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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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)avidson, rry Goh- ,ll sopho- iNED as signed :ourt sca- ly court- L Wilson :ate upon Lehman, MC PHILCO CAB Now For Your Car or!! • RgDIO Fly •: ienuine evrolet Parts nsu re Long Life TAIL Really Fine  : FLY By Rod 11o, With Aluminum Which You&apos;ll LEAVE YOUR TO AssuRE THIS SEASON'S HILL H PHONI!] 'PPLI Harness - Farm Harn#i! Utilit3r Harness vrence Stock Saddles .soil Unidek Brooders n Oil Burning Hover BroodeT s ioux Oil Burning Hover Brood era: ,!: , ' $ €  * :: We Are Agents For on Founts and Feeder s Way Cream Separators Universal MilKers .... h and Gordon Pumps :l< = * -1: * L Acme Insecticides and Equipment  Wire and Other Supplies [PIA FEED Ill Building, First &' Railroad r Saturday 9 P.M. TO 2 A.M. ,unty's.Largest Dance ,lton Rink BY THE 6 BUSY :TY BUS SERVICE TO AND :'ROM THE DANCE nEt(Hi I'ISOR OF ER RIGIIT NO, 76.12 that An|on lie of Wasifing- 17. 19.17, of lty- tingion, an ap- to divert the nnamed slreant JU t]10 anlount Io existing of donlestie anti the ap- is 1o- 2. Town- in Ma- n* the lees- ion and use is on Super- Wasl- other In- by law. ob- in writing, roake, within d'ato of last is April 3. official seal D. 1947, RYKER, of Hydraulics, --4-3-2t TO Fn'.E OF THE FOR John GIVEN. That :}n on the Es- Saltwick. de- the under- of February, r Court. ims against o serve them within of the first with y shall be Wash,. this 22rid the Estate of Deceased. 14€ ]tEAl, PROP- gALE OF THE FOR Estate of John GIVEN that Wilson. Ad- of John W. sale and ]9th day of ratification, of the following de- in Mason rsoually, or may of the Clerk of ice of -- r" may be • Franklin Shelton, Ma- sale. re- oct:any and all 1947,' Estate deceased. ton. Mason :on. CARDS Wash. 54A lllW ! ELIOT i ENGINEER ]qulpment Co. Bldg. 645" LEWIS B&00y Shelton HOME NO. 18!)6 NOTICE TO CREDITOR. N THE UPERIOR COURT OF TI-IE STATE OF WASHINCTON FOR TIlE COUNTY OF KING In the Matter of the Estate of Editll F. Mathewson. l)oceased Noliee is hereby given that tile tln- dersigned has been appointed and I)as qualified as Executor of the estate of Edith F. Mathewson. Deceam,d: tlmt all persons having claims against said deceased at'(' hi.toby reqtlired to serve the same. (hlly verified, on said executor or Ilia attorneys of record at the address I)elow stated, and file the same.with the Ch, ck o'r said Court to- olber with proof of suvb service with- in six months after the date\\;of first publi('ation of this notice, or the same will be barred. Dale of fb'st puhlication Mareh 20 :1917. MARK F. MATHEWSON. Executor of said Estate. Address: 545 Henry F, Idir. . Seattle, Wash. CHARLES R. LEWIS. Ryan. Askren & Matlmwsen Attorneys for Estate 5,15 H,,nry Building, Seattle. Wash. 2-2027--4-2-10-41 NO. 1824 NoTIcE OF HEABING ON" FINAL REPORT AND PI]TITION FOR DISTRIBUTION. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IeOR MASON COUNTY (In Probate} In the Matter of the Estate of. Wil- liam Sandholm als0 known as Wit'- helm Sandhohn, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Axel Matson, Administrator of the es- tate of the above named dedeased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entitled court his Final Report and Petition for Distributiou among other tldngs asking the court to settle and approve said Final Report and Pet(- tun) for Distribution distribute the property to tle persons tllm'eto en- titled, and to dischax.g said Adm nis- trator and Iris bondsmen. