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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
April 5, 2007     Shelton Mason County Journal
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April 5, 2007
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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SERVICES STARVING COLLEGE student looking HAVACHE PUPPIES, full grown 5-10 HOUSE CLEANER - Clean '-disinfect HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, re- PAUl'S ROCK Walls & LandsC for work till Americorps job assignment pounds, $650 each. For more info call shine whole house. Insured. (360) 426- pairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irriga- ing, dedicated to your satisfaction. begins. Strong as an ox and frequently (360) 868-5242 (local). B4/5-26 4651. B3/29-4/19 tion specialist, landscaping consultant, perienced, honest, dependable. F as smart, I will do most any home- and .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn estimates. Licensed, bonded, insu yard-type work with a smile. Shane, TOY POODLES-1 male left, apricot, 7 CALL PAUL Handy Person. 25 years ................................................................................................... PAULSRL954JO. (360) 427-1011 (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn weeks. Vet checked, first shots, $400. experience, reasonable rates. Refer- LOVGREN LANDSCAPE Services. (360) 490-6670. K3/ltfn ................................................................. Ask for Diane, (360) 427-2336. A4/5-12 ences. (360) 427-5941. K3/29-4/19 BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- • .............................................................................................................................................................................. es inside and out.Also garages, gutters, WESTIE MALE, 4 years old. All shots• MIKE'S LANDSCAPING and more. roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and Good with kids, other pets. $175. (360) Spring savings on lawn care, mainte- spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. 280-3773. B4/5-12 nance, deliveries, brush mowing, rata- $15 per hour/per person. (360) 451- ........................................................................................................ tilling. (3601426-8859. G3/29-4/19 2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627. KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af .......................................................................... P11/23tfn fectionate companion cats and kittens, I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360) reasonable adoption fee includes al- 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for ter, immunization, testing and parasite Jerry. P3/29-4/19 control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455. ............................................................................... Quality and dependable maintenance since 1975. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. (360) 426-2079. L3/22tfn I CAN fix anything and build anything. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) 490-8008. PERPEC931DL. P3/22-5/10 FORERUNNERS TREE and Land- scape. Trimming, topping, cleanouts and more. Plan projects now. Call Bob SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/ pair, land clearing, digouts, utility dit ing, curtain drains, perc holes. UP: City Excavation, UNIONCEO5207, (3 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U3/15-4/.5 SITE PREP - land clearing, drivew tree removal, excavating utility diteM Roan Construction, R)ANCC*941 (360) 426-7181. J3/8tfn JOIN AVON, make friends and money. Call Diane, (360) 275-6786, Indepen- dent Sales Representative. R3/29-4/19 WORK FROM home, no selling, no in- ventory. Earn $200-$1,000 month. Not an MLM. Free training, bonuses. Call Karen, (360) 898-0004. Melaleuca. L2/22-5/10 Website, K3/1-4/19 ATTENTION! 