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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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14 Classified Ads REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: August Carlson&apos;s 40-aCr0 proaueing farm ozz }fursline Is- land, within one-half mile of schoob store, clubhouse and harbor. Bulhl- ings, grapes, blackberries and oc- chard; pastures/ good well and creek. :30 acres of, Woodland. Price $5%50. Inquire George'13. Carlson, Roule 2, Box 130, Shelton,_ ........ 3-27--4-10-3t. FOR SALE: 4-bedroom furnished mod- ern home. 4 blocks from L.M. store. 80x90 corner lot. Inquire 323 First Street. evenings, fl-27.--.4-10 "ii'(H SALE: Homo-;'iii/-i00--ftTo'i":a -2 • turf rent, including [we row boats, - Lights and water. ()no mile from city lilt , on Baysl-zore. Arthur D. IliH, ' 3-27--4-3 "FOR ")ilLi i " Waii;rfrof[-'h. Spi:iii:r Lake. 3,000 ft, at $3,00 a foot. elec- tricity; also a beauty spoU H.H. • Halbert, Spencer Lake. 4-8-17 ''OR SALE: 200-ft. waterh;Jiii:-" Good gravel beach_f ne view, Located at rapevieW. Ed Okonek, Grapeview, ' • 4-3-10 (lR "SXi;E-iij--f'dt:--90xfb6-ft'J on Hays Street, Olympic View, $450. • Ph(,,, 55-a.. .......................... J4:a-!:. 7 FOR SALE: Waterfront land. 5 acres with 5-room house. Cole Road, at. 3, Box 246, Wayne Stuck. 4-3-17 hedroom home. built-lns, breakfast nook, utility room, largo bathroom with electric hot water, also Wired for electric range, and a new garage. Located at Mr. View,. one block past roller rink to the right. Mike Wieder, Star Rt, 1, Box 33B. 8-20--4-3 UL - - Q HOOD CANAL .PROPERTY $2500.00--partly finished house, lot 120 x 120, wonderful view of the Olympics, no waterfront. $3,000.00--mnall home, modern, grand view, lot 60 x 120, no wa- terfront. Other mnall homes with view of Canal and mountains, prices up to $5,000.00. . $13,000.--fine- home, oil heat, fire- place, 100 feet waterfront, mag- nificent view of canal and moun- tains. A real buy. $19,500.00 .... stucco, four-bedroom, fireplace, extra guest house, 105 feet of waterfront, fine beach. Frank Nosworthy UNION, WASHINGTON Telephone 221 3-27tfn FOR SALE: -bedroom home, elec- tric range, oil circulator, automatic water heater, good view, Well lo- cated, berries. Phone 581-R. D-3-20--4-3 with basement, oll furnace, nice view and walking distance from town, 427 Harvard or call 9W. Ei-9tfn. ]t;'t}" SJkiE :;+ v0];; deh;h bli Silt wale/" 'front. 100-ft. front by approximate- ly 900-ft, deep, 150-ft. across back. Plenty of springs and good soil, sub- Irrigated, on 13ayshoro Road, 1, allies frorn Silelton. See A. R. Brad- ley, Bayshoro Road, " 3-20--4-3 Classified Service SEPTIC TANKS pun]lied and cleaned, Prices reasonable. Pioneer Septic Tank Service. Phone Bremerton 2359, or 1992-J, 4-3---6-26 "EXPERT FI TT I i''f.' ' -an-d--i tr a [i'o]is done. Mrs. M McCann, 222 South Fourtl .Street. 1'hono 489-M. 4-3-17 ":IEAL SLK HOSIERY PRODUCTS" Tile only auti]orized rcpresentatiw in Mason County, K. L. Mann, Box 1, Lilliwaup. 4-3-17 BURGESON ako i'6-fiP:- RIN G Sii: vice on all makes home and auto radio•. Acres• from Junior Higll • ehool, 1221 Franklin. Phone ll2W. Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- urlays, or leave work at Kilhncr Electric, ,. ll-7tfn. cal contracts, old age asslatapce, or direct with you o** your doctor's order. Prepp's Drug tore, eeond and Railroad. 10-Stfn, W  L-U- b'ti i  E f N -- -  h"  " ah d -i fiE e-" rial guaranteed. Vern l)avldson. 903 Ellinor. Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tfn ....................... ELECTROLUX .............. CLEANERS. SALES, Service and supplies. 9'roe pickup and delivery. Jack Manley, only .authorized fac- tory representative In ason coun- ty. Phone Hoodaport 2W2 or Shel- _ ton 66,1.. .............................. 7"Stn:. FRUIT TREE SPRAYING. Contact E, C. Gunter or Bet'ua Evans. Phone 15Fg. Also second growth wood for ..... s aletCut ..about - £our.n}onths, _.._l:2.tf_n SEWING MAC, HINE REPAIRING, also parts for all makes of sewing machine•.' Phone 596J. Bl0-3tfn grinding. Have your locker meat cut by an experiencdd meat cutter. Bee/, pork. veal and e, ll and deer in sea- son, Cut, wrapped and trimmings ground, 8c Pound. Don Willltuna, 604 Dearborn, Phone 881M, 9-19.tin Lcapplng and repairing. Sam B. mltli. Co., Legion and Cherry, ulympla. Phone 7758. U. S. Tires HEMSTITCHING: 10c yard, also but- tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells, 405 Ar- cadia Avenue. (Corner Arcadia and =_B°u-n:ar A, ..................... 2:-tta IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS comact C. L. Col- lins, Business Agent. 1612 Division. Phond 240W.. 8-30tin or, licensed radio technician, west R.R. Ave., past city limits, Phone 387-R. 3-20--4-8-81 DANCING every Saturday at Hatchery Grange Hall. Good music, good time. W5-30tfn. "/(jii$-I'i i'iE? - fi:i--'t ri't-'-,-ff{__A-fi" nmdcrn, fast equipment, any place, any time. Located at Kamileho, M, M. Lytle, at, L Box 105. 2-20--5-8 SEE TOMMY for h shoo slflne at the Shelton Shoo Repair next to Gra- llam Tlieatre. V3-134-3 USED CARS If Interested phone [0-J aftt'r 4:30 p,m. E3-27--4- It) WILL TRADE'1938 }tai'ley-Davlds(m nloi.orcycie 80, ill good condithm, for car. hlqutrc 205 East Cedar. P3-27---4-3 "F6t/-SXLiff: l-,-i-fii"CiF"iiihii;ii,-v- Chev. coulu. with new lit'ca, both In good condition. Fay's Auto Rebuild. 513 Park St., Phone 284-R. 4-3 "FOR SALEi 5-room house at lloods- ........ o't'" -)lne intrlor ¢ )ndltlon Phone 407-M between 6'00 port on ..autt, J:.u t y  , ;  **•ld - I "^" , " ' ' - oil furnace, fireplace, 8-ft. beach, 9n (:uup,n!: ............ 4-3 clam• and oysters. Ptmne 81-3-1. I'OR SALE: I930jModei A cabri0]o W-8-27---'1-8 coupe, clean, g'ood motor, Inquire 'ff"f.':-B''i]dii"fi{78" Call at  Ri her's Cornel or I hone 55 4-3-tfn 650 Dearborn Ave, ALSo pluzubd  FOR SALE 1940 G M.C 1 -ton Oat- * of ground, good well, clfleken llousc, t ure:.,a-spee[! lston roar ax{c, r : big garden spol. Located on Isabella] onflltlull; vlel3n: /)oyette, all £vlill Lake loop on Lost Lake Road. $2800. ] trccr, Fnone b61-W. 4-3 " Phone 616-R-4. L-3-27--4-3]FOR SALE: 1935 Foz:d-s(ddn'.+imW 't_L / J . L II -- I motor, *250.00. Pernhalls Associated -- ................ I Stsiion, 3 miles soutlt on Olympia ,, "rtmr rrT 15C%r' ' [ Highway. 