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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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{NAL isners ountv $2.75: L of :e Dies II • Mrs..M&apos;,lth- Lake resi- y ill a Bl'(ln- hel(l Satur- " ewis Funeral at 2 pm. 7¢as 57 years ,; her deattl, Vv,.. She is I )and, Gus; a ider of Shel- Eel" Juanita three sisters Th y, NO EXTRA EXTRA Phone Meets 8 I.O.O.F. Visiting Cordially MARION GUY CALL, J Ruhy Second aId Z{ary Dot Elizabeth il 3, 1947. ECKER LIE (Cannonbtdl) BAKI CHIEF" ENGINEER :& RICHERT FIRST AND RAILROAD e 212 Night Phone 14 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL you need for the Easter Feast is right here---displayed for quick, easy selection low for real economy• So come in and fill your shopping basket.•, fill it to over- With the big values that abound in every department.., fill it with top quality foods You the most mealtime pleasure for your-money. For quality.., for variety... your Holiday menu from top to bottom with our super-values.._ we have Easter basketful• Take advantage of our credit and delivery service at no extra COOKIES LARGE Mrs. Park0r:s Famous Candy Now Easter • • ./  ¢ d °" 2 pkgs.... 35¢ from Imperial and ], '11   ii Br0wn and Haley. A -' // Bces ' fresh shipment just ,'1 arrived of these high -- /,   onVK!t s qualitY, candies. Many ' " 'J I different sizes in beau- /1 tiful boxes. Also bulk , candy. 1 PmL s CR , - [NGWATER CA askets 2'° f° °h°°se b:b;2:. 43€ ., Saturday  en 2-1 • ,. SNAPS m, Electronics, ] Large pkg. 30¢ Rd Other Technics Navy and Coastguardsmen Dr. Phillips Sweetened E-DINL )RANGE JUICE . ' old ratings. Young men, s seamen, second elas, ement to seaman, tirst Ex-Army and Marines Class. l"resent .er ratings to 7 out of 10 N AND GET THE ! ,. COAST GUAR] 'UITING UNICIPAL DOCK, TACOMA d Ave., Seattle - Phone SEneCa YS MEAN5 FLAVOR ,or that makes foods g . . . and more delicioUS' rS MEAN5 FRESHNESS • • ' ,s that glorifies the natdral ss of vegetables and fruits. WffH... T and Blended JUICE "Better Than Average" 46-oz. cans 3 cans .... 79¢ Wesson Oil Snowdrift Pints.• 49¢ 3-lb. jar $1.43 BETTER TKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS LOW PRICE 25 - FISH ER'S CAKE FLOUR Makes Excellent Cakes. Save 6¢. Get a package when you use your No. 11 sugar stamp, now valid. The box top is good for 6] on your sugar pur- chase. Reg. price O00ke 00Iour 15 FISHER'S Pancake Flour 9 8/10-1bs. 92¢ It's Ready • • • Just add Water or Milk String Potatoes.. 2 pkgs. 25¢ Just Received TIME THE WEEKLY NEWSMAGAZINE Swift & Company's MEATS for BABIES Here's an important new devel- opment in baby feeding. Ready to serve. Diced and Strained. BEEF, VEAL, LAMB, LIVER PORK and HEART DICED 29 ¢ per can ................................ STRAINED ' pore= ............................... 19 ¢ CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP 3 cans .................... 29¢ CAMPBELL'S VEGETABLE SOUP 3 ellS .... ................ 39¢ BORDEN'S HEMO Powdered or Liquid Drink your vitamins 59¢ BORDEN'S INSTANT COFFEE Instantly Prepared Jar .......................... 44 RED HEART DOG FOOD New Kennel tested formula, 3 flavors 3 for ........................ 32¢ . NALLEY'S Potato Chips ............ pkg. 25¢ DIAMOND MATCHF 6 lge. boxes ¢ and get a Home Beautiful match box cover with each carton .... CANNED MILK 2 Ige. cans ¢ New Low PrioeLarge vans ................................................................ A complete new replacement o f Solly's P u g e t Sound and Man- deville & King Seeds . . . get yours while the stock is here. SUNNY JIM PRESERVES jar $7¢ 2-lb. Assorted ........................... : ................................................................ DEL MONTE PEAS 3 cans 7 ¢ #ancy Early Garden ................................................................................ SHAKER SALT 2pkgs. 15¢ Rook Dell ................................................................................................ COCKTAIL PEANUTS' 2 for 5 ¢ pJanter'sin cans .................................................................................... Established 1895 'S MEANS GOODNESS..' anced spiciness, to add he lg touch to all foods th  smooth, delicious dressing' I Cancer Fund Now Under Way Here The 1947 month-long drive to collect $488 in Mason County for fighting cancer started Tuesday, the first of the month, under the sponsohip of the Shelton Junior Chamber of Commerce, according to Frank Hawks, chairman of the cancer fund campaign. Of the $488 Mason County quota and the Thurston county goal of $4500, 60 per cent will be used locally to support the Thursto- Mason County Cancer Detection Center in Olympia and to be used for cancer-educational purposes. The Cancer Center, which holds free monthly clinics in St. Peter's Hospital in Olympia, was set up last year with the funds raised from the last drive. The remaining 40 per cent will go to the Washington State Divis- ion of the American Cancer So- biety, and to the national group. The Washington Division already has granted $7,500 to the Univer- sity of Washington ]VIedlca] School's Department of Pathology for cancer research. The drive is sponsored on a statewide basis by the Washington Junior Chamber of Comrerce in conjunction with the Washington Division of the American Cancer Society. All local contributions may be mailed direct to Warren Moe, Cancer Drive treasurer, in care of the Seattle First National Bank, Shelton Branch. Later on during the month collection cans will be distributed to stores and business houses for contributions. A proclamation p r o c 1 a i ruing April as cancer drive month in Shelton has been signed in behalf of Mayor Frank Travis in absen- tic by City Commissioner Reg- inald Sykes. Use the Journal Want Ads-- i EACH SPENCER SUPPORT IS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED, CUT AND MADE Thus your SPENCER WILL DO FAR MORE FOR YOU than an ordinary Support. INVESTIGATE SPENCER'S unusual,style and health benefits today i BERNICE SCHREIBER Phone 799-J Dealer 1416 Summit Dr. Spencer Individually Designed Foundations for Abdomen, Back and Breasts Kiwanians Attend Fete For National President A group of 20 Shelton Kiwan- ians, headed by President Fred Beckwith, journeyed to Olympia Monday evening to join in a re- ception for President Jay Emer- son of Kiwanis International, making an official visit to the Southwest Washington division. Kiwanians to the number of al- most 300 gathered at a dinner at Hotel Olympian and heard a stir- ring address by the national lead- er on the menace of the present Red Cross Drive Oversubscribed About 0he-Third The Mason County Red Cross Chapter's March fund campaign quot, of $2800 has been oversub- scribed approximately 33': per cent, acording to a report issued today by Jack Gray, fund cam- paign cbairman. campaign publicity chairman. "Half of this sum will be nsed Communistic surge m national af-i to strengthen and expand tim He- fairs. I tivities of the local ehapter." he Those who attended from Shel-, stated. "while the other half will ton included: Fred Beckwith, j., be used by the organization to Eber Angle, Herbert Angle, Wal- further its nstional programs, in- ! ternational aid to other Red Cross ter Elliott, W. L. Jessup, James Needham, Walter Eckert. Roy Kimbel, S. E. Smith Roy Ritner, Les Fields. Maurice Ncedham, Rudy Oltman George Ashbaugh, Rev. Hardwick Harshman. Emil Lauber, Winston Scott, Don llems- berg, William Seiners and William McKenzie. PORT ANGELES PASTOR KIWANIS CLUB SPEAKER Rev. James T. Albertsmh Port Angeles Methodist minister and Kiwanian of that city's club, was the guest speaker at the regular weekly meeting of the Shelton Ki- wanis Club at Memorial Hall Tuesday noon, He was intrvduced by key. Hardwick Harshman, chairman of the day. The speak- er's subject "The Byproducts of our Civilization" had to do with the Easter and Holy week. how being observed in the Christian world. I, Use tha Journat 31asslfleds-- they really get results' We will have an ample supply of Young Tender Turkeys, Roasting Chickens and Spring Fryers GRADED "GOOD" BEEF Pot Roast (Shoulder or Arm Cut) LB. Shortribs (Lean and Meaty) .............. 