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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Ten SnEhToN-MAeoN .CQUNTY JOUBNAD HOOdsport Siren i Completed: Raid i Signals Listed: By Yvonne Bartels g Hoodsport. March 31~The fire. siren has been completed and will be used for severai purposes. The following is the necessary infor— mation concerning the assorted signals: AIR RAID ALARM is a series 1for fertili Omc gal Agent Okers methods 1 may be e g on what fe of long blasts. le_ B ALL CLEAR is one long blast“ ; beflagglnygrd (This should not be COIlIl‘lSEGLl‘ 'r le 1 with the fire signal which is a‘ (XOUNG 0R OLD) . a the rate 0: n to Per 1,000 fluctuating blast for three min-l n S Per acre. day Night Club gave a card par-i planted ‘ Inethod is the Lites). There will also be a nooni I g -‘ . r. m signal of one blast every day,; .a , i i, .: buiy be brc including Sunday. g '~ :,. us d before On Friday evening, the Tues-l ‘f th: in row ty for members and their huS-' and (f bands in the Hoodsport elubi u qulVQS the rooms. Pinochle and 500 were in" awarrow iS n play with priZes going to the‘ d a?) from 1 winners. At the same time and mot Out the place Mrs. F. M. Smith enter-J er. 8 of the 15 covered t tallied two tables of Whist in hon- o . the dlssolve an or of the- old Union City Whist Club of several years ago with? mestroots. prizes going to Mrs. Will Lunt! v. thpeopledo and Mrs. Vern Gifford. Lunch-5 g t6 Various (on was Sel‘Ved to the whole par-f I fem? their 5; ty at the: close of the evening. l . 5_10_.1Zer to u: 01‘ as ne I Campaign Starts on Harold Mine was surprised with i ii is a delicious birthday dinner partij POSSIble to I l I o . . given by Mrs. Millo Sunday eve- f this kind l i i I I t the ning at Milio's Grove. Dinnch ! squ rate of 2( guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe,i a I _, , Asare feet Hansen of Shelton, Mr. and Mrs: i, i . . but inaner amt Lou Allard of Tacoma and Mini j . _ Just send or ' Ignrowsa Millo’s mc‘her and father. 3 ‘ .‘” ‘ ' . . . . V gar en Mrs. Ddii Sonic and Carol and; I 2 bring this Nomination COU‘ the Count; Robert, all of~ Seattle, are herci p011. starts you Wlth— for a short ViSlt With her par—‘ I --—— cnts, Mr. aid Mrs. H. R. Dickin-i son, while Mr. Soulc is in Alas-i ka. ’ I i Brand New Maxine Bitncy who is attcnd- CUT TH'S - i ; "'_ V0 NOMINATION COUPON Get full information today and enter your name NOW so Motion fi ' you will be ready to start on the first day Of the 8‘” Of famll) ing school in Tacoma, spent Sat-t .. d Suburban . gton urday and Sunday with her par“ campaign . . . SATURDAY, APRIL 4 ENTER . . . . NOW V I Overboe ‘ i and Mrs. Erickson, all of Seat le,; cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bit-' ‘- . is bein ney at Lake Cushman. I hereby nommate ,Satl‘iotic 3mg Mrs. Carl Wilson returned * 11“) efore plan home Saturday following a brief I __________________________________________________________________________ .... .................... « Censléer, man stay in the Shelton hospital. w ' ' -‘ e n . f 6r a few Mm ! SPECIAL SUBSCRIPTION PRICE l. "W m Plalnly 0“ m“ “m” 3,33: if they a . their lal were visitors of Mrs. Fred John-E i! .V .r i F .................. .l ...... ........................ .................................................. 'urzs' son on Thursday. ‘ or I (write address plainly on this line) (Phone) "3 the don'ts and Mrs. Lester . tanton of, i I * 2 Years , p . 't iortianrl, formerly Of Hoodsport,I I ' 1 , 'arstart un1ess spent F 'tlaj/ and Saturday with’ Approve“ by ---------------------------------------------------------------- ----------- " 't den soil, Every active candidate in The Shelton-Mason County Journal’s campaign is sure of a prize but that is only part of the splendid offer- this newspaper is making in connec- tion with this big subscription campaign. The special sub- scription price, outlined above, is made for the duration of this campaign only, which ends on Saturday, May 2, 1942- Cliff and Mrs. Stl‘fillVVOlCh start Unless _ I , (Signature of Parent or Guardi , Audre. y I , and Han-y Follptte p13“; to stat.