April 5, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 5, 1973 |
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(Continued from page one.)
he had arrived aboul an hour
before the ruckus started.
lie stated he was sitting on
the front steps of the Westlund
house when the officers came lip
asking about Jerry ClaW and that
he had later gone across the road
but did not go down into the area
of the Clary car.
He stated as he was standing
there leaning up against a car, he
saw two officers with 10 or 12
others following go up to the
driveway of the Westlund
residence where they were met by
lie stated he saw the officers
take hold of Westhmd's arm and
start across the road with him,
pushing and dragging him real
tough. Ile stated he saw an officer
hit Westlund from behind and
had gone far enough and started
across the road to get some of the
officers offWestlund.
He stated he was grabbed and
hit before he got to Westlund and
shoved the person out of the way
and managed to pull two officers
off Westlund before he was
getting hit himself and he started
swinging to defend himself.
Vonhof stated he ended up in
the ditch with three or four
officers on top of him. He said his
hands were handcuffed in front of
him and he was placed in a patrol
car. He stated it was hot in the
patrol car and that he had kicked
the seat out and crawled out and
hid in a yard nearby• He stated he
was there about 20 minutes
before the officers found him. He
stated he did not offer any
resistance when he was found.
Vonhof said the sheriff had
told the three that Schoening and
Trooper Richard Peregrin arrested
the same people again and again
and that violence often resulted
from these arrests.
He stated Robinson also said
there was a problem between the
officers and young people in the
community and that he
(Robinson) believed it could be
resolved without violence, but his
officers did not agree with him
and thought he was too soft in his
Vonhof stated Robinson had
also stated he had no control over
his men. He would instruct them
to do one thing and whe~ they
were in the field they w~LtlC do
something else.
Earlier in the day Miss Jefiery
and Hoard had testified to the
drugs and observed Schoening
assisting Deputy Jack Hauge in
attempting to subdue Westlund.
Peregrin stated he saw Schoening
with his hand on the chest of
Dick Adams, one of the
defendants in the trial, and heard
Schoening tell Adams to stay
away or he would get into
Peregrin stated about that
time he noticed Deputy Fred
Pharris having trouble with
Wendy Knutson, who he (Pharris)
had arrested. He stated he went to
assist Pharris and walked a short
distance holding one of the girl's
arms while Pharris held the other.
Peregrin stated he heard a
commotion behind him and
looked back to see Schoening
with Adams on top of him in the
roadway. They were struggling,
that Westlund stumbled but He said Schoening drove the same conversation with the Peregrin stated, and as he
, , patrol car when they left and
regained his feel and was hil again sheriff, both stating the sheriff approached, he, observed
and went down• " went to the Trails End Lake Road had said essentially the same thing Schoening hit Adams hand and a
Schoenm but was unable to do
ca r in which he (Vonhof) was andWherec redfnthere )were nmeh~n or 10 other[ a table .~ .t° justg° behind a screen '~'-' .Sunset which the" detachmenttt was estabhshed" ". m.
tie said there were four or five " as was told by Vonhof on the gun fall to the ground.
i,fficers,,n top .f Westlund a,,d patrHleCasr~aP;dkedia,le the were witness stand. Peregrin stated he grabbed
Deputy Sheriff Dale Ha'nes Adams by the shoulders and
he saw arms swinging down on " Y "y ,
Wcstlund there Harvey Krise and Jerry who had been on the witness attempted lo pull him off
tie stated he walched Clary were in the patrol car next stand Wednesday afternoon for " ' g ' "
westlunu" ''acing, pumme~eu ..... u or to him and were hollerin~,becauseo the _prosecution returned so. He stated be then hit Adams
• 5 's , ....... of the heat in the car Thursday morning as the first in the back near Iris shoulders
[. seconu, and then uecmeu n tte stated officers took Krise witness. He was cross-examined with a sap glove.
