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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1942     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1942
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ANDNEW EVIVE ‘WOOD AGE’ i i LEGAL PUBLICATIONS ; l ‘ NOTIFF n" sill‘ 01‘ STATI' V . 17a._ A l4 1' ,I ‘A l L, x l Cthflg‘Oerllf‘. wood age is witllj V H LANDS _. er t [us again, ushering in new bllfil-l Mi’rlf’fi‘. HMJ‘BI 9W1“)? 10”," , ,.,.d 1.0,, . 0. ‘11 W.,“ .rm lelai. ll... 5th day oi May. HES»? 1*“ 1‘”th 0‘ ~1rl 11912, ('iillllnollciu it tun o‘clock ill A survey of consumer goods ‘ lhi: l’rll‘zfllllllll o .l day, in front. of items displayed in Chicago’s ljl“ will!!! “I‘lll . .lyflir-Irl".t'i thi- ‘f‘olluly G d . merchandise mart showed today .il‘u'ill/lei}.i‘;,,""ff ."‘,,‘y,,["v manufacturers: and d‘ tributors of: ion. by HM (mar; “Auditor f, R_ new wood products increased their \ county. the following: dour-mind . 11 your place is therel sales by more than 100 per cent , 131395,“,3"j;,;.2ff};,,“",§l}.Hi}.‘i5.’3ifi”§‘i”¥ii§§ gm" fertilizer as tllérei 1n “‘19 159“: 30313 l lic auction to the liiglirsst bidder lhcrc- home garden, states: Chicfly responsxble for the ‘ fur. infill: ‘ :gerlt Okerstrom. ‘ broadened u of wood is the war “(gfrll‘fdixél #110 ('lllZl,"I;§; pr] till: , 1! H ..:.r-,:, l' :i "ll 1:.v, methods Of applying, and fine! :tlll‘» Shortages 05— 1710“ declared their intci ion to become ilnay be employed de-I tals, plastic materials and rub—-, sm'h. Wm purchase slate lands. on“ What fertilizers are: her. The making of new wood; Arrl.l(}A'l‘i()N_No. 17320 ’Barnyard manurel’ items, many of them bv—i’n‘oducts.’ “WE, “1 111W}. In, tho SWH (If :. . . , n a. . ' . Section 1... Township 22 north. I“ 31) 11 (1 tr 1 of “W S 'l‘fll or (“1 t l i tcml - att P e m 18 Gary A now i 1 1 K32 T111114 ,iiv'xst. W. M., being all that . lto he rate of about 0118—, substitute . was cited a COl’ltI’l-i of Lots 8 _9. in. ii and 12. in Block : 11 per 1000 Square fee/cl buth fa I :1, of thr- Plat of Hoodsport. as same .tons . C . 1 Pay“, W, c“ . r. ,. 1 , is of r5 (1 in the office of the Audi— , mpel acre. ommchla etc, . ...on. managing cliec— , to, 0, Mason County, Washington . ay be broadcast after tor oi the mart, said provmling that lies Southeastcrly of a line I.” 13586. in rows along then brought about the formation of a,’ scribed center line Of State Road No. m. e planted row. The separate research diVlSlon by one .1 9 (Olympic Highway). as now located Mela-10d is the most econ—| woodworking firm which he said, any”? rgfor‘lliilnllg‘ae,g°ff‘;9t “0th 191' :1 g gives the best results. was responsible for scores 0fI was’fnngton tofwitfi" ymp'a' 111‘row is made several'items. Comn’lencihg at the southwest cor- aWa f l: , .. nor of said section 12 and run easterly‘ d agouiorgh the plgnyig These laflgefrom WOOden for'I along the south line of said section grot 9 same eP ’rules for pencils, formerly made,I 12. a distance of 491.5 feet to all; . o replacmg Steel. to WOOden biCY' way); thence N. 2° 10’ E.. along said mecifgstowe and be taken cle pedals, substituting for rub-i center line, a distance of 137.0 feet: in ° S- m But that isn’t all Otheri 1.1.2118“ 13261222.“: Wt care to WOOGQ‘I 81110165 include bOT-Uel' di‘s'tiince of 2920 feet: thence N.” .16“ -i g t: t‘fiifious V_egl'etab1§5 f stoppers, small washers, wheels, j 46‘ E}. a distapce of 1098.2 fefiE; therg‘cte’ _ elr SpeCla nee s 1. _ g on t e are 0 a curve 0 e rig , Jeni-“Z61, to use is a 5_10_ EETSVZE I‘llgglrlllé’ :gnfilescearéd nee? [whose radius is 1146.0 feetoa distance 10-7 or th. f 340» Cu ormel‘yi of 321.3 feet; thence N. 32 50 E., a i; is .35 near 15 or‘ were made of metal or plastics. . distance of 422.6 feet; thence on the . 1 e 0 ge . er- ' ' ~ are 0 acurve o e rig . w use 03 Doss m t t A f On the artistic Side are scores f t th m h , I this k- d h M b . H 1 “ radius is 573.0 feet, a distance of " the I. In S ou e 01 new V-OOdenwale predUCtSi de'»178.3 feet: thence N. 50° 40’ E.. a dis- ,squfigtefoftzo pfounds per scribed by Vleson as in the gift! tance of 69 feett,h maple or 123:5; trt) an ee 0 ar en' 6 : ‘ intersection wi e sou wes er y . A smaller amount {‘5' used glasdfflg‘ftmn' Bethfiltlhtar‘all and; boundary line of Lot 8. of said Block: , , t in rows tecoiatli e, many 01 these pomt to. one of Plat of Hoodsport; and the . at 10.000 voT )N Mu Eton patrio Wever . consid ’ 1e) , e do. . rm _. Es, per centum per annum: Provided, ..................... "I ‘. are, ' Vides the back rest when occupied. , That any purchase}? may make full (Phone the don‘ts of garden— hfi_ ptayim'ent rfige mgtncilpal. tinterestd in? t l I} S a UROer l/Sil‘h‘e Iu‘lYCh gne land . Pulp Waste Seen i 0. claim l 42.?