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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2007
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Three make Hall of Fame (Continued from page 25.) munity, a person of integrity and monetarily generous to the Rotary International Foundation to earn this award. "Dave certainly met all the criteria..." Old friend Roy Taylor of Shel- ton concurred. "Dave was a great leader in all his sports endeavors," wrote Taylor. "His teammates looked up to him with respect and regarded him as a friend. "He exemplified the type of person and athlete the younger players wanted to mirror with his ideals of fair play and teamwork..." THE LATE JOHNSON, too, was known as much for his in- spiration as for his athleticism - which of course was beyond dis- pute as well. An all-league running back in football in '64 and '65, modest Mike took his hometown celebrity to even greater heights in track & field, where he rose not only to the top of the Climbers' all-time pole- vault recordboard but literally to the very pinnacle of the state list as well and helped revolutionize the sport in the process by helping pioneer the transition from bam- boo to fiberglass poles. So singularly superior was his 14-5 PR, in fact, it remained #1 in Climber history for fully 24 years - nudged ultimately by one inch by Tam Malloy, who in the pro- cess captured the '89 state crown. The record now is up to 15-6, by the way, set there in 2005 by now Arizona collegian Chris Smith - a protege of none other than John- son himself during the all-to-brief Climber assistant-coaching stint that ended with local school- teacher Mike's fatal heart attack in 2002 at age 54. "I never, ever heard him brag on himself, as great an athlete as he was," said Climber teammate and sprint great Tommy Lowe in the wake of his memorial service. "He was my hero. He was the type of man I'd like to be. He was so humble and gave so much of him- self to others..." DON BROWN, meanwhile, dis- tinguished himself just a stone's throw away from the Climber track. Well, a baseball's throw, to be more specific. Shelton's mound ace virtually from the start of his Climber ca- reer, which spanned 1954-56, Don threw no fewer than four no- hitters. Little wonder he made the prestigious all-state team - to which only 20 were named in those days - when he combined that prowess with a .421 batting average his senior year. Don coached Little League dur- ing his college summers, reinsti- tuting the popular Pee Wee night game after a ten-year layoff, and went on to coach it again for a 13- year run after the birth of a daugh- ter and three sons. Long a leader in both the real estate and insurance businesses here in his home town, the soon- to-be (April 15) 69-year-old also was among Shelton's top bowlers for years, winning no less than high-average honors for the entire season at the height of his game. The new inductee also made a name for himself in the sport of men's fastpitch, which he played for 21 years before joining the coed ranks. Altogether he played orga- nized baseball for 41 years. Brown, Johnson and Austin join 19 fellow greats in the Shel- ton-Mason County Sports Hall of Fame. Preceding them in induc- tion were Des Koch, Bill Dickey, Rusty Callow, Woody Sanderson, Jess Phillips, Garth Getty, Wes Stock, Jack Stark, Bill Brickert, Bob Miller, Bill Nutt, Cathy Cole, Sonny Lowe, Terry Gregg, Jack Stewart, Wayne Clary, Shan- non Beeler, Doug Long and Terry Dion. Muscles flex anew (Continued from page 25.) 