8-27--4-8 C l:l'4fkil']l.. me ,barically h-1, tmluh'o 921 Elinor i or Phone 2t-J. F-8-27--4-3 No G.I. Priority Required Skillfully designed by quail- fled architects, large modern windows, beautiful hardwood floors, 40-gallon automatic electric water heater, oil floor furnace.. Convenient utlUty room and carport, sunny kit- chen overlooking patio, Large wardrobes, and=ample storage lockers. Choiee lots, all on busline, Better Home Builders Call Dick Kieburtz Phone 160-J " FOR SALE 5-room modern home newly rebuilt, located close in $6200, • Have location on Hood Canal : with 5 rentals and good store with living quarters. Excel- = lent location for boats, Prop- erty new and in excellent con- dition. I will be glad to show +. it to you at once. ;) ERBERT G. ANGLE ". Angle Bldg. PhOne 304 Real Estate Buys NEW 5-room modern home on Mr, View, exceptionally well coustructed, plastered, hard- wood floors, cement foundation. utillty room, laundry trays; cor- ner lot. $7,000.00, terms. ON" PAVED HIGHWAY, a four room modern, with 5 acres, 3 miles from town; well and elec- tric pump: only $3.750. AT POTLATCH, a completely furnished 6-room house, wltl four bedrooms; batl; newly re- decorated and painted: 15() feet frontage, 200 feet including garden eqmp- oil tanks and a 15/ it. price $6A00. For realty buys, consult a Realtor -- M, C. ZINTHEO, Phone 157, Title Ins. Bldg'273 , t.L..u J . __ ", NOTIt'] OF VARIIANT ('ALL • No|Jcc L:+ hvrehy giv<,n ttmt tim f<d- + Towing Ms.q',u Coullty Warrants are g<lled for pa-ment a! the offie' of the ,+Treasurer of sad C, omlt.y and that + interest will cem+, on the date ,f the, +gublieation of hi notice: , Schot 1 District No, 20. Wrrant + Nee, 1464 to 1504 inclusive,. Sc, ho(ll District NO. 45, WalTant Nee, 4704 to 4800 inclusive. + Sch0o] District No. 54, Warrant Nee. 2109 to 2180 inclusive. ISEAL) S, E. SMITII, ' Tz'eaaurer of :Iason COUlH , )ashlng t0n. . ,:,,tt,.d ,t Sllito,,. ++,lt, gn,, A.,'. ,$, t}+7, 4-.1t- - FOR RENT F P6fC" Yti NY --+ 5hi,;-fih] i--,7a -fiiiqii room, Delight Park, B-3-7,--4-17 Miscellaneous FOR SPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supports, phone 799-$ for appoint-. ment or call at 1418 Summll; Drive. _ it. + +sg-s frigerail0n Equipment, Home freez- erm locker plants, milk comers, etc., cold storage doors and insulation, pjn'tahle coolers, pow¶r mea saws, 'Cat Line' of Garaen tractors. Kohl- er Power Plants.__ Prices right-- aulck deliveries. "MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT Ph. 9690, Olympia, on the Highwa at Mud BaY "Y". P.O. Box 612. 2/7-tin FOR SALE To Clear Up Estate 40-acres land, about 7-acres cleared, 6 cultivated; 3-room lmuse, large bathL garage, workshop, Woodshed and root house, family orchard. Located on county road on arstine Island. inquire Ed Wilson Route 2, Box 155 .... or --- Frank Heuston at Courthouse 3-27---4-17 IA)ST AND FOUND LOST: l..adie:, small Bu]ova wrist- watch, on ti]. strce Marcll 8ill, val- ued as keep-s/|k(L Reward, Inquh.o at Journal of fie,.:!+ 4-3 ,T,/ &.FX ........ • N( ',E ' RINC ON 1 ETITION TO VACATI' ! ORT|IIN (|F (}L''M.