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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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4lh e e CLASSIFIED • is words or less-- $6.50 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 • Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple Insertion ads, The Journal will be responsible for errors in the first Insertion only. OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering across from Spencer Lake Resort open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ accepts VISA/MC - (360) 426-8632) Spring with sales and events roughout April! We have wonderful hats, custom and antique jew- rare books, candles and bath prod- stained glass, copper sculpture, floral arrangements, yard furniture, fountains and morel New inventory promises Easter outfit options for her and all on sale! Highlights include "Tea with Dee" tea tasting cov- 90+ international and organic va- April 7th from 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Lady" 80 hour gel candles a new scent "wedding" avail- mid-month. These can be custom Wedding/anniversary or oth- in whatever size-type contain- for that unique detail desired. A new is featured with gorgeous 24"+ in both hammered/fired copper aluminum and her unique 48" cop- and cedar foxtails. Finally, for those plan ahead ... Mother's Day is ap- Why not surprise her with a n custom stained glass depicting her favorite quilt pattern. have been very popular at the shows and are sure to wow Come in early for the best selec- stations, $400 for both. (360) C3/15-4/5 hutch with glass shelves, in- Matching table, 2 leaves, 2 Pads, 6 side/2 captain chairs. COndition, all for just $1,850 427-5697 for details. M3/15- UPRIGHT piano, $800. Total 3. Cal (360) 482-6853. M4/5 DOUBLE sink with drainboards Sides. $75. (360) 426-6208. ID ends of miscellaneous fur- nice, no junk, cheap. mattress. Call, we might you're looking forl (360) IFUL 0.95 ct wedding set. 0.53 ct lement ring centered with round brilliant cut diamond. each side of ring is a fitted band. The bypass are each channel set with cut diamonds weighing ' ;ed at Elliott in Bellevue and Will give appraisal OBO. (360) 490-5328. Collectible • Coins, Currency • Militaria IN Harrison Ave. NW Olympia 352.8848 TOP SOIL High quality sandy IOaci a Top cut • No Rocks • No y LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere LANDASCAPERS NORTHWEST 426-9922 Journal's Super rd Answers PLANTS - 5 miles out Shelton-Matlock Road (Dayton Hall parking lot). Friday- Sunday, 10 a.m.-? Japanese maples, li- lacs, lots of other perennial plants. H4/5 AMANA REFRIGERATOR, side-by-side with ice and water in door, white. Good condition, everything works well, $300. Very clean. (360) 427-7803. R4/5 DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in custom units and have stock sizes too. Woodsmith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn LOVE GOOD food but hate to clean? Love to host home parties? Love the perks of home parties? Consider upgrading your cookware and bakeware to what profes- sional chefs usel For more information and to schedule a home party for you and your friends, call Penny Wilson, your De- marie at Home Independent Representa- tive, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21tfn AUCTION, SATURDAY, April 14 at 9 a.m. Pickering Rental Management, 410 E. Pick•ring Road, Shelton, WA. From Shelton or Belfair, take Hwy. 3 towards Harstine Island. Auction on Pickering Road. 7 units to be sold whole or partial at Auctioneer's discretion. Preview day of sale, Saturday 9 a.m. Fenton Auction Service, P.O. Box 1837, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 390-5445. F4/5 LIKE NEWl Children's ,books, toys, household items. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Satur- day, lamret Lane, Shelton (5300 block Lynch Road). T4/5 GIGGLING GOOSE garage sale. Sat- urday only 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 305 W. "D" Street. Lots of kid stuff. G4/5 CLOTHING, HOME school curriculum, home decor items, miscellaneous. Fri- day 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.-noon. 834 Wyandotte. F4/5 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County will be holding our next garage sale on May the 19th. We would really appreciate donations of the following items: books, household items, linens, children's items, and items of interest to guys. Funding from your donations will be used for altering and sheltering aban- doned felines. For questions please call us at 1-360-440-8862 or (360) 426- 2455. K3/29-4/19 ORIGINAL NINTENDO games, sys- tems, memorabilia, accessories. You call, I'll make offer. Ryan (360) 427- 0146. C4/5-26 WANTED. 