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN  tlmt said Final Report and Petition for Dis- tribution will be heard at the hour o1' ]0 o'clock in the forenoon, on Satur- day, the 26th day of April, 1947, dt tlie Court Room. in the Court I-IoUte, in Shelton, Washington; 1947 Dated this 25th day of March. : . HARRY DEYETTE. County Clerk. CHAS. R. LEWIS,, Attorney fro; said estate. Address: Bell Building, 119 South 4th Street. Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 3-27--4.3-10-17-qt N(Y 18I NO'TICI .OF H!EARING. ON PETI- TION FOR DIST]t|RUTJON. "E IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TH STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON" COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of James Harden Nance, Deceased. NOTICEcIS HER'EBY T7.EI, that Mary Nan e,. Executrix of the estate of James Harden Nance Deceased, has 'catised to be flied in the office of the Clerk of said Cqurt PetitiDn for Distribution, asking the Court to dis- tribute the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said Mary Nance as executrix there- of; and tlmt said petition will be heard on the 191h day of ApPil 1947 A.D.. at 10 a.m.. at the court room of the Court House, in Shelton, Mason County, Wffshington, at which time and place any person interested in said estate nmy appear and file ob- Jections thereto and contest the same. Dated this 15th day of March, 1947 A,D. HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of said CoUrt, By DORISANI MOREHOUSE, Deputy. CHARLES T. WRIGHT, . Attorney for Estate, P.O. Address: Angle Building,_ Shelton Mason Counts', Washlngtan. • 3:20:27---4-3-1-4t • NO. 4859 SUMMONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THI STATE O1 WASHINGTON FOB MASOI COUNTY Nina Stapleton, Plaintiff, E. R. Stapleton, Defendant. STATE OF WASHINGrpON to E. R, StapletonL Deendant: ' You'ar he;dby 'kffmm0ned to a D. .pear within- sixty (60 'dya'after date of the first pubHcatt0n oft th'ts sum- mons .and to-wit, witkin 60 days after February 27 1947 and defend "the above entltleff acti:on in the court aforesaid and serve a copy of your answer upon the anders|gned attor- ney for Plaintiff a his office ad'dre nerelnbeloW stated, and in case of your fnilura, so. to, do, judgment Will be rendered against you according to the demand o£ the. complain, which has been filed with the Clerk of Said court. .Tile purpose of the said action is to secure' a decree of divorce upon the grofind of non-upport. J. W, GRAHAM, Attorney for Plaintiff. Office Address Govey :Bldg., Shelton. Washington. 2-27--:-" 3-8-13-20-27--4-3-10--7t. SU0NS NO. 9I FOR PUBI,ICTION IN THE,SUPERIOR COURT OF THEE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Depend.ncy of Dorothy noemaler and" ,,us unoe- maker Minors. THE STATE OF WASHINGTON, TO'.* Mrs,- IVPYrtle Morris and Otis Shoemak. YOU AND EACH OF YOU are here- b'. notified' ,and reqpired to be and appear at the Court Room in  the Com't House in Shelton, Washington, at 10:00 a.m. On Saturday the 3rd day of May, 1947; said date being m0i'e than sixty days after the .first publi- cation of this strmmous, to-Wlt;(More t_haa 60 days after the 27th #ay. of February, /947, anu tnen ann mere have wih' you your minor daughters, Dorothy Shoemaker. and Lila Shoe- maker, then and there to answer ,a cofiplaint arid petftlonled hor¢tn by B. Franklin reuton, lPosecutin¢ / torney of ,ason County, to the. e'- feet that th£.. said orothy S hpemker a'n'd, Lila uh'oemsker are dependent chllden. Dated this 25th day of February, 1947, HAR. RY " DEYETE, Clerk oz ason County, Washington. 2-27--ff-6-13-20-27--4-3-10--7t. NO. 4"771" SUMMONS YN ,THE. SUPERIOR •COURT OF THE STAE OF ,WASHINGTON FOR M 0 COUNTY • D'I  Bittle and' Velma F, Blttle, husband ad wife, and Frank Coelho, Plaintiffs, -:.