April 5, 2007 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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April 5, 2007 |
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SHELTON TRACK SCENES in sunny Highclimber Stadium last week
find the hosts in characteristically lighthearted form as they outduel the
ballyhooed Timberline boys' contingent. That's sprint and long-jump
standout Kyle Burbridge exhorting teammate Emma Crateau, above,
and then pouring it on in the 200 (inset right). Winding up in the dis-
cus circle in the other inset is Climber junior Isaac Garfias. Our win-
Climber track: l
Sun shines on00. o,:O,,
, 03/]
' 03/,'
thinclad boys o.., o.,,
Track & field's Highclimber Bacon(T)53-11. 04/,'
boys ushered in spring break by Totals-Timberline 95.5, Shelton49.5. 05/(
knocking off visiting Timberline BOYS 05/q
86-59 last week in Western Cas- 100-B. Barnes (T)11.56, R. Parasco 05/:
dola (T) 11.84, Kyle Burbridge (S) 11.97, : 05/'.
cade Conference dual-meet action. Williams (T) 12.28, U. Bailey (T) 12.79, Cod/ 051
The host girls, alas, short on Van Sickle (S) 13.04.
bodies as they are, squandered 200- B. Barnes (T) 23.18, Kyle Burbridg$
sophomore Sarah Brownstein's (S) 23.94, R. McQuirter (T) 25.61, CodyVan
Sickle (S) 25.81, Adam Spurling (S) 25.9
distance double and wound up on A. Green (T) 26.09, Darrel Smith (S) 27.55 DA'
the short end of a 49.5-95.5 deci- (Climber jayvees: J. Champney 28.32, 03/]
sion. Meints 28.53 and A.J. Boudia 34.36.)
Among the host boys' top per- 400 - Chad Chapman (S) 54.63, S. Be: 03/]
formances were state-leader Jacob ube (T) 56.85, M. Davis (T) 59.26. B. Con0€ 03/]
(T) 1:00.36, J. Champney (S) 1:01.91, /L 03]]
Hanes' runaway victories in the Boudia (S)1:04.66. ;. 03] ,
shot and discus and junior class- 800 - Luke P ttman (S) 2:02 70, Steph:
mate Dan Paine's matching double Burns (S) 2:15.65 K. Cardwell (T) 2:19.: 03/'r
in the metric mile and two-mile. Simeon Mease (S) 2:19.77, N. Smith (11'! 03/,'
2:28,03, S. Risk (T) 2:29.54, J. Lawson 03/,€
SHELTON vs. TIMBERLINE 2:32,21. 04/]
1600 - Dan Paine (S) 4:43.99 Charl!
GIRLS Langdon (S) 4:44.04, K. Cardwell (Ti 4:59.7 04Jl
100 - S. McLean (T) 13.46, T. Jessie (T) Stephen Burns (S) 4:59.94, J. Perrine (: 04/1
14.37, C. Gatlagher (T) 15.14, K. Meyers (T) 5:15.66, N. Smith (T) 5:34.67, B. Roth (l! 04]"
15.54, Charissa Moran (S) 15.87, A. Ejim (T) 5:44.20, D. Pendragon (T) 5:57.00, J. Sperm,..; 0|
16.58, T. Woods (T) 17.52.
200- S. McLean (T) 28.29, Alexan Ehrich (T) 6:17.55, S. Risk (T) 6:22.18 C. ChurClW; 05/(
(T) 6:31.67, Z. Heying (T) 6:31.67. : 05l(
(S) 30.41, Alex Padgett (S) 31.59, Charissa 3200 - Dan Paine (S) 10:17.30, Char
Moran (S) 33.77, A. Ejim (T) 34.97. Langdon (S) 10:30.23, J. Perrine (T) 11:26.83,:i Or(
400 - M. Glainyk (T) 1:04.52, E. Burnett Simeon Mease (S) 11:50.81. 05/:
(T) 1:07.28, Alexan Ehrich (S) 1:09.25, Alex 110 high hurdles - R. Parascondola
Padgett (S) 1:12.21, Charissa Moran (S) 16.12, lan Hastings (S) 16.69, Vance Creel('
paum (S) 21.20.
800 - Rachel Fennel (S) 2:31.97, R.