“ . - I nit-:21;Iits};latzivbiuéiW..§:a: ‘ '_ throumfilessdyou‘ Inteng, Potentlal 8011ch an materials without first obtaining mpaign of .. prOd g, an raise an consent of the.Commlssmncr of Pub— i. ’ll thu uce. l h 1 in: I.ftl‘nd}S.qfllntIl}cpthlf {non amoUélt 03 til:- more seed than you, y 1 C0 9 , dugdpl‘irsgsgd; p " as “on 1"“ an ‘ .le s ls year‘,A.Was.te 0f -——-——— All sales of state lands are made ic\teed at this time is not Senate Republican L e a d 0 1‘ subject to‘ the. “reservations "of oils. v N'- . ~ sto Say the least. I 1 Charles L. McNary of Oregon,. $93855,“1:35;”“55...?”33‘35 -MaSOn C0 3. 31ft without carefully' asserted recently that sufficient," fiéripuon, Bil/1 p, {iié'adduionm terms Washing“ andeaCh Step in the fertiliz- I alcohol could be manufacturedi and conditions prescrile in section, Preparation of the soil plahting, control of di-l lx Insect pests, and thei for our Pacific 6 preservation of the )mination i and y, prize ibicy ' to the ca, the next h a votes, reg of residenc cry active '1 W es not win icycles Will“ h commis, (one—fifth)‘ or she. Subscriptl each of the as being“ work in l 3 *DGES to conduct ke basis tie and many h“ before seeding, ori PS of the plants. IS covered over and al- n gardening may be» ’the County Extension \~—__ ts For Gardeners ashington Listed family gardens in Suburban is being encouraged: economical 8fore planting a gar- families er a few don’ts along 8 if they are to really l "1 their labor and ex- areas -’ ‘EE’LE‘S" RATE DRUG J. Fill Prescriptions . eYCan Also Handle 0111‘ Contracts F. ,REE DELIVERY l with any ‘ - lges hasc iosen to :, FR . UITS D of JUI Pl ;; NEST FOODS AT BEST pmcas "OODSPORT .- N ll l . . f- d th ' f t' . ber, ONLY ’ e; Insurance“ 3mg; tered Shelton hospital Tuesday (Stall/:3; nailincralse ggdrylorllgiero prbxduuctsl n Votes" ‘ ' for medical care. Over tie same- J A TAYLOR. ls sub“ ‘ i Commissioner ogIPublic Lands. ‘ I A U -, . .. . By FRANK YATES, .. ' ' ' . 4 3 10 17 24 5_1__5tASs't. Commissioner. . . ~ ' ' 9 ‘ . ; Victory Suits , °‘ Save On Material, I l The “well dressed man” will be ND “P *° FAST FREIGHT SERVICE ,agcked o... in a Motor, suit" WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON .mlnus patch Pockets on the coat. ’7 tle'pg, ‘Without vests if his suit is dou— I} p , Fr ll: Arrives TS 0Olllity Savings W 1 Loan Association ght should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, eight via Str. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock. v Time Schedule as follows: Tacoma. daily, execept Sunday, at 5 p.m. for Olympi ,- Shelton daily, except Sunday & C ARENCE CARLANDER, President OUND FREIGHT . US The knt't- SUD.» 1,} tll of brass, wood screws and pegs, tes for priority materials drawn parallel to and distant 50 feet southeasterly from the following dc— ;intersection with the center line of I i said State Road No. 9 (Olympic High- a revival of the wood—carver’s artl l 'c ‘~ ~~ 4' , land being,r herein described; fl90d his? 1° ieplgt’lng metal lnl Thence continuing N. 50° 40' E., 3. tOTxSi Pal “CU-131137 11’1 the so'caued‘ distance of 130 feet. more or less, to educational variety. an intersection with the Lamp manufacturers are find- ing wood and wood in combina- tion with other non—critical ma- terials, adaptable for posts of bases. One designer inspired by the conservation spirit created a . . . . combination lamp-tfawegon-chair-s fl:as.rah?Eurasia.subsets: Except for the llghtmg umti th.n owner of the improvements, must which may be tilted to desired angle when the tea-wagon-seat is being used, the lamp is made. entirely of wood. The lamp post- .set at the rear of the teawagon, which also serves as a seat, pro- Block 1 of Plat of Hoodsport, praised at $175.00. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and con- ditions following: Not less than one-tenth of the pur- of the sale the full amount of the ap- praised value of the improvements, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all de- ferred payments .at the rate of six 3 oi? chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terms. conditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Ses on Laws of 1927. relating to easements for rights— from waste products of pulp millsl in his state to “supply all needs ngagemcnts.” i In a letter to Chairman Donald.I .. .. ;of—way and the carrying of timber. 