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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pa e Eighllw II I N" B‘iztipié’siigfifiaae POTLATCH-ALLYN l terse-isms. liabilities BONNEVlLLE LINE l I SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL “.mm a. Friday, April ,, ' ’l‘i) PLANT Miti.iou_ITIiiEl«is IIN lBusy Battery Buyers i Bungle Badly, Brother Zlfil iiilfilill A placed zit-ones ’i crnnient men l i l "a . .. i :— "‘ 7‘ *‘ . . O. O O O I ., , , Shelton car owners who rush-l ‘ ’“O”¢”O. i 3 av . a w w ' w r 1‘ . . ‘.‘ , “5” 3m TREE “mm ‘ ; ltd in to buy an extra battery,‘1 M plosive licensing law does not re- . . , ,1 L.) h 3‘; I A . t , ' I I I where I. lfcziring a shortage bungled badly: The Abstract 1 lease a person having Such eX- a. , , " I I' ' . , ~ mum" fangs: 55mm laceording to federal authorities. ; M ITIWI I. $13332? tiip‘fssiiggsmlliléteisgf ' ‘ ' ' i‘ ‘ .. l . I j ' , . (flown ZELLERBHCH CORP. I. Some purchased two or threei ' . 2150“ III W V x, . .. v ‘7 . , 'l t 1" tht' points out Clare Engexsen. .Bonnewe Power admmstrw. . . .. v (1': Stairs imitate: asalamiffigisha’fii“1351 Susi“: A L BE t ex 1 S'ves licensin a em; tion offiCials said recently over; . . I .- ., . ,, I I a .y - . I I l. . . coun y po 1 - g g ' 180 000 pounds of copper will be‘ . ‘ .' ' - ‘ .. ” the recharged eYery thlrty daIYS- 3" 2-2 IICE‘IlIistiIslarvXfiStshge exglIatiariiiedstag: saved for construction of trans_ I .I . . ~ . . A battery left Im an mgperativcl ,I ‘I . mission lines necessary for war lrondll-IOU deteriorates. 000mlngl Abstract-SD . “18 purChaS9' possesswn and industries, as a result of permis- .fMlphllted by merely Standing; -’ useI of explosives, so any person slon granted by the City of Ta- IldlCI I Loans and ,IIIIS I havmg exploswes “1 hls Posses‘ coma to Bonneville to utilize part It ,5 both gogd Icommon sense, II II sion, regardless of how long he of its system in supplying power ‘88 Well as patriotch “Qt Ito Pur'l' BELL BUlLDiN has possessed them, is required to Bremerton. Ilchzise a battery until it IS actu- SHELTONI I I to secure license from Miss ' The saving will result from the ally needed, and then to have iti Engelsen. elimination of 15.7 miles of 115,- 000-volt transmission line con— — Struction by the Bonnevme ad’ i iministration between Potlatch. ‘ and Allyn, Wash., in bringing' power from the Tacmoa Cush- ‘ man plant to Bremerton. l THEATRE Under the agreement Bonnevillei will build a line from Allyn to Bremerton. The line will be sup- plied with power from the Cush- man plant of the Tacoma city sys- tem at Allyn, eliminating the. necessity of construction of a. .‘ Bonneville line from Allyn to Pot- latch during the emergency. ‘ l Mon Discs 4-7? ’ahjflflI/JIII v Fri. - Sat, April 34 ‘Ma, America’s biggest little Bundle of Charm! Joan' Carroll in « ‘i 7‘ G Electric energy from the Ta- LADY” coma plant used by Bonneville in» supplying Bremerton points will be replaced in the Tacoma sys- tem with Columbia river power over Bonneville’s} Covington-Ta- coma transmission system. l School teachers requested an amide Skin Diseases, becaus r ‘ many children go to school contagious diseases of the skin and infect other children' All skin diseases are not contagious. Some are causedI . systemic unbalance. such as acne, some types of eczemfl welts caused by sensitiveness to protein or pollen, dorm” caused from plants or chemicals, such as hair dye. furs: ‘ powder and poison ivy. Infections caused by “pus” organisms, such as erysl,. siphiles erythematosus, impetigo, ringworm, scabies (0“ . Edmond O’Brien,. Ruth Warrick plus First Chapter of “GANG BUSTERS.” Also News and Cartoon. Sun. Mon. - Tues: Matinee Sunday 2:15 At Last it’s on the Screen! [45}. BOUfl'i’d/‘l‘ .. .I. . . ’f‘” .II-‘I . l Auxiliary To Help l Observe ‘Army Day’ April 6th, the 25th anniversaryi transplant. thousands ofryoung trees from a nursery erbach firm. The nursery, started in 1934, has been maintained for . .7. 