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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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H F00eaders' 00ournal: Forgotten attacks Editor, The Journal: How soon we forget! Remember when the Arabs struck the World Trade Center in New York City in the 1990s? And the two WTC tow- ers in 2001? Our President has not forgotten. Neither has he forgotten that the Arabs are infiltrating this country. Do you know that there is an Arab mosque just outside of Olympia? You who are so quick to condemn those who are spending their pre- cious time and energy to protect us from the terrors of war on our own soil should spend a little time in prayer that our leaders will con- tinue to look to our Lord and God fbr wisdom. Our President does that. Be thankful and less critical• Marian Robbins Mountain View Proof of warming Editor, The Journal: In response to Ardean An- vik's letters, "Warming theory is hogwash" on March 15 and "Offer hard proof' on March 29: Mole than half the country, and most of the planet, believe we have enough proof to be con- cerned about, and to prepare for the events which will be providing him with the "proof' he desires, is not necessary. If he is lucky, any efforts which benefit mankind will benefit Mr. Anvik too. I was disappointed, however, that he did not address my in- quiry into how he expected the human• race to "adapt" to global warming. I look forward to him triggered by continued global rectiicing this omission in his warming (no matter what the next note to the editor. cause) Therefbre, convincing Katherine A. Farr Ardean /knvik of anything, or Angleside 's Let them fight war dantS Editor, The Journal: , newscasters. t but In response to last weeks letter I know all those Canadians from Jack Mallinger on the U.S. are dying from their prescription mission in Iraq, "Don't hamper ef- drugs and that mad cow disease. sting tort": It seemed we always knew where mir- , What effort are we talking the cow was born and where he right, about? We should delay pulling out pooped, but we can't figure out 1to a from Iraq while we watch more of those illegal aliens and "undocu- e ris- our soldiers die and get injured? mented immigrants." It's like call- salt And let us not forget the Iraqi ing a drug dealer an "unlicensed used eople. To us the definition of bar- pharmacist." s dif" arlsm is killing innocent children Of course we want to ,be politi- ; it is and Women. Let's give it a Bush cally correct. They don t belong Solar meaning: Just call it collateral here without the proper papers. ) and uamage. Of course we all have to have pass- TwO Let them fight their civil war ports now, but ou southern bor- ediJ arge" lding owet • YoU d the eo. glob ° ;e of reig She€ elto ne start" year, ndat" make LgerS, e out h saf" and if they are killing and injuring their own people, then it is their business not ours. We should not R.einterfering in a religious war. member the Crusades? God dn't appoint the United States [.o bring Christianity to the Mus- am World. The President needs our sup- port? What a laugh. All the coun- tries gave him support, and when we went into Afghanistan they SUpported us there, but when George and his buddies thought it was time to go after Iraqi oil and start a religious war, they desert- ed us. Lest we fbrget, we all need to listen to Fox News so we don't get media bias like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh on the radio. I guess it is wrong to listen to CNN and try to sort out what is really going on, and if" you want to get SOme real truth listen to Canadian der is leaking like a sieve. Maybe we should start enforcing the law and start jailing the corporations and people that hire them. With no jobs, why would they come? The facts state that we have cre- ated more terrorism. Why should we look at the facts? Let's listen and watch Fox News. The oath taken when you join the service is to uphold the Consti- tution and obey all lawful orders. Doesn't that apply to the President also? The question is, did Bush take that same oath? Don't think so - Patriot Act, wiretapping, etc. Let us not write about the Con- stitution that nobody in history has shredded and made a mockery of more than George and his rat