- ml As a Candidate in the Subscription Campaign of 0 i ‘ ~ “5' more see I, THE SEEL'TON-MASON COUNTY ,, this yea, , I JOURNAL i: seed at this ’ lt\t° Say the i :Yelm with his daughter and fam- Dr. and Mrs. Jeers, to Friday to 70f Bremcrton were guests at the I . .-/ A WONDERFUL OFFER FOR SUBSCRIBERS ‘, I l [Mail 'or ‘bring this coupon to Shelton-Mason C0 ' gstart withou Fort Lewis, Spent the week end . , ~ Journal office, 107 South Fourth, Shelton, Washingtol“ andeach step in 'with his mother, Mrs. Rachel of Dr‘ellaration Bacon. ; Mr. and Mrs. Vic Lassoie are in Spokane this week visiting their daughter and new grand-’ daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wood mo~i :ored to Chehalis last week endl to attend a farewell banquet in: an old friend who is honor of leaving for the army soon. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nelson,’ who have made their home in a cottage in the Gateway Inn courtyard, moved to Potlatch onl , I ily, from I Monday ‘ construct ; some buildings on their property.‘ Mr. and fairs. James Bacon, of; HERE ARE THE SIMPLE I RULES No employe or near rela-I tive of any employe in the business office of this news- paper is eligible to enter this campaign. I Anyone else regardless of age living in this ter- ritory may enter this cam- paign. Correspondents will Candidates collecting more than one subscription before the starting day will be bar- red from the campaign. Any candidate may have anyone ~ excepting another candidate —— help them in any manner. After votes are issued on Wins There Are TWO District Capital V 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 There are Two District Capital Prize bicycles‘one of these will go to the highest candidate living planting, con 1nsect pes “‘3 prescrva‘ I One subscription required to qualify nomination Awarding Of Prizes one of‘the District Capital Prize Bicycles will be given to the candidate living with- in Shelton city limits having the highest number'of votes of all candidates living in [EELl RATE L F111 Prescri] The other prize bicy will be given to the ca. dates having the next 1“ est number of votes, ref,’ less of place of residence, Each and every active ‘ ' . , , e SUHddS- U A becililli’gee: filmiorggste' “.t subscriptions each candidate “’1 Shelton and one W111 go to the ' this city. One of the District didate who dOes not win Yea“ A130 Hi ADPQY Spent Friday In: ten consent“ of ar entWLl ii Will' have full say as to how highest candidate living outside capital Prize Bicydes W111 0f the Prize bicydes Will . .our Contrac ‘O‘l'mwm‘l’th ff‘cnds' i ' l‘al'diol‘h 3m I911 'eb s ori many are published in the the limits of Shelton . be given to the candidate” “We 3' Gas" Commis FREE DEL 3m)“ fif‘rfa “Eu-‘39.“ Owens-i fié‘ctecfio he? e ‘3?“piinted standings of the ' living in that territory out— equal to 20% (one-fifth) 'VE branch paid a surprise VlSlt on! p er can l— candidates. The higher of the two district ' side the city limits of this all money he or she [the colors. and Lee Yocum ex-I 'broth’cr-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Roy! iAsleson. ‘ iIWA Convention Alters Local 38 l Friday, to her daughter and farm" ily. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson; Due to the shortage and neces-, sity of nurses, Mrs. Terry Pagel; has accepted a position Whichi she once ield on the staff the St. Helen's Hospital in Che-l crril, formerly of Potlatch, spent“; Saturday with' his sister and: Mr. and Mrs. Gunner Sjoholmi Ask-son home on Sunday. I I Meeting Plans Due to conflict with the Dis- trict I.VV.A. convention, Local 38’s next regular meeting will be held‘ at 7:30 pm. April 10 instead of' the following day, Business Ag- ent Charles- Savage announced Wednesday. At last Saturday’s session the; anti-sabotage committee present- one of the prizes, each ty- In event of a tie for any ing candidate will be given a prize identical in value. A bonus of 2,000 extra votes will be given each can- reports 'on Wednesday, April box All subscriptions and money collected during the last three days must be in! the sealed ballot box when the campaign ends on Sat- urday, May 2. Votes will be issued on both new and Old subscrip- tions. See schedule on this page. Credit for all extra votes will be issued at the convenience of the campaign manager. No candidate or candi- dates will be allowed to give or transfer Subscriptions 'or votes to another candidate. With the consent of the campaign manager, hawevé er. 