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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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M» ? April 3, 1942. in Breme ' m be mother is v Sutton. “CK 0N JOB 2th is back on his job ,F a two week’s illness. RAINS L FLOWERS AL DESIGNS AND ‘“ anywhere, anytime (instead of 11., 270-W :hehalis SEATTLE - o, ARTU Say It Bring Comfort d Pofllun .ifld Happiness a .l'TAL BOUQUETS . RTHBOUND Floral Shop ’ORTLAND Il~ “f Hardware Bldg. 'ancouver,Wn. -‘ {also-Longview I Zentralia - 'Qcoma (I in of otheriniermed" o a 1‘ Spring ,-«I — TACOMA —- . 2:20 I. I. 5:00 I. II. 9:40 I. n. 1249 LI. -. 8.201. a. 1:00 I. I. d0n't need a new suit 58 for Easter, let us 9 your last year's 3 to a new glamour I Cleaning them. icted >A anyone both new , 0N COUNTY ll be ration M LABUNDRY ILineoln P.—T.A. Slates ITelephone Bridge Parties Ladies who have expressed their intention of holding parties .Monday evening, April 6, in con— nection with the Lincoln Parent- bridge party are, Mrs. George Cropper, Mrs. Winston Scott, Mrs. Lawrence Munson, assisted by Mrs. Elmer Smith. Mrs. Warren Earl, assisted by Mrs. William Valley and Mrs. Sherman Soule, William Stevenson, Mrs. Walton with Mrs. George Ash- baugh and Mrs. Rolla Halbert as— sisting her and Mrs. H. E. Lake- burg. The money parties will go to the fund to; learry on the P.-T.A. work for the rest of the season. Anyone inter-I ested in the project should call IMrs. Rolla l-Ialbert. l ‘Marytha Bible Class 1 Holds Wednesday Meet The Marytha Bible Class met on Wednesday at the home of .Mrs. Hugh Hamilton for a des- sert luncheon. There were 18I members present. Mrs. Hamiltonl was presented a going away giftI from the group. The afternoon was spent socially. I ' The next meeting will be held" with Mrs. Charles Runacres on May 6., I From Seattle Mrs. Viola Holmes, sister of Mrs. Hugh Hamilton, and Miss IMary Lou Hamilton, of Seattle, ,spent the week end in Shelton l with Miss Hamilton's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton. ', Activcttes Change : Meeting Plans I The Activettes have concelled ‘ their meeting with Mrs. Joe Han— Iscn for next V’Vednesday evening.- I I They will be guests of the Active ‘Club that evening. I M. i Agate P.-T.A. Will Meet On April 3 The Agate Parent-Teachers As— Isociation will meet at the school at 1 o‘clock, Friday, April 3 for their next meeting. It will be a achines to 1- CLEANERS Silver Tea and will honor the ‘, teacher and children. onth . up on your N.’ r positions. .1 M 'And Add That Distinctive Touch RN ‘ sky Wearing These Toiletries De- . u L ‘ Signed For Loveliness ,.. tment ‘N I efragrance of formal, stale- " lli ‘ lieslendingtheirsymbolism 0 "rule Easter season is epito- "*dinLENTHéRIC'SIong- 0 IV"! perfume— MIRACLE. nspier M. {fade is a gracxous Easter ‘ ‘d‘Oice, welcomed by all to by a sacred theme, 0 - . . . m this occasmn is a time : d . . I °°Ptmollona|significancc. 31251034000 . _. c +5:- The I SAMPLER ........................ ., 1.50 to 3.00 “ MINIATURES 1.10 to 2.20 \. FAIRHILL ........... .. 1.10 to 2.20 " FRUITS & NUTS .............. .. 1.10 to 2.20 To Get 8 ., (’81., ED VELLUM LI The Women Never Forgets WHITMAN’S ANY MAIL FOR ME? We Feature Presentation 1.75 o Bond Street by Yardley I In Toilet Water Version, Attractively Boxed 1.50 Confetti Bouquet .............. .. 2.25 ! Man Who Remembers with I I a Letter — Write a ‘Letter l 50¢ 75¢ — 1.00 up NEN AIRMAIL WEIGHT DRUGSTORE. Teachers Association Telephonel raised from these ‘ I I I I I l Mrs. I Charles1eration of Women’s Club called I I l I £25 Lentheric Colognes é I I 3;} Miracle“ Tweed, Shanghai, o A Bientot, Carnation with 1}; atomizer. s l 1.35 53 Pink Clover o Cologne 8 With Atomizer, A Harriet Hubbard Ayer Lord’s Prayer. del SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL} t? l -W..