300 hurdles - R. Parascondola (T) 42.47, DA
Wyman (T) 2:38.32, Breana Chavez (S) Adam Spurling (S) 43.87, lan Hastings ($) (,Jl
2:47.99, Leah Langdon (S) 2:55.63, A. Mat- 47.62 Huston Tschirhart (S) 49.76, VarY#:'
tinson (T) 3:03.45, Lauren Smith (S) 3:18.00.
1600 - Sarah Brownstein (S) 6:06.73, Bre- Creekpaum (S) 54.53. 04]
4x 100 relay - Timberline A 47.24, Timb 04]
ana Chavez (S) 6:10.49, J. Maze (T) 6:32.30, line B 48.84. : 04]
Leah Langdon (S) 6:34.55, Ally Ducker (S) 4x400 relay-Shelton 3:43.42, Timberlir: 04/:
6:43.31, K. Warness (T) 6:54.53, D. Nguyen A 4:00.61, Timberline B 4:41.24, Timbedi:
(T) 6:58.12, D. Nguyen #2 (T) 7:10.55. C 5:02.27. 04]
3200 - Sarah Brownstein (S) 12:34, R. High jump- Jonathan Van Rossum (S) 5'. 04]
Estep (T) 13:12, A. Angle (T) 13:35, Ally 81/4, Derek Ranney (S) 5-4 K Stem (T) 5"2, 05/
Ducker (S) 14:25, Lauren Smith (S) 15:31. ' " :
Tom Malysch (S) 5-0, E. Mogoba (T) 4-10.
100 hurdles - E. Legaspi (T) 18.27, T. Pole vault - lan Hastings (S) 12-0, To#
Jessie (T) 18.70, Erin Ranney (S) 18.92, C. Malysch (S) 9-0, Huston Tschirhart (S) 8-6.
Gallagher (T) 19.43, D. Warman (T) 19.80, R.
Long jump - Derek Ranney (S) 18-6, K D
Warman (T) 20.53, A. Matlinson (T) 20.89. Burbridge (S) 18-41/2, Chad Chapman ( 3/,'
300 hurdles - E. Legaspi (T) 52.52, Erin 17-11, U. Bailey (T) 16-103/4, Luke Endi(
Ranney (S) 55.61, R. Warman (T) 57.74, D. (S) 16-8, T. Jabeiti (T) 16-43/4, S. Thom 3/,'
Warman (T) 58.08.
4xl 00 relay- Timberline 53.37. (T) 16-13/4, E. Mogoba (T) 16-1, M. Davis (J! 3/°,
4x200 relay - Shelton 2:33.32. 15-8, K. Stem (T) 14-33/4, F. Sell (T) 13-01/t • 3/,'
Triple jump - 1". Williams (T) 37-101/ 3/,'
4x400 relay-Timberline 4:30.82, Shelton Chad Chapman (S) 37-91/2, Jonathan V I 3/:
High jump - O. Gipson (T) 4-6, Erin Ran- Rossum (S) 35-81/4, T. Jabaiti (T) 35-2, i
ney (S)4-2. Bailey (T) 35-01/2, S. Thompson (T) 34-21/ 4/(
4 Pole vault - E. Legaspi (T) 7-0, M. Glainyk Tom Malysch (S) 32-10, E Sell (T) 26-51/4. 4](
(T) 6-6, D. Warman (T) and Erin Ranney (S) Shot put - Jacob Hanes (S) 52-1, J. Ed. 4]:
tied at 6-0 and Emma Crateau (S) 5-6. (T) 42-10, Garraway (T) 41-2, Isaac Gadi 4J:
Long jump - O. Gipson (T) 15-43/4, Emma (S) 39-31/2, J. Loquvam (T) 36-8, Landon W'. 4/:
Crateau (S) 13-81/4, S. Thompson (3") 13-8, D. gel (S) 33-81/2, Westin Chavez (S) 30-2.t i_ 4]:
Nguyen (T) 9-7. Discus - Jacob Hanes (S) 146-2,
Triple jump - S. Dominiak (T) 29-8. quvam (T) 108-3, V. Smith (T) 106-6, "(s ii 4/,'
Shot put - Kay Fitch (S) 31-71/2, C. John- Gaffias (S) 106-2, Zack Ball (S) 100-6. 4/,
sen (T) 31-51/2, S. Dominiak (T) 30-41/2, Kim Javelin - D. Devine (T) 152-6, J. Brown (111 4/,'
Yates (S) 25-1, C. Bacon (T) 23-2. 127-7 S. Thompson (T) 118-9 J. toque: 4/I
Discus - C. Johnsen (T) 113-10, Kim (T) 118-0, Stephen Burns (S) 116-7, Step
Yates (S) 88-3, Kay Fitch (S) 77-4. Carnahan (S) 115-2, Alan Roy (S) 112-2, 5/I
Javelin - L. Hewitt (T) 105-10, S. Domin- Hunter (T) 67-1. 5/
iak (T) 80-0, Kalea Christensen (S) 78-4, C, Totals - Shetton 86, Timberline 59. *Dq
some cut-ups in the nearmost shot? Never too preoccupied to ham it up,
Lads upset Blazers00
they re Climber javelinlsts Kalea Christensen and Stephen Carnahan.