1“- Nel"0n 0f .the war PFOdUCtloni s’mnn, liliuerals and other products Board, McNary said that waste over the same. JACK TAYLOR. Commissioner of Pilblir: Lands. By FRANK YATES, ,‘ Assistant Commissioner. 4—34047-24-«5—1—5t. sulphite liquorfla by-product of. plllp~7llOVV is poured into streams; “There are known and prac- ticable processes for converting; these waste liquors into alcohol lfor industrial and military pur-E NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE u n p .. g,“ :w TIDE LANDS 11:0 ’99’ 3,3, V250,; It ‘;‘ W011 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That .nown ia. oVHdml has been: on Tuesday. the 5th day of May, nailkllig’r alcohol out of paper mill ,’ 1942, :omnicncing ‘at ten _o'clock in, liquor for an I jn_ f the fruonoon of said day, in front of years am formed that the paper mills in the main entrance door to the County, Court llouse in the city of Shelton,l point of beginning of the. tract of. northeast- erly boundary line of Lot 12, of said, ap- ' forthwith pay to the officer making. LSHELT JOURNAIE p-.-_—._- va‘vvvwvvv v'vvvv ‘C'V'V VVVV Used Cars 'V‘VV'V‘VVWVVVV'VV'VVV‘" OP. SALE: convertible coupc,| 1937 deluxe Dodge, 4 new rc-l treads, new top, radio, beaten] (v ’F defroster, electric clock. Inquire 'MAN WANTED to handle na- tionally known famous Watkins products iii Thurston county. Customers established for years. Excellent pay. No investment required. Write the J. R. VVat- kins C0., 4512 Hollis St, Oakland, Calif. 3-27-4-3-10-17-3t IWANTED: brush pickers immed- iately. Good wages can be earn- ed. Car necessary. Apply North- west Evergreen, Shelton. 3-13——tf. Avenue, Angleside. I merit, furnace, hot water heater 110-W for appointment. (shower and tub( floor in living and dining rooms $2500 or terms. FERN """vvv vv‘ mvv'vv w" Lost and Found l Wednesday down town. Please return to J. C. Penney Store. 3. 4-3—1t. LOST: 2 flat bottom rowboats, toms. Arcadia, Rte. No. 3. 4-3—1t. l I ‘ wearing halter. Notify F. E. Hewson, R 1, Elma, Wash. m‘mmy-r -. rvvv-vv‘ For Rent FOR" RENT? 4 ‘rbérh' li‘ ‘0 den spot, on Harstine Island. Inquire Gerald Needham, P.O. consider unfurnished. F. F. Nelson, 5525 11th N. E., Scat- tle. 3~20~27-—4-3 3t. N0. 1483" NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE ‘OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of A. E. Elphick, Deccascd. Notice is hereby given that the un- ‘ do 03.. Oregon alone could producs cheap- ,1 pounty 0f Magon. {Stage 10: Wafhing'll ., a v .. . i, _ , on, by the nun y ufi or o sau . 1“ enougn Otnfl alcojol to Sup 3’ county. the, following described statci ply all needs for our Pacific en-; ‘ gagemcnts.” ‘ McNary incloscd statistics to; show that paper mills in the? Northwest could supply raw ma~, terial for 130,000.000 to 150,000,- 000,000 gallons of industrial alco— hol a year. He pointed out that. tide lands, together with the improve< ments situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bid— dc!- llll‘l‘C‘fOl‘, to—wit: NOTE—No one except citizens of. the United States, or persons who‘ have declared their intention to be-: come such, can purchase State lands. I APPLICATION NO. 10554 All tide lands of the second class, part of the present sugar Short— age can be attributed to the use of sugar molasses for conversion into alcohol. l Boatmcn Must Be .M Fingerprinted & . Photoglpphed Now Olympia, Mar. 29—Now is the time for all good boatmen to haVe their pictures taken. , E. C. Savage, Olympia customs! officer, has been assigned the work of issuing waterfrOnt ident- ification cards for the U. S. Coast Guard identification unit. The cards are required of all boat operators and crewman. Applicants must fill out per- sonal history forms, available in' the customs office, and be finger- , Plat of Hood’s Canal Land and Im- owned by the State of Washington. vsituate in front of, adjacent to or abutting upon vacated Mason Avenue. provcment Company‘s plan 0f.Um‘3‘n City, in government Lot 5, 890110“ 33v township 22 north, range 3 west. W. with a. frontage of .97. 