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l ! rJournal of
chee MASON COUNTY Schlebel, 3543 Cologne Court SE,
dng Judgments in Mason County
a out District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during the
ason Jl Past week include:
ill so Driving under the influence:
• Darrel L Dugger, 3240 SE Lynch
Ts m Road, Shelton, $1,889, 365 days,
363 suspended; Fernando M. Ro-
driguez, 4404 Sixth Avenue NE,
Lacey, $1,591,365 days, 364 sus-
pended; Douglas Jerome LaClair
Jr., 806 Wyoming Avenue, Shelton,
$1,529, 365 days, 363 suspended;
CathyA Delomba, 11876 SW Lake
Flora Road, Port Orchard, $1,529,
365 days, 363 suspended; Charles
W. Longshore, 91 North Salish
Court, Shelton, $1,234, 365 days,
364 suspended, and two counts
driving with license suspended in
the third degree, $143, 90 days,
89 SUspended on each, and a third
count, $100, 90 days, 89 suspend-
ed; Shawn L. Vaughn, 7337 28th
Avenue SW, Seattle, $5,364, 365
days, 155 suspended; Nacole Marie
Johnson, 346 NE Skipanon Drive,
Warrenton, $4,596, 365 days, 353
Negligent driving: Theis O.
Fager, 142B Arcadia Terrace, Port
I,J i Townsend, second degree, $538;
L 'Robert R. Christensen 2118 Ma-
--:rine Drive, Bremerton, second
:degree, $538; Joseph Jose Llanos,
150 NE Pine Tree Lane, Tahuya,
S second degree and no insurance,
$1,076, and no vehicle operator s
lit !lcense with identification and no
,insurance, $663; and :n::to:::
:license wthout 1_ .
$320, 90 days suspended.
:_eD.riving while license sus-
p nelea or revoked: Norm D.
776 West Fifth Street,
third degree, $303,
suspended; Rodger F.
380 NE Snowcap
third degree, $253,
Lays, 80 suspended; Fernan-
Rodriguez, North 70
Flats Road, Shelton,
,90 days, 89 sus-
Tobin K. Van Direr, P.O.
3208, Belfair, second degree,
365 days, 360 suspended;
A. Creamer, 257 Lillie Road,
second degree, $520, 365
360 suspended; Joel Juan
280 Old Belfair High-
third degree, $156!
John London, 31 East
Road, Union, first degree,
43, 360 days, 120 suspended,
possession of marijuana un-
er 40 grams, $293, 90 days, one
No valid operator's license:
B. Anderson Jr., 26 East
Drive, Shelton, with
insurance: Benny
s, 704 Chester Avenue,
and speeding in school
Randall S. Armstrong,
Dayton-Airport Road,
$538; Mario Celerino-
), 6410 901st SW, Centralia,
Francisco Gavino, 140
Blevins Road, Shelton, and
$691; Marie L. Laclair,
Enetai Court, Shelton,
speeding and not wearing a
weight: Bickle
Timber, 201 Joshua
)ad, Rochester, $607; Martin A.
1382 Glenwood Road SW,
fishing in the sec-
Kelly Brian Riordan,
Delanty Road, Shelton,
limit clams, $290; Laura Mi-
Matheson, 253 East Dela -
limit clams,
Franke Robert Weekes, 60
Treewater Lane, Shelton,
limit clams, $290.
Theft in the third degree: Da-
Brian Chamberlain, 4401 West
Road, Shelton, $463, 365
335 suspended, and criminal
-spass and vehicle prowl, $243,
Lays, 60.suspended
lon of marijuana:
cy S. Underwood, 271 North
Hill, Hoodsport, and
SSession of drug paraphernalia,
90 days, 89 suspended on
offenses: Frank E. Rus-
,8904 Quinault Loop NE Olym-
a, failure to comply with health
order, $250.
in Shelton Munici-
Judge Amber Finlay's
during the past week
the influence:
Still, 80 North Quinault
Hoodsport, $1,716, 365
364 suspended; Lynn Louise
216 East Snowy Owl Drive
Shelton, $3,071, 365 days,
sttspended, 150 on electronic
honitoring; Jonathan E.
Olympia, $1,073, 365 days, 354
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Rocky R.
Garrick, 1119 Franklin Street,
Shelton, third degree, $343, 95
days, 45 suspended, and giving
false or misleading statement to
public servant, $343, 90 days, 45
Third-degree theft: Erica
L. Rodriguez, 21 East Sea Vista
Lane, Grapeview, $343, 365 days,
355 suspended.
Minor in possession of alco-
hol: Charlene N. Hartnett, 1318
Ellinor, Shelton, $243, 365 days,
360 suspended, and no vehicle op-
erator's license without identifica-
tion, $343, 90 days suspended.
Failure to redeem bank
check: Janae Danielle Hughes, 41
East Hickory Place, Shelton, four
counts, $1,194.21.
Possession of drug para-
phernalia: Tracy Kathleen Tut-
tle, 1950 Haven Way, Tahuya,
$293, 90 days, 85 suspended.