7H ._.J_.‘ am, the Crown-Zellerbach‘ company Will ian service and the Crown-Zeli Carrying outra sustained yield progr of the entrance of the United maintained at “83" Bay by the int! i Oyster industry I I I I I I I I I I I _ are contagious. In a recent study of 609 skin diseases of. “H . v, states into the first world Wan the Indian serwce o-y C..»J.Il—lopklns, senior forest ranger. The corp oration is buying 300,000 trees from the Indian forest serViceInursery dren under 12 yearsI the following percentages were obtai e zapIoppin. will be observed as “Ame Day” at Neah Bay where a sustained yield tract is being cooperatively del vcicped by the pulp and paper company and lndlan SEY‘ViCC- The 211/2% of the cases were eczema, Ill/2% ringworm, 10% starringI throughout the country MrsI Purl tract Will embrace about 60,000 acres of standing and cutover land, with fire protection, truck roads and other equipment to protect I petigo' 7% scabies, and the balance, 01' 5097‘ were syste Olson and Johnson and JemisonI National Defense Chair- the growing trees. I » ~ 7... m.-. fim H» — ~——— —— ~-—~ v —~'-—l or non-contagious. Martha Raye man of Fred B. Wivell Unit Aux- I with Hugh Herbert, Mischa Auer, Jane Frazee and 30 If you, or any member of your family, has a skin crul’ ' Marine Corps Need liters: ' Paper Company ’Fedeml (30mm Rad,0 Specialists I or irritation, sIee ygur doctor. Picking. scratching and 50; ', . . . . . , z . . , l ing are strong y a vised against. Infection ma be com Congemos , . anizations in a n s e 1 tr- . i i , l . '4 My, Y News _ Sports Cartoon 3 gute to the meg tghe 13:3“ 1 l other parts of the body orspread into the deeper tissues. II , case ma); require a simple local treatment, it may nice;i “Many of the women of the ' X-ray, utra-violet, radium, vaccine—or it may call 0 Auxiliary who heard the call to Plan temic treatment and special diet. 7 war come to their husbands and brothers on April 6, 1917, now SEATTLE *‘ Plans of the Wed. Thurs. Two Features .. .‘l‘_ ’ut. l . i . t t 't ‘ -! For New Survey! Effective May l .53. “lfiellfé‘dio°p‘;%2£2‘nsyisls 3:. y‘ __ ‘ Itween the ages of 17 and 35 in- Olympia» March 15—~*The Stale Washington-Federal control of‘ Clusive. Any person who holds or1 'have sons in the armed forces,” Crown Zellerbach Company to Fisheries Department, using $10,—§lhe nation’s entire supply of wood i has held an Amateur Radio Op- said MrSI JemisonI “The anniver_ plant one million seedlings in mg 000 provided by the State Plan— I; pulp becomes effective May 1I Ilerator’s License, Class A .or B, sary win have special meaning for Pacific Northwest as part of a 1 hing Council, has launched a sur- 1 under a war production Board lor a CommerCial Radio I‘Telegraph l l l II. RICHARD E. GRENBEQGlIVProp" _. iiiini iiisciiiimis IS THE lllllSl llllPllllllllll- Plilll .iigiii BUSINESS I! "filling the Piiblic’ibbut the Doctor" appears‘Weelcl this George Sanders in “A DATEuWITH THE FALGQN’! with Wendy Byline {nines Gleason, Allen" Jenkins and Mona Ma‘vis I and Johnie Mack Brown in :them this year. They will re- “Stained yield Program f0? Slip- ' "03': mtOICiWEleS m" ‘19Clinc 0f the assuming power to allocate both or Radio Telephone Operator’s member how unprepared America Plleng CompanY_PaP€F mills am ‘, I‘ll-“VB IOI-V'mpla QYSter,1ndUStTY- .domestically