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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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NEED/ti I D L M i,/( WAS HERE! PRODUCTION NOW ON HARBOR Tonight, Tomorrow et , KILROY Culminating years of intensive commodity and a favorite mater- Methodist Church ::ty south- research at developing an im- ial for industry. Any thickness nts with ,a proved surface for plywood, A. R, of llywood can be utilized as a Holy Week services at the First ,,on .00he, Phone Richard --vn"e ed th Do F Hi Wuest, preside&apos;nt of West Coast base for the "extra layer" of pun Methodist Church will be con- ticipate in ' : n e or or m Plywood Co. of Aberdeen, Wash., verized wood. ducted Thursday and Friday eve- mrs of a • • has unveiled an entirely new panel The surfacing is bonded porto- nings of this week, according to nbles.;luded The2'17 J.L. CA product ah'eady in limited pro- anently to the plywood by "set- announcement by the pastor, Rev. duction and scheduled for volume ting" or polymcrizing the mater- Hardwick W. Harshman. W/ Now he is ial ill great presses that apply A beautiful Candlelight Corn- .he Junior happy output within six months. d auditor- HARD ill his lleW All-Ahnninum Designated as "Welchboard" for both heat and pressure. These are munion service will be held Thurs- torch, the the firm official who discovered the same "hot presses" used in the day evening at 8:00 o'clock in the ,han and Mobilglide House Trailer and developed the material and manufacture of plywood now pro- sanctuary of the church and is the process for its manufacture, duced, open to all. This service will be 2.t "sup-r - the panel achmlly is plywood with Only exterior type plywood, unique in that events leading up resented a is Paying for itself as he enjoys it a smooth, hard, durable surface bonded with completely waterproof to the Upper Room scene as well igh School added. A. R. Welch, vice presi- adhesives, is utilized. The. fin- as those following in the Garden dent of the company and the in- ished panel of Welchboard is suit- of Gethsemane will be portrayed , received renter of the product, describes it able for outdoor as well as indoor in music and scripture with car- the girls' . as "plywood plus." use and can be painted or given ious lighting effects. A special lgh, trom- m called at Dick (Richard) Valley's Perfection and production of the other suitable finishes. It will mixed quartet composed of Mrs. refined product is of threefold siR- withstand repeated wettings, long- Lout LatEen, Mrs. Lillian Norvold, ;h, violin; 1525 Railroad Avenue nifiacnce to the Northwest and time soaking or even boiling. Charles Funkhouser and Bobby d Shirley . . ...... . .._o the nation: In surface appearance, the new Okano will handle all of the mu- te receive 1. It is an advanced panel mR- material is about the color of the steal backgrounds. Soloists for comments terial having all the inherent wood from which it is made, light this service will be Mrs. Lout Lar- trombone; strength and other physical prop- tan in the case of Douglas fir, but son and Mrs. Bernice Stewart, so- ridee Wiv- erties of plywood but with a su- uniform and without grain pattern pranos. r, violin; ., porter, completely smooth surface as the covering ply is comprised Folowing the communion ser- ute; Jean  , as a base for the finest of finishes, of minute wood fibers inseparably vice will be the Good Friday scr- ams, oboe;   The extra layeris formed of pul- bound together, vice on Friday evening at eight Boy Col- verized wood fiber, impregnated o'Mock. Rev. Bruce Groseclose, with resin and compressed under pastor of the First Methodist l00rench She's H ppy heat-and pressure. Gibb Me d t s, soprano, a 2. Plywood which, though struc- 0US ve o Church in Elma, will assist the • • " pastor in speaking on the "Words Twood,)ntest Whale. ' tin'ally sound, is not suitable for Seattl i Ph from the Cross." Special music-is work of Becsause Dressing Up for fine finishing, acquires appear- e n one also being brought from Elma for Schwarck Easter doesn't mean big ance properties surpassing even Company Switches the service Mrs 00osephine Dickey, "4 '-b" dADI that of the panels previously con- contralto, will sing "Prayer for rs. Done- bills for new clothes for sidered of top quality when faced Service" by Harvey Gaul and John crow, Jean al'ilN671} her. All it costs her is the with the Welch-developed homo- J.R. Gibbons, Olympia man- C. Steinberg, baritone, will sing on. Grant t Baldwin, price of an expert dry geneous covering, ager for the Pacific Telephone O'Hara's "I Was the Tree." Mrs, 3. Conservation of raw mater- and Telegraph Company for seven Harvey Hillman will be at the )erie Hill- cleaning, such as she'll ial is achieved as the layer bonded years, has been promoted to corn- piano for the Thursday and Fri- dent help- get at-- to the plywood is manufactured party division ,headquarters at So- day services. almost entirely from clean wood attle as division commercial em- 06 R waste at the factory that other- ployment supervisor for the West- NTED • " -' wise would be discarded or burned, ern Division. In his new capacity granted a The volume of panels produced his duties will be of a supervisory AUTOMOTIVE PAINTING o to Max CLEANERS & TAILORS can be increased perhaps 25 per nature in dealing with employ- GLASS INSTALLED rein Edna cent over that previously obtained merit and personnel matters. The GU., appointment, effective April let, R I D L E Y" S ar Mason IN "*NO  " • 215 S. 2nd St  Phone 86 terial (logs). • from the same amount of raw ma- was announced by W. J. Billings, Licensing of other plywood man- WestermDivision commercial man- Body and ' ufacturers to produce Welchboard ager. --- will be han(tled b'y the Plywood J.M. Thomas, manager at &b- Fender Works lnll 1 Research Foundation of Tacoma, erdeen and Hoquiam, will succeed PICKUP Wash., a non-profit research or- Mr. Gibbons as Olympia manager. ganization set up two years ago Mr. Gibbons began his telephone M|I  IDEAL by the plywood industry to work career in 1920 ill San Francisco arid on elimination of waste in plywood and transferred to Seattle in 1927. DELIVERY production and development of Before becoming manager here he Clrnul:R new products, held various positions in both the SERVICE Several of the other plywood general and business office in So- manufacturers of the ara already attle. ' WORK GUARANTEED are preparing for production of The new manager, Mr .Thomas; the material at an early date. has been manager at Aberdeen and NOW LOCATED AT There are a total of 33 fir plywood Hoquiam since June of 1937. He lIt• VIEW factories in 23 cities and towns started with the company in Seat- Next to Mr. View Grocery ] of western Washington and Ore- tle in 1922 and thru successive don. Combined they produce two- years of promotions Thomas has Phone 610 • thirds of, the nation's plywood, gained much managerial exper- the court- 14rt C. Eatwell y boy born m General ,rn to Mr. Saturday, n General PAINTED and y VARNISHED Dennis are Surfaces and • iri born at WOODWORK. Tuesday, crowds for Easter Sunday morn- ing, two morning services will be held: 9:30 a.m. mad 11:00 a.m. At the 9:30 service a mixed quartet will provide he musical back- .grounds with Mrs. Loul Larson singing "Calvary" hy Rodney. Mr. Douglas Larson will be the ac- companist for this service. At the 11:00 o'clock service the full choir will be used in the pre- sentation of two. beautiful an- thems: "King of Kings" (solo and choir), by Caleb Simper with Charles M. Funkhouser as soloist, and "Sanctus" (from St. Cecilia Mass") by