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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4 Tie-Mill-Slab Wood NEVER BEEN IN SALT WATER DELIVERED IN 2-CORD LOADS Phone 656 MORGAN FUEL CO. "--'- ,-',-T ,T ............. -- ........... MAGNETO REPAIR Factory Authorized Sales and Service EISMAN  BOSCH -- FAIRBANKS MORSE  WICO SHEETS AUTOMOTIVE ELECTRIC 810-812 Sixth Street, Bremerton Phone 499 i ill ii rllll i i i i L U . = I I = --.. ' Tacoma Stages Bremert0n- The Finest In Motor Coach Transportation Tickets" Sold and Baggage Checked to Any Des[lnation Direct Connections With North Coast, Greyhound and Trailways Motor Coach Lines Let Us Help You Plan Your Next Trip -- SAMPLE FARES -- One Way Shelton to Portland ........................ $ 2.88 Shelton to San Francisco ............ 13.75 Shelton to Los Angeles ................ 18.06 Shelton to Salt Lake ....................... 27.03 Shelton to Chicago ........................ 43.13 Charter Work a Specialty CONSULT YOUR LOCAL AC-ENT Rd. Trip $ 4.89 24.56 32.33 48.48 77.55 Many Activities Slated by Garden Club A calendar of events for mem- bers of Hie Sh(dton Gar'den Chlb mmoum:ed this week by Mrs. George Cropl)er was beaded by the Northw(,stCanmlia Show to be presented a.t the Seattle Art )Jnseum this Saturday and Sun- day. Local activities include a busi- ness meeting o be held Wednes- day, April 16, at 2 o'clock at the IAttle tIouse. Following' the bus- iness, meeting and beginning at 3:30 p.m.. Miss Peggy Seller, school art instructor, will address the group on color pertaining to flower arrangements. Monday, April 21, the Garden Clnb meeting, which will be held at the Court I-tmme at 7:30 p.m., will be devoted to a talk by Dr. Snyder of the Washington State College at Pulhnan. Dr. Snyder wilt speak on shrubs, I)rmfing and landscaping. The month of May will have two meetings of the group, according to Mrs. Cropper. On May 14 a business meeting is scheduled at the Little House. On Monday, SHEI2IN-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI .... .............................................................................. k-;liy-N-uitTJoa--nRae-Pa;;-kupt-ii, ls ..... SOCI00t Performed ill Candlelighted Setting Order of Amaranth Giws Dance Saturday Satm'day evening the mnbers of Laurel Court, Order of Amar- anth entertained with " dance for members and their friends at the Masonic Temple. The rooms were attractive with spring flowers and str@amers In pastel Shades. The general committee included Mr. and M,@. Claude Rhodes, chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Nor- ris, Mr. and Mrs. George Grisdale, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crane. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Ed Radtke of Union, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Zintheo and Mr. and Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki. The decorating committee in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. Crane, chair- men, Mr. Zintheo, Mrs. Herb Loop, :Mr. and Mrs. George Gris- dale and Mrs. F. E. Beckwith. Refreshments were in charge of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Storey, Mrs. Esther Anderson, Mrs. Axel Pe- terson. Mrs. L. A. Munson, Mrs. Eli McCulloch and Mrs. Leigh Duffield. :May 19, the group plans to charter Tentative plans are for a series ,'z bus to visit the Duffy Gardens of dances to be held during the at Three Tree Point. year by the Amaranth for nlem- . --- bers and their friends. ARE NE}V PARENTS , ---- April lools Day was the birth- GIRL BORN, SUNDAY day of a baby boy born Tuesday On Sunday, Marcll 30 a baby to Mr. and :Mrs, Donald Beck at jIl was born to Mr. and Ms. Bfl- the Shelton General Hospital. . _ ly Redman at t. he local hospital. MuSic NOTES B00CKW0000'S Music your want for Easter Recital, Charles Courboin, played for or to on the St. Patrick s Cathedral or- give gan. For Children -- Uncle Remus Stories, told by Sterling Holloway; Bible Stories, told by Sholem Asch. There is no finer or more last- ing gift than msic. The gift that keeps on giving! The University of Washington Symphony Orchestra and Chorus will be presented in concert