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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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II " 'nne marries h a t' At 4 p.m. on arch l0 in the ~j~ United Methodist Church of ~~~ C Elma, the Reverend John Brewer ~~~ ! O O k i n'? performed a double ring ~~~ ceremony for the wedding of Margaret Anne Pannell and Richard Hulbert. Parents of the bride are Mr. and Mrs. James ~~~ ,. Simon Elma F k I i b kl Ronald Pannell of Potlatch. The kIt'" ran e×ce S n a [lg groom isthesonofMr, andMrs. IV 1 j:' Leonard Hulbert of Elma. r Three hundred guests were • When a girl completely smoked sa,lmon or wild AC. milk seated by Ron Pannell Jr , brother unskilled in the culinary arts blackberries, l m now a bit more 1 tsp. vanilla of the bride and by Steve ;: becomes the bride of a man who adventurous in my eating habits." '2 eggs Hulbert, brother of the groom. : is a professional cook, she d Kitty Frank is a member of Mix as for regular cake• In each Ronald C. Pannell gave his I .{!- . l better be able to take cr!,ticism. Rachel Knott Orthopedic Guild. muffin tin place 2 Tbsp. batter, daughter in marriage. Best man As I look back, devlares She sings in the choir of the Faith Bake in 375 degree oven for 10 to was Brent Deirick. Mrs. Boyd ~ *~, Mrs. Ken Frank, I am caPy Lutheran Church and she is an 12 minutes• Dip each muffin in Zepp was organist. sorry for my husband. My officer of the women s church topping made of 1% C. sugar, Carrying a bouquet of white cooking was pretty gruesome at group, juice of 1 orange, juice of 1 lemon roses, daffodils, daisies and baby's ~z I first, ,but he ate whatever I She is proficient in and gratedrindofl orange•Drain breath, the bride was attired in ~ i~ served• needlepoint, but her chief hobby on wax paper, white satin peau. Cotton lace r i k Although Ken Frank was isba ng. Boned Chicken and formed the bodice and banded operator of the Colonial House We eat only home-baked Chipped" Beef Caserole the train and the long sleeves. Her 7t" . and..also catered,. ......... for many private breads," she says, "and Frank. o" or ~'~ ChicKen" ..... breasts. Kemovewaist-length veil was attached to a , i%~ I parries, r~ltty cooked In melt tells me mat I now bake bread .......... cap of white satin trimmed with ,. ~ ii~ .~ .... ~, SKin.boningisoptional, r'lace nome better than ne ones ' ' : ,,L ..... " ' laver of chipped beef on bottomcotton lace• , ~ frank was very critical ' she - Sister of the bride Mrs. Ron k ~ ~ i ...,,,,~l recalls "but alwa s 'in a Cottage Loaf of buttered casserole, at least one ' ,, Y , . , piece for each chicken breast• (Cheryl)Bailey, nratron of honor, ":' constructive manner, l pKg. active ary yeast ......... wore yellow dotted swiss over J " • , ~z ,~ rlace cnlcKen pieces over cmppea ~~ ~ Kitty Frank was bornin ~L. warm water ....... yellow nylon• Sleeves were long, J (~t~J ~ ,,., . - ,~ , ,, ,,~- ,, ~- , ~ , beet. Across cnlcKellplace wilmington uelaware, ller [IU3-1 l 3 ae rees r.) . . , ,. ,.,. -- ~ " ..... ~z ..... g , approximately tour snces ol and the yellow nylon Mr• and Mrs• Richard Hulbert roomer, ,. was the sole_ .tamuy_ COOK, n L. weu-aralnea, creamed uncooked ....... bacon. MIX In blender .... t shoulder-length veil was held by " . e.~ and Kitty, who lor 16 years wascottage cneese. - 1/_ . • can musnroom soup pt sour yellow flowers. Daffodils, white of the bridc. Serving were m ,I employed by Dupont in the l Tbsp. butter or margarlne - ,,' --" c • I " cream and a smau package o~ daisies and baby's breath were Decorations followed a theme Jerry Riddell and F#., transport film department, gained egg beaten " '~ " " ' blended in her bouquet, of yellow and white lbr the aunts of the bride; i1~ • 1"" ~/ " ' " , . cream cneese, rout into casserole. little experience in tire kitclaen. /3 t.• llneJy chopped onion n ......... .~_ ,. . . .,-4 bake at z23 to zau uegrees tor In dresses identical to hers reception held after the .It-.. sister-in-law of' ,tP In 1953 in Shelton she 1 IDSp sugar . , married Ken Frank and assisted 1 Tbsp. dill seed fmoiurnhO?h~R:mov:fT:tOV:llll20 were bridesmaids Julie Cox and ceremony. Church rooms were Roxie Jackson, ~tg~ him in his catering work l tsp salt -.--..---- ......