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Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Patrick
Patricks celebrate
25th anniversary
A surprise 25th anniversary
party was given for Mona and
Jerry Patrick of North Shore on
Mar. I 5, hosted by their children,
Mr. and Mrs. James Patrick, Guy
Patrick and Janet Patrick.
Thirty-five guests were present.
The Patricks were married
Mar. 16, 1950, in Sheiton. Mr.
Patrick, originally from Spokane,
is a crane operator at Puget Sound
Naval Shipyard and constructs
homes on the side. Mrs. Patrick,
the former Mona Sandeflin, has
lived in Belfair all her life. She is
employed part-time as a waitress
in Bremerton and enjoys sewing,
gardening and decorating cakes in
her free time.
Other children of the couple,
not able to attend the party, are
Jenny Rice and her husband,
Harold, of San Diego, California,
and Gladys tlarris and her
husband, Bob, of Tulsa,
The Patricks have six
grandchild ren.
A revised application for a
permit has been received by the
Army Corps of Engineers from
Paul A. Sandegren of South Shore
to construct a concrete bulkhead
extension and place sand and
gravel fill on his property
approximately three miles from
Comments from interested
persons must be received by the
Corps by Apr. 28 for
consideration before a decision is
A call to the local sheriffs
office Mar. 25 that a canoe had
tipped over on Hood Canal, about
eight miles down North Shore,
had the dispatcher calling
residents of the area trying to
locate someone with a boat
available for rescue work.
Everyone she called had a boat
but the motor was not on it.
Before she located anyone she
received word that the occupant
of the canoe had swum to shore,
bringing the canoe with him, so
the emergency was over and had a
happy ending.
CR 5-2774
Old Belfoir Highway
Mrs. Nellie Johnson, former 'ith grade at NM Junior High.
resident at Mission Lake, is feeling This is one of those sad
better after taking several bad moments to join in sympathy
falls. She has settled in at the with the Barber family with the
Horton Nursing Home in passing of Sheri Barber Mukai on
Bremerton and would like to have Monday, Mar. 24.
her friends visit her. The room It seems just days ago but was
number is214, in January that Sheri and I
A Sunday dinner with the renewed our memories of being
families of Jim and Katy Patrick Red Cross Motor Corps members
at the home of Ron and Mary as I weighed and checked her
Paschke added to Idaieah Wilbur's baby, Todd, at the Naval Hospital
happy birthday. Her big day was Well Baby Clinic. She was an
Mar. 21, but like the Heinz 57 active volunteer member of the
sauce, she received as a "special" NM Red Cross Youth, and had
gift from her husband, there was taken first aid, motor and driving,
never a dull moment as the best and transportation training for
wishes and gifts kept arriving the emergency station services.
throughout the weekend. We shared memories of national
A surprise shower honoringrecognition for assisting the
bride-elect Barbara Davies was Olympic Search and Rescue Unit
given Mar. 22 by Susan Mottner at the Brothers Mountain, of
and Theresa LaBerge Criss at accepting emergency duty in
Susan's apartment in Bremerton. helping prepare and serve food to
Blue and white were the colors of 250 at the shipyard fishing derby
room decorations of bells and at Hansville, and our other
streamers, and blue roses were on services at county fairs, boat races
a white cake. Guests were Mrs. and school activities.
Ivan Davies and Mrs. Jung Ho Hurry those absentee ballots
Yoo, mothers of the engaged off in the mail before next
couple; Carol Morrison of Tuesday when the regular voting
Bellevue, Sandy Stempf, Gladys Apr. 8 of the school levy will be
Brown, Nial Hong, Elaine held. No send, no count!
Mottner, Kathy Weegman, Jean
Fedenk, Kandis Jesfield, Karen
Wolle and Kathy Krueger. PERMIT REQUEST
Congratulations to Brita Request for a permit has been
Mathiasen of Tiger Lake in received by the Army Corps of
bringing home two trophies at the Engineers from Floyd D. Robbins
recent Kitsap Science Fair held at of Seattle to construct a concrete
Olympic College. Her biology bulkhead, an asphalt access ramp
exhibit was judged best in the and build two buildings on
6-7-8th grades, and also was one property approximately half a
of the top three for best in the mile west of Tahuya.
The saying of teaching an oldComments from interested
dog new tricks came to life in persons must be received by Apr.
