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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 3, 1975     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 3, 1975
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By TERRY VETTERS Pack 5 1 3's regular March meeting almost couldn't find a time to happen. The wrestling tournament for the fourth through sixth grade boys and spring vacation gave us serious competition. A compromise of Friday, Mar. 21, was finally picked as the date to meet. Besides the giving of awards, the boys were waiting for the special handing out of the Pinewood Derby race car kits. The big day for this year's Pinewood Derby is Saturday, Apr. 19. The event is scheduled for 1 p.m. at the elementary school gym. Many boys were unable to attend the pack meeting and will receive their awards at the April pack meeting. New Bobcats received their first rank in a different ceremony. The Bobcat rank is presented by pinning the badge on upside down. When a boy has done his first good deed the badge can be sewed on right side up. In this ceremony the new boy was held upside down while his mother pinned the badge on right side up. New Bobcats with red faces are: Bobby Snyder, Ricky Lott, Vaughn Chilton and Brian Ruff. Three boys were welcomed into the Webelos den: Jim Pollard from Den 6, Jim Sellers and Vaughn (:hilton. Joey McMichael was transferred to Den 4 as Den 6 from Collins had run out of enough boys for a den. Den mother Marsha Pollard retires after a year of service. Marsha also has been the dean leader coach for the year, a job she will give up m May. Thank you for your service, Marsha. Den 1 had Steve Johnson receiving his Wolf badge and a recruiter strip for recruiting Ricky Lott (Den 5). Dan Corbett received a gold arrow for his Wolf. Brady Hammrick received a gold and a silver arrow and was elected assistant denner. Derek i.~uch was elected denner. Travis Allen D & G TREE SERVICE TOPPED, TRIMMED OR REMOVED FULLY INSURED Wet Griffey CR 5-2117 Lou Dobbs TR 6-4783 DRAPERY SPECIAL Will De closed, April 22nd thru 29th Belfair Cleaners 275-61 ! 0 Across from May's Belfair Electric Hours: 8:30 to 5:30 Tues. - Fri.. Sat. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. closed Mondays I earned three silver arrows. Den 2 had Steven Clark earning a recruiter strip for recruiting Bobby Snyder (Den 2). Bert Allen received his Bear badge. Den 5 spent the month of March studying first aid and safety. One meeting was held at the bus garage for a lesson in school bus safety procedures. David Muttillo was elected denner and Ricky Lott was elected assistant denner. Den mother Terry Vetters was presented her dean leader's training award and certificate. Den 6 members received their last awards as a den. Jim Pollard received his 2-year pin and 2-year perfect attendance pin. Joey McMichael earned a silver arrow. Den mother Marsha Pollard received her l-year pin. Webeles den had four boys receiving awards: Lance Schoening received outdoorsman, showman and naturalist; and David Bowmer received outdoorsman and traveler. Mike Clark received a silver arrow and Tim Buffon received a recruiter strip for recruiting Vaughn Chilton. Pack 513 finds itself needing all new den leaders. All den mothers have indicated they will retire in May after having served one, two or three years. Webelos leader Bob Bowmer has served for five years and has indicated that he wishes to-spend full time working with the Boy Scouts. It is hoped that parents will consider giving one year to this worthy cause. Webelos has to be led by a man and two are needed for this group. The pack will be disbanded if no leaders are found by the May pack meeting. If interested please call Mr. or Mrs. Bill Vine at 275-6301. 