5 yard mini dump and ex- (360) 432-3052. F3/22-4/12 ..................................... J cavator for hire. Perc holes, trenching,  ............................................................................................. YARD MAINTENANCE/lawn mowir grading, culverts, etc. WHISKBF971C5. (360) 791-7766. M3/29tfn LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE and more. Attention to detail, "Imagine That." Call (360) 402-1757. email: Imagine- LITTLE PAWS Dog Boarding. Exclu- E3/29tfn sively to pamper your small breed dog. ............................................................................................... A loving, home-style atmosphere ca- HANDYMAN SERVICES. All your tered to the needs and comfort of small household needs. Free estimates. dogs. Olympia. (360) 701-3230 or www. Cheap rates. (360) 427-5830 leave L4/5-5/24 message. CLARKME222DP. C4/5-26 W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new construction and repairs. 50 years experience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663. Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- cializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459- 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP- ALL ABOUT Dogs! Dog obedience les- sons, hands-on training. Puppy and man- ners classes starting every month. AKC flowerbed cleanup, barking. Free es- K&L YARD Services and Landscaping Rally and Conformation, Get ready for timates. Year round. (360) 432-1900. work. Hard working people. Mowing, those new titles. K9 Kapers, Karen (360) G4/5-26 weeding, weedeater, trimming, haul- 432-1478. K4/5-26 ........................................................................................ ing, blowing, barking, graveling and more. Please call Kris or record your ing and other odd jobs. Call Ray at (360) message. (360) 432-5919. Free esti- 440-9009. Q3/29-4/19 mates. K3/15-4/5 Baby needs diapers, so I'm motivatP Call Dan for your outside chores. (3 432-7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell), lJ 29tfn GILLIS AUTO Center Service ,D, epartrn# Open Monday thru Saturday, 'Your key t any automotive services." All makes g models including motorhomes. Call - some services require no appointn W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, 101. !360!....4__26-5585_. G1/29tf JOEL GARCIA Landscaping. Brush C981RE. C11/9tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleani clearing, hauling, trimming, mowing, -- .......................................................... Serving Mason County for 20 ye# FREE BREAD available. Tuesday and ................................................................................................. SPRING CLEANING, yard work, haul- AGILITY CLASSES! All ages. Experi- enced instructor has titled dogs through AKC Excellent Level. (360) 432-3633, M2/22tfn DOGS LOVE school with September Morn (30+ years professional trainer and author of best-selling training books). Group classes, convenient private les- sons and behavioral consults. Manners, Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 432- 3633 M11/9tfn JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping oBonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 NORRIS AUTO" DETAIL 2005 Olympic Hwy. North Crushed RocI : ltl Quality Topsoil F Sand~Bark~Pit Run Call today for your deliveryl 360-426-2001 Wednesday noon-3 p.m. Spring Road Chapel, 1113 E. Shelton Springs Rd. (same road as high school). $3/8-4/5 Nora Haugan GIGGLING GOOSE Daycare has 1 part- time opening, Monday thru Wednesday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; and 3 after school openings. We are on Mt. View/Ever- green bus lines. Call Sara Jenkins (360) 426-3649. G4/5-12 CHILDCARE: WE are looking for a sitter in our home, 4 days a week. Two chil- dren, ages 10 and 5. Having your own child with you is okay too. Great job for anyone trying to stay home and make some extra money. Please call (360) 427-4157, leave message. T3/29-4/19 CHILDCARE IN my home. 6 child maxi- mum capacity which allows for lots of indi- vidual attention. Mt. View School District, rural setting. (360) 427-7828. B2/15-4/5 LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an open- ing, age 3 and up. Great learning envi- ronment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Program participant. 