Divorces Granted
Lasca Ann Petri and David An-
thony Petri
Jeffrey Alan Schuffenhauer
and Robin M. Schuffenhauer
Vicki Elaine LaBelle and Rob-
err Deane LaBelle
Saundra M. Florek and Ronald
W. Florek.
New Cases
State Farm Fire and Casualty
Company against Christensen,
Incorporated, General Contractor,
State of Washington against
Kenneth Jay Kickok, reciprocal.
Washington Department of
Revenue against Carole Malone
and Hoodsport Inn, tax warrant.
The Collection Group, Limited
Liability Company, gainst Chad
Hedman and Hera Hedman, com-
Park Shore Property, Lorraine
DuPaul and Lori Leite against
Cassie Jones, unlawful detainer.
Thomas Groover against Misty
Belieu, property damages.
Everett Association of Credit
against Tad R. Taylor and Amy M.
Taylor, transcript of judgment.
Cary Hahn against Hank's Ca-
sino, Incorporated, Albert Drouil-
lard and Florence K. Drouillard,
personal injury.
Holly's Transportation, Incor-
porated, against RWJ Logistics,
Incorporated, commercial.
Portfolio Recovery Associates
against Ida Leggett, commercial.
Suzen Willette against James
R. Gonzalez and Daniel Gonzalez,
unlawful detainer.
Employment Security Depart-
ment against David Q. Nelson, tax
Prime Locations, Incorporated,
against Susan Workman, unlaw-
ful detainer, and against Frank
Workman Jr., unlawful detainer.
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits during
the past week include:
Robert Barrett, 1170 East Ma-
son Lake Drive South, Grapeview,
residence, $230,544.35; Den-
nis O'Connell, 901 SE Kamilche
Point Road, Shelton, residence,
$162,931.20; Paul Haynes, 1140
SE Somers Drive, Shelton, resi-
dence, $202,894.40; Pacific NW
Development, 110 East West-
wood Lane East, Union, residence,
$172,602; Gabriel Newman, 80
East Dogwood Place, Shelton, resi-
dence, $99,064.15; Gordon Benja-
min, 50 East Buckingham Lane,
Grapeview, remodel, $11,064.06;
Brian Yelland, 31 East Twanoh
Tides Place, Belfair, tear down
and rebuild, $97,610.40; Daniel
Venable, 7730 West Eells Hill
Road, Shelton, repair fire damage,
$40,517.04; Andrew Bdelik, 2012
SE Walker Park Road, Shelton,
shore up bulkhead, $525.
Patricia Arnold, 611 East
Creekside Drive, Belfair, remodel,
$35,475.60; Tom Litaker, 11681
East State Route 106, Union, ad-
dition, $23,798; Kevin Shearer,
584 NE Haven Lake Drive, Bel-
fair, garage, $79,050; Rick Shultz,
237 East Kingsley Drive, Belfair,
$21,923.20; Michael Pope, 41 East
Rustle Way, Grapeview, repair
deck, $5,340; Tony Kantas, 1680
East Mason Lake Road, Shelton,
residence, $172,273.60; Rich-
ard Dickinson, 1682 East Mason
Lake Road, Shelton, residence,
$169,831.20; Verne Poupitch,
4978 SE Lynch Road, Shelton,
deck, $9,435; Ken Ford, 1350
East Jared Road, Shelton, garage,
$37,944; Dan Freeman, 1173 NE
Mission Creek Road, Belfair, addi-
tion, $53,144.
Margie Meservey, 251 East
Wheelright Street North, Allyn,
garage, $15,177.60; Thelma Rat-
ley, 14251 West Shelton-Matlock
Road, Shelton, garage, $22,766.40;
Patrick Wheat, 7231 East State
Route 108, Union, raise and re-
pair dwelling, $103,445.50; Lon
Pettit, 1430 East Mason Lake
Drive West, Grapeview, change
roof configuration, $18,000; D.E.
Brackenbrough, 881 East Phillips
Lake Loop Road, Shelton, garage,
$20,236.80; Gus Swenson, 31 NE
Skipper Court, Belfair, replace
roof, $35,854; Robert Valluso, 550
East Cronquist Road, Allyn, ga-
rage, $17,074.80; Dan Klies, 1820
SE Crescent Drive, Shelton, ga-
rage, $12,121; Vivian Stickley, 31
SE Mill Creek ROad, Shelton, sign
alteration, $13,910; Port of Allyn,
18560 East State Route 3, Allyn,
restroom, $8,816.40.
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects:
Robert Valluso, 650 East Cron-
quist Road, Allyn, demolition;
Michael Wittenberg, 10232 East
State Route 106, Union, demoli-
tion; Diane Keith, 201 West Maple
RockRoad, Matlock, manufac-
tured home.
March 27, 12:50 a.m., 2500
block of Olympic Highway North,
transformer fire.
March 28, 2:21 a.m., assault,
Wallace Kneeland Boulevard.
March 29, 7:33 a.m., vehicle
rollover, San Joaquin Avenue.
March 31, 2:11 a.m., 701 East
Pine, property damage; 7:57 a.m.,
assist at chimney fire, Binns
Swiger Loop; 2:14 p.m., East Birch
Street, smoke investigation.
April 1, 3:21 p.m., Olympic
Highway North, burn investiga-
tion; 6:36 p.m., fire, 600 Franklin
April 2, 3:50 p.m., Johns Prairie
Road, burn investigation.
