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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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12x50 MOBILE home, large lot, septic tank, $8,500. Near Airport Grocery. Elma 482-3 171. V4/5tfn EXTRA NEAT ding-bat. 3/4 acres, liveable 3 bedrooms plus and some outbuildings. $6,250. Shelton Land and Homes 426-5555. 4/5 FIVE BEDROOM on creek close to stores and schools. In town. $1 7,000. Shelton Land and Homes 426-5555. 4/5 BEST DEAL in town 4 bedroom 11/2 baths, full basement, beautiful hardwood floors, carport, huge lot with fruit trees. Close to school and stores, $21,000. 426-5007. K4/5 160 ACRES Pasture part wooded, large creek through property. Asking $700.00 per acre. Low down or make offer. This property real good for cattle or horses. Beautiful park-like area around creek. Shelton Land and Homes 426-5555. 4/5 PRICED FOR quick sale 3 bedroom, 2 fireplaces, rec. room, 1500 sq. ft. Secluded downtown location. $16,500. 426-1209. K3/15-4/5 LOT FO R sale on Park St. reasonable• Inquire 426-8]50. N3/8tfn CHOICE OLYMPIC view lot, Angleside, NE corner 15th and May streets. Ideal for daylight basement. Write Harry Ross, 265 N.E. 19 7th Portland, Oregon 97230. R3/15-4/5 FAMILY HOME with a view. On Angleside. 3 plus bedrooms and a full basement. Owner will carry contract, low down payment. Full price $]4,950. Shelton Land and Homes 426-5555. 4/5 15 ACRES only ]J/2 miles from town. Secluded not isolated. $12,500 terms. Shelton Land and Homes 426-5555. COUNTRY LIVING at its best. 2400 sq. ft., spl it level, 5 bedrooms, 3 baths, 21/2 acres. 426-2563. S4/5tfn WE BUY and sell equities or contracts. We trade or exchange homes, farms, waterfront or acreage -- paid for or not. Call Mr. Mitchell for quotes, bids or further information. Have buyers for 2 & 3 bdrm. homes. Mason County Realty, 107 Railroad 426-4486. 8/12tfn 10 ACRES mostly in sheared, fertilized Christmas trees, many are ready to harvest. 3 miles from town. $7,500, $650 down, $65 per month. No realtors. 426-5]96 after 6 p.m. D4/5-26 BEAUTIFUL THREE bedroom, 11/2 baths, all drapes and rugs, fenced yard. Must see to appreciate. Call 426-6161 after 4 p.m. T3/29-4/]9 EXCHANGE -- WHAT You have -- for what you want. Kurt Mann, Realtor-exchangor. 426-6592. 8/18tfn GOOD INVESTMENT two bedrooms large garage fruit trees, nice neighborhood on Hillcrest, needs paint, $6,500. 426-1209. K3/] 5-4/5 Mississippi River in Mason County -- well, not exactly but Hammersley Inlet, as large as the Mississippi, runs in one direction for six hours, then turns around and runs back. Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer couldn't dig clams on their river but you can on Hammersley Inlet,on your own tidelands. Become the owner of a fine home on a large waterfront tot for $27,750.00. Located in Shorecrest. Phone Alphie Kneeland, 426-3361 Eves: 426-1028 H.M. Tokos & Assoc. S • Real Estate Specialists for 22 years on Hood Canal • Two offices to serve you • Jan. & Feb. Sales Volume highest in our history. NEW LISTINGS 200 ft. river frontage on the Quilcene, fixer-upper cabin, $5,]00. 