3 blocls' from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763. R11/23tfn MUSIC CELLO SOLOIST performing classical music, light rock, jazz standards, origi- nals and more for special occasions, weddings, and dinner parties. Over 20 years experience, over 8 hours of reper- toire. Call for available times and dates. (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ Visit for more information. P1/1 ltfn REPAIRS PLUS00 Complete Automotive Service & Repair Foreign & Domestic Auto, Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, Too! Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3 O Nationwide Warntnty m 462-0403 (tlPl) 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton ,_Fatten your ]  Wallet  with a  Want Ad qatar]Painting • Brush and roll • 25, years experience • References • Free estimates a • Senior discounts 360-432-8847 360-490-4985 Lit" GARHAP*942KH 360-8774)602 Fax: 36(8774)100 36o-432-9590 PRE and to di avai 426. be n driv moll ston draim call Z3/1 ope deli, 314 rein Wit] LAb asp gan Car (36( JOE (360) 426-9354. Wl 2/1 ltfn JOE and ciali "Your Key to Any, Automotive Service Everday Low Prace .OIL • LUBE au, trail • FILTER 9a. info $24.95* Plus - Quality Care Multi- Point Inspection All Fluids, Belts and Hoses Checked Includes complimentary car wash *Plus tax and disposal shop feel Up to 5 qts 5W-30 bulk oil Some vehicles slightly more i 2 °d Shelton exit off Hwy 101 S60.426.55800 iiii Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2 : Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn gentle exercises, , i memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 .r Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit El. KRISTYN & SON C ONSTRUCTION. INC. N: ;TRUCTION W/SHINGTON STATE Bond Class, ours, (Below Market Financing). Lacey: Friday 3/23. Belfair: 4/20. Call for reservations, Joe (360) 236-0484. Prime Lending. Also looking for Loan Officers. P3/22-4/12 MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes mu- sic theory, ear training and advanced techniques. Over 20 years experience. Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ for available times. P5/25tfn INSTRUCTION Bryman • Excavating • Foundations • Framing • Siding A Full-Service General Serving Mason and Thurston counties • Roofing • Logging • New homes • Additions • All types of projects welcome 360-432-3147 Visa/MasterCard accepted Lic #EIKRIKS950QD • Remodels • Garages • Decks • Free estimate Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007 SERVICES STARVING COLLEGE student looking HAVACHE PUPPIES, full grown 5-10 HOUSE CLEANER - Clean '-disinfect HANDYMAN, GUTTER cleaning, re- PAUl'S ROCK Walls & LandsC for work till Americorps job assignment pounds, $650 each. For more info call shine whole house. Insured. (360) 426- pairs and pruning. Skilled labor. Irriga- ing, dedicated to your satisfaction. begins. Strong as an ox and frequently (360) 868-5242 (local). B4/5-26 4651. B3/29-4/19 tion specialist, landscaping consultant, perienced, honest, dependable. F as smart, I will do most any home- and .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. Benjamin (360) 426-0084. B2/15tfn estimates. Licensed, bonded, insu yard-type work with a smile. Shane, TOY POODLES-1 male left, apricot, 7 CALL PAUL Handy Person. 25 years ................................................................................................... PAULSRL954JO. (360) 427-1011 (360) 426-4540. P10/26tfn weeks. Vet checked, first shots, $400. experience, reasonable rates. Refer- LOVGREN LANDSCAPE Services. (360) 490-6670. K3/ltfn ................................................................. Ask for Diane, (360) 427-2336. A4/5-12 ences. (360) 427-5941. K3/29-4/19 BOBBY, LARRY and Janet clean hous- • .............................................................................................................................................................................. es inside and out.Also garages, gutters, WESTIE MALE, 4 years old. All shots• MIKE'S LANDSCAPING and more. roofs, yardwork, garbage hauling, and Good with kids, other pets. $175. (360) Spring savings on lawn care, mainte- spring cleanup. Have job? We'll travel. 