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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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k Whole Arkansas Grown, Grade A lb. C U.S.D.A. Choice 15 lb. Extra Lean Ground Beef lb. Beef Sirloin Tip RoastC 'Sl6' Beef Chuck Roast ,o le. $1 9 • Choice, It), Beef Spencer Steak s279 Beef Plate Short RibsC. %'6S' Beef T-Bone Steaks SlSS From Large End U.S.D.A. Quality Meat Top Round Steak s169 Top Sirloin Steak• c i:l L'. Sl" Lamb Rib Chops u•s.0. • . Choice, lb. Sl" Lamb Shoulder Steak . s1°9 Lamb Breast . u,0.. 6 3' Split Broilers G......., ..... 5c • . Grown, Freslh, lib. 5 Fresh Beef Hearts • 85" lb. Fruit & Vegetables Pineapple 4~OZ. 46-oz. 17-oz. C C Pear Halves Town.o--. 0 .... 47c Applesauce 5,6 .... Sl°° • Pineapple 20 .... 33 Crush Pineapple,.k,"'"ic'20-o. 3 3c Cut Asparagus Town .... .... 49c Town House Beets 5,6.o.Sl°° Town House Gr. Peas S. .... sl°° Sauerkraut Tow..o..S,6 .... Sl°° Town House Spinach 5 ,, .... Sl°° Stewed Tomatoes.':=4 ,,... Sl°° These Brands Save You Money,/ Coffee Tone . . .... ,, .... 69' Safeway Coffee . ,..,.,,.. ,... 79' • Black Tea Bags.. SIOS Look For Safeway & White Magic Detergent ..... 69' Dish. Compound. .. .,o .. 79' Fabric Softener .... 99' Safeway Brooms . . s266 Liq. Cleaner 59' Oven Cleaner .... 49' Floor Wax • . 64c Furniture Polish Sl0, Lemon, 14-oz. ' II-oz. Dairy Delicatessen Dept. Yogurt ... ,.,_.,,,. 59' ,ow,** ...,- ,I 6@ CNOCOtAtf/lnllK . 0eL Mild Cheddar. 9 6c Swiss Cheese.. SlZ3 Unsweetened 4 oz. C er Wkele Kernel 17-oz. 16-OZ. WHOLE PEELED Cereal Blend.. ,.,.,.,,.. 25* Cream Cheese,_,..,,. 35' Margarine 36c Margarine ,,. c. 0,, .. ,. 25C Vegetable ..... 14' Bean with Bacon . 14' Veg. Vegetable.. 14' Crm. of Mushroom 0, ,. 16' Chicken Noodle• . 16' Chicken Rice .... 16' Crm. of Chicken• . 16' Turkey Noodle . . 16' Cream of Celery 16' Vegetable Beef Split Pea WithHam . . Town House Soup IO¾-oz. C Cream O' the Crop Fresh Doz. Page 12 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 1973 U.S.D.A. Choice lb. C Red Ripe, Our Best! lb. Fresh Pork 3-5 Pounds lb. C White Meat lb. C Beef Rib Steak "°"'"' s16' • . . Choice, lb. Beef Cube Steak. s16s Boneless Ham. ,n,.w°y 3Cnn S3" Beef Wieners ,o,.wo, 89' ..... Pound Sliced n ....,o,.-o, mos,o,..oyS2O I~Ul,,l~i I l-lb. | 2-1bs. Thick Bologna s tew , 85 Sliced, 1 2-oz. Turbot Fillets ....... 69c Fish Crisps .......... 85c Shrimp Meat ....... s269 Kippered Salmon. 97( O0z. Crisp Radishes ...... .... 10' Large Avocados ....... ,o. 25' Select Celery .......... ,o 28 Anjou Pears ........... 29' White Grapefruit .... 8 89' Fresh Mushrooms ...... 88' Pure Orange Juice ..... 