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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 1973
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plan open ouse Exceptional Foresters and ihe Saturday. The public is invited to woodworking shop, the recreation girls of Exceptional Manor will visit both facilities, building, and the former Roger's welcome guests to a joint open At the Manor the recreation School will be on view as well as house to be held between the hall will be seen and at Schreiber the Gate House where the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Hall at the airport the ceramics shop functions. , Residents will conduct tours and tea will be served. The Manor Parents' Club will Newlyweds feted at rty meet at noon, and at 5p.m. the annual board meeting of Mr. and Mrs. James E. Shelton home of Mr. and Mrs.Exceptional Foresters will beheld Richards, married on February 17 Edward C. Richards. at Schreiber Hall. New board in the Lakewood Community The groom is the son of members will be elected. Church of Tacoma, were honored Edward Richards, anct the late ~*'~'~'~ : at a Sunday reception held in the of Edna Lee Richardsand the parentSthe bride are Mr. and Mrs. Arne Talent soug ht Teppo of Deer Park, Washington. Attending the reception wereA theatre repertory company Art Fair set the groom's grandparents andis forming in Shelton and has other relatives from Salem, already started work on a musical Mason County talents to be Oregon, as well as friends and entitled "Dracula Baby." Q.IrJ. represented at the Pioneer Art relatives from Bremerton andMore people are sorely • .. Fair set for Saturday in the Shelton. Assisting were aunts of needed. Not only singers and Pioneer School are pottery, oil the groom Mrs. Norman W. Castle those of an acting bent, but those "-i painting, drawing, looming,of Shelton and Mrs. C.V. Richards interested in costuming, makeup, t ~ spinning, macrame, wood carving, of Salem. set designing, lighting, publicity , :: photograms, photographs, Both bride and groom are and all that surrounds a theatre driftwood creations, flower graduatesof PacificLutheran production are ,asked to come to making, embroidery, knitting, College. After a Canada Hank Hadsells Little Theatre Workshop this Saturday at 9 a.m. ..... // hookingCr°cheting'and basketdec°upage'weaving, rug honeymoOnTacoma, they are at home in The theater is located behind Janice McCleary "~ Special groups who will Hadsell s home at 305 Euclid. display are the Exceptional ,, Casting is still open for hS c h oo ISp otli , Foresters and Fir Lane Terrace Dinner slated Dracula Baby"which is the first # ;tl nursing home. Shelton High of several productions that will be School art and photography On Sundayaprogressivedinner available to service our classes will exhibit as well as sponsoredby the Lutheran, community. Skiing is her main hobby, and professionals. Methodistand Catholic Youth The local, non-profit Janice McCleary would like to Members of the Shelton Art will begin witha 6 p.m. Salad organization is spear-headed by work, temporarily, in a ski resort; Club will be showing work. In course atthe Faith Lutheran Don Anderson, teacher of drama but nursing is her chosen addition many individuals will Church in Shelton Junior High School/ profession. display pastime and serious art Spaghettiwillbe served by the This first production is directed She is a Candystriper with hobbies. Catholics, and dessert at the by Shirl Conway, a professional two years and approximately 100 Films on various aspects of art United Methodist Church where actress and director who was last hours to her credit. She will COSTUMED IN AN ORIENTAL KIMONA, Librarian Morley Kramer reads a will be shown throughout the entertainment will be provided by seen in the national television attend the University of Japanese fairy tale. On her lap is Andrea Plews with brother Robbie on the afternoon. Refreshments will be the Methodist youth, series entitled "The Nurses." She Washington to major in nursing. right. On the left are Nancy and Mark Hill. The hand-made kimona is owned available and no admission fee All young people are welcome, and her husband now reside on by Jane Hellman, who has traveled in the Orient. will be charged. No charge will be made. Harstine Island. ''l want to obstetrics," she preferably in a Born in Seattle IO55, Miss almost With her parentS, Wilbur J. McClearY, Arcadia