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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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TOBEY IN NO-HITTER AS VAUGHN, HOQUIAM BOW, BUT RANGERS WIN After three 'strmght victories setting Vaughn down tfitless last which included two-Jbutouts and a Friday, only four men reaching he-hit pitching performance by base on three errors and a walk, Southpaw Bob Tobey, the Shelton and of that quartet three were Highclimbers couldn't stand pros- picked off by Catcher Carl Sund- perity and donated a 7 to 5 vie- sten so actually the Highclimber tory to St. Martins Preps at Loop southpaw pitched to just 22 bat- Office .......................... 43 Field Tuesday afternoon with a ters in the seven innings. Research Girls .......... 40 flurry of fielding bobbles in the In the meantime, however, his Electricians ................ 37 ixth inning which ruined Left- teammates were having their Chemists ...................... 37 hander Bill Valleys fine ITurling. troubles at the plate against Bert Grease Balls ............. : 34 Shelton had looked like an air- Ross and couldn't manufacture Bleach Plant .............. 33 tight defensive club through two the run which earned a 1 to 0 vet- High garhe---Joe Rank 225 shutout victories over Vaughn and dict until the last inning, when High total--ken Dodds 568 a 6 to 2 triumph over Hoquiam, Mary Cartwright opened with a committing only six errors in the single across second, went to third • three games, but the Highelimbers on a pair of passed balls while came apart at the seams defen,:- Sundsten was drawing a walk, and ire]y, kicking as many in the St. scored as Ken: Cardinal slashed a Matins contest as they had in game•winning single to right cen- all three preceding games, and ter. bunching five of them in that dis- The Highclimbers gathered only astrous sixth to present the via- four hits off Ross, those two for tie payoff run in the sevcth and itors with six unearned tallies and he verdict. Tobey hurled masterful ball in Mason County Post No. 1694 Veterans of Foreign Wars Regular Meeting Friday, April 4 -- 8 p.m. ANDREWS STUDIO 120 North Second St. PHONE 15 J=T [ -   , ,, Memorial Building Lyle O'Dell, Omdr,, Phone 6F14 J. H. Gray, Q.M, Adj. Phone 8523 Mt. Moriah Lodge % No. 11 F. & A. M. STATED COMMUNICATION Saturday, April 5 8p.m. W. A. Batchelor, Secy. Wllbert Carte, W.M. , r,, = , ,, r .... "" FISHING DERBY LAKE ISABELLA $25.00 IN PRIZES will be given by the R. A. Padget Realty Co., Olympia, Washington for the largest trout in length measured in at, the Delight Park Office by Carl Blomgren. of Season as, i04Y ::: PHONE 196 For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - OIL STOVE - FURNACE WE'LL FILl:, UP YOUR TANK PROMPTLY WITH IE'I?'):ER BURNING, MORE DEPENDABLE ASSOCIATED FUEL OIL FOR YOU We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS from 50 to 1.000 g.llons for new 'oP- burner installations Frisken Oil Co. Mason County Distributor for Associated 011 Products Factory A pproveg Chrysler - Plymouth - h=teruational SALES - PARTS SERVICE m • We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of Cars "° Truck - Tractors and Ieavy Logging Equipment In our ' NEW SERVICE BUILDING MILL ! PHONE W ld by, Latest another pair in the fifth by Quent McPherson and Tobey. Tobey climbed the rise again Monday and held Hoquiam to two hits and two runs. both scored by batters he walked and helped move arotmd on h/s own wild throws. Shelton showed plate punch for the irst time in the Hoquiam con- test, bangin nine safeties and sewing the affair up early with three markers in the first and an- other pair in the second. Ken Carlson tripled in the first frame behind singles by McPherson and Wayne Clary and scored on a fly, thm Clary soaked one for two, sacks in the second behind singles by Herb Baze and Tobey. Sundsten scored $n expensive run In the third to cIbse