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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PHONE _,. O For Sale iLL sizes, and It for sale. Call p.m. S3/29tfn 'riday April 6 to Coast, :uby Rebekah ~ton pickup $200 hone 426-1460. ~,FT cabin 75 hp 1973 plates, sterling , service.for chest, best -12 ND plant sale. mroses, April 4:3U, St. Church ING portable fUll one year delivery, $159. Y the Blue Lustre and upholstery. shampooer $I. 4/5 kitchen table tory with G4/5-26 rpets are a joy to Your rug with Rent electric Rex Floor Highway L TYPE 0. A4/5 black and white Year warranty, 77-9729. L4/5 bed. Both like 231. H4/5 in of root beer to 116 Crescent A&W Drive-In SOIL ish Valley, good darn, no rocks. and shrubbery. by truck load F. E. Ogden 5:30 p.m. 7/27tfn :inest I n: TANKS ROCK 'MIX * GRAVEL POURS :OSs FROM COURSE NGS 9/3tfn For Sale MUST SELL! $1000 Ludwig drum set. Good condition, burgundy metal flake. $395 or best offer. 426-2482, 308 Roosevelt, Shelton. A4/5 FOR SALE dining table will seat 8 when open. Call 426-6250. G4/5 ANTIQUE AUCTION -- large truck & trailer load. American antiques and collectables from the East and Midwest. Sunday, April 8 at 1 p.m., Shelton Highway 101, Olympia. Horse drawn sled, organ, small & large scramblers, cradle, round oak tables claw footed, ornate chairs, sideboard, commode, sadirons, waffle irons, iron pots, roll-top desk, drop front desk, kitchen cupboards, wicker pieces, ornate cook stove, ornate heaters, secretaries, dressers, trunks, milk cans, old water pumps, brass bed, iron beds, sewing machine, lots of rockers, carnival glass, kitchen clocks, lots more items too numerous to mention. Preview Sunday 11 a.m. Don't miss this sale! Statewide auction. Cliff Nichols auctioneer. 943-6140.4/5 MOST POPULAR sizes of tires and batteries now in stock. Call Sears 426-8201. S2/8tfn YOUNG GRAINFED steers, cut and wrapped. Expert cutting and wrapping. Shelton Foods. 426-6523. S3/27tfn PASSING FANCIES by Jan Danford. An illustrated book of verse and prose. $1.95 at the Journal and book stores. D2/24tfn FOR SALE -- Large selection of reconditioned ranges, refrigerators, washers, dryers. Eells & Valley Appliance Center. 6/5 tfn NORWESTER WOODBURNING heater, $85. Call 426-3778. M3/22-4/12 FARFISA COMB organ and Leslie speaker, like new, $1,000. $1,600 value new. Call 426-6539. P3/ltfn USED LOWREY organ, Starlight model, $495, Johnny's Music Box. 12/7tfn CRUSHED ROCK for your\ driveway or the permanent solution, concrete paving. Graystone, phone 426-3344. 12/7tfn 1969 50 HP Mercury outboard perfect condition. $450 with controls, CH3-8156 or EA2-8360 Seattle. 53/15tfn PRIMROSES, YEAR old sturdy plants, many colors, polyanthus and aculis, 25 cents each. Bring containers, 273 Island Lake Drive, 426-3448. A3/29-4/19 AUCTION EVERY Thursdav night at the Tropics Ballroorri, ~Slchneider's Prairie). Call ympia 943-6140. D3/10tfn FOR SALE used SCM No. 44 Copier, excellent condition, 426-5576. R3/29tfn 8' SINGLE disc, power lift grain drill, like new, can be used as disc. For Sale Pets, Livestock CHECK PROTECTOR, davenport, lounge chairs, antique chairs, refrigerator, rollaway bed, 14 ft. Birchcraft boat and motor. 