produced and im- .Licensc, lst or 2nd class, is cli- ‘ was on that day and how far rapidly progressmgv 3 T “3 illV‘3Stlgr’it10n W111 be made ported pulp to paper mills and 3 gible for one of two groups now i away victory Seemed, and they t1“ the Neah bay district. ‘md‘fil' S'r‘Pm'ViSl-OH 0f Fer Fosgerv other users. , being enlisted by all recruiting ' will feel ride in toda is Arm 3. the Olympic peninsula‘s:Fisheries Department (“FCC 01‘” . , - a ~. u _ stations of the United States Igwith congidence in it: succesg northwest extremity, which With Dl‘. \7v_ M. Chapman andISIII'III‘IrI‘f 0:501:15; miefiiiedmfajgg; Marine CorpSI .' For an of us the day will re- Denman said the company hacifiiovrl A. Royal, biologists. ini‘“ ' " *’ pr “’ “FIGHTING BILL FARGO” with Fuzzy Knight, Jeanne Kelly, Kenneth Harlan: and Nell O’Day ' ALSO NEWS , call that: ‘We did it before and _‘ we can do it again’." Steel is a. vital essential in modern warfare. Roughly 50 per cent of the steel used in muni- tions production can come from scrap iron. one “tree farm” in the Noah bay: district, at the Olympic pcninsu—; la’s northwest extremity, which‘, will eventually yield 40.000000; board feet of lumber a year for,‘ the Port Angeles plant. i In addition the company isi planting cut over land around? Lake Siltcoos in Lane county? Oregon, and plans other plantings! . we They will work out of the bm‘. Study Pollution investigators will study the ef- fect of industrial pollution on pro- aga‘iion and growing of oysters. cmc oystcrmcn contend chemical vastcs "lI'C the main cause for V the decline of the native oyster, pollution laboratory at Gig Har—‘IIIquIrIImentSIH VVPB said Nitric“ . iiig pulp is used for making ex— ‘ " lCQl.llt3.bly the available pulp be- tween competing war and civilian plosives and military demand is expected to mount steeply this "year. I Pulp imported from Canada, principal foreign source of sup Fly, On May 1, will be “frozen”, in Tillamook county; between thel beds in Olympia—Shelton area. $3113,gelgfiigogyog'in%u§£0“gggi Willamette river and. Newport in} The problem of the oyster 111-? among 1 Oregon, and in Pacific and VVah-- amt“, iq (homnlicatcd by the; - " - .- ,. . v ‘ 1 ‘ l The order affects all types of kiakum counties in Washington. hack of mm to work the beds, pIIIIp and an companieSI and re_ lbcvaiiso of the Japanese evacua- iquires pulp consumers to file' TREE GROWING INTEREST l “m‘ ‘1' Burton Bowman! preSi' monthly schedules of their orders Two Deliveries Daily 11 am. — 4 p'm' , .. i. .i s MOUNTS IN PAST YEAR , dent of the Olympia Oys‘er Grow- l ,. . l K “During the past 18 months] IIIIS PIIIIteCtIVII-I Associaziom de_ .I fo- the followmg month. These ' l . i .e ‘t '11 b ‘1 ext month. West dCOaStt forest mauIStry has I clarcs the lack of help will ham— ‘ ryzé‘gnguxlers :52; Ere required to I ‘1 s can"? 0“ W0 lmpresswe PY‘O': )(‘él‘ moving.r of seed oysters shell- . ' C 0 grams of national as Well as 1,0,1 file reports on consumption and I . , , ing the beds to catch the spat, glonal 1mP0rtanC€yH the announce'land halt repair work on dikes,lSUpplleS on hand and prOducers ment stated. “There has becnibmls 5. . are; i. he I; w and floatg an of I must provide monthly statements 1‘ I I , .Ico >~ t ‘ h' ‘n hed— v 'A W ' ‘L ' V malkeg' Progress ltnl tree‘gmwlnglwhich should be done this sum- :fesLIhelr advanced S lppl g SC . . . 2 020 II Fresh Water. Salt Water. Lake and Stream. Each filings"; 1123130033363, Iii: m“ and other Off-seasons~ » On the basis of informationi r . "Belfa ._ . . l l I . Beds Not Benefitted . d- VIIt has its fishing enthusiasts. To- all of you, we say— «gig! 51;; 1;; gilgngiggggfilsoqnfgog,’ “There Ll solInet IcIIifference 3f mast §§i§1§§3ve¥¥§3mav§fltex3232. . PLUS “‘9 EASTER EGG “’58 v 13333 . .. .