Shelton's marker-making when he walked and eventually stole home on a squeeze play which went awry but the big catcher sprain'ed an ankle badly on the play. Although Valley was nicked rather freely in the early innings by the little Rangers Tuesday, he entered the sixth with a 4 to 0 lead and seemed to be headed for victory. Then' the roof fell in and a combination of five Ranger hits and five Highclimber errors, into which was mixed two "passed balls, two stolen bases and a field- era choice play, allowed seven St. Martins runners to score. Only one of the tallies was earned. . The Highclimbers had opened with two runs in the first on Bob Wells' double, Carlson's single, and a Ranger bobble, and added single- tons in the fourth Cartwright's single and Cardinal's triple and in the fifth on singles by Wells and Clary. After the Ranger upr_jsing tim Highcl/mbers got one bak on Cartwright's triple to left and a bad throw by Pitcher"Joe Dawson on an infield roller. Clary's play at second and Cart- wright's at third has highlighted Shelton's defensive performances so far, while both have also been hitting the ball well, along with Carlson and Tobey. Tobey struck out the first six Hoquiam batters to face him, whiffed the side again in the sixth, and wound tip with 15 for the game after setting a dozen Vaughn hitters down. He walked four tn the two: ga'eq, Valley' pidked :0ff eight larls on strikes and walked two in his ftfll length stint. The short scores: R H E Vaughn .... 000 000 0--0 0 2 Shelton .... 000 000 1--1 4 3 Batteries--Ross (K4) and Jen- sen; Tobey (I(12) and Sundsten. R H E Hoquiam ..001 109 0--2 2 1 Shelton .... 331 000 x--6 9 3 BatteriesLaCroix (K2), Elway 5 (K4) and Salzer; Tobey (K15) and Sundsten,' Rod Rhines 4. .R H E St; Martins 000 007 0--7 10 5 Shelton .... 200 111 0-5 7 6 Batteries ..... Dawson (K5) and Roy; Valley (K) m.d Rod Rhines. Logger Schedule Listed; Workouts Commence Sunday First conditioning work is scheduled for the Shelton Loggers next Sunday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock at L6op Field,. Field Cap- tain Stan Armstrong announced yesterday in.calling all candidates for this year's town team to the opening turnout. Azstrong will again manage the club on the field with the as- sistace of Frank Willard, who will act as business manager of the club thi. year. Tle Loggers are entered in the Evergreen League with' teams rein Olympia, Centralia, Chehalis, Kelso, Hoquiam, Aberdeen and To- ledo. They will play home-and- home games with each team in a 14-game championship schedule which opens April 18 with the Loggers going to Olymp/a for a night game. The Lqggers will lmvq to ,play their hence games on Sunday af- teruoons unless by some unex- pected chance  the Loop Field lights become available during the season. Of the seven road games on the Logger schedule five are night affairs at Olympia, Central- ia, Aberdeen, Hoquiam and Tol- edo, leaving only two Sunday traveling dates to fill at Kelso and Chellalis. The Loggers Evergreen League sclledulo follows: April 18--.Shelton,at Olympia (N) April 27--Kelso at Shelton May 2---Sbelton at Centralia (N) May 11--.Aberdeen at Shelton May 18,--Tol'edo at Slelton Ma,, 25--Chehalis at Shelton June ]--Hoquiam at Shelton June 8--Olympia at Sheiton June 15-.-Shclton at Kelso June 2---Centralia at Shelton June 27.-- Slelton at Aberdeen (N) July 4-:-Shelton at Toledo (N) July 13--Shelton at Chehalis July 18---Shelton at Hoquiam (N) Only 24 Arrests Here During Month of March With John L. Lewis and the gov- ernor of Georgia both bowing to the national law last ntonth, Shel- ton eitizemy followed suit by abiding with the city law, accord- ing. to Police Chief Claude'Hav- e$s0 who reported only 24 arrests for the month of March. 'Of the 24 persons arrested. :1.5 were apprehended .on a charge of drunkenesa, seven for speeding and one earl1 for disturbing ,the 'l)cacc and as a "peping tom." BHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL; t 0ffice Creeps Up On Rayonier Pin L 34 34' 35 38 41. 