Shores. Shelton High college freshman. Janice studies • chemistry and Enaaaed student teaches • b ~ v ~.r the past two yearS Ion rary eI1~. ~ ~I~ • ~ • Feature Writer, ~ Mrs. Flora Faulkner of Fort inembership in the l t ~~ -tl~~ JAN DANFORD I wayne' Indiana ann°unces the Ski Club' Bicycle ~ engagement of her granddaughter Society. In her so Shchon ubtic l.ibrary invites From 7 p.m. until 9 p.m. on make class visitations to the Mary Williams, to Budd Williams' junior years she the entire community To Tuesday an open house coffeelibrary. participate in the activities hour will be held in the library. The Springtime Story Hour, ~~ son of Mr and Mrs B F Williams Club member and of Hoodsport. " " " participates in Z planned in celebration of Nalional Based on the theme "Widen Your led by Mrs. Carl Johnson, will There are those who drean) of got that way by a rigorous regime "That one's a dollar," I wasBoth younu oeonle arc active in the Explor! Library Wcck to be obscrvcd from World," an assortment of begin at 10:30 a.m. on April 14. winning a sweepstakes, andothers of nick]e-scrounging, told, April ~ through April 14. international treats will beserved. A I 1 preschool children, who secretly envision gushing oil penny-pinching and general " I thought they were ten attendingPortland "Community She hikes and where the willow wand had all-around cheating, cents eachmlprotested College.A fall weddino is and knits. She is toJ Children are welcome, first-graders and second-graders promised only water. Some see in He had invited me - a town "The others are a dime," said planned ~" fat, fuzzy cat named Throughout the week, art may attend. work of Shelton Senior High The Shelton Public Libraryfant asy the sudden inheritance kid - to spend a glorious vacation the seller, "but this one is a real ~ p~4)~i~l~icclns s. School students will be displayed, ~ laouse~ a wide range of new and fr°m the ragged °ld man assisted week °rl his farm, and it wasn't antinue " ~ .... ~ ~ ~~~lSfN spring luncheon a,O Shellon kindergartens wiff ~ "p0ph]ar reading materials, acrOSSscoutingtheyears.bUsy street in by-gone tuntiih a twel reachedl e a r n°Ure ddestinati°na b o u t seenSW~yiiI~5'ealcu|a~i, the bill. If it were onlyi hada Ix, I, too, have my dream. It is threshing-time. He needed single, I'd still break even; and at Alderbrook Inn my firm conviction that i shall kitchen help. surely no one would have hidden some day discover deep in the Meanwhile, in the grass-grown just one dollar bill in so difficult a "'llappiness is," the spm~g dusty crevices of the ditch, he spotted an old andcache. There must be dozensof IX,T YOUR FEET luncheon of the Ma on (ounty eagerly-purchased old divantattered worn-out straw hat. He bills, and allof them big Women's Repuhlican ('luh, will bc something much more excitingslammed on the brakes, denominations. held at nooll on April 17 at than the traditional rusty hairpin "Lots of wear left in that 'Tll take it," I gasped. "I'll AIderbrook Inn and obsolete trouser-button. The hat," he declared as he ran back take it!" Featured speaker will be day will surely come when lshall to pick it up. I hurried home with my I-dith Roosevelt I)erby Williams, find between the dog-eared pages There was, too. He wore it for bonanza and placed it tenderly granddaughter of President of the rummage sale book an the remainder of the summer upon a table. The most thrilling "\ Theodore Roosevelt. daughter of ancient and valuable historical before he decided to cut it into moment of my life was now at Ethel Roosevelt and wife of document, pieces to make fly-swatters. That hand. Deeply I savored it. \ ~ Andrew Williams. a Seaule In my own private Gothic was whenhe found the ten-dollar Finally, trembling with \k lawyer iler topic, "'Life ill the romance I repeatedly explore the bill inside the hat-band, excitement, I pried away the \ Whitehouse,'" will be illushated dark and cobwebbed atticofthe Since that long-gone day I cardboard to expose a with pictures, old, old house bought for the have peered avidly within aging hundred-dollar bill. Mrs Williams. with her pitiful pittance that represents the tin cans and discarded bottles; I Play money. Made in 1972. ,,/ \\ husband and three children, came dreadfully dwindled fortune of buy second-hand sugar bowls,* * * //t' "~ trom New York to Seattle in : my deceased and impoverished sure that they are gorged with a That which