280-3773. B4/5-12 nance, deliveries, brush mowing, rata- $15 per hour/per person. (360) 451- ........................................................................................................ tilling. (3601426-8859. G3/29-4/19 2370; (360) 451-2523; (360) 451-2627. KITTEN RESCUE of Mason County, af .......................................................................... P11/23tfn fectionate companion cats and kittens, I'LL CLEAN up or haul anything. (360) reasonable adoption fee includes al- 490-8008 or (360) 426-6805, ask for ter, immunization, testing and parasite Jerry. P3/29-4/19 control. Contact us at (360) 426-2455. ............................................................................... Quality and dependable maintenance since 1975. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. (360) 426-2079. L3/22tfn I CAN fix anything and build anything. Call Jerry at (360) 426-6805 or (360) 490-8008. PERPEC931DL. P3/22-5/10 FORERUNNERS TREE and Land- scape. Trimming, topping, cleanouts and more. Plan projects now. Call Bob SEPTIC SYSTEM Installation: new/ pair, land clearing, digouts, utility dit ing, curtain drains, perc holes. UP: City Excavation, UNIONCEO5207, (3 898-3416; (360) 898-3466. U3/15-4/.5 SITE PREP - land clearing, drivew tree removal, excavating utility diteM Roan Construction, R)ANCC*941 (360) 426-7181. J3/8tfn JOIN AVON, make friends and money. Call Diane, (360) 275-6786, Indepen- dent Sales Representative. R3/29-4/19 WORK FROM home, no selling, no in- ventory. Earn $200-$1,000 month. Not an MLM. Free training, bonuses. Call Karen, (360) 898-0004. Melaleuca. L2/22-5/10 Website, K3/1-4/19 ATTENTION! 5 yard mini dump and ex- (360) 432-3052. F3/22-4/12 ..................................... J cavator for hire. Perc holes, trenching,  ............................................................................................. YARD MAINTENANCE/lawn mowir grading, culverts, etc. WHISKBF971C5. (360) 791-7766. M3/29tfn LANDSCAPE MAINTENANCE and more. Attention to detail, "Imagine That." Call (360) 402-1757. email: Imagine- LITTLE PAWS Dog Boarding. Exclu- E3/29tfn sively to pamper your small breed dog. ............................................................................................... A loving, home-style atmosphere ca- HANDYMAN SERVICES. All your tered to the needs and comfort of small household needs. Free estimates. dogs. Olympia. (360) 701-3230 or www. Cheap rates. (360) 427-5830 leave L4/5-5/24 message. CLARKME222DP. C4/5-26 W. HURT Masonry, and roofing, new construction and repairs. 50 years experience, free estimates. (360) 432-8663. Lic. #WHURTM*208PN. W5/4tfn CUSTOM PAINTING & Carpentry. Spe- cializing in finish carpentry (including crown molding, chair rail, fireplace sur- rounds). Quality painting//wallpapering, sheetrocking, windows, doors, decks, fences and repairs. Call Mike (360) 459- 0237 (Olympia). License #CUSTOP- ALL ABOUT Dogs! Dog obedience les- sons, hands-on training. Puppy and man- ners classes starting every month. AKC flowerbed cleanup, barking. Free es- K&L YARD Services and Landscaping Rally and Conformation, Get ready for timates. Year round. (360) 432-1900. work. Hard working people. Mowing, those new titles. K9 Kapers, Karen (360) G4/5-26 weeding, weedeater, trimming, haul- 432-1478. K4/5-26 ........................................................................................ ing, blowing, barking, graveling and more. Please call Kris or record your ing and other odd jobs. Call Ray at (360) message. (360) 432-5919. Free esti- 440-9009. Q3/29-4/19 mates. K3/15-4/5 Baby needs diapers, so I'm motivatP Call Dan for your outside chores. (3 432-7935 or (360) 789-5570 (cell), lJ 29tfn GILLIS AUTO Center Service ,D, epartrn# Open Monday thru Saturday, 'Your key t any automotive services." All makes g models including motorhomes. Call - some services require no appointn W. Hulbert Road at 2nd Shelton exit, 101. !360!....4__26-5585_. G1/29tf JOEL GARCIA Landscaping. Brush C981RE. C11/9tfn RICK WOKOJANCE window cleani clearing, hauling, trimming, mowing, -- .......................................................... Serving Mason County for 20 ye# FREE BREAD available. Tuesday and ................................................................................................. SPRING