41 44 45 BAREHAND BATTLE WITH HAWK FINDS BEAR CREEK LAD WINNER Lead After Sweep RAYONIER BOWLING W Maintenance .............. 44 Supervisors ................ 44 By Della Goetsch A person is getting "pretty flood" when he can out-hawk a hawk; but Mason county has "at least one such falconer. He is 10-year old Russell (Bud) Dan- iels, Jr., who lives with his par- ents on the "old road" between Belfair and Bear Creek. "One of the presents whieh he received on his birthday early this month was a pair of young Blue Satinette pigeons, a gift of his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Osmun of Shelton. A few' days Sweeping three games from the after the birds were brought home, a big hawk.which had been prac- Electricians Monday evening, the ricing his predatory art in the Office shoved its drive for first neighborhood for several months, place into high gear and wound up just a single step to the rear of began to take an all too lively the co-leaders, Maintenance and interest in the satin-clad squabs. Supervisors, in the Rayonier bowl- I Despite the fact that he had several times narrowly escaped ing circuit. I with his falc0noid lfe from rots- The co-leaders both won their sils sent by rifles, shot-guns, re- matches respectively from .the Re- volvers and slingshots in the search Girls and the Chemists brit. hands of irate members of the the fast moving Office five gained . ." , community, as he sailed into "the a step on them nevertheless be- wide blue yonder" with a strug- hind the timely scoring of Bruce gling young chicken or other fowl Thorpe, Jolm Gavareski and Joe clutched in his plundering talons, Holt. this feathered outlaw ventured to ken Dodds paced the Supervts- fly into a chicken wire enclosure ors triumph with the league's top at the Daniels home with the oct- individual total, while Joe Rank's dent intention of capturing one scoring, including a 225 which was of the highly prized pigeons. best single game of the night, The hawk used poor judgment paced the Maintenance victory, in timing the raid, for he chose The fourth match provided a a time when Bud was playing not basement, battle in which the far from the pen, and when the Grease Balls broke a tie with the bird made his. sudden dive into Bleach Plant for seventh place the enclosure Bud lost no time by with a 2 to 1 victory as Harry running to the house for his air Cole and Ado Wright hit togeth- rifle. Instead, he ran quickly to er in the second game and Bill where the hawk was. Frightened Oliver and Franl Devlin dittoed by this unexpected development, in the finale after the bleachmen the hawk gave up pursuit of the had taken the opener with BiIIpigeo n and turned on Bud, flying Lunsford setting the pae. The angrily straight'for the boy's face. lineups: Quick-thinking Bud was ready, Grease Balls (2) BI. Plant (1) and with one dextrous movement Handicap . 660 Handicap 522 he put up his hands and clasped H. Cole 421 Friend 493 the winged thief in a firm grasp. Oliver 401[Wolden 328 Although the boy was pecked and C. Cole 3381Dummy 420 scratched, he held on and moved Devlin 362 Rains 403 quickly to a chopping block where Wright 423 Lunsford 376 the hawk's qudtionable activities Total' 2605 Total 2542 came to a sudden "unswept, an- Maintenance (2) Res. Girls (1) honored and unsung" end. Handicap 276IHandicap 963 Measurements were taken and Westlund 546[Dammamv 421 the yardstick showed that the Jacobsen 464/cormier 353 predator had a wing-spread of 28 Rank 523[ Maya 323 inches. ,. Temple 428/Fransort 377 Sport ma hip Skelsey 493 / Price 255 Total 2730} Total .2692 S ns • (2) 00homists (,) Trophy Banquet Handicap 519 t Handicap 708 Dodds 51681Stoy 403 Next Moore Lynch 296 waa,_e,.nes,.a: :McCann 365 Dielle 348 Second winner of the Shelton Hawks 458 IJ. Eager 426 Chamber of Commerce