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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, EET enter lop ,IVERY :O )hone l12J NG kTHING )R :ER .or kSH. FOR FR SALE: One 8-h Notm&apos;ola radio. Also one large one electric ]/2 - h.P. luster. good condition. $100. Phone 559J. -FOR SALE : good tend SALE : Auto eimssis. (:an be seen Mt. View. l/sea SALE: • 9X12  Phone 57 or 626-J ]r0R--SALE : Tealn, ! on. Phone 4863, FOR SALE: 14-ft. :Made for good shape.. Can and Sunday afterm Grapeview. FOR SALE : Chiffon many olhers. cer Lake. iwicod. Shelton. -FOR SALE : tieally new. Hollow, Box 450. D ROCKHILL sale, $1.00 per )r partly fur- Office. - couple with FOR SALE: t.'___..W4-3:l walnut Says . O Z . o,, 19 t 7, RECORDS TOPPLE, STANDINGS PINCHED IN CITY PIN LEAGUE t, one or tWO Can furnish 284-R. F4-3 ns. h e a v y • AI Peterson, hone 762-R-2. 4-3-17 TED WTH D paid by er Co. erva Park ll-W-3 rent, electric ;g size. Phone 4-3-10-17 ode-rn house is boYd young child. io lied and Year head will limos its size. ope bui il imfl. goes. hie to have q to PDeflr sage, your backbone whbrc it' tim is. luade of the 7 \\; ! ihey Ihl their iistl. FOR SALF' i'i37,-'I motorcycle? 61 o.V.H. 106 Sheltoil Wash., ' : * * , hens, $2.00. Also gl aeilni,. ,)ou lose'you, head $,).00 yard delivere :,, - i " nara to save your $4.00 yard delivered, la, 1, Box 64-A, 2 m!e t on Kalnilehe cutof. ' . *€¢ FOR. SALE: Ceda,'tP°lJ''?,,.,ki.g )f .h,,l. ,,,.. Write R • ' <'ill  i tllll .... ,' -.-'--," • jcill.llolllls o er il i tile #head of . William "i,e ' ox 450. _.-(j: * * • STa2vrA 0id i;50.00. "FitlY,,,, ,: : <.,,,lll i. Ill'_ Mrs. E. H, Shelton. :FOR SALE: 18-ft.. or. Star convers pairs. $250.00. miles south of ing ou mainland. -FOR SALE : 5 typewriter in $40.00. Frances man. "FOR 'SALE : Mrs. Glen Heath, School "FOR SALE: Wood oil. also ci 728 Franklin. F-OR SALE : One sene refri ideal for uire :Moll hone 777. FOR SALE: Uscd(l! top, decal chairs. Call 292. OR SALE: :Metal $13.95. Heavy glass shelves, Olympic FOR SALE : tric vacuum tachments," $59 cry. Olympic FOR SALE: Was CITY IE,AGUE BO%VLING W L Pastime ...................... 4,I 31 Beckwith Jewelers .. 43 32 Lumbermen's Mere... 40 35 Simpson Log ............. 36 39 Associated Oil .......... 35 40 Active Club ................ 3.t ,tl Reed Mill .................... 34 41 Mason Laundry ........ 23 42 High game--Ron Dodds 264 Bayley's lowest • game was a 215, his best 241, but even so he ran second to a teammate for single game honors, Ron Dodds pitehing a 264 second game wllich came within five pins of tying the 269 record held so far by Stew- art and moving hinl ahead of I. H. Woods 256 for second high honors. High total----Phil Bayley 673 City leagtte pinmen gave the maples quite, a mauling at Paul Beret's bowling lanes Friday night, setting two new records and threatening two more as well as giving the standings a general overhauling which tightened the race materially. Phil Bffyleysupplied tire pr!nci- pal smashing bl0w with a 673 to'- tal which left the previous record, Bab Stewart's 659, considerably in arrears as he led second place Beckwith JeWel'era to a cleansweep victory ovm: the les;ding Pastimd which left the diamond