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Defense Meeting At I ', .
Grant School Tonite. Armg0§%;;§%roup
civilian defense leaders will speak Men Who regiStel'ed under the
m the Grant school building this third Selective Service registra-
l-venulg at :1, civilian defensel tion February 16 face draft into
meeting to which all residents of Army SE‘WiCB in May 01' June. 30‘
the Pickering Harstgne Island, ; cording to Selective Service head-
Grapcview am! Allyn communitiesquartersv WhiCh ordered immed'
are Invited iate classification of the Febru-
,ary 16 registrants by local draft
3 boards.
! There had been some confusion
Iwhether the February 16 regis-
, ltrants would be. integrated with
Lieut. Purcell of the Intercep-z
lor (‘ommand and several Shelton'
iShelton Boy Had
Clothes Shot Off
At Pearl Harbor
letters Mr.
Frank Harrier have received from ‘
their son, John, a sailor in Un-
cle Sam‘s Navy, tell how he had
the clothes literally ripped from
his body by Japanese machine. gun
bullets and bomb explosions in the
attack on Pearl Harbor, Dcccm—'
her 7.
Many of his
and Mrs.
were i
3 '9“, OH“
I l 9433*. ' 1:3
.V 5‘5
all?ka AM
‘ L i /./.-.
i 3
E \
wlmso lltllill‘
Corp: ).
l(‘“>‘- and sr
. ace permits and
lllitll'::.£ll lull.
his following list of Mason County boys and men now engaged
hting for Uncle Sam undoubtedly has numerous omissions and
Il‘ you know some Mason County boy ill the armed forces
Is been overlooked. or if we have listed someone under
the Wl'zlli: M‘l'YlH' (viz: undel- Army when he actually is
in Army Air
or 11' solzleono’s name is included who you know is not in the
should not be on this list. The Journal would appre—
' 11 information as we, plan to publish this list from
will correct the list as we I'ecelve
see the beer industry feels the
same way . . . certafilly, the brew—
ers believe in running their busi-
ness the way you and I would like"
to see it run.
Folks like us like to see beer
sold in clean, quiet, decent places.
initiative. And if Sam Abernethy
was right, the brewers should be
mighty successful . . . because
they’re running their business the
way the public wants to see it run.
ing with the Army Air Corps.
They plan to go on to Los Angeles,
too, before returning North.
Mrs. Shelton Home
From Vancouver, Wn.
Mrs. Mary Shelton, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Jackson, Clarence
Kelly. James W. Jr.
Reed, Charles E.
Richardson, Don
Knceland. Davc Rose. Perry
Lanamead. Raymond Schuffcnhauor. Louis
M(:Cl'(‘kil‘y. Francis Sharpe. Ray Jr.
Mcad, Benjamin Sharpe, Wally
Radko, Fred M. Shoal, Jack
Slltra. Donald Simmons, Gallagher
Anderson. Myron
Burnett, Commodore
Flint. Wilbur
Kneeland. George
Stuck, Vernon
Sutherland, Jack
Sutton. Charles
Waldburgcr. Robert
Waldrip. James
Westcott, Carl f,
Wolcott, Harry
*Youngblood; Edmund
Wiss, David
Wiss, Donald
I The Journal invites parents, rel-i
-atives and friends of men (or wo-i
men) serving in the armed forces
Etc send in any news concerning
lthe activities of those men (orl
Iwomen). Some samples of the
itype of activities that constitute
lnews may be found in this and
adjoining columns of this page.
Letters from soldiers, sailors,,
marines, aviators or nurses in the
{Services frequently tell very in-
Roll l
The neighbors around here sure
are swell. They give us quite a
few pies, cakes, and puddings and
cook part of our food for us that
the cook can’t, so that helps out
a lot.
Well, so long for now.
Two other letters to his moth-
er in recent weeks also tell more
‘ ‘ ‘ gybzvéfiilisfiéegallfgaozfigrtgif killed around him and
his Ship? that -‘In(lll'alcs (leccased or nllssmg‘. lterestlng
experlences 1n \vhlch
/RE FBJ :h;.',;ti(:n (“Tall mviou; re is_‘was hard hit in the
attack but us, ARMY ,they have been involved, while
,tw”n”tc’ p g the Shelton boy escaped injuryl‘ Altiulpllsflll‘,
Cui'l Glcason, Harold Nelson, Donald N. Pl'OmOtionSl honors 01‘
q ‘ the narrow margin of the thick_: A l-ll,Hlioll:l't A. Click,
Truman Nelson. Laurel schooling make news that all
. C0‘3;,thg,;::lgoggge;s azaleas“ of ms uni-form for when the!
