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Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications
TION In the Superior Court of the PORTION O1= OLD ARCADIA
State of Washington for Mason ROAD NO. 9310
)R COURT County Road Vacation File No. 75.
R MASON In the Matter of the Adoption GIVEN: That on Monday, March
1 " of LAURA JoLYNN FOHRMAN, 23, 1970, the Board of County
e Estate ofA Minor. Commissioners went on record
D R E W T O : A L V I N L E E with their Intention to Vacate a
• ~1. FOHRMAN and to all whom it portion of the old Arcadia Road
nsmeier may concern: No. 9310, since a 1965 relocation
.Estate, ha~. Y O U A R E H E. R E. B Y project rendered a portion lying
t her find NOTIFIED that there has been northerly of the existing location
,.Petition for filed in this Court a petition for unused in Section 25, Township
?,ng the Court to the adoption of the above-named 20 North, Range 3 West, W.M.,
art, distribute the minor child, praying also thatand more fully described as:
!e persons ther~fn there be first an adjudication that "That portion of the old
[o dischame sai~the consent of ALVIN LEE Arcadia Road No• 9310 located in
~aid. report andFOHRMAN to such adoption is the NE of the NW, Section 25,
~gn~l~ra on the 24th not required by law. Township 20 North, Range 3
/u, at9:30AM A hearing for such purpose West, W.M., beginning at
omoT said Court"will be had on the 17 day of Engineers' Station 212+00
Y Lourthousea{ April, 1970, at the hour of 9:30 through Engineers' Station
215+50 and lying thirty (30) feet
!gton. a.m. in the Courtroom of said north of the center line of the
HIS 30th dayof Superior Court, at Shelton, existing road as constructed in
- Washington, or to such other
~BEL department of the Court to which 1965, and shown on the official
uperior said matter may be then and there map for this project, on file in the
r transferred when and where alloffice of the Mason County
i ermillion persons in'terested shall appear Engineer."
S.E. and show cause why such NOTICE IS FURTHER
'L~YbER adjudication should not be made, GIVEN: That a public Hearing
iaw and why, if made, such petition will be held on the proposed
sL. should not be thereafter heardabandonment in the Office of the
mngton 98584 forthwith and the prayer thereof County Commissioners at 11:00
granted A.M., Monday, April 13, 1970,
~_ WITNESS the Honorable and any interested person may
Hewitt A. Henry, Judge of the appear at said Hearing to be heard
L.L= ..- Superior Court, and the seal of either for or against said proposal.
~lgTeWanted said Court hereunto affixed this DATED this 24th day of
~~ 13 day of March, 1970. March, 1970.
ou Wh~t yOUrt have -- GLEC/%kE• COR REA, Attorney MASON COUNTY,
.... • Mann, Bell Building WASHINGTON.
"~n,rngor. 426-6592. 121 S. Fourth St. By Ruth E. Boysen
Shelton, Washington Auditor & Clerk of
3/19-26-4/2-3t the Board
~=~ .................... 3/26-4/2-2t
Red Estate Real Estate Real Estate
; ealy State
Call 426-2646
rkab Matlock Farm
.=th./e design offers 40 cleared acres near Mary M.
t I'~just a little Knight School Comfortable 4
in ~n^e ,.graceful bedroom home, large barn, other
3u ~ ,,vingroom outbuildings, well, mostly fenced.
a--~" ~ carpeted Pr ce $38,000.
~ n'"u a fu I bath, f Shelton
ala'd•flOOr consists 35 Acres-North o
dtche~n',ng,~room, Within a mile of city limits. Lots
,famil,.r'Ln most of tree cover. Some Christmas
u fini~s~UUm,.l/2 trees• Excellent investment.
,Loca','-%u "-car Priced at $650 per acre with
vlt V" ~u on a terms.
tal" ,ew corner lot f helt n
ks• See it, love it1 0 Acres-West o S o --
' Just past city limits on Lost Lake
Road. Road divides property.