Mason 33-7, Lowland 27-13, Power 27-13, MEN S COMMERCIAL 3/21/07 Mason 34-10, Lowland 30-14, Power 30-14, 03
Loggers 25-15, Mill #3 21-19, Shipping 20- Basic 34-6, North 31.5-8.5, GSC 31-9, Rich- Loggers 27-17, Mill #3 23-21, Dry 22-22, The lads of Climber soccer made enth and 30th minutes off assistJ: 03,
20, Kiln 18.5-21.5, Sort 18-22, OPP'17.5- los 26.5-13.5, Rich 26-14, Timber 18-22, Tech 21-23, Mill #5 20.5-23.5, Camp 20-24,
22.5, Railroad 17.5-22.5, Mill #5 17.5-22.5, Pine 18-22, DH 18-2, Log 17.5-22.5, Sunrise Shipping 20-24, Accounting 19-25, Railroad the most of their favo'te surface by junior Alex Potts and set3Jol': 03
Accounting 17-23, Tech 17-23, Camp 16-24, 16-24, Floors 14-26, Rollerz 9-23, Custom 9- 18.5-25.5, Dry 18-5,25.5, Resources 18-26, last week and upset host Timber- Char]ie Vernon, respectively. O&
Resources 16-24, Planers 12-28. 19, Just 6-34. OPP 17.5-26.5, Planers 13-31. line 3-nil. nior Jose Camacho scored an ' 03,
Scratch Game and Series: Jenni Deyette, Scratch Game: Ed Michalak, 269. Scratch Game and Series: Michele Knox, "We played on their turf grass," assisted goal in the 66th minute. 03,
225 and 613. Scratch Series: Paul Brown. 687. 236 and 536. said Climber coach Brian Fair- Fairbrother lauded the perfor 03,
Ernies 29-15, Timber 25.5-18.5, Missfits 25- MATCH PLAYTRIOS 3/31/07 SlMPSONWOMEN 3/22/07 brother, referring to the sport's mances of Potts, senior midfieldd
Mason 37-11, Lowland 31-17, Power 31-17, state-of-the-art improvement on Dwain Friedlander, classmati
19, Perfect 22-22, Pin 19-25, Nitas 19-25, SVL 71.5-48.5, Holt 68.5-51.5, Nine 66-54, Loggers 28-20, Mill #3 25-23, Dry 25-23, Mother Nature. "And we're 2-0 on midfielder Humberto Loza andjt'i 0
JBs 18.5-25.5, VFW 18-26. Jennie 61.5-58.5,Timber 60.5-59.5, No 55.5- Tech 25-23, Camp 23-25, Shipping 23-25, turf grass, nior center defender Austin Case. 0€
Men's Scratch Game: tester White, 214. 64.5, Under 54-66, Lucky 42.5-77.5. Dry 22.5-25.5, Mill #5 20.5-27.5, Accounting "It just goes to show you what a
Men's Scratch Series: George Arnot, 514. Men's Hi Game and Series: Arden Merriman,
20-28, OPP 19,5-28.5, Railroad 19.5-28.5, "And Reid Lusignan had so: 0€
Women's Scratch Game: Louise Snyder, 256 and 671. Resources 18-20, Planers 16-32. good field can do for you." just incredible saves," he addei
187. Women's Hi Game: Kristi Scales, 225. Not to disparage the Climbers'
Wombn's Scratch Series: Donna Nicholson, Woman's Hi Series: Patty Merriman, 590. Scratch Game and Series: Jenni Deyette, natural-grass facility, reminded referring to the Climbers' senJd
507. Splits:KristiScoles, 3-10. 202and554. Coach, but the fact is that mud veteran in goal. "Early in the se¢( 04=
and mire don't make for the best and half Timberline was awardeO 04
showcase for any team, much less a penalty kick on a questionabl 0&
one with speed. "And we're a fast call, and Reid blocked it twice,:
point-blank. And a direct free kid
team." like that - one on one from lJ
In any event, said Coach, it was yards - should be a goal 95 per'i
more nearly the real Climber con- D
tingent that took it to the Blazers, cent of the time." : 03
who thus suffered just their first The Climbers improved to Yl 03
league loss of the season. 2 in league and 3-4 overall. Thai 03
Brazilian exchange student Ca- Blazers fell to 1-1-1 in league ai 03
mille Condido scored in the sev- 3-1-1 overall, i 04
'Storm' blows through "o,=
to defend AAU hoop title0000i ii
The Shelton Storm, lady down with the hosts the Stor
hoopdom's local AAU team, suc- girls were led by Climber j!
