ed's Auto Repair
Pantorium Cleaners
Cota Gr~ ....
Jim Vercher Shell Service
Merv's Tire Cap
Cut Rate Auto Parts
Past Time Tavern
Past Time Barber Shop
Pawn Broker
Mac's Corner Tavern
Smith Tavern
Coast-to-Coast store
Town Tavern
Betty's Place
Eelis & Valley Appliance
Johnny's Music Box
Thackeray Electric
Effie's Beauty Shop
Airport Grocery
Swimming Pool
Cottage Cafe
Ted's Steak House
Wingard's Sport Shop
Shelton Foods
Apex Grocery
Mike McCulloch Sales
Leroy's TV
Mt. View Barber Shop
Mt. View Garden Shop
White Spot Tavern
B & R Sales
Buck's Second Hand Store
Rex Floor Covering
Himlie Realty
Gordy's Body Shop
Dr. Larson, D.M.V.
Boon's Heating & Plumbing "
The Hut
Log Cabin Tavern
Kimbel's Richfield Service
Vic's Quick Stop
Wolden Chevron Service
20th Century Thriftway
Eacrett Lumber Co.
Saeger's Motor Shop
Bernie's Barber Shop
Daniel's Realty
Vern's Manilla Clams
Dr. Schumacher, M.D.
Verle's Sporting Goods
Barden's Antiques
Olsen Barber Shop
Kimbei Motors Inc.
Timber Bowl
Sheiton Junk Co.
Grant Lumber Co.
Kelly Furniture
Graystone of Shelton
Binger's No. 2
Western Farmers Assn.
C & L Time Service
John's Phillip's 66
Hellman Oil Co.
Wonder Bread
Ogden's Radio & TV
Wilson Lumber Co.
Farmers Insurance
Nell's Pharmacy
Rocky Hembroff
Beekwith Jewelry
Seattle First Natl. Bank
Montgomery Ward & Co.
Don Sperling Richfield Oil
Gott Oil Co., Inc.
B. & R. Oil Co.
Shaub-Ellison Co.
Vanderwal Garage
Robert Snyder
Lane Auto Repair
Lane House Moving
Dr. Tokos, Optometrist
Dr. Covert, M.D.
Dr. Collier, M.D.
Dr. Carte, M.D.
Dr. Forman, M.D.
Dr. Linkletter, M.D.
Dr. Orme, dentist
Dr. Bechtold, dentist
Dr. White, dentist
Dr. Radich, optometrist
Dr. Debban, chiropractor
Dr. Nordeng, dentist
Dr. Norvald, dentist
Dr. J. M. Donneil, M.D.
American Legion
Batstone Funeral Home
This space courtesy of Simpson Timber Co.
nervous father, for Ted just
wasn't quite sure at the time he
offered yours truly a cigar.
Wedding Bells
It is now Mrs. Doug Inman of
Hoodsport, formally Sue West,
Alderbrook. Doug and Sue were
married in the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mel West,
Alderbrook. The ring used during
the wedding belonged to Vance
Inman's grandmother, and has
been used for the ceremony by all
Inman grooms since. Doug and
sue have moved into their newly
painted home on Cushman Road.
This is what Jan Echstrom
made when he hit the cool canal
last Saturday afternoon. Jan was
in the process of removing a
motor from one of the Hoodsport
Marina's new boats, it seems that
the motor gave and so did his
feet, in went both Jan and the
motor. Stan Meyers, new owner
of the marina came quickly to the
rescue and guess what he pulled
out first. Oh well, both are as
good as new now.
Busy, Busy
Describes John Vinzant and
his good friend Skp Newburry.
The twosome have been putting
all time available into getting
ready for the shrimping season.
Skipper John's Shrimp Shack will
be open soon with Canal Shrimp
Ala Vinzant.
In Town
Easter weekend saw a lot of
action on the Canal, and many
folks joorneyed up our way.