1111631 chains, more or less, appraised at $48.50. APPLICATION NO. 10561 abutting upon the south half in Width of Lot, 5, section 30, townshlp 23 north, range 3 west, W. M., with a frontage of 12.3 lineal chains, more or less. appraised at $307.50. Said lands will be sold for nOt less than the appraised value above stated and upon the terms and Con- duions following: Not less than one-tenth of the 133111”- chase prlcc must be paid at the tune of sale. The purchaser. if he be “Qt the farmer of the improvements. mPSt forth 1th pay to the officer makmg the sale the full amount of the 310' praised value of the improvements, as above .stated. One-tenth of the pill"- chase pl‘lce must be paid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred payments at the rate of-Six Der cen’ tum per annum: Provided. That any printed on FBI cards in Olympia Police Headquarters. Three prmts of the applicant’s picture, off one ' negative are required. The Pic- tures must be full face, not pro- file. The prints should be not larg- er than 11/2 inches by 11/2 inches. One print goes with the FBI! fingerprint card, the other two with the personal history record turned in to the customs office. The records are checked by the Coast Guard before identification purchaser may make full payment of‘ principal. .interest and statutory fees‘ at any time and obtain deed. The Purchaser of land containing timber: 01' other valuable materials is prohibited by law from cutting or removing {my such timber or materials without first obtaining the consent of the Com- missioner of Public Lands, until the full amount of the purchase price has been paid and deed issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of Oils. gases, coal. ores, minerals and foss115 of every name, kind and description. and to the additional terms and con- ditions p cScribed in section 3 0f cards are issued. chapter 2 6 of the Laws of 1907. l Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions and reservations of chapter 312 of the Session Laws of k V A QHELTONIAN IN HOSPIT 'L 1927, relating to easements for rights-. George Parker of Shelton en- ble‘breasted, will have no pleats 01’ cuffs on his trousers, and Will be unable to sport a. double breasted tuxedo after May 30, re- POI‘tS Mark Pickens, L. M. adver- ,tiSlng manager. ‘ . The new styles in men’s suits are part of the material-saving . Plan of the War Production board "‘ and besides the major items men- . honed above probably will also lmdude the elimination of" sport backs,“ extra pOCkcts, silk knees, ‘Smlfltex waistband, zipper, etc. No. 2 and Shelton lAttorney for Estate All tide lands of the second class i DEPARTME owned by the State of Washington. situate in front of, adjacent to or dersignod _has been appointed, and has qualified as the administratrixcs of the above entitled estate; that all pars. : having claims against said , .(l ardl‘lcreby required to serve the same, duly verified. on said ad- ministratrixcs or their attorney of re— cord at the address below stated. and file the same with the Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service. within six months after the date of first publication of this no- tice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication, March 27, PICKERS WANTED at ,, Northwest Evergreen Companyi Phone 73. 3-3 to 4-1—1m. WANTED: helper to operate Cubby Hole Newstand. 111A South Tower. Write Paul Jones, 208, So. Tower, Centralia, Wn.| LOST: package of merchandise Mrs. George Walters of Camp|F Nos. 4 11. Registration papers inside boat. 30-A series. Grey, with orange trim, tarred bot- Reward. W. D. Forbes, LOST: Sorrel mare work horse. Branded DR on left shoulder, 3—27—4~3—2t. ouse, gar- Box 775, Allyn. 3-27--4-3-10—3t ,MOVING To SHELTON April 1st. Want to rent 5—room house preferably furnished, but will JOURNA FOR QUICK SALE! I 5-room modern home' on Turner Full base- etc. Large lot 300 feet long. Shrubbery. Unobstructed view of entire Olympic range. Phone FOR SALE: 5 rooms ,and bath hardWOod fireplace, cabinet kitchen, shake roof. 2-car garage, on Hillcrest. Phone 59-J. M—3-27—4-3-10—2t. FOR SALE: 160 acres Sec. 4-20- 2 un'improved agricultural land, timber, running water, 12 miles from Shelton; 60 acres $50 Viola ....................... __ 30-20-3 joins Shelton at the south. Scenic location, tim- Sec. ber; 40 acres See. 22-21-6, good I soil, spring, \ W, 1439 East Madison Ave, Forest Grove, Ore. hemlock and ce- dar. Priced to sell. Inquire G-F- W—3-20-27--4-10—1M start for nice home. Will sell cheap, Schoonover. hand‘ side. Otto 3-20-27--4-3——3t. FOR SALE: 40 acres, large house, chicken and brooder house, barn, cow, horse, 300 I OR SALE: 5 acre tract. Good 1 mile south on Mill Creek road, 4th place on right chickens, furniture, implements. Mrs. A. Alleman, John's Creek, Bayshore Road. 31/2 miles out. R 2, Box 314. 