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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 1973     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 1973
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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for home? April 1973 SALT WATERFRONT Phone 426-2646 1. BUZZARD BAY TRACTS - 50' of Hammersley Inlet waterfront with land being heavily wooded. Delightful spots at $3,750 each. 2. 3½ acres and 220' of waterfront. Can be subdivided. Low bank and convenient. Only $28,500. Owners will consider trade for land. 3. 1000' of waterfront and includes a three room cabin. Only $50.00 a foot. 4. PICKER ING PASSAGE - 85' of no-bank waterfront in a lovely wooded setting - $22,500. 5. 7: acre parcels (3 of 'em) approximately 310' of low-bank waterfront - only $12,950. One parcel barn. 6. ADJACENT TO GOLF COURSE - 324' low-bank frontage. Owner sez "Make an offer." 7. HAMMERSLEY INLET - 260' frontage. May be divided at $115 per front foot. 8. TOTTEN INLET - FANTASTIC VIEW - 100' highbank w/tidelands. Ramshackled shack.S15,000. SMALLER ACREAGE Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications 9. Over 8 acres of nice woods with a babbling brook. $8,200. 10. Three 5+ acre parcels near LAKE NAHWATZEL. Partly cleared. From $4,250. 11. 4½ acres just beyond the intersection of the new Shelton by-pass road and the Lost 12. 10 acres of nice woods with stream crossing property. Only 5½ miles from Shelton - 13. Only one parcel left of this plat on ARCADIA ROAD. 8.7 acres and only $8,000.00. LARGER ACREAGE has a big Lake Road. $4,250.00. $9,75O.0O. Lightly wooded. 14. HARSTINE ISLAND - 20 acres. Rolling terrain, small stream. Investor buy at $14,000. 15. Over 20 acres - part cleared, part wooded. DEER CREEK runs across property. $14,500.00. 16. 18 acres out Lost Lake Road. Much of area in planted fir and pine. CHRISTMAS TREES. $13,750.00. 17. AGATE ACREAGE - 41 acres - all good land. Lightly wooded. $12,000.00. 18. GRAPEVIEW - 20 acres. Good access, secluded location, trees. $15,000. 19. 31 acres near MASON-THURSTON line. Visable from freeway. Frontage road access. Only $22,500.00. SUBURBAN RESIDENCES 20. Practically new home on three acres. Fronts on MILL CREEK. Large two bedroom home with extra large garage and shop. Priced to sell fast at $28,500. 21. Modern three bedroom home on the PLANT FARM ROAD. Outstanding Olympic Mt. view. Most of the 4½ acres cleared. Small barn. $29,950. 22. The ULTIMATE in fine country living. 3½ wooded acres - over 2200 sq. ft. in house. Three bedrooms, 2½ baths, garage and carport. Many more features. Call Phil for a tour. 23. One of NORTHCLIFF'S finest homes nestled in the trees on over an acre of land. Three bedrooms, two rec. rooms, 2½ bathrooms, and a few surprises. Phil will help you own this home, also. 2~25;. Large newer HOME -~F~ ACRES- HORSE BARN. Wl~at everyone wants - close toShelton - $25,000. ~* ,~. ~ .. ~ : ......... Three bedro0Y home on acre near CORRECTIONS CENTER. Perfect condition $24,950. Any of the above prope:t~es may t)e purchased on easy terms. Call 426 264( for more details, or write HIMLIE REALLY INC. P. O. Box 729, Shelton, Wa. 98!i84 Legal Publications NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL Legal Publkations Legal Publications NOTICE OF HEARING ON ASSESSMENT ROLL OF L.I.D. No. 24 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the assessment roll for Ll.D. No. 24 has been duty prepared as provided by law and filed in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Shelton, Washington. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the hearing on said roll will be held on Tuesday, the 24th day of April 1973 at the hour of eight o'clock p.m. in the Commission Chambers in the City Hall, Shelton, Washington. Helen W. Stodden City Clerk-Treasurer Shelton, Washington 3/29-4/5-2t SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION No. ! 