__~‘ Cm u mvwmwmmjrmmlum‘nmmm“ lulu-mum: PHONE . WWW 1 00 George Gilmore and Mrs. Women’s Federation Holds District Meet Mrs. B. C. Combs, presuicnt of the Mason County District Fed- an executive board meeting and luncheon at the Colonial House, Wednesday, April 1. Nineteen members responded to the roll call. Following the luncheon, Mrs. Combs called the meeting to or- der and Mrs. H. R. Dickenson, . president of the Hoods Canal Wo- man’s Club led the group in the Several measures were voted upon and adopted for the good of the District Federation. The board went on record as opposed to the oleomargarine bill now pending, and urges all clubs and organizations to send a similar telegram or letter to Mrs. John L. Whitehurst, President of the General Federation of Women’s lub, c-o Texas Hotel, Fort Worth, Texas, to help protect our dairy farmers. The District Federation wishes to extend an invitation to all wo- men to attend the Ninth District Federation meeting to be held at the Methodist Church, Wed— nesday, April 15. Registration to begin at 9:30 am. Luncheon will be served at noon in the Colonial House. The convention theme will be preparedness. An elabor- ate program is being prepared by Mrs. Combs and the guest speak- ers will be announced later. Shelton \Voman’s Chorus Rcschedules Practice The Shelton Woman’s Cherus will hold practice at 7:30 p. m. in the Music room of the senior high school on Monday evening. The director, Mr. Hallgrimson, urges 100 per cent attendance. , Little House -Asks .For Public Donations The Girl Scout organization this week is sending out requests for public assistance to complete the furnishing of their Little House. Following is a list of things they would like donated: tea kettle, cannister set, small garbage can, mop, pail, large ket- tle, dish pan, waste basket, scis— sors, butcher knife, paring knife, coffee pot, dust mop, phonograph ‘(portable), vases, door mat, card table and clock. They have also picked out their pattern for dishes and silverware at Travis’ and the Lumbermen’s Mercantile Store. Shelton Dancing Club Will Meet on Friday The Shelton Dancing Club will hold their monthly dance at the Memorial Hall on Friday, April 10. Dancing starts at 10 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Holt are chairmen in charge of the affair, with Mr. and Mrs. George Ashbaugh and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Durand as- I sisting. Bridal Shower Given For Miss Erma Rosenow A briddl shower was held Wed- nesday evening for Miss Erma Rosenow, who will become. the bride of Mr. Fred Heckly, April 12, at Mt. Olive Lutheran church. Mrs. Harriet Haberkorn‘s' home :was attractively decorated in the Easter motif for the occasion. Assisting the hostess were Ro- Isie Post and Marian Magnochi. Guests for the evening were members of the staff of the Shel- ton General Hospital. Those pres- ent Were Zella Deeny, Dorcas Myers, Helen Kneeland, Dorothy Roberts, Hazel Burnett, Lucille Cordes, Merna Mifflin, Jean Spur- IOCkI Mary DePue, Clara Sanger, Ardith Dahlman, Margaret Vail and Loretta Loitz. .Troop 25 Mothers Meet I Mrs. Ithe usual plaCe IApril 7. Tuesday at Hopland Home Members of the Troop 25 Boy Scout Mothers Club will meet with Mrs. Andy Hopland at 914 Franklin street next Tuesday af- ternoon at two o’clock. All arel asked to bring their manuals. W.C.T.U. Holds County Institute I The Women’s Christian Tem— Hurst and Mrs- perance Union met last Friday for an all day County Institute in the Methodist Church. The meet- ing started at 10 o’clock with a luncheon served at noon. t1MrSt-tWinnifred Lewis of Seat—I 9, S a 9 President, was the prin- Cipal Speaker. Mrs. A. L. Bell andi Slate. saturday meet Mrs. Robert C. Johnson, spoke on their departments. Mrs. Bernice Stewart gave a vocal selection accompanied by Mrs. John Dotson. Mrs. Ed Miller and daughter Margaretta sang ‘8. duet accompanied by Mrs. W. F. Roberts. 