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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I COME ONE -- COME ALL GOOD CLEAN FUN AT MEMORIAL HALL Every SatUrday Night Dancing 9 P.M. to i A.M. SPONSORED BY GENERAL WELFAFE C-UB i i i e TR .NSPLANTING PLA:NTS DEMONSTRArED TO (}itOUP M el Newman presented a dem- onstration on transplanthg straw- berry plants before members of the Sbuthside 4-H Club last Thurs- day evening. Nancy Handley, as- sisted by Beverly King, gave a demonstration on padding a nail keg vanity bench. Plans were discussel for a so- cial to be given next month to raise funds to send members to Pullman. Due to the ('chest'a and band contests, the club meet- ings have been Shifted to Friday, April 4. and April 18. SPRING IS PL, YTIME Casual and Comfortable MISSES' SLACKS $6.90 ' Softly tailored Slacks with tv,o mannish type pockets, smooth zipper Closings. strtitter's clbth', ih new colors. Sizes 12 *to 20. ! Play-Perfect BLOUSES $3,98 Short and long sleeves; pas- tels, wliite and pHnt; c01- lar and jewel neckline styles. Rayon crepes and jerseys. 32-40, SuEh Bright Colors . . . • . . Such Unique Combinations WOMEN'S PLAY SHOES , $3.98 A colorful assortment of s.and is, sling-pumps a n d 6., etl tisl A!I raised on df vqeg-, 1 a t f o r ms Brigl   fabrics, Suriny lea- thers. Let 'Cm Live in DENIM 8MARTALLS $1.19 Sturdy, practical, of San- For Sunny-Weather FROCKS $1.98 toddlers, 1 to 3! forlse dm in fadetl Stripctl and flol'al seer- blue with red stitching, suckers and cotton with TIey'U save mother lot ruffles, leoekets, eyelet- . work! Size*B1 *'  ............. Here'S a BUy! COtton Plisse SUNSUITS $1.98 Cut sun styles that can I bb Whisked in rtd out of the tub without ironing! Washfast colors, sizes 1-3 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Charles Stentz Guest of Honor Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Stewart en- tertained Suflday aftern'oon ia hon- or of Mrs. Stewart's father, Mr. Chirles Stentz, on Iris 76th birtl- day. The StewarUs Bayshore home was decorated with a piofusion Of Spring flowers.including daffodils and wild cUrrant. Durihg th(, af- ternoon two birtiday cakes were t)resented the honor gnest. Guests included Mr. SteLtz' grandson and wife, Mr. and Mrs. William Feringer of Seattle, an- other grandson, Dick Feringer of Seattle, his granddaughter, Mrs. William Lindersrnith of Seattle, and her two children, Bhrbara Ann and Jimmy. Guests from Olympia included the honored guest's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John' Stentz; his nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs .Waldo Stentz, and their son, John Stentz, Who was aecom- lYanieq by iris fiancee, Miss Jerl YfcNeely. , . , The Stewarts Children, Sally ahd Gary, assisted their pttrents in the hostessing dtties. EP|SCO1PAg ctttitt-H CALENDAR Friday, April 4, Good Friday s'ervices Wih be hekj at 7;30 in the evening :at the home of Mrs. Bertha Grisda!e. Easter Sunday, services will be held at the same place, at 7:30 p.m. with Reverend James Mur- ray in charge. Monday, April .7, the regular Guild meeting will be with Mrs. Don Clark, starting at 2 o'clock. Tea wilt ,be served at the close. FridaY, April 11, Mrs. Marian Garlahdof iremert0n Will glv a bOk regid@ at the hbmb of Mi's. charles Lewis. Admittance will be by ticket ,only and they,may be pUrchased lrom any Guild mem- t/e. , ' ' t , LESSON00 Children and Adult TAP, TE, bLLET, BALLROOM, ACROBATIC and All tyles Every Wednesday to 6 Shelton Eagles Hall Phone Union 385 AMO 8heltOn, Walh. Tliiirsllay - SatuSday TWO FEATUdS ! *:I' "FABULOUS SUZANNE" .... and-- Eddie Dean "ROMANCE . OF THE W00ST" Sunday - Wednesday, Ai-il 6 - 9 Secial Eate Attraction IN ClNE-COLOR "GALLANT BESS" Thursda ...... -S-0'C