1417 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST, WYNOOCHEE BLOWDOWN AND SALVAGE SALE, located within T.22N., R. 7 & 8 W., and T. 23N., R. 7 W.W.M., partially surveyed. Public notice is hereby given that pursuant to the provisions of Section 5 of Public Law 273, 78th Congress (58 Stat. ]32-16, U.S.C. 583-583-i), and the Cooperative Agreement for the Management of the Participating Forest Properties in the Shelton Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit entered into by and between the United States of America and the Simpson Timber Company, dated December 12, 1946, an estimated 4,000 M board feet of timber marked or otherwise designated for cutti will be sold to Simpson nTgimber Company, Seattle, Washington, on April 30, 1973. This is a sale by amount. ORDINANCE No. 845 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE TRAFFIC ORDINANCE, THE SAME BEING CODIFIED AS TITLE 11 OF THE SHELTON MUNICIPAL CODE AND IN PARTICULAR AMENDING CERTAIN SECTIONS OF CHAPTER 11.12 (ORDINANCE 727, Section 2), 11.20 (ORDINANCE 727, Secfinn 11 and CHAPTER 11.28 (ORDINANCE 727, Section 3). THE CITY COMMISSION of the City of Shelton, Washington NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR SHORELINE MANAGEMENT SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notice is hereby given that Lester E. Krueger has filed an application for a substantial development permit for the construction or development of bulkhead and fill located at South Shore of Hood Canal in Puget Sound in Belfair, Washington approximately 7.1 miles West of Belfair. within Section 20 of Township 22 N., Range 2 does ordain: W.W.M., in Govt. Lot 1 Mason 1. That Section 2 (b) of County, Washington. Said Ordinance 727 (S ect ion development is proposed to be 11.12.020 of the Municipal Code) be amended to read as follows: Speed Limits on Specific Streets. The following speed limits shall apply specifically to the hereinafter designated streets or portions thereof within the City limits of the City of Shelton: Olympic Highway from the south city limits to Delaware Street, 30 miles per hour; from Delaware Street to 8th Street, 25 miles per hour; from 8th Street to "K" Street, 35 miles per hour and from "K" Street to the north city limits, 45 miles per hour. Speed on the following streets or portions thereof shall be limited to 35 miles per hour: Ca) Front Street from Railroad Avenue to Pine Street. (b) Pine Street from Front Street to the east city limits. (c) North 13th Street from "E" Street to the north city limits. (c) Shelton Springs Road from North 13th to the west city limits. (e) Johns Prairie Road from North 13th Street to the north within Hood Canal and/or its associated wetlands. Any person desiring to express his views or to be notified of the action taken on this application should notify the City of Shelton or the Board of Mason County Commissioners in writing of his interest within thirty days of the last date of publication of this notice. Publication dates of this notice are April 5, 1973 AND April 12, 1973. 4/5-12-2t NOTICE OF SURFACE WATER RIGHT APPLICATION No. $2-20833 STATE OF WASHINGTON, DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY TAKE NOTICE: That LYLE L. FOLKERS of Aberdeen, Washington on March 8, 1973, filed application for permit to divert the public waters of Lost Lake tributary of--, in the amount of 0.01 cubic feet per second, subject to existing rights, continuously each year for the purpose of domestic supply that The minimum acceptable bid per city limits, the approximate point of board feet is: Douglas-fir, Speed on all other streets in diversion is located within Lot 4, $62.06; western hemlock and other coniferous species, $29.81. Additional deposit required for slash disposal is $6.52 per M board feet for all species. The road amortization allowance on this sale is $25.00 per M board feet for all species. All Included Timber shall be given Domestic Processing except all of the Alaska yellow cedar if any, determined pursuant to public hearings to be surplus to needs of domestic users and processors is exempted from Domestic Processing. Bidders are advised that violations of the Domestic Processing requirement constitutes breach of contract and the City of Shelton shall be limited to 25 miles per hour. 2. That Section 1 of Ord in ance727 (Sect ion 1 ].20.010 of the Municipal Code), be amended to read as follows: A rterial Streets Designated. For the purpose herein provided the following named streets or portions of streets in the City of Shelton are designated as arterial: ]. Arcadia Avenue Lake Bldv. to Olympic Highway. 