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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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s will, in the end, onsideration to the Way people are. ,cry necessary risks eedom of enterprise , the freedom which ventures succeed. .'h have made Amer- ,f life. Because indi- cap rewards -- this s ever known. Be- Ltion and American built thriving cities chools and libraries es and factories. the citizens of this )mplish even more. ter "beef" industr: adeavor, the way is but to examine the mh to so many... th courage and com- M ELTON CHAMBER .OP I 00pri, 3, 1047 I- i LON'S HATCHERY PAVILION I  MILE PAST SCHAFER STATE PARK  LEE LONGOR[A & HIS ORCHESTRA Cafe. Dancing 'Til 2 a.m. Sat., & Holidays POPULAR PRICES L• A. Welsh, Prop• M;'/li'ons of temperate people enjoy BEER, the refreshment beverage "v I{ ,.!,/:) SLmSTON-S0 COUNTY JOtmNAS Belfair " "0 I THE FORUM A LOR VIEWPOINT By George R. Clifton, Business Agent, Local 38 I.W.A. One of the major contributing factors toward the confusion and unrest "that exists today in the field of labor-management rela- tions is fhe simple fact that far too many persons totaly unquali- fied for the task have taken it upon themselves to remedy mat- ters by proposing a long list of impractical and unwise legislative panaceas. Such persons range all the way from the ewspaper let- ter-box contributor to some high ranking executives in the Federal government, and in between there fumes and raves a multitude of law-makers, columnists, r a dio commentators, editors, lawyers, etc. Labor relations is a profession in itself that requires considerable training, experience, and an in- born knowledge of human nature that cannot be acquired by college degree alone. The closed shop and its several variations undoubtingly leads the Ladies Bible Study class will meet Tuesday, April 8• at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Opseta. Mrs. Charles Knauty of the American Sunday School Union is the leader. Anyone interested in the study of the Bible is cordially invited to attend. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Thompson and sons Jack and Ted motored to Seattle and Tacoma on Satur- day. Mrs. Jack Thompson and Slfir- ley, Mrs. W. B. Thompson and Mrs. Alice Barber, motored to Chimacum, Wash., one day last week to visit and bring back Mrs. Thompson's mother, Hattie Brooks• Mesdames J. S. Ahl, R. W. Ca- dy, Jr., attended a Mason county club meeting of the Fine Arts in Shelton Monday evening. A large crowd attended the Bel- fair fire department dance Satur- day night. Music was by the Earl Daby orchestra of Bremerton. This was the opening dance and there will be a dance at the hall every Saturday night. Prizes were awarded to the best dressed cou- ple, also a door prize was given. Mr. and Mrs. David Crosswhite list of labor practices that these entertained old friends from South self st led 'labor experts' would j Y Dakota this last week. abolish on the grounds that they Mrs. Garlan Crosswhite and are 'un-american:, and an infringe- children visited Mrs. Crosswhite's merit upon the liberties of the mother in Seattle this week. worker. Yet the present day sys- ,r tern of FederalS'State, County and - City tax collections are founded upon the theory of the closed shop; that those benefit from the many H 0 M E services of government, law en- forcement, fire protection, courts of appeal," public schools, roads, L 0 A N S etc., shall bear the cost of compul- sory taxation, as the employee who enjoys the benefits of Union wages and hours of labor, paid  Convenient Terms vacations, grievance committee, etc., likewise bears the cost of administration through the