Tuesday, March 27
A duffle bag and blanket were
reported found at Fifth and Frank-
A vehicle prowl i n the 900 block
of West Franklin Street was re-
People at a business in Gate-
way Center reported an incident
of employee theft.
Sheriffs deputies assisted offi-
cers at a disturbance in the 1700
block of Olympic Highway North.
People in a car were reported
pointing what looked like bb guns
at people near the Timber Bowl on
First Street.
Wednesday, March 28
A caller from the 1000 block of
Fairmount Avenue reported catch-
ing a male siphoning gas.
A window was reported broken
at a natural foods store on Rail-
road Avenue.
A residential burglary in the
1700 block of Washington Street
was reported.
A caller reported that a dog pur-
chased two days earlier from the
city pound was ill.
A Fairmount Avenue caller re-
ported finding a vehicle that had
been stolen returned to a street
near the owner's home.
Thursday, March 29
A caller from Boundary Street
complained that people were driv-
ing by and shooting at the house
with a bb gun.
A caller from the 200 block of
East H Street reported interrupt-
ing a vehicle prowl at 5:35 a.m.,
adding that the perpetrator was
running away with the car's ste-
Officers responded at 8:22 a.m.
to the report of an assault at Shel-
ton High School.
A noninjury collision in a park-
ing lot on Wallace Kneeland Bou-
levard was reported.
An assault and vandalism at
Skateboard Park were reported.
Friday, March 30
County deputies assisted the
city in responding to the report of
a bar fight in the 100 block of West
Cota Street.
A prowler was reported in the
1800 block of Summit Avenue.
A stereo was reported taken in
a vehicle prowl in the 1200 block of
Franklin Street.
A caller reported some 15 trees
cut on city property on Satsop Av-
Burglaries were reported in the
1100 block of Thomas Avenue and
in the 800 block of North Third
A caller reported shots fired
from a vehicle on Bellevue Av-
Saturday, March 31
Police responded to the report
of a vehicle on its top near the
Shelton Yacht Club, and later, to
the 1900 block of Olympic High-
way North, where a vehicle that
was hit on the curb was pushed up
onto the sidewalk.
A taxi driver reported receiving
threats in the wake of a dispute
the previous night.
A window was reported broken
out of an antiques store on First
A caller reported the theft of a
skateboard at the skate park, and
police were notified that jewelry
had been stolen from a truck at a
city gas station while the owner
fueled it.
Sunday, April 1
A property damage collision
was reported in a parking lot on
Railroad Avenue.
A blue 1994 Toyota pickup was
reported stolen from an address in
the 800 block of Wyandotte Ave-
nue, and a 2001 Honda motorcycle
was reported taken from the 1100
block of Northcliff Road.
A child's scooter was reported
stolen on Park Street.
Some $200 in items were re-
ported taken in a vehicle prowl in
the 500 block of West Birch Street,
but the prowler left a television in
the back seat of the vehicle.
Monday, April 2
Deputies assisted police at a
juvenile disturbance inside Wal-
Mart shortly after midnight and
in the early morning hours at an
incident on Railroad Avenue.
Vandalism to outdoor lights
and landscaping was reported at
two addresses on Karl Court and
one on Holly Lane.
Burglaries were reported in the
housing complex at 3000 Johns
Prairie Road and at a residence on
Dearborn Avenue.
Vehicle prowls and theft were
reported on Fairmount Avenue
and in the parking lot at Olympic
College Shelton.
A noninjury collision was re-
ported at First and Birch streets.
Medications were reported sto-
len from Fir Lane Terrace.
A tool whose name the report-
ing party didn't know was reported
stolen from a residence in the 1500
block of Olympic Highway North.
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65 with
a 48-bed expansion completed in
2004, recorded populations as fol-
lows during the past week:
Wednesday 128, Thursday 129,
Friday 125, Saturday 125, Sunday
126, Monday 128, Tuesday 126.
Tuesday, March 27
Two reports of missing children
on Larson Boulevard were resolved
when the children were found safe
and sound.
Deputies assisted the Wash-
ington State Patrol at the scene of
a fatal crash on State Route 3 at
2:15 a.m.
A burglary at a residence half a
mile out Road of Tralee near Lake
Limerick was reported.
A resident of Pickering Road
was at Mason General Hospital
after being bitten by a stray cat.
A Munson Boulevard caller re-
ported mailbox vandalism.
A green Thunderbird, possibly
stolen, was reported found in the
woods near Lake Cushman.
A caller complained of a vehicle
prowl near the .8-mile point on
Mill Creek Road.
Wednesday, March 28
A report of an armed individual
making suicide threats was re-
ceived by Squaxin Island tribal
A resident of Forest Drive near
Belfair complained of vandalism to
a pool and theft of koi and lilies.
Mailbox vandalism on Mahoga-
ny Court near Belfair was report-
ed, and mail was reported found
on Bloomfield Road.
Vehicle prowls on Craig Road
near Shelton and on Kokanee
Ridge near Hoodsport were re-
Burglary and vandalism at the
Little Creek Casino complex were
reported, and a burglary at a resi-
dence on Colonel Wright Road,
Harstine Island, was reported.
Officers received an allegation
of a sex offense.