Some merchantable fir• Easy
Ill4.._ . terms of $1000 down, $7~
"'taros1' month
and even'71/2% interest.
attractiv~ Arcadia Point Area --
n be assumed If you want acreage with trees,
Payment on this is the place. County road
Mr.. V._._i~=w divides property into 2 dandy
a corn-er building sites. Full 5 acres and
and owner will sell on a real estate
contract. Full price $5,000.
Nursery Site-
This 3 bedroom home is in a
secluded setting and tucked
away on over an acre of land
ideally suited for gardening.
This roomy family home will
be to your liking and you will
appreciate the part basement
for storage. The full price just
$13,500. '
Waterfront Living
There s a most picturesque
view from the large living
room of this exciting home.
From the basement level up it
shows it's owners care. About
an acre with 165 feet of
frontage lots of extra garage
and sho'p space and located
just a few minutes from
town. Can't beat it anywhere
for it's price of $27,500.
The Pointll
askeq • "Wo' '~
,ance "to name
terr s on a
~_be,1 ceiling
ess ) a lake
lid ~: meant
• ee this
~oja,if YOu
:'~'~ou wr!te
nls,:You re
I bdlQ
I ly f( ;u .
~te.~, '~ er tun in
I'S~,-nc ' ~r lP!eted
~rOI he'l ' v,,ew is
0, OC I *,
t~enl nee~
North of Airport -- 1 0 Acres
Christmas tree land. Deeded 60
foot access to property. Perfectly
flat with seasonal creek along
back side. Trees of all sizes. Priced
to sell at $6,950 with terms.
Lost Lake Acreage-
Majority of this 10 acre tract
cleared. Small creek. County road
and power across property.
Excellent soil. Price $7,500.
Owner will consider contract with
$1,800 down.
Agate- 1 0 Acres --
Nicely wooded level tract of land.
Real get-a-way spot. Power and
county road to edge of property.
Only $7,500 with easy terms. Call
for details.
Mill Creek-
Down by the Old Mill
Stream--this is 10 acres of some
of the prettiest stream frontage
property around. County road
along one side and stream cuts
across the other side. Priced at
$10,500 with some terms.
Mason Lake--
Prime low bank waterfront lot.
60' frontage. Nicely wooded."
$1,500 down. $11,500.
Spencer Lake --
Tract is 100 feet wide and 650
feet deep with waterfront on
small cove. Old rustic cab n.
Priced at $14,500.
Fawn Lake--
Mt. View 4 Bedrooms-
New!! A dream com!ng•.true
for you who just don t r,t a .~
bedroom home anymore.
Extra bathrooms, family
rooms, convenience of
schoo s churches, medical
centers a're all big matters to a
family. Why not take a step
toward solving them by
seeing this lovely home
Simple And PleasantfT
Very pretty hardwood oor
in the living roD.m-2 nice
bedrooms, bath, k.Ltcnen,.an~
uti Sty make UP. me rest oT
the lovely ittle home u. ,v,L
View. Also you II find an
enclosed breezeway between
house and shop plus garage• A
neat fenced yard, oo.
A Li e t,ssll
Carpeted liv•i=rK:J hrO~mw:..2
bedrooms W,'[n "0 .uuu
floors, a fami!y rO°~oml?:~
space for 2 bedroom I.
This home has a background
of trees and is in a quiet
neighborhood of Angleside.
Price for this ready-
to.move-into home is
Choice lot near entrance to
_private development• 60 foot
trontage. Priced at $7,950 with 1' L
- -•----- _• -: ._- -----__ __:_:____:-=--_-_ references req ' •
DA"D" tC-KV~.TI KNAUF 426-8110 --"SKIP" NESS
THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407
• DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-8162
• • VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6S01
Legal publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publkations
WHEREAS, in the interest of safety and in by the County Engineerrevealsthat certain bridgesUNDER GENERATION OLYMPIC NATIONAL
conformance with procedures adopted by the have deteriorated to such an extent that they EXECUTION FOREST
Washington State Association of Counties Mason cannot be certified as safe for all legal highway CAUSE NO. 10277 SKOKOMISH GRAPPLE NO.