‘ . . 1 " l looinion as o w a arm may e I V t I I. .-.,: now’s the time to get'out your waders and creel,- march on a long-range obiectlve- i (is-m the oyster beds by letting , glfggggsfoflg 9:321 . . i .. nu... . ’ 0f more immediate importance is 1 them lie idle because White help ' a ortio , f ta .r month] r0_ , . ., - o l . t to polish up rod and reel. Fishing seasons begun! the record made during the past I .va not work the bedSIn he said; . d Pt. 2‘ 0b dad d frog th9 , a i C? 5‘ Year and a half in supplying lum— I: “The bass are not benefitth be_it$ictiirp1rei o e ea c i . DEL MONTE REGULAR OR DRIP I II IKIcrig; her, timbers and Piling for the i cause all the parasites, like weeds, The officials of the WPB . I I , Souu‘ C v Y E I I ,grow and increase rapidly. It is pulp and p’aper section saidI is TOILET WILBURfS NO-R‘UB VACUUM PACK T Lilli“ as December 7 thls effort has beenlneccssai'y that they be removed i . l v ,. ds at least every other I Eggngggggdggr if}; gist VF lnational defense program. Sincel steadily stepped up to meet the from the be I r A gill: ' demands of real war. Timber has . n ' l . . . I I I I . , _ I I I 011 This a trauma R 11 2% Pi- t 3% 'C ‘ '~ “y” l . ing material. Over 60 per cent of industrlal wastes include Starfish Ifor S'tfin ent a *iication when {hue 0 S . . . . r I . . . . . . 1. . . . . . . . .. i E: ' WeSt Coast lumber Pmducmon is and small boring marine life that l supply sgirtuafioglp becomes acute ‘ . , . . qmpmen .. I lnow gomg to war.” Ifeed on the bivalves. in the beds; I — I I I - .-..: I. . ~—~—. ——— . ~~—~—-—— v , Small DINNER PEAS. 2 cans 29¢ . k S , Ig H . I . . , I .II , . I. . . om! We have brilliant-hued flies to iT,V,A. iShelton Quartet GEt I FRITIT SALAD 2 cans " ES" p g ' I.. Mel-v lure the most coqud‘tish trout. v i d Gallup- Rob‘erts DutleS I Class Electing . . ’~ . """""" " , v ‘ . 53‘ ninety? fallfigalnfea?':3efi$ P Preliminary‘instruction in the, »__.___ * r' i E cans I '8. Guy I challenge. We share with you Two hundred seven tons of a I use Iof Itr‘iIIfanttIry Wgapons isrclIc- RcljasIsII electifinslheld a; Irene . ' ._-rI. :_.I I I I_-' I I‘_ get: th th 'll of our 3’ rt . . . d i .i Gupylng ‘ e Ime 0 ormer e 1' , ee igh so on recen y resu -, l I I r I I “,2” "reasoz “.5: so as; “fill? fraget ghgspgfitte ' l dents. of this' city who reported "ed in the following officers beingl MINUTE TAPIOCA-m pkgs- 27¢ 6 cans Chet pletely stocked with every 38 0‘12“;ng mg stag 0:. W’am: l recently to Camp Roberts for 13 I chosen: , x -I . I I I . . . . Charl kind of available merchandise. linggor, feport's Leonard Hg}? \vegfsltbasic training.t1 I d L SEdNIOIEi S—g’resljdellt, CEarl DIJTCH 3 pkgs. 2:11;] P h f f ' " . , n. .. .e on men recen y aSSigne : urns en; ice resi ‘en, aro I . fits! or u" and mm to keep gnagflr‘ .extcfiutwe tagrgnosmft‘fém to the California Replacement ‘Kneeland; Secretary-treasurer, .I-I waltl t , Ilsfls 16 mgs e: 11; e Ilv r Training Center include: « Grace Yarr; Sergeant-at-arms, l ' .. Roy 1 ; read 0t Ea “6 P 0 p 3 es C I Robert G. Eager, Potlatch Rte, Louis Woolsey; Board of Con— i . , Ralpl Dclicately balanced, resilient c011; lie ‘2 10 t d for th trial of l Lewis D. Sergeant, Rte. 2. Capitol ,,ti’ol representative, Ray Trotter. . . ' ,I R. R. rods riced as low as a m“. .50 ‘C 0 , "e l _ . Hill, William F. Weeks, 523 No. i JUNIORS—PresidentII Art Tron! . . . I II . A” I p lth fertili"er weie tho~e farms i. I gnh II _11 b 1 ed NOV)“ First St, and Laurel