190/1151190-495. 123 pound= - Sylvia Lewis (Montesano) 185/100/220-505; Sarah Brownstein (Shel- ton) 120/120/205-445; Kirsten Schmid (Au- burn-Riverside) 130/95/185-410; Sam Her- nandez (Shelton) 0/75/125-200. 132 pounds - Lauren Heclberg (White River) 140/110/200-450; Chelsie Uffelman (Shelton) 120/80/150-350. 148 pound= - Alexis Harris (Montesano) 275/155/265-695; Monica Blackmer (Colum- bia) 240/110/260-610; Jessica Kealaiki (Co- lumbia) 225/125/260-610 (but third place by body-weight tie-breaker). 165 pounds - Cyndi Monroe (Montesa- no) 275/150/270-695; Nikki Robinson (Shel- ton) 230/100/230-560. 181 pounds - Mattie Sobotka (Shelton) 250/125/230-605; Lindsey Johnson (White River) 175/125/230-530. 198 pound= - no entries. Unlimited - Angela Blackmer (Columbia) 160/85/195-440. Total= - Montesano 45, Shelton 26, Co- 14u.mia 17, White River 13, Auburn-Riverside Outsndlng girl bench-presser - Alex- is Harris, Montesano. Outstanding girl =quat-Illter - Alexis Harris, Montesano. Outstanding girl dead,tier - Jamie Di- erick, Montesano. "Coach U Award" winner (Outst=nding Miter) - Alexis Harris, Montesano. BOYS 114 pound= - Chris Rise (Montesano) 300/170/320-790; Nathan Bertsch (Auburn- Riverside) 255/175/340-770. 123 pounds -Jason Dierick (Montesano) 295/195/315-805; Casey Chamberlin (Shel- ton) 275/190/325-790; Robert Marr (Monte- sane) 275/165/280-720; Harvey Hernandez (Shelton) 250/140/315-705. 132 pound= - Joey Laux (Auburn) 350/235/340-925; Christian Mudgett (Mon- tesano) 315/245/350-910; Grant Storer (Au- burn-Riverside) 340/170/365-875; Brady De- vens (White River) 205/1201300-625; Rony Skaramuca (Montesano) 225/120/245-590; Nolan Sadler (Shelton) 185/t35/260-580. 148 pounds - Bryson Malczak (Mon- tesano) 445/275/435-1,155; Jon Schaffert (Montesano) 345/200/355-900; Joseph Bull (White River) 315/225/315-855; Lee Geist (Shelton) 0/165/350-515. 165 pounds - Frank Carpenter (Monte- ---Bowling POWELL WHITE JUNIOR MATCH PLAY TRIOS 2/10/07 SVL 10-5, Under 10-5, Timber 8.5-6.5, Holt 8.5-6.5, Lucky 6,5-8,5, No 6.5-8.5, Nine 5-10, Jennie 5-10. Men's Hi Game: "Ryan" Moore, 239. Men's Hi Series: Jon Ashby, 651. Women's Hi Game and Series: Patty Merri- man, 225 and 560. Splits: Kristi Scoles 2-5-7, "Ryan" Moore 3- 6-7-10. sano) 420/300/420-1,140; Kyle Burbridge (Shelton) 405/215/425-1,045; Curtis Mat- thews (Montesano) 395/200/420-1,015; Jared Fraisure (Shelton) 365/195/415-975; Mitchell Spencer (Montesano) 315/250/405- 970; Christopher Bernsten (Auburn-River- side) 280/t95/380-855; Jared Moore (Ab- erdeen) 325/175/320-820; Jenson Ladiges (Olympia) 300/185/300-785; William Hard- isty (Columbia) 275/145/360-780; Jacob Ambrose (Montesano) 265/175/275-715; Jeff Otteson (White River) 235/180/300-715 (but fourth place by body-weight tie-breaker); Zack Anderson (Montesano) 220/150/280. 650; Zac Basher (Yelm) 185/135/275-595; Jacob Dobiash (Yelm) 230/210/0-440. 181 pound= - Ben Rice (Montesano) 520/265/565-1,350; Cullen Owen (White River) 440/305/400-1,145; Jorge Robles (Yelm) 280/240/480-1,000; Jon McCullom (Montesano) 350/215/425-990; Anthony Johnson (Shelton) 295/255/400-950; Ste- phen Carnahan (Shelton) 335/195/405-935; Dylan McDougall (Montesano) 345/180/320- 845; Kevin Alexander (Auburn-Riverside) 270/155/365-790; Bryan Cayce (Montesano) 265/185/31 5-765. 198 pounds - Jason Lee (White River) 430/320/460-1,210; Jarin Ladiges (Colum- bia) 405/225/460-1,090; Jacob Hendricks (White River) 350/305/400-1,055; James Sasamoto Jr. (Yelm) 300/245/410-955; Dylan Boone (Aberdeen) 0/205/325-530; Patrick Small (Yelm) 0/0/350-350. 