28 by the Corps for consideration
Brita's exhibit. With the
cooperative help of the family before a decision is made.
dalmatian "Pirate," pictures were
taken as the five-year-old dog
progressed in learning to jump VANDALISM REPORTED
through hoops from ground level A complaint was made Mar.
to2Y=-footheighL 25 of vandalism to a summer
Brita, daughter of Mr. andcabin behind Terra Linda on
Mrs. Jorgen Mathiasen, is in the North Shore.
Blaine Kopp has been announced by her parents, the
Reverend and Mrs. Wendell L. Harder of American Falls,
Idaho, and formerly of Belfair. The groom-elect is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Kopp of American Falls. An October
wedding is planned with the father of the bride performing
the ceremony.
With personal attention and competitive prices.
Over 50 years of South Shore residence
Tommy Pierson and Bob Sutton
Insurance and Real P.state
520 Pacific Ave. Bremerton
ES 7-8547 or CR 5-6120 (evenings)
Tidal your wave!!
Tidal Wa,,e Beauty Shop
For a nice warm winter,
Local Men
Serve You
and there'S a
of new items
select from.
• Albums
• i nvitatio
• Party
• Scrap
And much,
Be sure to come
9-7Weekdays 9-8
in real soon & see for
Friday | 0-4 SundaY
But until the legislature comes up with adequate money for schools, special school levies are the only way to give our children a hold-the-line education.
David DeVault
Katy Patrick
Mabelle O rmiston
Carol Angus
Michael Sawer
Pearl Bead
Ted Blair
David Haugen
Rosella Phillips
Don Stallman
David Guidi
Eileen Kukla
Jack Nuszbaum
Leona Sande
Lois Smith
Mike Gastineau
Kathryn Bland
Marlene Pease
Janice Staymates
Nancy Basalt
Robert Dibley
Gene Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Vic
Nancy Sanders
Pat Thomas
Matt Davis
Mary Wing
Miles Brainerd
Don Chambers
Ed Cates
Eva Waite
Sally Anderson
Henry Ellis
Liz Corllss
Kethryn Parker
G len Schatz
Doug Wylie
Ken Crawford
Barbara Catron
Lotsee Faille
Glennis Harmonson
Anne King
Lillian Hall
Julia Knowles
Winifred Lowrey
Nancy Miller
Sharon Mullins
Warren Johnson
Fran Gekjer
Allen G ilson, St.
John Jurinski
Sue Monten
Elsie Lomax
Bill Landram
Pete Merrill
Gloria King
Elaine Guide
Donald Hooks
Ben Knowlas
Dr. Ron Harmon
Sande Le Pare
Ramona Olson
Chuck Parker
Doug Smith
Sherrill Ison
Doris Brown
Dillon Fisher
Diane Berger
Robert L. Prindle
Bob Newman
Jim Bennett
diane Robinson
Betty Durant
Lynn Bennett
Helen Sullivan
Irene Slagle
Terry Vetters
George J. Perry Fred Lewis
James A. Taylor Sandy MacGeorge
Gertrude Buffon Laureen Hammrich
Rosalie Erickson Sylvia Lane
Ruth Chambers Ruth McBride
Verna Williams Edward McBride
Lance Thurston Tony Hannan
Pat Siehl Sandre Keller
Ormand Ormiston Terry Louch
Janet Bowmer Margaret Jansen
Jackie Rose Bob Sills
Linda Anderson Pat Ruff
Donna Allen Elizabeth Noce
Karen Fortner Mary Owen
Norm Sanders Phil Pugh
Barney Phillips Lowell Gunselman
Stan Bishop Heal Tumley
Pearl Allen Bill Wold
Wally Basalt Elizabeth Watson
Mary E. Clark United Handicapped Sales
Bill Cady Carol Zech
Ray Grasher Butch Holm
Mark Muxen Jessie Vail
Carol Manwiller Stan Krlagel
Bob Sutton Gloria Lincoln
Grace Hunt Janet L. Harris
Kathy Grisher Lloyd Burrows
Betty G ilson Pat Fisher
Myrna Jones Don Cady
Keren Ragas Linda Valley
Reid Realty Art Youens
Ray. John Senn Ingrid Taylor
Joan Smith Bill Wing
Jerry Riggs Mildred Satran