2. Cascade Avenue - Olympic Highway to Mason Street. 3. Dickinson Avenue - Mason Street to Puget Street. 4. Puget Street - ra~rmount Avenue to Dickinson Street. may resultorin contract 5. Fairmount Avenue cancellation, ~n refusal to Olympic Highway to Walker Park Road. 6. Pioneer Way Arcadia Avenue to Olympic Highway. 7. Lake Blvd. Arcadia Avenue to West City Limits. 8. University - Pioneer Way to 2nd Street. 9. Euclid Avenue- Delaware to 10th Street. 10. 10th Street - Highland Drive to Euclid Avenue. 11. Turner Avenue - Olympic Highway to 16th Street. 1 2. Highland Drive 7th Street to 10th Street. award timber sales to the violator, or debarment or suspension from bidding on future timber sales. If requested by the State of Washington or by Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, or by any person deemed to have a reasonable interest in the proposed sale, or in its terms, a public hearing will be held in the office of the Forest Supervisor, Federal Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 20th day of April 1973, at 2:00 PM, local time. Requests for public hearing will not be considered unless recei~e.d .in Jhe .offi~ bf tile i F o r~st° S~ i~ervisbY~; "'Federal Block 1 of the Plat of Lost Lake Park of Section 1, Township 19 N., Range 5 W.W.M., in Mason County. Protests or objections to approval of this application must include a detailed statement of the basis for objections; protests must be accompanied by a two dollars ($2.00) recording fee and filed with the Department of Ecology, Southwest Washington Regional Office, Olympia, Washington 98504, within thirty (30) days from April 12, 1973. 4/5- 12-2t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY NEGOTIATION No. 4257 IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CARROLL E. BUXTON, Deceased. NOTICE is hereby given that FLORENCE E. HUFFMAN as Administratrix of the above estate will sell by negotiation and for $60,000 cash the following described real estate: All that portion of the South one-halfan~f the Southwest quarter; of the Southwest 13. Olympic Highway - South quarter of the Southeast quarter; City Limits :t,o~l~orth,~ity Limits. and of the Northwest qqa[ter: of 14. '7th' Stteet - Alder to the Southeast:quarter; of Se/:t'i0h Budding, Olympic, Washington, on or before April 9, ]973. Dated 15. Railroad Avenue - Front West, W.M., in Mason County, March 22, ] 973, Wynne M. Street to West City Limits. Washinaton Ivina Northerly of Maule, Forest Supervisor, 16. San Joaquin Avenue - 1st Secondary State Highway No. Olympic National Forest. 3/29-4/5-12-19-4t Hightand Drive. 28, Township 19 North, Range 4 9-D and Southerly of the right of Street to Otter. way as conveyed to Port Blakely Mill Company by instrument dated January 19, 1883 and recorded in Volume C, page 619. EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion of said land as conveyed to Edward L. Tufts, et ux, by that certain Real Estate Contract recorded December 24, 1969, under Auditor's File No. 247959, and ALSO, EXCEPTING THEREFROM all that portion of suMMoNs BY PUBLICATION 17. Northcliff Road- Alder Street to North City Limits and East City Limits to North 13th Street. 1 8. "E" Street Olympic Highway to North 13th Street. 19. Pine Street Olympic Highway to East City Limits. 20. Magnolia Street San Joaquin to Chestnut Street. 21. Chestnut Street - Magnolia Street to Fogarty Street. 