County makes periodic inspections of bridges on loads; ' _ ..... In the Superior Court of the 1 SALE, located within T. 22N.,
R. 5W., W•M•, partially surveyed.
the County road system- and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that State of Washington for Mason Public notice is hereby given that
WHEREAS several 'existing bridges in Mason gross loads on certain bridges be limited as set County
County are constructed n whoe or n Dart of forth in the following table until December 31, GRIMM COLLECTIONS, pursuant to the provisions of
untreated tmberandareplannedforrevetrnentor 1971 unless this Board. shal!byapproeriateaction INC. Plaintiff vs. LEO R. Section 5 of Public Law 273,
replacement; and based upon proper certification modify or remove N E S T E L L a n d A N I T A 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-]6,
U•S.C•A. 583-583i), and the
WHEREAS, recent inspection and evaluation such restrictions: ' NESTELL, husband and wife Cooperative Agreement for the
Under and by virtue of a Management of the Participating
Bridge Over Road Location Load Limit general executiontranscribedoutof Forest Properties in the Shelton
No. Name (Stream) Name (S-T-R) (Tons) and under the seal of the Superior Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit
50-0.15 Knight Dry Bed Creek M.M. Knight 21-20-6 5 Court of the State of Washington, entered into by and between the
80-3.77 County Line (Branch) Deckerville 7-20-6 5 in and for said County, on theUnited States of America and the
200-722 Blanton (Branch) Cloq.-ShaferPk. 28-19-6 8 12th day of December, 1969, Simpson Timber Company, dated
1029-0"35 Hliboki C oquallum Creek Bulb Farm 14-19-5 8 upon a judgment rendered in said D e c e m b e r 1 2, 1 9 4 6, an
]043-0"05 Rock Creek No. 2 Rock Creek Wivell 3-19-4 5 Court on the 8th day of August, estimated 3,100 M board feet of
4190.0•90 Bourgault Purdy Creek Bourgault 14-21-4 8 1969, in favor of GRIMM timber marked or otherwise
7039-3"77 Rendsland Rendsland Creek North Shore 19-22-3 10 COLLECTIONS, INC• and against designated for cutting will be sold
• Erdman Lake (Branch) Erdman Lake 31-23-.2 5 LEO R. NESTELL and ANITA to Simpson Timber Company,
7698-3.87 ........ 19 6 "~ NESTELL, husband and wife Seattle, Washington, on April 14,
9010-23 35 Evers Decker Creek Mattock-uraoy ~- - lo
9110-4"72 Mill Creek Mill Creek Arcadia 25-20-3 12 judgment debtors for the sum of 1970. The minimum acceptable
9614-4"67 Stretch Island (Tidewater) Stretch Island 8-21-1 12 Three Hundred Twenty-One and b i d per M board feet is:
585-1'81 Hall Rock Creek Gallagher 32-20-4 2 51/100the ($321.51) Dollars, Douglas-fir, $34.05; western
together with attorney's fees,hemlock and other coniferous
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS interest, costs and increased costs, species, $21.60. Additional
County Engineer shall post each bridge with the OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON and to me directed and delivered, deposit required for slash disposal
maximum allowable load as set forth herein in Martin Auseth I did on the 16th day of March, is $0.77 per M board feet for all
accordance with the Manual for Signing, William O. Hunter 1970, levy upon all the right, title species. All Included Timber shall
Wash ngton State Highway Commission. Violation John Bariekman and interest of said judgment be given Domestic Processing.