-vs. , John F. Slade and' the Unknbwn heirs of John" 1% Sl'ade. deeeased.,,adSo all pt.he]; or laxtles unknp.,wn' ¢Ialmlng any rlgnt, title, estate, ITen, or inteest in: the real,, estat d'dacrib- ed, tn the complaint herein, Defendz a S ......... John F. Slade' anti te nknown  heirs of Yohn F. Sadte, deceaed so. all other, personas, or parties fimknow claimln'g anyrtght, title, eitate, hen, or interest t/tlil% real estate described in .the complaifi|t herein, Defendant:. You and each. of you are heresy s uvmoneff to appear within sixty (60) days after the dte Of the first pUbfi- cation • of this, summons, to-wit, within sixty days after the 6th day of Max'ch,. 1947, arid defdnt the above-entitles actiin fn the above-entitled' court, and answer the coraMaint of the ulain- tiffs Ural E. Bittle and Velma . Bit- fie, husband and wife, and' Frank uoelho, and serve a copy of your an- swer upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiffs, a% her office below stat- ed; and in case or your failure so tq do, Judgment will be ,;endered ain$t demand of the been filed with of said Court. set of this action Is' .tO per er plat of rovement Company's plan of ity. Washlfigton, all of sld pro- rty being in the County of MaCon, tats of Washington .......  • 'tt rme. 0r  nttlf. Office  g't Ote AddresS: City,Hall, , ' Shelton, Washington. , , g-6=l 3-20-27--4-3q0'6t. SHELTON-MA,ON COUNTY JOURNAL .... , 7 ,. NO. )719 ,'AI,I, FOR BIDS FOR I'AINTINtl {Baptist Church Easter Sllnrise Services on Stoehr & I¢ichert Add TOo Late to Classify NOTW: ,)I' .:aRN. rINA It i,: COVR+ liO'C.l,: ro.T A. ,.v'r|'|',oN F,,R ,,,S- S,,:de,1 b,ds wi. bc accepted a the Sermon From Matthew Webb Hill SCheduled Wrecker, Tow Service=.: 'I'I{IBIITII)N. (,If(co of the Iloard of County Conunis- FOR SALE: A Universal wood range. IN THE SUPERI()R COURT OF TIlE sioner, at tile Court It,rose in Sheli'on. Scl'ViJes commemorating E,-tstcr l:tsier F, lulrisc .qet'vIce will lie Another wretkcr tlltl towll' good eonditi.u, very reasonable. 621 STATE OF WASIJINGTON I.'()R Washin4'Ion. at 2:30 P.M. on April will be held in the Baptist Church held on Webb Hill Lookot|t at spry(co has b+en made avztilabe Laurel St.. Phone 336-R. C4-2-1'7 MASON COUNTY Ilth, 1947, for the fcflh)wing painting: WANTED: Ehhq,ly iady--f[n-:--''e'aJ:;.--)f In th0 Matt.r of the Ester. ,ff Ce,,,',r,, Ce lings, in(" u,litu4 • 16 im'h drop, of Stmday morning a.t 11 o'c]dek with i 5:';0 a.m. next by the t. residentn of this conmmni , two slnall t.bil(h'eu and general R, Taylor Deceased. qll nffiee rooms on both I'h)ors of Rev. J O. lovee's sermon topic Youth f()r Christ /;roup of cilel- Lhc ttoehr & [:),i(.ho]'l" Mot€ira pro- housework from 9 1o 5::]0. Good pay. N()T'IcE IS ItEItEIY GIVEN that C,)urt House ' "He Is Risen" being taken roln ton Special :q)eilker.q al('l ,inel:'S riding it with (h:.ll'.io '(,ql][lonl)lt* Interview N('liie W('st:(m, Vanity De- William 5ohn Stiles. Administrat(r .t" Ceilings and walls of ludls on both luxe Beauty Shop, Phone 388. 4-3-10 tire (,stale (,f (Jo(,rgv l', T:tyh,r, de- flotu,s. Ceiling to be same as ,,ffice Matthew. will }):lrtieipate iu the servi(,o al('] ]]akcr :is ol)el' of the e(]llip. ............................................... ('(b'lse(] ]1as fil('d ill the tH'fi('(, (1[" th,, "  ceilings and wails [ ) , lw , tone sol'ill Special Easter mtlsie with avo- the gl't>ll I) will h,:,ve the Viral ]ap. nqont ., FOUND: Truck tire and wheel between Clerk of said Cotlrt his Final ROl)(n.l g ()as ' ] cal ninnber by Ml's, r-[owal,(l ll]C list (_]ilLlrt, l :1/ live o'clocl,:. Any- The location l.; First and Ratl • and Elma. Owner nmy have by (h,m,ribintr it Phone o1285 and Petition f.r l.')istribulion askiu4' " C,iling. and walls ,f fouc toil(ts, and an aster anthem 13y tile l'-3lp- oil(,, i]lt(,reqtet[ is vteit'.