:l:::i“':::::§: «fiends and the public in general
Large and Sma” in“), ylafis for the fougth re isg: battle was over his
clothing was, 3 Mi, Jess Hall, Fl'ullcis M. Ogden, Thomas is interested
in reading about 10'
Amounts Alike . p ‘ . ' , . 3. shot to pieces, Mr. Harrier saidl
'“Stl‘wsgv PM “will. Jml. 01mm Carrol cal bovs (or girls) serving
tratlon on April 27 which Will. . . _ i . lull, lalmcr llcpnltl'. Edwm
Olson. Ii-vmg ‘
l . . In relating some of the. Inform-. . . .,.. .. . . . countrv In this
war effort.
. l -,~l ‘h b t t of . . ll._<on. Jam s L. Hlss, James W. Olund Robelt
Dblwered Where . (atc men evscen he ages . l . ,. , . _ .
45 and 6,1 incluoive Further de_ atlon m Johns letters. Iljlliley.
w}lllulm V. Hillbokl, George 0ppelt_ Elwyn ' ——-~~—
r: .r .l .. I _ airline-r, {oy Human. Nat P' I
Needed . ‘tflllS Will be. announced later. 10h.“ happened .to be at
Hmk Bul'bvl'. Hartley Fl. Hilnodel. James W. Pillker. Sltlanley
lArmV PrOanteS H‘M‘I‘V
l _ am Field. Army airport, When the! Bal'ileklllall. Clan-nor:
llulbcrt. Donald Pcarcy. Mill'Vin I ' T L C 1
attack broke out but he com- Ba 'l‘tt. Cill'l Jacobson, Harold
Peterson, Owen COmPtOH 0 t-" 0 -
. E TOT IN HOSPITAL lmandered a civilian car and rush-g
d"'l‘]11l(,111‘;1;m jflillt‘sv “84le t 1129333 adv“) l
; . l ‘ )‘ ‘, J‘ll ulllSOll. l . 4 “ "
l Kathryn Zolotcn, 6, daughter Of ed to hls Shlp. only to 1?"
rfafllsed Bl-crbowcr. Leonard Jennings, George Paillibg, 0155111311.} (3,
M1' and Ml‘s' W' Baumgarq l
(«(VVCRFTF ‘iML and Mrs. Ignante Zoloten of entry because he was in
ClVlllaY‘ll minim, Ill-rt A. Johnson, Russell Phillips, Melvin “9"
0f Shelton “WWW Word this
, l. .l l . EShelfon enrolled SheltOn hospitallgarb, so he hurried back for
his; lllflisl’lop, lVVlIlliS .Iléilltlisul’i, Tdhor gités, Gevorge H.
week or the promotion Of the?“
- :v f. , . -. . ». iumus‘l. AIW‘I‘ (’1 l. “1'0 u as. erllon
—'n-law Harr Compton 0
. l ‘ ‘, Wednesday fcr medical care. lmlfmm and then bad‘ to m"
Ii “111", P. 'l: 'l Kil Ill 1) l '- l i . son] . y
133‘”)! ‘-V~L~~»~~~W~--~ Ship in time 1:0 man a macbino. stimuli,
Dtllllilllle‘ K.‘..;Y,"I;..R8§T”d T' the rank of
lieutenant-colonel In
SW‘INUI St- Bridge 1 Give your old sheets. white gUn and do his part in
repelling} 131‘:lsifi<:l(l.‘§;:lal 1 §{oln'l(lr§'un’.
Milvin Elyllf'l', Ira lthe U. S. AFmY- bent-001. and
itable linen quart fruit jars with the attackers. nau- llpp, llli arr
All“). .r l‘lrllll' l. .ncgrove, WC ‘My-S Compton (the former
,A, q. ... . I P. l-ll. Dll -~ 125,14: A: . ,."T?‘ U": -
l [‘UNF‘ 12" screw tops and broom sticks to “It was a real
thrill to get one Elfi-Vlriin‘i‘a,‘ R“; “m mix-oil?“
giggijidéoifigeniifn Baumgamn") are now I‘Vmg ml
the Red Cross. lOf those yellow fellows in the gufim‘. Lintlon, JJess
Spring, Robert New York City.
