April 5, 1973 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 5, 1973 |
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;. High Low Precip. : -- , ~ J ~ , . :
March 29 57 32 - • .... --' "
March 30 49 37 .29 ~ .~..,~. J ~_, ,t~, ~ :~!
I'Y Kingsbury, P.O. Box 623, bicyclelost. Applying for marriage licenses March 31 53 36 .19 .., ..... .._ _.,.___..._, ~ 1~
COURT Shelton, negligent driving, $150 Mrs. Charles Brotche reported in the Mason County Auditor's AAPrri,[1 51 ]] .O4 : ~...'-="~'~'-',,,~ :
on the docket in forfeit; Larry McFarlane, P.O. she found a bicycle. It was office this week were: April3 57 33 -- : "Top of the hill"
runty Justice Court Box 174, Shelton, illegal use of returned to the owner. David Anderson, 18, Shelton, April 4 64 38 --
ge Gerald Whitcomb license plate, $25 forfeit; Joseph Mrs. Kenneth Whorffreported and Gloria Craig, 19, Shehon. Fair weather withabove ~
aSt week were: Gatchelt, 332 N. Rogers, she found a female lrish setter. Steve Peterson, 18, normal temperatures ar~ forecast ~ ~ Shelton
tonState Patrol Olympia, indecent conduct, $25 Emiley Estrada reported a Grapeview, and Karen Robb, 18, for Friday with a cooling trend on
dden, 18353 Riviera fine;Ned Miller, 659 Ellinor, window broken. Shelton. the weekend. Saturday will ~ 42 141 :
speeding, failure to Shelton, indecent conduct, drunk Ray Tell reported a cabin Dale Mattson, 22, Shehon, probably be ['air with an ~.
tits, $35 fine, $15in public, $50 forfeit; Joseph broken into. and Carolyn Ellison, 23, Shehon. increasing chance of rain on
(-oget Pettit Box 951, T u c key, 1016 W. Market, Bud Tozier reported four tires Steve Cole, 21, Shelton, and Sunday. High temperatures in the ~- ape Man. - Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. -- Sun. 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Aberdeen, carrying a concealed and wheels taken from his garage. Constance Wolfe, 21, Shelton.60s on Friday will lower to the : on
tke Dr., 'Shelton, weapon, seven days in jail; Mrs. Black reported vandalism Joe Townsend, 42, GilaBend, 50s by Sunday with weekend :
~O_closely, $1 5 fine; Douglas Shilling, Rt. 5, Box 804, to a cabin and travel trailer. Arizona, and Rose Laugen, 40,lows ranging from ~5 to 45 : mm
~, 92 Tirnberlake dr., Shelton, indecent conduct, drunk George Toupin reported Shelton. degrees.
~eding, $23 forfeit; in public, $85 forfeit; Lorenvandalism toacabin. : ~x,..
err, 320 Pacific Ave., Pagel, Rt. 4, Box 315, Shelton, Paul Toupin repor:cJ a
~Peeding, $25 forfeit: failure to use due care and propane stove taken. Inllllllnllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII :
atthews, Box 441, caution, $20 fine; Robert Stan Thompson repo~teda
Ptlblic int°xicati°n' Jumpage' P'O" B°x 311' Shelt°n' black male Lab°rad°r d°g Th~ese d2~r'~
~erri Evans, 4539 Eas, t drunk in public, one day in jail. missing. ~P~]g'C~ : ~ It i m
la, novalidoperators r' vals cr ___ .-=
Person, 30 days COUNTY BUILDING PERMITS Norman Castle reported a car : mo
~ntence; Anton Evalt, Building permits approved by driven across a lawn. ~ the
O Valid Washingtonthe Mason County Planner's Mrs. Laurence Bedell reported Oakland B'ay add an hour (K'UP
'e, $10 forfeit Emery Office during the past two weeks a house entered, and a half and 2.4 feet. Mason General Hospital :
1.1 NW 59th,'Seattle, were to Wendell Cobler, storage, Evelyn Krieffel reported a fire Thursday, April 5 A son to Mr. and Mrs. Howard :
alPment, $20 forfeit; $500; T.E. Coogan, residence, at the Grant Dishon residence. High ....... 5:06 a m 12.0 ft - ,
~le, Rt. 1, Box 225$3,000; George Fortner, Two vehicles, small engines and Low 12.00"'m" -2Oft" A. Hersh, P.O Box 58~. Sheltm.
