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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 2, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 2, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.w ~o PHONE 15 words or less -- $1.50 10 cents for each additional word over • FOUR (4) insertions for the price of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday 15. Forsele % ~v~- ~~ COLOR PRINTS, Jumbo, from color negatives only,19c. 5x7 enlargement, 89c. Ziegler's Camera Shop, 124 No~ 2nd. 4/17tfn SIMPLICITY MOWERS and tillers. See now at Mike's McCulIoch Sales and Service. 2215 Olympia Hwy. North. 3/28tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eeils & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tfn FREE KODAK'FILM, Kodacolor; or black/white with each roll left at Ziegler's Camera. Ask for it. 426-6163.5/26tfn TRADE IN YOUR old furniture at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. 4/t 6tfn WALL - TO - WALL CARPETS or room-size rugs. Custom-made draperies. We measure, expert installation. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. Free estimates. You're always welcome at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cote. 426-4702. O11/18tfn HAY FOR sale McDonalds farm, Kamilche Valley. Phone 426-3740. Mc] l/6tfn WHITE ELECTRONICS Mineral and metal detectors for sale or rent. Call Olympia Coins, Olympia 943-1508. O2/26tfn OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale, 426-2352. Cut to length; delivered. P12/25tfn MOBILE HOME FURNITURE- We specialize in quality compact furniture for your mobile home. At Olsen Furniture you're always welcome, 4th and Cote. 426-4702.4/14tfn For hie Used Cnrs .~. ~~ ~ --~ ~ "~~v~v~v~- ~A POP COOLER, dry circulating air. 65 IMPALA SUPERSPORT, 327 8 ft. milk display case. 8 ft.with four speed transmission. vegetable case. Priced right, must Excellent condition. Call sell, need space. Call Allyn 426-4603. M3/Stfn CR5-6378 after 6 P.M. V4/2 1956 CHEVY 1/2 ton pickup. RUMMAGE SALE by Agate Automatic transmission, $400. or Grange. Thursday in PUD Bldg. best offer. Phone 426-6811. Doors open at 8 A.M. H4/2 G4/2-9 FOR SALE--Double bed, like 1962 CHEV IMPALA convertible. new, boxsprin9 and foam Automatic, power steering, power mattress, $50. Phone 426-8631 brakes, 327-275 h.p. New top. L4/2tfn Good condition, $595.426-6164. A3/19-4/9 WISCONSIN FOUR cylinder air-cooled motor for sale. Good condition. Phone 426-6228. A3/19-4/9 GROUND BARK FOR SALE Corner Hwy. 101 and "H" Street Mr. View phone 426-4819 G3/Stfn 1967 21FT. Aloha Trailer, self-contained, tandem wheels, 12V battery, heater, shower, hot water tank, double stainless steel sink, sleeps six, like new. Hoodsport 877-5832. R4/2-23 FOR SALE or trade for cattle. Case tractor and 3 furrow plow. Both like new, 426-3649. B4/2-23 LOFTY PILE free from soil is the carpet cleaned with Blue Lustre. Rent electric shampooer, $1. Coast to Coast 4/2 PLANT SALE April First through DINETTE SET -- 2 leaves, 6 Eleventh. Primroses chairs, $65. Phone 426-2132. Chrysanthemums, Iris, Jasmine, H3/12-4/2 Daphne, Delphinium, etc. Rt. 2 Box 180, Spencer Lake E. AGED FIR sawdust $4.50 a load Oeffinbaugh D4/2 delivered, trash hauled, odd jobs, ~ardening, painting, etc. FOR SALE 2 year old 40 chord or prompt service, 426-3000.organ, padded bench and music W4/23. $100. Practically new Eureka upright vacuum $45. 