24'-30' boat to use as office on the water. No motor okay. Prefer small outboard bracket and trailer. Kay- ak Hood Canal, (360) 898-5925. M4/5 BOB IS back. I will buy your old fishing gear, plugs, creels, poles, reels. Any- thing unusual relating to fishing. Call (360) 426-3688. Keep this ad. W4/5-26 WANTED: ITEMS for fund-raiser garage sale. (360) 427-0614. D4/5-12 ATTENTION SERIOUS softball play- ersl Co-ed softball will be starting soon. Looking for 8-10 more players for a new team. Please call (360) 427-2914 for more information. $3/15-4/5 CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn CASHIER/CLERK, part-time 25-30 hours, evenings, weekends. Must be 21, mail resume: Alderbrook Country Store, P.O. Box 498, Union, WA 98592. A3/22- 4/12 DIRECTOR OF Nursing for top-rated assisted living community in Shelton. Salary and benefits negotiable and generous, based on experience and enthusiasm for the position. Alpine Way Retirement Apartments has good com- munity and family support for our 125 private pay residents who live in our in- dependent, assisted, and special care dementia apartments. We get regular compliments on our caring, committed staff. Our state inspections have been very good and deficiency-free for some years. Alpine Way is locally owned and operated and we have an excellent rep- utation in the community. Our admin- istrator is an RN with 30 years experi- ence in long term care who has been at Alpine for ten years. She is very sup- portive of the nursing department and easy to work with. This is a good pO- sition for an experienced nurse leader or for a nurse with strong clinical skills who would like to move into more nurs- ing management. Hours can be flex- ible. Our goal is to provide high quality care to our residents and we're proud to be doing that. If you are interested in talking more about the job, call Beth at (360) 426-2600. To apply, fax (360- 427-3299), mail, or deliver your resume to 900 West Alpine Way in Shelton, WA 98584. A3/22-4/12 NOTICE TO Bidders - Concession Op- portunity. The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is seeking proposals for the operation of a food and non-alcoholic beverage concession within Twanoh State Park. For proposal instructions and prospectus call Mike Thorniley at: (360) 586-6608. WSPRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The successful bidder must abide by State's affirmative action policies. Bidders are invited to contact the Park Manager at: (360) 275-2222 to schedule a walk through on site prior to submitting a pro- posal. All written proposals must be re- ceived no later than April 23, 2007. This concession contract wilt be awarded on April 24, 2007. All bidders will receive a personal phone call no later than April 26, 2007. W3/22-4/12 WORK CREW Coordinator for Mason County Probation Dept. Part-time, ap- prox. 17 hrs./wk. $14.41/hr. (no ben- efits). Minimum qualifications: High School graduate or GED and experi- ence supervising adults or juveniles. Must have valid WSDL, ability to obtain First-Aid/CPR certification, and pass background check. County application required and available at 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584 or, (360) 427-7265. Closes 4/13/07. M3/29-4/5 SE BUSCAN trabajadores con expe- riencia plantando arboles. (360) 427- 3578. H3/29-4/5 EXPERIENCED TREE planters wanted. Hammond Forestry Services, (360) 426- 2374. H3/29-4/5 TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time eve- nings and weekends, good 2nd income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, some commercial ex- perience required. Must be able to pass drug screening. Knowledge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older. Call Mon- day-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (360) 426- 8294. M3/29-4/19 LIVE-IN CARETAKER. Apartment rent in exchange for gardening services and housework. Drug screening mandatory. References will be checked. No pets. (360) 426-0953. J3/29-4/5 EXPERIENCED LOAN officers. Prime Lending, no license required. Call Joe (360) 236-0484. Washington State Bond Certificate-FHA/VA. P3/22-4/12 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER wanted. Drug testing is mandatory. Salary DOQ. Respond to (360) 866-4594 or (360) 432-0971 before 5 p.m. or leave mes- sage after 5 p.m. Mc3/22-4/12 SAIL ON In Espresso now hiring baris- tas, all shifts. Apply in person. 18191 State Route 3, Allyn. $3/15-4/5 FULL-TIME transcriptionist for busy Shelton office. Work from home or of- fice. Send resume to: Resume, PO Box 9, Union, WA 98592. O3/15-4/5 50 Hostesses WANTED No nudity necessary. 