school bas- Lemley 448 Tobler • 441 ketball sportsmanship trophy will Total 2675 Total 2622 be revealed next Wednesday night Elex..trlcians (9) Office (3) when some 120 players, managers, Handicap 465[Handica p 603 coaches and student body repre- Holt 453Stevenson 394 sentatives from the eight high Thorpe 475/Kneeiand 329 schools comprising the .northern Briggs 369]Carlson 382 division of the Southwest Wash- Dunseath 354 / Joslin 398 ington basketball conference gath- Gavareski 465[Booth 387 r fn Shelton for the second an- Total 2581] Total 2493 al presentation banquet.. ;Inltiated last year by the Shel- ,57 on Rifle Club ,n Chamber of Commerce. the ¢manship trophy is awr(ed CharterRoster 000000:00oh00oi.,udged to have sh. -. i nnes rana or all-around sportsmanship both on the play- Fifty-seven names are inscribed ig floor and in the stands during on the charter membership roll sent to National Rifle Association t/le basketball season. Raymond headquarters by the Shelton Rifle high school was the first winner & Pistol Club, President Jack Gray of the trophy. The first presenta- tion. banquet" was held at Elma reported this week, a numbe] which will entitle the local club last year. . to almost a maximum issue of •Ed Alexander, prominent Olym- rifles by tlm government, he pla newspaperman and sports fan, added, has accepted an invitation to be That membership should entitle banqtet toastmaster and to, pro- the local organization to seven sent the trophy to its 1947 win- rifles, whereas eight is the most nor. The winner will not be known issued to any club regardless of until the trophy is .'actually pro- size. The local arms group has sented officially by the toastmas- asked for all .22 calibre guns from ter for all details of the voting, the governmen't in the belief that which is done by" the schools calibre will be more popular for themselves, is kept secret before the official announcement. range firing than any other. : Some work has been done to Fifteen representatives from make an indoor range in one of each of the eight schools, includ- the airbase buildings, President ing ten varsity player s, the Gray said, with hopes that it will coaches, principal, superintendent, be ready within a month. If so, and student body president, have initial target practice will have'to been invited to attend, along with be done with private guns as the Shelton Chamber of Commerce vernment issued arms are not representatives and ,newspaper- pected for at least 45 days, men. The banquet will be held in the Masonic Temple starting at 6:30 Homann Bid Low For o'clock. County :Garage Bldg. G. Homann of Olympia for con- Olympic Fihns Slated struetion of a concrete garage for For Sports Club Meet Mason County Road District No. Skokomish Valley, was accepted Colored. motion pictures taken this week by the. board of county for the U. S. Park Service will be commissioners, shown as the entertainment fea- Bids were opened and a contract lure at tonight's meeting of the was awardOt to Moll Chevrolet ason* County Sports & Skeet Company for the purcbase of a Club,. slated for eiglt o'clock in Odd Fellows Hal L President Tiff vehicle for county Road. District No. I, also by the commissioners. Skelsey announced this week. LITTLE JACK KIMBEL ----- HORNER00 \\;, WiTg US. OFDEER H0A S 6OIN6 'TO MAKE MUS¥ GIVf= M K MY COMPANY 0o,.00 ,. to r;So out t .s . "JJ.-U.g.A ANO NOT'IN BBIg00" Modern Equipment % Operated By' ) 'i (/ Experienced Men FOR @ LAND CLEARING It's a good old USA custom to seek out the gift that's @ BULLDOZING , nusual, @ DITCHING S uperior, A ffordable, @ BASEMENT. EXCAVAT- and . . . ING A c, cepiable to you if you @ BULKHEADING were the recipient. Selections at BECKWITHS delight the donor and eitrapture the Peclp- PILEDRIVERS lent. -. For Lalld or Water GII¢I'S - JEVt'ELRY - MUSIC • DUMP TRUCKS For Hire • PlUNG A.o LoG00 BECKWITH'S For Bale. GIFTS - JEWELRY - MUSIC PHONE 645-W 129 Raih'oad Phone 143 r LUMBERMEN TAKE OLYMPIA TITLE; ROLLOFF MONDAY With Mark Fredson and Slim Gustafson each totaling in the I 620s, the Morgan Lmnber entry ; from Shelton clinched the se'.