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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Royal ,Broug am to Service spea y al r o gh a m , A long-time sports editor, field. School teacher and speaker at Who s Who in America. widely-known newspaperman, columnist and now associate In his half-century as a Christian conferences. The sunrise service will be radio and television personality, editor of the Seattle newsman, Brougham has The Seattle man holds a held at the Shelton High School ]ii~~, :! C will be the speaker at the Shelton Post-Intelligencer, Brougham has interviewed many world figures in ]Doctor of Literature degree from Stadium at 6a.m. EasterSunday/_. help, give Sunrise Service on Easter Sunday. earned a national reputation in his hasSp°rtS'loggedbusineSSoveranda politicS.half.millionHe BiolasigmaCOllege,Delta Chi,is a andmemberis listed°f thein morning. miles, including eight ocean __ Suggestions for theme and visits to many European countries, including I Johnny was born with cerebral palsy. For fair are requested Kus:a hristian layman who has a I He needs crutches, braces, a wheelchair. Mason County Fair Manager Send entries to P.O. Box 29. strong faith in the Lord, he has I He needs physical therapy... Annette McGee, has announced a The number of entries per person appeared as a guest on severalBilly nd Rc)e~ch th r nv ] and speech therapy. contest for naming the ttaeme of is not limited. Prizes will include G;:h:;llld aPrdg2:a Stl ? New York, [ With your we can all of this the 1973 Mason County Fair. two adult and two children's Selection will be made on passes to the fair, which will Brougham has a special [ to him. I_.,,,,£-I originality, neatness and include gate admission Friday, message for young people Hehas I ~~.^~^.,~ I"ff~l ! travele" ith ..... "" I lalve tO -aster eals I I appropriateness. Saturday and Sunday, admittance a w atmeuc teams I ..-_-_.... I,szL, I i A committee has been set up to the rodeo performances and around the world ~nd has many [ March 1 - April 22 [ i- ] to judge the entries which are due motorcycle race. years experience as a Sunday T /"i. , nolater than April 16. 0~~ "rl . I~l~I I1 Li ~Ikfk I Rayonier scholarship K rK plans are announced I T h e 1 T T - R a y o n i e r committee is composed of Dr. i~\~llL~.~~/~..~aJl~~-7-~'t'~ | Foundation Scholarship of A.C. Linkletter" Fred Twidwell, I k\\'~/ IT\', ~ '~74'l~'l~ik~af Sale--many styles. I $4,000 will again be granted to a superintendent 'of Intermediate " " :~ "~ "~ .BROWN AND member of a graduating class School District No. ll3;and Dr. l~)//// '~~tr't~ WHITE L[.ATflERvalues to $13 I among Mason County high Edwin L Lovell, chairman. I~/ ~~~" ~-YF~l~ltk .REDANI2 I schools, according to Dr. Edwin Three students from Mason ii ' " "i'li W tlT£ LEATHER i L. Lovell, manager of the County are presently obtaining aJ~'i~TM, :O;, Olympic Research Division. This college education with the is the seventeenth consecutive assistance of ITT-Rayonier 90 year the ITT-Rayonier Foundation scholarships. They Foundatibn has granted a are F. Nathan Thomas (Shelton four-year scholarship in this High School '70), junior in d d f high h c°u *:e architecture; Daniel A. Nee e or W ]y$ ere scholarship is open to all (Shelton High School '71) I| Other styles " ..... ] students in the class of 1973 in sophomore in business I available , :%:,=, any high school in Mason County. administration; and Susan E. ~:Snb;:?e iat~ghrd~ bPeP~rp~n~:fthebndgeswillals° B:~g:d tUg U~esH~ghut;YflOle Applications for the scholarships Hamilton (Shelton High School .un the low bid of The Dosewallips Bride is junction with State Highway l06; are made throughtheprincipals '72), freshman in biologicalI ~# ~~! '" .,~os~o:t~O~o/Ico,,t ,~ Company, of located on US Highway lgl 18 and the third is the Skokomish office in each high school, science. "'::"'~i ~,r $25,034 for the miles south of the junction with River Bridge on State Highway Candidates are judged on the basis T h e I T T - R a y o n i e r ~Way constructionState Highway 104 