.'eding, $25 forfeit'; residence, $20,000; William hay were damaged. Highi~iiil.6153;iml lli9ftl March29. :
.uz, 4215 S. 30th, Hitch, residence, $8,000; Ivor Nancy Newman reported aFriday, April6 A daughter to Mr. and Mrs. : ZEB¢O Catch these
:llowing unlicensedMcCray, vacation home, $12,000; house broken into. HighL°W ...... 12:215.41 aa'm'm 1 5.819 ftft" SheltnnR°d Olsen,MarchRt.n 2, Box 182B, :
'Crate motor vehicle, Shelby Stalcup, remodeling, hOgV~ : ..... 12:48 p:m:12:~ ~: A d'aughter3to Mr. and Mrs. G RE
SUspended; Wayne $500; Murray Taylor, repair log CITY BUILDING PERMITS Saturda''A':il7 Patrick E. Sweitzer, 1511 : SPINNIN El" Pry-Season
l'.B°x 259, Shelton, bulkhead, $800; Robert A building permit was Low Y' p 1"11 a m 6 6 ft Jefferson, Marcia _:~0. : No. US76. Trouble free for e fun. Valued
1 forfeit; Raymond nderson, residence, $6,000;
approved by the City of ShelL, on High ii]iiii 6122 a]ml 1116 ftl A son to Mr. and Mrs. Rodncy
' 3' Box 585, Port Ronald Dunham, garage, $1,000; during the past week t° eid Low ..... 1:36 P-m- -2'3 ft- G X ~ $199
Ure to keep right of Harold Heritage, recreation Mitchell, commercial building, High ....... 8:57p.m. ll.Tft. Le.arde, Rt. 10, Bo 177.
$25 forfeit; Robert building, $1,000; Don Howard,$40,000. Sunday, April 8 ~nelton, apr, ,.
Low 2 07 a m 7 2 ft A son to Mr. and Mrs. Jack L : i
St. Rt. 1, Box 59-A, residence, $21,700; Krusz FIRE DEPARTMENT High ....... 7:'10 am"11"1 ft"Bilderback, Rt. 3, Box 81. " CUSTOM
:.eding, $25 forfeit; Company, condominium, March 28 - 8:25 a.m., short in I_owiiiiiii2;31plml -1.Sft. Shelton, April2.
H,gh 1005pm l l5ft I $pi C,sti
aeY, Rt. 5, Box 730, $ l ,000,000; Eugene Luz, two wiring at Basil Trail residence, • ..... : .... A daughter ,o Mr. and Mrs. : I n n!
Vie. to yield right of residences, $'22,700 and ,20,500; 1603. Union. Monday, April 9 Daniel H. Radcliffe 21, Euc id,
• ow 3 Tam .... ' ¢ finelled SPLIT SHOT
tie,t; Steve Witcraft. F irstmark Corp., residence, March 29-2:05 a.m., Shelton High::::::: 8105 a:m: 10.4 ft. apr,,,~. I Outfit
).X 314, Sheltonl $20,000; James Morganthaler, Veneer Plant. Low ....... 3:~pm -~.~,, Hooks ] Assortment packs.
Sing, $25 torfeit,vacation borne, $4,900; Mud Bay High ...... 11:15 p.m.11.5 ft.