- ]+If; AVEN1." IN ANGLESIDE AD- DITION 1O, 2, SIIELTON, WASII- INGTON. NOTICI,] fS ]IER/EY GIVEN that W. A. McKensie and' .I. R, Kh,tbtn,lz have flied with tim Clerk of the City of Shelton aud with lhe City Com- Inissioll, a. pel;ittop praying that the following described portion of Olympic A%'qnue, bc vacated : The Soultl one-half (S) of Olynl- pic Avenue between Blocks Ouo (1) aud Fourteeu (5,1) lying North nnd adjacent ta Lot One (1), Block Fmn'tcen (t.l), Anglcside Additioa No, 2, Shelton. Washingtou, NOTICE IM FURTHFR GIVEN t}mt pursuant to I%em,hRlon No. 34, adopled bY. the City Commies/on of the Cliy of Shettoa, Washington, t>n the 18tit day of March, 1947. + said petition will be heard on 2u(sday, tile 29th day of April, 1947, at .tile hour of 8 o'clock P, M., at the Commissioners' Roolns in the City, Hall. Shelton. Washington. Dated tins :t8ti day of Marct l!H7. ALMA I¢.. CATTO. City Clerk. 4-3-it Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLEANED Phone 236-RX Prompt Service Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Repaired O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX CABINET WORK PLATE GLASS SETTING REPAIR WORK Homes Cut to Blue Prints Shelton Cabinet Shop JACK DREW Behind the Bowling Alleys I FOR EXPERT WELL DRILLING AND Berkeley Pumps SEE NASH BROTHERS Easy Terms Phone 334 MOVING TO NEW LOCATION At 119 FRANKLIN ST. From 228 S. 2ND ST. A. F. OPPELT Swedish Massage, Zne Ther%py, Mineral Bath t .... tt SHARPENING Lawnmowers, Knives, Scissors and Garden Tools of all kinds Bicycle Repairs Keys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop Third and Ceta PHONE 243 NI I J _ Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st Phone 126 MATHENY, & COMPANY CEMESTO. HOME PREFABRICATORS For Information Contact ROBERT LEMAN 408 N. 121h Phone 665-J - or Wt'ite P.O. Box 252, Shelton 3-13--4-3--4t AUTO BODY REPgxIR WELDING, SAINTING GLASS WORK oo EATON Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 8 CALL Ca'l J. Arney Co, OLYMPIA 5865 219 N, Capitol Way BETTER INTERIOR DECORATING Papering Well Done I I I CARBURETOR IGNITION BRAKES COMPLETE MOTOR OVERHAUL Fay Auto Rebuild 513 Park St. Phone 284-R SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Service William Graham. Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash. I CLARK'S 2d HAND STORE E. Pine -- Phone 40 WE BUY AND SELL EVERYTHING RAY'S JEWELRY o Prompt Watch Repairing o 117 Cota Street Phone 633 O Exchange Your Old Alarm Clock O Westclox Alarm Clocks Now In Stock and many others. . I I I II I Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 J For UNION PAINTERS Call 221-J-5 H. G. ANDERSON Business Agent OIL CONVERSION UNITS  types to change your w0d or coal range for oil. Same units as used by factory mod- els. CALVIN WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 ! THE GIFT BOX 200 West 4th Olympia, Wash. We invlte you to visit our shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts. 7/8-fin fl J I Batteries Rebuilt Guaranteed FAY AUTO REBUILD 518 Park Street i-9 tfn III PLOWING - DISCING HARROWING Gardens r Acreage - Lawns , TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS WORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY F. E. OGDEN Rt. 2, Box 18 -- Phone 14-W KITCHEN RANGES Oil -- Coal and Wood GOOD USED STOVES PRICEI TO, SELL onarch, Round Oak, Pacific Everything for the Home in Used Furniture The Used Furmture Mart BREMERTON 2508 6th Phone 5353 