18 years or older. Taking 50 applicants only. PT & FT Bring  rS , to: 506 W. Railroad or call cell: (408} 828-5299 to A SEEKING PART/full time kitchen help at Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club. Pay DOE. Please call (360) 898-1434 for more information. C4/5 CARETAKER/SECURITY. Free RV space with utilities, in exchange for maintenance work. Background check and references required. (360) 275- 4127. P4/5-12 PART TIME help. Waitress/bus boy po- sition. (360) 462-8623. T4/5 GARY P. Budeson, Mason County Prosecutor, is accepting resumes through April 9, 2007 for a Receptionist/ Secretary. Salary starts at $2,765 plus benefits. Send resumes to: Gary P. Bur- leson, Mason County Prosecutor's Of- rice, PO Box 639, Shelton, Washington 98584 or fax to (360) 427-7754. P4/5 SMALL MANUFACTURING plant hir. ing experienced Millwright. Must have experience with metal fabrication, mini- mum 3 years electrical experience. Call Justin at (360) 426-7900. C4/5 LOOKING FOR Housekeeper, prefer experience but will train. Apply in per- son, Shelton Super 8 Motel. S4/5 EXPERIENCED COOK and waitress needed. Full or part time. Contact Kim at Lefties, 2810 E. Spencer Lake Rd., (360) 432-8778. L4/5-12 LOOKING FOR experienced heavy equipment operator. CDL and septic installation experience preferred. Ben- efits. (360) 426-4221. B4/5-12 THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire Surveillance Trainer Observer. The incumbent will protect company assets. Trains surveillance personnel. Enforces all regulatory, departmental, and com- pany procedures in an ethical manner. Write comprehensive reports and logs, with the ability to conduct investigations. Maintain integrity using clandestine sur- veillance operations. Open until filled. $15 hourly. For a full job description vis- it our website at or contact Winona Plant, Personnel Man- ager at (360) 426-4232 ext. 209. $4/5 LINE COOK, days, full-time, year round. Spencer Lake Bar & Grill; Larry, (360) 426-2505. S4/5-12 THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire TGA Agent Auditor. The incumbent shall protect company assets. Enforces all regulatory, departmental, and com- pany procedures in an ethical manner. Identify and report on any irregular activity, including, but not limited to, table games, slot machines, keno, cash cages, hotel, and food and beverage. Open until filled $15 hourly. For a full job description visit our website at www. or contact Winona Plant Personnel Manager at (360) 426-4232 x209. $4/5 THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire Surveillance Technician Observer. A multi-faceted position that will be re- sponsible for the installation, routine testing, maintenance, and repair of all CCTV equipment. Will also act as Sur- veillance Observer as needed, and will record any irregular gaming activity, in- cluding but not limited to table games, slot machines, video bingo, keno, food and beverage, cash cages, hotel, and other properties as directed. Open until filled $15 hourly. Please visit our web site for full job description or contact Winona Plant Personnel Manager at (360) 426-4232 x209. $4/5 AIDE/OFFICE Worker, part time. Ap- ply in person, Belfair Physical Therapy, 70A NE Medical Center Road. B4/5 DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles and top pay. Call Warner Enterprises for regional openings today. 1-800-346- 2818 ext. 126. A3/15-4/5 • EXPERIENCED COOK Nutrition/health conscious • EXPERIENCED SERVER Professional manner and appearance • EXPERIENCED BARISTA Part-time, friendly, professional A GREAT career opportunity. Now ac- cepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: part-time $8.25/hour, full-time $1,550/month plus benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or re- sume: Placeone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail placeone@ P4/5-26 PARK AIDE position, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. Seasonal position at Jarrell Cove State Park, 5.5 months, starting May 1. Job requires living on Hope Island. Duties include: general ground/facility mainte- nance, collecting fees, explaining park rules, interpretation, trail maintenance, and boat operation. Must be 18 years of age and have a valid Washington State driver's license. Pay starts at $8.40/ hour. For more information, contact Jar- rell Cove State Park at (360) 426-9226. Applications available at www.parks. Mail to 391 E. Wingert Rd., Shelton, WA 98584. J4/5-12 PART TIME housekeeper wanted, $8 hourly to start. Glen Ayr Resort in Hood- sport. 