Allen Sande Rusty's Bike Shop
Karen Wolle Herlan Olson
Dann Whitman Thelma Ogletrne
Deanna Whitman Jim Cady
Tom Horn Laura Allen
Cindy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dick
Paula Johnston Betty Jo Foley
April Hooks Allen M. Shearer
Bee Sande Dick Burrell
Betty Roberts Merge Yeast
Raymond Baker Calvin Ulberg
Sally Horn Lore Wyman
John Huson Mary Thurstbn
Mary Cady Jackie Thomas
Walter Bridges Joan Welkins
Gertrude Andrews Wilma Baker
Paulette Cady Sam Barovich
T. F. Conwell Kay Bishop
Michael Lutzenhiser Tom Erickson
Carol Ann Muttillo Sharon Blenki~nship
Monna Haugen Pam Byerly
Lester Kruager Betty Vaughn
Lea Harmon Gary Thomas ,
Dale Linebarger Wilma Theroux
Gina Hannan Don Anderson
Jane Merrill Mike Davis
Ronald Hammrich Bob Bacon
Harold McBride Fred Geiger
Helen Conwell Margaret Huson
Jim Lane Dr. Donald LePere
Carol Madson James Hunt
Ramona Hedstrom Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Shirbish
Jerry Coldiron Virginia Hagen "
Gloria Crawford Sandra Leach
Ron Manwiller Alma Jacobsen
Stanley F. Catron Gail Belier
Kathy Krueger Nancy Reid
Ron McKay Cynthia Smith
Betty Blackwell Marylis Huson
Cheryt Crosswhite Jim Miller
Viola G riffey Joan Slagle
Martin's Manet Mart Dorothy GrRfey
Myrtle McEIhaney Jack Washburn
Bill Hunt
Miriam Lewis
Art Guide
Elsie V. Bridges
Sue Corn
Harmon Bland
Ken Crewford
Doris Lackey
Jim Jesfleld
Cindy Hunt
Barbara Brelnerd
Carol Linebarger
DeVere Hall
Barbara Lent
Judy McKay
John Lutzenhiser
Judy Jesfleid
Dorothy Johnson
Winone Hoppe
AI Baser
Phil DeSanto
Oren Clark
Don Zech
Jessie Wold
Shaila Jurinski
Lou is Smith
Pat Baker
Betty LoSt
Diane Haydon
Maxine Youens
AI Shirk
Jerry Reid
Don Nelson
Nancy Huson
Ted Smethers
B. W. Waite
Merle Turnley
Larry Kralicek
Gary Ison
William J. Vetters
Bob Hinds
Margaret Keyes
Betty Kruager
Robert Bowmer
Ruth Clark
Ed Amick
Barbara Stormo
F. M. Rocke
AI Pease
Hazel Cook
G iedys Flakus
Sandra House
Robert Leach
Nedine Lutcavich
Christopher Valenta
Dennis Wood
[Dam Green
Jess King
Jim Yeast
Fred Bennett
Jeff Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Esser
W. C. Cummings
Dabble Vail
Shirley Aries
Earl Lincoln
Alice Kriegel
Doug Hoppe
Herbert Johnson
Nita Basalt
Chauncey Vaughn
Sue Welsner
Beverly Steinke
Jessie Patrick
Bee Roseneu
Myrtle Whitman
Belfair Answering Service W.R. Giedt Virginia Engel
Jon Esarey Bill McMichael Darlie Huxford
Teda Davis Gordon Lent Jasper Hodge
Don Siehl Clarence Hedstrom Anita Heath
Dorinda Ulberg Lois Giedt Larry Lowrey
Terry Allen Linda Hinds Barbara Johnson
Diana Worms Mary Landram Ray Kronquist
Mary Salmonson Maxine Morse Stephen Johnson
Madelyn Preston Irene Davis Bob Mayberry
Janet Banach Terry Staymates Marian Lincoln
Flossie Cady Margaret Livingston Kathryn Curry
Orrin Sande Tom Davis Kathleen Johnson
Alma Blair Judy Wood William Landram
Kathy Nuszbaum Richard Keyes Jerry Flynn
Ruth Rocke Madelyn Cataldo Donald Churchill
Paul Wilkins Helen Lowrey Jeanne Johnson
Mary Washburn Earl Lincoln Co., Inc. Robert Anderson
Louis Blackwell Warren Lowrey Earl Roche
Judy Smethars Tom Johnson Randy Baertschiger
Phylis Barovich Stan Presley Seth Lincoln
Ran Preston Lewis C. Smith Virginia Testq
June Burrell Perry Hedstrom Patricia M. Backer
Karen Newman Ruth Lumley Butch Brown
Ken Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Frances Van Buskirk Jack Hauge
