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Page A—34 Shelton-Mason County Journal '- Thursday, April 2, 2020
Thursday, April 2, 2020 ‘ Serving the communities of Belfair, Allyn,
Grapeview, Tahuya, Lake, South Shore and Victor
HUB gets $5,000
Center for
1n re 1e. money
in Belfair
County (0 V/D- i9 gives 75K In grants $5,000 from
g the Mason
. County
By Adam Rudnick “help those disproportlonately COVlD-19
adam@masoncountycom impacted indiViduals and fam- Response
ilies, as well as specific organi- Fund, which
The HUB Center for Seniors zations in our community who g was set
has a dilemma — how can it are serving those populations,” : up by the
provide critical services for a according to a news release. 1 community
vulnerable population with its
doors shut due to COVID—19?
And how does it do so without
generating any revenue?
A local fund designed spe—
cifically to help ease the finan-
cial effects of the coronavirus
is providing some relief.
The fund had raised more
than $50,000 as of Monday.
Last week it announced it has
distributed $15,000 to Mason
County organizations during
its first round of grants.
Established March 15, the
fund will allocate money to the
Foundation of
South Puget
Sound and
United Way of
Mason County.
The fund had
received more
than $50,000
The HUB in Belfair will get HUB, Hood Canal food bank, in donations
about $5,000 from the Mason Matlock Community Church as of Monday;
County COVID-19 Response food bank, The Saints’ Pantry Courtesy photo
Fund. Set up by the Communi- food bank and ‘North Mason
ty Foundation of South Puget food bank.
Sound and United Way of Ma- . fl7......Armenimifl-, . W..- ,,
son County, the fund aims to see GRANTS, page A—35
V ‘ ' online education was brought to life in response to
Port of Allyn meeting Group that aids salmon COVIDdatheythevaluein
' ' ' source for years to come, supporting their mission
op 'c n g I I n e to make environmental education more
The Port of Allyn’s next Board of Commissioners Need an activity for your
children? The Hood forgfitsfitiznéinal S almon Enhancement Group
giggmgég gglegotégtlhgi the room W111 be 32:11:11 Salmon Enhancement
Group has a solu~ based in B elfair, creates educational progrgmming’
The meeting is scheduled for 6 pm. Monday in The group has added online
lessens with an en- :0nififigfe122%:gdaietlfi:gztrstfsififggnfisfitat
the port’s downstairs meeting room, 18560 E. state vironmental focus on
its website, www.pnwsalmon- agile Salmo: Center g
Route 8, Allyn. ' center.org, for three age ranges —— ages 6-8,
9~12 '
According to a news release from the port, the on] and 13 and older. ,
agenda items will be consent items — usually ap- The lessons spotlight
salmon, forestry, ecosys- ' ' '
prove] of past meeting minutes and approval of bills tems and more. They
include activities that can be u rCh on I I
and payroll. The board could also approve the port’s done inside and
outside, according to a news release
Comprehensive Scheme of Harbor Improvements. from the group.
No commissioner, executive director or security “(Staffl would love to
hear feedback as well as
officer reports are planned. Due to COVID-19, the questions people have
about these resources, so
Port of Allyn announced effective March 17 that it please remember to
comment on the videos or reach
would close its offices to the public. out directly to their education and
outreach team
North Bay Lutheran Community Church in Al-
lyn has suspended worship services at the HUB
Center for Seniors until further notice.
The church will offer weekly videos through its
websites, northbaylutheranorg.
For more information, email info@portofallyn. via email, as many staff
members are working re-
motely,”, the release states. “Although (the group’s)
com or call 360-275-2430. I Compiled by Adam Rudnick
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