877-5383. R3/29-4/19 NICE WEANER pigs and one bred sow, one holstein steer calf and one white pony. HMS Cattle, 426-1415. H4/5 SEALPOINT SIAMESE kittens, 6 weeks old, $10. Call 426-4693. V3/29-4/5 Used Cars 1967 MUSTANG, 289, automatic, new carpets, vinyl top, dependable, lady's car. 426-4885. 53/29ttn '50 CHEV pickup with canopy. Runs good, good tires and brakes, $150. Call 426-2054 after 5 p.m. L4/5 FOR SALE 1969 Volkswagen squareback, good condition, $1,250. Call 426-6288. P4/5 1957 FORD school bus, $550. Also pickup camper $150. Call 482-2586 after 3 p.m. W4/5 1965 PLYMOUTH station wagon, 9 passenger, heavy duty trans., 318 engine V-8, automatic, p.s., c ean. $625, 426-8074. M4/5 FOR SALE 1968 Dodge Dart V-8 2-door hardtop, 4 speed, power steering, $795. Call 426-6525. D4/5- 12 1961 SCOUT, 4 wheel drive, hubs, good condition. $750. Phone 426-6532. $4/5-12 '71 FORD Ranchero V-8 light blue matching Gem canopy, 22,000 miles. $2,750 Phone 898-2338 evenings. L4/5- 12 1961 BONNEVILLE Pontiac, runs good, very clean, $275. Phone 426-4692. B4/5 1962 TEMPEST LeMans, 4 cyclinder, good condition, good rubber, $275. Phone 426-6830. E4/5 '64 IMPALA Super Sport, 2 door hardtop with automatic transmission. Call 426-4570. A4/5 '59 KARMANN "Ghia $450 good condition phone 426-4564. S2/22tfn 58 FIAT 1100 series, $75 or best offer. Phone 426-4504 after 5 p m. H3/29tfn 1957 2 TON FOrd truck. 2 speed rear axle, $500. 943-087b. Olympia. P3/29-4/5 1968 EL CAMINO, 6 cylinder stick shift, low mileage, excellent condition, call 426-6659. W3/29-4/]9 FOR SALE gentle child's pinto Shetland pony. 6 yr. old gelding. Call 426-1096 after 5 p.m. A3/29-4/19 DOG CLIPPING and grooming. For appointments, call Mrs. LaMont. 426-4164. L9/17tfn K-9 KLIPS, professional poodle clipping and pet grooming. Call Mrs. Kimball for appointment. 426-8988. 8/31tfn Lwe'~tock bought. Baby calves fo~ sale on order. Bill Schroeder Phone 426-2453 426-5457 P.O. Box 608 ShelLon, Wa. JO/Sttn Farm Slaughtering Custom cutting and wlappmg. Old fashio,,ed curing done and pepperoni and sausage made. Livestock bought, sold and hauled Home Meat Service Glenn & B.J. Probst 426- 1415 Ka m i lche Curtiss Breeding Service ARTIFICIAL tNSEM INAT'.ON Dairy and Beef LENNY LETT 357-4143 tfn CADILLAC, 4 door hardtop, 1960, air conditioner, radio, power seat. Tires, motor, body, good condition. A good second car. $500 cash. Call 426-4296. Mc3/29-4/5 1966 CHEV Caprice, excellent running condition. $800 or best offer. Will trade for small station wagon, 426-6374. W3/15-4/12 1970 FORD half ton, 302, 3 speed, $1,950. 426-5732 aftel 6 p.m. or see Jess's Mobil. S2/8tfn Cards of anks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many acts of kindness shown us during our recent bereavement, the passing of our beloved husband and father. The memories will remain with us. "A wonderful help." May Jehovah bless you all. Otlie W. Johnson - wife and sons, Victor Johnson Lloyd Johnson CARD OF APPRECIATION The kindness and sympathy of neighbors and friends in our recent sorrow will always remain with us as a precious memory. Our sincere thanks and gratitude for all those comforting acts. The Clyde White family I 9 7 1 VALIANT, excellent 426-3649. B3/29-4/19 condition, below book at $1600. Phone 426-4892. W3/29 Personal length.CORD CallWOODExceptionalfOr