1 i I Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickie ' Entertain Saturday Eve Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dickie en- tertained With a chili supper Sat~ urday evening at their home‘. Two tables of contract followed. Honors were won by Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden and Mr. and George Gilmore. Mr. and Mrs. George Dunning were also guests. American Legion Auxiliary To Meet on Tuesday Evening The American Legion Auxiliary will hold their regular meeting in next ‘.Tuesday, A Food Sale will be conducted Saturday at the Lumbermen’s Mercantile Store. All members are Ito’ have their food there at 10 | l l l I M I L a. m. Triple T. Sewing Club "31:5 Monday Meeting rs. Frank Travis entertained the Triple T. Sewing Club on Monday evening at her home. 1‘5. Bertha FiSk, Mrs. H. E. 00p, Mrs. Mary Boyer, Mrs. Horace Crary and Mrs. A. L- Bell were present. Give your old sheets, white table linen, quart fruit jars with screw tops and broom sticks to the Red Cross. lat her home on Monday evening. I Parent-Teachers group I Play Wednesday eeting‘ The Parent—Teachers Group ofI ‘the Senior High School are send- ‘ing out special invitations to all parents and friends of students, especially fathers, to their next [Wednesday meeting, April 8, Iwhieh will be a Back to School 'Night. They will meet in the Sen—I ior High school at p.-m. In keeping with the theme,I Back to School, an assembly will] be held in the social hall where a play “Who Gets the Car To- night,” written by Chris Sirgel will be presented in Penthouse Ilashion, with Miss Coy in charge. The. play is a light comedy on :family life about the ever pres- ent problem of who gets the car. Those taking the parts are Ear- I vin Loop, Jack Kalinoski. Don Riebow, Sally Yarr and Eleanor Downie. Margarito Moore is inl Icharge of the properties andI promoting. The. furniture was do- nated by the Lumbermcn’s Mer— cantile Company. Refreshments will be served by I the committee. Girl Scout Council Gives Dinner Party A farewell dinner honoring Mrs. Hugh Hamilton was given Wed- nesday evening at the Colonial IHste by the Girl Scout Council. The color scheme for the table was carried out with a modern- will be given by Mrs. Frank Houston and Mrs. Donovan Pal- mer. , "4 Mrs. Tom Rowe will tell an Easter story "How the Russian Spends Easter in the United States.” The hostesses will ’be Mrs. W. A. Witsiers and Mrs. L. 'D. Hack. The meeting will start at. p. m. Home Again Mrs. Beatrice Grout returned to her home in Shelton this week after a month‘s visit in California. 1 W.C.T.U. lVill Hold Meeting The Women’s Christian Temper— ance Union will meet on Friday with Mrs. A. L. Bell for a 1 o’clock luncheon. istic arrangement of spring flow-l Iers in three tones of yellow, sur- rounded by candelabra in a star shape holder. Mrs. Hamilton was presented a gift of appreciation for her out— Istanding work in Girl Scouting. The remainder of the evening was 'spent playing bridge at the home of Mrs. A. E. Hillier. W.S.C.S. Slate Wednesday Meeting Wednesday, April 8 the W0- men's Society for Christian Ser- vice will hold their regular meet- ing. Mrs. W. A. Brodt will lead the Easter Devotions. Vocal Solos ‘Vi’iss-(Tonner Wedding .In \Vashington. D.C. Telegrams received here by Mr. and Mrs. Lantz Wiss and Mr. Iand Mrs. A. L. Conner brought Incws of the wedding Tuesday Ievening of their son and daugh—I ter, Dave Wiss and Betty ’Con— her. The marriage was solemn- ized at 7:30 o’clock in the Ll'fiher Place Memorial Church. The bride wore a navy' blue ensemble. A reception party was held following the ceremony at the View Colonial Hotel. " Mrs. Wiss, who has been em- ployed .in Washington, is re- signing and after a short visit here with her parents she will! join her husband in Corpus Chris- !ti,”where he is an instructor, r» i Visit Parents Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sheppard of Seattle spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wheatley. . Mrs. Roland Gerhardt