pack. Earl Mallinger Phillips Lake Wally Welander Shelton eatetlevY Random thoughts nly pay" Editor, The Journal: strict I read the editorials, which ,earS. soae are anti-military. That is ng to about the only occupation the lpsola Ya°dtecge P: r°Per can gt t;:::i t h ? hhoat kgate of the other occupations are going south or to Asia. I agree with your stance about the NASCAR track. Public financ- ing for private enterprise to make a e people millionaires is wrong. ctio e Kingdome, funded by taxpay- mary ers, Was not oaid for when it was hrea" r...down to make room for a new [aclhty for the Mariners (paid for 'ress: Ytaxpayers), who sold the name step o afeco Insurance. Then the foot- ring. ball team has to have its own field, corn- again paid for by the taxpayers, a put cch is sold to Qwest. Howard i and aUltz was unable to get a fancy Stadium for the Sonics, so he sold indi- the team, which will be going to omly Oklahoma. Seems like the taxpay- ers have had enough. eve Our elected officials should re- . We noember who they are supposed es.  represent. State Senator Tim :uder laeldon remembers and keeps Lakes getting elected no matter what the lgshots in the Democratic Party L ! cto to oust him His pamnhlets to he Voters explain why [ae voted :n e Way he did on each issue• His e xeech last year for the people on _ ell incomes was eloquent. More people should watch TVW. r-On the other hand, state rep- e.sentatives Kathy Haigh and war. :i: yol Eickmeyer omit things quite over" veniently in their pamphlets. Lhout i They are listed as sponsors for eatery homosexual bill in the leg- . We mature. How do they equate that When they voted to make bestial- illing Y a crime? Sodomy is just as bad. ralleY (That is never seen in their pam- phlets•) One is as bad as the other. Haigh touts her support for educa- tion, and Eickmeyer makes noise for Hood Canal. Deirdre A. Tobey in her let- ter last week ("Ignorant way of thinking") seemed to call George Van Cleave everything but a draft dodger. He had some things in his letter that I don't agree with. He has a right to his opinion and he has a family history to be proud of. I think Ms. Tobey should study her early American history. I, too, can trace some of my family back like that. The first leaders of this country were Christian• Thomas Jefferson did not accept the New Testament. Some of my early an- cestors to this country came be- cause of religious persecution. Here they had freedom of religion as George stated in his letter. Ralph Wingert Mountain View CLASSIFIED ADS 15 words for $6.50 Call The Journal at 426-4412 Most important thing in life Editor, The Journal: This is in regards to the latest news of baby Thomas Boettger's parents possibly being charged with the death of their son. I remember reading the obitu- ary back in November and think- ing to myself how horrible it was to have lost their baby. Especially since I at the time was a brand- new mother to a baby girl, my firstborn. My first instinct was to go right down and donate money to the baby fund at Lynch Creek Floral. Crying all the way there, we went in and gave money. Now looking back I feel even more terrible, not for the parents but for that beautifhl, innocent baby who paid with his life and for the sister who now will grow up with no parents and no broth- er. As I watched the morning news today I held my now 5-month-old daughter close and made a prom- ise to her that no matter what, Mommy and Daddy would never hurt her. This story has put things into perspective for me, that no mat- ter how upset I get with things, the number-one most important thing in my life is my daughter. Nicole Graves Harstine Island ('EASTER LILIES'00t r BLOOMING MUM POTS00 I HYDUNGEA I *,o / Th ,e 7obl°b°m utiful / r / Beautiful/bl°°ming / r POTTED GEUNlUMS ROSES  Jacks°n d£ k ins® 4" budded and blooming, wide color selection, prem,um quality 2.99 • Blooming * colorful 4/s5 r PRIMROSES " Colorful * blooming r 6" POTTED " TULIPS • Color varlet, • Beautiful, blooming 8.49  FOILED POTS 11.49_,d 00VIEGETABLE PAK ANNUALS Time to plant your garden - flower or vegetable! Easter Weekend Special Garden, patio and yard accessories All fountains, birdbaths and glazed pots Friday, Saturday, Sunday only! OFF 4" POTTED / ( BLEEDINGHEARTS / / 1 GALLON , / / Thursdayr AprJl 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5 H F00eaders' 00ournal: Forgotten attacks Editor, The Journal: How soon we forget! Remember when the Arabs struck the World Trade Center in New York City in the 1990s? And the two WTC tow- ers in 2001? Our President has not forgotten. Neither has he forgotten that the Arabs are infiltrating this country. Do you know that there is an Arab mosque just outside of Olympia? You who are so quick to condemn those who are spending their pre- cious time and energy to protect us from the terrors of war on our own soil should spend a little time in prayer that our leaders will con- tinue to look to our Lord and God fbr wisdom. Our President does that. Be thankful and less critical• Marian Robbins Mountain View Proof of warming Editor, The Journal: In response to Ardean An- vik's letters, "Warming theory is hogwash" on March 15 and "Offer hard proof' on March 29: Mole than half the country, and most of the planet, believe we have enough proof to be con- cerned about, and to prepare for the events which will be providing him with the "proof' he desires, is not necessary. If he is lucky, any efforts which benefit mankind will benefit Mr. Anvik too. I was disappointed, however, that he did not address my in- quiry into how he expected the human• race to "adapt" to global warming. I look forward to him triggered by continued global rectiicing this omission in his warming (no matter what the next note to the editor. cause) Therefbre, convincing Katherine A. Farr Ardean /knvik of anything, or Angleside 's Let them fight war dantS Editor, The Journal: , newscasters. t but In response to last weeks letter I know all those Canadians from Jack Mallinger on the U.S. are dying from their prescription mission in Iraq, "Don't hamper ef- drugs and that mad cow disease. sting tort": It seemed we always knew where mir- , What effort are we talking the cow was born and where he right, about? We should delay pulling out pooped, but we can't figure out 1to a from Iraq while we watch more of those illegal aliens and "undocu- e ris- our soldiers die and get injured? mented immigrants." It's like call- salt And let us not forget the Iraqi ing a drug dealer an "unlicensed used eople. To us the definition of bar- pharmacist." s dif" arlsm is killing innocent children Of course we want to ,be politi- ; it is and Women. Let's give it a Bush cally correct. They don t belong Solar meaning: Just call it collateral here without the proper papers. ) and uamage. Of course we all have to have pass- TwO Let them fight their civil war ports now, but ou southern bor- ediJ arge" lding owet • YoU d the eo. glob ° ;e of reig She€ elto ne start" year, ndat" make LgerS, e out h saf" and if they are killing and injuring their own people, then it is their business not ours. We should not R.einterfering in a religious war. member the Crusades? God dn't appoint the United States [.o bring Christianity to the Mus- am World. The President needs our sup- port? What a laugh. All the coun- tries gave him support, and when we went into Afghanistan they SUpported us there, but when George and his buddies thought it was time to go after Iraqi oil and start a religious war, they desert- ed us. Lest we fbrget, we all need to listen to Fox News so we don't get media bias like Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh on the radio. I guess it is wrong to listen to CNN and try to sort out what is really going on, and if" you want to get SOme real truth listen to Canadian der is leaking like a sieve. Maybe we should start enforcing the law and start jailing the corporations and people that hire them. With no jobs, why would they come? The facts state that we have cre- ated more terrorism. Why should we look at the facts? Let's listen and watch Fox News. The oath taken when you join the service is to uphold the Consti- tution and obey all lawful orders. Doesn't that apply to the President also? The question is, did Bush take that same oath? Don't think so - Patriot Act, wiretapping, etc. Let us not write about the Con- stitution that nobody in history has shredded and made a mockery of more than George and his rat pack. Earl Mallinger Phillips Lake Wally Welander Shelton eatetlevY Random thoughts