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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Chamber Singers will perform in concert The Chamber Singers of Shelton High School will give a series of performanc- es at the Colonial House in downtown Shelton this month. Among the stu- dents in the chorale are, from left to right, Alex Davis-Brazill, Liam Malpass, Lawrence Chapman, Kellen Gold, Col- lin Dysart, Molly Swanson, Erika Chris- tensen and Laurie Hartley. The series Is entitled "Ah Primavera!" and will include a full-length concert of songs and Renaissance madrigals, theatrical skits, instrumental music and dessert. "Ah Primavera!" will run on Friday and Saturday nights for two consecutive weekends, April 13-14 and April 20-21, with showtimes at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $15, with proceeds to benefit the choral music program at SHS. For tickets, send an e-mail to or call choral director Paul Nakhla at 432-2136. College hosts talk on native plants Karin Strelioff, environmen- tal education and outreach spe- cialist from the Mason Conser- vation District, will be the guest speaker next Wednesday eve- ning at Olympic College Shel- ton. Strelioff will speak about "Landscaping with Native Trees and Plants" and how residents can manage local resources. The free lecture will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11, at The Johnson Library at the col- lege, 937 West Alpine Way. The presentation is part of the college's ongoing We 2 Lec- ture Series. For more informa- tion, interested persons can call the college at 432-5400. "7,:S,.I, t  The Loc||mltb Man Shelton's Full-Service Professional Locksmith Since 1984 SUMMER SECURITY BEGINS HERE! [ Bring in this ad for a FREE STANDARD HOUSE KEY I Transponder keys made and programmed, High-security auto specialist • All makes * Home & business Store Cluing Sale .Gifts *Toys Located downtown .School/Office Shelton in supplies Evergreen Square *Housewares .Greetingcards Check out our great deals on the following merchandise: .Seasonal gifts and decorations (Easter, Christmas, 4th of July, Halloween, Valentines Day) eCandles .Photo Frames Vloney Saver Hunt is on for Easter goodies Searching for fun family ac- tivities fbr Easter? Look no fur- Laer. The following actlvmes are planned for this weekend. • Merabers of the Union com- unity will host the 23rd annual S:t°n Easter Egg Hunt at 1 p.m. , UrUay, April 7, at the Union bOmraunity Park This year the e . . " • . egg hunt Is m memory of Janm rasslo . - • • , a longhme adult partlcl- ant in this annual event who ed last year. will have Three age grotSfirst ' second separate events Wl and third prizes awarded. Par- ents are encouraged to help hunt- ers ages 3 and younger. Other divisions are fbr ages 4 to 7 and 8 to 12. nAn egg toss will also be held for 4 to 12, 13 to 17 and 18 and Older, With a prize to be awarded teac h age group. Participants ..."" also guess the number of ,eces of candy in the "Janie's a aoy Count" competition. p lO find the Union Community R _ark from the south, take Mc- t[eavy Road from Brockdale Road, ea turn left fl'om McReavy onto • ,n treet, then left on Port tenSend Street. The park is on e ett-hand side of the street. • The baseball and. soccer fields at Shelton High School and Oakland Bay Junior High School will be the scene of an egg hunt on Saturday, April 7. Buffet benefits animal shelter Co The Huraane Society of Mason unty raised $530 at last week's rand-raiser. Proceeds from a Mexi t n buffet and raffle in Belfair will Used to establish an animal elter, spokesperson Melanle agner said. Steph's Espresso, Wal-Mart, Godfather's Pizza and Premium Drug Screening are sponsors of this event, which will involve 7,500 Easter eggs, 90 percent of which will be filled with candy, pizza coupons, coupons for hot chocolate, money or tickets to qualify the holder for prizes. Different age groups have dif- ferent starting times: 11 a.m. at the main baseball field for chil- dren age 3 and younger who are old enough to walk; 11:20 at the practice baseball field for ages 4- 5; 11:40 a.m. at the soccer fields for ages 6-7; noon at the soccer fields for ages 8-9; and 12:20 at the soccer fields tbr ages 10-11. • Shelton Presbyterian Church has planned an Easter egg hunt for 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 7. This activity is free to children up to age 10 from around the communi- ty. Special prizes will be awarded. For safety considerations, all children should be accompanied by an adult. To get