sale.ForestersAny 1 972 DODGE 72 ton p. ick, up, LOSE WEIGHT safely & fast with 426-1550. E10/ttfn power steering, power disc DraKes, X-11 Diet Plan $3 00. REDUCE automatic trans 7 ures p~us "~ canon" ¢= 000 426-2092 Excess Fluids with" X-Pel, $3.00 TRADE IN your old furniture at '-Y' "P"' "-" 4"19 Money back guarantee at Olsen Furniture, 4th and Cota. Airport Grocery. A3/z~- / ,Evergreen Drug. P4/5-8/2 4/16tfn SPRING SPECIAL heavy duty MERLE NORMAN Cosmetics at Elaine's Beauty Salon, 6th and Laurel, phone 426-4582. 11/9tfn ALFALFA HAY for sale, phone 426-1913. 3/22-4/12 BEAUTIFUL TRI-PLY stainless steel, waterless cookware. Lifetime guarantee. Reasonably priced. 426-1468 for appointment to see. R3/29-4/19 custom made vinyl pickup seat covers, black vinyl in stock. One day service weekends included, $40. D.J. Upholstery, 877-9206 after 6 p.m. O3/22tfn Lost & Found REWARD BLACK Labrador male lost on Harsune Island. Chehalis SMALL D2 motor, completely license tag No. 190. Scar on nose overhauled, $400. Large portable above nostrils. Phone Collect steam cleaner, $400. Washer and 748-3239 evenings. T4/5-26 dryer. 426-4947 after 5:30 p.m. R3/29-4/5 TRI-PLY WATERLESS cookware, 19 piece set, lifetime ~uarantee. Call 426-8002. 3/29-4/19 GARDEN TILLING afternoons Sporting Goods GARAGE DOOR stuck? Call The Handyman, Ron Kunkle. Fast service. 426-1508. K4/5 ALCOHOLISM INFORMATION and referral center 428 Birch St., Shelton. Phone 426-4407. S2/12tfn Wanted to Rent WANT TO move Shelton. Have three bedroom home in Auburn, will trade, lease, exchange rent. Phone Auburn 927-4572 for information. F3/15-4/5 Sporting Goods and weekends. Call 426-6209. BOAT FOR sale - 15 ft S-rfrit'lo~~v=~-------~--'---~-=---'---~--~'--" R3/29-4/19 55 hp Evinrude c .... " ;"-'~"" , -,,vd~ ~, zraller. 14' FIBERGLASS boat with Call 426-1582. 14/5-26 controls, canvas top, 35hp I NOTICE / ~ Johnson with electric start and 1 4 FT. BOAT with 40hp trailer. $525, will take pickup as Ma dols I 4 More Days! I outboard, trailer $400 Contact part. 426-6369. C4/5' " & Gravel I Truck Load Tire Sale I 426-1406. W4/5 .... led ROCk I AI Jensen's I "~---"~ ~--- Mix 15'10" PLYWOOD cabin boat '71 EVINRUDE 6 hp motor, long J Valley Conter $orvko| ^1"^with -,1972,., 98. Merc_ury motor, shaft, can be made short. Used o~'%u=~-,r~erglass dingy $550, four times, $250. 426-5069 I o,--uoo~: P4/5-26 ' evenings. H4/5-4/26 Fiberform Boats Evinrude motors, full line of '73's have arrived. 12 models to choose from including 22' Sitka and 18z/2' Bimini. Save $$$$ by buying early. n Ma na on Bank Terms Union 898-2252 KS Street 2/11tfn TOP SOIL Skokomish Valley top soil, the finest. $5.00 a yard. Call anytime, 426-3735. No answer, call 426-8993. 2/Btfn # ,¢ 15 words or less -- $1.50 • 10 cents for each additional word over 15. • FOUR (4) insertions for the of THREE (3). • Classified deadline: 2 p.m. Tuesday .a Wanted WANTED USED Priscilla curtains, any color. 426-5335. S4/5 SALEABLE TREES wanted -- write P.O. Box 462, Everett, Wa. 98201. B3/29-4/19 N LED NOT less than 20 ft. self-contained trailer for summer company. Call 426-5576. R 3/29-4/19 WANTED CEDAR shake bolts, cash on delivery. Versapanel Inc. Shelton. 