Mr. and Mrs. Emanuel Piedt
of Cathay, N.D. and the Emil
sarun's, Portland, Ore., arrived to
spend holidays with Herb and Oly
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith,
along with Nellie Cross, drove up
from Portland, for a combination
oyster hunt and visit with yours
truly. Their limit was secured and
Nellie(Morn) Cross is considering
making Hoosdport her summer
Mr. and Mrs. William Gilbert
entertained grandchildren Tim
and Vada O'Neil, and family. The
great-grandchildren enjoyed going
to the big search with Aunt and
Uncle Jim and Donna, not to
forget little cousin Pat. A great
time was had too.
Lawerence White remarked on
the many changes in Ole
Hoodsport, since his last visit.
Larry is living in Port Orchard
Stella and George Weber were
guests of the Lyle Lintons over
the weekend, and sent word that
they shall return on weekends to
make available Westport crab. The
name may not ring a bell, but you
will know who they are when you
see the truck at the Junction.
Out Of Town
Joe, Francis, Toby and Dana
Frint, along with Marylin and
Butch Viger spent a two day
holiday at the Gray Gull in
Ocean Shores. Swimming,
clamming driftwood searching
and relaxing was the order of the
day, even an l 1-hour power
failure didn't put a damper on
this happy party.
Dick and Virg Lanning also
went to the coast, however, they
journeyed to Seaside, Ore., where
the weather stayed real nice, to
add further enjoyment to their
24th wedding anniversary trip.
Hazel White took her son
Lane and his buddie David
Lanning on a camping trip, which
took them to S. Fork of
Skokomish. The trip was slightly
discomforting when the
threesome removed several ticks
from their two canines. Upon
returning home the Whites found
company awaiting. Mr. and Mrs.
jec Li
Michal Brock and daughter Denal
from Spokane. Marsha Brock is
sister to Hazel.
Ed and Sharon Hopkins,
Holliday Beach, went clam
digging at Westport, and had
terrific luck there, but when they
returned home to spend a day of
canal fishing, they had trouble
with their boat, so it will be clams
on the menu until next weekend
anyway. Mike and Mary Kirk
travelled to Forks to do their
clam digging, and spend a visiting
time with very good friends Tom
and Jan Hedgeland.
Jim and Donna O'Neil joined
Mick and Donna Simmon's on a
trip to Seattle.
Adult Bible
Lessons Set
A series of ten lessons for
anyone interested in becoming
better acquainted with the
message of the scriptures and the
faith of the Christian Church, will
begin Sunday at the Faith
Lutheran Church.
The series will conclude June
7. The classes will be held from
9:30 to 10:30 A.M. Sunday
A text will be furnished and
an opportunity given for group
For Your Pleasure
Sea Food Buffets
6 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Meat Buffets
2 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Adults $2.75
Special Rates for
Tues. thru Sat., 10 a.m.-10 p.m.
Sunday, 1 0 a.m.-9 p.m.
& Blarney Room
Phone 4~qb3S81
Fabulous Food and
Fantastic View of
Lake Limerick
Oyster and Ham Dinner
$2.50 ADULT -- CHILDREN $1.00
Yes they could! And so could a lot ef other taxes you pay
Power from your Public Utility Distrlet is lower.priced --
and these savings on elsctrldty bills by your schools, county
offices and cities add up to big figures in the course of a
This saving is very easy te figure= Just take the Washinlton
state PUD power cost whleh averages about 7.6 mills per
kilowatt.hour and compare it to other nearby eloetrio rates.
You will find your schools, counties and oitles in oomparablo
areas spend far less for eleotrioity than those in private
power areas. A smaller elootrle bill is the same as having
more tax money for schools, cities, etc.
When you own your own electric utility as do lucky, con-
sumers in PUD Country, rates are as low as possible
sin. each PUD in Washington is "nun-profit,"
The "profits" are returned to you in the form of lower rates
and tax savings. That's a good deall
"Live Better
lgd~in Ta~vlor, ]Prelident
Haa~4d W. Pawker, Vice President
Jack Cole, 8ecretaw
Jerry Samples, Msms41;er
Thursday, April 2, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17