4-3-244t. PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyeii 105 Front Street .... ,,+, , See Us for ALL YOUR GARDEN NEEDS IN OUR PERENNIAL STOCK READY NOW ARE: A'few Paul Scarlet Climbing Rose Bushes, Hawthorne Trees, Camelias, Canterbury Bells, Delphinium, Carnations, Snaps, Stock, Phlox, Gladiola Bulbs. DD SOIL FUMIGANT FORREST FLOWERS and GIFTS 313 Railroad Avenue Phone 432 CONSTRUCTION WORK Fills and Basement Digging Roads Graveled TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS Prompt Service -- H. ALLEN & SONS Union, Washington Phone Union 354 NEW BEARING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT. Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shlton Phone 628 i IF YOU HAVE CAR TROUBLES COME IN AND SEE US Ignition, Carburetor and General Overhaul Fender Repairing and Painting TIRES AND BATTERIES FAY AUTO REBUI%D 513 Park Street Phoae 284-R BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING -- UPHOLSTERING General Sbeet Metal Work LONG'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Plmne 162 TITLE INSURANCE POICIES  ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Inc. 119, South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Treasurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE III I I ,T'S NOT  Nome Cook Plant Farm Annuals- Perennials- Potted Plants - Vegetable Plants - Bulbs - Cut Flowers H. W. Cook, Prop. Rt, 3, BX. 265, Shelton, Wash. 2 Miles on Cole Rd. UNTIL IT'S PLANTED I[ I I • CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK of New and Used JEEPS -- TRAILERS -- FARM EQUIPMENT at Discounts up to $200 BILL PEARSON 118 East Grove Phone 654 i OFFICE DESKS Executive and Typewriter Styles Reasona,bly Priced TYPEWRITERS i Burroughs electric 1 Remington-Rand Very Nice Condition. Bargains Used garden tractor with plow, cultivator, good condi- tion, $135. " S. L. PEARSON & SON 120 E. Pine Phone 676 ROBERSON & FONZO Heating & Plumbing Everything in Plumbing and Heatiag Supplies Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large or Small 222 S, 2nd Phone 685 Mr_PCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O PECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBUILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP" REBUILD. IG BRAKE DRUt, I REFINISH- ING. o 407 S. First St. Phone 628 - Shelton KIMBEL 0ILC0. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W i Thursday, ELEVENTH STREET Genera'l Carpenter and Cabinet Shop PICKUP and DELIVERY JOHN BUNKO 225 So. Eleventh Phone 112J PLASTERING STUCCOING LATHING - CONTRACTOR DON RUCKER 1024 E. Ellinor SHELTON, WASH. FOR FR SALE: One Motoroht r|Id to. Also one larl one electric Va-h.P. motor. good condition• $100. Phone -FOR SALE : good FOR SALE: Auto chassis. (:an be Mr, View. FOR SALE : Phone 57 or 626-J "()R-- SATLE : Teanl, (,n. Phone FOR SALE: 14-ft. Made for good shape.. Can and Sunday after, Grapeview. bedrooms, close in. Can furnish good references. Phone 284-R. F4-3 FOR SALE: Perenn Io hod and Your head will tilnes its size. bul il isn't. to have to ppear sage, your backbone whbre if the m+ made of the Chiffon . many others. H. . cer Lake  men los • " -+--""" lha= +- e their hesds mare FO--R---'SAL-E--"-1937..?i" a |"ey do th, .... mgtorcMclc, 61 O.V.I, ",J:., ' ,r eats. 106, Sheltoa, Was: '+ **, hcns, + $2.oo. lsa l'u+. you los'you, $5 00 3ar(l ueii%ersa-..., .. 