- ond half championship of the Olympia scratch l)owling league Monday night through a elea- sweep over the tailend Olympia Eagles. The lumber dealers hit a 2950 total as AI Ferrier ehipl)ed in a 596 contrilmtion to go along with the Fredson and Gust- son marks. A five-gmne rolloff is sehed- nled for next Monday night at tight o'clock on the Harbst al- leys in Olympia between the see- end half (;hemps anti C)pitol Cigars, first half winners, with a $I0O pot to be split 60-40 on the outcoine. The Morgan Lumber lineup I will Include Bab Stewart and Bill VCerberger along with Gus- tafson, I,'rlson and Ferrier. ! , Somebody Leads Wol00en's League, But Just Who? Just who is leading the women's bowling league today a lot of peo: ple would like to know, what with Shelton Grocery taking three games and Ritner's Corner only two in Tuesday night's competi- tion. but the circuit's statistics have been a bit confused for sev- eral weeks and the exact won and lost records of the teams isn't straightened out yet. Anyway, the grocers and cor- nerites are running neck-and-neck up at the top with Pastime and McConkey Pharmacy p u r s u i n g dangerously close with the ached- tile on its last lap. The pharmacists also won a trio Tuesday, paddling Mason Laundry behind the 530 and 224 figures reg- istered by Bessie Bolen which tdp- pod the individual scoring for the night. That 224 with help from Wan- da Schirrner and LaVonne Cole, paced the pharmacists to a new single game record of 902 pins for the season. Pastime shaded Pantorium. 2 to 1, in the fourth match, as Mickey Ltndeman picked up 500 pins. Skip- per Min Durand and Mabel Brew- ster paced Shelton Groeery's vic- torious attack while Ritner's bene- fitted from timely scoring by Vera Bishop, Arlene Godden and Jessie Hunter. Bessie White salvaged the opener for Werberger Winery. The lineups: Mason Ldy. (0) McConkey's (3) handicap 135[ handicap 147 E.Sntith " 396{ McConkey 466 Simpson 418] Bolen 530 Mifflin .384 Rssell 4 9 Robinsofl 480' Sehirmer 444 Dodds 498- Cole 431 Total 23111 Total 2447 Shel. Groc. (3) Mac's (0) handicap 4681 handicap 404 Brewster 4031Frisken 446 Hanson 340Ill.Smith 396 Skelsey 410[Tiffany 368 Barger 3171 Lynch 255 Durand 45(} Edgley 417 Total 2394 Total 2286 Pastime (2) • Pantorium (1) handicap 1921 handicap 336 Staley 475FreFredson 413 Kopperman 327] Dummy 372 Lindeman 503 M.Fredson 307 Sehuffenh'r 376 Carr 334 Sutherland 449/Ferrier 438 Total 2322 / Total 2200 Werberger (1) Ritner's (2) handicap 477t handicap 507 F.Cormier 307 t Godden 393 Kimbel }t751McCastin 351 Dummy 2851WiIlour 344 Jacobsen 358Hunter 321 White 443|Bishop 418 Total 2245| Total 2334 Stewart Umpiring For Spring Training Games During the spring training sea- son which opened late Iast week for Western International league baseball c/ubs, Jack Stewart, Slcl- ton's aspirant to professional tnn- piring endeavors, will work with the Vancouver Capilanos in their training amp games and work- outs at Sunnysde. The Canadian team is managed by Bill Brenncr, former Olympia star athlete, who took over the Capilanos managership late last season, and it was through the friendship of the two former prep and semipro diamond rivals that the Shelton umpire gets this op- portunity to show his abilities. S-to-Z Job Trainees Act Fast to Keep Pay All veterans taking training un- der the G. I. Bill whose last names begin with the letters "S" th "Z" are urged to submit the wage reports which were mailed'to them on March 15, 1947. These reports must reach the Seattle office of the Veterans Administration bY April 5, 1947, or the veterans' subsistence allowance will be sus- pended until such time as he sub- mits this report. The report covers actual earn- ings of veterans for