_. . _.,. .,_,,,_ V _._ __,_. .n . i i )ll 01‘. l lam All/03S. a wg” H
1d _._____._~____.,L_____._______‘
Slghtsv M" Harmer sald JOhn Cassidy, John B. Lund, Robcl't R.
Tayl‘d: Jalirxlgs F. I
wrote. . ‘ I Cawkm', Allan McClanallan, Clay Faylor. Edwin W. soon ,
, , but it will be some timel
. John now ,5 1n Washmgton,' Clllllnlzlir. Harry McCreary, Lyle
roukkala. Eino before we et the kitchen anal
‘ .D.C., taking a special six-monthl Elifi‘h'; “3‘” I?“
McDonald. Don Tinsslwd- ROY g f. d” S of
course in advanced firemanshi ')‘1t“‘\11"'b"”
W‘ J" Mrd‘w' men" ' Tr‘lusll- AFWD“ Shower room
1X8 UP- ome
. . ‘ - 1).; Compton. Harold McIlI‘nr)’, Carrol ‘au. Norris the
lumber we used was from
,His Wife, the former Betty John—A gorl'lgl’lllfi Edward Leonard
Ream, Charles Peak mm
(manta By C‘ (ii. Angus Rickards' Russd] I. ./ .l. . i '
SEE'Jgffiigtegf B‘Nflfillhncarl McNeil, John Rickards. Merlin 0.
We sure are in a nice location
‘ - i «' rye... «a any r. i\I~ sell. Bill Rodcnberg. Henry here
right in town . . . in a base-
accompany him as she had Signed Dillonlwrg, Raymond Mam, John Roundups Cup]
" . . ,. 1 _
J06 blarsh -Ob » h h,.. Dion, 0mm- Muys‘ Jack Vincent. Han.V .ball field
in a City part and are
'/’ V ggnggt ?ea?%fe§:eis'] Stinwirchoio; Donaldson. Blallton
Mays, W'arrcn Necks. William only 15 miles from Times Square
lum , . tRlbhacrrt fillgetliun. Osc‘ark welldee; I and Broadway,
N_Y' City. Lots
. a 1: .l‘, lcs l l en'crler, l 11: an . '6 - - .
———.————————— 1 Elucihillmz Gleol'gn Miller,
J02“ Waxing, 151,3, F’ [of nice girls around thee"; sglme
BESTstorekecperIever knew wasa Well the brewers feel the same Coast Guard
Sends i fig‘g‘gfu-Hggggrt L0" :g‘jmsrggeft'figlft 11:2:
fellow named Sam Abernethy. way about it. They don’t want their Gene
Moore East A am gljon, Lugs le ignore, JrIIVIIm 8. Wolf. Donald 1:116
sidewalk go we get chance
’ . . . .s Inger. anion i organ. arvin Woodard. Robert ‘ ‘ A
Slims specialty was to take over beer sold In wrong surroundings. g l
Fishvmu Lawremfi Morgan Melvin anm Joseph to meet lots of people and now
some run-down store that some- They know It doesntpay. And they Gene
Moorefi‘son of M r and! galltlng, Ighlatrrl Morris, firlhul‘ R.
Yeagcr. N. C. that the weather has warmed up
_ . i I 0:: or, res on Morris, obcrt P. Y my) blood, Albert .'
body false had given unasafallure- lgnow It hurts the 300d name 0‘ Mrs.
Elmer Moore of Shelton, , Frank, Adolph Moss, Cecil A. Yllungblood, Elm“
la lot more people Vllll be around.
Then camwould turn It lntoa gold eer. turned his nose eastward once,
F‘l;(:l'nl(lll‘.).§l]dl‘l’l P. Neal, Robert Youngblood,
William .We got new gas masks and
mme- Iwas reading the other day how more last week after having just‘ J
:51,” foé‘gmrmilzwrmm YUFkaS. “81W? rifles this week. The gas masks
“But the most important thing the brewers and the beer distribu- returned
from New York City the, ’ of tEllie sllgrv'lce type,¢ ttllie.