0+ + '' r ]l(+d , •  '*, u tO save $4.oo ya,'d dciivo,%?r  * ,'our 1, Box 64-A, 2 lnile * on Kauzilche cutofL. * * + FOR SALE : Cedar-.s;!.' 81k. ' v)rieod Write Rt,- l':'th|t h.tng f "heads,, fll;e3- _ Shoitoh. _0.., ;;"++ + t,,e 'head f ' FOR SALE: Wood "llI  gets the head- William :%I .,r ., .-- tical/y new. , Hollow, Box 450. + i.+_.:+1 * *. WANTED "ROCKHILL , father ST RAWBI. 01d ptr do " [.. th0tlr ', He likes to trade ............. sale $1,00 ze WANTED:nlshed A furnished or partly withfur- Office.  met uoz-y 01h, thecause he knows house, by young couple FOR SALE: 'Uahead " best vahies That a baby. Phone 279-WX. W4-3-10 walnut case,pef'ectme " ................................... bn/un, 10+" i : ' +=o .ou= + = = + +o ++ :!. ,' ?IRi...,, I + +, P 0'> '+ ,way <.+l, W-JkNTED: Roasting hens, h e a v y breeds only. Top prices. AI Peterson, at. 3, Box 17, Shelton, Phone 762-R-2. 4-3-17 LOGS WANTED SECOND GROWTH PREFERRED Prevailing prices paid by Enitai Lumber Co. Mill located at Minerva Park Phone Hoodsport 11-W-3 ii WANTEIi: To buy or rent, electric incubator, prefer 300-egg size. Phone 215-R-3. 4-3-10-17 WANTED--TC)--R EN T---M ode-r nhousd in or around Shelton. by young couple with seven months old child. Write Journal office, Box C. 3-20-4-3 NANTED: Competent office g-[----ff{ woman, typing, no dictation, perm- anent positron in new Shelton office, excellent pay to start, must have good telephone voice. Call Olympia 7780 during day. G-3-20--4-3 HELP- WANTED: - psi;t- time house- work and care of children for free rent and compensation. Inquire Rit- her's Cafe. 1-16tin. (fANTED -+-deaci--s fo-ck7-1;ro]hlat" free; courteous service. Phone us collect, Elma 1Fll. Grays Harbor Render- ing, Ine, 2-27tfn. WANTED: women to wor as oyste{ cullers at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- tance, Oyster Bay, collect, ask for Oscar Zandell. 10-18-tin WANTED Competent office girl or woman. Must be good typist and able to assume responsibility. Excellent salary t'o start with chance for advancement. Phone 172 4-3tin. WAITRESS and kitchen help waste0 Apply Hotel Sheltoa Coffee Sho WANT TO BUY: old horses for Mink feed. Myers and Hanson Mink Farm, Olympia. Phone 4676 collect. 1-1tf WANTED: ALDER, MAPLE. T--O-I $ PRICES. honest scale, short haul. BTame Mill. Lynch Road {rnd Hi- way, four miles south of She]ton. • 8-29tfn. WANTED: unpeeled Douglas fir spar material, Suitable for machine tUrn- ing. Length 26 to 60 ft. with 10 and 14 inch minimum top diameters. Sec- ond growtil permissible, Truck, rail or water delivery acceptable. Cas- cade Pole Co. P.O. Box 743, Ta- coma, Wash. S-13--4-3 WANTED : S-hingle sawyer  to co--n-= tract anlall electric mill. Star Route 2, BoX 574, Bremerton. J-3-27---4-3 WANT TO BUY: Waterfront tract or acrea., improved or unhnproved, anywhere on Puget Sound. Write stating location, price, etc, P: O. Box 468, Aberdeen, Wash, 3-27---4-10 salary 'to reliable party. Inquire Box C, this office. C3-27--4-10-31 %TVA2TED--One  piece spring--lille4 cushier fronl studio coUcl or aav- enport. Phone 764-R-1, Mrs. Ted Richert, Star at, 1, Box 86 (Sko- komish Valley), 3-27--4-10 i i AUCTION SALE Because of ill health, will sell/all my personal property at public auction. Located 5 miles north of Brady. Known as the Schafer ranch. 