15-20 hours weekly or more. (360) 877-9522. G3/15-4/5 MARINE MECHANIC - outboard expe- rience necessary. Full time. Benefits. Salary DOE. Send resume to Cushman Boats, P.O. Box 850, Hoodsport, WA 98548. (360) 877-5244. C3/15-4/5 RELIABLE PAINTER - no experience necessary. Starting pay $10/hour. (360) 280-1885. H3/15-4/5 ARE YOU interested in putting your skills to use in a meaningful Way? Come work for Community Resources. We provide in-home and community services for people with developmental disabilities. We offer medical, dental, and vision, paid time off, regular pay increases, retirement option with a 3% employer match, short term disability benefits, pre-tax health savings account and more. No experience necessary. Com- prehensive training starting at $8.60 per hour. Flexible scheduling with a variety of full time, part time, temporary, and fill in positions. Apply in person at 208 West Bay Drive NW, Olympia. For directions or more info, call Heather at (360) 943- 6257 ext. 108. C3/29-4/19 Thurston County Sheriff's Office is looking for lateral corrections deputies to fill several current vacancies in the corrections facility. Lateral Hire In Rates: 2 year=, but less than 3 years, Sa517/month 3 year=, but less than4 years, $,.HKMmonth 4 year=, but less than 5 years, $38Tl/month 5 years, but less than 6 years, $4072/month 6 years or more, $4274/month 100% county paid medical benefits Educational Incentive pay Uniform allowance Generous vacatii)n accrual rates Corrections deputies are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Requirements: * Must possess current corrections officer certification by Washington State Cflmlnal Justice Training Commission (or equivalent) * Must have successfully completed e probationary period with current or previous employer • Must have been continuously employed by the present or former employer as a full time, pald, civilian corrections officer for at least twelve months. • Must be a US citizen who can reed, write, and speak Engllsh • Must possess s high school diploma or GED • Must be able to complete a comprehensive background Investigation including polygraph and behavioral assessments For more information or for entry-level testing information: 360-754-2937 CLASSIFIED ADS FILL THE BILL 15 words for $6.50 Call The Journal at 426-4412 Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 37 4lh e e CLASSIFIED • is words or less-- $6.50 ,Classified deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday • 10 cents for each additional word over 15 • Classified display -- 5 p.m. Monday RATES • Four insertions for the price of three • Cancellation deadline- 2 p.m. Tuesday Phone (360) 426-4412 to Place Ad In multiple Insertion ads, The Journal will be responsible for errors in the first Insertion only. OF the Lake (1085 E. Pickering across from Spencer Lake Resort open Friday-Monday 10 a.m.-5 p.m./ accepts VISA/MC - (360) 426-8632) Spring with sales and events roughout April! We have wonderful hats, custom and antique jew- rare books, candles and bath prod- stained glass, copper sculpture, floral arrangements, yard furniture, fountains and morel New inventory promises Easter outfit options for her and all on sale! Highlights include "Tea with Dee" tea tasting cov- 90+ international and organic va- April 7th from 11:30 a.m.-2 p.m. Lady" 80 hour gel candles a new scent "wedding" avail- mid-month. These can be custom Wedding/anniversary or oth- in whatever size-type contain- for that unique detail desired. A new is featured with gorgeous 24"+ in both hammered/fired copper aluminum and her unique 48" cop- and cedar foxtails. Finally, for those plan ahead ... Mother's Day is ap- Why not surprise her with a n custom stained glass depicting her favorite quilt pattern. have been very popular at the shows and are sure to wow Come in early for the best selec- stations, $400 for both. (360) C3/15-4/5 hutch with glass shelves, in- Matching table, 2 leaves, 2 Pads, 6 side/2 captain chairs. COndition, all for just $1,850 427-5697 for details. M3/15- UPRIGHT piano, $800. Total 3. Cal (360) 482-6853. M4/5 DOUBLE sink with drainboards Sides. $75. (360) 426-6208. ID ends of miscellaneous fur- nice, no junk, cheap. mattress. Call, we might you're looking forl (360) IFUL 0.95 ct wedding set. 0.53 ct lement ring centered with round brilliant cut diamond. each side of ring is a fitted band. The bypass are each channel set with cut diamonds weighing ' ;ed at Elliott in Bellevue and Will give appraisal OBO. (360) 490-5328. Collectible • Coins, Currency • Militaria IN Harrison Ave. NW Olympia 352.8848 TOP SOIL High quality sandy IOaci a Top cut • No Rocks • No y LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe • Dozer ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere LANDASCAPERS NORTHWEST 426-9922 Journal's Super rd Answers PLANTS - 5 miles out Shelton-Matlock Road (Dayton Hall parking lot). Friday- Sunday, 10 a.m.