426-6573 GARAGE SALE. 200 Laurel and Thursday G4/2 G St. 10 A.M. - 5 P.M. Friday and Saturday. T4/2 TREE TOPPING. Also firewood for sale, $20.00 per cord. Phone USED LOWREY Starlet Model 426-3532. $319.95. Johnny's Music Box, Mc 1/29tfn 205 Cote 426-4302.4/2tfn T.Vo See it Olsen Furniture 4th & Cot= 426-4702 SWIMMING POOL also Lancer pools Surge Water Conditioners Backhoe Services Sewage Systems Bulldozing Servkes SHELTON 426-6539 I n~klte Oellvery HOTPOINT 10 Year Free Replaoement Warranty W A'I'ILI HKATEII TI~ Iletlm4at Outem GIs~lim =mite Ill IIItoiu~ie, Nile, em- ele=t emerMkm. Atoll beet ef al~ It ie Ikmked bT le ~'w wlMmmty. Fells & Valley AIm,W renter 2rid A Cnta St. PhNe 428-4N3 Home Furntehlng Coe4er BACKHOE SERVICE SEPTIC TANKS CLEARING DITCHING EXCAVATING GRADING YOUNG GRAIN fed steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and w r a p p i ng. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn Used C=rs 19 68 C U TLASS Supreme Oldsmobile. Clean inside and out. Phone 426-2400. T4/2 PRIME DUNE Buggy material, 1966 VW. Phone 898-2692 or 898-2030. H4/2 1964 CHEVY II wagon, rebuilt transmission. Excellent condition, $650. Phone 426-2328 after 5 P.M. W4/2 68 Ranch Wagon 67 Opel Kadett 66 Fairlane Wagon 63 Rambler Classic 63 Fairlane Wagon 67 Fairlane 2-Dr. 67 Fairlane X-L 66 Mercury Monclair 2-Dr. 65 Chevelle Convert 65 Thunderbird 64 Impala 63 Fairlane 500 Spt. Cpe. 62 Impala 69 Fairlane 500 68 Tempest 2-Dr. 66 Plymouth 4-Door 65 BeI-Air 2-Dr. 65 Ford Custom 500 4-Dr. 64 Rambler 4-Dr. 64 Impala 4-Dr. 63 Rambler 63 Ford 300 62 Galaxie 4-Dr. 69 Ranchero 65 F-250 S.S. Pickup 65 Ford Ranchero Auto-Tr. 65 Ford Ranchero 4 Spd. 62 Econoline Van 58 Dodge ~-Ton 48 CheF. Flat-Bed BOB -- BUS -- BI LL Sth and Railroad 426-8231 Services Help Wanted For Rent For Rent SINGER TUNE UP special. Any NEEDED X-Ray Technician for ONE BEDROOM furnished make sewing machine. A Singer call duty. Apply at Mason General apartment for rent. Downtown. expert will come to your home Hospital 2100 Sherwood Lane Adults. Phone 426-1205 or and adjust and balance tension,426-1611. Business hours 9 a.m. inquire 712 Pine St. D4/2tfn check fabric-handling mechanism, -- 5 p.m. M3/12tfn de-lint thread handling assembly; FOR RENT. One bedroom oil entire machine; inspect motor; LIMITED OFFER if you would completely furnished house lubricate motor, if needed; check like to model clothes in a Beeline including washer and dryer. wiring for safety! Only $6.95. In fashion show. Send your dress Phone 426-8637 after 5:30 P.M. Shelton contact Kay's Draperies, size, name, address, phone no. E4/2 129 Railroad, 426-6207 Singer Write Box W. c/o Journal. FOR RENT unfurnished one Center, South Sound Center, 3/19-4/16 Lacey 491-3400.4/2 ~,,~,;-------------------------bedroom duplex. Full basement, oil furnace, no pets, 1018 E. SEWING DONE in my home. Wanted Ellinor. Contact Ken Rose, 1024 Reasonable rates. Phone E. Ellinor, 426-6548 or 753-5030. 426-4667. D4/2 ~~ -_-_ _- -_- - - -_-_- R3/26tfn SHELTON JUNK COMPANY, 1st and Mill. Always buying copper, brass, radiators and batteries. Call 426-8626. S6/26tfn ASSOCIATED ROOFING CO. • Hot Build Up • Shingles • Shakes • Repair & Patch 17 Years Experience Free Estimates "Let's Get Associated" Call 426-8913 -- Anytime 4/2-30 RIDERS WANTED to Olympia, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday thru Friday. 