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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ils ing her educa- ntana, and nployed for 1 tile Brelll- 1)ast year llelton. edncation system an(l U S. Navy was in the "s and par- ca mpaigos. t Rayonior or the wed- Mrs. Don- nd Mrs. O. Vh&apos;s. Smith Livingston, ?aft Living- 'ilgus, Miss Korb. all ld Mrs. R, Mrs. Diehl teimberger, Mrs. Anna L; Mr. and Lanita and d M:r. and of Buekley, FAT? MMER this in candy way more slender. gure. NO exer- laxatives. No ae simple AYDS yReducingPlan OUI: any llteal8, ltOCS Illeat9 or OWlq. It g eas er mmin for tilled) ,ltltelyharmlem. Ivdieal doctors, j 14 1:0 1S Ibe, AYDS Vitamin If not delighted y brat box. Phot --and the--- RHYTHM RIDIN' WRANGLERS OF K.M•O• 5 P.M. DALLY nt w0 do. 'Butlers Cove TALK Serl ,00,eo M.,. o, We get Every Friday Night t Maybe you've Featuring put your wasIier IWEST,S FINEST COWBOY ENTERTAINMENT ice for fear we in finishing COWBOY SWING  MODEN BARN DANCE don't worry ARE busy of coUJ make a rule to  service job WttE' ' ISEDand as eg 1- .qi]e. Phone us 71 l00Iorgan & Eacrett NASlt BROTI 123 S'. 2nO St, P"i B. V. D. #d M AN HATI"/I Pajal00a a $3"95 "$7 ll Sizes-fMalli • i::! Lumber Co. J , OFFICE QUARTERS AT 1324 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY • @O PHONE 656 for PITTSBURGH FAMOUS PAINTS @@ IAULING /kND BUILDING SUPPLIES HOUSE SI ( G' " " " " ,If, llan Rad,os Men's opera  A_ _ T'r  A L L L der# here.. • TABLE MODELS -- $29.95 AL0 GILFILLAN RADIO-RECORD CHANGERS ::nie,::t: t Underwea;',00 00kt00muEs, • $7.95 natIeh ..,M, lIJlllA NATED HOUSE NUMBERS $3.50 am mtrt CA:, gln Cloth,n O for Work and pla)' LR 0D REPLA T NIT I .... CEMEN 0 S 8.50 i , , • for Electric Ranges = ............. :.i::!:ili  I ': . .... .URNER HOT PLATES :.,.,.::...-.,:..-, :::...,:,: ............... ... , .....  RSAL ELECTRIC IRONS *:: ........... " g;    ill ! : TOGGLE S't¢ITCHES F •:)i • ) g : ALWAYS A [U] DEAL AT "\\;lllm00r i" I' ......................... -- I1 i Phone 664 s Can See and Pkr : . " Marvelous • " ' Have You Been . " Waiting for AGo d : BINET SINKS FLOOR FURNACE? IIANK'S HI is the00Buy for HEAT You 50 u--the ideal kitchen sink /here else Can you hope owl, drainboards and 6-inch eel processed against crackin proofed' against sound and rust. :orners and iuncr surfaces vermin" y the finest--and SAVEI American )st less because they last so long. PLAY AT OUR STOB i Furn]tu I ,orary Stores to Serve d[ PHONE 102 Richfield Oil Dealer KIMBEL, for Further Information and Prices Dial 465-W QTJIlaIIENT, INSTALLATION, AND SERVICE GUARANTEED BY T][E TRIO COMPANY Automatic Heating Engineers OIL BURNER t Sales and Srvice lutrial--- Domestic  Commercial 1917 111th ' St. Olympia, Wn. SlqW.TON.1W.SON -T Doctor Addresses Bordeaux P.-T.A.; Group to Hold Sale Second Time • The vital need of teaching small A Cub Scout display of projects children correct posture and the propel" position of reading mater- ial was stressed by Dr. Glenn "W. Landers In his talk on tie care of the eyes at the regular monthly meeting of the'Bordeaux P-T.A• held Thursday, March 27. at the school. That the small children should be taught how to use their eyes as well as a knife and fork in pre- school days in order to make heal- thy and good students, was strong- ly brought out by Dr. Landers. In thanking the membership of the P-T.A. for its cooperation in the recent school legislation con- troversy, Superintendent R. W. Oltman explained to what extend the teachers and school profited by the bills passed. A musical program