22. North 13th Street- "B" No. 11387 Legal Publications IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON C o n d i t i o n s t o r s m o ke JACK MEDLEY Plaintiff, vs. management exist. Such a LINDA MEDLEY Defendant. declaration shall be made publicTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON " DEVELOPMENT PERMIT THE STATE OF WASHINGTON DEVELOPMENT PERMIT by usual methods of news to the said Street to North City Limits. said land lying Southerly of the iiNohce is hereby given that IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF Notice is hereby given that releases, or other forms of You are hereby summoned to 23. "K" Street - Olympic centerline of Little Skookum r John F. Hobbs, Mr. and Mrs. MASON Beacon Point Community Club c o n t a c t . U n d e r t h e s e appear within sixty (60) days Highway to North 13th Street. Creek. e Barry T. Elslip and Mrs. Richard R OBERT D. BEGHTOL has filed an application fora circumstances, Open-Burningshallafter the date of first publication24. Shelton Springs Road - That this sale may b ;: F. LaFromboise has filed an Plaintiff, vs LOUISE R. substantial development permit be extinguished upon notice or of this Summons, to wit, within North 13th Street to West City confirmed after 17th day of application for a substantial BEGHTOL, Defendant. for the construction or order. , sixty (60) days after the 8th day Limits. , April, 1973, unless a better bid is !~ development permit for the THE STATE OF WASHINGTON development of pier and float As a reminder, a Permit or of March, 1973, and defend the 25. "B' Street - Olympic received. .. i construction or development of ato the said located at 8 miles South of the any kind does not relieve anyoneabove entitled action in the above Highway to North ]3th Street. /s/ Florence E. Hut]man ~! concrete bulkhead located at Lots You are hereby summoned to unincorporated city of Brinnon, of the responsibility for entitled court, and answer the 26. "C" Street - Olympic FLORENCE E. HUFFMAN ]6 and ]7 Lakewood Plat L and appear within sixty (60) days Washington at Beacon Point. controlling air Contamination and complaint of the plaintiff, and Highway to West City Limits. . Administratrix of the Lots 29 and 30 W.W. Seymour after the date of first publication within Section 6 of Township 24 hazards related thereto. There are serve a copy of your answer on r 3. T h a t S e c t ion 3 aT Estate of Tracts No. 2 within Section 12 of of this Summons, to wit, within N., Range 2 W.W.M., in Govt. Lotpublished regulations prohibiting the undersigned attorney for O dinance 727, Sub-Section 1 Carroll E. Buxton, Township 22 N., Range 2 sixty (60) days after the 22 day4 Mason County, Washington. burning of certain materials in an plaintiff, at his office below (Section 11.28.010, sub-section I deceased N 4~ W. W. M., M a s o n C o u n t y, of March, 1973, and defend the Said development is proposed to open fire such as rubber, tarpaper stated; and in case of your failure of the Municipal Code): -It Washington.Sa~d development is above entitled action in the above be within Hood Canal in Puget asphalt, plastics, paint and other so to do, judgement will be Restricted Parking. Be proposed to be within Hood entitled court, and answer the Sound and/or its associated material. It is still the rendered against you according to amended to read: Canal Southshore and/or its complaint of the plaintiff, and wetlands, responsibility of each person tothe demand of the complaint, (i) No vehicle of any kind NOTICE OF HEARI G O associated wetlands, serve a copy of your answer on Any person desiring to dispose of prohibited materials by which has been filed with the shall be parked on either side of ZONING MAP OF Any person desiring to the undersigned attorney for express his views or to be notified some other means, clerk of said court. Olympic Highway between First MASON COUNTY express his views or to be notified plaintiff, at his office below of the action taken on this The six-county Olympic The object of this action is forStreet and the North City Limits. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: of the action taken on this stated; and in case of your failure application should notify the City Author~t Y has patrol and the plaintiff to secure a divorce INTRODUCED at regular That a Hearing will be held before application should notify the City so to do, judgment will be of Shelton or the Board of inspection teams Occasionally from the defendant, commission meeting the 20th daythe Mason County Planning of Shelton or the Board of Masonrendered against you according to County Commissioners in writing operating within jurisdiction, and /s/Lar Halpern of March, 1973. County Commissioners in writing the demand of the complaint, of his interest within thirty days all instances of open burning are Ear Halpern P A S S E D i n r e g u I a r Commission, Wednesday, April 18, 1973, atthe hour of 7:30 of his interest within thirty days which has been filed with the of the last date of publication of I i a b le to co ntact by a Attorney for Plaintiff commission meeting the 27th day P.M., in the County of the last date of publication of clerk of said court, this notice. Publication dates of representative who is empowered SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION of March, 1973. Commissioners Room of the this notice. Publication dates of The object of this action is forthis notice are April 5, 1973 AND to enforce rules and regulationsPRISON LEGAL /s/F.A. Travis Courthouse. The Planning this notice are March 29, ]973 the plaintiff to secure a divorce April ]2, 1973. for such cases. SERVICES PROJECT Mayor Commission will, at that time, and April 5, ]973. from the defendant. 4/5-12-2t This is an official notice, and 310 Birch St. No. 2 ATTEST: review the zoning map of Mason 3/29-4/5-2t /s/Lar Halpern ~.-- persons having any questions Shelton, We. 98584 /s/Helen W. Stodden County, particularly the southern ...... Lar Halpern c o n c e r n i ng regulations or 426-5541 City Clerk portion of the County. Attorney for Plaintiff PUBLIC NOTICE: complaints are invited to call and 3/8-4/12-6t APPROVED: Any Interested person may SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION PRISON LEGAL OPEN-BURNING PERMITS write to the following address: /s/B. Franklin Heuston appear at.said Hearing to be heard No. 11386 SERVICES PROJECT CONCERNING AIR C on t rol Of ficer, Olympic City Attorney 4/5-1t for or against said Zoning Map. tN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 310 Birch St. No. 2 POLLUTION CONTROL Authority 120 East State SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION A copy at the ZoningMap is THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Shelton, We. 98584 A written permit is necessary Avenue, Olympia, Washington No. ! 1384 available Ln the Mason Regional tN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF 426-5541. the year around any time an open98501. Tel: 352-4881. (Clallam, IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF Planning uirector's office in the MASON 3/22-29-4/5-12-19-26-6tfire is planned, and/or conducted Grays Harbor, Jefferson, Mason, THE STATE OF WASHINGTON Courthouse. LARRY L. BROWN Plaintiff, ------ per local and state air pollution Pacific and Thurston Counties) IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF NOTICE TO CREDITORS DATED this 2nd day of April, v s F R A N C E SL. B ROWN control laws. Except, no verbal or 3/8 & 4/5-2t MASON No. 4379 1973. Defendant. written permit is required by ...... ROBERT S HENDERSON IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF MASON COUNTY THE STATE OF WASHINGTON NOTICEOF HEARING Olympic Authority for Open plaintiff v - THE STATE OF WASHINGTON , s E A R O L D. PLANNING COMMISSION TO THE SAID FINAL ACCOUNT Burning by the householder if the HENDERSON Defendant. IN AND FOR MASON COUNTY /s/By James E. Connolly YOU are hereby summoned to No. 4345 fire is four feet in diameter or THE S . .TE OF WASHINGTON IN PROBATE James E. Connolly 4/5-1t appear within sixty (60) days IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF less. NOTICE OF GROUND to the sale