-? Japanese maples, li- lacs, lots of other perennial plants. H4/5 AMANA REFRIGERATOR, side-by-side with ice and water in door, white. Good condition, everything works well, $300. Very clean. (360) 427-7803. R4/5 DECKS AND ramps. We specialize in custom units and have stock sizes too. Woodsmith (360) 426-0820. L6/29tfn LOVE GOOD food but hate to clean? Love to host home parties? Love the perks of home parties? Consider upgrading your cookware and bakeware to what profes- sional chefs usel For more information and to schedule a home party for you and your friends, call Penny Wilson, your De- marie at Home Independent Representa- tive, at (360) 490-2515. P9/21tfn AUCTION, SATURDAY, April 14 at 9 a.m. Pickering Rental Management, 410 E. Pick•ring Road, Shelton, WA. From Shelton or Belfair, take Hwy. 3 towards Harstine Island. Auction on Pickering Road. 7 units to be sold whole or partial at Auctioneer's discretion. Preview day of sale, Saturday 9 a.m. Fenton Auction Service, P.O. Box 1837, Shelton, WA 98584. (360) 390-5445. F4/5 LIKE NEWl Children's ,books, toys, household items. 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Satur- day, lamret Lane, Shelton (5300 block Lynch Road). T4/5 GIGGLING GOOSE garage sale. Sat- urday only 9 a.m.-2 p.m. 305 W. "D" Street. Lots of kid stuff. G4/5 CLOTHING, HOME school curriculum, home decor items, miscellaneous. Fri- day 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday 8 a.m.-noon. 834 Wyandotte. F4/5 KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County will be holding our next garage sale on May the 19th. We would really appreciate donations of the following items: books, household items, linens, children's items, and items of interest to guys. Funding from your donations will be used for altering and sheltering aban- doned felines. For questions please call us at 1-360-440-8862 or (360) 426- 2455. K3/29-4/19 ORIGINAL NINTENDO games, sys- tems, memorabilia, accessories. You call, I'll make offer. Ryan (360) 427- 0146. C4/5-26 WANTED. 24'-30' boat to use as office on the water. No motor okay. Prefer small outboard bracket and trailer. Kay- ak Hood Canal, (360) 898-5925. M4/5 BOB IS back. I will buy your old fishing gear, plugs, creels, poles, reels. Any- thing unusual relating to fishing. Call (360) 426-3688. Keep this ad. W4/5-26 WANTED: ITEMS for fund-raiser garage sale. (360) 427-0614. D4/5-12 ATTENTION SERIOUS softball play- ersl Co-ed softball will be starting soon. Looking for 8-10 more players for a new team. Please call (360) 427-2914 for more information. $3/15-4/5 CONSIGNMENTS WANTED: Cars, trucks, vans, travel trailers, RVs. Sun Auto Sales, 5961 E. Highway 3, Shel- ton. (360) 426-2907. S1/25tfn CASHIER/CLERK, part-time 25-30 hours, evenings, weekends. Must be 21, mail resume: Alderbrook Country Store, P.O. Box 498, Union, WA 98592. A3/22- 4/12 DIRECTOR OF Nursing for top-rated assisted living community in Shelton. Salary and benefits negotiable and generous, based on experience and enthusiasm for the position. Alpine Way Retirement Apartments has good com- munity and family support for our 125 private pay residents who live in our in- dependent, assisted, and special care dementia apartments. We get regular compliments on our caring, committed staff. Our state inspections have been very good and deficiency-free for some years. Alpine Way is locally owned and operated and we have an excellent rep- utation in the community. Our admin- istrator is an RN with 30 years experi- ence in long term care who has been at Alpine for ten years. She is very sup- portive of the nursing department and easy to work with. This is a good pO- sition for an experienced nurse leader or for a nurse with strong clinical skills who would like to move into more nurs- ing management. Hours can be flex- ible. Our goal is to provide high quality care to our residents and we're proud to be doing that. If you are interested in talking more about the job, call Beth at (360) 426-2600. To apply, fax (360- 427-3299), mail, or deliver your resume to 900 West Alpine Way in Shelton, WA 98584. A3/22-4/12 NOTICE TO Bidders - Concession Op- portunity. The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission is seeking proposals for the operation of a food and non-alcoholic beverage concession within Twanoh State Park. For proposal instructions