consisted of a violin solo by Gene Burgoyne, accompanied by Ken Blanclmrd. Miss Joan Soper, accompanied by Mrs. Charles Lewis, sang "My Mother Bids Me Bind My Hair," and "Ciri, Ciri, Bin." RAINBOW GIRLS CELEBRATE BIRTIIDAY This' Sunday, April 6, American Rainbow Girls will celebrate their 25th birthday. The organization which began in 1922 as a Masonic order for girls that would corres- pond with the boys' Demolay groups, has become known all over the United States, in Alaska, Can- ada, Australia, Puerto Rico and the Canal Zone. Since this Sunday is Easter the local Rainbow group will not all attend the same church, but the following Sunday, the girls are asked to meet at 10:30 a.m. in front of the Baptist Church for services. After church a brunch dinner will be served at the Ma- sonic Temple. Thanks to the many persons who helped make the daffodil sale of last Saturday a success were extended by the Rainbow yroup. GUEST NIGHT ][IELD BY IIOODSPORT LADIES A guest night party was held by the HoodSport Junior Women's Club Tuesday, March 25. Twenty guests were present for the occas- ion. After the iutroductions, games were played with honors going to Mrs .Burril Bresenmnn, high, and Mrs. Roland Hill, low. The lace covered tables were beautifully decorated with Spring fowers. made by tim boys which included bird houses, model planes, Indian canoes, boats and scrapbooks wa. :;hewn by Mrs. George Clifton and Mrs. Wendell Young, den mothers of the cub pack. A report on the success of the rummage and garden sale was given and it was announced that a $350 total was taken up during the two-day sale. The members of the P-T.A. are holding the sale again on Saturday, April 5. start- ing at 9 a.m. at 409 Railroad Ave., due to the quality and quaatity of items donated. Co-chairman Mrs. Glenn Edgely and Mrs. G. W. Frisken stated that garden cut- tings are much in demand and any donations of that nature will be welcomed. Refreshments were served by Mr, Lee's sixth grade mothers. The committee included Mrs. Bruce Schwarck chairman, Mrs. Everett Hatch, Mrs. Jack Gray, Mrs. Lynn Sherwood and Mrs. A'i- fred Miehaelson. Hoodsport (By Frances Radtke New businesses are ,flourishing in Hoodsport: The latest one to be added is Clark Beall's Auto Re- pair. His recently built two-car garage building is being used for repairing autos, outbokrds, etc. He specializes in body and fender work, greasing and painting. Friends find his work very satis- factory. The Ahl enterprises are begin- ning construction on their park by laying pipe for creek drainage and building a small lake for scenic purposes. Wes Johnson is assisting with his bulldozer. Week end visitors of Oscar Ahl were Mrs. Lou Hines and her son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Hines. And visiting Dess Haines.were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William King of Lummi Island. They ar- rived Tuesday and stayed over- night. Other visitors this week were an uncle, Charlle Haines, with sons, Gordon and Kenneth. President Ernest Worl wishes to reinind everyone of the Commer- cial C/fib meeting Monday night. He urges everyone to come and hear a full report on th fire dis- trier situation, which is described Pouring were Mrs• Richard Ad- more fully elsewhere in this pa- d ..... r* Smith per Also everyone should remem- leman anu vtrs oDe  . - '. " .... --" • "- - shnlents oer to vo£e on tne new tire dis- Those in cnarge ot retre, . ' ....... , " ^ "-- ' r^--';ood and rrict aaaidon ,auraay Item 8 ......... -- mmes am topm ac oo.sp tsenool rs -llee lVlClan..;  , .... ' - " ......... decora Those qualified to vote are the mrs. wlnam tooupaster; - . . "" ,o -. " .... r;,-+ers and registerea voters living on their riGht, ..., ,,,. ....... ' .... r +,, r m Z,ods,or t thr - ................ " ...... Minerva and the other wsy from --- ED Hoodsport through Lilliwaup MEETING POSTPON Hoodsnort rsidents are already The Dayton Community Club inclnde(t so they do not vote " will postpone its regumr meeting r,,- oq.^, ..+ ...... . +. +'.  until Friday, April 11, at b p. . of W Sat,,rrlxr nero, ,m..m Ali persons interested in the Eas- • ....--y.J ..... -.v ,,_ .... s 2 ....... week wire ms parents, r. anti :er egg nunc are asKecl i;o nave , Willlnrn Pilhort their eggs colored and delivered r nine cI "ol nnd phildron • .•rs. J ...... S  N1 ................ ,. tie Delphino Rishel's home The ' . from Seattle are .spending Ea.ster hunt will begin at 10 a m unuay ......... , ........ • "._ . ' week w]th then' parents, the Wil? Tnere wm oe prizes zor tne win liam Gilbert's .... ' '" ner ° - Mrs. Flora Lockwood is able to , be back at work for the first time SHELTON WOMAN S STUDY • • , - - since her recent illness (tUB TO MEET MONDAY " •  ...... Mrs• Eleanor Addleman drove .T.he .nelton .womanls .tu.y her grandmother, Mrs• M. J. Kilby, UIUD Will meet w]m azs m w • _ . . ' ". ." : and her unt Mrs Katie Abbey, to Harsnman aonaay, April , a: Seattle Thursd,,,'to , , a, ,, 1:30 aemDers are remlraeu Mr S xn+ r,n,,,o, ch  +.u to be prepared with suggestions ................................ • , them to Shelton Saturday to the for nex year s program ......... " . ,. wedding of Miss Patricia Dlckin- u'ranK tlSllOp WU[ give a talk =. f Tn ,Tleo on Palestine md ,sltors are ........... • , lvtrs. J. I-I• lance is oaeK again welcome, l from a week's trip to South Bend MRS DAHLG-R--HOME and Waadson where she traveled Mrs. Ernest Dahlgren returned to her home last weekend after _ __.-- .... undergoing an operation in the  '= II Shelton General Hospital. Her "-   condition is muh improved. P i I'- ' i COMMUNITY-S- ItELD " -" OU  " Members of the Brinnon-Eldon  _..M 1 Community Club participated in a _.,  I|  / ',Community Sing" Sunday, March -llt$ ' .... , 11. , 30, at the Brinnon Hall under the t= ---qne tuns slugglsmD J leadership of Mr .and Mrs. Getchel ][ yOUr m=,, _ ._, tune it . Griffin. Ict a Singer f.xF..,,,es .A u Reasonabte c--,- " .al P.T. CLUB TO MEET P'. _ t.,rnished in_ The P.T. Club of Skokomish Val- ]stlmat * i ley will meet Thursday, April 3, i advance. .q'l .at 8 ore. • orits. regular monthly. ' " l?|G'' Mrs. Ted Riehert, club reporter. '  , • - , 510 E, 4th'Ave. WALTHER LEAGUE 1 Oiympb t rl sPo00so.%l?O%-00 r " u ,,0"o The :Mr. e an Walther League plaYed host to the con- :: gregation Sun.nay evening, March 23, in sponsoring a pie social at the, parish hall. ' The Junior Choir made its first appearance.under.thedirection of Gerald Ristme WlU violet John- son as accompanist. Jim Needham sang a solo• Also on the list of entertainment were short movies, on travel and sport. The highligl.lts oz zne evening was the auctiomng of the pies with Ray Buchmann as actioneer. VISITORS FROM IOWA Dr. and Mrs. Beardsley of Liver- more, Iowa, who attended Mrs. L. D. Y/ack while she was suffer. lng from illness in that city, were callers at the Hack home in Shel- top recently as they traveled from Seattle to California. PIERCE COUNTY GROUP MEETS IN SHELTON Members of the Pierce County Salon o. zzv.ot  et40 held heir monthly meeBng m nelton at the home of Mrs. M. C. Meleum