nly pay" Editor, The Journal: strict I read the editorials, which ,earS. soae are anti-military. That is ng to about the only occupation the lpsola Ya°dtecge P: r°Per can gt t;:::i t h ? hhoat kgate of the other occupations are going south or to Asia. I agree with your stance about the NASCAR track. Public financ- ing for private enterprise to make a e people millionaires is wrong. ctio e Kingdome, funded by taxpay- mary ers, Was not oaid for when it was hrea" r...down to make room for a new [aclhty for the Mariners (paid for 'ress: Ytaxpayers), who sold the name step o afeco Insurance. Then the foot- ring. ball team has to have its own field, corn- again paid for by the taxpayers, a put cch is sold to Qwest. Howard i and aUltz was unable to get a fancy Stadium for the Sonics, so he sold indi- the team, which will be going to omly Oklahoma. Seems like the taxpay- ers have had enough. eve Our elected officials should re- . We noember who they are supposed es.  represent. State Senator Tim :uder laeldon remembers and keeps Lakes getting elected no matter what the lgshots in the Democratic Party L ! cto to oust him His pamnhlets to he Voters explain why [ae voted :n e Way he did on each issue• His e xeech last year for the people on _ ell incomes was eloquent. More people should watch TVW. r-On the other hand, state rep- e.sentatives Kathy Haigh and war. :i: yol Eickmeyer omit things quite over" veniently in their pamphlets. Lhout i They are listed as sponsors for eatery homosexual bill in the leg- . We mature. How do they equate that When they voted to make bestial- illing Y a crime? Sodomy is just as bad. ralleY (That is never seen in their pam- phlets•) One is as bad as the other. Haigh touts her support for educa- tion, and Eickmeyer makes noise for Hood Canal. Deirdre A. Tobey in her let- ter last week ("Ignorant way of thinking") seemed to call George Van Cleave everything but a draft dodger. He had some things in his letter that I don't agree with. He has a right to his opinion and he has a family history to be proud of. I think Ms. Tobey should study her early American history. I, too, can trace some of my family back like that. The first leaders of this country were Christian• Thomas Jefferson did not accept the New Testament. Some of my early an- cestors to this country came be- cause of religious persecution. Here they had freedom of religion as George stated in his letter. Ralph Wingert Mountain View CLASSIFIED ADS 15 words for $6.50 Call The Journal at 426-4412 Most important thing in life Editor, The Journal: This is in regards to the latest news of baby Thomas Boettger's parents possibly being charged with the death of their son. I remember reading the obitu- ary back in November and think- ing to myself how horrible it was to have lost their baby. Especially since I at the time was a brand- new mother to a baby girl, my firstborn. My first instinct was to go right down and donate money to the baby fund at Lynch Creek Floral. Crying all the way there, we went in and gave money. Now looking back I feel even more terrible, not for the parents but for that beautifhl, innocent baby who paid with his life and for the sister who now will grow up with no parents and no broth- er. As I watched the morning news today I held my now 5-month-old daughter close and made a prom- ise to her that no matter what, Mommy and Daddy would never hurt her. This story has put things into perspective for me, that no mat- ter how upset I get with things, the number-one most important thing in my life is my daughter. Nicole Graves Harstine Island ('EASTER LILIES'00t r BLOOMING MUM POTS00 I HYDUNGEA I *,o / Th ,e 7obl°b°m utiful / r / Beautiful/bl°°ming / r POTTED GEUNlUMS ROSES  Jacks°n d£ k ins® 4" budded and blooming, wide color selection, prem,um quality 2.99 • Blooming * colorful 4/s5 r PRIMROSES " Colorful * blooming r 6" POTTED " TULIPS • Color varlet, • Beautiful, blooming 8.49  FOILED POTS 11.49_,d 00VIEGETABLE PAK ANNUALS Time to plant your garden - flower or vegetable! Easter Weekend Special Garden, patio and yard accessories All fountains, birdbaths and glazed pots Friday, Saturday, Sunday only! OFF 4" POTTED / ( BLEEDINGHEARTS / / 1 GALLON , / / Thursdayr AprJl 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 5