Sun- day, April 13, at 3:30 p.m., at the Meany Hall. The program will feature a new choral work by Prof. George Frederick McKay, as well as the "Scotch Symphony" by Felix Mendelsohn. and the finale from the "New World Symphony" by Dvorak, The affair is complimentary and there will be a free will offering. The latest and possibly the greatest musical movie to be re- leased this .year is "Carnegie yourself way : Single records---Easter Parade played by Andre KoStelanetz: Th'e Lord's Prayer and Just for Today, sung by John Charles Thomas; Ave Maria and Angels Serenade, sung by John McCormack; The Palms and Ave [aria, sung by Thomas L. Thomas with chorus and orchestra: The Lord's Pnay- er, and the Lost Chord, sung by Nelson Eddy; Bells of St. Marys and the Lord's Prayer sung by Victor Chorale; Easter Hymn sung by Sadler Wells Chorus, Albums--Easter hymns, Victor Chapel Choir with organ; Sacred Songs, Dorothy Maynor; Religious Songs, Jeanette MacDonald; Hymns, tIour of Charm orchestra and choir; Russian Easter Over- tare by Rimsky Korsekov, played Depot at First & Grove Phone 162 I by E. Ormandy and Philadelphia Hall." It will feature superb music I Orchestra; Prayers and Poems, by played and sung by world famous ................... Frances Cardinal Spellman; Organ artists. The.story, centered around ....................................................................................................................................................... New York's shrine of music, will Wear A Decorate Your Home With * LILIES . . . and Other Potted Plants CUT "FLOWERS . . . of All Kinds  Selected at FERGUSON'S . FLOWERS provide a musical spectacle un- equalled for sheer brilliance. The following are just a few of the mhny wondm'ful musical treats it will present: Tschaikowsky's B-fit piano con- oerto, plKyed by Rubenstein and York Symphony; .Bee- Leonora Ovarture, played New York Symphony; The Bell Song, from Lakme, sung by Lily Pens; Saint-Laeno the Swan, played by Piatigosky; Mozart's Don Giovanni Aria, sung by Ezio Pinza; Tschaikowsky's Violin Con- certo, played by Heifetz and t, he New York Philharmonic orches- tra; Portnoff's 57th Street Rhap- sody, played by the New York Symphony and Harry James. I I FRUIT TREES ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS • ALDERCROFT NURSERY Wllbert Catto Walker Park - Phone 591-W i q 103 Railroad Avenue Phone 232 Shelton Garage Changes Hands Ai Shafer Buys Out AI 00Ferwerda The Ex-0wners Say . . . "We wish t,o take this opportunity to express our sineei, e appreciation to all the many, many friends and customers of the Shelton Garage who have made business very pleasant and successful and if possible would express our thanks in person to each one individually. "Indeed we are grateful to yon. "We hop you will be equally as gen- erous in your patronage to our succes- sor, A1 Shafer. Our most sincere gratitude. The New Owner q,,00a:s . . . "As an old friend who previously served you, I wish to greet all Shelton and Mason County residents from a new address and to welcome you all to and solicit your consideration 'of the SHELTON GARAGE as your source of gas, oil, lubrication, repair and other automotive needs, for I have purchased the interest of A1 Fer- werda in the Shelton Garage. / q, "There will be no change in operation or lines of supplies featured at the Shelton Garage through my purchase of its control other than any improvements I may be able to make in the services offered you. "Your patronage will cerely." be appreciated sin. --Al Shafer --Mr. and Mrs. AI Ferwerda (.ACCOUNTS OF MR. FERWERDA'S MAY BE PAID AT THE SHELTON GARAGE) Music Study Group Studies Radio Music The March meeting of tle Shel- ton Music Stndy Clul) was" held Wednesday Mardh 26, at the home of Mrs. R W. Norvald. The study topic, "Radio Music," one of a series on contemporary American. music being studied by the club this year, was presented by Mrs. Nena Roberts. In her talk Mrs. Roberts outlined the development of radio music. Sle was assisted by Mrs. Charles Lentz who spoke on the "Value of Radio in the School and in the Home." A pa- per on current happenings in the musical