Charles Gounod. Mrs. B. F. Houston, soprano, will sing the solo part with choral background. Mrs. Loui Larson will repeat her number !'Calvary" by Rodney. Rev. Hardwick W. Harshman will be speaking in both services on the theme: "What Does Easter Mean?" • I A most cordial invitation is ex- [tended to all to attend these serv- !ices. Use'the Journal Classifieds-- HEINIE HI LDERMAN,'S CHATTERBOX CAPE t RUGS and Crux of the new material is, of ience in Seattle as well as in Ab- '  UIHOLSTERV' course, .plywood--the material long erdeen and. Hoquiam. Mr. Thomas • RAM  ,.,r,,,,, recogmzed as a basic building is marr,ed and has three sons and i  .......... 00angegc ’l*VIl|l V?4 T[L3"%rd n ...................... . __ - a daughter. He will move his , ’ * / • i ,OR,,AIN | '|A-,l|**, family to Olympia as soon as V . t,. * . . . -'lUlflallUll| possible. <, SlidES DIStlI  vvvv,v,,,, "' " ' i " oy Mr. and  £ B [i  •  -,--- Other appointments for Olympia €  r   @ (By R J. Gallagher) include that of L Grey Beck Jr., , € ',[/ ownership ..... i '--'A ...... The P.U.D. building is progress- to the position of district traffic o Shelton's om i  ,. *,ru*a in at a very desirable rate by the supervisor with he'adquarters at , .  and PAN its former ":L,.,Z":€• :: ;! Oregon contractor and his excel- Olvmnia Mr Beck was nrevious- tsence, Mr. ' "'-" ,  "  -  • ,- , ' " 1[ • lent crew and to show our appre- ly traffm assistant in Seattle He mkery bus- '*'°=" ....  !!i , ......... ciation "we" the citizens of Clo- served with the U. S. Army"Sig* He ix a  , - ' .  i lldIliIIll I t -;:"" " :, *,t,,,,,,, u,,t quallum are throwing a real old- hal Corps for 5 years, holding the  dgh school -----,-', ....  "., .,., ................ ., ........... fashmned dance at Buck Prairie rank of Lmutenant Colonel at the rant while°f thiShe ;'.:'.'’,'V',.., ,,,;.. ,.:  uanS trom..v10o.r, . Hal on the 5th. oft April Those time of his discharge. Prior to 'c Ell. ,. ,. ,,, ,  @ who can.should br ng along some- the war he ws employed by the ::,?:Z'*;-:Y?: ' ','-Te ,D thing to add to the potluck sup- West Coast Telephone Company , ...... ;, ............. per and anyone br ng along his as assmtant eqmpment engineer. ' / 2,%-=-C:;! ":'<" i; musical instrument will be doubly - - mn be af- GezCO ' %VASIIiNG IABRICS c age. . . . ' r .... ' ; ........... The music will conmst of moun- lstlan CleIIce ,t ,, -r01 llarmetl oy 'aler tain music b- S-ike Hlloboki an .... .. . y p a , ;hased the {I ,,  . his acordion with Bob Gallagher Lecture Tom I. C. BerEt IU$ orrow | ! ........... ST acompanying on his Voodoo drum ......... ...... years as . :' u,u i uu • unrislan cience" "me lellglon ,NGE tn Ithis tel'- i" SI 1 a family's It's "tlle  , ' " i  ' '- __ ] i  SI|ELTON STORES hMJ;e LeG]:it]n tthoe pnOtend we [hich ileH fi" // :] : ' )resent are tp- # ll I stuments. I ture on Christian Sc"nce to be La said.  ’ .. :..: .:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:..:-.:..:..:..: .:..:..:..:..:-:..;..:..:..:..:•.:..:..:..: . I given at Irene S. Reed High School next Friday evening, April . o€ "OLVED anlaz,Og..v’' " , 4, at 8 o'clock. -: Robert Stanley Ross, C.S.B.,'the remains of , tILtf  klret y___ rl. 1_ J_. "T lecturer, comes from New York ' :o c,mp, a our rickets . . . City and is a member of-the Board ' Do notlettheAprilrain, mm : a fine new lids, tone arn IJ of Lectureship of The Mother Make you chill or bring you pain. 1 family ca- powerful radio, tOO.!  Church, The First Church 'of  Here's the health-drink you should get as 'I:iust:y' 0 YOU Won t ][lave to Stand in Lille to See the Christ, Scientist, in Boston, Mas- To protect you "from the wet. 'i ly blossom- delivery, while otCp]t"  , sachusetts. Mr. Ross is speaking (No, 8 in the Mason County Creamery ' 1 usefulness hands and O L  1)'- am ' . in Shelton for First Church of Scrapbook Contest for $60 in cash 1 tY'GuardRlmdeS,dis. F'U R N IIblY:J " A -- l n -- A . AII Christ, Scientist, here. ' 1 ! r I -- n   I  lan ' In arranging for the lecture, prizes.) " n • • / m m  I u 1 ,' 1 III the members of First Church of | cOMPS ,W 1    1 I --., 1  I 1 Christ, Scientist, of Shelton, be- mrel in Se- 1 'IL.   r lml 1   • lieve they are providing a means JII m m m  m m n I I I u m ! for reaching many people with I U ,ber of the  v n I l l / [] v • I answers to frequent questions -i Auxiliary ..... ""--  about Christian Science--what it Beattle and teaches, how it heals, why fhous- _! 3oat squad-   ands have become its adheremts. tuber of te 1 / 1 II A I  1 I  A cordial, invitation-is extended to Lsmd Rainierextensive lln n LmT1]li II  the public to attend. . i] new resort  I m  n w p I "m Use the' Journal 'Classifle : on 00ooo mwm n nw .1,n uu L L U the, really get results. [ .d a marine 'I  I I [] I W n m m I  " ISC, hag 12 fie with 20 A V J ' • C00ang Ci ng! Clang! boal'd craft _ FOR  d " ' " ' Next We00dnesday I a eadquarters PARTICULA snack, bar, ' a ishermcn, a ss the front ft. plete line of as retaining under way. lable to dr- ug place. is a marine sales and small craft !s, a small ors, a picnic 'amp, doub- Lrku'Ig area, wading pool cflities with youngsters. )w availahle llorc to be Lding condi- n the Coast 'cos for 3/ hich was on Mediterran- sablanca to :'ed a severc ting a ma- hospitalized lisabled 17 of the ten m 13th Nay- of hisdis- 5, acccpting :her than a "because I s anything a return to ft cure," he member of 'tsmcns As- ts n a m e d salmon der- A STETSON GIFlr' THAT LETS HIb.  II N H) • THE STETSO .€ - 1#  If the man in ’ou t 2a titular about pleSo.'[,f ))' choose his own E: , a StctsOI " ( - .0J ; , ]'acka e, he br ings f* ccr! ifi,gatc-pick s ]:'..,i; i t('IsOII fi'om ]nllltl*" slt,rc [ "  tt] ,  0)I I l[appy Easter . .b. tltO ]tettcr drop in soo time's getting hor ', SHELrON I-IOT Men00 Next Thursday APRIL 9 and 10 Sponsored by Fred B. Wivell Post and Auxiliary AMERICAN LEGION -- in the JUNIOR HIGH AUDITORIUM FEATURING ALL LOCAL TALENT Ifi a 2-hour Show of 14 Numbers SPECIAL SONGS -- TAP DANCES -- JOKES and Other Musical Entertainment SURE TO TICKLE YOUR MOST MOROSE MOOD ADMISSION: Adults 90’, Children under Twelve 42’ (including tax) (Profits go Into Legion's Athletic Fund) % . . e. t. € eet*’.,,.).) e). 4. *. €*'*''* % • •  • • • • • ffl HERE COMES THE ,AMBULANCE... z IS IT YOUR WIFE OR KIDDIES? GET YOUR FIRE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE NOW. AT THE: EDDY BUSINESS SERVICE 124 Third St. Phone 540 (Irene Chase, a junior high student, wrote this ad, which is entered in our contest. It will help her If you write ua a letter or card telling how you like it, Thank you, Eddy Business ,Service,) A5 LOW AS On the New qr’$fon’ DELUXE CHAMPION The Safemt, Longest-Wearing Tire Ever Builtl l'ew in designl ew in materlalst New In psrormanee! Up to 55% strongsr! Up to 60% mors non-skid anglssl Up to 32% longsr mtlsag6| BIIy he bestl 25€ Packago" Burpes'l Super-Oha,t i znNN0000 _ SEEDS  and Boautiful &AWN AND OARD|N 13Jrl 4100K Como In Todayl Reg. 4.98 / 00oLw 39e ee’h, I • Lltlhtw*ltlkt, Eai fo Cotry • Styled for Good Laolts Thoy'll Rave gasolino, onr motor and save your A "undaF Bag" for golfers battery. Yoa'll get quick0r Who carr their 011 club|, starting an'€l smoother per- 2Keavy white duck, leather formance. Firestone fins reinforesd. Zipper pocot, quality. Sixteen,Piece,.. I/2lnch Drive Supreme Quality SOCKET WBENCH SET ][6.95 You'll wonder how you ever did without ttl Precision bufl for accurate t. Thin walls make it possible to se in get-at places. Handles fit perfsctly; socksts 9an't fall off. Evsr7 piece chrome platsd, guy On Budget Witk ti Sktw Oil, You'll Have • Cetatet M. 7itesfone ii  [ L! iii!