IN THE MATTER OF THE after the date of first publication Fire permits, also termed WATER RIGHT You are hereby summoned to ESTATE OF ELEANOR M. of the Summons, to wit, with inTHE STATE OF WASHINGTON Open-Burning Permits, issued by APPLICATION No. G2-20672 appear_ w!thin sixty (60) days REINI, Deceased. ----~ sixty (60) days after the 8th day FOR MASON COUNTY the Department of Natural STATE OF WASHINGTON, after .meoate of first publication NOTICE is hereby given that of th=s 3ummons, to wit withinthe undersigned has been NOTICE OF APPLICATION of March, ]973, and defend the In the Matter of the Estate of Resources, U.S. Forest Service,DEPARTMENT OF ECOLOGY sixty. (60) days after the 8th day FOR SHORELINE above entitled action in the above C H A R L I E A R N O L D and local fire control authorities TAKE NOTICE: appointed and has qualified as entitled Court, and answer the RENEcKER, Deceased. will be recognized as valid That OLYMPIC TRAILS of Marc.,. 1973, and defend the Executor of the Estate of MANAGEMENT SUBsTANTIAL above ent=tled ac complaint of the plaintiff, and NOTICE is given that the FinalOlympic Air Pollution Control PARTNERSHIP of Seattle, . tion in the aboveELEANOR M. REINI, Deceased; DEVELOPMENT PERMIT serve a copy of your answer on Account and Petition for Authority Open-Burning Permits.Washington on December 29, entitledcourt, a .... that all persons having claims Notice is_hereby given that the undersigned attorney for . . HU answer tne plaintiff, at his office below Distribution has been filed with This refers to those written 1972, filed application for permit complam~ aT the plaintiff, and against said deceased are herebyANDREW OQUIST has filed an permits issued for short-term to withdraw public ground waterserve a copy o~ . s _ . • your answer on required to serve the same dulyapplication . or a substantial e unoerstgne stated; and in case of your failure the Clerk of the above Court andopen-fire situations, through a well situated within th ..ff d attorney for verified, on said Executor or his development permit for the so to do, judgment will be the Administratrix seeks Persons responsible for Government Lot No. 3 of Sectionplain[I n,d ?n~ his office below attorney of record at the address constructmn or development of rendered against you according to settlement of the account, demolition fires, continuous-type 34, Township 24 N., Range 3 stated; d _ case of your failure below stated, and file the same pier, ramP and float located at 12 the demand of the complaint, distribution of the estate and open-fires; and, commercial W.W.M., in Mason County, in the so to aaO,' JUdgment will be with the Clerk of said Cot)rt, mi. N 5helton at Potlatch within which has been filed with the discharge,which matters have open-burning including waste amount of ] 50 gallons per rendered ga)nst you according to together with proof of such Section 26 ~/f. Township 22 N., clerk of said court. The object of this action is forbeen set for hearing on April 27, from land clearing located inside minute, subject to existing rights;%of the complaint, service within four (4) months Range 4 , .W.M., in Mason ]973, at 9:30 a.m. in the incorporated cities or towns andcontinuously, each year for thewmcn . .~ en filed with the after the date of first publication County, . washington. Said within one mile of the boundarypurpose of community domestic ~=,rk ot sa=o COurt ,~, of this notice, or the same will be developmen~ Is proposed to be fromthe plaintiffthe defendant.t° secure a divorce Courtroom in the County thereof, are hereby notified to supply. ~'- The object of ;(his act on is for barred, within Hood Canal and/or its lamt=ff to se /s/Lar Halpern Courthouse of Mason County in apply for an Open-Burning Permit Protests or objections to the P " t! f . cure a divorce D A T E O F F I R S T associated wetlands. Thomas W. Top Shelton, Washington. issued by the Olympic Authority , approval of this application must from" -- ,*he de enaant. PUBLICATION March 29, 1973. Any person desiring