out of the car and put him in the by defense attorneys He stated he heard Adams tell
Ha -h Schoening if he (Adams) could
I .C'~~I'I/~/') I ynessaidhe adaholdof ,
I ~------)~L-7~ULt'~L~ I then maced Clary. He statedthey Westlund's arm when he was get Schoenings gun he would
I ~ ,,~ ~ ,~ ] later took Clary out and tied his pulled away and pushed down the blow. the officer's head off. lie
] ,d1111~~~~ I feet together and threw him down road about six or eight feet stated there was a crowd gatlaerea
[ • ""~'r~"~VTdF ~ I on the ground. When they went Trooper Richard Peregrin around encouraging Adams as
_ O" " ~ )
ed H Adams and Schoenm were
I ..-~?~'-"~3i ~ [ t~ arouse Clary, Vonhof said, the follow aynes on the stand. He " " " g
I [~ (',~-~.~ I officers kicked Clary when he did said he was p " in th struggling• lie stated he assisted
I L~,~~~' ........7- I not respond at first. Potlatch area wh:~r°hl:~eceived ~ Scho~ni:g m nPUtting ha?delft|~
I ~ ~c~ I Vonhof stated his wrists are call to the Beach n da s a d that aft
I P(;" _~i~'~ ] s'arr om the a dcuffs and area to assist in locating a hit and handcuffs were on Adams seemed
I TALMOND"~',~* t/,~ I that they were numb for some run vehicle, to c',dm down.
n sm Peregrm stated he observed
I I tin,c and still give him trouble. Peregri 'd he arrived about " " .
con Haynes and Van Dusen stru ghng
I ¢ ~* ~k,.~...~' i Vonhof "also testified to a 7 p.m. and tacted Trooper Ed " : g
I " ~ ~ I conversation he had had with Van Dusen, who had sent out the with Vonhof. McClusky was also
i • I Sheriff John Robinson on the call for assistance in the hit and assisting the other two officers.
• ,~ ~/q [~ steps of the courthouse some time run investigation. He stated he then went to get his
,, after the incident. He said Bruce He stated he and Trooper patrol car and Adams was placed
[ ; ,~~'~ [ th,ard and Sherry Jeffery were r-y starteu uown "
Robert McClus'- ....... in it There was another individual
• named Dave Byrd in the car
! g "" I' "," I :,Js,, present.
the road m an attempt to clear p
eregnn said Byrd had been
, ~" %,,,, .,,(•,~ I W,nho! said the sheriff had people off the road so traffic " """ "
12- ' . • .
I " AI told them he was dtsappomted m could move arrestedon a liquor violation
| Reg. $1,49 --, ~""~lt~] lhe conduct of the officers and , charge and for obstructing
~7dl,~i, I ~1 that he ha d per so na 11Y 30 peoplePeregrinonSai"thetherebulkheadWere ofab°Utthe oth,~ers" !e . '
e stated he assisted m
~l reprimanded Brian Schoening for Flakus property and others in the " " K " "' "
putting M~ss nutson back into
I_ ~l his part in the activities at the road. He stated there were some ... ""
IEvergreen ~uare 426-3456 "'4 Westlund residence, teena-ers amon the crowd bo- Vlaarris' patrol car after she had
g g • , th
.......... gotten out and he then followed
male anu lemaJe, ana that mey ,,1 ...... ., . .._ ,..
y g the .
[| ~ .j~) i were ellin obscenities at rnarrlstomenospltalanumenio
officers the Mason County Jail.
i (")~"~{fY~IC)'~5/e£/ Irae" •statea .... ne saw a young man Peregrin stated when he had
....... • -...a ..~ ra .... v .... gone into the Westlund yard he
• ,-.. , .................. had observed several persons and
...... •r ....... among those he recognized were
at tnc t,.¢, unnKm .urn a can "
, (..)// g
of beer He stated he called to the Vonhof, Adams, Gordon Steehler
and (ooney Johns, among others
youth, the youth threw the can of " '
beer down and ran toward the He stated he had the standard
I ~~ 8~~*'J Iw °*''''aWestlundcaughtstatede~,-,u he him' pr,pUrsued m" ..~erty.e'uecHV'the dnvewaythe" " youth ~c,c~.. o ....... of " and the handcuffs whenand equipment he normally carries sap he gloves' extraiS, on ammunition,dUty - sap his
i s I'le stai "t '' ' ab°ut this Under cr°ss'exa'ninati°n'
EASTER CANDLE .... re Pere ,rin stated the sap ghwes
~lm ,. are L'eputy ,.~lleHlt o
Bri .ning shout "Hey were not issued by the patrol, but
[ r~--~":.~.~7% ,. .. [ Peregrr, loo~ at the drugs "' He that he had been instructed by his
I -- ~ ~:~.'~:~ '. - | stated his attention was drawn to superiors to purchase them before
/ i .