426-8133 evenings or weekends, or days 753-6359. Y3/12-4/2 FOR RENT -- one bedroom furnished apartment,close to downtown, water, garbage included, referencesrequired. $75.00. 426-6577. W3/26tfn FOR RENT or lease. Cozy unfurnished 2 bedroom house on Arcadia Road, close to Southside School. Shown by appointment. 426-8690 after 6 p.m. R3/26-4/16 Call Evenings or Weekends Phone 426-4160 SHELTON HOLI DAY House, two bedroom unfurnished apartment, $115.00. Phone BILL B. NOLL 3/12tfn Will Buy or Consign 426-2549. C3/26-4/2 ADULT SWIMMING lessons will EXCAVATING SEPTIC TANKS Good Used Furniture TWO BEDROOM unfurnished begin Monday April 6 at 7:30 BACKFILLING DRAIN FIELDS apartment. Heat, water, garbage P.M. at Pool Nuotare. For DITCHING BY FOOTOR HOUR or Appliances included. $85.00 month plus information call 426-2507" or UNDER ROAD DRILLING $25.00 damage deposit. 650 426-3913. W4/2 WATER LINES Dearborn No. 1, 426-4506 after 4:30 p.m. $3/26 ROOFING Real Est., • ~v~%~A~v%~" 1- 2 Bedroom Apartments $110 Appliances, Drapes, Carpets, Water, Garbage, Ample Parking No Pets JEFFERSON APTS. On Mountain View Phone 426-8663 12/5tfn CHARMING DUPLEX -- Garden setting, one bedroom. Fireplace, MT. VIEW ELWOOD MANOR APARTMENTS 2 BEDROOM Available NOW No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 3/19tfn Real Estate LARGE BEAUTIFUL view 10t, reasonable. Phone 877-5590 after 6 p.m. Hoodsport. W3/26-4/2 WATERFRONT Totem Inlet. 3 room and gara, horse. Trailer house. 426-8838. BY OWNER. She 120, view of privilege, club utilities, Puyallup B4/2-23. TWO RENTAL h( bedroom. One 3 each. Substantial cash. 426-4193. FOR SALE -- acre, $6550.00. $60.00 per and Store. Idea 426-2729. A1/15tfn MASON 60'x400' peagra slope, prepared with Dock and ur CallEd"Ski" 426~572 REID 8S7-2161 THREE BEDROOM, mountain view home, carpet, fireplace, drapes, appliances, double garage, $18,500, terms. Phone 426-2895. J3/26-4/16 Dozers&Backhoes BULLDOZING & FOR RENT one bedroom BACKHOE SERVICE 625So. lst 426-2411 furnished apartment. Also available Dec. 1, 2 bedroom Gravel & Crush0d Rock LICENSED AND BONDED ~- ----------------'-- ...... unfurnished apartment. Holly Hill Joe C. Lilley Mobile Homes Apts. 900 Olympic. 426-6593. SALE BY OWNERS Bll/13 tfn Priced cheap for quick sale. Four bedroom home furnished, new Op ;;--;---;----;_-_--;--------;- living room and dining room Expert erators Phone 352-9313 LAWTON APARTMENTS -- 723 furniture, new w/w carpet, nearly Olympia '68 FLEETWOOD Deluxe Mobile Pine has a one bedroom new forced air furnace, new washer, KIMREL CONSTR dryer, full basement, separateASSUME BOB Home 12'x52'. Cash for equity, apartment furnished or garage, near school, immediate • 3/19-6/25 assume balance. Low payments, unfurnished and a furnished possession. A steal at $12,000, A low 6% 426-4243 1/22 tfn CREATIVE STITCHERY Classes 426-6907. D3/19-4/9 studio apartment. References Sl,50o down. Terms, low interest year old 3 , begin April 9 at House of Knits. required. L3/19tfn rates, home. It's in A-1 built in range, For the "Tops" in roofers see . . . 220 No. First, Limited FOR SALE--Fleetwood 10 x 40 511 W. EllinorAve. baths, rumpus ac| Morris & enrollment. 426-6627. D3/26-4/2. mobile home, awning, furnished. DOWNTOWN -- 2 bedroom Phone 426-! 186 $1995.00 or best offer. See atapartment. Fireplace, rugs, 4/2-23 so much DO YOU NEED something built? 