April 3, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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SITELTON-v[AS01 COUIkvI'T JOI/RNA/5 Thursday, AP..day, Ant i, o ....
Get Busy on Your Bartsch Elected Forest Festival t SHELTON-lVlASON COUNTY JOURNAL
(Continued from pare, 1) Published every Thursday morning TA
fleas by large banners carried by Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association
and National Editorial Association
We Want you to be aware
Of our Complete Stock
Office Suppfies
and Equipment
Fine Stationery
Greeting Cards
for All OccasmIs
B'.y Easter Cards
Street Oiling
Petitions, Folks
Witt Mayor Frank Travis still
absent fl'om hi official duties on
a trip to California, Commission°
ors Roy Kimbel and Reginald
Sykes met -rod tr'msacted routine
businegs matters at the weekly
city commission meeting on Tues-
day, at the city hall.
City Clerk Alma Catto read a
letter advising the city that a stop
and go traffic signal liglt for in-
stallation at Raih'oad and First
street would be dulivered here latel
in April
All residents who desire street
oiling work this year are urged to
get petitions, asking Such im-
provements, into the hands of City
Engineer C. J. 'Phillips as soon as
possi.le. Many residents have in-
dieatgd a desire to have the work
done. t)uL petitions have not been
An ordinance eliminating part
of the' industrial area from the city
fire zone was given a first reading
before the commission by City At-
torney Virginia MaUoy. The sec-
tion, in the old Kneeland addition
is now occupied by tle Northern
Pacific station and the Simpson
lndu;tries warbhouse.
233' South 1st
Chairman of
Rayonier Board
Edward Bartsch, president of
Rayonier Incorporated, manufac-
turers of wood celhflose pulp, was
elected chairman of the board of
directors yesterday following the
annual meeting of stockholders in
New York. Mr. B a r t s c h was
elected president of Rayonier in
January 1944 and will continue ¢o
serve as president as well as
The following were re-elected
officers: President, E d w a r d
Bartsch; vice presidents, William
E. Breitenbach, Martin N. Deg-
geller, William S. Lucey; treas-
urer. Lawrence G. Wilson; secre-
tary, William E. Weber.
The stockholders were informed
by Mr. Itrch that preliminary
figures for the first qoarter of
1947 indicate sales of approxi-
mately $11,800,00ff or 63 per cent
higher thaa i the comparable
quarter of 't96, First qtiarter
earnings were ca{treated to be
over $1.40 per shTe on the com*
men stOck after all'owing for pre-
ferred dividends, e0fnpared With
6 cents per share fop the corres
pondt'ng quarter of I946. The out-
look for the balance of 197 is
most Fromising, Mr. Bartsch
staed, as the demand for the
company's product,contues to
exceec th aallbl@supply, soeR-
holders were toi thR ith c0n
tinution of the improvement in
earnings, and barrlng unforeseen
contingencies, it was hoped that
a dividend on the common stoc'k
could be pa'id elthel late in 1947 or
early 194:8. In addition to the do'-
mestic demand for wood cellulose
mlp% there exists a large unsa t-
stied dems:nd in foreign markes,
he added.
l-I. A. Buroker of Coeur 'd'Alene
"idaho, president of viatlon n-
dustPies, Inc., was an overnight
guestat the H.L. Alexander home
in Shelton Monday on a combined
business and pleasure trip to the
-Mrs, Berta MeKinney has re-
turned to the Northwest after
spending the winter with her
daughter Louise, now MTS, W. O.
Burch in Jacksonville, Florida.
Mrs. Mciney will not return ta
Shelton however until May 1, she
said, visiting her sons in Seattle
and Cenr2alia until then.
SH ELTON Phone 188
' oreca00t for i00ne,r erfor.00na ce
Changing seasons are not a mater of months here in
the West... but hours. That's why "climatic comrol"
plays such a vital part in the prodcion of he new
Richficld gasoline,
These ncw fuels will give sWift cvMencd of lJcleld's
research and modern refining facilities the first time
you try a tankful on your own personM road test.
Fill your tank with the new Richfield higher octane
gasoline. Then test it with sdentific sureness. Demd
instant starting.., smooth aecderati0n. Drive pit any
highway.., in any climate and then switch off:ihe key
and addup the extra mileage. We believe you'11 agre
with us,:• "The new Richfield is truly a great gasoline."