cessfully defended its title last nior Paige Barrett's 24 poin
weekend in Port Angeles. including six 3-pointers. B
Tourney champs there back rett led the Storm with a 17.
in November, they blew through points-per-game average in tl
the competition again, winning tournament. She was follow¢
four straight games for the ti- by teammates Brynna Fulle
tle. (8.5), Annie Johnson (7.5) az
They defeated "The Final CarrieAnne Allegri (5.25).
Answer" of Bellevue 45-31, the "And Michelle Davis, MP :i
"Runnin' Rebels" of Portland rissa Hill, Sarah Campbell a
47-41, Decatur of Federal Way Jeannie Anderson patrollldl
40-20 and host Port Angeles 50- the middle and cleaned up oi
,:(]WTrH,new C]fall:mr sprint coach Chris Nesmith after a 44 ........... ,- ;..,, the board,for,the Sorm," ad
sunny relay leg is sophomore veteran Alexan Ehrich. In that championship show- coach Dale Johnson.
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007
SHELTON TRACK SCENES in sunny Highclimber Stadium last week
find the hosts in characteristically lighthearted form as they outduel the
ballyhooed Timberline boys' contingent. That's sprint and long-jump
standout Kyle Burbridge exhorting teammate Emma Crateau, above,
and then pouring it on in the 200 (inset right). Winding up in the dis-
cus circle in the other inset is Climber junior Isaac Garfias. Our win-
Climber track: l
Sun shines on00. o,:O,,
, 03/]
' 03/,'
thinclad boys o.., o.,,
Track & field's Highclimber Bacon(T)53-11. 04/,'
boys ushered in spring break by Totals-Timberline 95.5, Shelton49.5. 05/(
knocking off visiting Timberline BOYS 05/q
86-59 last week in Western Cas- 100-B. Barnes (T)11.56, R. Parasco 05/:
dola (T) 11.84, Kyle Burbridge (S) 11.97, : 05/'.
cade Conference dual-meet action. Williams (T) 12.28, U. Bailey (T) 12.79, Cod/ 051
The host girls, alas, short on Van Sickle (S) 13.04.
bodies as they are, squandered 200- B. Barnes (T) 23.18, Kyle Burbridg$
sophomore Sarah Brownstein's (S) 23.94, R. McQuirter (T) 25.61, CodyVan
Sickle (S) 25.81, Adam Spurling (S) 25.9
distance double and wound up on A. Green (T) 26.09, Darrel Smith (S) 27.55 DA'
the short end of a 49.5-95.5 deci- (Climber jayvees: J. Champney 28.32, 03/]
sion. Meints 28.53 and A.J. Boudia 34.36.)
Among the host boys' top per- 400 - Chad Chapman (S) 54.63, S. Be: 03/]
formances were state-leader Jacob ube (T) 56.85, M. Davis (T) 59.26. B. Con0€ 03/]
(T) 1:00.36, J. Champney (S) 1:01.91, /L 03]]
Hanes' runaway victories in the Boudia (S)1:04.66. ;. 03] ,
shot and discus and junior class- 800 - Luke P ttman (S) 2:02 70, Steph:
mate Dan Paine's matching double Burns (S) 2:15.65 K. Cardwell (T) 2:19.: 03/'r
in the metric mile and two-mile. Simeon Mease (S) 2:19.77, N. Smith (11'! 03/,'
2:28,03, S. Risk (T) 2:29.54, J. Lawson 03/,€
SHELTON vs. TIMBERLINE 2:32,21. 04/]
1600 - Dan Paine (S) 4:43.99 Charl!