113 Kneeland, Shelton. Phone drapes. $110 per month. Phone it--$18,500. Anything from a cabinet to a Aberdeen 532-9271. K4/2-23 426-2707 or 426-2692. E3/19tfn house. Call Clyde Knight, 426-8527. K3/5tfn Instruction RILLS G.I .'s We have a waiting for carpets, drapes, laundry, carport down payme COMPANY ALTERATIONS, sewing done in ~-_-_-_-_-_-_-~_-_-_-~-__-_-_-_-_-_-_- included. $100. Adults. 818 Pine only) at less 425 Ellinor my home for any occasion, Specializing In... including weddings. ReasonableCanaIBeginner'SschooITap auditorium.10 a.m. HOOdcall 426-1479~evenings. 1/15tfn ~EALTY range,FUlly carpeted,attached Composition Shakes, Insulation rates, 426-4841 anytime. 877-5713 for information. D1/15MOBILE HOME Space in quiet, ~ Wanna see it? and Hot Built-up Roofs• H3/19-4/9 For Free Estimates ~~ tfn new, downtown park. 426-3242. CALL NOW B10/2tfn If you think you Phone 426-6417 3/1g.26 speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Personal FOR RENT: Trailer space close 1618 Olympic Highway South under the Lo to downtown. Call426-4426. 426-1600 program. If you Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 10/gtfn or more, earned 1/15tfn have reasonably f .... will take on Adams & Harger BATHROOM CONFIDENTIAL care for unwed pregnant teen-age girls. UGH unfurnished apartment for rent. DOWNTOWN LOCATION investment and Cabinet Shop remodeling. Roofing, patios, Agency. Collect calls accepted. Hoodsport area. References This older remodeled home is than $90 per carports. Smaller jobs also. Call Florence Crittenton Home, PA required. Call Hoodsport close to schools and stores, own a new Osborne's 426-6241. O1/25tfn 2-8004. Box 8944, Seattle, We.877-5312. S9/18tfn $6,500. Many have qua PAINTING and DRY WAtt RESIDENT and COMMERCIAL J. E. HARRIS Bonded and Insured CALL 426-8773 7/4 tfn 1936 Olympic Hwy. North 98178.8/28tfn ~_-_-__-_-_-v-_--------- - you? 426-2889 /2,,fn SHELTON MOTORS, expert Red Estate BRAND NEW COUNTRY LIVING LAKEFRONT body and fender repair and ALCOHOLISM Information and -- p a i n t i n g. F re e estimates. Referral Center 428 Birch St. ,~-~-_-__-_-_-_-~-..-_--_~ Never lived in, large carpeted2,200 sq. ft. ROTO-VATING S11/13tfn Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S living room, 3 bedrooms, bath,it's ong0ft. 2/12tfn BRAND NEW waterfront home, Lake. 9 room`< Large Machine BACK HOE SERVICE -- Light sunny, secluded. 75 ft. x 320 ft. utility room, large lot, $17,500. fireplaces and Ample 2nd site. KamilcheShores MT. VIEW LOCATION go see it--it's in grading, back filling, sewage NEED CASH? We buy or consignon Totem Inlet. Easy commutting systems. Reasonable rates. Dietz almost anything. Tropics Ballroom to Olympia-Shelton, $21,500.Across the street from church, 2 Satisfaction Guaranteed Kadoun, phone 426-6893. Auction, Olympia 357-9949. Call owner ZE 9-1358 collect,blks to shopping, sidewalks, WHAT A PHONE 426-2857 7/22tfn D2/26tfn $4/2 carpeted living room, dining area, 5 bedrooms, ,,3/12-4/2-4t E L E C T R O L U X S A LES & "~-------- -- --------------------------- roomy kitchen, 2 large bedrooms, basement and family bath, recreation room, half Needs decor GENERAL HAULING Service. Electrolux bags available.Pets, tivostock fenced yard. This one won't last and we need an o Free delivery. Call Jack Manley ANGLE AGENCY bath, double garage, carport, potential is Sand-Pit Run--Gravel 426-3544. 