89c If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with any purchase made at Safeway we will make an adjustment that is satisfactory to you or refund the purchase price in full. Look For These "S" Brands./ Grapefruit Juice.. Town. . 46-o,.House 5 5¢ Town House" " Pink Grope- Juice fruit, 46 .... 5 5 C Town..,. 45' Apple Juice• . . in 40 .... ° .... ter Peanut Butter ,u,ode.,, .... 62' ® Syrup ....... sle..,oliow.,, .... 39' Sea Trader Look For Safeway & Truly Fine Safeway Bake Shop aws & Butte For Breakfast or A Treafl To A Package C Oatmeal Bread 3 9' Bread Skylark ... 41c Busy Baker & Party Pride Snacks Fresh Saltines ........ BusyBoker, l-lb. 35c Asst'd Cookies. Fa.,,y,ock Busy Baker, 1 ~ -lb. 63c or Tortilla Chips ®e~ Corn Chips ..... Party Pride, Each 35c Lucerne & Bel-air Frozen Foods LUCERNE Half Gallon C BEL-AIR Cream Pies 14-Ounces C I . Lucerne Ice Cream Oa, 85C Bel-oir Deluxe Bel-air $~ Pizzas 16.0unce.•.89*SOusage. 19.oz. 79C Bel-air Rhubarb.. ~o.oon~e 44C 9 Inch Bel-air Pie Shells. 35c Bel-air Crinkle Carrots.. cot. .oz. 36c Bel-air Tater Treats 46c Bel-air French Fries. 1.l . 29C Bel-air Cut Corn .....63C Bel-air Green Peas .. 59c Bel-air Cauliflower .. 0.oz. 65C reen Beans Reg. or French 16-oz. • Toothbrush °'lo" • ,ofewoy.,o, 39' Toothpaste ,.woy, a.,..,int .... 45* Truly Fine Protein Shampoo ,0 .... $9' Creme Rinse TrulyFine .... 16-Ounce 5 Sc Hair Spray Tr.IyF,n. .... .-o .... 45' Vitamin "E" . ooiu. 'fewoy, oo,, s2a9 Vitamins s16' Multi w / Iron. 2 'O's • Vitamin C • ,oo,o.,oo. 69* JELL-WELL 3-OZ. C Look Foro EDWARDS Pudding Snacks ,o.., .... 9' P'kg. of 4,,-oz. S ® Chili with Beans To .. 33c ® Pork& Beans Town.o__ ..... ,o .... 29' ® Tomato Sauce... To..,.__. ,-0... 10' ® Tomato Paste ,.w.,... 6" .... 6-OUexo 1 l-lb. 89' 3-1bs. '2.37 2-lb. For Your Baking Needs EMPRESS Corn Meal 34c Pancake Mix • 'o--d, 63' |uttermilk Biscuit Mix .,,writ,,.,0 .... SO' ® Canned Milk... .... -.o.• 1 8c ® Shortening .. 85• ® Salad Oil .... No.od.,,,-o .... 97 ® Instant Milk . • s244 QuickOats 59' 18-oz. 32. 42-oz. Crown Colony ® Black Pepper ,.o.- 49* Condiment, Pickles & Relishes ® Mayonnaise .... NuMode, O'. 5 9' ® Salad Dressing..u .. .o. SS Zippy Dills 74* • . Style F•P. 48-oz. Pickle Chips Zl,pyCuc.- r. 84' Sweet Pickles Sl0 Whole, 4g-oz. ® Town House Catsup .... 45 Look For Truly Fine & Kitchen Craft Alum. Foil 1|'x2" 49' Alum. Foil SlS' Bath Tissue Truly Fin. 46' pock of 4 Look For Pooch Pet Food Strawberry, Peach or Seedless Blackberry C EMPRESS Red Currant, Strawberry Seedless Blackberry C lO-oz. TRULY FINE Complexion (Bath S-oz. 141 3½-oz. WHITE MAGIC ® Dog Food 10" Pooch 81' Beef Burgers. 36-oz. SlZS Gal. Dog Food ..• Price, effective Wed. April 4 through Saturday, April 7th. No sales to dealer