and prospectus call Mike Thorniley at: (360) 586-6608. WSPRC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The successful bidder must abide by State's affirmative action policies. Bidders are invited to contact the Park Manager at: (360) 275-2222 to schedule a walk through on site prior to submitting a pro- posal. All written proposals must be re- ceived no later than April 23, 2007. This concession contract wilt be awarded on April 24, 2007. All bidders will receive a personal phone call no later than April 26, 2007. W3/22-4/12 WORK CREW Coordinator for Mason County Probation Dept. Part-time, ap- prox. 17 hrs./wk. $14.41/hr. (no ben- efits). Minimum qualifications: High School graduate or GED and experi- ence supervising adults or juveniles. Must have valid WSDL, ability to obtain First-Aid/CPR certification, and pass background check. County application required and available at 411 N. Fifth St., Shelton, WA 98584 or, (360) 427-7265. Closes 4/13/07. M3/29-4/5 SE BUSCAN trabajadores con expe- riencia plantando arboles. (360) 427- 3578. H3/29-4/5 EXPERIENCED TREE planters wanted. Hammond Forestry Services, (360) 426- 2374. H3/29-4/5 TAXI DRIVER, part time to full time eve- nings and weekends, good 2nd income. 5 year good driving record, good people and driving skills, some commercial ex- perience required. Must be able to pass drug screening. Knowledge of area a plus. Have to be 25 or older. Call Mon- day-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. (360) 426- 8294. M3/29-4/19 LIVE-IN CARETAKER. Apartment rent in exchange for gardening services and housework. Drug screening mandatory. References will be checked. No pets. (360) 426-0953. J3/29-4/5 EXPERIENCED LOAN officers. Prime Lending, no license required. Call Joe (360) 236-0484. Washington State Bond Certificate-FHA/VA. P3/22-4/12 JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER wanted. Drug testing is mandatory. Salary DOQ. Respond to (360) 866-4594 or (360) 432-0971 before 5 p.m. or leave mes- sage after 5 p.m. Mc3/22-4/12 SAIL ON In Espresso now hiring baris- tas, all shifts. Apply in person. 18191 State Route 3, Allyn. $3/15-4/5 FULL-TIME transcriptionist for busy Shelton office. Work from home or of- fice. Send resume to: Resume, PO Box 9, Union, WA 98592. O3/15-4/5 50 Hostesses WANTED No nudity necessary. 18 years or older. Taking 50 applicants only. PT & FT Bring  rS , to: 506 W. Railroad or call cell: (408} 828-5299 to A SEEKING PART/full time kitchen help at Alderbrook Golf and Yacht Club. Pay DOE. Please call (360) 898-1434 for more information. C4/5 CARETAKER/SECURITY. Free RV space with utilities, in exchange for maintenance work. Background check and references required. (360) 275- 4127. P4/5-12 PART TIME help. Waitress/bus boy po- sition. (360) 462-8623. T4/5 GARY P. Budeson, Mason County Prosecutor, is accepting resumes through April 9, 2007 for a Receptionist/ Secretary. Salary starts at $2,765 plus benefits. Send resumes to: Gary P. Bur- leson, Mason County Prosecutor's Of- rice, PO Box 639, Shelton, Washington 98584 or fax to (360) 427-7754. P4/5 SMALL MANUFACTURING plant hir. ing experienced Millwright. Must have experience with metal fabrication, mini- mum 3 years electrical experience. Call Justin at (360) 426-7900. C4/5 LOOKING FOR Housekeeper, prefer experience but will train. Apply in per- son, Shelton Super 8 Motel. S4/5 EXPERIENCED COOK and waitress needed. Full or part time. Contact Kim at Lefties, 2810 E. Spencer Lake Rd., (360) 432-8778. L4/5-12 LOOKING FOR experienced heavy equipment operator. CDL and septic installation experience preferred. Ben- efits. (360) 426-4221. B4/5-12 THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire Surveillance Trainer Observer. The incumbent will protect company assets. Trains surveillance personnel. Enforces all regulatory, departmental, and com- pany procedures in an ethical manner. Write comprehensive reports and logs, with the ability to conduct investigations. Maintain integrity using clandestine sur- veillance operations. Open until filled. $15 hourly. For a full job description vis- it our website at or contact Winona Plant, Personnel Man- ager at (360) 426-4232 ext. 209. $4/5 LINE COOK, days, full-time, year round. Spencer Lake Bar & Grill; Larry, (360) 426-2505. S4/5-12 THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire TGA Agent Auditor. The incumbent shall protect company assets. Enforces all regulatory, departmental, and com- pany procedures in an ethical manner. Identify and report on any irregular activity, including, but not limited to, table games, slot machines, keno, cash cages, hotel, and