220 pounds - Erich Schmidtke (Aber- deen) 540/335/525-1,400; Helario Ridout (Montesano) 485/315/530-1,330; Isaac Garfias (Shelton) 400/265/430-1,095; Paul Keller (Yelm) 265/275/405-945; Jeremy West (Montesano) 330/2230/310-670; Blair Rus- sell (Auburn-Riverside) 325/220/290-835; Kyle Farrier (Shelton) 01265/435-700; Ja- cob Silberman (Shelton) 200/185/280-665; Chase Reader (Yelm) 0/0/310-310. 242 pounds - Ben Seath (Aberdeen) 600/375/480-1,455; R.J. Knotek (Montesano) 505/370/500-1,375; Marcus Turnquist (Yelm) 440/375/520-1,335; Michael Pickar (Ho- quiam) 435/350/460-1,245; Sawyer Smith (Aberdeen) 500/255/455-1,210; Jarred FIoch (Montesano) 460/230/410-1,100; Chris- tian Surtin (Yelm) 300/200/445-945; Hunter Melton (Montesano) 310/225/350-885; Ryan Fernandez (Shelton) 270/205/330-605. Unlimited - Justin Christiansen (Monte- sano) 565/385/440-1,390; Jacob Nikolaisen (Shelton) 500/300/500-1,300; Donny Dodge (Black Hills) 545/275/375-1,195; Kevin Oestrich (school unspecified) 395/200/390- 985; Jason Patterson (school unspecified) 315/220/395-930. Totals - Montesano 70, White River 24, Shelton 21, Aberdeen 20, Auburn-Riverside 19, Yelm 15, Columbia 5. Outstanding boys' bench-presser - Frank Carpenter, Montesano. Out=tending boys' squat-lifter - Ben Rice, Montesano. Out=tending boys' dsadllffer - Ben Rice, Montesano. "Coach U Award" winner (out=tending lifter overall) - Ben Rice, Montesano. Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007 THE SHELTON HEAT: In front from left are Colton Hubble, MichJ Sobotka, Sam Gerhold, Braden Hanna and Wyatt Wallwork. Bee Tanner Lund, Colby Fuller, coach Scott Hubble, Devin Gilman, Ja Sayward and Tyler Speaks. Catch[n Shelton Heat boys blaze a successful traJ From modest beginnings a source of hometown pride emerged this past season in age-group bas- ketball. It all started with a phone call last year to former Climber girls' assistant coach and age-group mentor Scott Hubble. Seems a couple teams had backed out of a local tournament at the last min- ute, and the caller wondered if .Scott had a group he could volun- teer to the cause in the fifth-grad- ers' division. "I did not," says the coach, "but I told him I would create a team and be there the following day so the tournament could continue. My son called as many friends .... - fourth-graders - as he could and we played the following morning. "Needless to say, we didn't do well with only one hour of practice in such a competitive setting. We were amazed by the level of play of the competing teams' young ath- letes. This motivated us to develop a competitive team that could stay close to the level of competition from the surrounding communi- ties." AND THUS BECAME Coach Hubble's 2006-7 Shelton Heat boys' basketball team, a team whose persistence paid off in suc- cessive third-place tournament performances in Tumwater and Black Hills - the latter featur- ing an avenging victory over the highly touted Capital contingent - and ultimately a season record of 16-8. "The team knew they would have to focus and work hard to be successful," says Coach. "We worked on all aspects of our game, playing pickup games wherever we could." By the end of the season it was Caral leads golf girls past NM The girls of Climber golf" wrapped up their nonleague slate with a victory over North Mason last week. The 100-52 nod leveled their re- cord at 2-2 going into the league title chase, which gets under way after spring break. Leading the charge against the Climbers' neighbors from the north was junior two-time