426-5571. V12/14tfn Help Wanted INTERVIEWER PART-TIME. Work in local area; car needed. Experience in research or census work helpful. Send brief resume to P.O. Box 12800, Seattle, Washington 98111 ..H3/22-4/5 TEACHERS PART-TIME for Olympic College evening classes in Shelton. Masters or equivalent. I nquire Bernie Dorcy evenings 426-3089. 3/15-4/4-4t OYSTER OPENER, experienced. Call 426-3750 after 5 p.m. G4/Stfn Services Azaleas Arcadia Road 426-3773 3/22tfn ALDER LOGS 7" & 8" 30 ft. $45; 9" up to $68. Mostly 10 ft. multiples. Will hold these prices year around for logs delivered. Special prices for longer hauls. Stumpage bought and loggers available. Mason Hardwood 426-3464, day - night. 7/27tfn D.H. KNUDSEN Pole Co. Port of Shelton, John's Prairie. We buy poles, piling stumpage and land. 426-6350, home phone 426-8914. P.O. Box K, Shelton. K2/24tfn T IMBER WANTED -- Highest prices paid. We will pay you $90 per thousand and higher for good quality fir, hemlock and cedar. Sell now while log market is at its highest ever. Free estimates. Taylor Bay Logginq Co. Call Jack Perelll or Rex Dempewolf, I'R 6-5238 or TR 6-8024. Write P.O. Box 106, Port Orchard, Wa. 98366. T2/8tfn WANTED: CEDAR logs--second growth or old growth -- green or dry. Delivered to Shelton, $120/M to $220/M. Versapanel, Inc. 426-5571 or 426-5504. V2/15tfn Old Coins, Gold Coins Old glassware, old oak furniture, old clocks, sterling silver items, old pictures, lamps, trunks. Most anything in good condition. Will buy old estates. 426-2126. L3/15-4/5 Work Wanted. I AM a responsible licensed child carer serving hot meals. Hours- anytime. 426-5335. $4/5-26 BABYSITTING, MY home, $3.50 per day, infants to 5 years. Meals included. Anytime. Mr. View. 426-2592. $4/5-12 BABYSITTING YOUR home or mine. Weekends, vacation. Reliable, references, own transportation. Call 426-6094 after 5 p.m. A3/15tfn MY ABILITIES: typist, a/pay, billing, receptionist, switchboard, some shorthand, clerk filing, P easant personality. Needs work desperately. Phone 426-5621. B3/29-4/19 DAY CARE -- ages 0-7, hot meals, snacks, near Mt. View School, weekdays only. Call 426-6576. K3/15tfn INTERIOR EXTERIOR painting, texture and glitter. Free estimates. Phone 426-5741. P3/15tfn LICENSED CHILD care- Agate area hour or day. Experienced sitters. Call 426-6152. F6/29tfn Couple needed Fawn Lake. Services in exchange for house, utilities, lake privileges. Write secretary Fawn Lake Commission, Shelton. F4/5-12 Mobile Homes Services BABY'S CRIB need mending? Call The Handyman, Ron Kuhkle. Fast service. 426-1508. K4/5 AUTO PAINTING, reasonable prices. Also trailers, etc. All work guaranteed. Phone 426-4322, 1202 Cota St. R7/20tfn BING'S PLUMBING and Repair. Call 426-5397. B1/4tfn CHAIN SAW sharpening, speedy, accurate. Precision grinding. Now at Saeger Motor Shop, Hillcrest. Phone 426-4602. 