mercha'nts ust one game ont of first placa. li ii .,. : , ...... ----c- Faitbanks-Norse t PUMPS ' I For Every t | purpose 1 StmLTO00 I ELECTRIC CO. | Govey Bldg. Ph0ne 154-W • for Business In Our Locai0n on Nouniain View , Wit h all this pin-punishing go- ing on the ;jewelers had to share scoring honm;s for' the night with tle last place Mason Laundry crew, which got all wound up in its second game behind a 2d4 pos[ed by L H. Woods, 208 by Bill Smilh, and 200 by Don Woods to set  new one-game team marie of 1034, breaking the previous record held by Pastime by a single pin. The latmdryrnen won all three 'from third plhce Lnmbermen's Mere behind the hefty scoring of th fther-and-son Woods combin- :ation :nd Big Smith and pulled to within three lames of fourth place despite their dungeon p0si-' tion. The laundrymen and Beckwith's also accomplished another feat when each hung tip 2908 totals to grab joint holds on tile second iest team totals of the year, trailing Pastime's 2959. i In the other two matches Fri- ::day, Reed Mill and Active Club c0ntim!ed their neck-ad-neck race in sixth iMace with odd game ver- dicts respcti,ely over Simpson Log and' Associated Oil. Toad : Sergbant, kl Drummond and Mary carter gabbed' the timely pins for :Red: Mill' and' Carter made a gal- ;l'ant effort to sweep the series wiha 222 final game only to have his 91'k offset by Fred Snelgrove nd Arhie Aronson. Buck Price, Dick Gardn'r and Frank McCas- tin naMed the important wood in tWe Activians' triumph. 'he: linups: Mas Ldy. (3) L.M. (0) Handica 213] Handicap 126 • Galzeski 4791 Stewart 564 D. Woods 552 Gibler 486 Iunbar 470[ Roberts 504 I3. Smith 592 Lundeman 464 5. H. Woods 602 Mackey 461 TOtaL 2908 Total 2605 eed |1 (2) ]Simpson Log (1) Handicap 234 Handicap 171 Sergeant 539 Aronson 474 ox C. 3-20---4-3 condition, new Drmnmohd 410]A. Carlson 514 Gustafson 4801Peterson 468 Carter 5621Sn61grove 557 FOR SALE: :IV], Fredson' 558P Fredson 493 soil. Delivered. Friday evenings st Lumber .Total 2793 Total 2677 217-R-2. ' . /cie Club (y Associated (1) "FOR SALE--5 - h Jerseys, 9 coini l{ calf and 6 ¢i from Bangs; T.t ter Cookt , at. I - FbR-- SALE'.--- O i [ and chair set u il [ velour. Exce'llci t I Ph(,ne 587-R. _. FOR SALE : el's, John * 19-F-32. .*ration, perm- Bhelton office, L, must have Call Olympia G-3-20----4-3 Handicap 339] Handicap 153 -time house- Gardner. 4761Dummy 546 dren for free I . Inquire Rit- ' Willour 361 lFrisken 388 I 499[ Skelsey ........ !-16tfnt   , .': :McCaslin 552 4781 Holt prompt free, [ I[m i il•l•tl lIMI IWJ I , Price 506 ne us collect. VJJJdbiJ ... Godden 414 wbor Render- 407 Young 2-27tfn. 2560 Total J,   Total 559 or ---6Yste i.= Ai6h; 6  , Beekwdh's (3) Pastime (O) Call long dis- mow, $120. Jac ..I$ " • ' , ; Hantlicap 117 Handicap 25 llect, ask for Box 2 1 Phoue 6  lille r. 0as-tfn  to present conaitions our services _erriek 4_ in . ,,,a -r coal"Yane; *.-'-- . : l)eer : Iov I taley ozi ait;,,o. :mil be limited for some time, but as s ,27!DK°t°.nedso n  D FZ%..--= ;s;,i ';!1() ' ' Baylcy, 673' FerI ler 505 ,.,,e,<; 0ri .as POssible we Will hfi:ndie a Total 2908 rtal 2522 i or woman .... 