9 ¢ LB. (Sh t) "55¢ Prime Rib Roast ort Cu ............. , LB. Ground Beef (Lean and freshly ground).. ;.• {)¢ Pork Chops (center loin cut) .......... LB." ¢ Link Sausage 59 ¢ LB, Squares Lean Streaked, MOCK CHICKEN LEGS Bacon SIRLOIN ". .: ,':,>. : Fresh ,-, ?:;;22i ......... ! .d!! < 65¢Pit Made of veal and pork with just the right am- ount of seasoning. 5 lb. STEAK Graded Good 55%. Established 1895 i societies and overseas progTams for American servicemen. VW. Gray, over-all chairman of the campmgn, pointed out that the success of this year's campaign is largely .due to the outstanding work of the vohmteer solicitors and the cooperation of fraternal and civic organizations that aided in the campaign. With stil some industries to be heard from, Shclton is still ahmd of other cities in attaining their goal. County volunteer workers not mentioned in previous lists in- elude Mrs. Harry Hamilton. Nits. Ted Hovind, Mrs. Velma Feusner, Agate; Mrs. Marvel Cleveland. Mrs. Rhoda A. Austin, Mrs. Esther M. Sheplmrd, Allyn; Mrs .D.S. Edmiston. Ztrs. William Landrum, Mrs. D. M. Crosswhite, Mrs. Pearl Crosby, Mrs. George Shackelford, Mrs. Cecil Clarke, MrS. Helert Hoffman, Mrs. R. W. Cady, Alma B. Sundstrom, Belfair; :Mrs. Alex Annensen, Cloquallum; Mrs. Ken- neth Leevers, Mrs. A. Luther, Grapeview: Mr. Erick Christenscn, Harstine Island. Mr. Calvin Wilson, Mrs. Gordon Dickinson, Frances B. Radtke, Mrs. Ida B. Hussman, Mrs. R. H. An- derson. Virginia Becket, Betty Goodpaster, Georgia Miller. Hoods- port; Mrs. Ins, Wivell. Isabella Valley; Mrs. Guy Norris, Isabella Lake; Mrs. Fred Stuck. Little Skookum; Mrs. Dora Hearing, Matlock; Mrs. ,I. W. Cole, Picker- ing; Mrs. Lee Slater, Shelton Val- ley; Mrs. M. Latzel, Mrs. (2harles Wllkerson. Mrs. Eric Sjoholm, Skokomish Valley; Mrs. Don Walker, Mrs. Pauline Winne, Han- nah Wiehmd, Union: Mrs. Edith Skene, :Mrs. William Schillinger, Mrs. A. P. Close "Victor. CHAPER CI IAIRMAN TIIANKS DRIVE %VORKEItS The successful completion of another annual Red Cross Fund campaign in the closing days of March indicates once more that Mason County can proudly clail that sense of civic responsibility wlich has characterized her ef- forts in the past ,n peace time as well as under the stress and strai of war time emergency. As general chairmm of the Ma- son County Chapter of The Amer- ican Red Cross I wish to express our thanks to each individual worker who helped to make this possible. Mr. J. H. Gray, Fund drive chairnmn, the head of the various committees, the district captains and each individuN solic- itor:--you have made this success possible by your united effort, and both the American Red Cross and your own cornlluni(y owe you a. ]ebt of gratitude. :Mere words of thanks Seem so inadequate to express this gratitude but I sin- cerely believe that your real satis- faction will come to each of you from the realization that you have so sucessfully fulfilled your civic responsibility. In behalf of The American Red Cross, I thank all of you. Horace H', Crary, General Chairman. CllORIJS MEET CANCELI,Ei) The Shelton Mixed Chorus will not meet the Monday following' Easter, April 7. However all mem- bers are urged and expected to attend each rehearsal Mondays at the senior high school at 7:30 p.m. until the Spring Concert. LID MR I, oSO SJkYSI !  O " !}i Enjoy the brandy- smooth flavor achievea by 17 imported ingredi• ents. Same fine prc.war quality -- 100% Ameri- can grain. Try it soon! 4/5 Quort $2.77 Code No. 37C flail 10 wO* Iiu0r ttul So Proof I OJ*ffiled frem 100 Grain Neutral 0