state veteran Caral Martinson, with a 42 on the hosts' Bayshore course. That was good for 30 points and medalist honors for the match. Climber coach Lorna Mar- tinson, Caral's mom, noted that sophomore veteran Hillary Evans and senior veteran Ksenia Malkin "continued their steady play," ac- counting for 26 and 22 points. SHELTON 100, N. MASON 52 Shelton - Caral Martinson 42 (30 points), Hiltary Evans 46 (26), Ksenia Malkin NS (22), Kristi Fox NS (12), Natalie Cuzick NS (10) and Andrea Ivanoff NS (6). North Mason - Amy Gastineau 44 (28 points), Juliet Crummey NS (10), Sora Park NS (8), Krista Wilson NS (6) and Kyleigh Ca- macho NS (0). clear the effort was worthwhile, he adds - and not just by dint of the boys' winning record. "Parents, coaches and players from competing teams were com- plimenting our team's structure and the way we went about our business," says Hubble. "It made our players iel great and rein- ibrced what we are trying to ac- complish as a team." HERE'S HOW Coach Hubble characterizes the parts of his team: • Tanner Lund: "Ricochet Rab- bit. Quick and fast is how he got his nickname. Very explosive and intense. Can't wait for this player to direct his energy. Fun'kid to watch." • Braden Hanna: "Back-up point guard. Does a good job get- ting us into our entries and offens- es. Nicknamed Shaggy because of his hairstyle." • Sam Gerhold: "Worked hard to improve his game, and success followed. It's a coach's dream to have a player want something, work hard and achieve it." • Michael Sobotka: "Our out- side threat. Likes to shoot the long ball and has success at it. Sees the floor well and distributes the ball, setting up his teammates for easy baskets." • Colton Hubble: "Point guard and 'floor general.' Leading scorer and rebounder. One of our top de- fenders. All-around player. VM tough kid. Pleasure to watch pie the game." • Colby Fuller: "Lots of pot:i tial. Another one of our athlet) players. Once he harnesses hi:: ability and energy he will be ! force to reckon with." let • e Wyatt Wallwork: "Good a' and outstanding individtt! Always well-behaved. Great ad tude and always strong and stead on the court. Hard to rattle. V consistent, level-headed player.' • Tyler Speaks: "Our el fourth-grader on the team. La of athletic ability. Coming into . own. Very coachable and will velop into a great player." • James Sayward: "Usu the toughest player on the cott When he played to his ability! was a pleasure to watch. Ifj wanted a rebound he would jt go get it, whether he had the tion or not.' .... i • Devon Gilman: "One of a players that can do it all. Fil year player with an extreme bright future. Explosive to the Another one of our top defenderS HUBBLE REMINDS tM much credit goes to the parent} They can expect to be rewarded f# some time to come, though. "We plan to stay together aS s team" • , says Coach, "and I look re, ward to continued improvem and success in the years to cornS, YSHORE G.C. SPRIN6 SPECIALS LADLES' BEGINNING GOLF LESSONS!! Begins April 17th TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 5:30 to 6:30 T 6 lessons for $60 BRING A FRIEND and COME LEARN TO PLAY// Instructed by Brian Davis, PGA pro Call 426-1271 to siqn up Limited to the first 12 to siqn up GOLF LEAGUES NOW FORMING MEN'S * LADLES' • MIXED 9 holes evenings with discount fees Interested parties please call 426-1271 to sign up DEW SWEEPERS Tee-off before 9 am Monday thru Friday 9 holes $10 plus tax (Saturday before B am) • Call for tee times IO-ROUND PUNCH CARDS 9 or 18 holes SAVE up to s5 per round