, ,. m _ revious week this time to at-! Rs. NAVY ‘ ' ng e o ones wer
al 1 ,
0f d". he used ‘0 531', 13 t0 1'0 mfg work together and
0001'“?er p < Abeyta, Arthur Deffinbaugll, Robert Lindberg,
Charles 1; The rifles sure are swell.
! I” tend another Coast Guard school . . yp ,
member whoa Boss. With law enforcement authorities. , Adams. Harvev
Dittman. Archie Lord, Byron d
- at B It ore Md. Ba~ R m . ,- They are the new Garan s . . .
fl . The Idea ls to make careless beer a 1m , LJC, ay .ond Edmlston, Joe
McKenzie, Frank .
You maythmk you are . . He will take a, course in 1113-, Beck, William J.
Jr. Einarson, Allan Meyer, Dan R, 8-shot automatlcs. We are all
your business ’ _ but you’re not. retailers clean up their places and
ch- ins anation' His Stud at] Bednal'skl. Robert Fllnarsorl. James
Moe. John anxious to try them out, We get
' ractc I we _ . y . Ema, Nolval Ells, William Molesworth Miles .
The Public, your customers, are the p 1 e5 - or c 059 “1’- New York was
in firemanship. Bishop, Lo,” your,“ Glenn Nelson. Brace 25 clips With
them but I don t
real bOSses . . . and you’ve got to ‘l . It | —————-———
l lgoiltd. lchlpyJ G. Garrison. John Newell. Robert know why. We only have
your business the way they Mother Wife on To l ciotiiim-Mluiluiil
altars... ital Emit Shells and five Clips WI“
want it.” Risa 00d Ian and itseems ' ’_ . 6010’ Charles
gamer" JO-hn on”: may hold those and any more shells
.g p VlSlt Miles Elllott Cook, John E. *Jones. Harold Powell. Jack than
that are pretty heavy to
, . to me It ought to work. I under- Cox. 1301)th Labor. gohn Jr. Prantc,
Del carry around in a cartridge belt.
, stand It is already in operation in Mrs. Ed Elliott of Shelton and]
FEET?“ kgglbgflholgl‘ymy fizzle” I sure wish I could drop in on
That hill? Statement Of sams a number of states and is being Mrs. Miles
Elliott of Wenatchce Le“: Richard you for dinner. The food here is
made a blg impressmn on me I. . . extended. left yesterday on a two week
trip U q NAVY F P . not bad but it isn‘t good either.
Partlc‘flarly Smce 1t certamly It’s amighty fine thing whens to
Califorma. during. Whmh theyl Anderson. Harold K. siélsoii. Logillg “0R
SSkaal' Cliff lWe have a “Wop” kid for a 000k
seemed to work so well in Sam’s great industr has the m i will visit
Miles Elliott. 8011 and; Al'll‘l:~.'L‘Jn2'_. Preston Vigor,
Joe stern} Elwood and about all he can do is Warm.
case_ l7 8“} Dion husband respectively, at McClel- Elliott. Miles Vigor,
William Slinson. Jack up the canned goods and fry‘
A d S . % th n] I to do a Job like that on Its own land Field, where he is
in train- grvm, Rowrltt J. J gobs-1'. Jig}: E. glue? ILioien“ meat
and potatoes
n am lsn e o y one_ lxemer, a or . ayson. ave .tuc . usse '
No. 34 of a Series
Copyright, 1942, Brewing Industry Foundation
Wash, returned home Sunday, ac-
daughter, who
an in her
comp y g in Shel-
spent a couple of days
Allison. Jack
Cameron. William
Cole, Jack
Cox. Henry W.
Hall. Merle
Hilligoss. Ralph
Kadoun. Leonard
LeCompto. Tom
Pearson, Bob
Sanderson. Lawson
(air corps)
with Each $4.00 Order
Ester Specials
HAMS Ill. ‘37:
E668 2-doz. 65c
BUTTER 2-lbs. 870
came Ms. 63..-
[Mill 2-Ibs.