V. Nelson, tei'; Vice President, Bill Chase; ‘ I « I. W.IC ‘ 1" :laa ‘1 Waes Walla c “:6”: ‘223 GFOVG St- lSecretary-treasurer; Nita King; , . C,rm lfiégsrtgélgt’gglfnthe bainygid ‘fertiE ———— Serge‘ant-at-arms, Dick Fitchitt; ., . . . I I I izer. Bert Rau is cooperating in! Kitsap county farmers are par- lfigircljafidngontml representauve: I II I II I . ILIiyod We call your special attention lthe five year program in Mason ticipating in scrap iron collection SOPHOMdRES Pr .d t '9 ‘ v :' Henri to our lot of reels . . . many County. drives with the material gather— Norm Tem leI Vi; Prgzidggt’ II . ,l I Lyle one of a kind models no longer ” This phosphate is a new pro— ed brought to a central pomt and ‘ Violet Johnpsm’r Secretary_treas_’ ‘ I I ;‘.~ I v ,, I r I RI F being manufactured. Make cess material made by the use of; sold as. a community enterprise. lurer Bennetta :Jam SI Ser eant_ 2IIle Aug Lowest Marketpnce I II HI R your selection for the season— electricity instead of the usual The proceeds are being used to atI'IIIlmS Jack Kafiniowskig and . ------------ -- _I I I I I I , I I . ., I ,CI C , ,. , acid method. The tests are being purchaSe medical supplies for Iem- Board of Control re resent'ative GRAHAMS .... .. Z-le. 33¢ I . ' I AI L from up to 1made to determine its value with Gl‘gency use In the communltles Chet Evans p ' Beef II . “Franc q ' a i the view in mind of developing. l participating in the collection. ' I .. I I I I , I . Georg i one of the» largest phosphate de-I W "" “"" ‘ . a II I Art I l I jposits in the United-States. This 3, '= ~ I -. _ I I ,. v Fran] gggzglingoggscreelv 3“ deposit is in Idaho and with the " LARGE l I :,. ., , , I I I . — Grand-Coulee power, makes a ‘ . II I ‘ . \ .. valuable source of fertilizer. . > ~. I I- I a from 75¢ up . Grapefruit - 12 for 39¢ Bacon . . ill. iNaval Reserve Wants I ‘ Shopping Bag ‘ ' II , By the PieceL_lia‘lf or whole ' Hfand sfittginsz’falgofinjff: ‘ Firemen, Err-Firemen Oranges Fresh' Ground I I 0 me In ) ' " ” ‘~ '— ‘ ' ‘ . v . ' a o o o o o u o a . ,1 “I Firemen and former firemen " For- “reel” pleIaSUre and Ia record IbreakIIng catch. see I I I I I I I lb. .I w n r th Naval Reserve ' our line of bait and fishing supplies. With equipment '. II ,.I I . I, ’gret {11‘ t3?» J'y ‘ 8t t “ f‘ like ours you’ll catch the ones others let get away' 600"”9 p k - , or rainin as ins rucors in ire L I _ - . We pm. A I , , Spillllel’s 10¢ up liighting' technique. Men accepted What Petter way is there *° ’6'“ th?" t° 9° “5””? 6-1bs S _. , . , 95¢? ~< Vl lwould'b‘e sent to Boston for in— i _;‘ Comein today. and get a“ Your supplies here- ' ' ' ' r e . . . . . . . . . a . Tackle Boxes" up structién under men who studied -' fire fighting in England, then re- l. lturned to Bremerton instruc- II I; tors in‘ a new fire fighting school. l l . . . .Fish.Lines" ____ _. 10¢ up , Boxes .... .. 20¢ “P Reels. . 1.50" to $1.2 SALMON Eggs 30¢up Fresh shipment Tomatoes ~ 2-1bso» 25? Home Hams lb; 29¢ H- L- l i;_ I All __..4_._ I District I i. a BUY Your: IIIIIUNTINIG Ann FISHING l MeetEIEES Saturday: l Shelton will ‘be hosts; I; NEW Spuds . I _ I I I Fresh Asparagus, Turnips and Beets ' . . ,. ‘- ' ‘ {v ‘ DAFFODlL FLOWERS ' ' ' h‘ V l to a district Odd Fellows meeting Full line of M {Fig EqupmentI here Saturday, APY11‘4v ’at eight! ‘ o‘clock in Odd Fellows Hall. l ’; ' I An entertainment program with I ‘: I L l ’refreshments has been planned. l ._ I I . 4. Grand Master W. M.‘Buckmaster l .I. We Have the items "for Home Protection Week will be present. van!“ Co‘rfiplét’é‘ D'e‘pél‘tment Store I VVe,V8 got Axis to grindI Buy I Defense Bonds and Stamps.