~De~rtment Construction, residence, $20,000; CITY BUILDING PERMITS Tuesday, ~pri, ,0 -. -. - ** I ~i~ J No. 2910. Complete with pole,
Oren Peterson, summer cabin,Building permits approved by LOW .......4:47 a.m. 7.4 ft.(;;Iolhlna box : Set-ups, sizes, 4, 6, 8, J v~ i reel, line, lure assortment,
gathers, Rt 3, Box $6,000; Robert Russell, cabin, the City of Shelton during the Low 4 39 p m 0 5 ft "
High .......9:26 a.m. 9.6 ft. . ,6u 10. 6 to a pack. F|~ bobber, hooks, swivels, fish
........ : .... ,s moved : I .,.o I stringer & sinkers ~ --
, fishing game fish $3,000; Bernard Schmidt, seawall, past week were to William Miller, Wednesday, April
Season, $25 fine, $2,465. fence, $256; J. Johnson, machine .... 12"22am ll6ft The clothing collection box : i BOBBERS J $ 7]
sDepartment SHELTONPOLICE shop, $30,000; Cynthia Pratt, ~og~::::::-6117a:m: 6:6ft: maintained as a part of the : IT I ~ou~c,oce I "
High 10 56am 90it " --- Pa k I 15* Ea. i
a B r e w er 1 5 Pamela Smith and Melanie fence, $237; Lilliam Paul, Low " ..... 5:50: p.'m'. 1"3 ft"nee'Pr°ject' to colleCtu . clothing tar the
~Y, Lacey, over limit Dickie reported a residence residence, $10,000; Perry Rose ....... ay nere rider the Department:
Thursday, April 12 of Soci 1 " H " " -
~25 forfeit. Jamesentered and a turntable, anaplifier Sr., fence, $120; Gary Rose, High ....... 1:17 a .... m 11 7 ft a and edith bervices was :
' and television set taken, carport, $200. Low ....... 7:26 a.m. 5.4 ft.moved recently, i
Ht h 12 35 p m 9 0 ft The box was
• 168 SE 17th Pl., A window was reported FIRE DEPARTMENT "g ...... : " " "0 ft" formerly located ~- MIKE'S Salmon
r limit of oysters, Low ....... 6:58 p.m. z. . behind Family Market and is now :
~arl Marshall, 3205 broken in Nell s Pharmacy. March 26, 1 p.m. 614 S. 14th, located in the parking lot at the
wy., Auburn, over Rosemary Hillburn reported a hot grease onstove. 20th Century Thriftway Store. ~- TROUT NET I Eggs
. ,~0 ~o~eit~ w~'et m's~in~, ~ I~
~ne[,2311 62nd St., Vehicles driven by Elvin THE GREAT act of faithis The clothing collected is kept
[imi(ofoysters, $35 Kiepke and Jennie Mroczek when man decides that he is not at the Shelton Referral Center
Smith, 808 W. 5th collided at Front and Pine. THE COMMAND of the First God and is given to those in need of ~" No. T604 25
J clothm
tel overlimit of Vehicles driven by Christine Amendment is so clear that we Oliver Wendell Holmes r. "g- ~, Special $ !
:)rfeit. Cartee and Melvin Bennett should notallowCongresstocall RQc ~ I
a halt to free speech except in the :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : ~ " Jar
collided at Bellevue and Highway extreme case of peril from the !~I~N T i~ D ' v. I Special
iities and 101 S.
tionCommissmn Vehicles driven by Deborah speech itself. The First
risbane, 6730 Circle Boynton and Margaret Carp Amendment makes confidence in
the common sense of our people
3rchard,card, no admen° validand collidedArcadia, at Highway 101 S. and and in their maturity of judgment !i '-Customers who Appreciate the best fil OLD PAL DURA-PAK
er on vehicle 3u A window was found broken the great postulate of our iii ,A, sk~or ~.ii :
get permits, in Dr. Trucksess s office, democracy. Its philosophy is that k $pi
Department Morris Kinnan reported a violence is rarely, if ever, i!I Color Processing by Koda i : TACKI.E BOX
, Goldsboroughbicycle taken, toSt°ppedthosebY advocatingdenying ciVilresortlibertieSto :..~...~r~-ii~-124 N. 2rid "iSt PHOTO CENTER Shelton, Wash. ,_l~ii::. ~ Durable plastic construction plus __ nner
, lton, negligent SHERIFF'S OFFICE force. ." Ct " " o -'.
forfeit; Walter Kurt Thompson reported a William O. Douglas :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ....... / ~i:'m~:i;:;:~:;i ~ one drawe . Special ssortmenl
~~ Vardo Spinners, DP
i ~t~...~ French spinner.
} 3-5 spoons per pack.
X Coast Guard Coast Guard
approved, approved. 5 9 :
Spring Air Creator of the
popular back supporter.
ympic Hwy. N.
)33 Nylon 39 Ea.
Ea. wicker. Ea.
Fish Filet
Stringers Knife
Your choice 4-6-8-1b. test
of test. 2-100 yd. spools. 46" chain, Plus case,
9 snap. No. 1309. :~
_ Ea.
Be#cry Operated Licenses i
Runs on 6 or 12 volt batte Y" .,,..¢o1"4 Here
Don't miss the other =F
tackle specials at
Thursday, April 5, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3