3.20-27--4-3--3t..Us W l and furnace. Also large unfin- ished upstairs. This home 6-ROOM modern home, hard-wood floors, fireplace, full basement is located on oiled street and has below present value. sider terms—$4375.00. FOR SALE Will con- excellent condition. with fireplace, l . full basement. trees of many varieties. Nice yard and lawn, all well kept. Also plenty of excellent gar- den land. Chicken house and barn. Gravity water system. Would cost $10,000 to replace, and is a real bargain at $4400, terms. Herbert G. Angle Angle Bldg. Phone 304 N’ATIONAL' FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE l7-room modern suburban home in Plastered I Flowers and shrubs and fruit “942 MABEL LaBREC Sealed bids will be received by the FANNIE MULLENIX Eyre? Stupervisog, $150127. l(/IDlympia. ' ’ .- as ing on, up 0 : . ., A ril ggglgfstrames 0‘ 541d 1 23, 1942, for all the lite timber mall..- PcEll, Washinaton ed or designated for cutting. and all :13. s. Avey D ‘ merchantable dead timber located on .an area embracing about 200 acres Within Sections 9 and 16; T. 21 N., ,g 8 tWW Olympict glattional 3. __ _ _ _ ores, as ington. estimab' o be 27 4 3 1017 4t'i545,000 feet, B. M., more or less, of UNITED STATES ‘Doulglas-fif, 660£000 feeit Ba M.,8618%33 OF T 3 ~ or ass. 0' wes ern re ce ar. . NT HF INTERIOR feet B. M., more 01" less, Of Sitka spruce, and 3,250,000 feet. B. M., more or less 013 Vlgesjterp 1hemlock aé'l5d85cfiher v T151 FOR, plug 1 species. 0 i q ess than‘ ,- De? 1V0 (LSerial 018914L CATION ,M fee-Q B. M. for Douglas-fir, $4.85 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that feet, B. M. for western red cedar, the Board of commissioners for Che_|$3.90 per M feet, B. M. for Sltka lan County, Washington, at went. [ Spruce, and $1.30 per M feet B. M. for ('hee, Washington, did on November,w.estern hemlock and other 'SpeCIQS 13. 1941_ file in this Office application Will be conSidered. A‘ cooperatlve de- 018914, under the act of March 20, V905”: Of $40 per M feet B: for 1922 (42 Stat, 465; 16 U.S.C. 485), tlmher merchantable under_the terms as amended by the act of Septemberi'of_the a reement. in addition to the 22, 1922 (42 Stat, 1036), and the acuprices bi for the stumpage, to cover of February 28. 1925 (43 Stat. 1090; the Cost Of planting Wm be.requ‘r‘?d' 16 U.S.c, 436), to exchange the {01- $10,000.000 must be _deposited With lowing lands; each bid, to be agplled on the pur- T_ 22 N., R. 19 E" w_ M. chase price, rerun ed, or retained in T. 24 N.,R. 19 W. M. Elma, Grays Harbor County, Washington. General Land Office, Spokane, Washington March 23. 1942 : Er; part as liquidated damages, according Sec 30 N to, conditions of sale. The right to re- Sec, 4; Lots 1 and 2; 1‘6th any and all bids reserved. Before Sec. 11: SIASEMSWIA; bids are submitted full information Sec. 13: NE14; concerning the timber, the conditions Sec 24; NEIA; of sale, and the submission of bids Sec, 26; EléElé; lshould. be obtained from the Forest T_ 24 N., R, 20 E” w. M_ Supervisor. Post Office Building, .Sec. 7: Fractional SI/ZSWI/A; Olympia, Washington. '\ s Tel“ Né’wllnlluf’” Valli... .ec. : . ,4 , , i , El/zswu, SE14; 3-20—4-2—2t. T. 26 N., R. 17 E, w. M. Sec. 26: El/zNEl/i. Sl/zSWIA; I 36 x” m 19 E" “a M. State of Washington sESf/c. 11; El/gSW‘A. wl/ZSEu, SE14 10F F ICE fiDgggfifi'gSOR 0F .1. Z . . $817213: NEIASWV“ N léSEVl'I SE14 NOTICE oglymnlgEn RIGHT ‘ 43. ' APPLICATION N0.’ 5663 360.1,.2gggvhfiosg-fl- M- TO wnoiu IT MAY CONCERN: Sec. 8: N123, and that part of Tract Notice is hereby given that James 51 in the SE14: Sec. 9: That part of Tract 51 in the Ngrth Ilfdlu-EWI/ NEl/ E1 e c. : . S NW1 , szswl/i; “ 4 A. See. 18: Lot 4: T. 27 N., R. 18 E., W. M'. 30: NEVINWIA. EIASEIAQ; T. 27 N., R. 19 E., W. M. Sec. Sec. 3: El’zSWl/i; Sec. 12: E14, and SW14: ec. : .. 1 1 . NE1 qut; ’72 1 A A A. 81530132: SEIANEl/t. E‘ASEM, SW14 Sec. 34: NEIA and SW14, , within and adjacent to the Wenatchee National Forest, Washington, contain- ing 4095.76 acres, subject in part to a reservation for a public road, for timber of an equal value to be taken from approximately 70 acres of the following: '1‘. 21 N., R. 7 W., W. M. Secs. 1 to 5, inclusive; T. 22 N., R. 6 W., W. M. Secs. 7. 18. and 19: T. 22 N., R. '7 W., W. M. '5. Secs. 1 and 2; 10 to 15, Secs. 21.t0 29, inclusive; 32 to 36, inclusive. Within the Olympic National Forest, Washington. as agreed with the Sec- retary of Agriculture. The purpose of this notice is to al- inclusive ; and Secs. low all persons_c1aiming the timber. having bona fide objcc-U selected. or timis to such application, an oppor— tunity to file their protests in this office prior to the approval of the .