April 3, 1975 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 3, 1975 |
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| j Tradinc Canal life
Dew ow~ ers By MAC MCKINNEY .| |
b .~.~ ~.~,,~,,~.~,,.~.,,~,, ~,~BY DOROTHY TOBEY and ~ANN ~,,'~WESTBERG~,'~,'~, IL Linnie and Blair Griffin, who- 898-2989 ". spurn snore _~
!; Johnson who Thelma Steensen and sons Springs). Almost every morning- ~ moved their family to Belfair last
~: otir community, is Larry and Terry of Federal Way my car was frozen over so no one ~ i October, are the new owners of ----~~m across the can-~ dinner or supper--at 5:30 p.m. It
Belfair Trading Post. Blair retired recently. She had been chased by was a pleasure to be on such a
":: wild dogs on North Shore and and well-maintained boat. I spent
! Fir Lane Terrace took advantage of the spring was very active until noon, and ;.i i last August after serving in the hide on her right rear leg had been much of my time in the
!: Home in Shelton,vacation and visited several days then most business places were U.S. Navy for 22 years where he
a make it much easier with friends Jim and Dorothy closed from 12 to 1 p.m. for was a chief engineman. He isnow ripped off. The deer was so tired pilothouse with Captain G.
~view friends to drop Tobey, also calling on lnga lunch; so my day usually started i ! a j°urneyman marine mechanic at when she landed °n °dr beach she Nels°n and als° walked the length "
~,t!. Cronquist and Mr. and Mrs. AI ,after one o'clock unless we were Puget Sound Naval Shipyard and could hardly move. Clarence Ingle of the four barges every day (800 •
a4l Bonnie Sullivan wish Okonek and relatives in Belfair. traveling some distance, so we works, on the hydrofoil, 'High dragged her up from the tide;she feet and back). Saw the bordering
t !heir thanks to friends The boys weren't as fortunate in would be able to return before Point. ' Linnie was employed at was covered with blankets and the states of Missouri, Kentucky,
game department was called. Arkansas, Illinois and Tennessee. ,
i'ltb°rs f°r all the fishing as they were last summer the dance started at 7:30 in the 1 iii Imperial Manufacturing n°rth °f Later °n the deer jumped'up and C°ming back fr°m Tennessee we ;
acts while their son when ten-year-old Terry caught a evening. Belfair until she quit to take over lay down in a neighbor s yard. saw a tornado going across the
~t the hospital five-an d-a-half-pound cutthroat ....
t~econ~ " .... tro" " The town ot Iruth or duties at the trading post.
u surgery MarK lSat. " n "~i ~ The game warden arrived and river ahead of us, my first -
~ein ...... n t h e r a n k s o f Consequences ts located othe Linnie, who will assume most suggested we cheek on the deer experience seeing a tornado. Also
g at home J o 1nl g R" G • i i of the responsibility of the shop
!I " " lo rande Rwer and underneath
With Lois Weymouthgrandparents are Odelland ...... while her husband works in later in the evening. At 11:30 had a snowstorm, rain and hail. It
p.m. she was still there, but the takes a very good captain and
days was her niece, Audrey Presley. They just rne ctty are the not spnngs, soon Bremerton, is originally from next morning she was gone and pilot to maneuver the Mississippi
~n, and daughter Beth received word their daughter every DlOCK are two or mree not ~!!~
a' G~,en and husband Brace spring bath houses. The springs Renton. Blair lived in Houston, deer tracks were found up the River as the current changes
~bor Granee will meet ataole~tel't of Wiscons'nl haverun ........ about three feet below the i Texas, before joining the Navy bank. , frequently. As we approached the
~e • ~" • sunaceoi me ground so meir and the couple has lived in
verunp f,,r~,,-*lu~k become parents of a baby girl . . Mrs. Leo Pearce s son city of St. Louis the sun came
o -- = v ..... s a Washington, Oregon, California,
..... ew ge systems are mostly all
.~ wed b • Knstma Yvonne, welghmg nme Kenneth was on the mountain out.
y the meetmg v " "
]lira.-- " - t we o u nces abe e ground. The bmldmgs Hawaii, Japan and, the last rescue team at Mt. Constance to
z, Will be by Miss p o u n a s " canno ....... assignment, Illinois, while he was aid in taking out victims of the
P, aremresentative of Congratulations also to the . t nave iouna.auons ava
tt .... most ot the nousmg ts ot aaooe in the Navy. They have three recent plane crash. • ° • I
l-ibrarv great-grandparents, George and ......