275-2031 Per # ERNIE & HAROLD ARIES Weekdays 8:30-5:30 p.m. -- Sat. 8:30-5 p.m. :ome in for • FREE CHECK-UP( Of your entire exhaust system. We have your muffler in stock and ready foe IMMEDIATE INSTALLA- TION Ior Chevys, Fords, Plymouths, Btdcke, Pontlace, Cadillacs and all Installed ether G.M., Ford, Chrysler, Amecl- Most Ametlclil~ COmDI~I Carl can MOforl and Foreign tarsi tarsi4. Clefs lit COmi~WlibiB IMIVIII~ Grover's North Shore Garage :i7S-2128 I I I lllI M mGII n cIcrrICR CUSTOM PIPE BENDING and WONDER SHOCK ABSORBERS at equally low prices. * I! • Wimclor Mutll~r or TeU pipe ~ ever fall during no,me/ lilt, IOf II kl~ II INIti OWtl youlr tilt, tl will be I'~KICl ~ FREE el ~my Wonclm Mutlfar Center. No inelalMtion or fabor cherge. As a special thanks to our customers, we are offering 20% discount on regular stock, April 4th, Friday & April 5th, Saturday only. -- Also -- Giant Savings on Coats -Pants - Shirts - Blouses a e,5 the PHONE 275-2033 BOAT CURTAINS FOUND Curtains from a boat were found Mar. 28 along the South Shore Road. WANTED Christmas tree help for fertilizing, shearing, brush clearing. Belfair -- weekends, spring vacation. Write: Noel Trees 14229 -- 6th Ave. S. Seattle, WA 98168 3/27-4/3 .,L ..... ,,-~2' Haul Rock Bulldoze Fill Dirt B&D BULLDOZING CR5-2195 CR5-2113 t : I: & screens Hood Canal Glass 275-2623 Call any time CHRIST LUTHERAN Church at Belfair Service of Worship & Sunday School 10 A.M. COME AS YOU ARE Lower Elementary School Gym Nursery Provided CR 5-3354 J Sunday Services 8:30 a.m .... Morning Worship 9:45 a.m ...... Sunday School 11:00 a.m... Morning Worship 5:00 p.m .......... B.Y.F. 6:15 p.m ......Ju-ni'or Cho~r:. Practice 7:00 p.m .... Evening Worship P.O. BOX 407 John Senn, Pastor MARY WRIGHT Church phone -- CR 5-6262 I Page 4 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - April 3, 1975 L _ : ...... FOURTH GRADE STUDENTS who received awards in the local contest of Keep Washington Green posters were, front, left to right, Bobby Griffiths, Pat Eigner and Mike Ison. In rear, Carol Weyerman, Shelley Winfrey, Julie Kadra and Dan Staley. THE ENGAGEMENT.OF MISS KAY Mark Harder has been announced by her parentS, Mrs. C. R. Schillinger of Victor. Her fiance is the Reverend and Mrs. Wendell L. Harder of Amen¢ Idaho, former residents of Belfair. The wedding is 31 at Belfair Community Baptist Church. Episcopal Church Welcomes you LfT THE POSTER WINNERS LOCALLY among third graders at Belfair Elementary included, front, left to right, Jimmy Miller, Tommy Keller, Travis Allen and Toby Erickson. In rear, Jody Olson, Timi Kemp, Meg Hannah and Nina McKay. , Wrestling banquet held at North Mason By JO TESTU Eighty-four people found their way to the North Mason High School Cafetorium for a luxurious dinner of chicken; mashed potatoes and L gravy, mixed vegetables, salad and milk. Although some people might say the food (which was catered by the Belfair Cafe) was the reason for coming, other people might say the awards presentation was the highlight. The 1975 Wrestling Banquet was held on Mar. 17, St. Patrick's Day, and among the notable guests were Mr. and Mrs. Norm Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lackey and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smethers. Mr. Bill Hawkins, trainer for the grappling Bulldogs, issued four different (?) citations; the first to Casey Caughie, the "Butterfinger Award" for eating six consecutive B utterfinger candy bars and announcing to Hawkins at turnout that night that he had a touch of the stomach flu. (Could it have been the bars?); Milo Smith received the "22 and Over" award issued in the name of "Hot Lips" Smith for taking early maturity and sharing it with various cheerleaders, etc.; the "Conservation of Energy" award went to Mike Farren, who saved all his energy during turnouts so he could have a burst of it during the matches; last, Mr. Ulberg was awarded the "Courage Pill" award. He grabbed this title became he ate all the boys' dextrose pills before a match because he was so nervous. Next, letters and jayvee certificates were handed out. Receiving certificates from Coach Cal Ulberg were: Luis San Luis, Fred Pf'mtner, Tony Tab(n, Ray Berish, Bob Miller and Rob Mustain. Coach Ed Amick gave out varsity letters to freshmen Tim Lincoln, Eric Hurd, Mike Callahan, Garland Hunter, Gary Johnson and Jeff Hannan; sophomores Tom Shearer, Mark Huxford, Rodney Stevens, Richard Scott, Tim McKnight, Brad Veach, Ran LaBerge, Jeff Martin, Jack Cook and Dennis "Whale" Shirk; juniors Casey Caughie, Clay Casto, Darwin Floyd, Dave Smith, John Mayer and Guy Patrick; seniors Mike Rocke, Mike Farren, Mark Lincoln, Gary Scott, Ken Kelley, Joel Werdall, John Hannah, Brad Baselt, Tom