- exchange. . Any such protest should be filed 3 herein prior to May 9, 1942. HAR RY L. CHILD. 3:?7ml'3710'17'cll. Regime I l l f 1 Bryan, .Ir., and Meeka Reed of Bremerton, State of Washington, un- der date. of March 18; 1942. filed with the state Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olympia. Washington, an application for a" permit to divert the public Waters of unnamed springs tributary of Hood Canal: in the amount of 0.5 second-foot, subject to existing rights, from April 15 to October 1 of each year for the purpose of irrigation of garden; and continuously for dom- estic supply; that the approximate paints of diversion are located within Lot 2 and NWIA of SW14 of Section 36. Township 22 N., Range 3 W.W. M., in Mason County. A map showing the location and plan of said diver- Slon and the place of the proposed use is on file in the office of the State Supervisor of Hydraulics. Olym- pia. Washington. together with such 1other information as is required by aw. Any person. firm or corporation whose right .will be injuriously af— ected by said application may file With the State Supervisor of Hy- draulics, at Olympia, Washington, such. objections or representations, in WTltlngh as he may desire to make. Within thirty (30) days after date of lgastwpéiblication, which date is April . 4 . Witness my hand and official-seal thlS 14th day of March. A. D. 1942. CHAS. J. BARTHOLET. . (SEAL) State Supervisor 3-27-4-3—2t. of HydrauliCS. m Be a regular on the home front! Make regular pay-roll purchases of U. S. Defense Savings Bonds r, and Stamps. nice yard. Entire property in I excellent condition,- and priced Mattress $40.00 Driftwood Gray l Bed, Chest, Spring and ' Mattress $25.00 ; HAL OLSTEAD 123 R. R. Ave. FOR SALE USED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS WA “-WW I "v Vvvvvvvvvvvvvv at Sllcltou Shoe impair. Y 27— #1‘3‘10 VMVWVMWWVVV MOW) vvvvvvvvvvv: :uyvvvvvvvvvv , . Wanted x Real Estate , ClaSSified SerVice a I 0.... , “AAAAAAAMAAAAMAAAW “ «AgaAA»AABAA‘oAAAAAAAAA. ‘WANT TO BUY 4‘ or fi—i‘ooln FOR SALE: UllfumlSth 6-1'00m SEE US for your 'Y"rd’cn needs. , house. Moving to Shelton April house with one acre good Rose hugyws, rpm, .‘ 8600‘s! l 10. Permanent position. W'. L. ground, partly cleared, gOOdl tuberous bcgonlas, bulbs, spl'aysl l Marble, Montesano, Wash. soil. House can be finished to; etc, Forrest mowers and (33113,, l 4—3mlt. suit buyer. Just outside city lim- ! 313 Raiimad 2-27_Wtf. 'WAVTED AE‘ lm-dr- 7A its. Phone 479. 4 . 4t I .7 l , ‘2 car 03 S or N_ 4340-17-24... , -, ».—-. truckloads of large, smooth, .,-V.._-..__-.- . . .. F051 SALI‘J sound Alder and Maple logs. FOR SALE: 10 room house on lag/GOD Higher price. Liberal scale. Mountain VieW. Suitable for P (ERRED? Prompt settlements. North- apartments or rooming house. w: L 11.: west Chair Company, Tacoma, Garage and woodshed, two lots, “rash. 4-3-24H4t. Reasonable terms or liberal; Egrlv ,Xmmjwn ~77 Wei——~~—-¥—~—-———— discount for cash. See or Write “ , T. I.WANTED: woman to taki care Mrs. Charles Dahlman, Camp 3, I 366., Chest, :JOX 111g, of child and do housewor . Call Shelton, D__4-3tf . ,,,- 383. S_4_3_1,‘ . and Innei Spling I 1:15 p. m. 22 head high grade I team located in Jefferson county at I I 557 Banjo with case .......... S20! I$20 Guitar ......... .. 310‘ [$15 Guitar ............... .. $8 $50 Violin with case . $20 F. E. BECKWITH FLOOR SANDER FOR RENT I by Day or Hour J. L. CATTO HARDWARE BARGAINS IN APPLIANCES New Youngstown Steel Cabinet Reg. $37.50, special at :25 New Perfection 3 Burner Oil Range with Oven Special $33.50 Used Grunow Refrigerator '.'-ft. size ._ ................ ..$65.00 { ed Frigidair -ft. 75.00 M, OFF ON ESTATE 0in HEATROLAS 20% OFF On lighting fixtures, table lamps, irons, toasters, waffle irons, sandwich toasters, cof- fee percolators. ROBBINS ELECTRIC Imperial Washable WALL PAPERS Now available in Shelton in many beautiful patterns and shades to decorate every room in the house. Exclusive in Shelton at M ' l l i i l l ,b ll (1 Lawton Lumber Co. South. First Phone SS—J SNAPSHOTS In Full Color KODACOLOR FILBI Andrews Studio V NOTICE OF HEARING FINAL RE- PORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION Ill the Superior Court of the State of Washington in and for the County 01 Mason. In Probate. In the Matter of the Estate of ED» WARD DICKENSON PAYNE, De- ceased. Notice is hereby given thai Valcrei Payne Webber. Administratrix of the estate of Edward Dickenscn Payne, deceased, has filed in the office of the clerk of Said court, her final re—, dlStl‘lbL'r port and for petition tion, ' asking the court to settle said report, to distalbute the property to the persons thereto entitled, and er; and that said report and petition Will be heard on the 18th day of April. 