1622 Boundary. ~-------------------------------------- $16,000. Owner will carry WHY RENT? 5-Yard Dump Truck ,M8/15tfn ,,,FOR SALE 11 yr. old American Join The Wise Ones... contract. New 3 and Loader-- Peat Soil saddle-bred gelding. Sorrel with Invest In Property! carpeted, dining Tel.-- FRANK --426-3153 Septic Tank light mane and tail, $175 3Vz MILES OUT kitchen with 2/19tfn 426-3668. H4/2-23 ONE LOOK WILL Country living at its best, large 3 Iviing room, CONVINCE YOU! bedroom rambler, large stone attached LANE HOUSE MOVING 500-gal., 75D-gel, 1,000-gal. WILL GIVE away Shepherd-Lab. You should have this Hood Canal fireplace, bright sunny kitchen closing •puppies. 4 males, 3 females, cabin. All new, furnished, on the with built-in range, breakfast bar with payment Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Phone 426-2268 $4/2 water, close to town, and only plus dining area, utility room, month. Houses Raised, Foundations Backhoe, Trencher for Hire $19,600. Terms at 8%. Give us a bath and 1/2, double garage, one FOR SALE Poodle. Silver male,call and take a look. full acre. $19,900. CUSTOM.BUlL1 and Leveling SIMrer Digging Servko 1,/, yrs. good with children $30. CC Phone 426.8147 Phone 426-6437. C4/2 PLENTY OF ROOM PACIFIC BEACH In choice Mt 1/27 tfn Phone 426-3660 FOR COUNTRY LIVING 13 miles from Ocean Shores. Spacious I Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn EXPERT TRAINING in riding Yet you're only four miles from Wonderful investment on this fireplace, well ~---"------------------" and horsemanship, kids 6 and up. town. Garden, orchard, country 12-unit motel. Come in and check with built-in BOB OGDEN Work Wanted 2-hour classes begining April 4. kitchen, large rooms, guest house this one. Will take trade for home large family Limited enrollment, visitorsor rental apartment, on the water in Shelton. carpet -~..-..-._-_-_-_-__--~---_-_-..-- welcome. Anne Tingvall.and only $25,750. Owner will extra large u Installation Service CHILD CARE -- Let a responsible426-4983. T3/19-4/9 carry contract for large down.READY TO MOVE IN designed a no This well kept home has 2 excellent taste. mother care for your children F,-9 KLIPS, professional poodle THIS EARLY CHARMER bedrooms, carpeted living room, personal tour of Carpeting-- Formica -- while you work. By day or hour.clippin~ and pet grooming. CallWAITING FOR FAMILY brand new drapes, storm door, COUNTRY Indoor and outdoor play areas. Mrs. ~imball for appointment. This ideal property has electric heat, full bath, large Ceramic and Linoleum Infants welcome. 426-1448. 426-8988.8/31tfn everything! It's ten acres and roomy kitchen with stove and A truly fine $3/19-4/9 slopes gently to the no-bank salt refrigerator, garage with utility on 3 acres in Licensed, Bonded WILL DO BABY sitting in my GOING ON VACATION? Leave water. The upper five is wooded; room complete with washer and 3 bedrooms, & Insured home by hour, day or month, your dog with us if over 20 Ibs. lower five has garden, orchard,dryer. Lots of room for addition room with 426-1597. Mc3/5 tfn M e I-Ru Kennels 426-2387. outbuildings and three bedroom upstairs. Corner lot with excellent kitchen, In1 Phone426-3155 CHILD CARE -- My home- N8/14tfn house where you and yourfamilygarden spot and flowers. Only attached 3/6 tfn week days. Lots of room for play. can enjoy tranquil country living. $13,000. completely Arcadia road. Close in. 426-4841. REGISTERED six-month old $43,000. Let us show it to you conversion to s home amenities Paving Contractor H3/19-4/9 Australian