Ask us for more details// BAYSHORE GOLF CLUB 3800 East Highway 3 • 426-1271 h Three make Hall of Fame (Continued from page 25.) munity, a person of integrity and monetarily generous to the Rotary International Foundation to earn this award. "Dave certainly met all the criteria..." Old friend Roy Taylor of Shel- ton concurred. "Dave was a great leader in all his sports endeavors," wrote Taylor. "His teammates looked up to him with respect and regarded him as a friend. "He exemplified the type of person and athlete the younger players wanted to mirror with his ideals of fair play and teamwork..." THE LATE JOHNSON, too, was known as much for his in- spiration as for his athleticism - which of course was beyond dis- pute as well. An all-league running back in football in '64 and '65, modest Mike took his hometown celebrity to even greater heights in track & field, where he rose not only to the top of the Climbers' all-time pole- vault recordboard but literally to the very pinnacle of the state list as well and helped revolutionize the sport in the process by helping pioneer the transition from bam- boo to fiberglass poles. So singularly superior was his 14-5 PR, in fact, it remained #1 in Climber history for fully 24 years - nudged ultimately by one inch by Tam Malloy, who in the pro- cess captured the '89 state crown. The record now is up to 15-6, by the way, set there in 2005 by now Arizona collegian Chris Smith - a protege of none other than John- son himself during the all-to-brief Climber assistant-coaching stint that ended with local school- teacher Mike's fatal heart attack in 2002 at age 54. "I never, ever heard him brag on himself, as great an athlete as he was," said Climber teammate and sprint great Tommy Lowe in the wake of his memorial service. "He was my hero. He was the type of man I'd like to be. He was so humble and gave so much of him- self to others..." DON BROWN, meanwhile, dis- tinguished himself just a stone's throw away from the Climber track. Well, a baseball's throw, to be more specific. Shelton's mound ace virtually from the start of his Climber ca- reer, which spanned 1954-56, Don threw no fewer than four no- hitters. Little wonder he made the prestigious all-state team - to which only 20 were named in those days - when he combined that prowess with a .421 batting average his senior year. Don coached Little League dur- ing his college summers, reinsti- tuting the popular Pee Wee night game after a ten-year layoff, and went on to coach it again for a 13- year run after the birth of a daugh- ter and three sons. Long a leader in both the real estate and insurance businesses here in his home town, the soon- to-be (April 15) 69-year-old also was among Shelton's top bowlers for years, winning no less than high-average honors for the entire season at the height of his game. The new inductee also made a name for himself in the sport of men's fastpitch, which he played for 21 years before joining the coed ranks. Altogether he played orga- nized baseball for 41 years. Brown, Johnson and Austin join 19 fellow greats in the Shel- ton-Mason County Sports Hall of Fame. Preceding them in induc- tion were Des Koch, Bill Dickey, Rusty Callow, Woody Sanderson, Jess Phillips, Garth Getty, Wes Stock, Jack Stark, Bill Brickert, Bob Miller, Bill Nutt, Cathy Cole, Sonny Lowe, Terry Gregg, Jack Stewart, Wayne Clary, Shan- non Beeler, Doug Long and Terry Dion. Muscles flex anew (Continued from page 25.) 190/1151190-495. 