Johnson and Milo Smith. Then Mr. Hawkins gave acknowledgement to the three hard-working managers, Ran Lewis, Sue Foley and Sue Schatz. He also thanked NM's first wrestling cheerleaders, Karla Heath, Gail Farren, Jo Testu and Cheri Yoest for their support. Then the moment everyone was eagerly waiting for: hand-out of the Coveted trophies. "Mr. Smart" went to Casey Caughie for th e third consecutive year, because of his scholastic aptitude. John Hannan was "Most Improved". "Sportsmanship" went to Brad Baselt. Ken Kelley got the "Mr. Hardnose" award. "Inspiration" was for Milo Smith. And the most coveted and important award (which is not given every year, but only when the coaches feel there is a really deserving wrestler) went to Tom Johnson, "Wrestler of the Year." Tom showed great ability, attitude, encouragement towards others, and had many other positive qualities which gained him this title. Two other trophies, which were pretty special to the guys who earned them and to the school which backs them up, went to Milo Smith and Tom Johnson for working their way right up to be top state NEW MATH FOR VOTERS $20,000 Assessed Valuation Used for Example $170.00 This year's school levy - 141.60 Last year's school levy $ 28.40 Increase in taxes (School levy only) • $2.37 per month • 55c per week For You To Solve: How much of your money gets frittered away each week on non-essentials? Education is essential and a good investment. Originally: How much do YOU waste each week on non-essentials? or -- How much of your money gets wasted each week on non-essentials? This ad paid for by: LEVY PROMOTION COMMITTEE Mike Rocke, Chairman, St. Rt. 3, Box 72, Belfair champions. Milo at Unlimited pounds and Tom at 148 pounds. Copies of the trophies given to the boys will go in the school's showcase. Also, besides these two, Gary Scott, Mark Lincoln, John Hannan, Jeff Hannan and Brad Baselt were awarded with their "State A" participants' medals. Mr. Lackey said a few words to the audience about the fine coaching staff and wrestlers. And, last of all, the cheerleaders presented the team with a plaque in appreciation and, in turn, the team gave the coaches each a coat and the cheerleaders a planted flower. Thus ended the 1974-5 wrestling season. GOLF NEWS A large and enthusiastic group of LakeLand Village Golf and Country Club members turned out Mar. 29 to launch the 1975 golfing season. Officers for the two clubs were elected. The women's club voted to continue with the same board as last year: captain, Lois Burke; -co-captain, Patti Schillinger; secretary-treasurer, Sande LePere; tournament and eclectic, Margaret Anderson; handicap, Billie Churchill. GARAGE SALE April 4th, 5th & 6th some old & some new at Terra Linda Court, North Shore Rd. 275-6477, 275-3352 275-3486. to Tuesday, April 8th 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. All Belfair precincts and Kitsap County precincts will vote at Belfair Elementary gym. Allyn Precinct .. Allyn School Tahuya Pre¢inctTahuya Firehall mmmmm ST. HUGH'S -- ALLYN -- Sunday 9:15 a.I ST. NICHOLAS -- TAHUYA -- Sunday I COME AS J ARE North Bay Oxbow Custom ,JOHN C. DALBERG The Finest In Oak Cabinets 275-3109 Allyn, Belfair Fireplace Sh0p 30" Olympic Franklin with grate & spark guard Was $435 NOW $ 375 • Free Standing Fireplaces • Custom Built Fireplaces 275-6165 NEXT TO BELFAIR HOME CENTER 6 Elays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sundays 10 a.m. to 4 ONCE A YEAR ® Up to $90 off on some models Color - Black & White Many models to choose from WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL 275-6244 tax break Perry Baunsgard 275-6737 Belfair, Washington " "calling me could be oae of the wisest bus neSS decisions you'll make!' General Business Se~i(~l provides GUARANTEEU ACCURATE tax return .,d prel~aration.., bus ne~ ='~" personal federal local, state• Re{]ular tax advisorY bulletins and records management services throughout the year to°:a For low-cost, personSli~eu service, call: SENIOR CITIZENS 5' Off of Each Gal. of Gas Dave's Belfair Arco Station Clip coupon and bring in. Offer good Tues. & Thurs only to MaY let- 275-3211 k EVERYTHING IN ONE-BEAUTIFUL PLACE • Funeral Home e Chapel • Mausoleum • 5505 Kitsap Way" ES7-7648