world, prepared by Mrs. Grant Packard, current events chairman, was read by Mrs. Mih'e Grimes. The musical portion of the pro- gram was cleverly patterned after the well-known radio program "The Familiar Album of Ameri- can Music" and included the fol- lowing vocal numbers: "Trees" and "Prayer Perfect" sung by Mrs. Bernice Stewart; 'One Fleeting Hour" and "Side by Side" sung as Over a hundred g'uests gathered in the c, andlelighted sanctuary of the First Mei:hodist Clmreh when Miss Joan Roe Parr, pretty daugh- ter of Mr. nd Mrs. Ray I-I. Parr of Mt. View, walked down the aisle to become the bride of Kelly H. Nutt, son of Mrs. Carets Nntt of Shelton. The beautihfl double ring cere- mony was read by ReVerend Hard- wick W. Harshman Friday eve- ning, March 28, at eight o'clock. Large baskets of daffodils and other, spring flowers mixed wil.h huckleberry greens nmde a beauti- ful setting for tim wedding cere- mony. Given in marriage by her father the bride wore a tailored suit of winter white with silver buttons. She wore a pill box lint of pink and her accessories were brown with a corsage of gardenias and pink rose buds. Her only attendant, Miss Olive Parr, sister of the bride, was love- ly in a suit of pink and black cheek witll white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. The groom chose his brother, Robert Nutt, as hts best man and a duet by Mrs. Bernhard Winieeki Stewart Nutt, and Donald Parr, and Mrs. John L, Dotson; and brothers of the bride and groom "Bless This House," "Teach Me to respectively, acted as ushers. Pray" gnd "Mexicali Rose," sung Mrs. Donald Norsby, sister of by Jack Stewart. Mrs. Detach the bride, and Miss Nancy Nutt, was the accompanist for all the. sister of the groom, war(. candle- numbers, lighters. Guests of the evening were Mrs. For her daughter's wedding Ralph Herren, Mrs. George Her- Mrs. Parr chose a print dress with mes, Mrs. Bernice Stewart, Mrs. black and white accessories while Palmer Roberts, Mrs. Lynn Sher- Mrs. Nutt, mother of the groom, wood and Jack Stewart. wore a dress of black and white Officers alerted fo the ensuing with black accessories. Both the year were iVlvs. R. W. Norvald, mothers wore identical corsages of gardenias. president; Mrs. Hary Hyatt, first vlce president; Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki second vice presldent; Prior to the entrance of the Mrs. Estella Henderson, secretary bridal party Mrs, Gertrude Sharpe, and Mrs. Donovan Palmer, treas- urer. SPEND SPRING VACATION WITH PARENTS IIERE Mr. and Mrs.'VHchael Rector and tvo children, John Michael and BJh'bara Ann, and Dick Rector, all of Seattle, spent the spring vacation with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rector. Michael .Rector has his master's degree and is now teaching in the Geology Department at the Uni- versity of Washington, and Dick is attending the University. INITIATION SLATED A special meeting will be held by the Progress Grang0 tomorrow evening, April 4, to initiate candi- dates in the 3rd.and 4th degrees. The Skokomish Valley Grange de- gree team will be present to per- form the ceremony. Planstare now underway for a card party to be held in the Kam- fiche hall, Friday, April 18. VISIT PARENTS FOR WEEKEND Mr. and Mrs. David H. Logan enjoyed a visit last weekend from their daughter, Margaret Ander- son of Tillamook, Ore., their son and daUghter-in-law, Mr; and Mrs. Kenneth Logan and children, Shar- on and Bob, and their son, Clar- eDce Logan, all of Tacoma. EGG HUNT SLATED The Junior Club of the Degree of Honor wtl have an Easter party and egg hunt Saturday, April 5, at the home of Mrs. Caretta Nutt. The children downtown will meet at the Oddfellows Hal at 12 o'clock and children on Hillcrest will meet at the 20th Century Store. V.F.W. TO INSTALL The V.F.W. Auxiliary wil hold a special practice meeting tonight at 7 p.m. A public installation of officers of the auxiliary of the post will be held Friday, April 4, at the Memorial Hall.  