7'-x'. I  View-- " = e°lPiete line of bulldirrg materrals, l t_-LXll:.. {'i- ..... lng supplies, etC.. . ' ' IU r UIII U ll and able to ware. ,lies, ytf¢,: ;., . |, V ley-DavlllO rHONw, a P fl nnu .og I I in eame lviay chance for car R D Stoc te .  uue * J* ---ffi - • . _,.., .oltt¢' l .... | ] Although lavish p r o d u c t I o n ...........  |lnumb<ers have always highlighted o---sxi;-ll"]" . lithe Ice Follies, Producers Oscar [2 4-3tfn. c°u'plete'lle:"'''"'-- " i Johnson,' Roy and Eddie Shipstad 3-way heat conuv,Ai ,. .......  • ..... ,. I have always been generous With eondltions:L;I ¢ I comedy numbers. 973'Belfalr, WaSl}-WltA!;. • And the 1947 edition of the ] famed skating revue whmh opens ____= .... UTu ]=]RING Y 'f -21 '' I help wante0 son. starre.. T  T F • T 1-t • I its.Seattle ". engagement fI Slo  i!  'lA 14'A 1 l , [May 8, is no exception when it ;rsee for Minff wat "g/ /::.. . t 1 I Those great Swiss comedy skat- n Mink Farm, ; air arts, '" t ' " n Fr ollect. 1-Ztfn I o, 28  "2,- .] ' , II [ ers--Fluck a d aek--are tearhed XP-G--'ffdP: :  " ii' 1[1 ' /together again this season. ., CS ,, short haul. DR-vSX   [   l  r € i/ Los Hamilton, long a headlined toad mid Hi- red hot   I1 I1  • • [• II " --  '  skating performer, has moved into of Shelton. n, ums Ill !i N I 1 I!1 |U 117 ill li ' ro00e 'h " • . 8-29tfn. ,z nh,e° -/J lull II II • •/ II II • I/a coraed 5. wit': the ice Fol- 7;i,-- y °  "-- I I I • I I Ii 'l I • iV 1,,,, l ]tieS, featured in a "Sis Hopkifis" 1 II'W 01' machine turn- FOR SAL¢tI' -- ..... , ...... Bin,tuber. . t. with ,o a.d _, .,= ..... I i Dick 0000,,,uss0n a,00..Bill liameters. Sec- with hardwale  / e. Truck, rail l eron f : Bby Parade and l:he ceptable. Cas- FOR SALPIe 0N rt f B'elfair 1 ...... -ith'er " "outside' ................... B JMclell'a  s ,a n:ew Ice Fol- Be: ,., Ta- - - l/00os tettm this year, in "Football 3-13---4-3cn_= FoR SAU2:;J i |ioblerY' add tot! .he laugh side of wy e I-----------) lants Wagoner g- fl  " • t ,r II. St,,," Route F|rst StriP " r%geSkc,r [.i  .... __  = ,, .. ,2 . •l[ ! te,speNu', a saating show. • 5-8-27--4-3 l IIr IrL aklcIit;[orf to' the. comedy, just .'--' -ac[--°{unimproved, "  !r  =l l[ll . ll l[[-llr II  about yery her phasd of skating ound, Write w1@ ll'l 11|itll l|--acrobaIc, ythm, preclsion and ,, etc. P. O. -' - v....m ''.il " "'i''" Ilensdmb[e--=aVe presented. ash. 3-27---4-10 mado to °rder''l/Wo* "  • [" --'----- " ' 2559 Although lavish p r o d u c t i o n numb<ers have always highlighted the Ice Follies, Producers Osrar Johnson,' Roy and Eddie Shipstad have always been generous With edition of the famed skating revue, which opens full tinm, good ;. Inquire Box C3-27---4-10-3t 'pring--filled :ouch or day- -1. :Mrs. Ted Box 86 (Sko- 3-27--.1-10 lAtE l, will sell/all :y at public iles north of the Schafer aud 5 miles , April 10 le Grounds HEIFERS-- ested :oming fresh s. to 1,. yrs. bllll baled hay rater heater t I r, L.A. 1945 del e Dcering rrow Truck. Runs collars k cart Llumerous to Phone 217R3 Bros. CONVERT to oil. See Air Flow Sam B. Cherry, FOI SALEi 5- tractor with Syh'ester, at. Lake Road.) F-()R- SALE : for removal iir ford, St. at. FOR SALE; see for auto and Mill FOR SALE: pump elcctrk 148. leOR SALE: blankets, pl and other hand or Fb- SALE: water ank boiler, $80 A-1. FOR SALE: Wagner 1st, PHONE 26 for F-R SALE: .