1/15tfn PEACEFUL VALLEY Stables- horses boarded and trained, year around indoor exercise arena, stalls runs and pasture. Call Ken or Lee 426-5749 evenings. P10/19tfn FOR YOUR regular or corrective horseshoeing call Dave Robison, 491-5235. R9/14tfn OSBORNE'S EXPERT home repairs and remodeling, small jobs too. References on request. Phone 426-6241. O10/5tfn ROTOVATING AND plowing. Please call 426-1502 after 4 p.m. S3/22-4/12 DRESSMAKING, PATTERNS altered, alterations. Shoes covered. Call 426-5675. V2/15tfn SHELTON JAN ITOR IAL service, carpet cleaning our specialty, phone 426-8936. $11/30tfn HORSESHOEING -- JIM Brummitt - extended service call 357-6151. B3/29tfn Tax returns in the convenience and privacy of your home. Fully itemized deductions only $10. Serving Olympia and Shelton 8 years. OLYMPIA 943-8095 2/Btfn Septic Tank Installations 500-gal., 750-gal, 1,000-gal. Drain Fields, Ditch Digging, Backhoe, Trencher for Hire Sharer Digging Service Phone 426-3660 Cr 5-2157, Belfair 1/27 tfn Painting - Taping Texturing - Wall Papering Woodwork Pre-finished LICENSED & BONDED FREE ESTIMATES GUNSMITH • Repairing Modern and Antiques • Precision Scope & Sight Mounting • Shotgun Choke Alterations, all gauges. • Shooting Supplies Warren A. Girard Route 2. Box 795 Phone 426-2501 Swimming Pools Septic Tanks Bulldozing, Backhoe .... GLEN PARR 426-6539 Shelton 8/6tfn Edward L. Tufts Route 1, Box 296 Shelton, Wash. 98584 PHONE 426-3874 Bulldozing- Loading- Hauling 9/21 tfn Heinitz Painting Co. ! &HANDTABLESAWSSAWS II Chuck Heinitz 426-484 ! SHARPENED I 17 ! 4 Jefferson (Mt. View) J Phone 426-6687 H2/] 7tfn J Mobile Homes 1972 HILLCREST 20'x56'. Excellent condition, 2 large bedrooms, family room, etc. Sell equity you take over a merits _ _, f PY • 426-8339 a ter 5:30 p.m. $4/5-26 THE 1130 E. FAIRMONT Call 426-2879 for free estimates. 11/9 tfn ELCAR MOBILE home, Hidden .... Haven, call after 5 p.m. for appointment. No Friday night or ~----------------'--------""''~" Sat. calls 426-2796. W4/5-26 For Rent 12'x60' DELUXE 2 bedroom mobile home. 2 years old, above average with new king-size bed. FURNISHED ONE bedroom Now financed WSECU, consider upstairs apartment, $80, $20 car in trade. 426-6403. cleaning deposit. Adults. B3/22-4/12 References. Call 426-3207. W4/5 10x45 SPACEMASTER, ,~/2 bedrooms. 10x50 Paramount, 1 bedroom. 426-3242. B2/15tfn FOR SALE BY OWNER Beautiful 12x60 - 1970 mobile home, fully skirted, located at THE PINES, Shelton. Near stores & schools. 2 bedroom, large roomy kitchen including appliances. Bathroom has washer & dryer included. 6x7 ft. storage shed. All for $5,500. For appointment call 426-5218. M 4/5-26 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment, $90, 426-4892. W4/5 ONE BEDROOM house part furnished, adults only, no pets. 426-3242. B4/5tfn TRAILER SPACE available at the Pines Trailer Park. Call 426-3273. O10/12tfn FOR RENT: trailer space close to downtown. Call 426-4426. 10/8tfn RENT A vacation cabin on Mason Lake. Available after April 1 through July, furnished. Call Bremerton E57-1467. L3/29-4/5 MOBILE HOMES at Taylor Towne I Kentwood & Hunt Mobile Homes Now featuring an historic advancement in mobile home financing. Our Kentwood is the only mobile home in Washington state presently qualified for FHA financing. 10% down payment -- less than 8% simple interest rate to qualified buyers. ],2 & ],4 wides now on display. Open daily including Sunday JIM YOEST ES 3-5001, ES 7-6733 "V" at Gorst, Wa. TAYLOR TOWNE AI Logan 426-5568 Shelton, Wa. FURNISHED TWO bedroom cottage, carpeted, sun deck, near water, $90 per month plus deposit. Apply 9's Fair Harbor Marina, Grapeview. 