"" R" - " construction umess it zs a mobile, children attending North Mason The Hood (Tana! Lions had~ I
$,,,,..~ uoy LeWlS. schools; Christina, 16; James, 13; their St. Patrick s party at ~ ~_7_tha_nd._ I
'~~ Mrs. Eula Eltiott of Castlerock The city was very dirty and
ion, v... I is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. John very few streets were paved, and Lisa, 12. , Robinhood Inn. Everyone ~ "°'~no~ton*=" ]
:'-ttU for I Stevens at Stadium Beach for a There was a very windy day while This is the Griffins first attending had a wonderful time. ~ 426-3361 [ "~
venture in owning a business. The
}]'t~ ~,I _ _ [ few days I was there which developed into Lester Hines and Luther ~ ]',
,,, mason I Coming from Salem, Oregon, a sand storm, which I didn't care shop, located at the corner of the McKinney have been called to i ...... I:
5cho l I to spend the Easter weekend with about as I could taste sand for a Old Belfair Highway and Noah jury duty. | Lake Waterfront ]!
I &~.."tuOIS I Winnie Myers were her son, Mr.couple days afterward. 'Some Shore Road, will be open Your writer had the pleasure | shed 2-bedroom. Large I
l: tl 7 thru April I 1 I and Mrs. Tom Myers and two people go there for the baths as Wednesdays through Sundays, of taking a tugboat ride down the I tireptace, trout !ish~ng in your ]
• !11~1~_ ~ children, they are supposed to have curing 9:30 to 5:30. Second-hand andMississippi River last month from | ~~ y.~r~., t-ommun!ty I
~i~'a--A~:_ Hamburaer oravv I ( A n a cc o u n t o f A n n qualities for certain ailments. At new articles will be for sale and St. Louis to Memphis, Tennessee, ] ~, ~ on ,,~ooo .~a~ll.~ ]
~tl~t~2~og~.' mu~ [ Westberg's trip.) one time in history, Geronimo, garden tools will be available for and return (404 miles), It was a | ~~~ a~,,~ ~'~'~ [
' b~i~;;. I The frosty fingers of winter who was an Apache Indian chief, rent. Wood also will be for sale. six-day round trip. ,The tugboat | ~./~*/0~ ............ ]
~ - .........] were still gripping the area as I used to bring his tribe to the hot Residents of the area are was the "Ann King ' and had a | ]
invited to drop by to browse crew of 11 plus a lady cook.] Bnn R,nmn R,nltu I
i~l~$b_~ arrived home on the first day of springs to bathe and relax T
".~A~! Hot don on bun. ] spring. It was a far cry from the between battles. They had the around and get acquainted with Breakfast was served at 5:30 a.m., | .................. 1 ]
the new owners of the trading luncheon at 11:30 a.m. and I, I
~'. ~o~? ~;i; I warm and sometimes hot desert Geronimo Hot Springs Museum
'"mk. - ........] sun that 1 enjoyed in Arizona and which contained historical post. uJl~l~l~lIl~l~Il~I~l~l~l~l~l~l~Mll~M~Ml~I~M~M~l~R~i~B~ '.
~lttbN-~~Sl3 southern California. 1 wasn't as accounts and relics of the battles i BONDED LICENSED INSURED I': i
.klt~l~t^-~bAY: Meat loaf. ]impressed with the weather in and other events which took place BREAK-INREPORTED i CT i
~,h~~'~butt'e~ed I New Mexico during my over a hundred years ago. A complaint was received in JESF|ELD CONSTRU iON !