%,. st,.cot. FOR SALE: F)'feet condit! u'fect oute 2, Box FOR SALE : also :Muscovy Route 2, Box FOR" SALE{ (ii fii Practical 95 FOR SALE,7-10 t] Walter Bishop Farm 00.Oy|er's DOBEY,$ 7-PIECE ORCHE/I, BARN FOR DANCING IN NORTHWEST." Phone Belfair Volunteer Fire Department '" G20 i :" Social Organization Stand at Chevron Gas Station - First & cota TAXI Ifyou haven't met these boys , T}leyTe here to serve you to the;letter; There's' Otto and Jim, Bill arid Dick, They'll make your car run slick. Russ, the rustler, rustles parts nil day, While Alva smooths the dents away. SEE US FOR ALL TYPES € REPAIRS AND REFINISHING e SHELTON-MASON COUI4TY JOURNAL • .... | ,, _-- Sl EL) NTS li I-Icy, Hey"Vott00ya D N E gL A . Say, Chatterbox BILL DICKI Will Lead the Way %V()MIN'S MAJOR LEAGUE TOUGI! YEAR AIIEAD Cleaners of the cominercml bowl- Sheltoi Tr'ansfer . .... 37 19 This bascbal-I-loving villaoe is in ing circuit is 50% leftharlled with 8moke Shop ............. 36 20 for a-season of doldrums in its three of its six. members aiming Cammaranos ............. 22 "]4 favorite sport beeause of the corn- for the "Brooklyn" side of file Chatterbox Cafc ........ 17 :19 plete absence of any suitable seat- headllin. There are Emery Lind- High game: Inez Dammann 187 ing facilities fro" fans to watei nmn. Jack Stewart and Buddy High total: Mary Sutherland498 high sehool, junior legion and Ferrier and all among the circuit's ......... town team games, nnless the bettor kegelers. There was a new leader' atop the school authorities produce in a The Beckwith Jewelers of the women's major league howling hurry some temporary knoek-down city league presents a pai in standings after' Thursday night's bleachers as an emergency fill-in George Merriek and Warren Earl bi-weekly matches but the big measure until such time as CPA while scattered through fhe o'ch'ei, news of the night eame from the permission is gained to eonsti;uct teams of the.four pin leaguesre f.aifdn'd of the circuit where the the new baseball grandstaud, another nine or ten l'efthn'de lnsin "leader" from Chatterbox Ball fans are grumbling--anl ball tossers. Care did an about-face and hung justly--over the miserable eondi- LU(NY NUMBEI' " .a terrific kayo-wallop on the Cam- tion of Loop Field insofar as its If seven is a: 1}felly nffb'r-- f%'a6 lineup: , and whqt good s urs'tiioiY-foll'OV'- i The6 care gal;g fhereby earned er would deny it:---then thee Sivnp- them.Nv¢8 a teat dinner for son Logging c0?nn b'0wlig[P'bns°rFfi'fi'eIi]'detrnaninsp ired lineup which wi% ary Shelo's them [o' their 9i¢oriofls effort by kegeling I)an iriS6  [b'e 'eri'-lwagin'g ,tb't lusciou bait before can Bowling (0rrlres' i' Los Aft- :hem.' LaV6fin:d Cole must have geles a fe4, dys 6"dne. sh'otSd i pick [ been  hhhg*ie h'sher for she up a lot o /fi,rble in h'e big na u - lticked ifi' "&ith  pa'i, of '164 scores tionai tourrm:men. '.g6 pace'.h' va in the first and Every ntm'd conn'e6tdff vil thV. ;fih'l _gane!. /'hd' Vi Russell team has sv6fi ltr in' it, setl 'ln'6eked 0f a ]/60 effort which 'era ouz for y6Yrs'el?: Vlgs.the win-podu'cer in the mLd- dl'e bbu% . adequate protecuve features go. Ever since the end of football sea- son in mid-November nothing has been done to provide a back.