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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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ns- ave :ial ,ion )at- the .er8 ?00 eep we out, ,: nity LUSe : "SOil ield, :oal, ,dge :i SHELTON'S STATE-PLACING "Synergy" color guard polishes its act just days before last weekend's all-Washington competition. That's seventh- year coach Mary Kay Anderson at top left, and in rifle-tossing mode be- fore her are (from left) Neal MacFarlane, Cory Cisneros, Melissa Wood, Kinsey Shough, Sarah Gates, Jackie Smith, Michael MacFarlane and Ta- sha Hillstrom. From left in the inset are Melissa, Michael, Shiann Hoff, Lainie Juhl, Cory, Sarah (near), Tasha, Valerie Close and Neal. And in the nearmost photo are Caitlin Sutter (left) and Mandy Speer. Cty commission: Northcliff contract awarded of around $275,000. Commissioners voted 3-0 to award the bid to the Seattle firm contingent on approval of the ad- ditional Transportation Improve- ment Board funds and city budget adjustments. THE PROJECT includes work along approximately 4,000 feet of Northcliff Road between North 13th and Poplar streets. Major work items include grading and widening of the roadway, instal- lation of storm drainage piping, sewer and water main construc- tion, a sidewalk, retaining walls and more. The Northcliff Road project is the second major construction contract awarded recently to Mer- lino. On March 19, commissioners awarded the bid for construction of the Basin 2 Inflow and Infiltration By JEFF GREEN The much-anticipated North- cliff Road Improvement Project moved a big step closer to the starting line Monday when Shel- ton city commissioners awarded the construction contract for the project. The award went to Gary Merli- no Construction Company, Incor- porated of Seattle in the aoOUn of $3,515,920 75 It was the of five bids received for the work. City Engineer Mike Michael told commissioners the firm's bid was Pproximately $492,000 more than ad been budgeted for the project last year. Michael said $217,580 in emergency funds is available to the city for the project through the Washington State Transporta- tion Improvement Board, and that adjustments to the city's budget could cover the remaining balance J&P00 Roses % Climbers' Synergy: C-oior guard Reduction Project in downtown Shelton to the company in the amount of $4,045,745.77, includ- (Please turn to page 10 fifth at state Jackie & Coach Shelton High's "Synergy" col- or guard distinguished itself in the state finals in Auburn last weekend, placing fifth overall in the high-schoolers' top competi- tive division. The highwater mark for a Climber program that has im- proved every year here since its inception at the start of the new millennium, the performance featured the choreography of seventh-year coach Mary Kay Anderson and the precision of 14 well drilled Highclimbers. They include girls Valerie Close, Melissa Wood, Jackie Smith, Caitlin Sutter, Tasha Hillstrom, Sarah Gates, Kirby Green, Kinsey Shough, Shiann Hoff, Mandy Speer and Lainie Juhl and boys Cory Cisneros, Michael MacFarlane and Neal MacFarlane. AUTOMOTIVE , ..... OFF L Lots of Easter gifts and decorations here now/ [ The Professionals The choice of people who are particular about their cars! 2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467 Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner 920 E. Johns Prairie Road* (360) 426-3747 RETIREMENT MAY BE FAR OFE BUT THE APRIL 17 DEADLINE FOR IRA CONTRIBUTIONS ISN'T. You only have so many years to prclmrc Ibr retirement. 'l'hat$ why contril)uting to your lIRA is so iml)ortanl. [,k.'t||nately, you still have time to maximize your 2006 IRA contribution belore the April 17 deadline. lily contributing now, your retirement savings will haw more opportunity to gwow. Even if you already have an IRA elsewhere, it's easy to transfiw to an F, dward ,Iones IRA and begin receiving the face-to-thee advice )'on deserve. 