I--'['-- - .......................................................... Nort h,less4"YEAI'OLDFouRTI[A party BIRTHDAYhonoring.on hisCELEBRATES fourthD°naldbh'thdayGerald , , was held at the home of iris par- Artistic Efforts Of Students To Be Displayed Mason county school children will have some Of their art work displayed at the Fine Arts Fes- tival "sponsored by the Mason CoUnty District FederatiOn of women'S. Clubs in coni]ei:tioh with their converition in Shelton TueS- day_ May 6 Grades one througi e!ght have been invited to enter exhibits in the state-wide school contest arranged by the State Fedet,atloh; announces Mrs. J. S. Abl, DistriCt Fine Arts chairman. After display at the Fine Arfs Festival in the :Baptist Clmreh, the Wbrk of the local sliool children will be taken to the State cohven- lion May 27 in Seattle for judging; with prizes tb be awarded the three best Schools. Arrangements are being made t6 inch|de seine outstanding work dens by jufiior high and high s¢lool rt students in tee Fihe Ai-ts tegtival exhibits. The Club- women would like to Offer prizeK JlJ he aid of busthesS pebple in- threated In aiding the deVe|0Pmeit df talnf among the yoUfig artists, accbrdifig to Mrs. C. E. -lil, pres- ie,h 0f th DiStrict Federation. • Ii adition, to art displays, the sO,eels haw beefl ivtted to dis- play afly Studerit achievtmeflt in m us I c composition, iterature (vee, eSayK 9tc), ihotbgfaphy, needlw0rk crafts arid flower ar- rangemens ..... • , . ,. A:ll 'orgni.ati0ns and residents of the eot]gty are being qrged t0 fi'nte thhip Whisk in the May 6th ¢hibi.i Ther Will be no prizes or judgiitg, With the ecdpti01i of the ached1 art. The fibpos is to Urigver and enJby the hiddefi re- .Seiirce of talent in the commun- ity. The ariel;|men Will open With a pr0gi'am featur|iig 16ca ai'tists and ,;il| be 6pen to the public • AD;ohe intel;6§ted, .centact Mrs. J. S. Ahl, Belfair, f0r informa- tion.or an exhibit chaii'man. Mrs. Bernhard Wifiiecki, Sheltoh, is tm!c e>;hi]it; chairman; Mr£ R. • Cady, Beffair, communit chairman; Mrs. Ralph o. Union, photography; Mrs. Willard, Shelton, flo:er arrange. ments. Others Will be announced latei': Clubs affiliated with the Dis- trict Federation are working in their communities to arouse inter- est in enteriLg exhibits and will have someone appointed to entries to Shelton. HOODSPORT TO HAVE WEIA3OME SIGNS It looks as though Hoodsp0rt is about to have some roddSide wen come signs. Thursday night il the Ho0dsport School, at the meeting, Robert was appointed chairman a cominittee to look into tliis matter. Dusty Rhodes; recent purclmser, of Horseshoe auto camp, was ap- pointed chairman of the Salmon erby committee for this summer. A committee consisting of Rob- ert Bearden, Mel Bearden and wDUSty Rhodes was appointed to ork on the Sportsmen's Forest float which is to be en in the parade, Those nominated fbr president t0 be voted ulhon ext month are Duane Meade, Archie Callahan and Merrill Stark. Vice President, • Merrill Stark, William Gilbert and Irvin McVay. TreaSurer, Leo Johnson and R0ertcBiarden, Sec- retary, Mrs. Ruth Meade and Mrs, T. B. Smith. These people and other nominations from the floor 9re to be voted up0n at the April 24th meeting, so everyone come. Delicious baked beans as cooked by Mrs. Hazel Cornwall were Served bY  Merrill Stark, Harry Thdtsday' Friday retold Bulling ahd Lee April 10-11 -' ,lmrdt. Moving pictures were' also shown. TWO FEATURES W.C.T.U. TO MEET FRIDAY AFTERNOON Shelton Woman's C h r i s t i a n Temperance Union regular month- meeting will be held Friday, pril 4 at the home of Mrs. Cora epner, starting with a 1 O'Clock pot-luck luncheon. . Devotions wil be .led by .Mrs W. M. Elllott, and the program charge of Mrs. Robert C. ;& cordial nvitati0n is ¢o all vomen to fittend. Adams Celebrate 44th Wedding Anniversary The 44th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. George N. Adams was marked Sunday by a celebra- tion at the home of their daugh- ter, Mrs. Georgia Miller. Leila Le Clare and George Ad- ams were married March 30. 