pay- I.O.O.F. PRESENTED 25:-YEAR JEWEL TO MEMBER At the weekly meeting Wednes- day night, March 2 , of the Odd Fellows Lodge, Newell Ellison was presented a 25-year jewel. The pro, presented by James Frazer on behalf of the ladge, was one that had been worn by his father, the late David Ellison. It had been a 50-year jewel and was remade into a 25-year jewel for his son at the request of the elder Mr. Elli- son. James C. Wiley, former member of the order, was admitted to the lodge by reinstatement and was welcomed as a member. Visitors of Shelton Lodge No. 62, I.O.O.F., Wednesday night were T. J. Watts of Hunting Park, Cal- ifornia, and Paul Raynor of Car- thage, South Dakota. A luuch folowed the meeting. p Sheltonian Serving on Historic Navy Cruiser James S. Listen, 23, electric- ian's mate, first class, U.S.N., hus- band of Mrs. Beverly Jean g, iston of 1111 Pioneer Rd., Shelton, is serving aboard the light cruiser USS Springfield on Pacific Fleet maneuvers. The Springfield, one-of the na- tion's honored ships, began its his- toric career in commissioning cer- emonies .held at Boston, Mass., Sept'• 9, 1944. After her shake- down cruise to Trinidad in the British West Indies, the Spring- field entered combat action with the famous fast carrier task force, known as Task Force 58. At the close of the war, she was the first United States cruiser to anchor in Japanese homeland wa- ters. IIONOR TACOMA VISITORS Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bennett of Tacoma, former Shelton resi- dents, were weekend guests at the i Holy Week Services ut St. Edwards Open Today Holy week and Easter Sunday services at St. Edward's Catholic Church opened with the Holy Thursday high mass followed by a procession at 9 a.m. At 7:30 this evening a holy hour will be con- ducted. Good Friday services will consist of mass of the presanctificd and adoration at 9 a•m. In the eve- ning at 7:30 o'clock a ceremony of the stations of the way of the cros will be conducted and an appropriate sermon will be pre- sented. At 7:30 a.m. blessing of the Easter fire and Easter candle, prophecies, blessing of holy water and baptismal water will comprme Holy Saturday. High mass will bc heard about 9 a.m. Confes- sions will be heard from 3 to 5:30 p.m. and in"the evening from 7:15 to 9 p.m. The high mass of the resurrec- tion o£ Our Lord will be held at 8 a.m. Sunday. The second low mass with appropriate hymns will be conducted at 10:30 a.m. At 7:30 Easter evening devotions and benediction will be presented. Dis]icy Uses Live Cast In 'Song of the South' Strong cmplsis on the human equation-- a full ving cast-- is Walt Disney's lte expansion in the motion picture ield. It will be seen in his 'first live-action feature, a musical drama in Technicolor. 'Song of the South," incorporating the Uncle Remus legends of Joel Chandler Has'is in animated art: Previously live action was spcc- tacularly combined with animation in The Three Caballeros, also in Technicolor, but there the live per- sonalities were incidental to the' antics of the animater characters• In the current RKO Radio release, the living performers are the ma- ..... Page.,, 11 Margie's Taxi-Gr0cery (formerly Heinle's Taxi-Grocery) FIRST AND PINE Open Evenings -- Sundays Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for GROCERIES--MEAT'S--,VEG ETABLES ICE CREAM-'CANDYSOII? DRINKS HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT RICHFIELD OIL PRODUCTS  AOTO SUPPLIES II I I I I I HILLCREST CLEANERS LET US HELP YOU PROLONG THE LIFE OF YOUR WARDROBE Garments Frequently Dry Cleaned Last Longer and Retain That New Appearance V A'd ], "& Reasonable Rates ment of dues. In both govern- 140 Olympic Highwa3  ments and unions, taxation must home