Fire District 2 responded to the
report of an injury on Old Belfair
Highway at 4:34 p.m. and to an il-
legal-bum complaint on Barbara
Boulevard at 5:01 p.m.
A shot was reported fired
through the window of a residence
on South Island Drive, Harstine
An inmate fight was reported at
the jail.
Skokomish tribal police re-
sponded to a stolen vehicle com-
plaint on Tribal Center Road.
A car was reported on fire off
K]ah Che Min Circle near Ka-
Thursday, March 29
A disturbance involving threats
at a Sadler Hill Road residence
was reported.
A Binns Swiger Loop Road call-
er reported at 6:16 a.m. that some-
one stole a vehicle as it was being
warmed up outside the residence.
A caller reported threatening
and Nazi-style graffiti at the entry
to Riverhaven in the west end of
the county.
A caller from Shelton-Matlock
Road reported the theft of a purse
containing jewelry. A resident of
Island Lake Road reported the
theft of a tow dolly, and a caller
reported threats and the theft
of a battery from a residence on
Passage View Road. A caller from
(Please turn to page 24.)
Hood Canal at Union
Thursday, April 5
Low ................... 1:16 a.m ............. 6.0 ft.
High .................. 6:34 a.m ........... 10.9 ft.
Low ................... 1:32 p.m ........... -0.3 ft.
High .................. 8:18 p.m ........... 11.0 ft.
Friday, April 6
Low ................... 1:54 a.m ............. 6.7 ft.
High .................. 6:59 a.m ........... 10.6 ft.
Low ................... 2:07 p.m ........... -0.5 ft.
High .................. 9:04 p.m ........... 11.0 ft.
Saturday, April 7
Low ................... 2:35 a.m ............. 7.5 ft.
High .................. 7:25 a.m ........... 10.2 ft.
Low ................... 2:47 p.m ........... -0.5 ft.
High .................. 9:57 p.m ........... 10.8 ft.
Sunday, April 8
Low ................... 3:22 a.m ............. 8.1 ft.
High .................. 7:52 a.m ............. 9.8 ft.
Low ................... 3:33 p.m ........... -0.3 ft.
High ................ 11:00 p.m ........... 10.6 ft.
Monday, April 9
Low ................... 4:24 a.m ............. 8.5 ft.
High .................. 8:24 a.m ............. 9.4 ft.
Low ................... 4:27 p.m ............. 0.0 ft.
Tuesday, April 10
High ................ 12:14 a.m ........... 10.5 ft.
Low ................... 5:55 a.m ............. 8.6 ft.
High .................. 9:22 a.m ............. 8.9 ft.
Low ................... 5:29 p.m ............. 0.2 ft.
Wednesday, April 11
High .................. 1:27 a.m ........... 10.6 ft.
Low ................... 7:40 a.m ............. 8.1 ft.
High ................ 11:05 a.m ............. 8.6 ft.
Low ................... 6:35 p.m ............. 0.4 ft.
Thursday, April 12
High .................. 2:20 a.m ........... 10.9 ft.
Low ................... 8:35 a.m ............. 7.2 ft.
High ................ 12:41 p.m ............. 8.6 ft.
Low ................... 7:40 p.m ............. 0.5 ft.
Oakland Bay at Shelton
Thursday, April 5
Low ................... 3:11 a.m ............. 5.2 ft.
High .................. 7:59 a.m ........... 13.2 ft.
Low ................... 3:27 p.m ........... -0.4 ft.
High .................. 9:43 p.m ........... 13.3 ft.
Friday, April 6
Low ................... 3:49
High .................. 8:24
Low ................... 4:02
High ................ 10:29
Saturday, April 7
Low ................... 4:30
High .................. 8:50
Low ................... 4:42
High ................ 11:22
Sunday, April 8
Low ................... 5:17
High .................. 9:17
Low ................... 5:28
Monday, April 9
High ................ 12:25
Low ................... 6:19
High .................. 9:49
Low ................... 6:22
Tuesday, April 10
High .................. 1:39
Low ................... 7:50
High ................ 10:47
a.m ............. 5.8 ft.
a.m ........... 12.8 ft.
p.m ........... -0.6 ft.
p.m ........... 13.3 ft.
a.m ............. 6.5 ft.
a.m ........... 12.4 ft.
p.m ........... -0.6 ft.
p.m ........... 13.1 ft.
a.m ............. 7.0 ft.
a.m ........... 11.9 ft.
p.m ........... -0.4 ft.
a.m ........... 12.8 ft.
a.m ............. 7.4 ft.
a.m ........... 11.4 ft.
p.m ............. 0.0 ft.
a.m ........... 12.7 ft.
a.rn ............. 7.5 ft.
a.m ........... 10.8 ft.
Low ................... 7:24 p.m ............. 0.1 ft.
Wednesday, April 11
High .................. 2:52 a.m ........... 12.8 ft.
Low ................... 9:35
High ................ 12:30
Low ................... 8:30
Thursday, April 12
High .................. 3:45
Low ................. 10:30
High .................. 2:06
Low ................... 9:35
a.m ............. 7.0 ft.
p.m ........... 10.4 ft.
p.m ............. 0.3 ft.
a.m ........... 13.2 ft.
a.m ............. 6.2 ft.
p.m ........... 10.4 ft.
p.m ............. 0.4 ft.
Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23
l ! rJournal of
chee MASON COUNTY Schlebel, 3543 Cologne Court SE,
dng Judgments in Mason County
a out District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during the
ason Jl Past week include:
ill so Driving under the influence:
• Darrel L Dugger, 3240 SE Lynch
Ts m Road, Shelton, $1,889, 365 days,
363 suspended; Fernando M. Ro-
driguez, 4404 Sixth Avenue NE,
Lacey, $1,591,365 days, 364 sus-
pended; Douglas Jerome LaClair
Jr., 806 Wyoming Avenue, Shelton,
$1,529, 365 days, 363 suspended;
CathyA Delomba, 11876 SW Lake
Flora Road, Port Orchard, $1,529,
365 days, 363 suspended; Charles
W. Longshore, 91 North Salish
Court, Shelton, $1,234, 365 days,
364 suspended, and two counts
driving with license suspended in
the third degree, $143, 90 days,
89 SUspended on each, and a third
count, $100, 90 days, 89 suspend-
ed; Shawn L. Vaughn, 7337 28th
Avenue SW, Seattle, $5,364, 365
days, 155 suspended; Nacole Marie
Johnson, 346 NE Skipanon Drive,
Warrenton, $4,596, 365 days, 353
Negligent driving: Theis O.
Fager, 142B Arcadia Terrace, Port
I,J i Townsend, second degree, $538;
L 'Robert R. Christensen 2118 Ma-
--:rine Drive, Bremerton, second
:degree, $538; Joseph Jose Llanos,
150 NE Pine Tree Lane, Tahuya,
S second degree and no insurance,
$1,076, and no vehicle operator s
lit !lcense with identification and no
,insurance, $663; and :n::to:::
:license wthout 1_ .
$320, 90 days suspended.
:_eD.riving while license sus-
p nelea or revoked: Norm D.
776 West Fifth Street,
third degree, $303,
suspended; Rodger F.
380 NE Snowcap
third degree, $253,
Lays, 80 suspended; Fernan-
Rodriguez, North 70
Flats Road, Shelton,
,90 days, 89 sus-
Tobin K. Van Direr, P.O.
3208, Belfair, second degree,
365 days, 360 suspended;
A. Creamer, 257 Lillie Road,
second degree, $520, 365
360 suspended; Joel Juan
280 Old Belfair High-
third degree, $156!
John London, 31 East
Road, Union, first degree,
43, 360 days, 120 suspended,
possession of marijuana un-
er 40 grams, $293, 90 days, one
No valid operator's license:
B. Anderson Jr., 26 East
Drive, Shelton, with
insurance: Benny
s, 704 Chester Avenue,
and speeding in school
Randall S. Armstrong,
Dayton-Airport Road,
$538; Mario Celerino-
), 6410 901st SW, Centralia,
Francisco Gavino, 140
Blevins Road, Shelton, and
$691; Marie L. Laclair,
Enetai Court, Shelton,
speeding and not wearing a
weight: Bickle
Timber, 201 Joshua
)ad, Rochester, $607; Martin A.
1382 Glenwood Road SW,
fishing in the sec-
Kelly Brian Riordan,
Delanty Road, Shelton,
limit clams, $290; Laura Mi-
Matheson, 253 East Dela -
limit clams,
Franke Robert Weekes, 60
Treewater Lane, Shelton,
limit clams, $290.
Theft in the third degree: Da-
Brian Chamberlain, 4401 West
Road, Shelton, $463, 365
335 suspended, and criminal
-spass and vehicle prowl, $243,
Lays, 60.suspended
lon of marijuana:
cy S. Underwood, 271 North
Hill, Hoodsport, and
SSession of drug paraphernalia,
90 days, 89 suspended on
offenses: Frank E. Rus-
,8904 Quinault Loop NE Olym-
a, failure to comply with health
order, $250.
in Shelton Munici-
Judge Amber Finlay's
during the past week
the influence:
Still, 80 North Quinault
Hoodsport, $1,716, 365
364 suspended; Lynn Louise
216 East Snowy Owl Drive
Shelton, $3,071, 365 days,
sttspended, 150 on electronic
honitoring; Jonathan E.
Olympia, $1,073, 365 days, 354
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Rocky R.
Garrick, 1119 Franklin Street,
Shelton, third degree, $343, 95
days, 45 suspended, and giving
false or misleading statement to
public servant, $343, 90 days, 45
Third-degree theft: Erica
L. Rodriguez, 21 East Sea Vista
Lane, Grapeview, $343, 365 days,
355 suspended.
Minor in possession of alco-
hol: Charlene N. Hartnett, 1318
Ellinor, Shelton, $243, 365 days,
360 suspended, and no vehicle op-
erator's license without identifica-
tion, $343, 90 days suspended.
Failure to redeem bank
check: Janae Danielle Hughes, 41
East Hickory Place, Shelton, four
counts, $1,194.21.
Possession of drug para-
phernalia: Tracy Kathleen Tut-
tle, 1950 Haven Way, Tahuya,
$293, 90 days, 85 suspended.