of these load limits constitutes a misdemeanor in ATTEST: debtors in and to the following Bidders are advised that violations
RCW 36 75 270 Ruth E Boysen described property to satisfy said of the Domestic Processing
accordance with .... _
DATED this 23rd day of March, 1970. Clerk of the Board judgment, to-wit: requirement constitutes breach of
3/26-4/2-2t Lot 3, Block 3 of Beverly contract and may result in
Heights Addition, Mason County, contract cancellation, or in refusal
NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING NOTICE Washington, Commonly known as to award timber sales to the
The City of Shelton Planning ..... OF. FINAL ,RE/~,RT, ..... NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Route 3, Box 574 Shelton, violator, or debarment or
Washington. suspension from bidding on
Fl=./l/IUl~l rul'~ Ul-.l/l'~ll[~U/IUl~ll
Commission will hold a public ........... ,~ ,.,~ that the assessment roll for Local NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE future timber sales. If requested
hearing in the City Hall, Tuesday, ANuuj ,r], n =v ur Improvement district No. 22 isIS HEREBY GIVEN, That on by the State of Washington or by
April 7, 1970 at 7:30 p.m. on an ~.~.~'~'~''~ now in the office of the City Friday the 24th day of April, Grays Harbor or Mason Counties,
application for a zoning variance. -. ~u. ,~v~u .... Treasurer of the City of Shelton 1970, at 10 o'clocl< in the Fore- or by any person deemed to have
for construction of a duprex on In /ne bupernor L.ourT or me for col ect on
lots 6, 7, 8, Block 68, Seattle State of Washington in and for Property owners may pay allnoon ot said day, I will sell the a reasonable interest in the
Syndicate Addition. . the County of Mason (In or any portion of the assessment above described property, or so proposed sale, or in its terms, a
This is in accordance with Probate). without penalty interest or cost much thereof as may be necessary public hearing will be held in the
Ordinance No. 682. In The Matter of The Estate until May 11, 1970 to satisfy said judgment, together office of the Forest Supervisor,
with attorney's fees, interest, Federal Building, Olympia,
Purl JemisonChairman of SlG A. ANDERSON, also This notice "is given in costs and increased costs, in all Washington, on the 3rd day of
Shelton Planning Commissionknown as Alfred Sigurd conformity with the provision of amounting to the sum of Four April 1970 at 2:00 p.m., PST.
3/26-4/2-2t Anderson. . 35.49.010. Hundred Seven and 03/100the Requests for public hearing will
Notice ishereby qiven _th..atAlma K. Catto ($407.03) Dol lars. PLUS not be considered unless received
MABE.L T. ANDERSON, Treasurer in the office of the Forest
NOTICE OF CLOSING executrix of the estate of.SIG A; 4/2-9-2t SHERIFF'S COSTS.
OF REGISTRATION BOOKS ANDERSON, a/k/a Alfred 31guro ...... Said sale will take place at the Supervisor, Federal Building,
NOTICE IS HEREBY Anderson, deceased, has filed NOTICE OF HEARING EAST door of the Court House at Olympia, Washington, on or
SHELTON in said County and before March 25, ]970. Dated
lerk of the Superior
GIVEN: That the Registration with the C P ....÷" and State p,.Jhe City .o!,,She/ton Planning State, and will be at public March 4, 1970. Wynne M. Maule,
Books for the follow no orecincts ~uu~ u. ~o,u ~.~...,,~ . . . ~.v,,,,,,,~,u,, w,,, ,,u,u a ~,,,~
,, nn w fh n fho hnu~n~l~r ~R n~ her final report and petition ~or hearing in the City Hall, Tuesday, auction, for cash in hand to the Forest Supervisor, Olympic
~;~c'l~'~)ol"E)i"st"rict"~lo-~.0zl- Mason distribution of said estat~;A~n~l April 7, 1970 at 7:00 P.M. on an highest and best bidder. National Forest.
County WashinQ~ton 'will be that Friday the 24th day _. P . application for a zone change Dated at Shelton, Wash., this 3/12-19-26-4/2-4t
c o s e cl f o r (5 R i G N A L 1970, at 9:30 o'clock A.M., orfrom R-I to C-1 for ots 1 2 and16th day of March, 1970.
