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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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1y, April y, April 19:12. non SHELfrONoIASON COUNTY JOUleAL’ . .._. “A... ,. —»_.—~ kmfirm __A_H~ .._- F. -a - . . - evirag' “09.909600999999909oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o o ooo ,y o .“.».oo.oo.u.oo.».”.oo.¢ 0 o oo’o’o.»o;0’0;o¢o.oo.oo¢o’e¢o’o¢o.oo.oo,oo....».«,oo.».oo.«,¢ goo; 9:99:oo:oo:oo:o 9.0ozoozoo.oo:».».«.oo:«:oo:oofiofiozoofiofiofiofiofi ozo ozoozo 0:96»? 9:9 ozoozoozo 0:9 9:00:69} o’oo‘o o’o o’o o’o e‘oo’oo’oo’o o’eo’w’o \bstracii M asonif'oiin .. . Fur Victory . . . ThlS Is Buy > 0 0 0 0 FOR VICTORY Buy UNITED STATES DEFENSE BONDS - STAMPS 0 00. 0 0 00 0 0 L lets, Rsai ' UNITED STATES DEFENSE 3 and Insu‘ BONDS * ELL BUILDIN N. 00 o ‘o 0 0 ‘o ’9 00 0 o o o”. 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 of HEN l ‘ ..a:-‘¢LNz--.’~|,;~A l- he 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 ii “7 . ii 933 L: Esra es (,5 003.400: /" /’ w‘K \ :hool teachers ' sted an article eases. because i go to school other children- ic are caused1 i'pes of eczema pollen. denim hair dye. {will 4} ‘3 o o ¢¢ go 0 .\ .0 Is YOUR HOME QUALIFIED TO DISPLAY THIS EMBLEM? IF NOT-- Help MakeYour Home Safe By Taking The ' Necessary Precautions and Securing The and wnsumcmu smc versus: councll.‘ t e 00 ’0 .0 0 :uch as erysi, n, scabies (Of‘ in diseases Off ges were obti‘". ngworm. 10% 0%, were syste .0 ’0 0 0.0 0 0 .0 0 ’o .9 .s a skin erup telling and sq“ may be carrl , tenet tissues. :, it may need may call fol“ 0 0 0 00 0 00 0 0 eran'gmttnmr-‘o'ttm‘ “var-vane 00 0 ’9 .r 1,, ‘ .n 0 0 0 0 Sculprop' '_0i‘:iiUH BUSINESS fl veal/1' this Pa 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 g :3 E l: i g § i 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 ’o 0 0 0 0 If You Need Advice “:14? Ask Your Air Raid Warden IHE WILL VISIT YOU THIS WEEK 0 0 0 0 (Io-operate with Your Air Raid Warden—Sign Up with Your Local Defense Unit. 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 PROCLAMATION BY THE GOVERNOR “We citizens of Washington are fighting this war for the preservationof our homes and our lives. The protection of our homes against enemy attack is a COUNTY AIR RAID WARDEN w. GRAHAM responsibility each of us must assume. We are fortunate in having nearly 100,000 Eoluntciers the Civilian Parotectio‘n divisions of our state's city andlcounty Defense , , ' ouncis. ey are engage in a remendous trainin to ram, wil in l 'vin to Belfalr—C. M- H111 P19]{Cr1ng.—Elmer W155 it the time that technical training demands. They age lbrgganized to hglg 1.31; ingth'c Hoodsport—Howard Lockwood Agatew—KJelmar Auseth primary job of protecting our lives and our property Union—Harley Neldon Shelton Valley—Joe Shad”, "In the week of March 29th, to April 5th, this civilian army, through the Dayton—Mrs. Charles Ogg Isabella Valley—Myrvan Wivell thousands of Air Raid Wardens who represent it in contact with our homes, will Matlock—Joe Tate TahuYa—A' 5‘3ng call on each household in Washington, to deliver an official “Air Raid Precautions SatSOP—Peter Thomason HarSt‘ne“E- L: ercer Poster." The wardens will also carry an official “Preparedness Card,” which any ClquallumuE‘ A‘ LoertSCher BaYShore-Mar10n 5136800 household may earn simply by assembh‘ng the necessary equipment for fighting K‘mllche—Ray Keysers Skokomish Reservation— George incendiary bombs. l . ‘ SouthSIde—Harry Huist Adams .