~•lt t r011 ~/t~utter['~;i~o[ I three-week trip to Truth or . . the sheriff's office Mar. 25 of a
' ~ ' ' H The city ~ncreases its i
........ ~ ..... ] Consequences (formerly ot " " " ' CONTRACTING ~ BUILDING
Jlh,$ ~ • population fromr fovember to shed near a pool at Beard's Cove i i
~¥: Beef ,,n ~, ,,,~,, I | ~ ~ i April to three ur times its being broken into but nothing j CONCRETE'WORK i i
] | IHOMELIYEI I regular size so, consequently was missing.
= P.O. Box 11 ~l~J~j~ LLgA !i ""
hot I I ' • i there are lots of trailer courts and = - '
'L. -','~sert, mil~. I I t't,.,=., I apartment complexes. All of the "~-----'--'----'----------" -=- Belfair, Wash. /-/~=Uldlll~'q~ Jim Jesfield ! .:
~tlt)&¥: T,,u ...... I | ~' .~a =. = ~a ww | tourists are called 'snowbirds" as ~lIlI~l~lll~l~I~l~I~l~l~ll~l~l~l~I~l~U~lll~I~M~M~Ml~MM~ :
drrs ' I I I most of the people are from the Legal Publkati0ns _ _
~"ftt~it~t$;trZemSu~W/gravy' I n ~,-... n cold states of the Midwest and the 2e~ FUNERAL CHAPEL i
~; ""~"ert. milk.- II "-VS~~ I East. Incidentally, I met one NOTICE OF SPECIAL
r jj ~ I I couple from Seattle who have ELECTION, SCHOOL Serving tam,Hes ,~1~~*-'1~" ?\ ~ :
I ~ I I I some property in the Grapeview DISTRICT NO. 403
NOTICE IS HEREBY ' ',, ~,~-E "
I IlU~ I I / area. Tuesday, April 8, 1975 h, this ~ ..~t'~" /. ~/' ~:.
-- '~.~ ' | | I really prefer the Mesa, GIVEN: That on Tuesday, April ::nr~:l:;'; .,~~'~ ~&- :
held in the above-named school
~" J | For Sales & Service l Arizona, area to spend my winter 8, 1975, a special election will be ~.~ ~, ~ .,~( !
.. I | 275 2297 . vacations., The weather there was district for the submission to the
~I1~[ " "my bag' and I liked it because qualified electors of said school 5303 Kitsap Way call us collect from anywhere ES 7-3836
d istrict of the following Lester M. Lewis, Sr. Lester M. Lewis, Jr. i
5ound II _ . , / proposition:
of the trees and other green
I tlt)l al R:anU I I ,anaes i vegetation. There were mobile MAINTENANCE AND #~ i
~L~k --~tl U(31ll~ I I ~ I courts that were bordered with OPERATION LEVY ~ ~ ~ *'
~lOl~ot~,.,.~ ~.-.I. I | t, II i citrus groves and then there were ,, $756,509.00
ik .,,-tuwn DanK./l ID ,~.|~--~J, I -the palm trees which I think are Shall the North Mason
lIk~ ~Pr-, :~ t I B;i~lllbll I l I so e~e;catching There were three ~chOOlcountyDistriCtlevy a generaIN°" 403 tax°f MasOnupon
"=~,~. _ I • ' .- - ' ' .------~ 'diffe'r~t types there, the date, the taxable property within the
~_ / fan and the Phoenix palms, and I school district in excess of
,, | I~hl ......... ~,.- | even learned to recognize the constitutional and statutory
limitations in the sum of
$756,509.00 an estimated $8.50
| ql II' MII=ll T I difference in them. The Pale
~i~,l~$ v ~ mmwimm-mmmm I Verde tree is very attractive and per one-thousand dollars of Have you
I " ~800 5 miles from Belfair on So. Shore Rd. | thorpe weth:ede[alrttahreera:rth:tth;~ assessed valuation. Such assessed
valuation is true and fair value
of Hood Canal gro unless specifically provided
interesting in the way they grow Dorothy Avery, wife of election, reason for the change, otherwise by law. Such levy to be planned your future?