Entertaincd Her Club Mrs. Roland Gerhardt enter- tained her bridge club members Mrs. Mary Connier, Mrs. Ada- Edith Hickson won honors at the two tables of cards. The Easter motif was carried out in the refreshments and dec- orations. , Juveniles D. 0711. The Juveniles of the Degree of Honor will hold their Easter do- ings at. the Odd Fellows Hall on Saturday, April 4, at 1:30 p.m. Past Matrons Club O.E.S. Will Entertain April 9 The Past Matron‘s Club of the Order of Eastern Star Will be entertained on Thursday, April 9 at the home of Mrs. Grant C. Angle on‘ Angleside. The one o'clock luncheon will be ’followed by the regular business meeting and social hour. Mrs. Horace Crary and Mrs. Maurice Needham will be the assisting hostesses. Return to School I turned to their studies Sunday af- tcrnoon, after Spending a. week with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Needham. They were accompanied by Bill and Mary Taylor who had spent Easter va- cation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Taylor. . . Maurice, Bill and Mary attend University of Washington and Jo is completing her courSe at West- ern Washington College of’Edu— cation this June. Ethel Soule Honored Tuesday Evening -A‘egroup of friends surprised Mrs. Ethel Soule Tuesday evening. with a birthday party. The eve— ning was spent playing cards, with refreshments served at the close. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Glen Chase. Mr. and Mrs. James Roush Jr_,, and Vson, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hurst, Mrs. Mabel Hall, Mrs. James Harrisnn and Mr. and Mrs. from the Maurice and Jo Needham. re- Monday Party Honors Mrs.‘ Hugh Hamilton Mrs. A. L. Almaden, Mrs. B. N. Collier, Mrs. Homer Taylor and Mrs. Leo Martin were host— esses at the farmer's home on Monday evening for a 6:30 dinnerI and bridge party honoring Mrs! Hugh Hamilton, who will leave soon to make her home in Ore- gon. Four tables of cards were in, play with Mrs. Frank VVillardI and Mrs. Vernon Davidson win-I ning honors. The rooms wereI beautifully decorated with spring} flowers. Mrs. Hamilton received a1 going-away gift from the guests.{ Mrs. Walter Elliott, Mrs. VJ. A. Witsiers, Mrs. Davidson, Mrs.‘ Robert. Allan, Mrs. Robert Trellck-I lnann. Mrs. Purl Jemison, MrsI \Villard, Mrs. Cliff VVivell, Mrs.I Charles Runacres, Mrs. A. Hillier and the hostesses, Mrs.I Almaden, Mrs. Collier, Mrs. Toy-l lor and Mrs. Martin and the hon—I 0er guest, Mrs. Hamilton were! present. I Bordeaux P.—T.A. “’ill Meet Thursday The Bordeaux Parent-Teachers Association will meet on Thurs- day, April 9. Mrs. Dorothy La-I Barr Roberts will be the guest“ speaker. The first grade is inj' charge of the program. I Shelton Woman’s Club ‘ “’ill Meet Monday The Shelton Woman’s Club will' meet on Monday at 1:30 p. m. at! the home of Mrs. Purl Jemison.’ Mrs.’ Hugh Hamilton is the pro—l gram chairman for the day. An open forum discussion, with seV-i eral outside speakers to talk on the different phases of Commun-l ity Work’ will be conducted. l Farewell Party Given For Linda Wayman Mrs. Glenn Ratcliff entertain- ed at her home On Monday eve- ning‘ with a. farewell party for Linda Wayman, who is leaving soon to take a position in Pacific County. Guests were members of the office staff with whom Mrs.» Wayman works. The. evening was spent playing cards. A delicious luncheon was- served by the hostess to Floy Yenter, Beth Perdue, Mary Mc- Bride and Mrs. wayman. The honored guest received many nice gifts. Son Christened Mr. and Mrs. Chet Valley Jr. spent the week end in Port An- geles. On Sunday their son, Ches-l ter Stephen Valley was chris- tened. General Welfare Club Schedules Meeting I The General Welfare Club will hold their regular meeting on Saturday. The drill team will put on their work. Mrs. Glen Edgley Entertains Club Mrs. Glen Edgley entertained at. her home on Thursday for the members of her club. Mrs. George« Cooper