55 ft. Hood Canal waterfront - delightful 900 sq. ft. one bedroom cottage for weekends or year-round living, $30,000. For prompt, professional and efficient action, call . . . Union 898-2145, Hoodsport 877-5211 SHOR ECREST 21 foot mobile home on lovely lot water and septic tank. Ready to move in, easy terms. $5,700.00. HIGHLAND ESTATES 3 bedrooms with full basement. Large lot with nice view. Just 3 miles from town. $24,950. MASON LAKE 3 bedroom home! Good beach, dock and boathouse, large garage and storage area, $34,950.00. SOUTH OF TOWN 2 acres with good drilled well a nd some timber. Close to freeway. MATLOCK 60 acres on blacktop road with creek. Cleared - good farm or pasture land, per acre $750.00. WALKER PARK Very nice 2 bedroom home on waterfront. Fruit trees and nice lawn, $40,000. PICKERING PASS ROAD 3 bedroom home with daylight basement, sundeck, trees and berries. Year-round stream, $21,500. MOUNTAIN VI EW Comfortable 2 bedroom home with fireplace and wall to wall carpet, garage. All on double lot, $17,500. SOUTH HILL 4 bedrooms with full basement, two fireplaces• 6 city lots, fruit trees and berries, 10% down, $23,500• SWIMMING POOL Extra large home has 4 bedrooms, large living room with pool table in rec. room. Pool is heated, $49,000. LOST LAKE 2 dandy waterfront lots and 4 good back lots, good terms• OAKLAND BAY 175 feet good waterfront. Has low bank with park-like setting. $17,500. MOUNTAIN VIEW Extra nice 3 bedroom home. 11/2 baths, fireplace, rec. room in full basement. Lots of storage, covered patio, beautiful yard, $27,500.00. COUNTRY HOME Paved road leads to this 2 bedroom home. Is carpeted and has attached garage. Only 6 miles south, $]8,000. NEWER 3 BEDROOM Located in an area of newer homes and in top shape. Has 3 bedrooms, attractive fireplace, and attached garage. $16,500 with FHA terms available. 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426-4447 EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS CALL JIM ROUSH 426-8522 DON BROWN 426-6388 SAM LARANGO 426-3626 i |l II 11 ® CALL 426-2646 NOW FOR YOUR APPT. SUBURBAN SPECIAL. If you act now you can be the proud owner of this "new on the market" three bedroom rambler. Its also got a nifty family room and a large fenced back yard for the kids. $22,950 -- You'll like it. Vince says- OLYMPICS A lovely three bedroom 2-bath home with lovely view of Olympics, and would you believe it - nearly five acres of land -- has barn and fencing. Only $29,950. Phil says-- YOUR NEW ! HOME... At Cherry Park there's a brand new home awaiting its first family. It's unique in design and the price is right at $27,200. LAKE ISABELLA. Get ready for summertime fun in this lovely three bedroom home with a part basement, nicely situated on an acre-sized lot with 150' frontage on the Water. Yours for just $37,500. Hurry!! Prepp says -- HOME ON MILL CREEK. Excellent 2 yr. old home with large shop and garage, serenely located on three acres of land. This is truly a unique property. Priced to sell fast at $28,500. RETIRE HERE!! Neat, well-cared for home with garden spot, fruit and berries. See and compare at $12,750. Dave says -- W.C.C. PERSoNNEL!! Excellent family home on Corrections Center Road -- over 1/2 acre cleared and fenced. Good well, large finished garage-shop. Owner anxious to move .... FIVE YEARS OLD... Four bedrooms and 1]/2 baths for only $21,000. Heavy shake roof- has rec. room and available for quick occupancy. Carl says -- BE INDEPENDEN] Tired of paying rent? We've got a neat three bedroom on Angleside with a fireplace, attached garage and fenced yard -- that's just right for the young family. $]6,750. Call 426-2646 now .... DAVE THACHER 426-8635 PHILCHERNIS 426,3024 CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 - MORLEY PREPPERNAU 426-8676 See or Call D,CK BO~L'NG