REGISTRATIONS on April 12 sa d Superior Court, Shelton, in 10 Block 32 Mt View Acldi~t on W.F. ANDERSON
' said County, has been duly fixed ' This is in accordance with Sheriff of said County.
1970, until the day following aY P - I u~u nance No b~Z PUBLIC HEARING
Special Election to be held by b our Su er or Court for the ......... By ANN ROSE
School District No. 404, on settlement of the said l-ina ~ . • - Chief Civil Deputy
.. ~ fur Jemison Chairman Notice is hereby given in
Tuesday, May 12, 1970. Re ort, at which time the Lourt ..... ' Attorney:
. ~neu~on ~, annin accordance with the provisions of
Eells Potlatch is 'asked to settle such repo~ Commission g Gerry L. Alexander
Hoodsport Skokomish distribute the property to cn ..., ..Suite 900 RCW 34.04 (1967C237ss3), RCW
Lilliwaup Union persons entitled thereto, and ...... "~I=-~¢Capitol Center Bldg. 42.32.010, that at 10:00 A.M.,
HOWEVER, Registration discharge said Executrix. - Olympia, Washington Friday, April 10, 1970, in the
W I T N ESS, the Hon 3/19-26-4/2-9-4tGeneral Administration Building
Books will remain open for ....... i NOTICE OF HEARING Auditorium, Olympia,
~ewitt ~ ~enry Judge o ...................
TRANSFERS only, through -- - • ........ urt .he L.i[y OT Snelton vtannmg NO~IcE--TO CREDITORS Washington, the Washington State
Sunday, April 26, 1970. Said tne aDove emmeo ~.u , ..
=n,~ the seal ,-f said Court Lommissoon will hold a public Department of Natural Resources,
Transfers covering only the voters ~;'~^'~ ";- ~Oth da,, ofhearing in the City Hall, Tuesday, NO. 4106 Board of Natural Resources will
moving from some other Precinct =,,,^=u =,,,~ .~ z &nril 7 lq?n =÷ R.nn p M on an IN THE SUPERIOR COURT
March 1970 "'" .............
to the above named precincts. . '. . • application for a zone change O F T H E S T A T E O F hold a public hearing to consider
DATED this 26th day of Lodga ~imDel
........ Trom C-1 to C-2 with conditional WASHINGTON FOR MASON the adoption of permanent rules
Lserk OT sa,o ~uper,or
March, 1970. Court excel0tlon for lots 9 and 10, Block COUNTY (IN PROBATE). pertaining to public use of
Ruth E. Boysen • _ .... 17, Mt View Addition IN THE MATTER OF THE Department of Natural Resources
managed lands and roads and
Auditor & Registrar for .......TRENA BELSITO,,~T,_,, inlet-': is ,n accordance: with ESTATE OF WALLACE R. enforcement of such rules.
WUH/~, mL~'U'~ GREEN Deceased.
Mason County, Washington. . ..... Ordinance No. 682. The authority under which
4/2-1t Attorney TOr me r-state _ P~r,,- .... JUITI,sorI" .......... ~..ndlrm(~ T he undersigned is the these rules are proposed is: RCW
205 Thurston Savings & Loan BIog.P~hplfnnPlnnninn appointed and qualified 43.30.150 (6), RCW 34.04 et.
Olympia, Wash. 98501 C.'om'm'iss'io-n' .... Administratrix of said estate.
Real Estate 4/2-1t 4/2-1t Persons having claims against the seq. and Ch. 160, Laws of 1969.
deceased are required to serve the I nterested persons may
~.___----_-----._--,,~ ~-------------------------- ~-------------------------- same in duplicate, duly verified, submit data, views or arguments
on the undersigned or the to the Department of Natural
_ Real Estate Real Estate attorney of record at the address Resources, in writing, to be
L stated below and file the samereceived by this agency prior to
0 ~ ~~----------'='----'--'---~ ~-----'---'--'------------" with the Clerk of the Court, April 10, 1970, or orally at 10:00
together with proof of such A.M., Friday, April 10, 1970, at
Re I Est service within four months after 2 the General Administration
April 1970, or the same will be Building Auditorium, Olympia.