GIRLS Langdon (S) 4:44.04, K. Cardwell (Ti 4:59.7 04Jl
100 - S. McLean (T) 13.46, T. Jessie (T) Stephen Burns (S) 4:59.94, J. Perrine (: 04/1
14.37, C. Gatlagher (T) 15.14, K. Meyers (T) 5:15.66, N. Smith (T) 5:34.67, B. Roth (l! 04]"
15.54, Charissa Moran (S) 15.87, A. Ejim (T) 5:44.20, D. Pendragon (T) 5:57.00, J. Sperm,..; 0|
16.58, T. Woods (T) 17.52.
200- S. McLean (T) 28.29, Alexan Ehrich (T) 6:17.55, S. Risk (T) 6:22.18 C. ChurClW; 05/(
(T) 6:31.67, Z. Heying (T) 6:31.67. : 05l(
(S) 30.41, Alex Padgett (S) 31.59, Charissa 3200 - Dan Paine (S) 10:17.30, Char
Moran (S) 33.77, A. Ejim (T) 34.97. Langdon (S) 10:30.23, J. Perrine (T) 11:26.83,:i Or(
400 - M. Glainyk (T) 1:04.52, E. Burnett Simeon Mease (S) 11:50.81. 05/:
(T) 1:07.28, Alexan Ehrich (S) 1:09.25, Alex 110 high hurdles - R. Parascondola
Padgett (S) 1:12.21, Charissa Moran (S) 16.12, lan Hastings (S) 16.69, Vance Creel('
paum (S) 21.20.
800 - Rachel Fennel (S) 2:31.97, R.
300 hurdles - R. Parascondola (T) 42.47, DA
Wyman (T) 2:38.32, Breana Chavez (S) Adam Spurling (S) 43.87, lan Hastings ($) (,Jl
2:47.99, Leah Langdon (S) 2:55.63, A. Mat- 47.62 Huston Tschirhart (S) 49.76, VarY#:'
tinson (T) 3:03.45, Lauren Smith (S) 3:18.00.
1600 - Sarah Brownstein (S) 6:06.73, Bre- Creekpaum (S) 54.53. 04]
4x 100 relay - Timberline A 47.24, Timb 04]
ana Chavez (S) 6:10.49, J. Maze (T) 6:32.30, line B 48.84. : 04]
Leah Langdon (S) 6:34.55, Ally Ducker (S) 4x400 relay-Shelton 3:43.42, Timberlir: 04/:
6:43.31, K. Warness (T) 6:54.53, D. Nguyen A 4:00.61, Timberline B 4:41.24, Timbedi:
(T) 6:58.12, D. Nguyen #2 (T) 7:10.55. C 5:02.27. 04]
3200 - Sarah Brownstein (S) 12:34, R. High jump- Jonathan Van Rossum (S) 5'. 04]
Estep (T) 13:12, A. Angle (T) 13:35, Ally 81/4, Derek Ranney (S) 5-4 K Stem (T) 5"2, 05/
Ducker (S) 14:25, Lauren Smith (S) 15:31. ' " :
Tom Malysch (S) 5-0, E. Mogoba (T) 4-10.
100 hurdles - E. Legaspi (T) 18.27, T. Pole vault - lan Hastings (S) 12-0, To#
Jessie (T) 18.70, Erin Ranney (S) 18.92, C. Malysch (S) 9-0, Huston Tschirhart (S) 8-6.
Gallagher (T) 19.43, D. Warman (T) 19.80, R.
Long jump - Derek Ranney (S) 18-6, K D
Warman (T) 20.53, A. Matlinson (T) 20.89. Burbridge (S) 18-41/2, Chad Chapman ( 3/,'
300 hurdles - E. Legaspi (T) 52.52, Erin 17-11, U. Bailey (T) 16-103/4, Luke Endi(
Ranney (S) 55.61, R. Warman (T) 57.74, D. (S) 16-8, T. Jabeiti (T) 16-43/4, S. Thom 3/,'
Warman (T) 58.08.