--.. --- o -- --...... Mrs. Dale (Wendy) Hoxit, andbright with daffodils, and daisies, groom: and Nell ~ • ~. - , ,. , sauce to thicken• No seasonings gowned in a short-sleeved version and the wedding cake was sister-in-law of the g~| "! don't know how much help ¼ Tbsp na~ang soda • - was flower girl Kyla Pannell, niece " trimmed in yellow and white.Monte Oliver. aunt 0f~ t m are required. I actually was," she confes, ses, ½ C. wheat ger - attended the guest b~ "but at least I put in my tinte. ' 13A to 2 C. unsifted flour • . , Both bri~te and I i l w~--..~ Little by little, Kitty Frank Soften yeast in warm water. Heat ip. mastered the intricacies of cottage cheese and butter to ~~rl.~rv gourmet cooking and learned to lukewarm• Combine cheese • w,., j enjoy the planning of menus, the mixture, egg, onion, sugar, dill D J Fitz eral'-- " .... in onna . g d ot pleasures otentertaining softened yeast P, ao wneat germ .,., ...... • . , ,. , " ,, , ..~ tnomas Joel uemmon oI~helton "i used to be strictly a and hour graauauy to make a Still .... .__ V- ............... d exchanged weaulng ows on meat-and-potatoes kit], she aougn, 0eaung Well Lover an r- ......... .. " , ..,february J in our Lady Ot Mount Ii ~lt~liiiii~b~ ~~laI ~~i kladlnits "When 1 first came to allow to rise in warm place umil ........ u " " "W d s an • , ........ t.armel LamollC ut rcn In Shelton I wouldnt eventastedoubled in bulk tir down. • lnurmont. - p p "q " " " " miKneadute for ,.appr°ximately lure. " " Pat ,o ;° .... .... ,,.r rhinestone-trimmed camelot Shelton where an afternoon Party _ n on no a ooaro. . Mr. and Mrs. Donald F. Fitzgerald styled cap. reception was held at the " "~ " -- "-- n c01 • • ~ i evenly into well-greased 9-inch .... the room .... ___ ___ I ff ~ . OI lnurmont anu g IS me She carried a cascade of pink Demmon home on February 18 ,- • II e . Mid s.o ,~illl IJelnocratlc ratty " nr I I I ~ layer cake pan at least 2 inches .... e ta~ o.a M~o ~'~,.a American beauty roses and white for relatives and close friends. " " }0t1 ~,rmF I I I I ~ deep. Let rise until doubled Bake °~"~..~,.', ~.7~o,'~ .......... ....... " D ..................... mums. The bride is a eraduate of St. get-together party ~.~ t~ Aoril 16 is the date .el fo, t e ...... at "~u degrees unt~ d°ne and G'" mrriae b her Miss Jane B. Garrett of Deer Joseph's 'iigh Sci,,ol and S,. Savage °n April I~ ~''' along with the several utympia .......... wen in a g y . .,, , . ,. - Well-nrowneo about zu minutes. cnapters, WIH be nostesses tot the r, . ' . , Park Maryland was maid of Joseph's College and completed building. .. ~ • , .... g, emove irom pan and cool on ' , ' A potluck dln." sorority's western wasnlngtons. , ,~ - honor Charles Nolan of post-graduate work at Mr. St. ,~ annual conclave to be"held wire racK. aerve warm• D,'~A ('~ro~s Albuquerque, New Mexico, was Mary's College. All schools are in 6:3,0 Sunday at the Tyee Motor Inn in Orange Muffins r~_ ~,,,, ~ ~ best man. Dermis and Danial.. Thurmont. She is enlployed in supp, ymg COtlee, , .Jill' Olympia. ' ¼1b. butter or margarine /"~'~,lr'~ f"t'%l Ir~t~ Fitzgerald, brothers of the bride, Thurmont. The program ~,. The conclave will be attended IC sugar served asushers. Demmon, a graduate of u2itldeennttl: tl ad h by approximately 600 women 2¼C. cakeflour The Thurston-MasonCounty Following the ceremony a Shelton iligh School, will attend " 1 from Bellingham south to ¼ tsp. salt Chapter American Red Cross isreception and dinner was held at college in September. tie served cenlArli s and Vancouver• The day-long affair 2 tsp. baking powder offering a free Mother and Baby Shamrock Restaurant inwith the U.S. Marine Corps from ,~, , friend .',_n '~ T u Mrs Evel n Powell 1968 to 19 ~ tnarie and tlew h rmont. . " y , 7. with one year of. ~. Y " ..~l invited llostesses w,' will feature five forums, a style Care' course to begin on Tuesday great-aunt of the bride, served at duty in Vielnanl. His lasl year was " • " .'ai,.l show, a luncheon and a guest at 7 p.m. s ent at ('amn David M'tr,,land CoruellJulie RaiCOa)~ll P " ' - ' ' ' ,., .' . • Kneel speaker from Canada who will Mrs. Dorothea Clement, R.N., IV'l guard., lieis (astir.. and Marie represent the Beta Sigma Phi will conduct the course each as presidential / InlernationalOffice. I;,:t, ri Tuesday and Thursday evening ,-, , . presently employed at Nt,rth / A u u ro m s lven • ~,., .,~,.~ , ,..~.v..