The public is cordially invited. MRS. LEE WESTLUND IS SHOWIER HONOREE A baby shower was given in honor of Mrs. Lee Westlund at the home of Mrs. Betty Whiteaker Monday, March 24. The refresh- ment table was attractively decor- ated with a pink and white cake centered with blue storks. Guests included Mrs. Dot Wolfe, Mrs. Edna Loop, lrs. Wilma Shafer, Mrs. Marjorie Gibson, Mrs. Doris Buck, Mrs. Marie Land, Mrs. Alma Watson, Mrs. Harriette Sp!ith, Mrs, Lorraine Beeson, Mrs. Sybl HarHman, Mrs, Opal Thomp- 'son, Mrs. Viola Johnston, Miss Viola Schnieder, Mrs. June Vest and Mrs. John Hudson. Prizes were won by Mrs. Alma Watson, Mrs. Doris Buck t Mrs. Wilma Shafer and Mrs." ORal Thompson. Refreshments w e r e served at the close of the party. SHELTON MUSICIANS APPEAR IN CONCERT Two Shelton musicians--Law- rence Carlson and Mary Ashford wiil appear Wednesday, Apll 9, in a recital at Olympia as as- sistants to Alice Mueneh, teacher of voice. The program, which is sponsored by the Olympia Wom- an's Club, is for the presentation of two students, Lela Jayne and Edward Trombley . RED CROSS ANNUAL 'MEETING SCILEDULED The postponed annual meeting of the Mason County Chapter of the American Red Cross will be held Tuesday, April 8, at 8-p.m. $ tle Court House for the pur- pose of electing officers for the ensuing year and giving reports of the officers for the past year. All persons having1946 or 1947 mem- bership cards are eligible to at- tend. ANNOUNOE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lemke an- nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Donna Low Lemke, to Arthur H. Wolden, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Wolden. Plans are being made for a wedding in the early Fall. W.S.C.S. TO MEET The W.S,C.S. will meet in the church parlors of the Methodist Church for a 1:30 potluck lunch- eon Wednesday, April 9. k mo- tion picture, "Children of the City" will be presented. The hostesses will be Mrs. Clmrles Lentz and Yrs. George soprano soloist, sang "Because" and as the wedding party gathered around the altar she sang "I Love " An " You Truly. mpres,ve part of the service came when the young couple knelt before the Ihted c/oss for the closing pray- er. While still kneeling Mrs. Sharpe sang Malotte's "The Lord's Prayer." The bridal music and accompaniments were played by Mrs. Don avon Palmer: Following the ceremony a love=' ly reception was held in the church )aarlors. The bride's lace covered ble was centered with a" three- tiered wedding cake topped with the traditional bride and groom. The weddidg cake was flanked by lighted tapers in silver holders. Mrs. O. F. Fordham, aunt of the bride, and Mrs. Diehl Frost, aunt of the groom, presided at the urns. The young couple left following the reception for a wedding trip to Victoria and Vancouver and upon their return will make their new home on Hillerest. JOURNAL WORKERS ItONOR LILLIAN STERNQUIST Absentee honor guest at a baby shower last week was Mrs. Lil]ian Sternquist. former women's page editor of The Journal when her former co-workers on The Journal gathered Thursday evening, March 27, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hohnes. Mrs. Sternquist, the former Lil- lian Warren, now resides in Glen- dale, Calif. Games were enjoyed and refreshments were served at the close 'of the evening by the hostess, Mrs. Holmes. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Del Cole, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jes- sup, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Stuck, Mr. and Mrs. D inty Moore, Mrs. Bessie Bolen, Mrs. Hal Briggs, Mrs. Imra Lynch, Mrs. Rose Warren. Bill Dickie and the host and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Hohnes. % A'IEND SYMPHONY Mrs. A. L. Ferwerda accompa- led Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schmidt, Miss Alice Muench and Miss Betty Mobbs to Tacoma to attend the concert given by the Tacoma PhiI- harmonic. Guest artist for the concert was Tito Schipa. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS Burton F. Dickinson. 24, and Emogene Berch, 18, both of Shel- ton, March 27, at Shelton. Francis James Patton 21, of Philadelphia, Pa., "and Elizabeth E. Perry, 21, of Port Orchard, March 31, at Shelton. Jerome B. Caste, 27 and Patric- ia Van Cleave. 