<to I) to find new tackle of a really good perience, and an inborn kndck, to grade; At least this i how it 'tie a really good fly. If, i som' looks now to Jason LucaS; noted store, you see the product of fishing authority. Things are go- good tyer, grab it quickly, 0r ing to be somewhat better than you'll be muttering naught things last year, but not considerably so. first time you go fishing. So, early as this is, the man who One ray of hope. for tNe trott needs, new tackle should start man: It seems that there wil hunting it' immediately or he'll at least be some go0d creels-- find himself caught short. The real basket-type cree]son the man who requires major items-- market. Enough to Supply all' rods, reels, fly liffeG an'd Sul- who need them is too lvmch to holb'e should place his order With hfs for.- . dealer right now. He should watch It appears that double-tapPer - and carefully for smailer things, such three-dimension fly lines, moder- as casting lines, plugS, flis; as ately plentiful last year, are t going they arrive at the det/ler's, and to be-much scarcer this year. So grab what he needs--but no more; the man who necd one should let the other felow have a break; start hunting hard, and right now. he's a sportsman too.  There will be enough good level It's pretty eertain that really fly lines tO go 'roUnd, good bamboo rods, fly and cast- In hooks, too, the outlook ap- ing, will still be very hard to get. pears fair. The wretched things There should be a fair number of used during and immediately after. good steel rods and there will be the war will be absent, thank  a reas0nble slopply, too, of good goodness. But it looks aa though fly hooks wi] not be easily obtaipo able in all the Sizes one might want. It sems certain, that there' will be  large variety of'vcr'y pXcel'- lent 8.ckle out tiits year, but ifi ally impossible to get along with Pa:,': ,r _':-2.-' ....... 2) .... '.... New Modern Boathouse and Marine Raihvay NEW OUTBOARD AND INBOARD BOATS Sales, Service and Rental t BOAT MOORAGE -- SMALL CRUISERS FOR CHARTER Dusty Rhoiles Resort # "SPORTSMEN'S ffEADQUARTERS" Finest Saltwater Fishing fa%ilites on Hood Canal or temporary bleachers for the baseball sclledule which is now here. One Mile Nort•h Hoo'dsport Bnt now-- when everylhing t 8he|lid have heerl completed-- Iriicks, hulldozexs, graders and Complete Stock of SaltwateP Tackle for Sale and Rent power shovels are puffing and schrrying a¢olmd he field at the PHONE H[DO'IDSORT 15-W-il or Write risk of life and linib |o spring Sewa%' 1We'anWhile, Shoke Shop was Route l, Bx)x 1, Hoodsport. Wasti. for sp:drt aihletes pu'ttilrg In a track Daniel' l'dln'g itg. long held lead in the which shonhl have heen eonl- .I[,rric hbles o a 3 to I defeat at the plete(t (hiring the off-season lie- l,'errh.r , hahds of Shelton Transfer. Mary BOATS AND cABIN tP,'een fbolball al baseball. Fredson i Stherland, Pauline Staley and Why there is no backstop of Sinil),So n liee Kopperman all turned in big ' ahy n,ture behind the plate is one 1,oggin'g {toth i leading the transfer an'Is that has the fans mutkering un- Company 6 thee