M Ask your Kidficld Dealer for
[] , yoqr free copy of Richfield s
" 't
Boy Scouts. ! Entered as second-class matter at the postoffice at Shelton. Washington
The boys and girls parade com-
mittee, besides Chairman Elliott. I WILFORD JESSUP and WILLIAM M. DICKIE, Publistmrs NO EXTRA
includes Bob Watson. Ernie Grant, Bessie Bolcn. Business Manager'
--.===.---. =--: -:- :-::: ......... = .......... " -'--=:=:.-'---=': =-:- :: • -: " : . : ---. - EXTRA
Bill Seiners, George Hermes. Grant Subscription Rates:
Packard, Clarence Grunert Floyd]
Gibson and Bill Goodpaster,
Details of the coming Mason
County Forest Festival, including
an introdudction to l)rogram fea-
tures of the celebration which is
expected to attract thousands of
visitors here on May 16 and 17,
were given to an enthusiastic
group of festival boosters at a pub-
lic meeting last night at the Ma-
son county courthouse.
Chairman Werberger, who has
been pulling iu all loose ends of
the affair, told the audience of
committee w:orkers and otfier pub-
lic spirited citizens interested in
the affair that Shelton and Mason
county will have the largest pub-
lic gathering' in its history and
the two-day program will excel in
quality and scope anything ever
given here before.
Features of the school participa-
tion in the program are being
worked out and the pageant this
year to be staged on a mammoth
platform at Loop Field will be of
professional caliber. The pageant
Script is now being worked out
and costumes and the m are ex-
pected to be in keeping With the
subject of forest growth and his-
tory, The queen is to be crowned
at the same place, an.d with fitting
eeremonies for that spectacle, a
rounded out program is'expected
to mgke,this the most spectacular
of mY FestiVal ever held before,
and one for future committee
workers, to shoot at.
• Festival Queen Bernardine Win-
[eeki and members of her court
were busy this Week posing for
art pictures that will be used to
publicize the event over the state.
Newspapers of the Southwestern
part of the State have expressed
a desire to support the festival and
publicity now awaits completion of
the pictures that are being made
by official festival photographers.
With bu six weeks remalriing
before the festival; Chairman Wer-
berger emphasized' the need for
whole hearted community support
and particularly that Shelton and
Mason county people take time to
write to friends a,/d relatives, in-
viting them to Visit during fhe
days of the festival. He said that
project alone would bring hun-
dreds of additional guests here
for the celebration and would fur-
ther the cause of the annual fes-
Use the Journal Classifieds--
they really get results.
12:15 A.M. 1:10' A.M. 1
12:55 5:00 II
"5:45 "5:45 i
6:15 6:15 i
"7:00' "7:00
7:30 '7:30
8.'15 8:1ff
8:45 8:45
9 i'5 g :3o
10 :Off 1 :00
10:4S 10:35
11:15' 11:1"5
11:50 12:00
12:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M.
1:15 1:00
1345 1:45
2:1S 2:30
3:00 3:00
3".45 3:30
4:15 4:15
4:5S 5:00
5:30 §:30
6:15 6:15
0:45' 6:45'
7:30 *7:00
,t8.'O0 €7:30
*&"30 8:00
€8:45 "P8:45
-9:15 "9:00
"9:30 '9:15
ft0:00 10:oo
10,'30 '!0:30'
1'1:15 * 11:00
#11:45 "Pll :30
11; :45
* Daily Except Sunday |
I' Sunday Oiy " I
$ I2:40 on" Monday morning i
• (Sunday. glt) . _ 1
$2,50" per year in advance; months $1.50: outslde Mason Co,rote S.75: Phone
Flight Class to Mrs. Carlson of
Take Enrollment Spencer Lake Dies
Funeral set,vices for Mrs. Math- .
Through April 6 i00da Carlson. Sponeo,' Lako resi.
Enrollment in its second private dent. who died Mondy in a 13rein-
pilot training class of 1947 will erton hospital, will be held Satur- Meets
be accepted through next Sunday day, April 5, at the Lewis Funeral 8
by the Shelton Air Service. Chapel in Bremerton at 2 pm. Visiting
This training is open to anyone Mrs. Carlson. WhO was 57 years Cordially
interested and is not restricted to of age at the time o; her death, .MARION
ex-servicemen. Former service- was born in Kenosha. Vv.. She is GUY CALL,
men are entitled to take the train- survived by her husband, Gns; a
ing under the G.I. bill of rights daughter, Virginia Snider of Shel- and
education provisions..making it ton; a granddaughter, Juanita ]{ary Do
free of cost to them, but the train- Weatherby, Seattle, three sisters Elizabeth
ing program as conducted by the and four brothers.
SheIton Air Service is open to all
interested in taking it.