~ from 7 p m to 9 m for three c It ral p gra wa g" , , . . p.. dale set American Phillips Control v, hv list ! I Monday night by Kaye Knudsen ' Edible? Incredible,' by weeks at Saint Peter Hospital. Ruby Rebekah Imdge No. 75Corporation in Frederick ..... I ~I ?': ~ :~ on sculpture Each member was Marjorie Furlong of Hoodsport This 12-hour course teacheswill hold a rummage sale on Maryland• ' Joel Vehy the SO.O~'~ I given a piece of clay and theand Virginia Pill of Potlatch is one prospective parents the ABC's of overFridaYthem" Coastthe Oddto FellOWcoast 'SsloreHall at Mr.homeandatMrs.16 Tomw t DemmOnMal S are hasMrs" eeArthur Vehy' on tt~°luul~, Y L~: result was 15 pieces of original of 179 books produced in 1972parenthood (Anticipation, Birth .... es "n treet," b 'n listed ~i~ art. by 190 Washington state authors• and Care) - how to bathe, feed from 9 a m to 5 m Thurmont of W State According to a tally made by and dress the baby; what kinds of Mrs. Nancy Pryor, chairman of clothing, bedding and other • • ! the Governor's Writers' Day event supplies are needed; how to give | of the Governor's Festival of the baby a feeling of security as well ! Post Motrons 141 of the total were as giving many practical tips for AN APRIL 6 WEDDING is planned for Carolyn Ellis•n, daughter of Verna Ellis•n, and Dale Mattson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Mattson• All are of Shelton. Miss Ellison is a licensed practical nurse in St. Peter's Hospital, OIvmpia. Her fiance, who has completed service with the U.S. Army in Korea and in Africa, is employed by Simpson Timber Company. Both are Shelton High School graduates. plan luncheon The Kitsap-Mason Counties Past Matrons Association of the Order of the Eastern Star will hold its spring luncheon and business ineeting at the Masonic Temple in Bainbridge on Tuesday• The past matrons of Bainbridge Chapter No. 231 will host the event. Luncheon will be served at 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Kay Carom, president, will preside at the business meeting and matrons of 1972-73 will be initiated. Past ntatrons should call Anne Batchelor 4264417 or Hattie Pierce 4264807. Reservations must be ntade by April 6. Club to meet A noon potluck luncheon will open the regular meeting of the Union Ladies Civic Club to be held next Thursday in the Union Firehall- Hostesses will be Vera Bishop and Grace Gardner. Saturday, March lOth 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. OR MONEY BACK Odrinex can help you become the trim slim person you want to be. Odrinex is a tiny tablet and easily Swallowed. Contains no dangerous drugs. NO starving. No special exercise. Get rid of excess fat and LOSE WEIGHT Valley Center Amusement Center 10 miles north of Shelton on 101 Art sketched greeting notes. Award winner bottle cutting. Misc. items. Jan Danford will • live longer. Odrinex has been used : I successfully by thousandS all over I autograph copies of Passing Fancies. ears Odrmex I the country for 14 y . " I v, ! Plan costs $3.25 and the large I ~:; I ~conomy size $b.25. You must lose l ' I ugly fat or your money will be I I refunded. No questions asked. SOld I I with this guarantee by: EvergreIn I I Drug Center 306 Railroad Ave. Mail I Page 6 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 1973 nonfiction while 13 were fiction, 15 were poetry, and ten were juvenile books. Mrs. Pryor, a research consultant at the State Library in Olympia, compiled the list of writers who published works during the past year. mother and dad. The class will be limited in size so enroll by calling the Red Cross Chapter House, 352-8575, or by writing P.O. Box 1547, Olympia, 98507• The Red Cross is a participating agency of United Way. You are cordially invited to attend an exciting beauty class sponsored by EDKEN April 19 at 7:30 p.m. at Elaine's Beauty Salon A specially trained Redken beauty expert will be on hand to answer your questions and give you personalized beauty consultation- There will be exciting door prizes and refreshments will be served. Call at once for your reservation as the class will be limited and first to call and make reservations will be sure of attending• 6th and Laurel 426-4582 Complete one- month program. Limited time offer. Unlimited visits. Now Only 12 At Elaine Powers, a little time goes a long way. You can lose two dress sizes. A lot of women do. You'll also look and feel better than you have in years. Miraculous mr Sure. But it's our personal attention that really helps. And "Team Time." When we gang up on our figure problems together. It's fun. And it works. When a body needs a Mend. (At a price any body can afford. rs • One Year Kneeland Shopping Center 426-5551 Shelton * If you are can be a siZe : can be a si~e: 18... yuu can be a size : 20... you can be a size : 22... yoq can be a If fl)r any reason these results, give you 6 months L