'ib learn more about the advantages of an Edward Jones IRA, call or visit today. Janis Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. $helton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 Member SIPC ROBERT MI(,HAEL PYLE!! Join us for an evening of enchantment with local nature author Robert Michael Pyle! MONDAY00 APRIL 9TH at 7 p.m. Don't miss this event!, r 116 W. Railroad Ave. Suite 102 * Shelton, WA 98584 M-TH 7-6:00 Z  CASH or 360-426-6011 Phone FRI 7-7:00 ][ CHECK 360-426-6012 Fax s e n s e" ,.., s. .... SAT 7-5:30 I,,,,,,,,,, M,, SUN 8:30-4:00 Thursday,April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 3 ns- ave :ial ,ion )at- the .er8 ?00 eep we out, ,: nity LUSe : "SOil ield, :oal, ,dge :i SHELTON'S STATE-PLACING "Synergy" color guard polishes its act just days before last weekend's all-Washington competition. That's seventh- year coach Mary Kay Anderson at top left, and in rifle-tossing mode be- fore her are (from left) Neal MacFarlane, Cory Cisneros, Melissa Wood, Kinsey Shough, Sarah Gates, Jackie Smith, Michael MacFarlane and Ta- sha Hillstrom. From left in the inset are Melissa, Michael, Shiann Hoff, Lainie Juhl, Cory, Sarah (near), Tasha, Valerie Close and Neal. And in the nearmost photo are Caitlin Sutter (left) and Mandy Speer. Cty commission: Northcliff contract awarded of around $275,000. Commissioners voted 3-0 to award the bid to the Seattle firm contingent on approval of the ad- ditional Transportation Improve- ment Board funds and city budget adjustments. THE PROJECT includes work along approximately 4,000 feet of Northcliff Road between North 13th and Poplar streets. Major work items include grading and widening of the roadway, instal- lation of storm drainage piping, sewer and water main construc- tion, a sidewalk, retaining walls and more. The Northcliff Road project is the second major construction contract awarded recently to Mer- lino. On March 19, commissioners awarded the bid for construction of the Basin 2 Inflow and Infiltration By JEFF GREEN The much-anticipated North- cliff Road Improvement Project moved a big step closer to the starting line Monday when Shel- ton city commissioners awarded the construction contract for the project. The award went to Gary Merli- no Construction Company, Incor- porated of Seattle in the aoOUn of $3,515,920 75 It was the of five bids received for the work. City Engineer Mike Michael told commissioners the firm's bid was Pproximately $492,000 more than ad been budgeted for the project last year. Michael said $217,580 in emergency funds is available to the city for the project through the Washington State Transporta- tion Improvement Board, and that adjustments to the city's budget could cover the remaining balance J&P00 Roses % Climbers' Synergy: C-oior guard Reduction Project in downtown Shelton to the company in the amount of $4,045,745.77, includ- (Please turn to page 10 fifth at state Jackie & Coach Shelton High's "Synergy" col- or guard distinguished itself in the state finals in Auburn last weekend, placing fifth overall in the high-schoolers' top competi- tive division. The highwater mark for a Climber program that has im- proved every year here since its inception at the start of the new millennium, the performance featured the choreography of seventh-year coach Mary Kay Anderson and the precision of 14 well drilled Highclimbers. They include girls Valerie Close, Melissa Wood, Jackie Smith, Caitlin Sutter, Tasha Hillstrom, Sarah Gates, Kirby Green, Kinsey Shough, Shiann Hoff, Mandy Speer and Lainie Juhl and boys Cory Cisneros, Michael MacFarlane and Neal MacFarlane. AUTOMOTIVE , ..... OFF L Lots of Easter gifts and decorations here now/ [ The Professionals The choice of people who are particular about their cars! 2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467 Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner 920 E. Johns Prairie Road* (360) 426-3747 RETIREMENT MAY BE FAR OFE BUT THE APRIL 17 DEADLINE FOR IRA CONTRIBUTIONS ISN'T. You only have so many years to prclmrc Ibr retirement. 'l'hat$ why contril)uting to your lIRA is so iml)ortanl. [,k.'t||nately, you still have time to maximize your 2006 IRA contribution belore the April 17 deadline. lily contributing now, your retirement savings will haw more opportunity to gwow. Even if you already have an IRA elsewhere, it's easy to transfiw to an F, dward ,Iones IRA and begin receiving the face-to-thee advice )'on deserve. 'ib learn more about the advantages of an Edward Jones IRA, call or visit today. Janis Byrd Financial Advisor 1717 Olympic Hwy. N. $helton,WA 98584 360-432-8965 Member SIPC ROBERT MI(,HAEL PYLE!! Join us for an evening of enchantment with local nature author Robert Michael Pyle! MONDAY00 APRIL 9TH at 7 p.m. Don't miss this event!, r 116 W. Railroad Ave. Suite 102 * Shelton, WA 98584 M-TH 7-6:00 Z  CASH or 360-426-6011 Phone FRI 7-7:00 ][ CHECK 360-426-6012 Fax s e n s e" ,.., s. .... SAT 7-5:30 I,,,,,,,,,, M,, SUN 8:30-4:00 Thursday,April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 3