Fruit Cocktail
zcansm' ------- u SHOPPING BAG
,ozfjfffhzgl ORANGES .
slit Olllolls
Tomato Juice ,
Gallon __________ _,
Pkg. ................ ._
Peas & Carrots
2 a... .......... 19¢
Lnoz. nan-onus
Whole Kernel
Gardner Kirkwood, at Vancouver,’I
‘° . * hoop-
Quart .........
31 2 Cans .......... ..
Gilli-ROB, bunch
. 49c
Anderson, Clarlncc
Coulson, Harry Hill,
Dalby. Edwin J.
Delano. Melvin
Doherty, Fred
English, Samuel L.
Banner, Ben
Dr. Allan
Roger M.
Hoag. Harris
James. John C.
Murray. Raymond
Pabst, Avery A.
Forman, Dr. B. B.
Reed, Will G.
Werberger. William
Wyatt, Stanley
chk, William C.
Zandell, Merlyn
Quinn, Bud
I‘. S.
Boardman. Ben
Carlson. Isaac W.
Dickinson, Don
.Fadden, Joe
Lynn, Kenneth
Osterberg. Ralph
Powell, Harry
Travis. Frank Jr.
Moore. Gene
Walton, Leonard
As his friends would expect,
Soldier Ned Snelgrove, drafted
from his position with the Shel-
ton school faculty and athletic
coach last summer, emphasizes
sports in his letters home.
I Writing from San Jose, Calif.,
Ned’s latest epistle to a Shelton
friend recently says in part: 1
“I never get out to do any-
thing since the war engulfed
this country and as my work is
of a confidential nature I can’t
very well write about it. However,
a week ago I was transferred
temporarily to San Jose for
about a month's specialiied train-
“In the week I’ve been here I
did catch up a little on my sports
activities. Wednesday (letter dat-
led March 14) I walked out to
ISan Jose's new ball park and
watched Portland take a workout.
They certainly have their share
of old-timers. Ad Liska, Frank
Brazill, Ted Norbert, Thompson,
Freck Owen and several others.
I exchanged a few words with
Brazill, Owen and Liska.
“The rookies were bemoaning
the fact that they couldn’t even
hit Liska in batting practice. He
did seem to be one of the hard-
est workers. The best looking
’rookie was a kid that played in
fthe WI league last year, believe
rthe club was Spokane, and his
name. is Martinez.
"Last night I bummed up to
Palo Alto and saw Slots Gill’s
boys take a bad 41-28 beating.
‘Them Stanfords’ were just too
tall. Don Durdan looked like
Minnie Mouse beside the opposi—
tion. He couldn't even get his
passes off at times. Stanford’s
zone covers the floor like a blan-
ket. They practically join hands.
John‘Mandic worked harder than
any other four men but he just
couldn’t carry the load. The
passing wasn't so hot on either
team-~I suppose the heavy pres-
sure was the reason.
“Talked a little with Bill Crow—
den and Leo MCCaffery (Stan-
ford guards) during the prelim—
inary. The latter said three Of
Stanford’s men played together at
Lou/ell H. S. in San Fran.
“The prelim was for the intra-
mural championship. Some little
, (tackle) made
guard shot from his owu foul line
and won an overtime for the Ze-
ta Psi’s. Scheller (fullback for
Stanford’s football team) layed
for the winners and tamm
numerous good
blocks and tackles for the losers.
“Stanford’s gym probably isn’t
as big as Shelton's new plant.
Ypu could have knocked me over
thing like the U. of W. pavilion.
with a feather. I expected some-l
They partially remedy the smalll
seating capacity by rai’sing the
price of admission. The toll was
$1.10—practically a day's wages.
“I sneaked into the press box
and: sat next to a man from the
Oakland Post-Enquirer. All in all
it was a pleasant evening after
being confined'to camp for three
“Ran into another Shelton boy
today. His last name is Olson and
he used to play for Cammaranos
in the city basketball league.
(This is probbaly Irving Olson)
‘fI have met two others from
regiment, also a boy frc'lm Pic -
ering—last name is Anderson. His
older brother, Geor e, was in my
class throughout high school. Ol-
son is in our division but not
our regiment.
“We have a nice Set-up in San
Jose. Most of our work is inside
so We are required to go to ‘the
‘Y’ twice a week for a workout.
We can go anytime we aren't on
duty. ‘
“Frank Willard’s boys played
some good games. In
year or two he'll be
all a good run; I think.