1942, at 10:00 o’clock a. m. at the courtroom of the courthouse at Shel- ton. Washington. Dated this 19th day of March, 1942. CLARE ENGELSEN 3-20-27~4—3—10-4t Clerk of said Court. N0. 1490 NOTICE TO CREDITORS TO FILE CLAIIVIS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON, IN PROBATE In the Matter of the Estate of Guy Garfield. Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that Letters of Administration on the Es- tate of Guy Garfield, deceased, were granted to the undemjigned on the 14th day of March, 1942., by said Su— perior Court. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN, that a estate are required to serve them. with the necessary vouchers, upon the, the Law Office of‘ undersigned at Alden C. Bayley, Title Insurance Building, Shelton, Washington, that being thr: place designated for the transaction of the business of the es- tate, within six months after the 20th ay of March. 1942, and file the same with the Clerk of this Court. together With proof of such service, or they will be forever barred. Dated this 20th day of March, 1942. . RHEA RUTH HOWARD Administratrix of the ES- tate of Guy Garfield, de- ceased. . ALDEN C. BAYLEY. Attorney for Administmtrix, Title Insurance Building. Shelton. \Vashingtoll‘ I) .l :i -"I-3fl0—’Il. to discharge said Valeve Payne ch-. persons having claims against said» 32250 FOR SALE: l l l ‘ 4-3-10-17—3t. l For Sale . AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA -A A Ai‘AAA‘ CHOICE GLAD BULBS now for sale 250 to 40c per doz. Carl’s Gladiolus Gardens, 1% miles south along highway. FOR SALE: 1600-lb. horse; Mc- Cormick mower; farm wagon or trade for stock. Ted Richert, Slickomish Valley. 4-3——-1t. AUCTION SALE: will sell at my farm 31/2 miles southeast of Olympia on the Yelm-Olympia Road, Wednesday, April at Holstein and Guernsey cows; of horses, weight 3400. Frank Baker, owner—Col. C. E. Payne & Son, Auctioneers. phone 645, Auburn 192. 4-3—11; DISPERSAL SALE: Iseri Farms, Dabob, Wn., nine miles west of Port Ludlow toward Quilcene, seven miles south of Chimacum; from mainland take ferry at Edmonds to Port Ludlow, Sat- urday, April 4 at 11 a. m. 21 head cows; 4 heavy work horses and harness; all farm machin-l cry and equipment, Iseri and Son, owners——Col. C. E. Payne & Son, auctioneers, phone Au- burn 192, Chehalis 645. 4-3--1t. overhead garage door. Practically new. Phonel 465—R. D—4-3-10—2t. I FDR SA LE: double end boat 32’-9‘—5’ beam. 18 h.p. Corliss engine. Will take farm tractor as part payment. 1/3 mile be- yond Hidden Cove, Hood Canal. George Eaton. 3-27—4-3-10—3t. FOR SALE: work horses. See George Dunn, near Agate school, Shelton. 3—20-27--4~3—3t FOR “SALE: Simmons studio couch. Excellent condition, $20. Inquire 911 Franklin. K-2-27-tf. NEW and USED Outboard Motors Before fishing season Opens April 5th, check over your motor, bring it here for re- pair or to trade—in on a new one. Full stock of I Fishing Gear , Fishing Licenses Hillcrest Hardware Olympic and Fairmont Phone 499 Tides of the Week Computed for Oakland Bay (Hood Canal tides are one hour 3: 65 minutes earlier) Low 2:31 a.m. 2.9 ft. Fri. High 8:20 a.m. 14.7 ft April 3 Low 3:02 p.m. -0.5 ft. High 9:28 p.m. 14.2 ft. Low 3:16 a.m. 3.7 ft. Sat. High 8:55, a.m. 14.6 ft. April 4 Low 3:46 p.m. -0.9 ft. High 10:26 p.m. 14.1 ft. Low 4:06 a.m. 4.6 ft. Sun. High 9:35 a.m. 14.2 ft. April 5 Low 4:35 p.m. -1.1 ft. High 11:29 p.m. 13.9 ft. Low 5201 a.m. 5.5 ft. Mon. High 10:20 a.m. 13.7 ft. April 6 Low ,5:28 p.m. -0.9 ft. High 12:39 a.m. 13.8 ft.l Tues. Low 5:07 a.m. 6.2 ft., iApril 7 High 10:14 a.m. 13.0 ft. Low 5:28 p.m. -0.4 ft. High 1:56 a.m. 13.8 ft. Wed. Low 7:29 a.m. 6.4? ft. ' April 8 High 12:22 p.m. 12.2 ft. Low 7:36 p.m. 0.1 ft. High 3:10 a.m. 13.9 ft. Thurs. Low 9:00 a.m. 6.0 ft. April 9 High 1:47 p.m. 11.7 ft. Low 8:48 p.m. 0.6 ft. High 4:13 a.m. 14.2 ft. Fri. Low 10:17 a.m. 5.2 ft. April 10 High 3:17 p.m. 11.6 ft. Low 9:56 p.m. 1.0vft. High 5:03 a.m. 14.4 ft. . .Sat. Low 11:15 a.m. 4.1 ft. April 11 High 4:39 p.m. 11.9 ft. Low 10:56 p.m. 1.4 ft. CALL FOR BIDS FOR COUNTY l PRINTING .' i l l l I I i l according NOTICE IS H REBY GIVEN that at two o'clock . M. on Monday. April 27th. 1942, sealed bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners of Mason County at their office in the court house at Shelton, for county advertising and official publication of all notices for the term of one year. from July 1. 