Under arrangements completed
just this week with the Veterans WRECKER
Administration, foriner servicemen yOU need fo
may receive their certificates of DAY
eligibility to take the flight train- ]OW or real
ing. course directly through the With the big vail
Shelton Air Service offices rump-
ly by presenting either their dis- CHARLIE (Cannonbatl) You the most ]
c.harge papers or photostatic cop-
ies of them. CHIEF" ENGINEER your H
l:,ogress is being made on the Easter bask
school's commercial pilot program ,
and instrtunent rating course as STOEHR & RICHERT
well as ,on twin engine and sea
rating courses to be installed if EGGs
sufficiert interest is shown. FIRST AND RAILROAD --
Plans are also being made to
present art. air show on May 18 Day Phone 212 Night Phone SI'I LOAL.
as a Forest Festival featwe. LARGE
Tle first private pilot class of
the ,year was graduated from the I¢
Shelton Air Service flight school
March 13 and two of the class doz.
members--Wally Sharpe of Shel-
ton and Charles Ballard of Ma- Dances
drona Lodge--have received theiI L
pilots licenses to date
,, APRIL 5
the recent World War, was ended
Monday night with the official ex-
piration of the Selective Service -,
Act, through which the youth of --asKets
the nation were introduced to'mil- SPRINGWATER
ar&ty to choose
itary or naval service. Two of the from
board.members, meeting last Sat- €
urduy, wound up affairs of the Ev S d q?h
board and recalled their many ery atur ay
months of service, all of which
was not unpleasant as might be
expeqted. Captain Ed' Faubert was
the oiginal board chairman, giv-
ing up that place for Service in
the army, He was succeeded by Permanent
Dick Eddy who was one of the
two remaining members who at-
tended last Saturday's 'swan song'
session, the other being A1 Huer- I
by, himself a veteran of the navy
in the first war. Disposition of the At 1
board's.records, which contains in- ..:.iation, Electronics,.
formation of every man of draft
age in Mason county, has not been Radio and Other Teehnica
,letermned .brit. ,the books will
tlrobably be consolidated with Vany former Navy and Coastguardsme
those of Thurston county. Prom- enlist in their old ratings. Young men,
inent in affairs of the draft board may' enlist as seamen, second class, wJ
in Mason county, and to all of
them goes the thanks of the pub- marie advancement to seaman, first ale
lic for their unselfish service are in 90 days. Ex-Army and Marines ma ' WITH...
the following: George Adams, J. Seamen, First Class. Present x
w. Graham. Dr. George LeCompte, ]
Dr. M. C. Melcum, John Eliason, .. ise Petty Officer ratings to 7 out of 10
J. C. Hanson, E. C. Snelgrove, Rev. six months.
Mark Weichmann, Charles R. Lew-
is, A. C. Bayley, Charles W. COME IN AND GET THE
Wright and Judge D. F. Wright.
An epoch in America has come to U S COAST
an end and no longer may the o ,
youth of the nation shudder when RECRUITING
the mallman comes, for the Presi-
dent has run out of "greetings."
the 624 Second Ave., Seattle - Phone ,.SEneCa Wesson
g 2050 foot eminence in
Olympic National forest in
Mason County --. formcrly known
as Gibbons Point--will honor the Pints
memory of a pioneer Mason coun- • •
ty man, member of a widely known
HOod Canal family and for thirty 8 BETTER TA(KE
years devoted to nature work in
Washington state, it was an- =--=
nounced last week by the U.S. -:%
board of geographic names. The ;
name of Dennie Ahl Hill to re-
place the former designation has
been aproved by the board, of fie- VLUE
ial naming body for government
maps, and documents after con-
siderable study. Dermic Ahl,
known to most old time Mason
county residents and for many NALLEY'S \\;
years an official with the forestry
service in the Olympic area, Who
died July 18 1941, was employed
in the service on the Olympic pen- 25#fl
insula for thirty years. Request
for the Ahl designation was made
by, former forest service assoc-
iafeS, who were familiar with his
work,for that department. ' NALLEYS MEANS' FI.,VOR • •
..... the flavor that makes foods more Sir;rig._., Potat(
SAVES . . .
Complete for only:
EVery "housewife can appreciate the New Cord-
Kway ]roning clamp and' cord. Simply clamp the
Oo,b.Way on your ironing board and the cord
relnaina in line, never snarlihg or dragging across
the board in • tangled mass of ironing cord.
CO'RD-AWAV prevents burnt out Ironing
COrdS aqd' iS apP0Ved bY Fire Underwriters
For Demonstration
222 . 4th St.r 8helto,, Wseh,.
Call 489.M
tempting . and more delicioUS'
freshness that glorifies the natfir l
goodness of vegetables and fruitS.
and ba,lanced spiciness, to add the :
tempting touch to all foods that
need a smooth, delicious d ;irg ''I/
A complc
Solly's I
Sound an(
devillc &
yours wh:
stock is he