5 miles west and 5 miles north of Elma. 11 A.M. Thursday, April 10 Lunch Served on the Grounds 48 HEAD COWS & HEIFERS-- All Bangs Tested 34 head fresh and coming fresh 14 head heifers, 6 rues. to 1, yrs. 13-year old Holstein bull 40 tons loose, 10 tons baled hay 40-gal. electric hot water heater Wash vats, mixing vat Cooler, 30 milk cans 4 units Surge milkers Miscellaneous articles 1 Jolm Deere Tractor, L.A. 1945 Model 16-in, Sulky Plow Tractor Disc, 6 ft. tandem, Horse disc, 6 ft. single Dcering Spike tooth Harrow Horse Cultivator Rubber-tired Wheclbarrow 1932 Dodge 1V.,-ton Truck. Runs good. 1 good farm team sets harness' Dump wagon Hay forks 4 young horses 10 collars 4 farm wagons Milk cart 50 red chickens o Lumber cart Other articles mention. Terms of sale: cash MILO FISK + CHAS +PALESTIS Auctioneer • (wner FISK and COTEY, CIerks 1,  .... Shelton. " rFOR SAL E--fg Yf el', Star converspn, v[  pairs, $250.00. FI oY,a-- 1 ;.;.,, miles south of d@.I ing 0U mainlan¢ h° FOR SALE: Unde-Woo,a," 5 typewriter irl-e+x SON & $40.00. Frances l=tao'[;;I2 (Hillcrest man. i ' FOR SALE: F-- 585 Mrs. Glen Heath, School Cottage. -FOR SALE : Woocl-rall.a oil, also c/rcuiatlng "Y 728 Franklin. _ ... "F-OR SALE: On-e-onF¥ e,. seno refrigerator, ?Corl ideal for rural "h'o.e quire Mell Chcvr°let'":+I00-- NOw 0pen fi Pbone 777. + FOR SALE :- Us-ed +dineS++! trimned, v'jI top, decal chairs, Call 292. .. OR SALE: Metall $/8.95. Heavy P.lae € glans sheh,es, wm .^ OlymDic Furnitu '" o--6--x-ac,", In Our Lt trlc vacu,n 97a", tachments;" $5 . • ... ery. Olympic F ur condition, new bear,, NOUttia[ ere, John Htrdem. - , 19-F-32. SALE: FORsoil. DeliverelmNo  :L -- -- Friday evenings or *r\\;i+:;ll t .. , 217-R-2, , .... ...... ter co,.+ R c.7::.'..',! , ,+] andvelou].•chairExce.lle/,t co) 1111 Phone 587-R, _ mow, ,+2o Jaco,j,+ + hUe,to lresent 5ona] i: Ell wood or coal rhe., Rt.'t's4:°'d'+ Box --poao++ i, be limited for FOR SALLY: Easter-p;,",-- made gifts, and Pal, Jll S. possible v a.m. to 9:00 p,m, uw" 2?:': ..... " Mt. View. ---'!e01- ing supplies, etc. ". ware.  .r .:, .'m ley-Davldson nloo+'.-..  , p]f%..rT,, car. R. D. Stock['eYli -tu, 657 gle 7th and Wyana. c.onlpletc. New h, . 973 'Belfair, ash,..: ns for a l.noUp ++'++,"i .o; BELF FOR SALE : red hot poker mums. Earl's 1'/.. miles south way. FOR SALE : with hardware, FOR SALE: Ov 'outside 'wirin 761-R-4, Mt. FOR SALE : FOR plies. KITCHEN fixtures, made to + Phene 217R2 o Bros. . Air Flow Cherry, O1 FOR SALE tractor Sylvester,' at, Lake Road.) F-O'R'-S. L E: for removal ford, St. FOR SALE: see for auto and Mill FOR SALE: ARN[ Mile North Satun Walter Bist I)OBE¥'S 7-PI: BARN FOR DA Belfair Volunt Social Orga FOR SALE : PHONE 26 for SALE: Street. . , FOR SALE {" Woffd c.0i perfect condition. al|' ' FOR SALE4, Man'S Stcs:'I! perfect condition. ?ll0',[ Rout0 2, Box 3, ,j' FOR SALE: FrcS '. also Muscovy Route 2, Box FOR- SALE i-'Gioli too numerous to FOR-SAI#E--i{] C. L. Cline, trailer, excel +Staley, Caplto If you have They','e he] ,, There's Ot They'll ma] Russ, the r While Alva SEE US FOR Al ii i o