C'o,,o~',o",, 4Z6-8'~2 • * • MINCE HIMLIE. BroWe, 426-6S01 I 1717 OLYMPIC HIGHWAY NORTH "A Trusted Name in Real Estate" 426-2646 Page 20 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 1973 WATERFRONT - RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL- INDUSTRIAL 121 W. RAILROAD A UNIQUE OFFERING -- of approximately 500 ft. of waterfront, complete with deep-water dock, tidelands and about 5 acres of oysterlands, a 6 room ranchette home with massive fireplace, a 24x36 shop-garage, a greenhouse, small barn, chicken house and other outbuildings. All in a beautiful park-like setting of about 4 acres. Excellent water supply, plus a 10 KW power plant. (A real blessing in case of a power outage). $59,500.00. Good terms. UNUSUALLY LARGE -- One bedroom home with large living room, large bedroom, huge kitchen and good size bath. Completely renewed inside and out. It's a honey at $10,500. Various terms can be arranged. HILLCREST, 3 BEDROOMS -- There's so much more real I Wing in a somewhat older house, especially if it has an upstairs, has 2 baths and a real country-size kitchen which includes range refrigerator and garbage disposal. It is on 2 fenced lots Which helps if you have a family. Garage with workshop too. $18,000.00. Terms, of COurse. SO CLOSE IN -- yet so secluded. 3 bedrooms, activity room, 2 fireplaces and it,s on 2 lots on a dead-end street. It's $16,500 and low bank terms can be arranged. WE CAN FILL YOUR NEED -- On Harstine Island. We have a 2 bedroom 1V2 bath home and a 3 bedroom, 2 bath home. Priced $25,800.00 and $29,500.00 respectively. Both include all the amenities of Hartstene Pointe. Wanna see them? WATERFRONT LOT ON HAMMERSLEY -- 60 ft. Bulkheaded, good depth, water and power. $9,950.00. You name the terms. LAKE NAHWATZEL- 110 ft. of lakefront good depth v~?ded" b$12,5()0.00 Owner • o P Y carrying a contract at 7'/o interest. MOBILE HOME LAKEFRONT SITE -- with water, POwer, telephone, all underground. Nicely wooded and itls more than a quarter acre m size. $5 950.00 with only $750 down.' Very good terms. BUILDING SI- I .... Tb -- Nicely woodeo ~eu x 3--" c I f' t ~u, se luded, ledge o ~%w.n, complete with Iwater- ) ,~J50.00, $500.00 lawn. MANN REAl ESTATE 121 Railroad Ave. 426-6592 Anytime Equal Housing Opportunity 107 RAILROAD PHONE 426-4486 OPEN SATURDAYS AND EVENINGS TILL 7:30 $11,500 - A FEW MILES OUT - Two bedroom cabin nestled on lot with easy walk to community lakefront. Paved road, power, water. Finish and save $$. Owner will finance for you. $11,950 -- SNOW WHITE - Here's a real sparkler on leV fenced Hillcrest corner lot. Formica kitchen, breakfast room, utility two nice bedrooms and modern bath with shower. Large plus workshop. Easy terms! Nice fenced grounds. $12,000 - NEAT 2 BR. - No down payment on a FHA or GI sale. Just loan costs only. Spotless home in Hillcrest = new counter tops & covering. Freshly painted. Nice garden space. $12,500 - LEVEL GROUNDS - Oversized lot with room for garden & Separate garage. Lg. panelled living room, two bedrooms, modern kitchen and separate utility room. A real bargain. $12,500 - DOUBLE VIEW LOT with 12x48 deluxe 1971 mobile h0r~e' Located on Moore Hill. Fast possession. $14,950 -- MT. VIEW - Spacious five room home with tile kitchen, utility, paneled living room on large fenced lot. Low down payment. $15,800 tO $17,500 - GOV'T REPOSSESSIONS - almost new 3 homes -- some need fixing all have fireplaces. $300 cash and gives you a 7]/4% long term