4xl 00 relay- Timberline 53.37. (T) 16-13/4, E. Mogoba (T) 16-1, M. Davis (J! 3/°,
4x200 relay - Shelton 2:33.32. 15-8, K. Stem (T) 14-33/4, F. Sell (T) 13-01/t • 3/,'
Triple jump - 1". Williams (T) 37-101/ 3/,'
4x400 relay-Timberline 4:30.82, Shelton Chad Chapman (S) 37-91/2, Jonathan V I 3/:
High jump - O. Gipson (T) 4-6, Erin Ran- Rossum (S) 35-81/4, T. Jabaiti (T) 35-2, i
ney (S)4-2. Bailey (T) 35-01/2, S. Thompson (T) 34-21/ 4/(
4 Pole vault - E. Legaspi (T) 7-0, M. Glainyk Tom Malysch (S) 32-10, E Sell (T) 26-51/4. 4](
(T) 6-6, D. Warman (T) and Erin Ranney (S) Shot put - Jacob Hanes (S) 52-1, J. Ed. 4]:
tied at 6-0 and Emma Crateau (S) 5-6. (T) 42-10, Garraway (T) 41-2, Isaac Gadi 4J:
Long jump - O. Gipson (T) 15-43/4, Emma (S) 39-31/2, J. Loquvam (T) 36-8, Landon W'. 4/:
Crateau (S) 13-81/4, S. Thompson (3") 13-8, D. gel (S) 33-81/2, Westin Chavez (S) 30-2.t i_ 4]:
Nguyen (T) 9-7. Discus - Jacob Hanes (S) 146-2,
Triple jump - S. Dominiak (T) 29-8. quvam (T) 108-3, V. Smith (T) 106-6, "(s ii 4/,'
Shot put - Kay Fitch (S) 31-71/2, C. John- Gaffias (S) 106-2, Zack Ball (S) 100-6. 4/,
sen (T) 31-51/2, S. Dominiak (T) 30-41/2, Kim Javelin - D. Devine (T) 152-6, J. Brown (111 4/,'
Yates (S) 25-1, C. Bacon (T) 23-2. 127-7 S. Thompson (T) 118-9 J. toque: 4/I
Discus - C. Johnsen (T) 113-10, Kim (T) 118-0, Stephen Burns (S) 116-7, Step
Yates (S) 88-3, Kay Fitch (S) 77-4. Carnahan (S) 115-2, Alan Roy (S) 112-2, 5/I
Javelin - L. Hewitt (T) 105-10, S. Domin- Hunter (T) 67-1. 5/
iak (T) 80-0, Kalea Christensen (S) 78-4, C, Totals - Shetton 86, Timberline 59. *Dq
some cut-ups in the nearmost shot? Never too preoccupied to ham it up,
Lads upset Blazers00
they re Climber javelinlsts Kalea Christensen and Stephen Carnahan.
Mason 33-7, Lowland 27-13, Power 27-13, MEN S COMMERCIAL 3/21/07 Mason 34-10, Lowland 30-14, Power 30-14, 03
Loggers 25-15, Mill #3 21-19, Shipping 20- Basic 34-6, North 31.5-8.5, GSC 31-9, Rich- Loggers 27-17, Mill #3 23-21, Dry 22-22, The lads of Climber soccer made enth and 30th minutes off assistJ: 03,
20, Kiln 18.5-21.5, Sort 18-22, OPP'17.5- los 26.5-13.5, Rich 26-14, Timber 18-22, Tech 21-23, Mill #5 20.5-23.5, Camp 20-24,
22.5, Railroad 17.5-22.5, Mill #5 17.5-22.5, Pine 18-22, DH 18-2, Log 17.5-22.5, Sunrise Shipping 20-24, Accounting 19-25, Railroad the most of their favo'te surface by junior Alex Potts and set3Jol': 03
Accounting 17-23, Tech 17-23, Camp 16-24, 16-24, Floors 14-26, Rollerz 9-23, Custom 9- 18.5-25.5, Dry 18-5,25.5, Resources 18-26, last week and upset host Timber- Char]ie Vernon, respectively. O&
Resources 16-24, Planers 12-28. 19, Just 6-34. OPP 17.5-26.5, Planers 13-31. line 3-nil. nior Jose Camacho scored an ' 03,
Scratch Game and Series: Jenni Deyette, Scratch Game: Ed Michalak, 269. Scratch Game and Series: Michele Knox, "We played on their turf grass," assisted goal in the 66th minute. 03,
225 and 613. Scratch Series: Paul Brown. 687. 236 and 536. said Climber coach Brian Fair- Fairbrother lauded the perfor 03,
Ernies 29-15, Timber 25.5-18.5, Missfits 25- MATCH PLAYTRIOS 3/31/07 SlMPSONWOMEN 3/22/07 brother, referring to the sport's mances of Potts, senior midfieldd