Divorces Granted
Lasca Ann Petri and David An-
thony Petri
Jeffrey Alan Schuffenhauer
and Robin M. Schuffenhauer
Vicki Elaine LaBelle and Rob-
err Deane LaBelle
Saundra M. Florek and Ronald
W. Florek.
New Cases
State Farm Fire and Casualty
Company against Christensen,
Incorporated, General Contractor,
State of Washington against
Kenneth Jay Kickok, reciprocal.
Washington Department of
Revenue against Carole Malone
and Hoodsport Inn, tax warrant.
The Collection Group, Limited
Liability Company, gainst Chad
Hedman and Hera Hedman, com-
Park Shore Property, Lorraine
DuPaul and Lori Leite against
Cassie Jones, unlawful detainer.
Thomas Groover against Misty
Belieu, property damages.
Everett Association of Credit
against Tad R. Taylor and Amy M.
Taylor, transcript of judgment.
Cary Hahn against Hank's Ca-
sino, Incorporated, Albert Drouil-
lard and Florence K. Drouillard,
personal injury.
Holly's Transportation, Incor-
porated, against RWJ Logistics,
Incorporated, commercial.
Portfolio Recovery Associates
against Ida Leggett, commercial.
Suzen Willette against James
R. Gonzalez and Daniel Gonzalez,
unlawful detainer.
Employment Security Depart-
ment against David Q. Nelson, tax
Prime Locations, Incorporated,
against Susan Workman, unlaw-
ful detainer, and against Frank
Workman Jr., unlawful detainer.
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits during
the past week include:
Robert Barrett, 1170 East Ma-
son Lake Drive South, Grapeview,
residence, $230,544.35; Den-
nis O'Connell, 901 SE Kamilche
Point Road, Shelton, residence,
$162,931.20; Paul Haynes, 1140
SE Somers Drive, Shelton, resi-
dence, $202,894.40; Pacific NW
Development, 110 East West-
wood Lane East, Union, residence,
$172,602; Gabriel Newman, 80
East Dogwood Place, Shelton, resi-
dence, $99,064.15; Gordon Benja-
min, 50 East Buckingham Lane,
Grapeview, remodel, $11,064.06;
Brian Yelland, 31 East Twanoh
Tides Place, Belfair, tear down
and rebuild, $97,610.40; Daniel
Venable, 7730 West Eells Hill
Road, Shelton, repair fire damage,
$40,517.04; Andrew Bdelik, 2012
SE Walker Park Road, Shelton,
shore up bulkhead, $525.
Patricia Arnold, 611 East
Creekside Drive, Belfair, remodel,
$35,475.60; Tom Litaker, 11681
East State Route 106, Union, ad-
dition, $23,798; Kevin Shearer,
584 NE Haven Lake Drive, Bel-
fair, garage, $79,050; Rick Shultz,
237 East Kingsley Drive, Belfair,
$21,923.20; Michael Pope, 41 East
Rustle Way, Grapeview, repair
deck, $5,340; Tony Kantas, 1680
East Mason Lake Road, Shelton,
residence, $172,273.60; Rich-
ard Dickinson, 1682 East Mason
Lake Road, Shelton, residence,
$169,831.20; Verne Poupitch,
4978 SE Lynch Road, Shelton,
deck, $9,435; Ken Ford, 1350
East Jared Road, Shelton, garage,
$37,944; Dan Freeman, 1173 NE
Mission Creek Road, Belfair, addi-
tion, $53,144.
Margie Meservey, 251 East
Wheelright Street North, Allyn,
garage, $15,177.60; Thelma Rat-
ley, 14251 West Shelton-Matlock
Road, Shelton, garage, $22,766.40;
Patrick Wheat, 7231 East State
Route 108, Union, raise and re-
pair dwelling, $103,445.50; Lon
Pettit, 1430 East Mason Lake
Drive West, Grapeview, change
roof configuration, $18,000; D.E.
Brackenbrough, 881 East Phillips
Lake Loop Road, Shelton, garage,
$20,236.80; Gus Swenson, 31 NE
Skipper Court, Belfair, replace
roof, $35,854; Robert Valluso, 550
East Cronquist Road, Allyn, ga-
rage, $17,074.80; Dan Klies, 1820
SE Crescent Drive, Shelton, ga-
rage, $12,121; Vivian Stickley, 31
SE Mill Creek ROad, Shelton, sign
alteration, $13,910; Port of Allyn,
18560 East State Route 3, Allyn,
restroom, $8,816.40.
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects:
Robert Valluso, 650 East Cron-
quist Road, Allyn, demolition;
Michael Wittenberg, 10232 East
State Route 106, Union, demoli-
tion; Diane Keith, 201 West Maple
RockRoad, Matlock, manufac-
tured home.
March 27, 12:50 a.m., 2500
block of Olympic Highway North,
transformer fire.
March 28, 2:21 a.m., assault,
Wallace Kneeland Boulevard.
March 29, 7:33 a.m., vehicle
rollover, San Joaquin Avenue.
March 31, 2:11 a.m., 701 East
Pine, property damage; 7:57 a.m.,
assist at chimney fire, Binns
Swiger Loop; 2:14 p.m., East Birch
Street, smoke investigation.
April 1, 3:21 p.m., Olympic
Highway North, burn investiga-
tion; 6:36 p.m., fire, 600 Franklin
April 2, 3:50 p.m., Johns Prairie
Road, burn investigation.