123 pound= - Sylvia Lewis (Montesano) 185/100/220-505; Sarah Brownstein (Shel- ton) 120/120/205-445; Kirsten Schmid (Au- burn-Riverside) 130/95/185-410; Sam Her- nandez (Shelton) 0/75/125-200. 132 pounds - Lauren Heclberg (White River) 140/110/200-450; Chelsie Uffelman (Shelton) 120/80/150-350. 148 pound= - Alexis Harris (Montesano) 275/155/265-695; Monica Blackmer (Colum- bia) 240/110/260-610; Jessica Kealaiki (Co- lumbia) 225/125/260-610 (but third place by body-weight tie-breaker). 165 pounds - Cyndi Monroe (Montesa- no) 275/150/270-695; Nikki Robinson (Shel- ton) 230/100/230-560. 181 pounds - Mattie Sobotka (Shelton) 250/125/230-605; Lindsey Johnson (White River) 175/125/230-530. 198 pound= - no entries. Unlimited - Angela Blackmer (Columbia) 160/85/195-440. Total= - Montesano 45, Shelton 26, Co- 14u.mia 17, White River 13, Auburn-Riverside Outsndlng girl bench-presser - Alex- is Harris, Montesano. Outstanding girl =quat-Illter - Alexis Harris, Montesano. Outstanding girl dead,tier - Jamie Di- erick, Montesano. "Coach U Award" winner (Outst=nding Miter) - Alexis Harris, Montesano. BOYS 114 pound= - Chris Rise (Montesano) 300/170/320-790; Nathan Bertsch (Auburn- Riverside) 255/175/340-770. 123 pounds -Jason Dierick (Montesano) 295/195/315-805; Casey Chamberlin (Shel- ton) 275/190/325-790; Robert Marr (Monte- sane) 275/165/280-720; Harvey Hernandez (Shelton) 250/140/315-705. 132 pound= - Joey Laux (Auburn) 350/235/340-925; Christian Mudgett (Mon- tesano) 315/245/350-910; Grant Storer (Au- burn-Riverside) 340/170/365-875; Brady De- vens (White River) 205/1201300-625; Rony Skaramuca (Montesano) 225/120/245-590; Nolan Sadler (Shelton) 185/t35/260-580. 148 pounds - Bryson Malczak (Mon- tesano) 445/275/435-1,155; Jon Schaffert (Montesano) 345/200/355-900; Joseph Bull (White River) 315/225/315-855; Lee Geist (Shelton) 0/165/350-515. 165 pounds - Frank Carpenter (Monte- ---Bowling POWELL WHITE JUNIOR MATCH PLAY TRIOS 2/10/07 SVL 10-5, Under 10-5, Timber 8.5-6.5, Holt 8.5-6.5, Lucky 6,5-8,5, No 6.5-8.5, Nine 5-10, Jennie 5-10. Men's Hi Game: "Ryan" Moore, 239. Men's Hi Series: Jon Ashby, 651. Women's Hi Game and Series: Patty Merri- man, 225 and 560. Splits: Kristi Scoles 2-5-7, "Ryan" Moore 3- 6-7-10. sano) 420/300/420-1,140; Kyle Burbridge (Shelton) 405/215/425-1,045; Curtis Mat- thews (Montesano) 395/200/420-1,015; Jared Fraisure (Shelton) 365/195/415-975; Mitchell Spencer (Montesano) 315/250/405- 970; Christopher Bernsten (Auburn-River- side) 280/t95/380-855; Jared Moore (Ab- erdeen) 325/175/320-820; Jenson Ladiges (Olympia) 300/185/300-785; William Hard- isty (Columbia) 275/145/360-780; Jacob Ambrose (Montesano) 265/175/275-715; Jeff Otteson (White River) 235/180/300-715 (but fourth place by body-weight tie-breaker); Zack Anderson (Montesano) 220/150/280. 650; Zac Basher (Yelm) 185/135/275-595; Jacob Dobiash (Yelm) 230/210/0-440. 181 pound= - Ben Rice (Montesano) 520/265/565-1,350; Cullen Owen (White River) 440/305/400-1,145; Jorge Robles (Yelm) 280/240/480-1,000; Jon McCullom (Montesano) 350/215/425-990; Anthony Johnson (Shelton) 295/255/400-950; Ste- phen Carnahan (Shelton) 335/195/405-935; Dylan McDougall (Montesano) 345/180/320- 845; Kevin Alexander (Auburn-Riverside) 270/155/365-790; Bryan Cayce (Montesano) 265/185/31 5-765. 198 pounds - Jason Lee (White River) 430/320/460-1,210; Jarin Ladiges (Colum- bia) 405/225/460-1,090; Jacob Hendricks (White River) 350/305/400-1,055; James Sasamoto Jr. (Yelm) 300/245/410-955; Dylan Boone (Aberdeen) 0/205/325-530; Patrick Small (Yelm) 0/0/350-350. 