Jr. and Mrs. Lawrence Munson, guest of the club, wonI honors. Mrs. Edgar Brynes wonl the galloping goose. Amaranth Schedule Next Meetings I iThe next meeting of the Laurel' Court, Order of Amaranth will, be held on Wednesday, April 15.! After a short business meetingI the officers will practice their initiating work, instructed by Mrs. Ella Roffman of Seattle. I On April the Grand Royal Matron and Grand Royal Patron will make their official visit. AtI this tim ethe Court will exempli- fy the degree. | Mrs. Ella McCulloch, Mrs. MaeI Lusk, Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda, Mrs. Kirkland, Mrs. Claude Logan and’ Neil Zintheo attended the annual installation of the Grand Court 01' Amaranth in Seattle. Mrs. Mc-, Culloch is the grand represanta-I tive to Pennsylvania and Mrs! Kirkland is the newly appointed grand officer representative to Ohio. Methodist Church Honors Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton Tuesday evening, about 40 members of the Methodist church gave a farewell party for Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton. Mrs. B. N. Collier was in charge of the games and program and Mrs. Frank Heuston sang several Se- lections. Mrs. Collier made the presenta- tion of the corsage and button- iere to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton. Mrs. Witsiers presented the'gift group to Mrs. Hamil: ton. Talks of appreciation of their work were made by Reverj :end Maulden and Mrs. Witsiers. Refreshments were served at the] c ose. From Seattle . Miss Betty Wells spent Sat: urday and Sunday with her par-~ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wells. Miss Wells is employed in the' Boeing Hospital in Seattle. Tuesday Visitors Mrs L. Wins‘or and daughters :visited Tuesday'with Mrs. Frank Wandell. ' Baptist Circles Will Hold Friday Party The Ladies Circles of the Bap- tist Church will hold thei an- nual birthday party this iday at 7:30 p. m. in the church par- lors. A program and refreshments will be served. Each person is to bring a penny for their age. Mrs. Francis Cole and Mrs. Lewis Wil- ey are in charge. The party is. open to the. public. I l Sunday Guests Mr. and Mrs. Frank Yaste and Corporal and Mrs. Charles R. Wid-‘.I ga spent Sunday evening .with Mr- and Mrs. S. B. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Yaste are from Ho- Entertain Soldiers Saturday Evening Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wiley en- tertained at their home on Satur- advay evening with dinner for Pvt. IJohn Cox, Pvt. Robert Graglia and Pvt. Anthony J. Legan of Sherman Soule. 1' Company B. 119th Medical Bn.,. w.....-.~_.~ _ p.-.” __._......._. . -Troop No. 6 met on Tuesday with 'their leader, 'Oregon arrived last Tuesday to' I Girl Scout News I l 1 Girl Scout Troop No. is ledI by Miss Elizabeth McClelland. TheI members are Virginia Connolly.I Glenna Fitz, Norma Hall, MaryI Anne Latham, Bernice Manke,1 Marceil McAftery, Barbara. Mun- son, Rosemary Stevenson, Toni. Viger, Katherine Fetterly, Elsine Weyand, Nancy Nutt, Betty Lem-I kc and Joan Moran. :’ More than half a million Girl. Scouts are prepared to help their country win the war. They know how to organize quickly into working groups. They have learned how to help tllOl’lr. selves and others during emer- gencies both in actual protection, from physical danger and building and maintaining morale. ill moor 4 l Charlotte Ross, Scribe ! Troop 4 is still- working on‘I their First Aid. Mrs. Paulson is! their teacher. They are working for their Junior Red Cross First Aid certificates. :1: ., TROOP 7 I Gail Alllskog, Scribe l Troop 7 met with Mrs. Lloyd: Morgan on Monday evening. A1 treat of fig bars was brought byI Donna Byrnes. The girls worked! on their Mother Day gifts. Also} walked down to the Little House} and to the Mud Flats. .1. a: I TROOP 6 ‘fr. Ethel Libby, Scribe. ‘ Eighteen members of Brownie‘ l Mrs. Hooper. Ethel I Libby brought the treat. This week the troop filled the cookie i jar at the L. M. Store for the} soldiers. Games Were played in '4; the school basements. 