a ate If you earn forever barred. Signed,
Administratrix Commissioner of Public
'MMACULATE 2 BEDROOM under $8,000 per year P.O. BOX 108 Lands
Home with appliances, electric Department of Natural
baseboard heat, hardwood floors, Union, Wash.
and many extras. Lovely fenced B. FRANKLIN HEUSTON Resources
backyard and patio plus a garden and live in the country--McCleary, Lima, Montesano or any Public Lands Building
town under 5,000 population--we can get you 100% Attorney for Estate
Olympia, Washington 9850]
spot all prepared and partly financing if needed--S0 down payment--at an annual Angle BIdg. 4 March 17, 1970
planted for this year. Hurry and percentage rate of 6%% or $72.28 per $1,000 per year. Shelton, Wash. 9858
you can finish it! Call owner 4/2-9-16-3t 3/26-4/2-9-3t
426-2140 to see it or if no one is
home or you need a ride call Bev
Thomason Shown anytime
i n c I u d i n g "e v e n i n gs. $17,500. On a $ ]6,000 3-bedroom home, with fireplace and carport,
including land, you would have 396 monthly payments of
5 acres of beautiful pasture, small * * * *
barn and a nice FIVE BEDROOM Call us today--we have homes in Grays Harbor, Mason and
HOUSE with attached garage• Thurston Counties under construction and built and
$18,500 full price, approved for this program• , , ,
GENTLEMAN FARMER: This LOWER INCOME? Ask about the F•H.A. 235 Program. We
excellent 2 story, 3 bedroom have many homes ready to move into under this program.
home on just over an acre is close Interest can go as low as 1% in some cases.
to town. Includes barn, carports, I Branch Office
lovely landscaping, fenced
pasture. Inside there is carpeting, McCleary Ins. I Mud Bay
oil furnace in the full basement,
d ra pes separate dining room, j
$17,50 & Real Estate Realty
$! 5,000: For this nice older style 495-3398 I .
Olympia 943 7839
plastered home. There is a • - "
fireplaceseparate dining room,
hardwood floors, upstairs WesSanders-482-3590 I DickAntilla-495-3589
bedrooms and a new furnace in C. Tab Murphy - 482-2249 I Gerald Eddy - 482-3530
the full basement. Even a garag~ A | Frank Tobinski-49]-8895
and fenced backyard. Near schoo ~ | Jerry Pennell - 352-3423
and grocery store. Come in and
see if it will go FHA. It will! / I Jim Hale - 495-3393
TIMBER, CREEK & PASTURE: ~ I Nick Bosler- 495-3241
All in one package. 22 acres
between Shelton & Olympia.
$22,000 contract terms. "THE ACTION OFFICE"
Wooded secluded s te already
cleared ~for the house of your I Opposite Dairy Queen
choice, only 4 miles south of
Shelton. $2 500 with terms f REALTY 2261stSt.,
available. ' r
LOST LAKE: Vacation yea
BEDROOM home w th f rep at;e, POST OFFICE Business with living quarters 4-bedrooms. ROOM FOR
electric heat panelling and moCe. EXPANSION on this 2V~ ACRE CORNER. (~rosses over $100,000 per
Deeded access to the lake $8 500 year. PERFECT family type operation. Only $44,500. plus inventory.
full pr ce. ~ood TERMS AVAILABLE.
INVEST: In three (count 'em) 3 EXCEPTIONALLY NICE recently built 1 200 sq ft 3-bedroom home.