to the event from Highway 101, turn onto Shelton Springs Road, go a quar- ter of a mile and the property will be on the lei-hand side. • The Lake Cushman Fire- fighters Association and the Lake Cushman Ladies Fire Auxiliary will have an Easter egg hunt and bake sale beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 7. These events will take place at Lake Kokanee Park in Division 9. • The Shelton Moose will host an Easter carnival complete with cotton candy, eggs, cupcake deco- rating, ice cream bars and activi- ties. The event will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 7, at the Moose hall, 741 SE Craig Road in Shelton. • A free Easter egg hunt will be held on Saturday, April 7, at Shelton Health and Rehabilita- tion Center, 153 Johns Court in Shelton. Children ages 10 and under are invited to be there at 11 a.m., rain or shine, with Eas- ter baskets in hand. All eggs will have a toy, candy or a prize in- side. New Store Hours Mon-Fri 10-5 Saturday 10-4 Sunday Closed Ph. 360-426-2666 *Discounts do not apply to red tagged, already discounted merchandise, or services such as copies and faxing. iN m i m m mm n mm m m m,, m i mm mm n m I NEW PATIENT OFFER! I ! ! m 8 [] m With paid comprehensive exam, X rays and cleaning. $300 value! | i o most adVln;2;n;,;=;:: iHni;hw:;iNoet h I m ,...,.., • Families welcome Richard C. Downing, D.D.S, and m -- • ',^ v .... Christopher J. Burton, D.D.S. provide I  * Smile enhancement with a friendly personal touch "Shelton's I friendly dentist." Call for appointment today! 426-4712 1 i m mm i m m i m m m i m m m mmm E 30 Years of Quality Mell Chevrolet where the sat,sf,ed customers buy ... Were we helpful, courteous and friendly? YeS Were you pleased with the way your vehicle was delivered? YeS Would you recommend us to friends? MOSt definitel R _ We would appreciate your comments: $lr#tv ll'$'J a_pa/nless! G.S.g. - Brinnon 10% OFF ALL PARTS AND SERVICE Seniors age 55 and over (Up to slO0 savings) [Tom Roof Ran McLean I Gary Ward J Suqda00e Spas • Microclean Filtration • Energy Efficient • Financing Available • Chemicals • Mobile Service • Repair I I I I I I II IIIIIIIIII .Fireplaces • Stoves .Inserts I I I I I H SAT&l] L.O,, O" Where everything comes together ......... qJ PLACE Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35 .t Chamber Singers will perform in concert The Chamber Singers of Shelton High School will give a series of performanc- es at the Colonial House in downtown Shelton this month. Among the stu- dents in the chorale are, from left to right, Alex Davis-Brazill, Liam Malpass, Lawrence Chapman, Kellen Gold, Col- lin Dysart, Molly Swanson, Erika Chris- tensen and Laurie Hartley. The series Is entitled "Ah Primavera!" and will include a full-length concert of songs and Renaissance madrigals, theatrical skits, instrumental music and dessert. "Ah Primavera!" will run on Friday and Saturday nights for two consecutive weekends, April 13-14 and April 20-21, with showtimes at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $15, with proceeds to benefit the choral music program at SHS. For tickets, send an e-mail to or call choral director Paul Nakhla at 432-2136. College hosts talk on native plants Karin Strelioff, environmen- tal education and outreach spe- cialist from the Mason Conser- vation District, will be the guest speaker next Wednesday eve- ning at Olympic College Shel- ton. Strelioff will speak about "Landscaping with Native Trees and Plants" and how residents can manage local resources. The free lecture will be from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 11, at The Johnson Library at the col- lege, 937 West Alpine Way. The presentation is part of the college's ongoing We 2 Lec- ture Series. For more informa- tion, interested persons can call the college at 432-5400. "7,:S,.I, t  The Loc||mltb Man Shelton's Full-Service Professional Locksmith Since 1984 SUMMER SECURITY BEGINS HERE! [ Bring in this ad for a FREE STANDARD HOUSE KEY I Transponder keys made and programmed, High-security auto specialist • All makes * Home & business Store Cluing Sale .Gifts *Toys Located downtown .School/Office Shelton in supplies Evergreen Square *Housewares .Greetingcards Check out our great deals on the following merchandise: .Seasonal gifts and decorations (Easter, Christmas, 4th of July, Halloween, Valentines Day) eCandles .Photo Frames Vloney Saver Hunt is on for Easter goodies Searching for fun family ac- tivities fbr Easter? Look no fur- Laer. The following actlvmes are planned for this