last Wednesday. All of the members, with the exception of four from Shelton, are residents of Pierce county. Hostesses at the dinner meeting included Mrs. MeIcum. Mrs. War- ren Earl, Mrs. W. A. Witsiers and Mrs. Eugene Martin, Mrs. MeN cure and Mrs. Martin are serving as president and secretary of the group respectively • RETURNS FROM VACATION Commissioner and Mrs. H. R. ,Dickinson returned to Shelton on Tuesday of last week fter a ten- day vacation in Cahfornia and Oregon. INTERLOCUTORY GRANTED An interlocutory decree of di- vorce has been granted by Judge J. M. Wilson to William H. Stew- art and Dorothy D, Stewart. YOUR PATIENCE IS REWARDED After a long wait We now have in stock these three scarce articles Residential Single.Pole Flush Switches ...... 65¢ 30-amp., 2-pole Disconnect Switches for lighting entrances or water heater fusing $3.00 Good General Electrio IRON CORDS with molded rubber plug 60¢ COUN'rf JOURNAE in company with :Mrs. Price of S h e I t o n to see relatives and friends. Sunday visitor of Mrs. Nanee was Ann Webb of Eldon. Weekend ealers on Mrs. Hazel Bleecker were Mr, and Mrs, Les- lie Gee and family of Centralia. Friends w e r e congratulating Mrs. David Eatwell Friday on the birth of a son in the Shelton Gen- eral Hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Dickinson returned Tuesday from a two week vacation in San F'ranciscc, bring- ing their daughter, Mrs. Rose Fink and two children, who plan to visit for one month. Another daugh- ter, Mrs. B. W. Barcley of Seattle is spending a week also with her parents, the Dickinson's. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Yenter are baek from visiting a week in Sed- re Wooley, Seattle and way points. Pete Alard says hE is on the last lap of his vacation, too. We won- der who's been furnishing the laps. Mrs. Alice McClanahan is home from spending a week with her mother, Mrs. Flora Hillard in Se- attle. Sunday visitors of Mrs. Art Hunt were Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Han- son and daughter of Seattle, who called in their new Pontiac. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Millard spent the week end in Aberdeen with their daughter and family, the Harvey Lees, To celebrate his birthday March 29, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Mille spent the week end in Tacoma with Mr. and Mrs. Lou AIIard and Mr. and Mrs. James Glackin of Gig Harbor. While there they attended the daffodil show at /Sumner and a dinner part at the Powers in Tacoma. Mr. and Mrs. John Winters of Port Angeles were week end guests of Emery Winters and Sunday afternoon visited the Wal- ly Olivers. Draft orget the P.T.A. basket social and entertainment Friday the eleventh at the Hoodsport school. Interesting entertainment is being prepared by the Hoods- port matrons, Boy Scouts, Camp Fie Girls, Rythm band and oth- ers. Miss Sigrid Okendahl of Rugby, North Dakota, is visiting Miss Al- ice Fjellanger while vacationing in the Northwest. Sunday guests of Miss jellanger were Mr. and Mrs. Forsgren of Seattle who are originally from her home town in North Dakota. The Camp Fire Girls and their leader, Mrs. Betty Goodpaster, were entertained in the girls' club house at the home of Mrs. Vir- I ginia DeBard at Lilliwaup last iuesday evening. The 16 girls e n j o y e d themselves immensely ]preparing their own dinner to which they invited their leader. Mrs. Maymee Lallathin took a group of school children to Shel- ton to see the movie, "Adventures of Tom Sawyer," as her guests, Those participating in the outing were