• rental units. Excellent condition 1/2 baths. Nice stone firep ace and wall-w.~ll carpetecl I v nq room. Slate
and more work being done all of floored entry. Modern soft lighted kitchen with built-in appliances
the time. Call about terms. ~ and hood exhaust fan Private deck off master bedroom; S~ac~,u~s
NEED A LARGE HOME. IN covered patio off livinq room Over-sized double garage wire r~u,,-,
to menton All-thus'on 2 ACi~ES connected to hiway with paved
De it. Suburban location large driveway Could be developed to keep a couple of horses or beef. Priced
corner tract. House has been at $25,Po()0• and you can assume a Farm Administration Loan--at 5%
completely redecorated inside and
nas a brand new fireplace and interest!
furnace. $18,500 contract terms.HERE'S A DANDY 10 ACRES with pasture, some woods, a SMALL
CREEK, WELL and over 600' on BLACKTOP_ROAD. Only 8 miles
West of Shelton" $12,500.
Call 426-1641 IMPROVED LOT in Shelton City Limits. Cleared, level, ready to be
Bey Thomason 426-8615 built on ! $1,000. CASH.
ONES at reasonable prices and terms, in MOST AREAS--Be sure and
John Brush, Broker •
AI Windell, Assoc. Broker
426-3 ! 32
Eve. Jim Roush 426-8522
Real Estate Real Estate
ArREAP. How about a brand new 3
.'~."_ "~ .... . ..... bedroom home with fireplace
we nave a ~u acre piece OTT me
....... ffers and approx,mately 66 of very
Lo,e ~oaa wn~cn Oto sell exce ent sa t water frontage
complete privacy Priced u-- -e"arate 1 car ......"
...... " "- "-rms , ,a~ :) IJ ~Jdldge, ,awn,
at ~11 DUU wltn t~
.... , and covered patio area for
avat,aDle, many enjoyable summer
activities with friends• Very
Maybe the Lake Nahwatzel commanding view down the
area is more to your likeing? Day tO :~ne,ton. Very attractive
Here's a 4]/2 acre cleared tract nome w,m equally attractive
with some fruit trees. This is price of only $28,500.
level land with trees on 2 sides
for weather break and pr racy. Here s our speciallU, Not i,,~
$3,375 with $750 down an small lot on a man-made
payments set at $35/month. ake_this attractive home is
~oca~eo on approximately 220'
..... ideas in mind, of the very best frontage on
If you nave arg=
.......... ~"~tion in Lost Lake Really a p,cture
mayoe a zou a~.,= ~,~ " "
" mi-ht be the setting near Camp Bishop Over
Gr:ysr H(~rD°be b~oken downan acre of land with plenty of
• tracts and does room for second residence wtth
into smaller swee in "
have large year-round creeks. Justp g view of the water.
000 a very lovely, lovely
$150, . setting. Private road and
andsome landscaping.
COUNTRY ESTATE $34,500 and you won't find a
This is a very large 5 bedroom better buy.
home, with 4 baths in an ANGLESIDE
'nearly completed state of .--
construction. If.you need a lot If you have been looking for a
of living space here it is--with good family home but one for
den, dining room, large living guest entertaining at the same
room, sewing room hobby time--this one certainly fits the
room, 2 fireplaces and nice bill. Built on 2 levels and
family room on the downstairs includes 4 bedrooms, 2 full
level. All located on 5 acres in baths, 2 fireplaces, work shop
the Agate area. There are more which could be a 5th bedroom,
acres available--with the 5 and large family room with
acres the selling price is massive bar. The area is topsas
$29,500. Terms are available, well as the neighbors. $25,000
with a very low interest loan to
be assumed.
This home has many features HILLCREST...
to enjoy. With approximatelyLocated in an area of homes
80' feet of excellent salt water with beautiful view of the
frontage and an outstanding Olympics. A Rambler styled
view, this 2 bedroom home ishome with 3 bedrooms,
an excellent opportunity forfireplace, ]Vz baths, some
retirement seclusion. Electric built-in appliances, and 2-car
baseboard heat keeps you attached garage. Nicely fenced_
comfy during heavier weather, back yard with plenty of
Good fishing the year round,garden space. $18,500 with a
$26,900 with terms available, low 6% loan to be assumed.
t 10 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447
Evenings Call:
DON BROWN - 426-6388 A. ROY DUNN - 4264601
Thursday, April 2, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19