o'p rang, the former's 489 printable thoughts about tile ,helton school administrators for there is When tey heard for.LS Anel'es" ;hein 5'eat n the "league for the no reaso/ they Can see why thi" next week they' .an tse, soh ", of flight, lfi;ez' Dammnn, with help simple task shouldn't have been the hick proveYbfa'lly connedtcd from 'e÷fi'a Mifflin and Freda done at leasf a couple of weeks "with.t.he ,numbe,' sevdfi for the'!l Fredslt s%flVaged the last game  yOU with th' 6vening's best single ago when the date of the first be shooting against fih best B691- i home game was known. .... * game.¢ The lineups: .... era from every part fff the United Chalterbox (4) . Cammarano (0) ' ' ' The total absence of any seat- States and Canada. v-  ing facilities whatever doesn't set Handicap 3181 Handicap 78 " i il // / well with the fans here as they R.u,ssell' 433] Frisken 37t like their baseball no little and Hilderman 320}Smith "400 would like to see the high school Percy Funk's 626 ColeSchirmer 4531430[EdgelYRobinson 381408 [..:-.. team perform, . but hardly at the Put S Rec0 d Roberts 363Dodds 443 annoyance of having to stand up ets r # S q'otal 23171 Total 2089 through a full game and risk the " Shelton Trans (3) Smoke Shop (1) dangerflying, bats°f sl'ashingfrom Whichf°Ul ballStheroandis Plywood Up Close Ha00'd,eap 120 Handieap 126 no protection now. COMMICIAL BOWN% Staiey 4761Fre. Fredson 467 Kop_erfnaz 448] Dammann 468 The dlsapl)ointment o;; nor having Loop Fiehl lighted I) 3, Lake Cu'shman .......... 44 28 Lindeffl 417iDaniels 39 now has heen hard enough for Olympic Plyw0o'd .... 43 29 Sutheri'affd q'89: Mifflin 462 some fans to' take even though Pantorium .................. 39 33 F. Fredhon 443i Ferrier 405 ]. lhere is g0od en6tgh reason for Grunert's Service ...... 37 35 T0tal" . .239BJ ToLal 2327 the long dely, but to lie to- Local 161 .................... 33 39 tally (lel)e(! of any kln(I of Iimbel Motors .......... 33  I, id0fthe Week i[! seating or protective facilities Morgau Lumffer ........ 30 2 I[ at basebal| galils while fear Ml Chevrolet .......... 29 3  [. t'm'ftd dr. Oakland Bay good months wasted away is a I-ligh gm¢---Percy Funk 225  tlil 12a% tNls are one hour "" ' ' al 55 mn:ies earlier) little too much' for some to lake. I, ii'gh t0talPercy Ftmk 626 ] | ................. :...., in good grae. Thursday, April 3 It isn't only the high school Percy Funl's r6cord 26: total' t-Iih 5:31 a.m. 15;0 ft. team which will suffer. The town sheered a a:me off Lal4d Cush - " ....... man's l'ead< in the comm'erciaq LoW ......... 11:31 a.m. 3.8 ft. team Loggers are going to be 'Hfgh ........ 5:09 p.m. 12.8 ft. even harder hit for they depend bowling league as he engineered ., on gate receipts to a large ex- his O15rff'pic Plywood teSta'mates LoW .......... 11.25 p.m. 0.8 ft. : Friday, April 4 tent to finance lheir season's play. to a 2 to 1 q,ictory over Local 161 Iigh' 6:03 a.m. 15.0 ft. The present condition of Loop last week after the lakers had ........ Lbw .......... 12-:11 p.m. 2.6 ft. '""" Field precludes any attempt to tlCen aT stiff-game setback from charge adfnission to Lo gge r the third-place and dangerous High ........ 