weekend. • Merabers of the Union com- unity will host the 23rd annual S:t°n Easter Egg Hunt at 1 p.m. , UrUay, April 7, at the Union bOmraunity Park This year the e . . " • . egg hunt Is m memory of Janm rasslo . - • • , a longhme adult partlcl- ant in this annual event who ed last year. will have Three age grotSfirst ' second separate events Wl and third prizes awarded. Par- ents are encouraged to help hunt- ers ages 3 and younger. Other divisions are fbr ages 4 to 7 and 8 to 12. nAn egg toss will also be held for 4 to 12, 13 to 17 and 18 and Older, With a prize to be awarded teac h age group. Participants ..."" also guess the number of ,eces of candy in the "Janie's a aoy Count" competition. p lO find the Union Community R _ark from the south, take Mc- t[eavy Road from Brockdale Road, ea turn left fl'om McReavy onto • ,n treet, then left on Port tenSend Street. The park is on e ett-hand side of the street. • The baseball and. soccer fields at Shelton High School and Oakland Bay Junior High School will be the scene of an egg hunt on Saturday, April 7. Buffet benefits animal shelter Co The Huraane Society of Mason unty raised $530 at last week's rand-raiser. Proceeds from a Mexi t n buffet and raffle in Belfair will Used to establish an animal elter, spokesperson Melanle agner said. Steph's Espresso, Wal-Mart, Godfather's Pizza and Premium Drug Screening are sponsors of this event, which will involve 7,500 Easter eggs, 90 percent of which will be filled with candy, pizza coupons, coupons for hot chocolate, money or tickets to qualify the holder for prizes. Different age groups have dif- ferent starting times: 11 a.m. at the main baseball field for chil- dren age 3 and younger who are old enough to walk; 11:20 at the practice baseball field for ages 4- 5; 11:40 a.m. at the soccer fields for ages 6-7; noon at the soccer fields for ages 8-9; and 12:20 at the soccer fields tbr ages 10-11. • Shelton Presbyterian Church has planned an Easter egg hunt for 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 7. This activity is free to children up to age 10 from around the communi- ty. Special prizes will be awarded. For safety considerations, all children should be accompanied by an adult. To get to the event from Highway 101, turn onto Shelton Springs Road, go a quar- ter of a mile and the property will be on the lei-hand side. • The Lake Cushman Fire- fighters Association and the Lake Cushman Ladies Fire Auxiliary will have an Easter egg hunt and bake sale beginning at 11 a.m. on Saturday, April 7. These events will take place at Lake Kokanee Park in Division 9. • The Shelton Moose will host an Easter carnival complete with cotton candy, eggs, cupcake deco- rating, ice cream bars and activi- ties. The event will run from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, April 7, at the Moose hall, 741 SE Craig Road in Shelton. • A free Easter egg hunt will be held on Saturday, April 7, at Shelton Health and Rehabilita- tion Center, 153 Johns Court in Shelton. Children ages 10 and under are invited to be there at 11 a.m., rain or shine, with Eas- ter baskets in hand. All eggs will have a toy, candy or a prize in- side. New Store Hours Mon-Fri 10-5 Saturday 10-4 Sunday Closed Ph. 360-426-2666 *Discounts do not apply to red tagged, already discounted merchandise, or services such as copies and faxing. iN m i m m mm n mm m m m,, m i mm mm n m I NEW PATIENT OFFER! I ! ! m 8 [] m With paid comprehensive exam, X rays and cleaning. $300 value! | i o most adVln;2;n;,;=;:: iHni;hw:;iNoet h I m ,...,.., • Families welcome Richard C. Downing, D.D.S, and m -- • ',^ v .... Christopher J. Burton, D.D.S. provide I  * Smile enhancement with a friendly personal touch "Shelton's I friendly dentist." Call for appointment today! 426-4712 1 i m mm i m m i m m m i m m m mmm E 30 Years of Quality Mell Chevrolet where the sat,sf,ed customers buy ... Were we helpful, courteous and friendly? YeS Were you pleased with the way your vehicle was delivered? YeS Would you recommend us to friends? MOSt definitel R _ We would appreciate your comments: $lr#tv ll'$'J a_pa/nless! G.S.g. - Brinnon 10% OFF ALL PARTS AND SERVICE Seniors age 55 and over (Up to slO0 savings) [Tom Roof Ran McLean I Gary Ward J Suqda00e Spas • Microclean Filtration • Energy Efficient • Financing Available • Chemicals • Mobile Service • Repair I I I I I I II IIIIIIIIII .Fireplaces • Stoves .Inserts I I I I I H SAT&l] L.O,, O" Where everything comes together ......... qJ PLACE Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 35 .t