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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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00ournal of (Continued from page 23.) Timberlakes reported the theft of a chainsaw from a shed, and a Bear Creek-Dewatto Road residence and a McLane Drive summer cabin were reported burglarized. Squaxin Island police received a report of the theft of money from a home on Squi Aitl Place. A trap box and panel used in a 12-year stream study on Man- ke property near Dewatto were reported stolen. Fire District 2 responded to a burn report on Barbara Boule- vard at 5:32 p.m. Skokomish tribal police as- sisted state troopers at a distur- bance on Ska]apin Drive. A Kilmarnock Drive caller re- ported intruders. Fire District 16 responded to the report of a vacant trailer on fire halt' a mile out Highland Road. Friday, March 30 A store on Lake Cushman Road was reported ransacked in a burglary. Insulators were reported shot out on powerlines on Brockdale Road, resulting in a power out- age. Equipment was reported taken from a North Mason con- struction site. Skokomish tribal police re- sponded to the report of a bur- glary on Agency Road. A Grapeview Road resident complained of the theft of a gar- bage can. A woman was reported smashing a white Dodge on State Route 3 at Belfair. Shots were reported fired from a truck on Kingston Way. A vehicle reportedly crashed into a fhnce on Shelton-Matlock Road, then left, dragging the fence into the road. Saturday, March 31 A vehicle reported stolen earli- er was recovered on Little Egypt Road near Highland Road. A residential burglary was re- ported 2.5 miles out Maon Lake Drive East. Sunday, April 1 Shelton police assisted depu- ties at a disturbance on Capitol Village Way. A caller reported a cougar hit by a car on State Route 3 just north of Shelton. A burglary was reported on McMicken Road, where the re- Steven's helps young son of Janice Shrofe Efforts continue to help the family of the late Janice Shrofe, who died suddenly on March 18. She worked fbr Exceptional For- esters, Incorporated, and was an advocate for disabled adults. Friends of Mrs. Shrofe are rais- ing money to establish a' trust fund for her 2-year-old son, Logan. Steven's Fine Dining, 203 West Railroad Avenue in Shelton, will have a fund-raiser on Thursday, April 12, by donating 25 percent of all dinner sales to the fund. There will be an auction from 6 to 8 p.m. Donations are also being ac- cepted at an account set up at Our Community Credit Union. For more information, call Monique Bhechel at 427-4013 or 490-8106. Hood Canal April 9-13 MONDAY: Breakfast: Sausage on a stick, fruit, iuice, milk. Lunch: Fish burger, French fries, apple, orange, milk. TUESDAY: Breakfast: Turnover, fruit, juice, milk. I.unch: Chicken patty with BBQ sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, whole wheat roll, peaches, milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Hot pock- ets, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch: Spaghetti with meat sauce, bread sticks, green beans, applesauce, fruit snack, milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Super donut, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch: Macaroni and cheese, sliced ham, peas, peaches, banana pudding, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Omelet, sausage, hash browns, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch: Pepperoni pizza, buttered corn, pears, marshmallow square, milk. Sponsored by: e WEST COAST BANK Hoodsport A N. 24,341 Hwy. 101 a, 877-5272 I cord porting party said "everything" was missing. Break-ins were also reported at Rainbow Lake and on Stosbery Road, where a window was reported broken and alcohol taken. An attempted break-in was reported at Fire District 16's station on Shelton Valley Road. Monday, April 2 A caller reported vandalism to windows 1.9 miles out Johns Prairie Road and to a store near the .9-mile point. A wallet was reported sto- len and money stolen at Little Creek Casino. A Tahuya-area caller report- ed an ongoing sex offense. A property-damage collisiol by Latimer's Landing near th Harstine Island Bridge was re ported. Skokomish tribal police anq county deputies responded to l report of'a disturbance on Pot latch Court. i A Ask Abut De I£$ SBIIWA B WARRANTY I PlllMIbllm / P20WlIIII-15 46.67 lm/7IR.1MIW PlmAIOII.13 I.61/PLqkTIIl.ll 45,21 1N/7011R.IDW P17Mm-11 M.10 / I12161F1S 11.14 L70g-lqm/ PIIMIM3 .16 / F'WTIll ll21 N70g-14 PlilLlIR.14 41.11 i11 |1.11 I P21S/'/III-14 PlI/H-14 ¢LII/171//IHHIW 3g.IM lemV'm-n PIE-14 4,a.N DInlSSW X$.721P5-15 IO15fTirdll.14 4/, / 170[/UR.14Jw 34.61 I / 11,44 111 1N.II Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007 Up D $200D ef Val#a#le Senln¢.. £#££nUAU NAann f.ff ligHTING FIIEEWIT#T#E FBEEIITATIONI HIIEB YglI BIlY! 00Ku,, YOUR LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER WOULD LIKE TO REMIND YOU THAT APRIl 22- 28, 2EEl I$ liA TBIIAI TlllE SAFELY WEft[ YOU00 RIASON.o. We will treat you with resL:)ect , like our famdy and friends because you have feelings and emotions. You are the purpose of our work, the reason we run, the reason we serve. Cad Mecm' Soles & Seice MOIl THAN A 1111 Ill)11 * AUQNMEN11 -BRAKES * SHOCKS • IATTIRIII • $1PINO • WHEELS IIUIjII,,!N n n_ N CO. Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton Mon-Fri $ o.m.-6 p.m. - Sat 8 a.m.-5 p.m. 00ournal of (Continued from page 23.) Timberlakes reported the theft of a chainsaw from a shed, and a Bear Creek-Dewatto Road residence and a McLane Drive summer cabin were reported burglarized. Squaxin Island police received a report of the theft of money from a home on Squi Aitl Place. A trap box and panel used in a 12-year stream study on Man- ke property near Dewatto were reported stolen. Fire District 2 responded to a burn report on Barbara Boule- vard at 5:32 p.m. Skokomish tribal police as- sisted state troopers at a distur- bance on Ska]apin Drive. A Kilmarnock Drive caller re- ported intruders. Fire District 16 responded to the report of a vacant trailer on fire halt' a mile out Highland Road. Friday, March 30 A store on Lake Cushman Road was reported ransacked in a burglary. Insulators were reported shot out on powerlines on Brockdale Road, resulting in a power out- age. Equipment was reported taken from a North Mason con- struction site. Skokomish tribal police re- sponded to the report of a bur- glary on Agency Road. A Grapeview Road resident complained of the theft of a gar- bage can. A woman was reported smashing a white Dodge on State Route 3 at Belfair. Shots were reported fired from a truck on Kingston Way. A vehicle reportedly crashed into a fhnce on Shelton-Matlock Road, then left, dragging the fence into the road. Saturday, March 31 A vehicle reported stolen earli- er was recovered on Little Egypt Road near Highland Road. A residential burglary was re- ported 2.5 miles out Maon Lake Drive East. Sunday, April 1 Shelton police assisted depu- ties at a disturbance on Capitol Village Way. A caller reported a cougar hit by a car on State Route 3 just north of Shelton. A burglary was reported on McMicken Road, where the re- Steven's helps young son of Janice Shrofe Efforts continue to help the family of the late Janice Shrofe, who died suddenly on March 18. She worked fbr Exceptional For- esters, Incorporated, and was an advocate for disabled adults. Friends of Mrs. Shrofe are rais- ing money to establish a' trust fund for her 2-year-old son, Logan. Steven's Fine Dining, 203 West Railroad Avenue in Shelton, will have a fund-raiser on Thursday, April 12, by donating 25 percent of all dinner sales to the fund. There will be an auction from 6 to 8 p.m. Donations are also being ac- cepted at an account set up at Our Community Credit Union. For more information, call Monique Bhechel at 427-4013 or 490-8106. Hood Canal April 9-13 MONDAY: Breakfast: Sausage on a stick, fruit, iuice, milk. Lunch: Fish burger, French fries, apple, orange, milk. TUESDAY: Breakfast: Turnover, fruit, juice, milk. I.unch: Chicken patty with BBQ sauce, mashed potatoes, gravy, whole wheat roll, peaches, milk. WEDNESDAY: Breakfast: Hot pock- ets, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch: Spaghetti with meat sauce, bread sticks, green beans, applesauce, fruit snack, milk. THURSDAY: Breakfast: Super donut, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch: Macaroni and cheese, sliced ham, peas, peaches, banana pudding, milk. FRIDAY: Breakfast: Omelet, sausage, hash browns, fruit, juice, milk. Lunch: Pepperoni pizza, buttered corn, pears, marshmallow square, milk. Sponsored by: e WEST COAST BANK Hoodsport A N. 24,341 Hwy. 101 a, 877-5272 I cord porting party said "everything" was missing. Break-ins were also reported at Rainbow Lake and on Stosbery Road, where a window was reported broken and alcohol taken. An attempted break-in was reported at Fire District 16's station on Shelton Valley Road. Monday, April 2 A caller reported vandalism to windows 1.9 miles out Johns Prairie Road and to a store near the .9-mile point. A wallet was reported sto- len and money stolen at Little Creek Casino. A Tahuya-area caller report- ed an ongoing sex offense. A property-damage collisiol by Latimer's Landing near th Harstine Island Bridge was re ported. Skokomish tribal police anq county deputies responded to l report of'a disturbance on Pot latch Court. i A Ask Abut De I£$ SBIIWA B WARRANTY I PlllMIbllm / P20WlIIII-15 46.67 lm/7IR.1MIW PlmAIOII.13 I.61/PLqkTIIl.ll 45,21 1N/7011R.IDW P17Mm-11 M.10 / I12161F1S 11.14 L70g-lqm/ PIIMIM3 .16 / F'WTIll ll21 N70g-14 PlilLlIR.14 41.11 i11 |1.11 I P21S/'/III-14 PlI/H-14 ¢LII/171//IHHIW 3g.IM lemV'm-n PIE-14 4,a.N DInlSSW X$.721P5-15 IO15fTirdll.14 4/, / 170[/UR.14Jw 34.61 I / 11,44 111 1N.II Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007 Up D $200D ef Val#a#le Senln¢.. £#££nUAU NAann f.ff ligHTING FIIEEWIT#T#E FBEEIITATIONI HIIEB YglI BIlY! 00Ku,, YOUR LES SCHWAB TIRE CENTER WOULD LIKE TO REMIND YOU THAT APRIl 22- 28, 2EEl I$ liA TBIIAI TlllE SAFELY WEft[ YOU00 RIASON.o. We will treat you with resL:)ect , like our famdy and friends because you have feelings and emotions. You are the purpose of our work, the reason we run, the reason we serve. Cad Mecm' Soles & Seice MOIl THAN A 1111 Ill)11 * AUQNMEN11 -BRAKES * SHOCKS • IATTIRIII • $1PINO • WHEELS IIUIjII,,!N n n_ N CO. Olympic Gateway Shopping Center, Shelton Mon-Fri $ o.m.-6 p.m. - Sat 8 a.m.-5 p.m.