Chamber of Commerce Meeting
t Mechanical Work • Painting
• Windshield I nstallation
Hour Light & Heavy Towing
& Linnie Griffin
e Browsers
ed. thru Sun. 9:30 to 5:30
Ftd. and
without much moisture.
It is nice to be back to see all
my friends and to be close to the
sound again.
Virginia George flew to
Phoenix, Arizona, on the 14th of
March to accompany me on my
return trip home. We traveled
through southern California
where we stopped to visit friends
and await weather conditions for
safer traveling. We were fortunate
to get through the Siskou
Mountains between snowstorms
on Interstate 5 and arrived home
amidst rain, snow showers and a
lot of wind.
Father Avery of St. Nicholas
Church, also had her annual last
One year old last Monday was
little Patrick, son of John and
Bridget O'Connell. He was all eyes
and fingers when he awoke from
his nap and saw the butterfly cake
his mother had decorated for him,
plus all the gifts from his
grandparents. An early gift from
his parents was a furry,
four-legged little puppy named
Nathan. (Nathan?) John is
counselor up at the Mission Creek
Youth Camp. To all, many
the STIHL 015 14" bar a
Art;f~.flCd'S ~ 7 Value tt~ a weeketttl chaltl Sb~W
R,,~.. ~,,,;,. $193 45
STIHL's Woodcutters Special mcludes: ~,,ta,* Pr,ev
1 STIHL 015 with 14' 5;3rocket nose bar $150.95
2 Handsome, durabh~ carrymg case 1395
3 Extra 14"cutting chain 1595
4 Grease gun for sprocket nose bar 375
, 5 Six pack of 8 ounce STIHL od 300
6 File and handle for cutting chain 140
7 Combination bar wrench and screwdrwer 345
8 Instruchon manual wdh spare parts list 1 O0
Total $19345
SAVE $30.00
(~i Bring this to the STIHL service den e I~sted below
and save $30 on the STIHL 015 Woodcutters Special
.%f~ RIAI r410
f~lD~r t,xl)~rUs M~y 31 197~ Ot whth, SttD[Ih/ /,r,t:,
S &R Small Engine Repair
Hours - Mon. thru Fri. 9 to 5:30, Sat. 10 a.m. to 5
David Vincent says life is just
a bowl of cherries, if you're
willing to plant the tree, spray it,
prune it, feed it, wait for the
cherries, pick them, wash them
and provide the bowl!
VOTE Tuesday, April 8th!
A request for a permit has
been received by the Army Corps
of Engineers from Kenneth Kohl
of Union to construct a concrete
bulkhead faced with 36 cubic
yards of riprap, place sand and
gravel fill and construct two
residences on South Shore
property approximately ten miles
from Belfair. Persons who wish to
comment pro or con may submit
comments to the corps by April
25 for consideration before a
decision is made.
made in 1975 forcollection in
1976, the proceeds thereof to be
credited to the General Fund of
North Mason School District No.
403 to permit the district to pay
expenses of maintenance and
operation as more specifically
Provided in Resolution No.
-G-75 adopted by the Board of
Directors on the 10th day of
February, 19757"
The polling place for the
precincts wholly or partially
within the district shall be as
Allyn ...... Allyn Grade School
Belfair No. 1 & No. 2 ..........
Belfair Elementary School
Belfair No. 3 & No. 4 ..........
Belfair Elementary School
Twin Lakes No. 825 (Kitsap Co.)
Belfair Elementary School
Tahuya ...... Tahuya Fire Hall
Mason County Auditor
/s/Ruth E. Boysen
Would you like to
become a professional artist
in the field of beauty culture?
* You may be earning in only 12 months from start!
* Positions are open for trained beauticians.
Please inquire about our
620 N. Callow Bremerton, ES3-1331
On Remaining 1974 Fiat 128 & 124 Special TC's
128 Two Door
HURRYI There are only a few remaining at this very
special offer. Cost includes dealer service, prep and
free 1500 mile service.
$205 1st Street
Bremerton Auto Center
rry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5