the preceding four months and anticipated earn- ings for the next four months. Traffic Congestion Needs Cooperation Cooperation m easing the traf- fic bottlenecks at First St. and Railroad Ave., and at First St. and Mill St., during the rush hours was asked this week by the city police department. Drivers are requested to emph)y arm signals prticularly at these two rater- sections. Polic Chief Claude Havens an- nounced that he has stationed po- lice officers at these two points daily during the rush period from 4:30 to 5 p.m. BABY BOY BORN Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pearson are the parents of a baby born Mon- day, March 31, at the Shelton Hos- pital, I toed Honors Go To Carl Sundsten, Mary Cartwright Basketball sang its swan song for the 1947 season at Irene S. Reed high school Friday when the award assembly was held and hon- ors earned during the past season announced. Carl Sundsten and Mary Cart- wright were voted the two honor- ary awards for the season, the big blond center being voted the High- climbers' inspirational placque, presented by Glen Ferguson of the Shelton Hardware, and the latter receiving the coaches award for his fine play and sportsmanship during the season. Coach Chet Dombroski an- nounced varsity letters had been earued by ten players Sundsten Cartwright, Gene White, Don Fraser, Ken Hagan and Ray Def- finbaugh, all seniors; Glen Ander- son, Bob Rice and Ken Cardinal juniors; and Norm Buck, sopho- more. Coach Grant Packard presented B team. insignias to Ken Carlson Ken Boice and Quent McPherson junmrs; md Bob Tobey, Jim Ska- gen, Joe Guthrie, Danny Davidson, Doug Cole, Gene Wells, Jerry Goh- rfck and Chuck Ashley, all sopho- mores. SOLVENCY ORDER SIGNED An order of solvency was signed in the regular Saturday court ses- sion at the Mason County court- house by Judge John M. Wilson in the Henry Lehman estate upon the petition of Christina Lehman, executrix of the estate. RIGHT PARTS FIT We can supply you with Gen- uine Chevrolet Parts that are especially made to fit all types of Chevrolet Cars and Trucks, Dig complete stock NOW. Genuine Chevrolet P a rts Insure Long Life WHOLESALE - RETAIL MELL CHEVROLET First an,l, Grove Streets PHONE 777. or 7q8",.. PARTS STORE OPEN 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. PHILCO CAR Now For Your Car or RgDIO Fly Really Fine FLY By Rod o, With Aluminum Pri, VChich LEAVE YOUR TO ASSURE THIS HILL HAR SUPPLI Logging Harness - Farm Utility Harness Lawrence Stock Saddles Hudson Unidek Brooders Hudson Oil Burning Hover Brooders" Silent Sioux Oil Burning Hover Broo Hers  # * • * $ * We Are Agents For Hudson Founts and Feeders Rite-Way Cream Separators Universal MilKers Roth and Gordon Pumps Ortho & Acme Inseotlcides and spraYS. • * *  $ Logging Equipment -- Wire and Other Supplies OLYNPIA O'Neill Building, First &Railroad t Every Saturday 9 P.M. TO 2 A.M. Mason County's oLargest Dance Shelton Rink IUSIC BY THE 6 BUSY CITY BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM THE DANCE IN s ton ] ISOR t)F :I, (]('1 qtl ER ItIG lIT f NO. 7642 th' ,qai er tilat Anion x of Wnshing- t}Le I7. 19,17. sati of Hy- t I111 all- tn divorl the I)tzl Ulal sIl'eanl wil in the anlount . :E o}O existing ]9-I' domestic Power and the ap- is lo- 2. Town- CI inMa- ARI the loca- and 5,15 tlge is Or1 Sea tate Super- Dia, Wasll- other In- NO' law. R IN S' such ob- M ons. irl Writing'. Ljal] Within teh of last N /kpril 3, xe )ffieta] sPal :ate .la 1947. mti Pet, .hie tpp :lOll pro] tiff( T) FEtE trat FOR trlb John day cou ' CH Ath I Add I 4th I Cou t 6f the first I 27[h daY' of e sa6 "with[with Y shah be I Wash.. this 22fd [ HI / Mar Estate of lof Deceased. | has / th PROP- OF THE FOR Estate of John that Ad- John W. sale and 19th day of ratification. of the 'ed the the sale. re- and all 1947.' Mason on. CARDS Malloy 0ity I'Iall Phoue 192 Heustou AW Shelton Wash. 54A lllW Shelton HOME Otfic Clty Shell