1903. bd the Bey. Myron Eells In the o school house which was sit- uated where their home now stands. Rev. Eells,presented the couple at that time with a Bible inscribed "Presented to George and Leila Adams by Myron Eells. Search the Scriptures, John 5-39." Those present at the anniversary party included Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam (Scotty) Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Crane, and Mrs. Grin- rod, all of Slelton Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Shepherd of Lilliwaup, Mrs. Daisy Donglas of Fort Lew- is, Mrs. Kurt Lange and the Lud Andersons of Union. Others seated at the table included Archie Ad- ams and eleven grandchildren. ents, 2028 Hay Street. Wednesday, March 26. Refreslnnents consisted of in- dividual cakes with candles, a single large birthday cake and ice cream. The tiny guest of boner received many gifts from his young g*uests. Those present included Gary Russell. Chuck and Richy Nehring, Alan Bell and Mrs. Nellie Bell, Louise, Carol and Janet Wenz, Mrs .Hazel Wenz, Billy Gaines, Rochey Hanlon, Raymond and Carol Daniels. Son and Butch Daniels, the honored guest's great- grandfather, Mr. Bell, and his grandmother and grandfather, Mr. and Mrs. Nehring. TO ATTEND SERVICES Members of Laurel Court, Or- der of the Amaranth, will meet Sunday morning at 9:15 a.m. in the Masmie Temple. All will at- tend the 9f30 a.m. Ehster services at the Methodist Church. TOWNSEND CLUB TO MEET Shelton Townsend Club No. 3 will imld its regular meeting Sat- urday, April 5, at 408 Cots St., at 8 p.m. The usual business meeting wilI be followed by re- freshments, bingo and cards. Ev- eryone is welcome. TOTEM CURIOS @ ON BEAUTIFUL HOOD CANAL -Mile South of Uplon t , CLEARANCE SALE Navajo Rugs, Blankets and Saddle Blankets Only 20% Reduction To Make Way for .New Merchandise SALE TERMINATES AT 8 P. M. MARCH 16, 1947 e No Phone Orders or Mail Orders ,I Do Your Purse A Favor by Your Home with Our MOdern Plan!! Come in real soon and let's have a chat about homes and see hoW We can help you awn one of your own. Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan AssociatiOn DIRECTORS CARLTON i, SEARS V. BRIDENSTINE G. W. DRAHAM K. L, PARTLOW HAZEL WALMER REb HOLIV H.C. BRODIE • FOR LATZEL WE DEI 'W Pr0tect the qualit touches give CUe by ttiodei;n methods ; :atw°rkmanshi t " GRATSINGEE able charges.  . TELEPHON s,.G,. * • 510 E. ]th Ave., ()l, t'" ' "* "':""':" .......... " .......... X. ''' ' ': ,ON FARMERS NEW-. SAVE MONEY. You Pay One Flat Premium Each Six Months and r' $5,000/$10,000 BODILY INJURY LIABiLIII.• t $5,000 PROPERTY DAMASE 80./20 COLLISION FIRE & THEFT CURRENT SIX MONTHS RATES FOR /Insert Clfy or County) TERRITORY' a ou;h: " " ,, ", ,, , .. 40, 4l Buick Spl.; 39, 40 Chrysler 6 Royal . O,0 '39, '40, '41 DeSofo 6; '40, '41, '42 Mercury J .u $12 00 lifetime Membersh| Fee af Incetlon of poltcY'. ' -  1" SUBSTAHTIAL SAVINGS ON OTHER MAKES AHD yEAR BILL PEARSON 118 E.'Grove - Phone 654 OSCAR 1st & Grove - We Are To Pleased AnnoUnce Our Appointment As An AUTHORIZED RADIO O RADIO PHONO(APH REFRIGERATOR AND FREEZER D¢AL¢R We invite you to come in and to see our select displaY,:l Philco radios and radi0-phonographs. We have a complete u,, vrgic * ' . , . o your headquarters for comfortable living! PHILCO The Leader FAMOUS FOR QUALITY THE WORLD OVER "SEE US FOR COMFORTABLE LIVING" Olympic Furniture Co, 321 Railroad Avenue Shelton, WaSh, • H WIN as sai00 !N ;s y better t the cooking, ] For, examp] enhances the to canned fr thiigs tO try. Th0e inte use of Wine b