5-: The Girl Scout Cookie Sale will start after Easter. " a . Back To School Dean Palmer returned to the Un-I iversity of Washington on Sunday" after spending his Easter ,vuca-v tion with his parents, Mr. and; Mrs. Donovan Palmer. 1, V.F.W. Auxiliary To Elect Officers The V.F.W. Auxiliary will el-' ect officers at their regular Fri-l day meeting. ! The sewing club will meet on April 10, Friday, with Mrs. Es-l ther Cunningham at Cloquallum.I Visiting DaiighEr— 0 Mrs. E. D. Hoag of SouthernI spend several weeks visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. D. Coburn. To School Bill Graham returned to his studies at the University of Wash— ington this past week. He has. been home since January recup— erating from a skiing accident. I Visits Brother Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clothier' of Seattle spent the week endI with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hickson.i Mrs. Clothier and Mr. Hickson areI sister ahd' brother“ ‘ ’ O. E. S. Social Club To Meet The Order of Eastern Sta’ S — cial Club will hold their regular? meeting at the Masonic Temple. at 1 p. m. on Tuesday, April 7. UNITED STAlES .I ,I BONDS ‘/ . mosunrs Lovely NYLON HOSE $1.49 You‘ll love the ‘mooth fit! Bright New Spring HAND- BAGS $2.98 T h c accessory that does t h c most for your pring costume. Smart new do, signs. Cynthia RAYON SATIN SLIPS- Double stitched some to hold Sir/,0» Tough Moccasin Types For School or Play! BOYS’ OXFORDS 2.98 Good husky looking shoes [or rugged all-round boys! Returns Home Mrs. Mary Shelton returned to home in Shelton at the be- ginning of the week after a three visit with her daughter, Vancouver, Washington. Mrs. Kirkwood drove‘ her to Shelton and spent severalI her week's Mrs. Kirkwood in days Visiting here. of coffee you ever tasted! DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK! Buy a pound of M. J. B. If you don't agree it’s better than any other coffee—return the lid to M.J. B. 00., and we will refund double your purchase price. MARTHA O’DRISCOLL and RAY MILLAND sing out—- "You can't make a land cup of M'J'B" —on the set of Paramount’s Cetil B. DeMille Production, “REAP THE WILD WIND" Here’s why it never fails! Mak your coffee with the same care as you have in the past. These two exclusive M. J. B. features—a uniform. roast— and double blend- ingr—will give you the finest cup {aPage Five NOTICE I Anyone wishing to hire I Carpenters, please call JIM 1 R U C H, 409-W, Business Agent for Carpenters Un- ion. e DRIP GRIND, for drip or glass coffee {nakerL REGULAR GRIND, {or percoloior or coffee pol. ’\ . Gay Plaids! Monotones! COATS 10.90 Brilliant n l" W fashions . . (le— I ’Slglled with all thr- ll)\"‘lillGSS of the spring season! Si 1m -reel’cl'. military or square shoulder b o x y ‘ type coats . . . In a galaxy of . rugged lwmrls and ('ovcrls! in sizes 12 to 2x). Spritely Styles! SPRiNG ‘ HATS 1o -...J Bonnet stylchl. fetching Imm- mcd types . . . dashing s p o rt llllydl‘lkl. 8 Delightful? New Styles! Spring Glen Row FROCKS G a y I ’ sparkling solid colors. styles ill a n (1 spring prints 2.98 Tailor'eo or Dressy Styles! WOMEN’S RAYON BLOUSES Smart Teen-Age Styles! PATENT PUMPS 2.49 a Ideal for Sunday dross-up and school parties! Your Best Bet Town-Clad SUITS 24.7 5 F ul 1 bodied stamina packed I all wool wor— stcds in rxclu» sively new pat— " terns . . inl— ill a c ulatc ti t that makes you "I “"8 k like million"! a Famous Marathon MEN’S HATS 3.98 T ll c TRIWA‘.’ model! Wear it three 3 m a l't ways! BOYS’ SPORT COATS ’VVell tailored til 65 fl single breasted model! BOYS’ FINE SLACKS h Of hard-wearing gab—3 on t :ll‘dlll“ in drape model! Extra Values For Men! COTTON POPLIN JACKETS 2.98 in For Leisure Hours! Camp MOCCASINS 1.98 They've been favorites for years! now stationed in Shelton.