food and beverage. Open until filled $15 hourly. For a full job description visit our website at www. or contact Winona Plant Personnel Manager at (360) 426-4232 x209. $4/5 THE SKOKOMISH Tribe is seeking to hire Surveillance Technician Observer. A multi-faceted position that will be re- sponsible for the installation, routine testing, maintenance, and repair of all CCTV equipment. Will also act as Sur- veillance Observer as needed, and will record any irregular gaming activity, in- cluding but not limited to table games, slot machines, video bingo, keno, food and beverage, cash cages, hotel, and other properties as directed. Open until filled $15 hourly. Please visit our web site for full job description or contact Winona Plant Personnel Manager at (360) 426-4232 x209. $4/5 AIDE/OFFICE Worker, part time. Ap- ply in person, Belfair Physical Therapy, 70A NE Medical Center Road. B4/5 DRIVERS: A steady lifestyle. Top miles and top pay. Call Warner Enterprises for regional openings today. 1-800-346- 2818 ext. 126. A3/15-4/5 • EXPERIENCED COOK Nutrition/health conscious • EXPERIENCED SERVER Professional manner and appearance • EXPERIENCED BARISTA Part-time, friendly, professional A GREAT career opportunity. Now ac- cepting applications for immediate openings working for the developmen- tally disabled within their homes. Start- ing salary: part-time $8.25/hour, full-time $1,550/month plus benefits. Send letter of interest and generic application or re- sume: Placeone, Inc., 5107 Lacey Blvd., Lacey, WA 98503 or e-mail placeone@ P4/5-26 PARK AIDE position, Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission. Seasonal position at Jarrell Cove State Park, 5.5 months, starting May 1. Job requires living on Hope Island. Duties include: general ground/facility mainte- nance, collecting fees, explaining park rules, interpretation, trail maintenance, and boat operation. Must be 18 years of age and have a valid Washington State driver's license. Pay starts at $8.40/ hour. For more information, contact Jar- rell Cove State Park at (360) 426-9226. Applications available at www.parks. Mail to 391 E. Wingert Rd., Shelton, WA 98584. J4/5-12 PART TIME housekeeper wanted, $8 hourly to start. Glen Ayr Resort in Hood- sport. 15-20 hours weekly or more. (360) 877-9522. G3/15-4/5 MARINE MECHANIC - outboard expe- rience necessary. Full time. Benefits. Salary DOE. Send resume to Cushman Boats, P.O. Box 850, Hoodsport, WA 98548. (360) 877-5244. C3/15-4/5 RELIABLE PAINTER - no experience necessary. Starting pay $10/hour. (360) 280-1885. H3/15-4/5 ARE YOU interested in putting your skills to use in a meaningful Way? Come work for Community Resources. We provide in-home and community services for people with developmental disabilities. We offer medical, dental, and vision, paid time off, regular pay increases, retirement option with a 3% employer match, short term disability benefits, pre-tax health savings account and more. No experience necessary. Com- prehensive training starting at $8.60 per hour. Flexible scheduling with a variety of full time, part time, temporary, and fill in positions. Apply in person at 208 West Bay Drive NW, Olympia. For directions or more info, call Heather at (360) 943- 6257 ext. 108. C3/29-4/19 Thurston County Sheriff's Office is looking for lateral corrections deputies to fill several current vacancies in the corrections facility. Lateral Hire In Rates: 2 year=, but less than 3 years, Sa517/month 3 year=, but less than4 years, $,.HKMmonth 4 year=, but less than 5 years, $38Tl/month 5 years, but less than 6 years, $4072/month 6 years or more, $4274/month 100% county paid medical benefits Educational Incentive pay Uniform allowance Generous vacatii)n accrual rates Corrections deputies are covered by a collective bargaining agreement. Requirements: * Must possess current corrections officer certification by Washington State Cflmlnal Justice Training Commission (or equivalent) * Must have successfully completed e probationary period with current or previous employer • Must have been continuously employed by the present or former employer as a full time, pald, civilian corrections officer for at least twelve months. • Must be a US citizen who can reed, write, and speak Engllsh • Must possess s high school diploma or GED • Must be able to complete a comprehensive background Investigation including polygraph and behavioral assessments For more information or for entry-level testing information: 360-754-2937 CLASSIFIED ADS FILL THE BILL 15 words for $6.50 Call The Journal at 426-4412 Thursday, April 5, 2007 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 37