Terrier male puppy, now. FAWN LAKE INVESTMENT Thi ~_- -- --_-_-_-_-_-- phone 426-6152. F 2/12tfn Lot all ready to move that mobile for--so let us ASPHALT PAVING GET OUT YOUR DREAM home onto. Water, phone, $27,500. --Driveways Hdp Wanted ~-~;----------------;--;--;---HOUSE BLUEPRINTS electrity ready, $6,000. --Parking Lots ~_-~-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_--_-_-_-_-_--_; For II t Just decide where you want to FAWN LAKE build. We have some excellent MT. VIEW SPECIAL 61 ft. frontage ibb Kimbel Const. LPN NEEDED for split shift, full ,~-------------------------------------" home sites. On Hammersley Inlet, This modern home suits the water, powe 4264243 -- Shelton or parttime. Shelton Manor FOR RENT--One bedroom, $153 per foot, and it's low bank. newly wed couple. All carpeted, lot. Ready Nursing Home. Rt. 1, Box 105, On Hood Canal $183 per foot, fireplace, 3 bedrooms, elegantmobile home. Shelton, 426-4552. S4/2tfn newly panelled, carport, unfurnished, phone 426-4537. with terms. In town, on Mt. View, bath and a half, built-in range, then we'll talk FULL-TIME, part-time delivery C4/2 a big lot only $2200; or on coppertone refrigerator. All these Angleside large wooded lot, extras and FHA, $23,000. ACREAGE men needed. Must have WI LL LEASE--Furnished one $2750. 5 ac dependable car and know Shelton bedroom house. Potlatch HOOD CANAL SPECIAL miles east of area. Top wages. Apply in person waterfront, patio, garage, TV, call INVESTMENT ACREAGE Located in Hoodsport. 4 finished frontage KITH Radio, Suite 210, Hallmark 877-b3U~. R4/2tfn 78 acres, timbered, stream, bedrooms, 5th unfinished, living $5,500 wi Inn. 9:30A.M.-SP.M. 4/2 highway frontage. See us for room, large kitchen, bath and a half. Bulkhead, 58' waterfront, 5 ACRES $300 cash ATTRACTIVE SMALL2 terms. bedroom house on Mt. View, $85. References. Call 426-6577. RECREATION HOME SITES W4/2tfn Big selection from all over the county, starting at $1950. 1/22 tfn Trucks & Trailers HOMEMAKER WANTED -- Dependable woman, experienced in child care, housekeeping, economical cooking. Part-time positions available as temporary WE WILL move you free from mother-substitutes. Car necessary, anywhere in the country to one $1.97 hourly, plus mileage, toof our brand new kitchenette start. Contact Mrs. Margaret units. W/W carpeting, tiled bath. Endersb~/ at Shelton office ofEverything furnished including State Department of Public Assistance, 426-3363 for maid service. From $100.00. information. 3/12-4/2 Hallmark Inn, First and Railroad. 426-1671.4/2tfn your own oystersand clams. $32,5O0. miles f cleared, pan $40 per GIRL FOR TELLER duties in FOR RENT Unfurnished 2 local financial institution. Some bedroom house, carport, garden experience preferred. Phone space: .InquireSunday only, 334 426-4431.3/12tfn So. inlro. 54/Z HILLCREST LOCATION Owner will hold contract on this ANGLE AGENCY one 2 bedrooms, nice carpeted 70' of no living room, kitchen and bath, bulkhead. T Since 1890 utility porch, fenced yard. One trees. bedroom rental in the back. All water and Real Estate & Insurance this for $13,500. HERB ANGLE - DICK ANGLE SUE M. DANIELS, Broker 121 R.R. Ave. JACK STEWART - PAUL WOOD BARBARA NELSON 426-1600 Evenings 4264134 or 426-6188 WALTER GEORGE 426-3530 BOBBLE 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 Associate Broker Page 18 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 2, 1970