of Mr. and Mrs. George jor elcment, and the animation '"] TA I J " be c°mpuls°ry' f°ritisthe same' Cr°pper" Saturday evcning' Mr• treatment °f the fables while it NO DELAY "something for nothing Joe" who and Mrs. Maurice Kinsey were provides motivation, is secondary (Corner of Elinor and Highway) would cheat on his income tax hostsfor a dinner party at the to the principal drama. ll. v-.t LJ I ' and never pay any others if he Colonial House honoring them could get away with it, it is the and during the evening other vvvvwvvvwvwvwvv,,yv Pickup and Delivery Service 1 I ! frieds dropped in at the Kinsey It sti I l d "It's tke Water" / Mason County Say ngs same deadbeat, this shirker of re- ar ne s an QUAL,TY SERVICE -- REASONABLE PRICES sponsibility, who objects so siren- hence to visit with Mr. and Mrs, & Dean Association uously to the payment of Union Bennett.  , ................... The Harstine Women's '"'Club P H O N E 6,7 7 ! LIGHT TABLE 1E E| NG COMPANY', OLYHPIA dues. meets this Thursday with Mrs. Ce- OLyu,. • WASHINGTON, U.S.A. Title Insurance Bldg. That labor organizations have VISIT PARENTS HERE lia Glaser instead of with, Mrs. 1 I I I I I II curtailed the freedom and liber- :ht/rs. Marjorie Jo Crary of La- Mary Johnson as first planned ties of the wage earner is the big- - ' ' - JolI arrived Wednesday of last which makes a very good April q|||||||l|||||l|||||||||||||||||l||||||||||||||||||||'- serv u u/'wg-e'e'-u° s---, v -" ". -''-''l='"=i=:'= week by plane to visit for several fool joke on us all. . • " wedks with her parents, Mr. and We have two very proud new, . it is alon cry from the unorgan- , . . . C • I . g Mrs. J. W. Graham. She also plans car owners, Irvie Wmgert with a = I APITOL HILL BUS SERVICE STOPPED lzeddy.whenw_°r?Ic?te to Visit her brother-in-law and sis- new International pick-up truck ---- A  D ---- severea zrom m ma ,v,- . . . = ...... • -^ ,nriatnu.q whim nf  ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perdue m and Lyle Htchcock wth a con- = TIIIV IJ11 dlb 'llqf = EFFECTIVE APRIL 5 ,%:, 'othere-sen•t day Union Spokane. . vertible Chevrolet coupe. I----, . " ": ....... ;- 1 nl --  A lot of the men olks of the -- = grmvance committee; a o g ways ..... work--' under - s"ste ..... I--  • "  ......   .... " '" island are busy slashing for the _-- . : PT FOR SCHOOL RUNS" - from the hme when to express bitrary mandates to the resent • .. . ,. , -- " . " - - , : ................ aia o'inion on nearly any ; .................. P .... qew power hue whmh ,s expected _ Given Each Nlgllt of 0tlz _ . . • z-" " v. -  era of COlltk;tLvt ua/'alllL wSu- . .,   AT 8.30 A. M. -- 2.45 P. M. -- 3.45 P.M. subject that might be distasteful ' rl r of before fal!.  ...... [_ ' , tmtmns. The orgamzed we .(e . . -- ' O " • /'ne Jack lrarroil sSmlly ot Ta.• -- to your employer was t: inwte today enjoys a freedom undreamed ..................  , ......  ,. ,h, [: . : immediate discharge or aemotmn • . , • -, ................. -, .......... ----   OTHER RUNS TO BE ON SCHEDULE tu ...... tuda when a worker may speak of by hm gzandfather.• - . . Hugo A. Glaser home. ------ • __-- lrT'lT rll /'iT /'Trlar T T']T'[I . hismind either indvsdually or col- ....,.P .... *,, ,, *h,, -e-taole of[ Capt.. Tom Mils of.the..Azmy : BI !1 1 _I1!1t1 ! = Y . . One ecuhar paradox or our ec ..... .  n  I_a I u±l  n at at  • x, •a  leetivelv wittmut fear of reprisal; '.'"...'"::o'.',::,'  ;ose I mae.. am y a snor vm] over : lllli , fill Ill , , =o , , =h ,,o == •  P' Y' 'g . . II II- Sponsored by Eagles Drill. cam 0 e n " . . , " • Union negotiations, applauaing I I I / = ] .. ...... .... • and supporting'legislation ".de,:J[ YT,,= ...... 