6:07 p.m. 13.2 ft. games, if there are any this sum- Pantorim' Cleaners. Satu'day, April 51. 6 ft. Iow .......... 12:08 a.m. met. Rolli'l readoff for' the plywood, High ....... 6:30 a.m. 14.8 ft. Nrl0t n4M0 S#NC 87s This sports fan and scrivener and anchorman for Local 161 re- Low .......... i2:48 p.m. 1.6 ft. IlCKS' SEATTL REWINO a MALTINO CO;  E O CA:k Pri, hopes the Logger's won't allow the spectively, Fnk and Norm West- High 6:57 p.m. 13.5 ft. situation to discourage them to ........ hind engaged' ill a heavy-scoring Stnday, April 6 " W,ti,,iIdn', o<s,t e:ruslrlo; ..,;l;on the point of tossing in the sponge indiidhal duel which the former .... ow.. ......... 12":50 a.m. 2:5 ft. t l!s season. If, they. ,ill tough u'becausd of greater consist'- ............................................................................... i sh thtg ",4hmiffdU--.hiiiff not suf- hl'. IcIl'26"t6al, regist'erid o High ........ 6:56 a.m. 13.7 ft. fer the possible permanent effects g]a'rfeS of 211, 21'5 and 190, 'shat- Low .......... 12,2'3 p.m. 0.8 ft. Higli 7:45 p.m. 13.7 aft. of skipping a season's play--the, (Pred. the season's previous high ........ Monday, April 7 &- 00oatme00 " lights SHOULD be in by the 1948 total of 606 held by Westhmd. season and the old bugaboo of ,The league leaders were bested Low .......... 12:29 a.m. 3.5 ft. Sunday ball won't plague the by two pins in the opener as High ........ 7:21 a.m. 14.1 ft. players, particularly the married Stewart hit hard and again in the Low ......... 1:58 p.m. 0.3 ft. men whose families demand their finale as Gone Lindberg posted a High ........ 8:31 p.m. 13.7 ft. Sunday afternoons at least part of 204 game. while Cushman took the Tuesday, April 8 A T T E N T I 0 N Low ........... 2:13 a,m. 4.5 ft. the summer months, middle fracas on scoring by Babe High .... :.2 7:46 a.m. 13.7 ft. LEFTHANDED LARGESS Carlson andJoeForrest. Low .......... 2:33 p.m. 0.0 ft. We have been aoh,; d distributor Among' the Sideliners notes for Tailend Mell Chevrolet made a fh% p pil| ' some weeks now has been one re- step tOward seventh rung by win- High' ........ 9:25 p.m. 13.6 ft. ill this are fo o ttr garding the plentitude of left- ning a pair from seventh place PlyWood (2) Local ,6, ,,> B00RCHCRA00 handed athletes in local (b0wlin Morgan Lumber as Ray Babcock, landi'cap 315iHandicap 327 competition but it seems the Gus McNeil and Roland Gerhardt Funk , 626]Wright 4.10 wrong-armers are unusually fre- notched timely strikes, while Stan hlskog 432 Lundsford ,t30 UILT I'N ABERDEEN quent in other places, too. White salvaged the final tussle for B0hn 425 Jacobsen 430 When Vaughn high school took the lumber dealers. Kimbel !Io- Daviscourt 407 Oliver 463 [IHd the field last Friday nd presented tors edged Grunert's Chevron er- Dickie 95 Westhmd 578 an infield three-quarters southpaw vice i two close ones behind Bill Total 2700 Total 2668 MORRISC00AFT it was just a little too fnfich to Pearson and Warren Earl while let that note"gtther a:ny more Joe Ran and Lew Struthers BUILT IN BELLrNGNM moss. Only the Vaughn shgrts;op snatched the last one for the Chev- threw from the orthodox id,. pre- roncrew. Thelineups: Hauitng Experts INBOARD AND OUTBOARD senting the odd baseball situation Kimbel Motors (2) Grunert's (1) of haling lefthanders h o 1 d i n g Handicap 2821 Handicap 135 HULI 0o0000ecoo, ,000000ro the same infield. B. Earl 427' Dummy 478 Occasionally a team has a left- Frisken 3861Struthers 444 ...... - IiIOTOttlSt OPTIONAL handed second sacker, or asouth- Hunter 4111H. Cole 432 If:'." I.'