'any one candidate can transfer his or her votes to an entirely new candidate or new Worker. ." Campaign starts April 4,: To be considered an active candidate and win a prize, 'each entry will be expected to turn in at least two sub- scriptions on every Wednes- day‘ and every Saturday, which shall be known as Of‘ the campaign and no can- tiOns but each will be. giv- en votes for all subscrip- tions he or she turns in. 'Cash must accompany all orders where votes ape de- sired. The management reserves the right to add to these rules for the mutual protec- tion and interests of this rieWspaper and the candi- dates. The right is also re- served to increase and add to the list of prizes. By adding one prize bi- cycle and four cash com- missions for each five addi- tional candidates, the man— agement may increase the number of candidates allow- ed to be active in the cam- paign. ‘Winners will be announced by the judges and their de- I I I winners will have the first choice of the District Capital prize bi- cycles. BICYCLES 1 l 1 . i PRIZES' : V O 3 l .VVVVY'YVVVV'VVVYV‘VVVV’ ‘A‘AA“.AL‘AAA‘A‘AAAA“‘AA‘A M ANQLE Bil Corner 4th and Railroad Shelton .1 PRIZES! ALL PRIZE BICYCLES HAVE BALLOON TIRES YOU CAN WIN ONE .OF THESE PRIZE BICYCLES» Fully Equipped, Latest Model One of these will be given log the highest candidate living in Shelton city and the other Will be given to the highest candi- [DING You Must See the Bicycles on Display to Fully Appreciate How Fine They Are re’e! turned in for subscripti This assures each of the tivc candidates being paid for their work in campaign. city, having the highest] number of votes of all can~ didates living outside Shel— ton city. hmm During her absence, Miss! : didtlte turning in 3 or more date Iivin elsewhere In this territor outside h l iElsie Hill will be employed in the] , , subscriptions on the opening rel???L days- Candidates are “mus. g y S e to" City M Page, home. . ; day of the campaign and an positively required to. turn . , , g H ; Mr. and Mrs. Geral'dLunt and: , ddditi'onal'. 3,000 extra votes an SUbscr‘ptlogsd they . ‘ .family of. Port Angeles, spentl Will be given the candidate ((1:13; onvszggeé‘ggor angyew There are THREE OTHER PRIZE BICYCLEs wn ich will be awarded to the three candidates securing . . . . G ISunday With his parents, Mr. and. ; turning In the most sub- | ,sy t d y the next highest number of votes for Subscriptions (after the two District Capital Prizes have been It.” the Smcer": 3”" Of, this newspaper to conduct" Mrs. Will Lunt. ‘ ' scriptions of all on the Open~ “Y a “r aYl- awarded) regardless of place of residence_ V campaign on a strictly fair and businesslike basis it ‘» Ray Dillenburg and Pete Kas—, u ' mg day. The same bonus Prizes must be won in ac- start to finish. However, not all wisdom lies with an? "*1 menak both left Friday to joini ' votes will be given‘ for the: cordance with the conditions man or institution, ‘ ‘ H Mildf so a committee of judges has ‘ selected from which two or more will be chosen to ‘70 FRUITS ‘pects to be able to join themi 8. 1'5 and and Saturday, didate will he promised a — the votes the last night of the campaign. svcry soon. t‘ Aggil1 11 and 18. t ce€tain prize for so many1 Tpe personnel of'the ADVISORY BOARD of JUD MN Betty and Margaret Vail spen I my one nomina ion 0011- an s’criptions or so muc is as GHOWSI IV E llast week end at home with theirl pon, value 10,000 votes, WillI money. 