1 D,,,,, [/: . . " v ' Ig]r  /mllUnllnml mlpulnln ' •/power of the Unions with the in',T -' .... I/= Anrll '.|.'r'.m, /H -- Zh : A ,r , Ill ' , ievitable consequence of loweredll nTnT?l lie  ......... --- . N m mini | !wages and subsequent reduetion ofll L'lYl5 "'- = -1-1 -1-/m U Ld 1 Iprofits to the store keeper. [I [1: " l  l I l "nup-  , • I Reference is frequently made by I I I/" --in--- " • . 1 [the "experts" to the need o11 (1Iii] I/= = III 1  A l1 • I "equality" in bargaining relations[[ *==' " " I|' ' ' = rlr' r ]11 • Ibetwoen the employers and the II It:     r ....   I Uniofis, mean that the Wagner r r    = !llml I .-l-llll/ l Act, designed to reduce the eo()"" il FII IINGS 11= EL] MALL _ I'lll ll'w I I 1 l °mie handicap that formerly re-tl It" ............... _= " m srainea millions ot workers irom II /'  I/. -k, uru Pu v __. , , I1 organizing, should be abolished or [I for Complete Installations I|: : l/ " so amended that a corporation -  .E HAVE BEEN IN YOUR CITY ONLY A SHORT WHILE -- AND AT THIS [ with several milion dollars back-t[ 11. Series Ticket $950 her Person (Including Tax) : .'1 "  ing will be placea on the same : .... " ..... -- i .LE WE WOULD LIKE TO TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY OF EXPRESSING OUR I] level as a worker with five chil-II [, , • 1[r.; _ _ 1"_ lie  [PRECIATION FOR THE "COURTESY AND THE COOPERATION WE HAVE l] dren and a mortgage on his home[[ talvln WllSOll %o./l.= ...  [ , = I_CEIVED FROM THE LOCAL BUSINESSMEN, AND TIIE,'PATRONAGE IN |l--ere n° °idas !r;:n upilo,li HOODSPORT-.HONE ,0 [I i .NCIG 9 to 12 .  ' ,. NERAL OUR STORE HAS BEEN RECEIVING. YOU HAVE MADE US FEEL 1 amongst well info m p p t a II ' /I.= ' ' = ' W ,, , thm new concern over the hbcr / " ,. E ARE WELCOME. "THANK YOU, . U[ tils m'd ' i'ht to work" of" tl; [[ [ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||l|||||||||||||ll||l|||||||||||||l||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||` - , • II , 'g I ..... -'" ................ ----- ...... --rr,- ----'  m - •I individual is just a smoke screen {  , ....  • to cover up a nefarious plot to   '' SEEVIUt0000viv;P00 00VI00KUArcHt, lldestro., or cripple the Unions to II ,,, , . " t such a extent that the clock will ................ - - *" ii:. Veterans---Lloyd Martin, Jerry Brand, Tam Hutchinson ' I[be tur:edbac-.t°- the' day-s-)f--t!--e' ] e e"-I]Ma HflM nuItnllG = . . llopen snop, inmwuua u,r/mmg I I e ¢¢ev mmm,u,,,uwp=, ,,,,,,,- ,,,,,,- l land complete wage slavery. It is I I ' ' • .  further suspected that this fat§el I ' ' concern over the workers rights '.. WID lllTDDTnl[la _Dl_!_TIT_a U]alongwlththesa0000s%00e[hPlay00dl[ 41 I D°'"E on Odd Size . - :l  ,, U-'[,ILII, ih Vli"lllk ][concern overthe rig s . P. " I |  jll .l[ 11%J . ' ,, ' ........... lllic,.neither much in evidence cur- I I 1 •  i -- ' L • - " , , ] ling the depression years, will bc | 1 •   h "--- - ' . ' II[ quickly forgotten when the aims I | l • -- ........ , .w . 'v , w, w ., m. A ... ,,v CAN00 00allon % VirgincomnleteWOOl,wlth84.-ad]ustable96 ...................... snout ....... ..." $1.253"95 l lwith labor probeas through 1;al'l: r I , i , i t. J  J   jff r . , .11,1 ..... "i"" 1 e¢erience than all the ll ' PLAN AHEAD FOR ECONOMIC BUILDING. You can uric- U ; . v ....... *, ', .... } , Zk-._ 117,,i /O/ Th, , , lal R,,v . . ..... nalr |lrest of bis Republican colleaguesl| ize this opportunity to make a substantial saving |n your ' ,ii lJhr WVUUI, /u /t/. JLXt t t, xw.,¢z Jtaj ....... • • •. • • • • l""r r l|t,o'-*hr has voiced somewhat thel|" construction costs by planning ahead and providing for :; "1 ..... e  , " ' ' wi ' " , - . .fl |/same o inions as outlined here II o s,zed sash and windows by confer,,ng th us f,rst. 00-YY FOUL WEATHER PARKAS-- Waterproof ....... . ..... '' CleaPaway all'the smoke of con -/I , ' i tt[ " 3 len ' • ' fusion, distortion, false argument[ . = , ¼ gth ................. $3.95 llandintenUoaldeceptlonfromthell .   " r,,, ¢' ", " --. • ¢.t " l llabo•-m=mgement scene and be-II L ( . ., ,,-'.COATS black rubberized, 4 o m ers llCnlCS . . , .... ; .... zO 1]hold. we discover nothing more II ..... •   l :3-'" " ' L " ,_ 11'1' Aluminum. 00couts, ua p , . . _ ....... o,, ,. o, :, . , r x  lithe Almighty Dollar. II . _ . - . , .r'/.(-,. _" .:::.:::':);/ '. g.,*' . I ' - I1"| TO SVGAn ' I I!1111 g]....l . ,,., i. .]-e:Yi.;OX' ' IIi mlllt [ t |[ Whereas: Officials of thc gov- [ I111111 'g\\;[I  _ o ,'-, [:;=¢:=-:=::=.::;:i;u4;\\; ' 1 . illlmmmlu¢ ------ I public announced that they plan to "| I IIIIIlflk\\;    ,- ,:;L . I1ti ]!|:P'tfE('] .:= "¢ltlhltl [II ,' • . , ". • -  %z.-.'6; ' "' '". •" ,;. i ,  , }.  allot an increased sugax zatmn of ......... L: ... "" ' " " . , = ....... :" '  I .':'  L pE-7 """"S FRAMING S OUARE 50 STEEL TAPES I to commercial users and I 11111115--0000'0000m00' ": I: txat vyl.JJlJtuo mm-.v.__._- ,..__'_..''__.'__'..2_=".".[n,-, • I detriment of the low lncomll |t1111 I \\;!L[e2&BB -r_=::-=.   . '  L ' ". " t EW n,r., n[VID][ Ul]l'l' WII_NjlII; • I groups and farmers and, I '1111 I .\\;l -_=.=-5=... . W'm ..... 3  Whereas: Those who cammt  .... I. WOOD CHISELS FILES soc00T SE00S, I100=,o for home use, or ca,, £ruits I '",t . L' | • • ' ..... . greatly increa.ea p "c , a cy , [ EI[) JAfUZWTl T:[....+.... W..,.,.,= I . SPOONS I KNIVES n I cannot afford to pay, and I " ",I/  & I['PPo lh [I ' u. zxXJl]kl.NJ.tO I lll[lIllll llkllIqKg= I .• . [ " • I ' Whereas" This condition helps to I I ' " 1 • - ll[IrRll . UF_. _ lll> ,s Sta|nmss  eeu teel q, I[ t,__t, Cut, zi-oe I KA-BAR, Finished Blade [ . [ Stainless S II [maintain a one-sided demand for II . . ,. _ .  r4r ,. 3r.. =,,t '00.9o L z.00] --y 15.1 I I m. ,=.,,d,=.= II =°°= °"" oo =.oODo,OKSurer  0 I- ., ei  With Heavy " . . sugar by corn .'C" ..., • . ' , , ;r .A _q5 I ' ' =,,.= ,,, .o,,00ooo , N ' t $ • " $ " " ' '-' ' ' " " SCREE 0 q • REAL VALUE , . tons of fruit that Woukl othcrwisc " gallon . J. A [ .S"-- --  ,r  'r ..... - ....... 1 I be canned by home users. " | , and , K." I F '  - " FAiN . ' • Thcr,>fore bc it resolved by this " lie,|0. KIIS I TRAYS n Sun Tan '1'1 Sun Tan SHIETS I Shelton Gra,We N(, 403 in rc- [ I,,,.T,,,lltr t'allXT .... " I[ ,¢laga, leld Kits- Full Packl Stainless Steel, 6 Comnartmentsl . ,de., we  a,te I REAL VALUE I ular session this 6th day of March, I M., ,o o,,., . . -- .-#--L Z._, -u --o , " DLe " 6 ........... " .... |l-f ,' Watch mnJ| Beautiful ,4] Wasna .: _. 1 All 1 , 1 ]1947, G ° on record favoring the | lLm, --A --,. L,. .. . r.v'/,w, k,:' 0ase. For /lfllJ c'ners" m;:il51 ComfQrtame, ,V 1 oU[ Sizes t u ,¢a 1 [allotment of any increase in sugar | I, w tr, 'l [] IIF[I7 f t' ",,et F ""' ' -- Dress  - inuu L' .tX. ! "--Z ''°'s.  I .Picnic :v I Y I  N I rationing to the individual, mttil I ...... 2 . EW m 4 mil m [].y |1" |. '__ , • ]there is an a.dequaLc supply to fill | Be Heaoy tor tnose pr|ng " ' m , uu,,,p' ' • I all needs, I and Summer Pests A Paint for Every Purse and P0rpose .... • ] And be iL further resoLw,d that I . L [] iv  -- m • ! . 1 copies of this resolution bc sent to | . | oervlcem - ,,o =,o,.,: Mason County Po- , .  j Fred Norman, Harry P. Cain en- I .... ' 'ator ' T I ST n . ' e 420 SOU H F RST . ' • PHONE 56 CTa00Uo.l00lrl-ll00.l/T MOTOR CO. By the Resolut,on Commltte, I kDl/lllA AI.L-L" Ohairman, Mrs. A. E. Lemke, | Owned and Operated by Everett Dillon and JocSin psoJt : i Member Mrs. S. I. Beers, " ] I Katie Cooke, Secy, (Seal) , , , ........ --,'