220 pounds - Erich Schmidtke (Aber- deen) 540/335/525-1,400; Helario Ridout (Montesano) 485/315/530-1,330; Isaac Garfias (Shelton) 400/265/430-1,095; Paul Keller (Yelm) 265/275/405-945; Jeremy West (Montesano) 330/2230/310-670; Blair Rus- sell (Auburn-Riverside) 325/220/290-835; Kyle Farrier (Shelton) 01265/435-700; Ja- cob Silberman (Shelton) 200/185/280-665; Chase Reader (Yelm) 0/0/310-310. 242 pounds - Ben Seath (Aberdeen) 600/375/480-1,455; R.J. Knotek (Montesano) 505/370/500-1,375; Marcus Turnquist (Yelm) 440/375/520-1,335; Michael Pickar (Ho- quiam) 435/350/460-1,245; Sawyer Smith (Aberdeen) 500/255/455-1,210; Jarred FIoch (Montesano) 460/230/410-1,100; Chris- tian Surtin (Yelm) 300/200/445-945; Hunter Melton (Montesano) 310/225/350-885; Ryan Fernandez (Shelton) 270/205/330-605. Unlimited - Justin Christiansen (Monte- sano) 565/385/440-1,390; Jacob Nikolaisen (Shelton) 500/300/500-1,300; Donny Dodge (Black Hills) 545/275/375-1,195; Kevin Oestrich (school unspecified) 395/200/390- 985; Jason Patterson (school unspecified) 315/220/395-930. Totals - Montesano 70, White River 24, Shelton 21, Aberdeen 20, Auburn-Riverside 19, Yelm 15, Columbia 5. Outstanding boys' bench-presser - Frank Carpenter, Montesano. Out=tending boys' squat-lifter - Ben Rice, Montesano. Out=tending boys' dsadllffer - Ben Rice, Montesano. "Coach U Award" winner (out=tending lifter overall) - Ben Rice, Montesano. Page 28 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007 THE SHELTON HEAT: In front from left are Colton Hubble, MichJ Sobotka, Sam Gerhold, Braden Hanna and Wyatt Wallwork. Bee Tanner Lund, Colby Fuller, coach Scott Hubble, Devin Gilman, Ja Sayward and Tyler Speaks. Catch[n Shelton Heat boys blaze a successful traJ From modest beginnings a source of hometown pride emerged this past season in age-group bas- ketball. It all started with a phone call last year to former Climber girls' assistant coach and age-group mentor Scott Hubble. Seems a couple teams had backed out of a local tournament at the last min- ute, and the caller wondered if .Scott had a group he could volun- teer to the cause in the fifth-grad- ers' division. "I did not," says the coach, "but I told him I would create a team and be there the following day so the tournament could continue. My son called as many friends .... - fourth-graders - as he could and we played the following morning. "Needless to say, we didn't do well with only one hour of practice in such a competitive setting. We were amazed by the level of play of the competing teams' young ath- letes. This motivated us to develop a competitive team that could stay close to the level of competition from the surrounding communi- ties." AND THUS BECAME Coach Hubble's 2006-7 Shelton Heat boys' basketball team, a team whose persistence paid off in suc- cessive third-place tournament performances in Tumwater and Black Hills - the latter featur- ing an avenging victory over the highly touted Capital contingent - and ultimately a season record of 16-8. "The team knew they would have to focus and work hard to be successful," says Coach. "We worked on all aspects of our game, playing pickup games wherever we could." By the end of the season it was Caral leads golf girls past NM The girls of Climber golf" wrapped up their nonleague slate with a victory over North Mason last week. The 100-52 nod leveled their re- cord at 2-2 going into the league title chase, which gets under way after spring break. Leading the charge against the Climbers' neighbors from the north was junior two-time state veteran Caral Martinson, with a 42 on the hosts' Bayshore course. That