Mary Burrows Louise Miller Randy Peterson
Charlene Cates Judd Turner Bill Everest
Butch Bead Viola Newkirk Glen Miller
Colean Allen Richard MacGeorge Nail Warner
Elizabeth Hunt Mary Mayer Terry M. Haydon
Kenneth Banach Belfair Co-operative Pre-schoolJack Harris
Karen Louch Bill Morgan Shirley Boehi
Robert Jansen J.L. Lumley William Johnson
Don Corliss Janet Prindle Marilyn Anderson
Glldys Sills Mr. and Mrs. Ran Preston Leonard Hohmann
Edward Cataido Bill Mayer Jo Anne Hauge
Donald Callahan J. LesSer Miller Pare Carton
Dorothea Bennett "Lindy" Linnenbruegge Robert Johnson
Ted Allen Oscar Mickelson Sue Flynn
Carolyn Foster Jorgen Mathiasen Florence Baertschiger
Allen Cady Delores Turner Joe Testu
Bonnie Ruff Carol Pederson Maryanne Raines
Fran Sutton Marion Newkirk Jean E. Cann
BeY Schetz Ruby Morgan Dal Madsen
Donald G. Clark Christine Mathiasen Carl Baker
Kay Bishop *. Alice Mickelson Hildegard Hohmann
Barbara Dibley Lea Pederson John Peterson
Gary Blenkenship Mike Van Buskirk Willa Werner
Ran Angus Kathy Landram Donna Baker
• Russell Buffon Billie Churchill Pat Mayberry
Janet Cummings Richard Baertschiger Ruth Bert
Erhard Steinke John Johnson Dwayne Blackwell
Elizabeth Biekefield Ran Sharer Huckleberry Herald
Edene Amick Alene Johnson Betty Bogle
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Baunsgard Loretta Hedge Richard Blackwell
Lanne Callahan Herb Heath, Jr. William Hooper
Bob Andrews Sandy Wentlandt Phil Meyer
Ernie Aries Darlene Jensen Ran Sande
Alice Muxen Alice Harris Sally Chapple
John Jacobsen Kathy Johnson Tom Breiten
April Hooks Mark H. Miller Gordon Shepro
Mary Ann Gunselman Diane Simpson Sharor~ Smith
Max Lomax Barbara Egbert Wilma Pearson
Gloria McMichael Sharon Hurd Clyde Brown
Barbara Hunt Gloria Heath David Allison
Lois Coidiron Helen Jones Connie Aries
Janette Blackwell Larry Jensen Mike Cassidy
John Bert Fred C. Backer, Jr. Delmar G. Griffey
Phyllis Miller E.R. Caughie Billy Lane Hawkins
Karl Jahns Mary Lou Kronquist Tom Marsh
Ardts Shirk Lenita A. Johnson Karen Schillinger
Becky Johnson Herbert Huxford Diane Shirk
Gordon Monten Norman Hurd Toni Smith
Ralph Lackey Jerry Heath Tim D. Taylor
Don Huson Carol Wenflandt Frank White
Tahuya Grocery George Mudgett Everest Realty
Betty Perryman Robert E. Pearson Zephyr Towing
Glenda Snorer
Arlie J. Wilkerson
David Anderson
Maria L. Baker
Mr. and Mr~ J- G.
Larry Floyd
Mr. and Mr~
Louise Hooper
Dave Chapple
Joan Shepro
Leo Hamar
Lori LaBreck
Hazel R. Olson
Jerry Smith
Jan Stevenson
Bryan Johansen
Alma I. Larson
Jessie Ballata
Frances Norton
Helen Brown
Mike Aries
Emily Bethel
Ralph Butler
Sally Cassidy
Cyndy Catron
Margaret Hawkinl
Mike Jerkovich
Johnn!e Baldy
Steve M. Kukie
Noela Marsh .
Mark A. WiIk~;m'
Ken Wolle
Jean Fedenk
AI Baldy
Pete Donnell
Sue Anderson
Marilyn DaViS
Kathy Baldy
Lou Donnell
Charlle Bead
Don M.
Phil Pugh
G riffiths, Lar
Stice, Lele
Nathan Hicks
Tom Higgins
Eilleen C. Wa
Allen Sanda,
Kenneth R.
Roxie TI
James SulliVan
Gerald Slagle
Divino's pizza &
Sande's Boats
Ran GriffeY
Lennla Cetes
Belfair Home
George ,,
Dan Donne||,
Shirley Boad
Pat Hicks
A nnette
~elen Martin :~
arty Sno~
Levy Promotion Committee; Mike Roche, Chairman, St. Rt. 3, Box 72, Belfair
Page 6 - Huckleberry Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - April 3, 1975
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