in Jefferson 106 located 1.5 miles east of the of scholarship, participation in Foundation is a non-profit i--" County near Brinnon. The second junction with U.S. 101. community acitivites, personal organization founded in 1952 to ~'ung Work will begin bridge is the Skokomish River qualificati°ns and' t° s°me pr°vide financial assistance f°rI I extent, need.The selection educational and charitable Shoe Salon : ,', ,with completion tater this summer purposes. Iges located in counties, on ~i::~.:: I01 and includes cleaning of the bridges to from corrosion and life of lhe metal the bridges. The Slate ltructors from the Patrol Academy been prolnoted rank of trooper to ceremonies in Gerald C. Johnson. commissioned a and transferred in 1972 as 12-year patrol at Renton and to coming to the the patrol six years 'erience, Trooper , rved al Spokane Is a graduate of Bureau of Firearms Will continue in duties at the romotions were after a on. ONE OF THE MEMBERS of the Law Enforcement Explorer Post goes through the state patrol driving course at Sanderson Field. driving course Members of Explorer Post 723 spent March 11 learning about precision diving. The scouts are a law enforcement search and rescue post with the Mason County Sheriff's Department. They drove a road course full of obstacles to learn precision driving. Members said they felt the course helped their regular street driving. The post meets the first and third Mondays of the month at 7:30 p.m. in the Mason County Courthouse. Aet emf Finest Quality! 1"O 40% ON ITEMSI with l$.0g in Trade Pinched on Merclmdils I''I''''mm''''IIl'''''IlII Imqiml! A complete 40- I I pc. Nrvice for 8 1S88.00 ] val-e) fer anly 111.201 ! i Or • 60-1~. service for 12 i ] ($132.00 value) for mdy i $19.80... Build as large I a set as you wish. I 426-3327 ul pattern in brilliant Electroplate*. A with either contem- settings. Lifetime Completely safe Will remain a merchandise your complete set SAVE ON LOCKER GUARANTEED TO YOUR SATISFACTION! WHOLE OR HALF - GUARANTEED TENDER.I LOW PRICE INCLUDES CUTTING & WRAPPING TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS and SHARP FREEZING U.S. GOOD INCLUDES CUSTOM CUTTING and WRAPPING, SHARP FREEZING, PLUS CURING HAM and BACON. WHOLE or HALF GUARANTEED TO YOUR SATISFACTION C Ib Your Home Owned & Operated Custom Meat Facility RT. 1, BOX 370 SHELTON GLENN PROBST OWNER 426-1415 From Olympia ZENITH 1 41 5 Sholton m ONE WEEK SALE ON THESE SPECIALS... ENDS APRIL 11th 8093 CHECK THESE COOKING TIMES! SAVE s21 ELECTRONIC OVEN ONLY $178.00 1543 Deluxe Model 8092 Reg. 339.95 NOW THIS WEEK ONLY $274.88 1194~ 4633 • ~uu~t~ c~ cm Ice maker $35 m0rs m DELUXE ALL FROSTLESS 15.2 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR • Adjustable Shelves • Rollers; Reversible Doors • 166 lb. Frostless Freezer Section • Only 60" high ,.. m.. DELUXE 16 Cu. Ft. UPRIGHT FREEZER DELUXE 20.7 Cu. Ft. CHEST FEIiZER holds 560 Ibs. Reg. 219.88 holds 725 Ibs. Reg. 239.88 • Lock • Basket • AdI. Cold Control • Light • Defrost Drain • Magnetic Gasket See These Models on Display, Too! Big Savings-Limited Time Sale Refrigerators SAVE $60-22 cu. ft. 3-dr. Frostless Refrigerator reg. 449.95--NOW Only $389.88 SAVE $50-- 17 cu. ft. Frostless Refrigerator reg. 329.95--NOW Only $279.88 Ranges SAVE $40-Your Choice Gas or Electric Gallery Range, Self-Cleaning Oven, reg. 319.95 NOW $279.88 Washers, Dryers, Dishwashers -- SAVE $90 ON PAll SAVE $70-- 18-lb. Washer, was 279.88 NOW $209.88 SAVE $20-- 18-Lb. Dryer, was 179.95 NOW $159.88 TronlpOrtotion Extra on All /terns. SAVE $40--12-Cycle DeLuxe Convertible Dishwasher, reg. 319.95 NOW Only $279.88 TV's, Components, Radios, Stereos SAVE $ diagonal Console Color TV One-Touch Auto Color reg. 539.95 NOW $499.88 SAVE $30--8-Track Component System, AM/FM Stereo Receiver reg. 187.95--NOW Only $157.88 SAVE $20-8 Band Portable Radio with Full CB Band reg. 84.95 NOW Only $64.88 SAVE $10--Console Stereo reg. 199.88 NOW $189.88 Phone 426-2691 or 426-2692 417 Thursday, April 5, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 13