1942, bids to be based on nonparell solid. Amount of bond to be fixed at lime of letting contract. DATED this 23rd day of March. 1942. HARRY DEYETTE, Clerk of the Board of I County Commissioners, Mason County, Wash. 3-27——4-3—10-17—4t. N0. 4098 summons FOR PUBLICATION, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON .FOR V , MASON COUNTY Madge H. Miller. Plaintiff, vs. William C. Miller, Defendant. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, Eg THE SAID WILLIAM C. MIL- R: You are hereby summoned’ to' ap- pear within 60 days after the date of the first publication of this Sum- mons. to-wit: within 60 days after the 13th day of March. 1942, and de- fend the above entitled action in the above entitled Court and answer the Complaint of the plaintiff. and serve a copy of your answer upon the un- dersigned Attorney for Plaintiff at his office address below stated, and’ in case of your failure so to do judg- ment will be rendered against you to the demands of the Complaint, which has been filed with the Clerk of the said Court; Plainé tiff seeks a divorce from you, the above named Defendant, upon the grounds of Non-support. CHAS. R. LEWIS. ' Plaintiff's Attorney; Office and Post Office Address; Suite 1, Lumbermen's Building. Shelton. Mason Count . Wash- ington, 343720—27-‘4-34 4724—7“ l l l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 500. Lower rates for larger ads and insertions. notices more Reader :3c per word. 75c minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, 75c; original poetry 50c per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisements accepted over the telephone from phone subscrib- ers. Cash should accompany all other orders or payment made be- fore the first of‘ the month to save expense of billing. An extra charge of 10c will be made when billing is necessary. PHONE 100 \ For Sale A“‘ 4' Amwu “ FOR SALE: Easter bunnies, 50c West 4-3‘~—-1t. apiece. Franklin. Dan Emerson, FOR SALE: 14-ft. liydroplane, outboard type. Also 12 horse- power outboard motor. Shelton Shoe Repair. 4-3—1t. FOR SALE: piano in very good condition. Reasonable price. Phone 376-M. E4-3-10-17—3t. FOR SALE: good grocery store doing good business, residen- tial district, living apartment. Call at 410 Fairmont Ave. Hill- crest) Shelton, Wash. T4-3—1t. IFOR SALE: Charter Oak kitchen range. 0. F. Silvers, Mountain View. 3-27--4-3-10——3t. HORSES. FOR SALE: 21/2 miles out Cole Road. J: B. Lighbody, Route 3. 3-27—4-3—10—3t. FOR SALE: second growth wood $6.50 per cord. Carl Morgan, 635 Dearborn, phone 344-W. 3-27—4-3-10——3t. SAILBOAT FOR SALE: 18 foot Sea Gull class, V bottom, Mar- coni rigged, Genoa jib, good condition. Now near Union. $235. Write Box R, c-o Journal. R—3-27-4-3-10—3t. FOR SALE: New Hampshire setting eggs. Anna Huss, East Pine on Bayshore Road. ~3-20-27—4-3—3t. .FOUR BLOOMING size Geran- . iums or fiVe' different other plants, perennials or housei plants, (state which) 25 cents;l four cacti, 'all' ,different, 25 Cents; als’o Dahlias, Glads, Achlmenics‘, oxaylis, Hyocin- thus Candicons} Hybrid Gle- enias’, all’ postpaid. Outside county add 5 cents for postage. Evergreen Gardens, Shelton, Washington. 3-20-27--4-3—3t. 4 DOZEN RUSSELL special mat- ing, New Hampshire laying pul- lets, $1 each. L. C. Smith, Rt. 2, 4 miles east of Agate school. 3‘-20-27--4-3~—3t. FOR SALE: 200 New Hampshire laying pullets 25¢ per pound. Mrs; Annie Bloomqulst, Capi» tol Hill. 3-13-20-27—3t. FOR SALE: two good brood sows one 400, ohe‘ 250. One boar 200, one bull calf 10 months, 16 white Jersey Giants, ’28 Buick, 15 cords ~alder. J. W. Burnett, Lost Lake, north of Gallag- her's. 3-13—-tf. OLD GROWTH WOOD for sale: $7.50 per cord plus tax. R. W. Killough, phone 586-J. 11-27. 12-30—1M. For Sale WEDGEWOOD Gas Ran e with incinera or J. L. CA‘TTO‘ HARDWARE "WV'WW PROFESSIONAL CARDS “MIA'AWL AMA V ALDEN C. BAYLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW Title' Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 Shelton INSURANCE H ERBERT' G. ANGLE Office at Angle Building ELLIOT 3. SPRING, Accounting Tax Services Bookkeeping Systems 123 4th s‘ti'. Phone 565 .» Liéensed Embalmers , W. A. Witsiei‘s,vProp. Phone 180 - - Shelton; Wash. VDOANE BRODIE Attorney-AeLaw Angle Building Phone 337 CHARLES R. LEWIS ATTORNEY AT LAW Suite 1 L. M. Bldg. Shelton. Washington -\-'