‘ Sincerely,
‘ 'Ned
_ Fine treatment from the civil-
ian population is reported by Don
McDonald. Son of Mr. and Mrsl
R. R. McDonald of Kamilche, from
his assignment with the Army at
Paterson, N.J., in a letter receiv-
ed this week by Mrs. Warren
Earl of 412 Alder Street.
Don writes. in part:
67 C; A. Regt. (AA)
Btry A, 2nd Platoon
Paterson, N. J.
Dear Mamie,
We are building a barracks
here now and will be’ moving in
la few more details on my N. Y.
Red Jacobson is in my”mm pm. to 8 am
giving them a NY. Sun paper where Graysj
interesting details of Army life.
For instance, he says in one:
“They are going to make a
truck driver out of me, I guess.
Yesterday they gave me a writ-
ten test, false and true, and took
me down to the Armory and gave
me a test something like they
give. aviators to test reactions.
Ten of us took it but only three,
of us passed. I was the only one
of five from our light that pass-
ed. It. wasn’t a hard test. A lieu-
tenant had us drive around Pat-
terson. Most of them didn‘t pass
because they couldn’t shift gears
without clashing. in other words
couldn’t double clutch.
“I got to drive quite a bit be-
cause I was the last one to take
the test and he (the lieut.) want—
ed to go away out on the edge of i
town, so I got to drive him out
and back. I drove a lie-ton Chev.
I guess I will get to drive a 2%-
ton G.M.C. and maybe a 4-ton
Diamond F. They are sure swell'
jobs—like the big logging trucks
~—6-wheel drive and air brakes. ,
“Well, I guess I might give you
City trip. First I took a look at
the Normandia. It sure is a mess.
I visited Bertha Latham for an
hour or so.
“Went to the Paramount in
Times Square and saw Glenn Mil-
lot and orchestra. Went to Ra-
dio City Music Hall. The stagel
Show was the most beautiful
thing I eVer saw . . . 80-piece
Orchestra, 60 or 70 dancing girls,
and they were perfect. The light-
ing was marvelous. If you ever
get back here that is one place
you should go. I only wish I could
describe it.
“I went to the Conn-Zale fight'
in Madison Square Garden. It-
sure is a large place. I was in!
Jack Dempsey’s place two or
three times. It is a pretty nicel
place but not very large. The:
prices don't seem so bad for that
kind of a joint." l
The second letter told more of ‘
camp life, such as: l
“I got a lucky break last night;
and didn’t have to work so sleptl
thing happened couple of weeks]
ago only I went to bed at 6:30‘
p. m. then. The way we work itl
now is that the fellows on the}
first shift (speaking of guard du-l
ty) goes on from 5:30 p.m. tillI
one a. m. and «then sleeps till
8:30. Second shift goes on at 1.
am. and stays on till about 9;
and then to bed till noon.
“I read in the paper where;
Mrs. F'.D.R. says the Pacific?
Coast is several times more alert}
than We are back here. I read in}
Harbor is most likely to be in-l
“People around here don’t seem
to be very saving on tires. I see.
lots Offieople driving home for“
lunch, etc: i
.“Believe it not, don’t send me’
any more money right now. II
have over $70 now and don’t need
it, Sounds funny coming from a
soldier, doesn’t it? i
“The people around here sure
treat us ‘terrible.’ Yesterday they
only gaVe US three apple pics.
The day before they gave one
boy who's birthday it was two
cakes. We had some cake today,
too. Enough for now. more soon.
- ampum -.,_._...._. _,... __. "I
Soldier Pictures
Comlng Too Slow; Ben Boardm;—-;On of . Mrs
Let’s Get Goinn' 5' K. Blake of Shelton. leftck, Afirgefj
(j , York late last week to and daui
C ' ,Coast Guard school fr0_ of Seattle,
ome. come. come~ ,lhe will graduate with l r- and Mrs.