Tuesday, March 27
A duffle bag and blanket were
reported found at Fifth and Frank-
A vehicle prowl i n the 900 block
of West Franklin Street was re-
People at a business in Gate-
way Center reported an incident
of employee theft.
Sheriffs deputies assisted offi-
cers at a disturbance in the 1700
block of Olympic Highway North.
People in a car were reported
pointing what looked like bb guns
at people near the Timber Bowl on
First Street.
Wednesday, March 28
A caller from the 1000 block of
Fairmount Avenue reported catch-
ing a male siphoning gas.
A window was reported broken
at a natural foods store on Rail-
road Avenue.
A residential burglary in the
1700 block of Washington Street
was reported.
A caller reported that a dog pur-
chased two days earlier from the
city pound was ill.
A Fairmount Avenue caller re-
ported finding a vehicle that had
been stolen returned to a street
near the owner's home.
Thursday, March 29
A caller from Boundary Street
complained that people were driv-
ing by and shooting at the house
with a bb gun.
A caller from the 200 block of
East H Street reported interrupt-
ing a vehicle prowl at 5:35 a.m.,
adding that the perpetrator was
running away with the car's ste-
Officers responded at 8:22 a.m.
to the report of an assault at Shel-
ton High School.
A noninjury collision in a park-
ing lot on Wallace Kneeland Bou-
levard was reported.
An assault and vandalism at
Skateboard Park were reported.
Friday, March 30
County deputies assisted the
city in responding to the report of
a bar fight in the 100 block of West
Cota Street.
A prowler was reported in the
1800 block of Summit Avenue.
A stereo was reported taken in
a vehicle prowl in the 1200 block of
Franklin Street.
A caller reported some 15 trees
cut on city property on Satsop Av-
Burglaries were reported in the
1100 block of Thomas Avenue and
in the 800 block of North Third
A caller reported shots fired
from a vehicle on Bellevue Av-
Saturday, March 31
Police responded to the report
of a vehicle on its top near the
Shelton Yacht Club, and later, to
the 1900 block of Olympic High-
way North, where a vehicle that
was hit on the curb was pushed up
onto the sidewalk.
A taxi driver reported receiving
threats in the wake of a dispute
the previous night.
A window was reported broken
out of an antiques store on First
A caller reported the theft of a
skateboard at the skate park, and
police were notified that jewelry
had been stolen from a truck at a
city gas station while the owner
fueled it.
Sunday, April 1
A property damage collision
was reported in a parking lot on
Railroad Avenue.
A blue 1994 Toyota pickup was
reported stolen from an address in
the 800 block of Wyandotte Ave-
nue, and a 2001 Honda motorcycle
was reported taken from the 1100
block of Northcliff Road.
A child's scooter was reported
stolen on Park Street.
Some $200 in items were re-
ported taken in a vehicle prowl in
the 500 block of West Birch Street,
but the prowler left a television in
the back seat of the vehicle.
Monday, April 2
Deputies assisted police at a
juvenile disturbance inside Wal-
Mart shortly after midnight and
in the early morning hours at an
incident on Railroad Avenue.
Vandalism to outdoor lights
and landscaping was reported at
two addresses on Karl Court and
one on Holly Lane.
Burglaries were reported in the
housing complex at 3000 Johns
Prairie Road and at a residence on
Dearborn Avenue.
Vehicle prowls and theft were
reported on Fairmount Avenue
and in the parking lot at Olympic
College Shelton.
A noninjury collision was re-
ported at First and Birch streets.
Medications were reported sto-
len from Fir Lane Terrace.
A tool whose name the report-
ing party didn't know was reported
stolen from a residence in the 1500
block of Olympic Highway North.
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65 with
a 48-bed expansion completed in
2004, recorded populations as fol-
lows during the past week:
Wednesday 128, Thursday 129,
Friday 125, Saturday 125, Sunday
126, Monday 128, Tuesday 126.
Tuesday, March 27
Two reports of missing children
on Larson Boulevard were resolved
when the children were found safe
and sound.
Deputies assisted the Wash-
ington State Patrol at the scene of
a fatal crash on State Route 3 at
2:15 a.m.
A burglary at a residence half a
mile out Road of Tralee near Lake
Limerick was reported.
A resident of Pickering Road
was at Mason General Hospital
after being bitten by a stray cat.
A Munson Boulevard caller re-
ported mailbox vandalism.
A green Thunderbird, possibly
stolen, was reported found in the
woods near Lake Cushman.
A caller complained of a vehicle
prowl near the .8-mile point on
Mill Creek Road.
Wednesday, March 28
A report of an armed individual
making suicide threats was re-
ceived by Squaxin Island tribal
A resident of Forest Drive near
Belfair complained of vandalism to
a pool and theft of koi and lilies.
Mailbox vandalism on Mahoga-
ny Court near Belfair was report-
ed, and mail was reported found
on Bloomfield Road.
Vehicle prowls on Craig Road
near Shelton and on Kokanee
Ridge near Hoodsport were re-
Burglary and vandalism at the
Little Creek Casino complex were
reported, and a burglary at a resi-
dence on Colonel Wright Road,
Harstine Island, was reported.
Officers received an allegation
of a sex offense.