glitters, /\~' 1946. Since IO48 she has been ~ parents. Trunk after musty trunk silent hoard, lacquirecast.offjunk active in political affairs. Her yields up its dubious treasures of jewelry, certain that somewhere Or so lam told, \ • greatcxt civic interest at the shattered satin and yellowed lace; in that frightful mess there lurks a Is not necessarily \,, p r e s e n t t i m e i s t h e old photographs; bundles of pearl of great price. Made of gold. " newly-established :,nd letters tied with .... At a recent garage sale I rapidly-growing Ilealth Services No! they are not tied with examined carefully the moldy, Conversely, tarnish Center on Vashon I and blue ribbon! Around each water-damaged prints encased in May well disguise Special guests to be honored crumbling packet are woundwarped an: peeling frames. The precious metal are Mrs. l>an l!vans, wife of the necklaces of fabulous jewels! Doubtful bargains they were at a From careless eyes. governor: Mrs. Jane Slripp of Letters from a lover are encircled dime. Seat tic. p l esident of the in pearls and diamonds, while old But wait! As I scrutinized the Washington State Federation of Christmas cards are bound with reverse of the very worst one, I Cosmetics Women's Republican Clubs and twin strands of emeralds and glimpsed a bit of green barely Cool it! Mrs. Helen Ncls,,n of Aberdeen. rubies, visible beneath the edge of the for YOU third ('ongles~ional District My fixation on old objects as cardboard backing. I looked ir~ director, a source of easy wealth stems closer. It was money, no question WHY POLISH air Music will be provided by from an early childhood atall. BUBBLES pianist Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki experience. Through the heat of I clutched my prize O.w.~, c.u.e, oo,, conditioned and organist Mrs. O.A. Aho. LORI A. HUGHES, daughter of Don Hughes and the late an Iowa August I was rattling protectively to my palpitating polish to "bubble" just after t apply it? Invitations have been extended to Mrs. Hughes, will marry Elmer Herrel Jr.. the son of Mr. and along a dusty road in a decrepit bosom as I fumbled frantically for A. There are 3 possible mesh presidents of clubs m I I counties Mrs. Elmer Herrel Sr. All are of Shelton. Miss Hughes is aModel T with my rich uncle who a dime. causes for the "bubbling" you refer to: in the Third Congressional Shelton High School senior, and her fiance, a SHS graduate, * The surface of your nail District. is employed by Simpson Timber Company. No wedding date iwShnot completely clean or dry Breeze through many a simmery Tickcts are priced at $4. and has been set. YOu apply your polish, day in the airy sandal with the neat reservations should be made nd YOur brush is defective. • Age has caused your small heel, foot-pampering platform. later than April 13 by contacting polish to evaporate and Esther Horton at 426-2325 or thicken. The kind of comfort-cure-fit Ann Batchelor at 426-4417. To our dear friends. TO MAKE that says "Vitality ," $1099 "' HAIR GROW Sizes 0 to O Q. Is there any way I can IO We can't begin to e.vpress otlr grateftdness Jbr get my hair to grow tastert A. Hair grows quick y the kindness of friends Htrough the loss of our when there is an adequate "Pop. " Rall)h Simpson. Each one oJ us would like blood supply in the scalp area tITIaN land when the pores of the to especially thank Dr. Sandberg and each staff Iscalp are free of foreign matter. | Massage and brushing will member o]" Mason General Hospital for their stimulate circulation in the actions and patience Jor IIS, bltt most of ell - their s c a I p .a n d f r e q u e n t utmost ('are of Pop. Then jbr the flowers, food. • shampoo,ngs will keep the scalp clean. ,, Decorative The scalp should also be cards and kind words to each of us which were so kept supple. This can be done appreciated. The concern shown b)' Pastors' 'by using a cream when massaging. Our ShOe Robinson and Hah,orsen has endeared them to the 113 $. 2nd Over family. Whileof friendsthe love that°f GOdgivesgiVeSus comfi)rt.US peace, it is iJ also the love Beads ',,.o Ne's Pharmacy Our sincere thanks. 426-6207 Emergency Ph. 426-2165 107 Eva Simpson and all of Pop's Fifth & Franklin $t.--426-3327 Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30 children, sisters, and grandchildren Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00 t'age 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 1973 L