Those pictures of Mason County ‘ of Chief Boatswains M5. " Mrs.
boys and men in khaki should be, Meg t .C t o. v f- . t c cLo
rolling into The Journal faster] Ralf” m m” Is US 13::sz
llaho '
than this, folks. 1 He, was one of seven
. , - l . . '
Since. announcmg our Intention, of the Coast Guard umt and Mrs. Ja,
of arranging an exhibit of local ,‘ at Nowpmt Oregon‘ eand Mrs I
boys in the various branches of; the tra-n-no. on I
the Army in last week‘s editionl .,l_ lfif"_fiw,w_~ Frilgg'y
only a dozen pictures of soldiers! YOUNG HOSPITAL P 5 11“Ms Hew:
have come in. I
Let’s have them all. There are
nearly 200 Mason County boys!
wearing Army khaki now, maybcl
more, and we. want them all to be
represented in our display.
They don’t have to be in uni-;
form, although, of course, that is.
desircablc. Any pictureasnapshot
01' photograph or sketch of a,
Mason County boy serving in any:=
branch of the Army is acceptable
for our purposes. All will be. l‘C-‘
turned after the display has beer
up for a month. ;
So hurry ill with those pictures,
you mothers, brothers, fathers,“
and sisters. 3
Ernestine Young Crane ,, motoring tc
for 0‘. Mrs. Ernest Cran .5 this wee}
ed Shelton hospital infidel: VVeiser
for treatment. ‘ Niall; to We
-. A—# l N
» \sznei
19 as. Friday
To Don Uniforms2
C-’—S-T ‘cur c c allele
“ y 5 0f lectures
-____.._. fishing supplies and 'Vlties in whic
Nineteen more young men from] swcr the call of ya” 9d Will begin
Mason County answered the call- a", m I Th." .c t at we Oicloc
to arms for their country last, _‘c “E ‘_ S" I“. , uarters in
Friday as another group of draf— “filler-men's parad‘se'
‘This is the r
tees reported to the army ind'uc— , t.“ amuse w
tion station at Tacoma. l *3 to help at
They were Adolph W. Frank,‘ _ers answerir
Roy T. Tingstead. Joseph 13. “lg out info”
Wright, David L. Wills, Allan 18 an urge“
Cawkcr, Lawrence. Lcc, Donald C., to
Phillips, Thor R. Johnson of Shel—
ton, Ray Dillenbcrg of Belfair, detailed infc
Donald N. Nelson of Gig Harbor,. 408,
Carl E. Roundtree of Allyn, and
Leonard Ellison of Elma, Route 1. .
Six others were transfers from;
other draft boards, but left froml
Shelton, including Tom Willis of.
Tacoma, music teacher in Shelton:
schools, Emmett Fisher of
Rawlins, Wyom., Peter Kosmonek,
of Powell, Wyom., Gordon W. Ben-
nett of Anchorage, Alaska. Elvinf
J. Smiley of Wallace, Idaho, and}
Earl Charles Ayers of Chehalis. ,
V . " do .
. J94 . this Vi.
i “ I tlme- IntereS‘
livmni'nn OIL'TB ' M 0
Morons 1‘ .THEATR
LEVEL wmo RE, 35,,
93:- to $6.50 't°"’WaS
859 to $3.40
$2.75 to $15.00
special 60c
(llLED SILn FLY. '
special 550; 2 for "
1‘)" ' 20‘" ' 3 L "V lliolunlhll’lcluu
FEED E los ‘
25c; for 490 ’
flay - Satt
SPLIT Tw° Feature
Dave Wiss Assigned
To Air Instruction
At Corpus Christil
Navy Air Corps flying cadetsl
at Corpus Christi, Texas, hereaf—l
ter will have to learn the firstl
names of their instructors if they;
happen to be assigned to Ensign,
Wiss heleafter. , TROLL, SPINNE
That’s because Ensign David ; LURES
Wiss has been assigned to instruc- J _
tion duty at Corpus Christi, whore} EVERYTHING FORI
he recently completed his train- F‘ISHEI‘LMAN!"
ing and earned his ensign rating:
David’s older brother, Don, has!
been doing the same work David}
is now assigned to at the same;
training field.
The brothers are the sons of
Mr. and Mrs. Lantz Wiss of Shel-
ton and both graduated from high
school here after being prominent
in athletics.
at $9.75 per
. y
Bearing the Town & Country an
Black, Bilt Brand, these S por ti
Shirts will give you the best if1
Style and Comfort.
priced from
1.00 .0 3.95 W
will star
tailored for Seasons of wear ‘_ again, Ch
-r . let I
THEY’RE clllssws!
I H. Needha‘iléystl
z». .