426-4028. N3/29 UNFURNISHED ONE bedroom apartment with range, refrigerator, wall-to-wall carpeting. Available April 1. Lawton Apts. 723 Pine. L3/22tfn PROFESSIONAL OR business space for rent or lease, downtown, 900 sq. ft. 426-4481 or 426-4895. W9/28tfn One and Two Bedroom Apartments, with carpet, drapes & appliances, no pets. 2329 Jefferson St. Mgr. Apt. 9 or Phone 426.540712/28tfn For Rent REDECORATED FURNISHED apartments -- 2 and 3 bedrooms, no pets. Edgewood Apartments Highway 101, 426-5093. E3/15-4/5 ONE BEDROOM furnished apartment downtown, adults. References. Call 426-3563. B3/ 15tfn PROFESSIONAL OFFICE space -- will remodel or redecorate to suit. Call Kurt Mann for details. 426-6592. 12/28tfn MASON LAKE 2 bedroom, carpeted, drapes, copper appliances, rec. room, 3 car garage, $180. 426-8773. H4/5tfn THREE BEDROOM house for lease. Carpeted, garage. $175 plus deposit. 426-8593. 04/5-26 MT. VIEW 2 Bedroom -- Unfurnished I I Available NOW -- No Pets CONTACT MANAGER 426-3100 ,,. Real Estate HAMMERSLEY, SOUTHERN exposure, 200 x 1000 feet, low bank, tidelands, ?4 forest, 1/4 landscaped. Modern two bedroom home, carport, shop, double garage, garden, fruit trees, berries. 426-6688. D4/5 DOWNTOWN TWO bedroom home. Large attached garage and carport and another detached double garage. Basement. Good oil furnace. Large 100x100 lot with garden area. Away from traffic. $14,950.00- call Knauf Realty, 426-5559. K4/5 FOUR BEDROOM house 60 ft. w/f Mason Lake. $47,950. Call 426-3767 or 426-8870. D4/5-12 MOUNTAIN VIEW modern three bedroom rambler with family room. Fireplace, built-in range, carport, fenced yard. Quiet neighborhood. By owner. $21,000. 426-1182. R3/29-4/19 AHGLE AGEHCY Join the wise ones... Invest in property! 160 ACRES Xmas tree farm. Trees pruned and fertilized, accessible. Some small timber, under $450 per acre. CENTRALLY LOCATED business building. Four rentals, 3riced to sell on convenient terms. ANGLESIDE PROPERTIES A number of desirable lots with water and sewer available, several suitable for a double level home. Sold on convenient terms. Now is the time to prepare for your future home with a desirable location. BEVERLY HEIGHTS HOME 180 ft. frontage on Lake Blvd. with 2 bedroom rambling home, large fireplace, step-up to dining space and kitchen. Large rear deck for summer comfort in the shade. Frontage fenced with good garden spot. See it today as this suburban home may be what you are looking for? $21,500. SHORECREST -- Attractive 2 bedroom A-frame with 800 sq. ft. of living space. Ideal for summer home or full time. Ready now and priced at $14,000. OUT OF TOWN -- but not far. This home is carpeted throughout, has large family kitchen with built-ins. 3 bedrooms, fireplace in living room, covered patio, electric heat and view of the water. Almost 1400 sq. ft. of living space for $19,500. 2 BEDROOM HOME located downtown. This spotless, well-cared for dwelling has wall to wall carpet in living room, sunny breakfast nook, cement patio with outdoor fireplace and shop in garage. Close to schools & walking distance to stores. Excellent value at $12,000. ONE FULL BLOCK on Angleside, $3,450. Real Estate & Insurance Since 1890 -IERB ANGLE DICK ANGLE BARBARA NELSON Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad, Ph. 426-8272 Thursday, April 5, 1973 - Shelton-Mason County J ,~rnal - Page 19