(-u,.e to :'it:- rod(l, the SOl'vice nv:il:l)l(' (hty Q " ' tile Cotlrt tl) settle said l'ol)()rt , dis- N'llli gil)S,• Olympia. S,l-3 Lril)ute the property to the l)Orsons Material to be oil base I't,ht white tist choir as well as the message tend. 'niffhL. IM--PO--R'P.-5/-'I;]- ---/'(';.tl---pa-g'-28:--AI)l:li thereto entitled and to discharge said on all eeilings and drop, and semi gloss 5, Saturday Evening 'osL and Umn William Johu Stiles; and that sago i t   s [ nd ir, ih'ts. Quality of paint Oll lesnrrcction by the pastor will ........................................................................... invest $10.b0 in PROTECTION S,'e r,port and petition will bc heard ,,n t. b, Slaerwin W 11 ao s ,)r equal, complete the Easter prograni. HERBERT G. ANGLE -1-3 Saturday the 2rd day of May, 19.17, Rid Bond (,r certified eh tl n Lhe, P-ST-CT -m'r:F "i;a- ,;.;,;,:,:ty ,, 10 o'e,ock a.a,., a, th,. C,,u,' R.,'.,, a,,,,,u,, ,',f iO"; ,,," tl,e b,d ,,,,s,. a,'- " .................................... (.,al, ar WORSHIP HIM for' $10.00 per year. Read Page 28, of the Court House in SIiolton, Mason ec, nlpany bid i  ,* r Saturday Eveuing Post of April 6, County Washint-'ton, aL which time Doard reserves the rigllt to re.loot[ vv''''v'vvvvv'vv 1947. See HER. ANGLE today, 4-3 and plae.e an.'," person ntorested in all,' o,' all bids, Shelton Vall y Pentecostal Church said estate lna:¢ apl,car and file (d)- Floor l, lan or Co,, rtouse ,nay be e IN SPIRIT FJT(SXLE-b]i{t{6do6i{{-h6fie,-iiew_ jections thereto and e,,ntest the sam,,, se, n at County Auditors oflice. . 130 East Pine St. Immediate possession. Owner. lear- Dated this 28th da)" of March, [947. Dated this the 1st day of, Al)ril, 19,17, .e,ervv,,vww and ing lawn. Will sell cheap. Inquire (SEAL) HARRY DEYETTE ]OA]%D OF COUNTY COMMtSS- The brve ladies who turned out ,qunday Rchool9:45 a. m "" 176,i South Hohnan St. Mcd-3 " Clerk of said Court. lONERS OF MASON COUNTY, for the Home Economics meeting IN TRUTII (fR S£ISEi-Ft{i;nisbed--4-i'o-house ] By D,u'isann M,,reb(,usc WASHINGTON. Morning Worship---ll:00 a.m. t D,,p. last Wednesday were the prest- on lot 100x60. $2500. It. View. turn y II. R. DICKINSON. Sunday Evangelistic. 8:{)0 p.m. at right at Ray's Service Station 1],/'.t CHARLES T. WRIGHT, Chaicman. 4-3-10-2t dent and vice president and your Wednesdav Prayer Meetiug, blocks off highway. J4-3 Attoraey for Administrator correspondent as treasurer. Mrs, " Assembly qf God : IT()R--SAIEF: -- 6-room house. 4 bed- Of flee and Post Office address: 8:00 p.m. rooms, la'rgc livingroom and kitchen Angle Buil'din, Sbelton, Mas,,a RE,O.UTION ODEItTNG iEARIN0 Matters, who does not hold n Friday Regular MeeLing, • Tabernacle 5 (losets, enclosed laundTy, g'a'rag,' County, Washmgt,,n. ,, .... , ()'N EMERGF, N(W APPItOPRI$/TION office, came anyway• They de- l ] 3 /U ll I d| and' fruit roool, 2 l)ts lnq%Vre 1712, -- - -.- WHEREAS at the tilue of i)lllein Boundary,: Mrs• Lee Hunter. 4-3-17 I .......... --7 ....... improvements on Lot 4, Block M, DavLd cided if no more interest was "F(-)i-'SA-L--D.-ve-1pc;i-t--"{l-n-d-'ms- i CALL FOI, BIDS Shelton's 1st Add(tied to Shelton in shown to diseontinue the mceLings c, ellancotm pi'es of furniture. Pllone ' NOTICE IS HEI(EBY GTVEN that the year 1939. there existed. L.I.D: of the Home Economies. assessmm)ts against this property, and 50 Snday and Monday, L4-2 the Board of Coumy .Co,mniss!,ners Miss Betty Slater. who has been ff?i----kV''.