.Z '-tl paw on third, but to have one at W. Earl 532 Rank 55:1. I : It Boat Tra first, seeond and third in the same Total 2528 Total 2539 ilers infield iS One of the freaks of the Pantorlum (2)' Cilslhliiali (1) 'I,   l I Ii" diamond. 198[Handicap 138 i W haqe' sererat mode And peakI',# 0 llfthandid- HandlcaPLindberg 493 2" Robinson 529 i['., t \\; i]t l  Crysler sinew r0'oms, Is in at our, hess, tile Hffi1r pitching Besch 443 . carls0n 480' -, --,,  ;t:... These boats are fast ataff lil!tis lfa, tlty to the lmrl; Ieever 406 L. Carlson' 84 --  .:= arid SeaWorthy With no exeess Weight, mak- also with Bd4,Tob, Bill Val-. Stewart 528 C; Robinsou ,150 ing tem easy to handIe to and from the ley an DiCk 'all-flipp|ng Ferrier 520 Forrest 473 ] f, . the agate Wltlt their SoUth Total 25881 Total 2554 .-  D water, wings. TI lei4a Rod Rhines Moll Cliev. (2) Morgan Lbr. (1) as the[ lo6: lttltliander ' Of the Handicap 348 Handicap 228 " Triiilers To Fit Any Boat full tible ifltel/elS ' on the Hfgh- Gerhardt 437 Anderson 405 cllm#r tO, Ken Crlson be- Toney 391 Mrv. Morgan 36.7 Our clean, de luxe trcks e InvRe you to d.op int O our show rooms and furnishings see a6re of the' finest, emafl craft manufacturdd at ing h6 'i;, but; the t6ain's McNiel 25 Carl i%forgan 43',8 wl[[ Ch6v your l regld ol .'p too: . R. Pearso 4:[(] White' ,,497 mtfy.t6 a new home, upder REASONABLE PRICES. L'eavi te driamon'd Sthpaws Babcock 462 Dummy 423 insured carrier Iandled by An order placed now Wlt assure you of a boat for a rnbrn:'fit, the Pan'torium Total 2479 i Tot:l' 2ff58 hauling experts at reason- when the spring fishing and boating season frets able rates anywhere In the under way. iae. . SHELTON Kimbel Motors By Ted Kesting TRANSFER OLYMPIC HIGHWAY PHONE 465-W This year, too, .the' flher/nar a junky casting reel. will.unfortunately have a hard time Flies? It takes a.lot of ex- . @ ":* ' .I  .:i 7:*X.; .*** .**. .:. *:* .:* .:. :. .:. .:. .:4 .:. *:. .:. .:. *:. .:. .:* .:. .:. .:. ¢:. .:. .:* .:. . - t e' e' • " .  ' , k WE NOW HAVE t' A A1 . GAFS .. t" POLES SPOONS I !..'. T / " • :' ' n PLUGS :I, • :. . i plug. = [ . Aiid Flltrly' GO0 erili sllpply of Salt Wllter Fishing TacMe ' [1 ReIs? There will be enough lay reel, bat few of the better- I  '' ' ' * L ...... + 0  * I[ glvl"' ,,tcularly 0heti. searce.AUt°matics The: ,,llsit, Shetton 00eretiti0ii and Sporting Goods ,' [£f6n for c:Sflng reels look Very [dubious again, quite a bit of strictly limited quantities. Don't le e d FIRST AND FRANKLIN STREETS PHONE224 i " ,4] [ junk, but good ones haf'd to get, W:it until opening day to do some- [ €:  " ' I  rand, as you know, it is pYacti6- thug abot getting yours--or .   • •   • • i     •i i •  •   • • i • • , ,   .    , *************************** ************************* you llJustbe out of luck. [t * * * t> * • *,* * * * * i; • ,• • • i; • i, • * • • .,, i; ****************************