to express Attorney for Plaintiff /s/Elizabeth Jean Renecker in addition to usual permits include a detailed statement of /s/Lar Halpern /s/Gerald L. Whitcomb his views or to be notified of the SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION ELIZABETH JEAN required by recognized fire the basis for objections; protests t-~r Halpern Gerald L. Whitcomb action take.n, on this application Pagelandlast. RENEcKER control agencies, or other publicmust be accompanied bya two SpU,~,'tt_or,neyf°rP/aintilf[l~Mo~r~&G~LPUB Executor should nol[lly Mason County Thomas W. Top Administratrix agencies, dollars ($2.00) recording fee and CATION GERALD L WHITCOMB in writing of his PRISON LEGAL ROBERT L. SNYDER The foregoing policy shall filed with the Department of Attorney at Law interest within thirty days of the SERVICES PROJECT Attorney for Estate become null and void if a Ecology, Southwest Washington SERVICE~.PROJECT Suite 2, Angle Bldg., last date aT. publication of this 319 Birch St. No. 2 condition develops where an Regional Office, Olympia, 3].0 Birch .bt. i~o. 2 P.O. Boxi869 notice. Pubhcation dates of this n wa 98584 Shelton, Wa. 98584 ] 25]/2 N. 5th atmospheric contamination level Washington 98504, within thirty Shelto ,. " Shelton Wa. 98584 notice are April 5, 1973 = - ~,,,a .= ...-. ,.,n1,~ nl.,=l= 426-554] Shelton, Washington is potentially hazardous to the (30) days from April 5, 1973. 426-5541 • 426-5524. 12, 1LJ/,:l- 3/8-4/12-6t 4/5-1t general public, or if adverse 3/29-4/5-2t 3/8-4/12-6t 3/29-4/5-12-3t 4/5-12-2t Page 22 - Shelt(~l-Ma~on County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 1973 Legal NOTICE OF HEAl PROPOSED LAUREL Said Proposed Plat a portion of the Quarter of the of Section 5, Tow Range 1 West, County, Washingtor metes and bounds shown on a copy Plat on file in Planning Director's Courthouse at Washington. NOTICE IS GIVEN: That said held at 7:00 P.M., April 18, 1973 thereafter as office of Commissioners, anq having an interest may appear at the heard for or after which, Commission approval or Plat to the Commissioners. dayd DATED this 2nd 1973. MASON COUN" PLANNING CO /s/By James E.' James E. Connol NOTICE TO CF NO. THE SUPERIOR WASH I NGTON COUNTY IN THE ESTATE OF Deceased. NOTICE IS HERI that the undersi, appointed and has personal represent estate. Persons against the to serve the same, on the attorney of record stated below and with the Clerk together with service within four March 29, 1973, or be forever barred. /s/MILDRED MILDRED Personal Rel: JOHN C. RAE Attorney for Estate ,. Title Insurance Buildi"~ : 122 Railroad Avenue Shelton. NOTICE OF EXA Written position of City of Shelton the Civil Service 7:30 p.m., April Hall. 5'10" with have a high scl be between Applications are Wall, S ~el oll returned to the later than April John Gra Shelton Civil Commission NOTICE TO No. THE SUPERIE WASH I NGTON COUNTY IN THE MA ESTATE OF ALLISON, De~ NOTICE that the unders appointed and ha personal represen estate. Persons against the decease to serve the same on the unders attorney of recor' stated below anC with the Clerk together with service within f ol March 22, 1973, will be forever bar /s/ Elizabeth I~ ELIZABETH I ALLISON Personal Repr~ JOHN C. RAGAN Attorney for Esta! Title Insurance Bu 122 Railroad Ave~ Shelton, Washingt NOTICE Og COUNTY PROP~ Sale No. 76 NOTICE I GIVEN: That P order of the Bo Commissioners, m on the 13th daY-{ there will be off! the highest and [ cash, by the cour public auction.a,t of the Court t~% Washington, .a,~ Monday, A P.r.P,. following identI~; personal proper~Y, begin at the ram' out below on ea~ the Board Commissioners= One 1969 plY) PM41K9D25525~ -- $600.00 (Sale/i One 19(~9 PlY-I PM41K9D22939~ -- $600.00 (sale ~ __ One 19(~9 PlY-= PM41K9D22934~ -- $600.00 (Sale,~', One 1970 ~ PM41NOD2558-1u, -- $750.00 (Sale One 1{363 r 3P54C 158632,,,,t~ $150.00 (Sale ~=~,~ Prior to the~ It Ira' may be seen ~ _~s Road Shop, lu~- Prai rie. .,. =c DATED zn,- March, 1973. BOARD ( COMMIS~ MASON WASH Ir /S/ Ruth Clerk of