loan, easy payments. Just a few left. $15,900 -- WE WILL BUILD - NEW 3 BR. - Complete new three includes: carpet, range & hood, large garage & utility, foundation, septic system, 20 ft. driveway, bulldozing and all Can be financed for as low as $]15.00 per month on your lot. $16,500 -- DOUBLE LEVEL LOT -- Huge remodeled 3 bedroom home family room, double fireplace, bar & red shag carpet. -- Hurry! $17,950 -- FAMILY HOME - If you want all great big rooms with a size kitchen, separate entry, three oversize bedrooms, walk-in clo garage and double carport all on a double size fenced level lot, now for an appointment. Appliances & dishwasher, $18,500- NEW 3 BEDROOM - $200 down -- $125 per month interest included. Built-in breakfast bar, range and hood, sliding doors to patio, loads of storage, big deep garage plus beautiful $19,500 -- SPOTLESS 2 STORY - 3 BRS. - Local builder just campI rebuilt this fine older home. Huge utility room, part basement & lot. $21,950 to $29,500 - NEW IN OAK PARK - Terms as little as 5% doWr trade. Big ramblers & some with full basement. Complete ir -- ready to move in. Pick your site. Some under construction. $22,950 -- OPEN BEAM CONTEMPORARY - Vacant now for possession. Fenced yard, super kitchen with all appliances and two baths and many extras. Only 5% down payment!! $27,500 -" 'NEw IN OAK PARK - Split level entry and full basement- floor plan, three bedrooms, built-ins, double bath plus 3 roughed in downstairs, two brick fireplaces & double garage. down payment. We will trade! $29,950 -- PARKWOOD EARLY AMERICAN - This new home on third acre on quiet road has entry, Dutch door, two baths, family double gar. plus covered patio. How about trading?? $32,750 -- MANSION DOWNTOWN - Truly one of Shelton's finest homes. Modernized - four bedrooms, full formal dining plus nook. fireplace, long grain hardwood floors. All this plus finished attic. full baths -- many extras. Want to trade? $35,000 - 12 ACRES - BARN - 3 BR - 2 BATHS -VIEW- 12 acres, fireplace, dining room, breakfast bar, 3 bedrooms, two bathS. FOR RENT -- 3 bdrm, $175 mo. See Mr. Mitchell. LOTS --- LAND & WATERFRONT $1,900 UP -- IMPROVED LOTS -- Ready to use lots for permafl recreational use. Located at Shorecrest, Timberlakes, Lake Fawn Lake. All have access to lakes or saltwater or both. $2,500 -- TIMBERLAKES -- Large corner--water to lot. Lake & salt $4,500 -- LARGE VIEW LOT - Terrific view, 3/4 acre tract. Easy acce# the beach & beach rights. Terms. In Pickering= $4,950 - FIVE CLEARED ACRES - Located NE of town. $5,250 - TWO 80x210 TIMBERED LOTS - with shack! $9,850 -- Low bank Hammersley Inlet, 68 ft. waterfront lot. water septic tank in and nice beach. In Shorecrest. Terms. $10,950 -- PHILLIPS LAKE - Choice waterfront lot with cabin, dock -- easy terms. $12,500 -- 60x300 MASON LK. - Waterfront with small cabin. $17,950 - 5 ACRE WATERFRONT TRACT - Lots of trees, sandy and tidelands. Owner will carry private contract on easy terms. $27,500 -- MASON LAKE - 60 ft. level waterfront by 300 Charming 2 bedroom plus recreation room, large utility & deck. Owner will finance on private contract. $28,950 -- 3 BDRM. - 90 FT. SALTWATER - Permanent family 90 x over 300 ft. Hammersley Inlet lot. Easy financing. $32,000 -- 220x~ MILE - Large Arcadia - Hammersley tract. 107 W. "Home of the square deal" R. Cal Hopper ..............426-3582 Trine "Doc" Moorhead ....... 426-1369 Don Johnson ............... 426-5137 R.L. "MITCH" MITCHELL .... 426-2519