20, both of Sbelton, March 31, at Shelton. I II I II '- Friday - Saturday April 4 - 5 'TWO FEATURES "DICK TRACY vs. CUEBALL" Morgm Conway - Anne Jeffreys - Rita Corday AND-- Zane Grey's. "CODE OF THE WEST" James Warren - Debra Alien NEVS ---- Ilii  I i Sunday - Monday - Tnesday April6-7 - 8 Special Ma.thlee Sunday 2:15 p.m. An Epochal Event in Screen History Walt Dlsney's "SONG OF THE SOUTH" IN TECHNICOLOR His first live-action feature • • . a great musical drama including animated tales of UNCLE REMUS Songs: Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah Uncle Remus Said Song of the South and Others Plus News & Short Features .... illii • Wednesday Only - Apr. 9 Jack Hley in "VACATION IN RENO" 'Anne Jeffreys, Wally Brown It's a Riot Plus News & Short Features The bride received her educa- tion in Calispel. Montana. and Bremerton. She waa employed for some time "is c:lshior ill the ]rorn- erton Tlle;ttrus. The [)ast yoal' she Ires been living in Shelton. The groom Lool his education il2 the S]le]tol sc}tool system ,qild in 1942 went in|o lle U. S. Navy as Signahnan 2/c. He was in the Navy nearly follr years and par- ticipated in the Pacific campaigns. tte is now employed at Rayonier Incorporated in Shelton. Out of town guests for the wed- ding included Mr. and Mrs. Don- old F. Norsby, Mr. and Mrs. O. Ray Parr, Mr. and Mrs. Smith Livingston, Lawrence Livingston, Miss Rita. Livingston. Taft Living- ston, Miss Virginia V?ilgus, Miss Betty Smith, Norman Korb. all of Bremerton: Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Curtis of Olympia; Mrs. Diehl Frost, Mrs. John Heimberger, a.tlnts of the groom, Mrs. Anna White. all of Tacoma; Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Nutt amt Lanita and -and th RHYTHM RIDIN' OF K.M.O. 5 P. at w o Butlers TALK Serq Three Miles West We get, it very Frid00 Maybe you  e h il • • :It ll.,-_ 1, eaturin put your wasner, .,tlURTHW , ice for fear we migh:M0ERN ?OTBO FIN SVTNOW Larry of Sllnnlor; tlld 1:1'. an£1 in flnishing t 0ur(L, .*.,,.*,,o Mrs. Dick Hennninger of Buckley, don't worrYfo co u "'L'''''*-" " " " ",'*.****.******0 Washington. ARE busy make a • rule to I TO 0 FAT ? _ service joh ISEDand as e  (let SHM.ER this sib4e. ]'],one US Norgan & .r:, vitamin candy way !  \\;\), IIavea more Mender: "/][ drugs. With the simpleAYDS ]p X. lt'x?-  VitaminCandyReducingPlan ,\\;V" yo. do.'u ou, ,,. n,a,s, BROT k._ S arches, potatoes, meats or 123 S . 2nd ' ' I butter, you simply cut them down. It's easier St _o ,ll when you enjoy" delicious (vitamin fortilied) I , OFFICE ,U AYDS candy before meals. Ab.olutelyharmle. I . ,,,'¢.' tet .... ducted , .... ,,o,, ,,oo   AT 1324 OLYMPIt ,noro thaa 100 persons Iot g4 to 1 Ibm. verage in a few woeks with AYDS Vitamin Candy Reducing lqan. O-day supply of A'YDS o,v $2.2[;. If not delighted @ • with resuita, MONEY BACK on very hrt box. |'h PHONE for PITTSBURGH FA p aj ar000, !, r $3.95- $) ,JNG AND BUII All Sizes -- I ItOUSE $4.50 Men's oper  A L L L EA I'H! Gilfillan Are He TABLE MODEL ALO GILFILLAN RADIO-F uwR CitIMES .............. , NATED HOUSE CALROD REPLACEI • for Electric ] Lightweight Cotton, Short ---" \\; '  --=LTH KNI/o ,Sleeve ... an00le iength Und00rwear00 NEEDHAM'S MEN'S WEA! Everything in Clothing for Work and 2-BURNER He'] UNIVERSAL ELE( FIXTURES TOGGLE SW] ALWAYS A El Kill m e r' s l Now You Can See and CABINET SINKS Styled in Steel * Double Drainboard * Three Storage Corn partments * Four Drawers * Inner Shelf * Sliding Cutting Board "k Big Bowl, $149.50 Now we have it for you--the idea have waited to buy. Where else can you hope to find and special features! Bowl,drainboards finest porcelain on steel processed against cracking all-steel cabinets are proofed' against sound and rust. doors have rbundcd corners and inner surfaces vermin" proofed. Why not enjoy thefinestIand SAVEI American for lifct[me pride. Cost less because they last so long, payments if you like. ON ?ISPLAY AT OUR STOI Olsen Furnit¢ Two Temporary Stores to Serve d PHONE 102 Fifth'& Ha  Wa A Go( FL FIJ o ItAN K"S HI is the00Buy t Richfiel I(IMBEL, for Fu and PHc, Dial 465- • QUIPMENT, INSTALLA' GUARANTEEI THE TRIO CO1 i Automatic Heating OIL BURN! Sales and Sr lclUtrial--- Domestic 1 ltth St. III