Mason County and he was
l ....... ¢:"°',, "" " / separated the Westlund property
operatm out of his home
from view of the highway. He " g " -
He also stated he did not
- .......... a | stated there were a pile of plastic
i L~~" "" '~# ....... '~f~i~.~* l ...... t.,..• i., ............. assist Hauoe with Westlund after
dams was arrested
/ ~--:2 ' .,,. ilk"Tr#, / green vegetable substance and •
Attem ts of defense attorneys
some other items on the table. P
v to queshon Pere nn about an
He stated he observed se eral " g " "
individuals at the table taking the investigation of his conduct in the
plastic bags and other items and area, after a petition was sent to
.... the governor's office was halted
putting them m thmr shirts and
ocketsp " and runnin~ rot" o the when Prosecuting Attorney Byron
woods ~ McClanahan objected and was
K ve upheld by Jud e Robert Doran
He stated he turned rise o r g . •
Pere r~n also stated the
i 21bl box 11153195 / to Deputy Sheriff Leon Smith g" "
and turned back to assist officers were not able to get to
e (Please turn to page five )
..... ~ Schoening in trying to get to th -
/ Bo×... $1.60 __ i I I
/ Fruit & Nut /
] Egg ]
I Celebrate the joy of Easter, the happiness of
' Easter Baskets I spring with our fun and fashionable Hallmark
i from... $1.00 l I Easter party set. There's less fuss and more fun
/ | for you, because planning the party with our
' I colorful H, allmark accessories is easy, and the
I /, clean up sa snap...just toss it all away,
|~ Square • 426-3456 • Shelton Evergreen Square • 426-3456 • Shelton
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 1973
The schedule
Thurston-Mason Health
Healthmobile in
for April was released
The schedule
April 5-
area at the
Station from 10
April 19 at the
Station from 10 a.m. to
April 24 at tbe
Referral Center for
the public. There will be!
Tours start at 1:30
Tom Pearson as host
April 24 at 3:30
M. Knight School
set up a site at the
April 25, Pioneer
a.m. to 3 p.m.
1 FEEL no need
faith than my fat
beings. Like Confu,
am so absorbed in the
: earth and the life up#
• i1~ cannot think of heaV¢l
~I~ angels, perl
.......... .. r--i--I NOTICE '"
FIVE Shelton Junior High students rehearse their parts in theplay GetWitch [ 4 More Days!.
Quick," which will be presented at 7 p•m. tonight at the junior high I Truck Load l"!reil
auditorium. Admission is $1 for adults and 50 cents for students. Cast ~ Ala,nse,~ .
members shown here, left to right, are Carleen Schumacher, Kathy r Volley Center p
Ste nberg, Robin Trucksess, Va Ogg and Sue Wyatt.
-- ...:
Water rights to ~~' --~=~-"-: - ' --~1
be explained i i!~ll , _ . /
Mrs. Sue Harlan, anengineer [1 Stooin ask about our ./
with the department ot ecology, E'[ll _--~-~'i'.. ~r,nr,- • I 1 __1 /
• "Water' ' t=.u ~,=t a rnr_r
speak on R~ghts I: ,, • ,,
,o ::' S rln lanf an
Reeistration'inap gramAril ,:'ll P gP - /
12 at 7:30 p.m. in tile tirapeview] 41 ........ / • I I / /
Fireball., , will discu " [iiil[ [errclrlum OTTeI'ooo
mrs. nar, an ss tile I1lill /. /
new law, RCW-90.14, and ']1 /:: _,~ ;'\'~ ,,~ ~ ...~1
registration forms. Tile public is tI ~ , :.d~.-" ;I,1 v&DIT.RL OaVlll( ~ /
we]colne to attend this free l, ~,,. ~T,,~"- /'//] JV-- ~ /7 .~, ' ~' |
program sponsored by tim North '~!~1 \ "- :.:/7 I
........ I/ ff"ll \,, //¢ SHELrON: 1st & Railroaa/4 -S211 i
mason Lmrary, a memner ot the I/'u II"%.'...~. ~ ~5'z~//~.a~ Monday Thursday--9 30 tO 530 /
Tinrberland Regional Library, and ill ~x~ Fr,day--9 30 tO 600
the Grapeview Firemen's iiil o .....................
Auxlhary ~~L = __, --TII ~ ~ ' It -- -- ~ '
( ome tc,,
( ay ~~
a~L,, Hou,
m i 2 B'g L)
.. , I (
rrt:es i3
Gifts :_. - .
lt..are(h o{ Bar,ain 1 n., Aprl
ale t., AplrlS ]
I t' Ir rll "1 I"
LUNB lq.I EN'S ou ta, n cl
Mason County"
Of Shelton • 426-2611