CLEANING, yard work, haul- AGILITY CLASSES! All ages. Experi- enced instructor has titled dogs through AKC Excellent Level. (360) 432-3633, M2/22tfn DOGS LOVE school with September Morn (30+ years professional trainer and author of best-selling training books). Group classes, convenient private les- sons and behavioral consults. Manners, Obedience, Agility and more. (360) 432- 3633 M11/9tfn JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping oBonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUT5053R2 NORRIS AUTO" DETAIL 2005 Olympic Hwy. North Crushed RocI : ltl Quality Topsoil F Sand~Bark~Pit Run Call today for your deliveryl 360-426-2001 Wednesday noon-3 p.m. Spring Road Chapel, 1113 E. Shelton Springs Rd. (same road as high school). $3/8-4/5 Nora Haugan GIGGLING GOOSE Daycare has 1 part- time opening, Monday thru Wednesday 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; and 3 after school openings. We are on Mt. View/Ever- green bus lines. Call Sara Jenkins (360) 426-3649. G4/5-12 CHILDCARE: WE are looking for a sitter in our home, 4 days a week. Two chil- dren, ages 10 and 5. Having your own child with you is okay too. Great job for anyone trying to stay home and make some extra money. Please call (360) 427-4157, leave message. T3/29-4/19 CHILDCARE IN my home. 6 child maxi- mum capacity which allows for lots of indi- vidual attention. Mt. View School District, rural setting. (360) 427-7828. B2/15-4/5 LISA'S IN-HOME Daycare has an open- ing, age 3 and up. Great learning envi- ronment, large fenced yard. USDA Food Program participant. 3 blocls' from Mt. View School. (360) 427-3763. R11/23tfn MUSIC CELLO SOLOIST performing classical music, light rock, jazz standards, origi- nals and more for special occasions, weddings, and dinner parties. Over 20 years experience, over 8 hours of reper- toire. Call for available times and dates. (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ Visit for more information. P1/1 ltfn REPAIRS PLUS00 Complete Automotive Service & Repair Foreign & Domestic Auto, Light Truck & RV We Service & Repair Trailers, Too! Mon.-Fri. 8-5 Open Sat 9-3 O Nationwide Warntnty m 462-0403 (tlPl) 1022 E Johns Prairie Rd., Shelton ,_Fatten your ]  Wallet  with a  Want Ad qatar]Painting • Brush and roll • 25, years experience • References • Free estimates a • Senior discounts 360-432-8847 360-490-4985 Lit" GARHAP*942KH 360-8774)602 Fax: 36(8774)100 36o-432-9590 PRE and to di avai 426. be n driv moll ston draim call Z3/1 ope deli, 314 rein Wit] LAb asp gan Car (36( JOE (360) 426-9354. Wl 2/1 ltfn JOE and ciali "Your Key to Any, Automotive Service Everday Low Prace .OIL • LUBE au, trail • FILTER 9a. info $24.95* Plus - Quality Care Multi- Point Inspection All Fluids, Belts and Hoses Checked Includes complimentary car wash *Plus tax and disposal shop feel Up to 5 qts 5W-30 bulk oil Some vehicles slightly more i 2 °d Shelton exit off Hwy 101 S60.426.55800 iiii Mondays and Thursdays in Shelton 9 to 2 : Tuesday in Allyn 10 to 3 Stars Adult Day Care located in Shelton and Allyn gentle exercises, , i memory exercises, music, singing, dancing, arts and crafts, bingo and field trips. Lunch and snacks served. Transportation available. 360-586-6181 ext. 115 .r Call Laurie Lembke to schedule a visit El. KRISTYN & SON C ONSTRUCTION. INC. N: ;TRUCTION W/SHINGTON STATE Bond Class, ours, (Below Market Financing). Lacey: Friday 3/23. Belfair: 4/20. Call for reservations, Joe (360) 236-0484. Prime Lending. Also looking for Loan Officers. P3/22-4/12 MUSIC LESSONS in cello, bass, violin, viola, and electric bass. Includes mu- sic theory, ear training and advanced techniques. Over 20 years experience. Evenings, $10 per half-hour. All ages and musical styles welcome. Call Dave at (360) 490-4695 or e-mail cellodad@ for available times. P5/25tfn INSTRUCTION Bryman • Excavating • Foundations • Framing • Siding A Full-Service General Serving Mason and Thurston counties • Roofing • Logging • New homes • Additions • All types of projects welcome 360-432-3147 Visa/MasterCard accepted Lic #EIKRIKS950QD • Remodels • Garages • Decks • Free estimate Page 38 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, April 5, 2007