“I. urge all citizens to receive these wardens courteously,,to take their .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 0 0 ‘o ’o ‘o 0 0 0 0 .1 PACK 1" . . r L1VI LllllwauP—Fred Sane!” Lilnwaumdohn Aam suggestinns promptly and to take whatever steps the wardensrecommend towards 00 0 0 00 ' GraPeVieW“‘Bm Somers . the protection and preparation of their homes to the end' that‘everyhomé in our camp 3_Howard Emgrson stkOkomISh valley warren John' state will earn the right to display its preparedness card by Sunday, April 5th, the Allyn—E G" Cleve!“ 5 on ‘ close of Home Protection Week. v- , . , _ , ,- _. “Now, thereforie, 1, Arthur B. Langlie, Governor of the State of Washingtoil, by virtue of authority ‘11 me vested, do hereby proclaim the week of VMarch 29th 0 CITY AIR RAID WARDEN * JOE HANSEN April 5th, at HOME PROTECTION WEEK, and call upon all our citizens to observe , ,. it by taking the fundamental protective measures which their wardens advise. By Figs. 1 Homer Taylor 0, c, Gibbs H. E. Loop 5 doing so, we shall advance an important step in our war-winning effort.” A? V ‘ Mervin Getty Oscar Moll Ernest Booth Phil Bayley Andy Harris A. D. Killmer ‘ . . vm Connolly no Sheldon Ha} 35:11“. \ Suggested (,onduct During Air Raid-— Guy Hutchinson Herb Driver figs Halglgigri S — J' A' Pauley 3' W’ sop” E. F. Martingg 1. Keep cool and calm. 6. Don't telephone. 0 ’o 0 0 .0 00 0 0 00 0 ‘o .0 kgs. P t, V t Jane. Macke‘ . . Che: Valley iene Hubba‘i‘tl 1““ E' 1‘" martin 2. Stay home. 7. Follow instructions. Charles Reed ii. 73. Munson MFS- Tom Holt 3_ Put out lights_ 8. In case of Disaster please do Harold Dunbar G. C. Brewster Ml's' Dan Ya” not go to Casualty Hospital John Sullivan Herb Durand H' E' Seipom v 4- Lie dOwn- for information but go to w Chas. Hammer I i _ walter Nash V'm (“among Don Palmer .5. Stay away from Windows. City Hall for information. ' .. Roy Eells A. Almaden 3‘. Ralph Pigg Sam Hill Wm- LeDI‘CW R. R. Sleyster Orval Anderson Sherman Soule . Aft Byme W Ct Bartlett meiéfvzlmg Purpose: To start fires. W. . ' S.A.Htier - . . . . . ______/ . 0m? E‘fi‘i’ggn Ray Whiactl‘ey Emu Daviscourt Appearance. Round Silver colored cylinder, about 3 Inches in ' D. J. O’Neil Joe Simpson Horace Crary diameter, 15 inches long, and weighing slightly more than two q} ‘ F. G. Bedell Gus Graf Lowell Powers pounds. " Lly°d MOTga“ Walt Danms ' EmOtt Spring Time of burning: About 15 minutes. :ans 00 0 0 0 0 0 ’oo o 0 0 0 00 0 H .I. T. s ' h Aurthur L. Johnso . . . , L;firyw§:§:°n Harold Sign“... John Borst n To Extinguishg 1. Either.Spray With fine_ spray from hose; . R. F. Eddy William Griggs L— W— Deffinbaugh Direct application of quantltv of water Will cause bomb to . H. R. Hamilton W. R. Vasbinder Ernie Cole explode) or, 2. Cover with dry sand; fight the fire started —-"’/K C. C. t H rr ‘13 '~ Ell‘Oy Nelson . . . . . * A. L, (ifi’v‘férda Isaaacy (35:53, Preston Armstrong by the Bomb- This is the ideal set of eqmpmenf needed In every home to ‘ - Francis Eacrett L. P. Peterson Tom Seargent ' Suggestions_ 'con‘lrol fires started by incendiary bombs. it includes sack of . ‘ , . w George Whittingham Reg Sykes Harry Bell , _ Art Griggs Fred Diehl Frank Salmi Keep garden hose and spray nozzle ready at all times. DRY “"d' +w° large Pa'ls' l°"g handled SEW/6‘ 'w'fi' square Frank Fent‘ma“ F- HaCkett Steve BednarSki ' Keep tub of sand and long handled shovel ready. If possible get °d9°' h°°' “Hide” garden h°‘e (wm‘ ‘f‘iusj‘ab'e mule) *° ' ' incendiary bomb in tub. Keep supply of water in bathtub and "’“h a" '°°m‘- ladde" *° read‘ amc: fir“ 6'd We fix or hatchet. ' bUCketS~ rope for use on roof. and flashlight. This page is one of a series sponsored by the individuals and firms listed below who have pledged 100 percent support of America’s Fight for Freedom 0 00 0 ’o 0 0.0 0 0 0 o ’0 0 0 0 Olympic Plywood Co. Wivell’s Texaco Service ‘ 4-E Dairy Rayonier Incorporated Needham Food Store Shelton Hardware Co. ' Shelton Gas Co. J. C. Penney Co. Sanitary Market Simpson Logging Company Washington Service Corp._ St. Charles Winery Wilson’s Cafe George LeCompte, M.D. Steele’s Cut-Rate Shelton Laundry Shelton Auto Body Works Western Supply Co. Lawton Lumber Co. Dunning Paint Store Fir Drug Store Elliott B. Spring Hillcrest Hardware Kimbel Oil Co. 11. L. Kennedy, M. D. Pantorium Cleaners Witsiers Funeral Home Pigmon Motors Tony’s Place Olympia Feed Co. helton Meat & Ice Co. Sleyster’s Fix-It Sh0p Ralph’s Grocery Shelton Sporting Goods Gilbert Frisken, J. W. Graham Al Huerby Motors Pastlme Tavern Shelton Cash Grocery Bates 20th Century Store Associated Oil Distributor Heinie’s Cafe McConkey Pharmacy Hotel Shelton Mac’s Corner - Rube Cohn Auto Parts Dr. M. C. Melcum Local 38, I.W.A., Sawmill Olsen Furniture Co. Shelton Garage Charles T. Wright Mason County Saving Dr. R. W. Norvold . & Timberworkers Union .Munro’s Men’s Store Hi-SChool Service Nash Brothers Loan Ass’n. Lumbermen’s Mercantile Co. A. C. Linkietter, M. D. .7 F. E. Beckwitli Paramount Theatre Herbert G. Angle Ivan N euenschwander, Jeweler Eaton Body & Fender Works Daviscourt Bakery -_ H. Needham Men’s Wear Qlty Market Doane Brodie Mason County Abstract Grant Lumber Co. Mason County Creamery AndreWS Photo Studio Hllltop Tavern Charles R. Lewis Title Co.~ Weinel-Olstead Insurance Association . Shafer’s Bakery Eacrett’S Standard Service M & S Food Store Wilcox 10¢ Store Agency Marc’s Popcorn Shop Fessler’s Super-Creamed RObbinS Electric M. O. (Neil) Zintheo Stretch Island Winery Werbcrgcr Winery Al Dickinson 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 00 0 '9 ‘o ‘9 -" A Any individual or firm who wishes to have his or their name on this list in succeeding pages, call The Journal 0 co "<7! ‘.,OOOooooooooo009.9%9’09‘9'9oooOOOooooooooooooooooOOO-ooooooooooooooooooooooocooooooooooooooooooooooo. - 3' . ‘ ‘ o”o”¢”o”o”.”o” ” “o”o”o”o”o”0”’ ’ ’ ’ ’9”o”o”o"o‘ '0"o”o”o”o"o”o”o”o”o”o”o"0”?'o”o”o”o”o”0"O”o”o”o”o”o"o”o“o”o”o"o“o”o”o”4'%”o”o”o"o”o”o“o”o°’o”o”o”o”o"o"o“o”o“o"o"o”.”o”o“o"o”o”¢”o”o”¢”c”: