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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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/ !l I' AR iEW PEOPLE who think of Mason Cnty as, abeef-p6tlucing area. Yet the fact is that sceral =reds in this county could be utilized profitaHy, and some are ali ' tfl 'iti  t,  /, : ]lnsi0n of this "industry" would bring ary bene, fitd, direct and indirect. Not only Would men and women find added opportunities for employment on farms and ranches, but a Wide variety of related enterprises would surely develop. There would be needf0r :iaddi, tionai feed and supply establishments, for shipping; packing and processing facilities. Certainly there iS ed be profitably utiIized for grazing. And the sum total of a stimuIation of every business activity for added pu Spread through the entire omnUniy.  raise beef cattle, however, has many ese are the same things which any businessman must consider. For when man eablishes a "business of his own"--whether it be fa,, ricl fj or storehe faces certain risks and He tt inest tme and money and work in the venture, He must buy his land, his buildings, his equipment, others to help him and he must pa going expenses, here is always the possibility that he He is Willing to take the Msk, however, because he hopes JMPsoN LOGGING COMPANY • to "get alad"--to: build his.future. The fact that his efforts wilt, in" the end, b$iefit: the ihote community is necessarily of SeCondary.consideration to the nn invoIved He' taking the risk for himself. That's the way people ae. ]t foltovcs, then, tlat men and women will not take these very neCeSsary risks uti'TSs the: ar Sstred of two basic freedoms: FirSt, the freedom of enterprise wli6h SyS; tlat they Can move out for themselves-£-and second, the fieedom which allows them to enjoy the fruitsof their honest labor if heir ventures succeed. TI tlings are basic. These are the inherent freedoms which have made Amer- ica great--the fundamental elements of the American way of life. Because indi- vlduals have always been free to plan and build  and to reap rewards- this natron has create d ttie highest living standard the world hs ever known. Be- cause idividuals have been given incentive, merican'anbtion and American Seit have develOped the finest strain of beef Cattle, and built thriving cities as' well as great prodctive plants.., schools and libraries and churches as well as farms and stores and factories. qsop C0unW--and L America--was founded and built on  fudall: lrln/tl t " m',. ¢n should have e ilght t 'Srl--slfld lad tlie rigl o t a business of his own and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. As a result, no other nation in the whole world can approach the tndultrial might of America. In no other nation has the standard of living risen so high for the individual willing to work for it. This , results from te A'm!ean Waj of Life, and is the pathway to • ah  greaer Ameri. wt W change it? The sponsoTs of this series of ad#ertlsement= devoted to com- miy bette!rent Kr clUe/ of lIiig €0i/my: They own libib ler. helr clideff 0  t;0 schbol Iiei-e. Tiie  have a deep sense of res.onsibllity to the Individual citizens and to changes which lli ,Kf th cm.uncy. They are interested in devel- oping  h6aIth cbrhmur/li;y ollowing the American Way of Life, and thus keeping America and Mason County strong for the generaUons to come, With this American ideal before us, the citizens of this country and this community can accomplish even more. Whether it be an expansion of a gretei  "beef" industr: or the creation of some entirely new endeavor, the way is clear.. Mason Countyand all America--needs but to examine the factors which have so far given so much .to so maffy . . . and then apply those same principles,with courage and com- mon sense. Ohe Of  series of advertisemelts devoted to community beterment. RAYONIER INCORPORATED  L,IERIIIqS IERCNtLB' e- ROY K|MbEL II¢E#RISES • G,IO. M. GRISDALE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • COMMERCE • MERICA'N FEDERATION OF t.AIOR LOCAL UNIONS OF SH'LTON I IHiON KIWANIS CLUB • WlN;E INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNTY SHELTON CHAMBER .OF 3, 1947. a LOH'S HATCHEF I MILE PAST SCHAFI LF LONGORA & E Care. Dancing 'Til 2 az POPULAR P L. A, Welsh, :J " 'Tt tke N OLVa,.,. ORIGINAL tlGN1 CAPITOL HI[ ]E XC]PT FOR SCH( A OTHEF SHEI WI HAVE BEEN WE WOUL00 APPRECIATION ] -ECEIVED FROM ENERAL OUR $3 wE ARE WELCO Veter WAI 1( CANS 5 Wool, FOUL --] KITS- AI