was good for 30 points and medalist honors for the match. Climber coach Lorna Mar- tinson, Caral's mom, noted that sophomore veteran Hillary Evans and senior veteran Ksenia Malkin "continued their steady play," ac- counting for 26 and 22 points. SHELTON 100, N. MASON 52 Shelton - Caral Martinson 42 (30 points), Hiltary Evans 46 (26), Ksenia Malkin NS (22), Kristi Fox NS (12), Natalie Cuzick NS (10) and Andrea Ivanoff NS (6). North Mason - Amy Gastineau 44 (28 points), Juliet Crummey NS (10), Sora Park NS (8), Krista Wilson NS (6) and Kyleigh Ca- macho NS (0). clear the effort was worthwhile, he adds - and not just by dint of the boys' winning record. "Parents, coaches and players from competing teams were com- plimenting our team's structure and the way we went about our business," says Hubble. "It made our players iel great and rein- ibrced what we are trying to ac- complish as a team." HERE'S HOW Coach Hubble characterizes the parts of his team: • Tanner Lund: "Ricochet Rab- bit. Quick and fast is how he got his nickname. Very explosive and intense. Can't wait for this player to direct his energy. Fun'kid to watch." • Braden Hanna: "Back-up point guard. Does a good job get- ting us into our entries and offens- es. Nicknamed Shaggy because of his hairstyle." • Sam Gerhold: "Worked hard to improve his game, and success followed. It's a coach's dream to have a player want something, work hard and achieve it." • Michael Sobotka: "Our out- side threat. Likes to shoot the long ball and has success at it. Sees the floor well and distributes the ball, setting up his teammates for easy baskets." • Colton Hubble: "Point guard and 'floor general.' Leading scorer and rebounder. One of our top de- fenders. All-around player. VM tough kid. Pleasure to watch pie the game." • Colby Fuller: "Lots of pot:i tial. Another one of our athlet) players. Once he harnesses hi:: ability and energy he will be ! force to reckon with." let • e Wyatt Wallwork: "Good a' and outstanding individtt! Always well-behaved. Great ad tude and always strong and stead on the court. Hard to rattle. V consistent, level-headed player.' • Tyler Speaks: "Our el fourth-grader on the team. La of athletic ability. Coming into . own. Very coachable and will velop into a great player." • James Sayward: "Usu the toughest player on the cott When he played to his ability! was a pleasure to watch. Ifj wanted a rebound he would jt go get it, whether he had the tion or not.' .... i • Devon Gilman: "One of a players that can do it all. Fil year player with an extreme bright future. Explosive to the Another one of our top defenderS HUBBLE REMINDS tM much credit goes to the parent} They can expect to be rewarded f# some time to come, though. "We plan to stay together aS s team" • , says Coach, "and I look re, ward to continued improvem and success in the years to cornS, YSHORE G.C. SPRIN6 SPECIALS LADLES' BEGINNING GOLF LESSONS!! Begins April 17th TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS 5:30 to 6:30 T 6 lessons for $60 BRING A FRIEND and COME LEARN TO PLAY// Instructed by Brian Davis, PGA pro Call 426-1271 to siqn up Limited to the first 12 to siqn up GOLF LEAGUES NOW FORMING MEN'S * LADLES' • MIXED 9 holes evenings with discount fees Interested parties please call 426-1271 to sign up DEW SWEEPERS Tee-off before 9 am Monday thru Friday 9 holes $10 plus tax (Saturday before B am) • Call for tee times IO-ROUND PUNCH CARDS 9 or 18 holes SAVE up to s5 per round Ask us for more details// BAYSHORE GOLF CLUB 3800 East Highway 3 • 426-1271 h