Nancy Smith, Sharon Win- ters, Moly Seymour, Carolyn De- Bard, Aiieene Willims and Shir- ley Roe. Miss Alice Fjellanger's room en- joyed the P,T.A. room party this month which is given for attend- ance at P.T.A, meetings. Those serving were Mrs. Jeanette Berg- er and Mrs, Gordon Dickinson, Mrs. J. F. Smith is acting as special nurse to her sister, Mrs. Lillian Symmons, who is confined in the hospital in Seattle for a major operation. Mrs, Josie Lassoie and daugh- ter, Lam'a Lou, are visiting Mrs. Lassoie' father in Renton for a short wlnl. Services are td be held at the Missionary Alliance Church in Shelton Saturday evening. Those wishing transportation are to meet in front of Payne's grocery at 7:30 p.m. Easter Sunrise services are to be held Sunday morning on the [lawn in front of the Hoodsport School at 6 a.m. Everyone is in- vited. Afternoon services will be held at Brinnon Sunday, Reverend Swecney officiating. Students in Miss Fjellanger's room greatly enjoyed the news- paper they prlnted last month. This paper is the work of the third graders. Another paper is being planned for April by the fourth glade student. % I I ii i u qs"V V V VV v'q v v "q ,e u,-a'qp  VV'VI'vv'qYIe Matlock The Matlock Ladies Club met Thursday with Dorothy Adams ann Lottie Ford as hostesses. Vis- itors • present were Dorothy Breh- meyer and children, Gene and Mac, and Mrs. Peterson. Members were Augusta Portman, Irene Ellingson, Marinea WooMey, Ruby Nordwell Mac Williams, Dora Hearing, Nel- lie Rossmaier and daughter, Mar- garet, and hostess. At our next meeting will be an Easter party, April 10. There will bE election of officers and drawing of new Mystery Sisters, also those hav- ing Mystery Sisters are asked to bring them a gift with name en- closed. Nickel exchange was tak- en by Nellie Rossmaier. Andy Stephenson of Tacoma is spending a while here with Gene Eye. Grangers, don't forget Satur- day night, April 5, Shelton Valley is bringing the gavel lere: So let's see a large turnout. PotlUck lunch. FINAL REPORT SIGNED The final report and decree of distribution and discharging of ad- ministrator with the will annexed in the estate of Eva Bitney was signed Saturday by Judge John M. Wilson. i --Housewives -- KLEENOWAX It Works in Cold Water on your furniture, painted walls and woodwork• HARLAND JORDAN 404 Cascade Phone 118-R Demonstrations Given i i EACH SPENCER SUPPORT IS INDIVIDUALLY DESIGNED, CUT AND MADE 1 Thus your SPENCER WILL DO FAR MORE FOR YOU than an ordinary Support, INVESTIGATE SPENCER'S unusual style and health benefits today BERNICE SCHREIBER Phone 799-d Dealer 1416 Summit Dr, Spencer Individually Designed Foundational for Abdomen, Back and Breasts SOLVED AMONG OUR ' I , TOILETRIES "" j" "Everybody's Easter Bunny" Revlon Peggy Sage .j --that's what we are, bring- DuBarry Old Spice L ing you a grand selection of holiday merchandise for per- Lentheric Old South  r" sonal use and gift-giving . . . LeLong , Yardley things that will make it a happier Easter for all, So Dorothy Gray Tussy come to McCONKEY'S fop 0gilvie Sisters Le Gui 1 ,i', a basketfull of valuesand ,  , ',u'' remember, our Easter Bunny ,_. ' i4  saves you money! Medicines 2 DENTURE BATH "--'. and 60¢ ORA l-lb, Dextra Malt Both 49¢ ¼ Graih Sacchranin Tablets 100 for 25¢ 63¢ l-lb. Fowdered SMA 98¢ $1.00 Mennen Oil 89¢ 50¢ J & J Talc 39¢ Large Nestle HAIR TREATMENT $1.00 50¢ J & J Baby Cream 43¢ LITTLE 12,ADY AND YOUNG LAD SETS 60¢ Alka Seltzer 49¢ $1.00 Zonite 79¢ $1.25 Absorbine Jr. .98¢ 60¢ al Hepatica 49¢ 1 Pint Light MINERAL OIL 19¢ b > < 1