Fire District 2 responded to the
report of an injury on Old Belfair
Highway at 4:34 p.m. and to an il-
legal-bum complaint on Barbara
Boulevard at 5:01 p.m.
A shot was reported fired
through the window of a residence
on South Island Drive, Harstine
An inmate fight was reported at
the jail.
Skokomish tribal police re-
sponded to a stolen vehicle com-
plaint on Tribal Center Road.
A car was reported on fire off
K]ah Che Min Circle near Ka-
Thursday, March 29
A disturbance involving threats
at a Sadler Hill Road residence
was reported.
A Binns Swiger Loop Road call-
er reported at 6:16 a.m. that some-
one stole a vehicle as it was being
warmed up outside the residence.
A caller reported threatening
and Nazi-style graffiti at the entry
to Riverhaven in the west end of
the county.
A caller from Shelton-Matlock
Road reported the theft of a purse
containing jewelry. A resident of
Island Lake Road reported the
theft of a tow dolly, and a caller
reported threats and the theft
of a battery from a residence on
Passage View Road. A caller from
(Please turn to page 24.)
Hood Canal at Union
Thursday, April 5
Low ................... 1:16 a.m ............. 6.0 ft.
High .................. 6:34 a.m ........... 10.9 ft.
Low ................... 1:32 p.m ........... -0.3 ft.
High .................. 8:18 p.m ........... 11.0 ft.
Friday, April 6
Low ................... 1:54 a.m ............. 6.7 ft.
High .................. 6:59 a.m ........... 10.6 ft.
Low ................... 2:07 p.m ........... -0.5 ft.
High .................. 9:04 p.m ........... 11.0 ft.
Saturday, April 7
Low ................... 2:35 a.m ............. 7.5 ft.
High .................. 7:25 a.m ........... 10.2 ft.
Low ................... 2:47 p.m ........... -0.5 ft.
High .................. 9:57 p.m ........... 10.8 ft.
Sunday, April 8
Low ................... 3:22 a.m ............. 8.1 ft.
High .................. 7:52 a.m ............. 9.8 ft.
Low ................... 3:33 p.m ........... -0.3 ft.
High ................ 11:00 p.m ........... 10.6 ft.
Monday, April 9
Low ................... 4:24 a.m ............. 8.5 ft.
High .................. 8:24 a.m ............. 9.4 ft.
Low ................... 4:27 p.m ............. 0.0 ft.
Tuesday, April 10
High ................ 12:14 a.m ........... 10.5 ft.
Low ................... 5:55 a.m ............. 8.6 ft.
High .................. 9:22 a.m ............. 8.9 ft.
Low ................... 5:29 p.m ............. 0.2 ft.
Wednesday, April 11
High .................. 1:27 a.m ........... 10.6 ft.
Low ................... 7:40 a.m ............. 8.1 ft.
High ................ 11:05 a.m ............. 8.6 ft.
Low ................... 6:35 p.m ............. 0.4 ft.
Thursday, April 12
High .................. 2:20 a.m ........... 10.9 ft.
Low ................... 8:35 a.m ............. 7.2 ft.
High ................ 12:41 p.m ............. 8.6 ft.
Low ................... 7:40 p.m ............. 0.5 ft.
Oakland Bay at Shelton
Thursday, April 5
Low ................... 3:11 a.m ............. 5.2 ft.
High .................. 7:59 a.m ........... 13.2 ft.
Low ................... 3:27 p.m ........... -0.4 ft.
High .................. 9:43 p.m ........... 13.3 ft.
Friday, April 6
Low ................... 3:49
High .................. 8:24
Low ................... 4:02
High ................ 10:29
Saturday, April 7
Low ................... 4:30
High .................. 8:50
Low ................... 4:42
High ................ 11:22
Sunday, April 8
Low ................... 5:17
High .................. 9:17
Low ................... 5:28
Monday, April 9
High ................ 12:25
Low ................... 6:19
High .................. 9:49
Low ................... 6:22
Tuesday, April 10
High .................. 1:39
Low ................... 7:50
High ................ 10:47
a.m ............. 5.8 ft.
a.m ........... 12.8 ft.
p.m ........... -0.6 ft.
p.m ........... 13.3 ft.
a.m ............. 6.5 ft.
a.m ........... 12.4 ft.
p.m ........... -0.6 ft.
p.m ........... 13.1 ft.
a.m ............. 7.0 ft.
a.m ........... 11.9 ft.
p.m ........... -0.4 ft.
a.m ........... 12.8 ft.
a.m ............. 7.4 ft.
a.m ........... 11.4 ft.
p.m ............. 0.0 ft.
a.m ........... 12.7 ft.
a.rn ............. 7.5 ft.
a.m ........... 10.8 ft.
Low ................... 7:24 p.m ............. 0.1 ft.
Wednesday, April 11
High .................. 2:52 a.m ........... 12.8 ft.
Low ................... 9:35
High ................ 12:30
Low ................... 8:30
Thursday, April 12
High .................. 3:45
Low ................. 10:30
High .................. 2:06
Low ................... 9:35
a.m ............. 7.0 ft.
p.m ........... 10.4 ft.
p.m ............. 0.3 ft.
a.m ........... 13.2 ft.
a.m ............. 6.2 ft.
p.m ........... 10.4 ft.
p.m ............. 0.4 ft.
Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 23