8T FOODS ,parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vail. I be credited to each candi- Candidates may secure GUS GPAF BEST PRICE Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Johnson and, date. subscriptions any place from l ‘familv motored to Seattle on Sat—i To insure absolute fair- anyone. Candidates will not , S‘ B ANDERSON iurday to visit his sister and fam- mess to all candidates the be' confined to their own ROY M COVKEY HOODspopn ilv, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelsonl campaign will be brought to town or neighborhood in . . . _ ‘ C ‘_ ‘- Mr. tint. Mrs. Al Main of Min-I a close under a sealed ballot which to secure subscrip- AL MUNR-O \ HAL OLSTEAD . These citizens are well known in this section and} final results as given out by them will be beyond dis? In the event any near relative of any member of the'v visory Board should enter this campaign, it» will allt- tically eliminate that member from being chosen to ' the final count of the votes. ‘ HOMI LOAN i ‘ onvenient’. a brand new, late model bicycm' liberal cash commission is gullr . . c. Reasonable] evelry active candidate; there no osers. - ~ DELAY VOTE SCHEDULE AND l' 110 SUBSCRIPTION PRICE v M13233 ‘ Tlili, ' ed William Snider Of the State§ and ends May 2. cision will be final. SPECIAL PRICE FOR CAMPAIGN ONLY , Insurance 3 Foresty Department, George ‘ . . , Votes on Votes 0" I; Frisk, new district fire warden," r u . ,, . y l, . . , H Renewals Subscrl and Charles Oggi his HSSlSi—antr For the number of prize bicycles and cash 1 Year .............................. _, $2.00 1,000 "I in a program of tatllgs pointéng OUt‘ commis‘sions announced in this ad 2 Years ------------------------- -~ $3.00 31000 5': how loggers in e woo s cant . o crate with re ulaI‘ fire crews5 ' * ' . 50.000 extra votes will be issued on ever “club: Eombating foregst blazes. The TO EVERY NON-PRIZE .$20.00 worth of subscriptions turned in, A “Nahum? V loggers were enthusiastic about composed of small or large amount totaling $20.00- I the fire precautions being takenl here. Prior to their talks, Mrs. Pal- mer Roberts, Shelton hospital Be Allowed to Enter Under the rules of this campaign the only way more than 16 candidates will be allowed to work in this cam- WINNER Only as many candidates will be alloWed to be active in this Campaign arrangement will be in effect during the entire camp? No subscription for more than two years in atlvarwe .‘ be accepted through any one candidate. Subscribers may pay their arrearages ANO up tot diet”? ’LSpoiegsto aid 3.3321553; “if? Wm bi, by “1‘5 ’i‘EWSPfaper againgongdgrizelbicygge it: there are Prizes- The higheSt of these active candidates will receive , years in advance at the special rate ,NFASTE sum 0 occ-l _ ' 5 an our cas commlss ons or eac we a llona can ' ' ' ' - ‘ ' , TH members on the subject of nutI‘I-I dates. Regardless of the number of candidates in this cam- e prilze. bICyCleS' Theoremalnuig aetlve candldates W111 be pald 3’ ca§h NOTE: The special price of two years for $390 nine Fr '- Doc tion in. the War eflOrt. i paign, each active candidate is guaranteed a. brand new, commissmn equal to (one-fifth) Of every dollar he 01‘ she turns 1n be in effect for the duration of this campaign only 111;; -§elght shoul Delegates Ell/TOD “£111 t rIepaeseXti late odel bicycle or a liberal cash commission. for subscriptions .May 2’ 1942. {eight via Local 38 at e is ric . . .. . convention, to be held at Aber-i deen, April 11 and 12, are George! ’8 ND OR BRING IN YOUR NOMINATION NOW! $23533; 3322.... Titan??? FOR FULL AND COMPLETE INFORMATION, call, on, telephone or write CAMPAIGN MANAGER * Office open each evening until 8:60 Nelson. ic ing an enne . ~ Shool. Alternate delegates chos—i en‘are Earl Levett, Ernie Wynn,| Lee Osborne, Emmett Laney, W.’ S. Rawding, Ellis Wells, and John Cochinette. A “hit ,W ' flashcard?“ Phone 1 l. * LAD IiosrlTAL PATIENT Lawrence Hackett,‘ 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hackett, was admitted to Shelton hospital fbr @ treatment last Friday, V This campaign conducted with the recom mendation and under the authority of the Washington Newsp aper Publisher’s Association, Inc.