Mason 37-11, Lowland 31-17, Power 31-17, state-of-the-art improvement on Dwain Friedlander, classmati
19, Perfect 22-22, Pin 19-25, Nitas 19-25, SVL 71.5-48.5, Holt 68.5-51.5, Nine 66-54, Loggers 28-20, Mill #3 25-23, Dry 25-23, Mother Nature. "And we're 2-0 on midfielder Humberto Loza andjt'i 0
JBs 18.5-25.5, VFW 18-26. Jennie 61.5-58.5,Timber 60.5-59.5, No 55.5- Tech 25-23, Camp 23-25, Shipping 23-25, turf grass, nior center defender Austin Case. 0€
Men's Scratch Game: tester White, 214. 64.5, Under 54-66, Lucky 42.5-77.5. Dry 22.5-25.5, Mill #5 20.5-27.5, Accounting "It just goes to show you what a
Men's Scratch Series: George Arnot, 514. Men's Hi Game and Series: Arden Merriman,
20-28, OPP 19,5-28.5, Railroad 19.5-28.5, "And Reid Lusignan had so: 0€
Women's Scratch Game: Louise Snyder, 256 and 671. Resources 18-20, Planers 16-32. good field can do for you." just incredible saves," he addei
187. Women's Hi Game: Kristi Scales, 225. Not to disparage the Climbers'
Wombn's Scratch Series: Donna Nicholson, Woman's Hi Series: Patty Merriman, 590. Scratch Game and Series: Jenni Deyette, natural-grass facility, reminded referring to the Climbers' senJd
507. Splits:KristiScoles, 3-10. 202and554. Coach, but the fact is that mud veteran in goal. "Early in the se¢( 04=
and mire don't make for the best and half Timberline was awardeO 04
showcase for any team, much less a penalty kick on a questionabl 0&
one with speed. "And we're a fast call, and Reid blocked it twice,:
point-blank. And a direct free kid
team." like that - one on one from lJ
In any event, said Coach, it was yards - should be a goal 95 per'i
more nearly the real Climber con- D
tingent that took it to the Blazers, cent of the time." : 03
who thus suffered just their first The Climbers improved to Yl 03
league loss of the season. 2 in league and 3-4 overall. Thai 03
Brazilian exchange student Ca- Blazers fell to 1-1-1 in league ai 03
mille Condido scored in the sev- 3-1-1 overall, i 04
'Storm' blows through "o,=
to defend AAU hoop title0000i ii
The Shelton Storm, lady down with the hosts the Stor
hoopdom's local AAU team, suc- girls were led by Climber j!
cessfully defended its title last nior Paige Barrett's 24 poin
weekend in Port Angeles. including six 3-pointers. B
Tourney champs there back rett led the Storm with a 17.
in November, they blew through points-per-game average in tl
the competition again, winning tournament. She was follow¢
four straight games for the ti- by teammates Brynna Fulle
tle. (8.5), Annie Johnson (7.5) az
They defeated "The Final CarrieAnne Allegri (5.25).
Answer" of Bellevue 45-31, the "And Michelle Davis, MP :i
"Runnin' Rebels" of Portland rissa Hill, Sarah Campbell a
47-41, Decatur of Federal Way Jeannie Anderson patrollldl
40-20 and host Port Angeles 50- the middle and cleaned up oi
,:(]WTrH,new C]fall:mr sprint coach Chris Nesmith after a 44 ........... ,- ;..,, the board,for,the Sorm," ad
sunny relay leg is sophomore veteran Alexan Ehrich. In that championship show- coach Dale Johnson.
Page 26 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007