--7.k=5-,i7.' 7"6-S---ude- of Mason County. Washington. wdl r,.- WHEREAS. the County of N[ason acquired this property through tax home from her school in Oregon.., ...... ..,,s,n ..... ?. (' reh, e scaled" bids up to 2:00 o','h,ck ! ptist Chur new too[or new parnt new tires .' ,,- " ". t o 19t7 at Mls ,n (} foreelonure and the amount of tax and for spring vacation left Sunday ' ' ' ' ( e ,*t. on xprh ..,  : , , ,,  LIn- Pmced right for qmck sal. . Ch.vro- , ........ , ...... lr(ltor) Woshin.i,,r... costs ow,ng on ,his pro,,e,t00 at the First Ba ch let edan. notor good condit on ", ,'L"'2 :'° ..... V Iids 'will' b, "'o,)il [; time f 'oreclosure was $461 29 on thc to go back to school. " ' , : • • ' wmc. tram a. , " , ' Mrs. John Vincent was ]n Ta- makes econ ,nucal transportation. See ..,.' . ,  .h, ....r ;,Innd f.r lho. 16tb day of April, 1928, and " n.  .,= ML.D,I= .'.,... a ............... at Shelled Garage Iilrst and Cota x¢ .... €. ,..t.. .n,! sto(koilin , ,. WHEtEAS, the City of Shelton las coma last week visiting her sister .L'-,)one off. _ , __22 Screened Cover Stone for Light Y;i- paid tiffs said sum of $4(11.29 to the FOR gALE: N(,W Royal vacuum (dean'- luminous Surface Treatment. R,md [ Treasurer of Mason County and de- and Ml: Vincent's ]nether. er, Taylor Radio 'El0(,tric, 4th and Oiling and for Crtlshod Mineral Ag'. ] stands a Treasurers Deed to the said Mrs, W. H. Hiester attended Lot 4, Black M , pursuant to the pro- tim wedding" of her niece at Ol'ym- Cots Phoue 128, . 4-3 gregate for Non Skid Single Sea visions of R. R. S. 9392, and whereas: "  Treatment Oiling.  • The City of Shelton has agreed, pia. Two of Mrs. Hiester's sis= Mason Counly R,md I ro3eCt No. 100 _ .,,,,, f , UNIT No, 1 upon receipt of the sum of $835.32. in ters were up from Sa[t,,;Lake City, . mltny s I Aproximatd Quantities: fUllL. I. pa,mentD..tssessm.entsand salisfactiOnand costs, to°f deedthe" Utah, for the weddinff '... , " 9,930 cu. ,Yds. %" Minus Screened the aforesaid Lot 4, Block M, Dvid G 'angers, the first meeting in -'n, I Cover Stone.  I 1 900 Cu. Yds. Conrse Crush0d Screeu- Shelton's Isi Add., back to Mason April is the third (or tonight). Try County, and' whereas, to be presen't. We need yell, Come • in s %" to %". Model A 5 cti. Yds. Fine Crushed Se.reen- The cm nty dcsiees to retain .lear [i [ . r ing !'" t)'O", ' title t0 the above described real prop- Mrs. Lee Slate,' a anded the • ,.a"r'r''T'rm'r'c I Each bid shalr he in' aC,:ordanc with crty. and '; .... e Southside 4--1 Club Wednesday-of IV/U'' IL'It*I"Y'" {h( plans specifications, and other At the time of lnRing the budg,t ]contract dbcuments noW on file with for the yea 1947 o .provl.ion was last week. made for such an exnenditure, Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Who ..  , .: , the Count:y Auditor of M'son County Now THEREFORE an emergency is have been running the Lorraine {..V .q Y"JIO where copies nmy b..e ,,bta(nod by,de . declared to o.xiet and" in the judgment Dairy for the last, four years, --''Y ........ [positing $5,00 for eaci seA, Del)osit MT VIEW will be refunded if plan. and speci- of the Board the sum of $82,).32 js re- quired to meet such alleged emerg- have now moved to Matlock to . ' i fications returnedin good send(- enc, and ',. Phone 99 ] tli'd forms may be obtained from tim I IS oRDERED that a hem'rng be the Carstairs. ranch. Two new 4-3-10 County Auditor of Mason uounty, had thereon on Monday, April 14th at families have moved fn on h'e in the com;t hotse in Shelton, at [ new family on the OXen Yoke I Each bid shall be acc6n]pan(ed try 2:00 P.M., at tle office of the,, Board Lorraine farm. There is also a , , a certfled cheek or cashier's check which time and place any taxpayer " .... " 'V  ,r "-', ..........  .... , "', payable I,o the Treasurer of Mason farm to help OUt with the spring against the granting of said alleged[work. Fn', ^T  County. Washington ia th,. sum of may app'eat; and he heard for or .£" .2"'J'a: 5% of bid tO be forfeited to Mason 8:00 p. m, EVERYONE WELCOME 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M Rev. Sara McGill, astor Rev. R. D. Caddy, Pastor J.O. Bovee. Pastor Fifth and Cola Streets Bible So.heel 9:45 a.m. ---- Young Poppies Meetings 6:30 p,m. "" Moruing Worship 11 a.m. " . Morning Worshil 11 a.n,-..Topic: "lesurrection" Evening Service 7:30 p.m. -, Topic "Bible Z,yteries" I ML Olive Lutheran, Church with bath and utility room, hardwood fibers and inlaid lin- oleum. ncludlng electric hot water heater and  fliaor furn- ace. Well located in excellent residence district anff ALL READY TO OCCUPY. See it today. $7150.00 WELL I.K)CATED auto and trailer camp, inclUcllng store with living quarters and' ser- vice station. 17 rentals. Doing excellent business. See it now. $26,500.00 Herbert G. Angle Col0rcd Rots Colored root vgetables ra'ther than white ones are better, for the eolorec roots contain more vita- mins. Pod vegetables are particu- larly valuable in counteracting the acid produ'ing qualities of bread and meat. All of us need more of these alkaline foods. Of the mis- cellaneous vegetables, tomatoes are the most important, for they are full of healthful vitamins: and alkaline. The Church of the Lvtheran Hour HILLCREST - HIGHWAV AT CASCAD'E NEW MODERN 4-room home County b' the successful bidder in emergenc • Telephone 395-M and 230 UNANIMOUSLY ADOPTED this 21st Young Warren who works at case hc tails to enter into contraqt da of lIaxch. 1947,, Camp 5 was home o,er the week and file at* acceptable surety bond in YBOARD OF CouNTY COMMIS- end , Sunday School 9:45 a.m. -- MOrning Worship 11 a.m. theditionsSamofOf saidthe totalcontractbid wtthint° fill con-fivc WA'SHINGToNSIONERS OF MASON COUNTY Mr. and Mrs. Lee Slater and EASTER SUNDAYApril 6 GOOD FRIDAY--April 4, days of the date of award. II, 1t. DICKINSON their datThter, Betty, and Signs Stmrise Servicc ........ 7 a.m. Paramount Theatre The Board of County Commissioners LYLE O'DELL  Kneeland spent Thursday at the Sunday School .... 9:45 a,m. S0rviCe ............ ]2:30 p,m. of Masnn County reserves the right to reject any or" all bids and to waive ROY CARR. Slater summer home down Oak- Regular Service .... 11 a.m, Chapel Service ........ 8 ll.m. ATTEST: I land Bay. ll informalities in the bidding. In thc evening Mrs. Dated this 21 day of March, 194"/. SUSIE E. PAULEY. IqL R. D$CKTNS(N,, Clerk of the Board. 4-3-1t Slater and Betty ,called at the : ....... , ............... , ...... _ home of Mr. and Mrs. Mervfn Wi- LYLE O'DELL --- ........ , .... [I " ....... " velL in Isabella Valley. I%OY CARR ..................................... 4-3-10-17 Thursday evehing Mr. and Mrs. Trees growing in areas where Harry McConkey, Mrs. Lout Win- Everyone Welcome At sol' and Mrs. Dewey Bennett called water supply is scarce and un" F YOUTH CHRIST certain react with sharp sensitiv- r e e L e c t u at the Highlands. - for The Grange community party : ity to rainfall, as attested by held at the Grange Hall lagt Sat- varying widths of rings in' their trunks, urday night was well attended in ' OH spite of a little rain. The ladies set'red ice cream, cake, salad and Interdenominatiorml Prog, ram Chri tin sandwtohes and co.oe Mr. and Mrs. John Kneeland SATURDAY- 7:30 P. M. S l and Edward and Marie Louise called Friday morning at th0 hoae Science of John's mother. SPEAKER--Ray Strcutker, Chalk Talks from SPC Mrs. Walter Hiester went to SINGERSHawaiian Girls QuNet from SPC Olympia last Th'ursday to attend a luncheon given by he," sister, I Entitled "Christian Mrs. . 'R. Doble. in honor of tide lT. VIEW CHAPEL sisters. Mrs. Edna Stowell and Science, A Satisfying Mrs Ethel Erickson from Salt ! Lake City. ' ' '' - - --"- The 4-H Club met at the Slater .. Religion." -, 'home color o0000s=d tal00 ovor00: First Church ,of Christ, Scmnhst plans for the party to be held next by Robert Stanley Ross, Saturday at the Hi-Con anch. SHELTON . Master Ronald Joseph KMeeland Branch of 0 and parents. Joe and Rose, Were The Mother Churcl'r, The First Church of Christ, Scientist, '- C.S.B. up to the Hig'hlads Sunda¢, it Boston, Mass. " being Ronald's first day out since Subject Next .undav: of NeW YORK CITY twoC°mingwol, sh°'eao from th+ h "UNREALITY " Memler Of the Board of Lec- Miss Karen Kneeland spent Fri- day evening' taking care of her SUNDAY SCHOOL AT 9:45 For the p0iItry raiser who tureship of The Mother cousins, Dave and Mike Glove*', SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE AT 11 O'CLOCK while Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Glover WED'NESDAY EVENING MEETING AT 8 O'CLOCK We Have A wants a money - making Church, The First Church of attended a birthday party at Spil- Reading Room maintained by this church at 302 Alder Street, iflock of high egg producers seth's in town. open daily, except Sunday, from 2 to 4 o'clock. -  Christ, Scientist, in Boston, and Wednesdays from 6:45 to 7:45 o'clock. ,and m0e: profitable birds The speed of a champmn racing All are cordially invited to attend the servi'ces mad visit 'for mrket, select your Massachusetts. greyhound on an English course the Reading Room. chicks from US. Bred, for recenLly wa's timed a 525 yards FRIDAY, APRIL 4 28.99 seconds, or 37 miles at, CI'fURCH AT 302 ALDER STREET heall arm vigor, early ms- " ....... ,**._*..'..%.?.,.r..r..%.%.%.',**?**.'. * .% *"`-`*?*`?°-*--*--*--*-.*-*%*?*`%*d'*?**?**?"`*%*?*.%`%°*`"?**?**?**%*%*?``N*°.°%*?**`%?*?***`t*?**?*.**%******°%*** *"*' rarity nd g egg size. s o'clook ............... '.'. *, ,-..-*.-.-,"-, ..... "" ............................. " " " # We Hndle Under the auspices of FirSt ]4L al Church of Chest, Scientist, SUUIO 0i00JTd Ir00,,e s. 00tee, 7th' and Alder :! i • 1'2 Ilorth '6a"ffd' gt. " ' .... "' i Shelton, Wa:sh', '':" PHONr  O'=leill Il,tg. - Shetton t "BEHOLD MAN" " GOOB FRIDAY NOO00AY SERVICE Friday, April 4 12:30 P.M.- 1:15 P.M. Sponsored by MOUNT oLIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH WM, H. ALBACR, Pastor % T HOLY WEEK SERVICES PARAMOUN THEATRE Tlursda Evening'p8:OOoP-'m"TCandlelightu,¢ u.n v,,,. Communion Service, "A New World in GoOd Friday, 8:00 p.m.--"Words from the Cros." Rev. Bruce Grosec|ose, Rev. H. W. IAAH 53', 4.5: Surely He hth borne our griefs, and carried oui- sorrows Harshman:. , ., EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6 i! •.. Hewas wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniqui- - TWO BIG EASTER SERe/iCES: 9:30 a.m.--"What Does Easter Ne:n?" Mixed' Quartet and' Soloist. ties: the chastisemem of our peace was upon Him, and With His strifes 11:00 a.m.---"What Does Easter Mean?" Full Cimir and Soloist. 8:00 p.m.Eastcr Concert by the Choir. we are healed. FIRST NETHODIgT CHURCH. HARDW'ICI¢ W.' HARSI[,MAN, Minister . ,. • i " .t Pmg, ,6' N. m . '. eo 7 i: 1 i